2010-023-PPW Job No. 07-22 Agreement amendment Ross Drulis CusenberryRESOLUTION 2010-023 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A THIRD AND FINAL AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ROSS DRULIS CUSENBERY INC. TO PROVIDE FINAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR PROJECT 07-22 -LOS GATOS / MONTE SEREND POLICE OPERATIONS BUILDING PROJECT WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos entered into an original agreement in March 2007 and a second agreement in August 2007 with Russ Drulis Cusenbery Inc., to provide design consulting services for the Los Gatos / Monte Sereno Police Operations Building project; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos entered. into a first amendment to the agreement in February 2009, and a second amendment to the agreement in May 2009 with Russ Drulis Cusenbery Inc,, to provide additional design consulting services for the Los Gatos / Monte Sereno Police Operations Building project; and WHEREAS, a third and final amendment to the agreement is necessary to include additional design services, at an additional cost not to exceed $36,335 in connection with the Los Gatos / Monte Sereno Police Operations Building project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the Town of Los Gatos authorizes the Town Manager to execute a third and final amendment (Exhibit A) to the agreements (Exhibits B and C) for additional design consultant services as described in the proposal for construction support services. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 16`x' day of February, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL/AGENCY MEMBERS: AYES.: Joe Pirzynslci, Steve Rice, Barbara Spector, Milce Wasserman, Mayor Diane McNutt NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED r0 /~l~ I~1tIU~ MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA A TEST: CL ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Exhibit A THIRD AND FINAL AMENDMENT TG AGREI+;MENT This THIRD AND FINAL AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is entered into this the 16~~' day of February, 2010, by and between the T.o~avn of Los Gatos, State of California, herein called "Town," and Ross Drulis Ctrsenbexy Inc, herein called "Consultant." RECITALS A. 'T'own and Consultant entered into agreements far design consultant services in March, 2007 and August 200'7("Agreements"), copies of which are .attached hereto as (Exhibits B .and C) and incorporated herein by reference. B• `T'own and Consultant entered into amendments to the agreements for design consultant services in February 2009 and May 2009 ("Amendments"), copies of which are attached hereto as (Exhibits D and E) and incorporated herein'by reference. C. Additional design services for Project 0722 -Los Gatos/ Monte Sereno Police Operations Building Project were required after the execution of the agreements in order to redesign the proj cot to meet budgetary requirements, These design services were paid for with contract funds originally intended for construction support services. An additional $36;334.92 was required to cover the costs associated with final design services. AMENDMENT Section 6 (Compensation) of the Agreement is herby amended to add an additional amount not to exceed $36,335 to the total contract to cover the costs associated with construction support services for this project. 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreements dated Marcla 2007 and August 2007 remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WI-IIIREOF, the Town and R~.tss Drulis Cusenbezy Inc• have cxecu~ecl this Agreement as of tl~e elate indicated on page one (1)• Town of Los Gntcis, by: Constxlt~tnt, by: Greg Larson Town Manager Russ Drulis Cusenbery Inc• Recommended by; Todd Capurso Director of Parlcs and Public Worlcs ATTEST; Clerk Administrator Approved as to Norm; Michael Martello, Interim Town Attorney 1=/XHIBl'T B AGR~~N1)~NT rorz colvsur,xAlvT srR'Vlc~s CC:,131zK CJu..., . .. IIIII ~~ ~ ~~~w~.~.w, ~.~c~~„~ ~Isso~.,.w~.~.~. ~..~.~.,~,~.,. . THIS A.GR;r1aMDNT is entered into this ~27~~' 'day of March, 2007, by and between t11e Town.ofi Los Uatos, State of Calirornia, herein called 1~:he "Town", clad, RossDrulisCusenbery, Az:chitecture, lne. (RDC) exzgaged ila;providing ardhitectttral services herein-called the "'Consultant", ~ • RT+ CTTALS A, The Tow11 is colasidaxing unclel:talcing.aetivities to conduct to I.tse ala .existing ofi~zec 'building for police s4rvlces. B. Tlae Town elesires to engage a Consultant tc provide consulting .services for an architectural feasibility study, because of the Consultant's experience clad qualiflcatiolas to perform the desired work, ' C, The Consultant 1•epresentis clad affirms that it is qualil"led clad willil7g to .perform Che desired work pursuant to this Agreefrlent, . ACRELMTIVT:S. N0~1, THI3RBFORE, TIIE'PARTIPS, ZIBRETO .ACREI AS FOLLOWS; 1, Sc~e of Services. The Consultant shall provide the services listed below as described in the Scope oCVJorlc attached as I;xhibit.A. a, Review tlae existing master plan. . b, Prepare for and attelad leiclc-off meeting,. b, I1lterviews with l'o~lice Department. d. Wollc with )?o.lice Delaai~tlalent to deterlaline w111G11 fLlnCtlOlaS SlaOUld lie 1110'Ved 117 -split operatiola scelaario, e, Provide site layoutand determine laaaxinaulaa parking capacity, f, Provide alternative space plans, g. Pl•epare graphics for colnlnunity meeting, h. Worlc with :staff to develop strategies for comnattlaity meeting. i, Tdclatify multiple uses with areas with ilafrequcnt activities, j., Identify potential for conamullity uses of the facility. lc. Attend two community meetings, 1. A.tteiad one p1a1111ing colrlnaission and olae city council, meeting, 2, Tilaae of Performance, Tlae.services of the Consultant are to co111mence upon the execution of this ~greemelat and issuance of a Town purchase order with completion by Julie 30, 2007, Page 1 of 6 3 • ,Compliazlee with 1Javvs, The Coz1s111tant sllall comply with all applic~tible laws, codes, • ordinances, and regulations of govez'ning. federal, state-and .local laws, Consultant represents and warz~~nts to 'I'owzl that It has all lic©zlses, l~ernlits, glraliFicatiozls and approvals of~wliats.oever nature which at:e legally ragrrired for Cozlstlltazlt to practice its professiozl• Cons~rltant shall maintain a Town of Los Gatos business license pursuant to Chapter lA of the Code of tike Town of Los Gatos, q, Sole Responsibility, Consultant shall be responsible for eznplayizlg or engaging all persons necessary to perform the services wilder this Agreement, S, ~Z1Formatiozl/Repor.t Ilandlizag. All docurnez~ts furnished to Consultant by the 'T'own and all reports and supportive data prepared by the Consultant lrndoz• this Agreeznezlt az'e the Town's property and shall Ue delivered to the Towz1 trpozl t11e completion of Consultant's services OT at t11o To~rzz's written request, All reports, information, data, and exhibits prepared or assezll:bled by Consultant in cozanectiozi ruitll the laerforznazlce of its services pursuant to this Agreement are con#iciential until released by the Town to the public, and the Consultant shall not ~malce azay of the those docriznezlts or information available'to any individual ox orgazlization not employed by the Consultant or the 'Town without the ' written cozlscnt of the Town before szlch release, Tl1e Towz1 aclalowledges that the . reports to be prepared by the Cozlsclltazlt pursuant to this Agreement are For the purpose of evahratrlg a defined project, and Town's use oFthe information aozatairled iz1 the repoz~s prepared by the C'onslrltant in corlnectiori with other projects shall. be solely at Town's risk, unless Corlsultarlt expressly consents to such use in wz~iting. Town filrther agrees that it will not appropriate any methodology or tedllnique of Cozlsllltant whiell is and has been confirrned .in writizlg by Consultant to be a trade secret of Corlsliltant, G, Coznuensation• Ci'0117.per]Sati0rl for C0115Ci1ta11t'5. pr'Ofes510r1a1 services shall twenty four thousand dine 1lundrecl ninety rlirae ($2'~,~99) dollars, Payr11er1t sllall be based upon Towr1 appxoval of each task, 7• Bil, lint~• billing shall be aecozxzpaniecl by a'detailed explanation o:f thG woz~lc performed by whorrr at w11at rate azld or1 what date, Also, plans, specil"ications, dacrlrne,nis or other pertinent materials shall be subzllitiecl For' Town. review, even if only in partial or draft Form., Payrnent shal'1 be net thirty (30) days, All invoices and staternents to the Town shall reference the'lown's prirchase order rllunber and be addressed as follows; Invoices; Towl1 0f I,oS Gatos Attn; A.occuzlts Payable P,O, Box GSS Statements; Town of Los Gatos Attz1; rinarlce Department P.O, T3ox 6S5 Ppge 2. of 6 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Los Gatos, CA 95030 8, Avail~bilit~o£ Reeards. Cons~iltant shall maintain the records supporting this billing for not less than. three years following completion o£the work uncles this Agreement, Consultant shall melee these records available to.authorized personnel o:C the Town at the • Consultant's offices during business .horn's upon written request of the Town, 9. Pro,~ect Manager, The Project Manager :for the Consultant for the work under this Agreeillent :shall be Michael Ross, :.Cho Project Manager far the Town for the work under this Agreement:shall be Curtis Banlcs, Pro;ject ~'lannez° l0. ;Assigzaabilit~and Subcontracting, The services to be performed under this Agreement are ualique and personal to the Consultant, No portion of these services shall be assigned or subcontracted without the written consent of the Town. 11, ,Notices, .any notice required to be given shall,l?e deemed to be duly and properly given •if mailed postage prepaid, and addressed to; To Towax; Curtis Banlcs Town of Los Gatos Camrnunity DeveloprncnC Department l'.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 9S.Q31 To ConsLltant; Michael Ross, ATA RossDa•ulisCusenbery Architecture Tnc, 1.&294• Sonoma Higlaway Sonoma, CA 95476 or personally delivered to Consultant to such address or such ether address as Consultant designates in tivriting to Town. 12. Tnde~endent Contractor, Tt is understood that the Consultant, in the performance of the work and .services agreed to be performed, shall act as and be an independent contractor anal not an agent or employee of the Town. As an independent contractor he/she shall not .obtain any rights to retirement benefits or other benefits which accrue to Town employee(s). With prior written consent, the Consultant may perform some obligations under Chia ~1,grcen~ezat by subcontracting, but niay not delegate ultin~ato responsibility for performance or assignor transfer interests under this Agreement, ConsLltant agrees to testi~Cy In any litigation brought regarding the subject of the work to be performed under this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated for its costs.and .expenses in preparir~.g for,, traveling to, and testifying in such.matters at its then current hourly rates of compei1sation, unless such Litigation is Draught by Consultant or is based on allegations of Consultant's negligent perfarmailce or wrongdoing. Page 3 of 6 13, Cotafiict of Interest, Consultant understands fleet its professional responsibilities is solely to the Town, The Consultant leas and shall not obtain any holditag or interest within flee Town of Los Gatos, •Consultant has no business holdings or agreetalents with any individual taaembex of the Staff or tnataagenaent of the Towt1 or its representatives nor shall it enter ltato any such holdings ox' agrcetncnts, ~.ta addition, Consultant warrants that it does. not presently and shall not acquire any direct or indirect interest adverse to those of flee Town in the subject of this Agreetnont, and it shall itnme~iately disassociate itself from such eta interest should it disccver it leas done so and shall, at the Town's sole discretion, divest•itself of such interest, Consultant shall not lctaowitigly and shall taro .reasonable steps to ensure that it does not employ a person laavit1g su.cla eta interest in dais pcrfortaatuace of this .l~ greement, If afl:er •exztploytnent of a person, Consultant discovers it has employed a person with a direct or indirect interest that would cotaflict with its perfoxnaance of tla.is A.greetnctat, Consultant shall protnpl:ly taoti~iy Tov~n of this enaploymetat xelatiotaslaip, and shall, at the Towta's sole. discretion, sever any such employment relati.otashp, l~, dual 1Jmnloymetat Opportunity, Consultant warrants that it is eta equal opportunity etnploycr and shall comply with applicablo regulatiotas governing equal anaployment opportunity, Neither Consultant nor its subcotatraetors do anti neitlxer shall discriminate against persons employed or seelcitlg employment with them on ties basis of age,. sex, color, race, marital status, sexual orietatatiota, ancestry, physical ox taaetatal disability, national origin, religion, or medical cotlditioia, unless •based upata a bona fide oecupatiotaal qualification pursuant to the California rairrmployment & housing Act, l S • ~ Itasuratace, A„ IvZinitnuna Scope of Itasuxance; i, Consultant agrees to have and maintain, far the duxatiota of the contract, General Liability insurance policies insuring him/her anti hisflaer t"trtn to an amount not less tlaata; one million dollars ($1,000,000) eotaabined single limit per occurrence for bodily itajuxy, porsonal itajury atacl property dataaage, ii. Consultant agrees. to have and maintain for the duration of the contract, an • Autoanobile Liability itasurance• policy ensuritag hitn/~hcr atacl laic/lacx staff to eta ar1aount not less than one nailliota dollars ($'1,000,000) eonabitaed single limit per accident for bodily injury atad property damage,. iii, Cotlsultatat shall provide to the Town all certificates of insurance, with original etadoxsetaaet~ts effectitag coverage, Consultant agt:ees that all certificates tad enclorsenaents are to be received and approved by the Town before work commences, PA~o ~ of G iv• Consultant agrees to have and maintain, for the duration of the coaltract, professional liability.iiasurance i1a amounts not less than $1.,000,000 which is sufficient to insure Consultant for professional negligent errors or omissions iza flee performatace of the particular scope of work under this agreement. B• General Liability; i, .The Town, its officers, officials, employees :and volunteers are to ve covered.as insured as respects; .liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, premises owned or used by the Coiasultazat• Tlais.requirezaaent does zaot apply to the professional liability insurance required for l~i'ofessianal errors and ozx~issions• ii• The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the `T'own, its officers, officials, employees ftzad volunteers, Any insLU•ance or self insurances rtaaintained by the Town,'its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall. be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it, iii, Azay.failure to coixiply with.reporting provisions of flee policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Town, its .officers, officials, employees or volunteers. iv. The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each. insured against whom a claizxz is made oz• suit is brought, except wit11 respect to the lizaaits of the insurer's liability C• All Coverages; Ta~acla insurance policy required in this itezaa shall be endorsed to state t11at coverage shall not be suspended, voided or cancelled, except after thirty (30) days' prior written iaotice by certified mail has been given to the Town• Cul:rent certification of such insurance shall be kept on file at all tiiaaes during t11e term of this agreement with the 't'own Clerlc• D• Jay addition to these policies,, Coiasultazat shall leave and zxzaiiataiil Workers' Cerzipensation insurance as required by California law and shall provide evidence of such policy to the Town befoz•e beginning services under. this .Agreement, Further, Cozas~tltant~shall ensure tla~t all subcozatractors eixzploycd by Consultant ,provide the required Worlccrs' Compensation insurance for their respective employees, Page 5 of 6 1 G, Indenlni:Cicatioil•. T11e Consultant shall save, keel) and Bold harmless indemnify and defend the Towza its officers, agent, employees and volunteers frpm all damages, liabilities, penalties, costs, or oxpenses in law ar equity that znay at any tulle arise or be setup because of damages to property or personal injury received by reason of, or in the course of performing worlr to the extent caused by a willfill ar negligent act or omissions of the Consultant, or any of the Consultant's 'officers, employees, or agents or any , subcoxlsultant, 17, ~Jaiver, No failure on the part of either party to exercise anyrght ar remed.y hereunder shall operate as' a waiver of any other rigllti or remedy that party may 11ave 1ereunder, no1• does waiver of a breacil or default utader this Agreement constitute a continuizl:g waiver or a subsequent breach of the same or' any other provision of t11is Agreement, 18, G,~ove~ning Taw, This Agreement, .regardless. of where exeettted, shall be governed by and construed to the laws of the State of California, ~cnue for any action regarding this .Agreement shall be in t11e Superior Court of tho County of Santa. Clara, 19. Termination of A •eeznent• The Town:and the Consultant shall have the right: to ternli.nate this agreement with ar without' cause by giving not less than fifteen days writtennotice of terminptioia, Zn the event of terininatian, the Cailsultant shall deliver to the Town .alt plans, f"iles,. documents, reports, performed to date by the Consultant. Zn t11e event of sue11 termination, Town .shall pay Consultant an amount that bears the satlle ratio Co:t11e maximum contract price as the work delivered to the Town bears to completed services contemplated under flats Agreement pursuant to ,paragraph 6 hereto, unless Such termination is made for cause, in which event, coml)ensation, i:f any, s11a11 be adjusted in light ofthe pat~ticular facts and circumstances involved in such ternlinatian• 20, Aix~endment, No modification, waives; mutual termination, or Qinendnaenl of this Agreement is effective unless made in writing and signed by the 'own and the Consultant, 21 • Dis nxtes. X11 any dispute aver atly aspect of t11is Agreement, each party shall be responsibic f01' their own attorney's fees, including casts of appeal, 22• Lntire Agreement, This Agreement, including L~xllibi~ts A, constitutes the canaplete and exclusive statement of t11e Agreement betweezl the-Town and Consultant, No tenx~s, conditions, understandings ar agreements purporting to modify or vary t11is Agreement, unless hereafter made in v,~riting -and sigzlecl° vy flee party to.be bound, s11a11 be bixldxng on either party, Page 6 of G 1N WITNESS ~J'HEREOF, the Town and Consultant have e~cecui~ed this .Agreement as of the elate indicated on.page one, Town by; Debra J; Gatos by; Recoinmenelend~by: Pazx~ela J acobs, Assistant Town :Manager Approved as to Farm: ~~~ Orr): orb, Town Attor~iey ATTEST: ' Tovrn of I,os Gatos, Las Gatas, California ~'a 1ti~.e~ IZ~.seg'.. . C~lerlcAdininistrator ~~~``~ ~ _ Signature Prizat Name >~ Title . ,ncl~ ~suda., sisL-ani: Communl~y D~v~lopmen~ Direa~a~ Pale 7 of 6 ~~•~ (~ ~XI~ZBIT C CLBItIC AFiPATt,'t,ME;b1'1' A.QR ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~ .AG~',h;N.tLNT SOB. CC?NSULT.ANT SEItVTC~~-lT~ ' or.~ TT3iS AGTtpsl~lv.~NT is entered i11t0 th>,s 15Ui dad Of Al1gUSt, 2pp7,~`~'~etv`desn°~~e""c""'°~""`~' 'Town of~,os Gatos, Statc of Call£ornia, herein called the "2"owzz", a'nd, Zt:p'ss i'tt'tiSGt~~°~-~ Architeeturc:, xtae., sn,gaged in providing ~.•claiteotural services herein called the "Consultant", R~C7LT '1;,5 A. On rune ~ S, 20p7, the Tawn Council aut~torized the purchase art existing office building at 1S9{70,Los Gatos Boulevard tp be ponvexted to a police services building, ]3. -The Town desires to engage tine firm to prepare canstntctian drarvings fnx additions to the. . building~and kenants because of the Consultant's e~perlonGe and quali~lcations to pcrl'o~n the desired work, C. The Consultant repA-esents -and affiXans that it is qualified and wil]in.g to perform the desired work plusudnt to this Agreetztont. ACn~ +"11~17~NTS NOW, TI~R~l?ORL','1'~TE l'A1~TlES ZdET~,'l"O AGZ'tEB, A5 FOLr QWS; ] , Scope o~ Services, The Consultant shall provide the saxvices listed below'as described iti the Scope al:' Wark attaahecl as exhibit A, a, 1'rngram Vexi~fi.cation b. Conditional iJsa Perrruit and Desiim Review ,Services c. ScY~etnatic Design Services d. Design Development Services e. Construction 17ocltmanl Services f. l3ldding Services g. Consi~.•uctiozt A.dxxtuli.stration h. Stixpplementai Design Staxvioes 2: ''1"irna of ~'Prfortrtanre: The services of the Consultant are to commence upon khe execution o'1: this lj.greement and issuance of a Town purchase prder with ca~npletian by .lone 30, 2.QQ9. ' 3, Corrrpliance with Laws,. Tbo Consultant shall cpxnply with all applicable iaws,.cod.es, ordinances, and. regulations of governing federal, state and local laws, Canst~ltant represents and warrants to Town that ithas all licenses, permits, qualificatiabs and approvals of whatsoever .nature-which are.legally required for Constilltant to pt'.actice ils 1'aga Z of 2 ~,~ `g~ profession, Consultant shall znaintaln a Town of Las Gatos business license pursuant to Chapter l~ of tiie Code o;F the Tawn of Los Gatos, A~, Saie ltes~onsibil~. Consultau G shall be respoztsil,le fax eznployiag or engaging all ' pazsons necessary to perfoz-rn the seEVices undez'.tliis Agreezxzant, 5, ~tzforznataon/Report andlin ,All documents furnished to Consultant bythe Tawn and all reports and sui>portave data prepared 17y the Consultant under this Agreement are the Town's propez•ty-and shall be delivezed to• the Towzz upon tlir; corrzpletian of Caxisultant's services or al the Town's written request, A11 zeparts, izzforrnation, data, and. exhiUits prepared or assembled by Consultant in connection with the pez~'ozmarzae ai' its services pursuant to this Agreement arc confidential until released by tUa Tawn to the public, anal the Caazsnltant shrill- not nzalce any o~'tha thew clocuzxzents or anfazmation.available to any individual ox organization not eznployed'by the.Consultant or the'S'own witlioilt the written consent of the'1'own bei'ore such reieflse. Tlie Town aclcnowladgos that the • reports to be prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement are for tha pt~tpose of evaluating a.defined pra,~ect, and'I'awn's use of-the inforznatlon• c;antained in the reports irepared by the Consultant in cannectioz~ With othar projects shall be solely aC `l`awu'sxisk, unless Consultant expressXy aansents to such use lxz writing. Tbwn further agrees that it will xzot appropriate any xriethoclalogy or teahnicl~,Xe of Consultant val7ich a.s and has been oanfarzned in writing by Consultant to be a•trade secret of Consultant. 6. Com..pensati'on, Compensation far Consultant's profossianal sez-yices shall lac :Five hundred sevenky fattz• thousand two hun'dr'ed ninety seven (;~S7~1,29'7) dollars, Payment s1zaI1 be based upon'i"awn approval of each task. • Billinzr. B311ing shrill be accarrapanled by a detailed explanation of the walk performed by whom at what rate and an what date, Also; plans, speoifieations, docuz~aents or oilier pertixrent rxaaterials shall be subrnitl'ed far Towz1 review, avian if only in pa1•tial oz dra•)~t •i,'vz•zn. Payment shall be net thirty (30) days. Al] invoices azzd statements to tha Tawn shad reference the Towr~'s purchase order nurribcr and be addressed as follows: invoices: Staten~ezlts: 'i'orvn bf l,as Gatos 'Town. afiLos Cratos Atm: Accounts Payable .E1:ttn; k~inance lae~artment P.O'. Box G55 F'.(7. Bax 655 lJas Gatos, CA 95030 Los G'atas, CA. 9S03Q • $, Ayail~liility•af Records, Consultant shall' mainttun the rocords supporting this balling for not iess than ehreo years.fal)awing aozn~letidn a:F the workunderthis Agreement, Fage 2 of 2 Consultant shall make these records availahle to authorized personnel of the Taman at the Caa7sultant;s affives during business ~hattrs upon written request ol'tha'1'own, 9, proiavt Manager, Tlae Project NZanager f'or Cho Consultant far the work under .this ..Agreement shall ba'Miehaei 12,o5s, The projea.t Manager fox the Town for the Work under tihis AgreementC shalt ~be Curtis 13anks, l?roject planner l0. ~ssi nabilitiy and Snbco~~acting. The services to be pexfoirtred under this Agreement are uniclua and.per~onal to.the Consultant, No ~ortion.of these sesvaces shall be assigned or subconkracted without the written consent of the Towrt. 11, Natives, Any tiotioe required to he given shall be deenaad to be duly and propexly given if mailed postage prepaid! at~d addt•ess6d to; ~ ' To 't'own; Curtis Banks Town of Las Gates CoFna•nuuity l7evel,opaneut Z7aparta7ivnt P.O. Box 949 Las Gatos, CA• 95031 ' To Consultant; Mivhael Ross, A7A, . Rossl7rul isCusenbery Architecture Tea. 18294 Sonoma ~lighway Sonoixaa, CA 95476 ax personally delivered to Consultant to such'address ar suvh other address as Coaisu1tant designates in writing to Town. l2, 7nde~endent Contraatox. Xt is understnad that the Consultant, in the pcr.Formance of the wo~:l~ and services agreed to bo paxfnirned, shall .act as and bo an independent aantractax and not an agent or employee of the Towtt, ,As an indepeaadent cantractnr he/sloe shall not obtain any rights Co retireu7ent beneFits or other benefits whivh accrue to Town employee(s), with prier written eox~sent, flee Consultant may perform soave 6bligaCions uncter'this Agreement .by subcontracting, but array not delegate ultimate xesponsibllity!or pe~.Fortxranva or assign or transfer interests under Phis ,E1.gxeemetat, Consultant agrees to testify in any litigation brought xe.garding the subject of the wvark to be performed under this Agreement, Consultant shallbe compensated, for its costs aid expensed in preparing far, traveling ta, and testifying in such ixaattars at its then vua'rent hourly rates of compensation, unless such litigation is brought by Consultant or is based an allegations o1'Consultant's negligent perforrnanc;e ar wraugdoing, 13 ~ Contli ct of Znterest• Consultant t.7nderstands thaC its professional responsibilities is solely to the Town• The Gansultant Iaas and shall nok obtain a7ay h6ldfng ar interest ~,vittun the ")'own of Los Gatos, Consultant has nA~business holdings ar agreements with any individual anemUex of the Sta'Ff or management of the Town ar its rapresvaltatives zlor shall it enter into any suah holdings or agreements, Tn addition, Consultant ~varianls fhat ~RgR ~ U~ ~ ' h~ ~~~~ it doss not presently and shali n.at esquire any direct or indirect izt tercet advez-se to, those of the Town hx the subject of this Agx'aemazrt, and it shall'inxrnediately disassociate itself fron7 sztch an interest shouid it discover it ltas dons so and shall, at the Town's sole cli:scxetio», divest itself'' of such interest, Consultant shall not knavringiy.an.dehall talcs raasorzable steps to ensure that it does not•eznploy a person having such au interest in this pexfarmance of this ,Agreeztaerzt, Ti aftar employzxzant of a parson, Consultant discovers it has pmplbyad a.persaXi with a direct or indirect irttexesG that would conflict with its per>:oxxrzanca of this .A.gzeezti.ent, Consultant shat] promptly z}oti~i'y Tovrn of this employment relationship, and slt,all, at the Tbw.n's solo disaz'etiozl, sever any such employment zelationship, ld, I3~ualL~rnplovzneitt Qi~noz-tuztity. Consultant wan•ants that it is an equal olal?oz•tuztity employax and shall carnply with applioable regulations governizrl; eclnal. eznployxnent opportunity. i*1'either Consultant nor its subcontractors do anc~neitltex shall dtscrirninate • against persoris emlaiayed or seeldng employment with tlaettx on ~tho•bas.is of age, sex, color, race, marital status, se~cual orientation, ancestry, pt?ysiaal ox mental tlisabllity, nattan.al orsgin, xeligion, ar zmed'ical Condition, Yznless based upon a botxa i"tdc occupational clualificatlon pursuant to tha California p?aix Emplaytnent & I3oush~g Act, lS, suzance. A. Mitti•znum ,Scope o~ Tnsuranee: Cerxsiiltant agrees to have and zxzaintain, for~the duration of the contract, Cxeneral Liability insurance policies insuz-ing kiirn/her and' his/lacx fixXrz to an aznourzt not less than; one nullion .dollars ($1.,000;000) com>aixzod single limit per occurx~nCe far bodily iii~ury, personal injury and prapez•ty damage. ii. CorzsuItant agrees to have and anaintain for the duration of the contract, an ~, AutomobileLiability insuraztee,poxicy emsuring hxmlber and hisll~ez°sta:ff to an amount not less than one nulliozx dollars (:1,000,00.0) co~nbiztad singlo lirxut par aGCideixt for bodily ittjtitry and property dazxzage, .iii. Cottstitltant stroll provide to tlxa Town all certificates oi' insurance, with .origixlal ondorsGinents effecting eovarage, (::ansu7tartt agxees t17at all certrficates and endorselrtents are to lie received a~~id approved by the Town before WOr'1C CO1Tll71anGes, iv. Consultant agrees to have acid axtaiatain, for the chtx'.atioii of the cnr~tract, . professional lial~ilitp .insurance in ainauz7ts not less than ~i,000,000 whial~ is sufficient to insure Consultant far prafessiopai negligent errors ar olnl5s10nS in tlxe perfn'rlT1a11Ge of file partiCUla7' SCO~pe Uf WoxIC under this agreement, Pale ~t aP 4 B, Generall_,iability; i. The'i"own, its afficexs, affidials, employees and volunteers are Go be cavercd as insgted as res.peats; 'liability arising atiat of activities performed by ox on behalf pf rk~.e Consultant; pxoduets and completed apexatians of Consuitant, premises owned ar used by the Consultant. This requixelnent does tact apply to the professional liability insuxance requrred far pxofossiaaaat exxors acid axnissions, ii, The Consultant's insuraiiee coverage sktall ba primary insurance as respects the Town, its officers, officials, etaaployees and volunteers, Arty insuranao or,self-insuraticas maintained by the Tawn, its officers, officials, employees ox volunteexs shall be excess of the Coaasultant's insuranao and sl~atl not conirxbute w.itla it, iii, Any failure to cpn1ply with reporting provisions of the pnlicios shall npk aft'eck coverage pravideti to the Town, its officers, officials, .employees or volunteers, iv. Tlae Cansulttwt's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a clait~ as ~ade.or suit is brotaght, except watla respect to .tl~e limits of the insurer.'s liability, • C. All Coverages; ~aela`insurance palioy ragalit•ed In this.itcm shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall' notbe suspended, voided ar cancelled, ~oxpept after tlvrty (3n) days' prior written ttotice by certified mail ltas been given to the Tawn. CttrrenC certifiaatian of.suoh insuranao shall ba kept on file at all times during the karm of this agreement with the Fawn Cleric, , J7. :Cn addition to these poliaios, Cousnltant,shallhaveand maintain Warlcers' C;onapensatian. insurance as requiredby California law and shall provide evidence of such policy to tlae Town bel'oxe beginning ;Serv.ices under this A.greezYtent, S~tarthex, Consultant shall ensure that all subcotltxactors aanplayed by Consultant pt'ovide the requaxed'~'arlcers' Coanpensation insurance fax thou respective employees. E, Subcontractors: Arty subconfractors shall be required to have aaad maintain, for the JuratlOn of the conta•act the insurance polxcos 1u this iteu~., which shall be endorsed as required in ~octlan C above, The Consultant shall rnaiutain current eertifieation of such insurance on file at all tunas dw•ing the tartn of tl~ia agreement and ixtal~e available for review ~by the Tavrn, if requested, 1'a~e 5 oi' S ~L" 16, ttder~tnii'ication,. 'pl~e Consultant shall savo, keep and haXd httrn~sss indoznnify and de~l'end Chc Town its a~ficers, agent,. employees and volunteers ;from ail damages, ' Xiabilitles, penalties, costs, .or expenses in law ar equity khat may at any time arlso or be set up because of damages to pt.~apeX•ty ox personal itl~uxy received by xeasola of, or in the cotu•se ai perEox~ning work to the extent caused by a willfii~. or negligent act or omissions ,o'F the Consultant, ar Any of tho Cansultan.t''s officers, employees, pr agents or. any sub.catlsultanC, . 17. giver, No failure an the part of either party to exexciss any rlght or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of auy other right or remedy tixat party uiay have 1lsxeunder, nqr does waiver of a 1lreaah or default under this Agxeemallt canstituty 2t continuing waiver of• a subsequent breach of"the satxae'ar any other pro'visxaaa o:Ftlais Agreexrtant. , 1$. Goyexnixt r Law. 'phSs t~:gt'eetr~ent, regardless o'l: rvliez'o e~coauted, ShAll ba governed by and•constl~ecl to the laws of the State of California.. Venue for any action regarding Chis Agreement shall be in the Sitperlor CourC~al' the County of ,5autaClara, , 1a, 'l'ertxtination of Agreement, ~'lae Town and the Consultant shall have the rightto terminate this agreement with or without cause by giving not less than f7fteen days writtezt notice of terrxtination, Trt tlae event o~ tera~3;natian, the Consultant shall delivet• to the Town all plans, lxles, documents, reports, iaexfor~rnodta data by the Consultant, 711 •tlte event of such termination, Town shall pay Consult:alat an artraunt that bears the same ratio to the nxaximunl contract erica as the wor1G delivered to the Tawn bears to completed ' seruices eotlternplated under this ~lgraernent purstta7xt to paragraph 6 hereto,'uttless such termirtatian is txtade for cause, in which event, compensation, if any; shall ba adjustod in ~ , light a~F the particular facts and circumstances ixtvalved in such teirriination.. 20, Atrtendrnent, No modification, waiter; mntllal tct'minatian, or amendment of this .Agreezxtont.is effective apices made in w.t~ting and signed by the Town And the i Consultant. ' 21. Disputes. Tn any dispute over any aspedt of ties Agresn~tent, each parry shall bo. responsible fox their awn tzttorney's i'ees, including costs of appeal, 27a. LnUr•a A~reetrtent. '):'11is Agreement, incltildang $xhibits A, constitutes rite, conrtplete and axatusive staletxtent of the Agrc;errtent between l'he Town and Consultant. •1~ta terms, canditl:ans, underatan.dings or agreetxtants purporting to rnadify or vary this Agreorxtent, L1n1eS5 hareaftex made 711 w~'itiztg ar~d signed by the party to bo bautid, shall be binding •an eifller party. ' • . Pale 6 of G TN WiTNJaSS ~~>~1~G~, fl~~ TOW)1 and Consultant have executod this Agxaement as of the .date indicated on page one. _._. Town o I.ps Gatos y: Consultant by; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Pa~~ela racobs, Xnterirn Town Il~auagex Si~nafure ' Approved as to Bann; ~~~~~ Iyiichael. ~. Ross, ATA ~ . ~'rint Name O~:ry' . Kprb, Town Attorney CBO ,~TT~ST; 'S'itle '1'OW17 0~ S 'G , I..as Gatos, ~Caliiornia c , I_,~__" b,,1 7a k~ Rose, Clerk A.dministratox ~?ngg7. of 7 ~~ti r~~ r~ Sonumn Highway ~r Sonoma ' cn ~~sa7G YE1707 ~]4G OAAtt rAX747 ~~G I3~aa7, .,/ ARCHITECTr1RF. ~... . -+.r • A4~iV hh 4`~~ July s.6, ~np/ ~~ fRYI. fX{, X41 Curtis Banks ~ Project Planner : ~ Town of l.os Gates ,..~"a ;rs,0 E, Main Sireet • I.as Gai:as, CA 95p3o Reference: Proposal far i.os Gatos Police Services building;Architecture and ~nglneering Services . ' Dear Curtis; ,, itossDrufisCusenbery Archlteckurt=, Inc, (i2DG) is pleased to' submit this proposal far architecture and englneerlYig (Alf:): services for 'the proposed Las Gatos Police Services Euilding. A prajeci; description, work plan task, project schedule and fee summary far RDC's services is provided below. , General Projectpescriptfan. ' The Town. of Las Gatos Police Department requires additional building area to hausP Its patrol operations, emergency operations center/briefing, investfgatlons, prisoner processing and properly and evidence aperatians.The Townhas recently (ar will soon) acquire a portion of'the Verizan site located at X5900 Los Gates Bivd,, cos Gatos, CP, for tfils purpose, Through this acquisl'llon, the fawn will acquire a portion of a s..78 acre sate through a sub division and a 9,238 CSP existing. cast in place concrete camrrtunlcations building which will be adapted Into a new police services building,'fhe Tawn of Las Gatos Is requesting Ai>: services for the interior renavat(ans and additions to the e~isting building and site and civil engineering services for the creation of q6 secure and seven :public parking spaces and associated site work. RDC was previously retained by the Town to provide pragralr~ vr;rlficatian and conceptual design services far the prQjecf, The product of those selvlces were documented in a conceptual design/site plan ,titled; .l.as Ga•tas -Monte Serena Po(Ice Operations suiiding, Concept Option B, May 7, ~zgo.7. The warlc depicted an this document farms the basis of design farthis AIE services proposal„The basis of design lnaludes approximately 9,238 GSP of renavatians to the existing building and 2,679 GSF of additlonsta the existing building.. The- Town retained the San Jase Construction Corrlpany to prepare a construction cast estimate based anthe c~pilon a conceptual pian,The'1'awn else retained Fiahbach-Lewin Inc., Structural Engineers to assess the suitability of the existing: builrJing, Per the Tvwn's directive, Hohbach-Lewin Is being retained by RDG asthe structural englneerfar•the prajdct. Tha San Jase Construction Company's estimated construction cast reconrlled to include some contractor supplied Pi;$tE lockers and tack boards and ofFs(ts work is; Subtotal Pq Direct Casts: $2,939,$87 ' Los Gatos t31vd. Vt/ark $50,000 Subtotal Construction Cost ~3,g89,887 Rnss[)ruiisCusenbary Arcs tr'teci;ure, Inc, Proposal for Los Gatos Pallce Services suilding; Archlfietture pnd Englna~ring 5ervlees Page 2, - Profit and.O.verheadt Insurance Subto•kal Design Contingency (5.0%) Change girder Cantingency:(5%) ~sfiimafied Cnnsfirucflan Cpst $5.54,494 ' ~3Dr$9$ ' $5,z75,z79 $~27,5z7 -Utilized by A/k team during design process . $18o,s4a •• IV~(nimum recommended amount, assume spent, ' ~5,7~z,y4GKK %This estimated construction cost.is provided only as a means of calculating the A/G feo, R(~C does not c~ri:lty tfie accuracy of the construction cost estimate prepared by others, The final canstrucfilon cost Is likely to change. exterlar Improvements to the building are limited to .paint, RDG recommends the Town increase Its constructton change order contingency fie ~to% crud add a ~.a% blddtng contingency to account for current fluctuations In the construction market place and bId environment, Gensraf Taescripfion of Services Offgrgd RFC's snrvfr:es will be based on services described in AlA•l3.5.4a,andwlll lnclud'e: architecture, stnactt.tral, mechanical, plumbing, Efts pratgttian, electrical, .lighting and civil engineering, landscape design, geo technical and topographic mapping servlcrns. Telecommunication, audio visual, security and data systelrts will be designed by RDC as an empty system of Gable trays, racew~rys, conduits, termination boxes, back panels, equipment roams and pull strings far the design and Installai:inn by others of all cabling, crty cameras, monitors, te{e.phone cammunleatinn equipment, telephanP switch gear, computers, sewers, radio base stations and other user based equlpment..Acoustical consulting will bs limited to the design of irrkeriar partitions aril the acau"stical surround of the emergency.generator. The Tawn will provide its standard "fron'k end" specitlcatians, bid form, cantratt.and instructions to bidders compliant with i:he requlremenfs of California public works pr~jects,'far the Contract Dacumants, >?xcia5lnnS hlazardous rnaterlals assessment,fnsting or abatement, earthgudke fiaulttesting nr discovery services, meetings do excess of those listed, consultants other than Chase listed fn this proposal, destructive~testing, t.1;FD certificatlan, inspeckions and testing, permits and tens, Warp Pla~~ RDC has organized its services into eight primary tasks, Path task Is described below, .Taste Title ~ pasGrf Clan , [)urafian 'Comments x Program Klck nftmeering, project (7ne week ~ R~view~Flaor and Ueriflcatlan and oritrntation,•prngram site plans with Project orientation verlficatlan.' PD and Town Dev??lapment of reprnsentatlves • Schedule, goals and priorta initiating cammunicatian design process. ,protocols. Town to ' Attend one meeting in designate a Los Gatos, projoct manager as single point of rantact for projoct for A/t: . team, z ConditianalUse. Support the Town's Six weeks Praparedesign Permit and Qesign application for documents for Review Services Cnndltional I.1se Permit, CUP and design ' Provide rafessional review ti •~~ r~ ' 12assprulisCus©nbery ArG: ~~ Facture, inc. Arapasal far Los Gatos Pollee 5elvlcas aullding; Architecture crud Englneering S,erVlces Page ~~ Task T1tla pesGrl Lion burallon. Comments opinion on Head far roof • • top NVAC units, prepare • design review drawln$s. • Attend'two•meetings in I.as Gatos, 5 Schematic Design 5'c; ematfc Design• ~ Two•months Thls work maybe Services .Documents basad an 'cancurrantwith revlously approved CUP work above, ~udgat, program and ' conceptual design, ' Dacumen'ks include: site plan,flaorplan, elevations and two ' bulldingsacl;lans,C~st estimate. Attend two , meetlTl S InLa5 Gat05. h pesign besig~n pavalopmant Three months , ' Development Documents basad anthe ~ . services approved schematic. design documents and budget, Documents includ'a: plans, sections, • alev~tlan,'typfcal , construrtlan details, • materials and fin(shas and systarns aril equipirtent.layauts, Cast Estimate. Attend iwo meGtln 5 In Las Gatos, 5 ~ Canstruttlon Canstructian Documents ' Faur months Document Services based an the ~pprovad ' Design pevalapmant . ' daaumants qt~d budget. Documents will set forth , ' In detail the requirement. for the construction of , ' the proJept,.Documents will in'cl'a'de dr~;win.'6s, details a ncl speclflcations , thafastabHsh In'detall 'tliia qualFty levels of ' ma'terlals and systems ' raqulradforthewark, Cost estimate.,Attend threw meetings In Las Gai;as, ' B F3ldding Services Assistance in the ~ weeks development and . praparatlan of bidding . and procurement ' 1rrFormatlon, praparatlan . of PraJect Manual, ' Contract, Ganditians of , the Contract far Construction Ind 6y~Q;r1 RassDrullsCusenbaryArcn,cecture, lnc, praposal liar Los Gatos palice Services eullding; Archftecfure and ~ngrr~eering ServlGes Page 4, Task Tifle peserl filan l7uration Cainments Speciflcatlans. Prcparatlon of tifd , addenda and responses ' to~RFl's during bid period, Fvaluatian oFblds, Attend one pre bid meeting and site walk thrau h !n Las Gakas, 7 Ganstructlon Attond pre construction ~.a ~~z months Administration meeting,Abservework, Services create contract change and field orders, review and approve submittals • .and shop drawing's, respond to RFI's, Attend 12 construction • _ _ M~ ~ ~ msatin s. 8 Supplemental Rxtorlor Public. Courtyard piscuss plscuss, It is gesig.n Services Trellis and Window Sun passibiethe LG Shade f~eslgn, design review ' process my • 'Landscape peslgn in require PuhHc R(~W, ,additional exterior design fireatment be applied ka.this ro ect, pee Summary Per Discipline Basic Services Consu{tent Name S ecialt Total Fee Comments CtassprullsCusenbery ArGhltecture, inc. Archlteck $3.2,8$7 1-labac -~ Lewin inc. Structural En ineer _ ~29,5PQ 4'Mahane & Me ar Electrical En ineer ;G47,,po ~ ________ _ Y aSopo Inc. Mechanical/Plumbing >:n ineer $32,ao0 ~ • GreenValle Civ(lEn ineer q.G,aoo ' HI,DGrou tandsca e6srGhltect $a.x,aoo -___,_.,_ A; 5u6 Total `GS't0,697 S ecial Gansultants and Fees Charles Salter ASSaGIat~S Acoustic ~.S,ooo Kleinfelder ~ •GeoTechnical Re ort :LS,3oo Klein'(elder GeoTech Canstruttlon obseroatian $s.6,s;oo Hourly. Verify. Green Valle 7a~~raphic Surve . a.2;2o0 Mack 5 Cost Estimation '25,000 ' Reimbursable Expenses Allowance ~;2p,opD [i; SubToi:al X7.03,600 Tote[ A/~ Fees Aa~H) 67:t} zg7 • 6~~ ,.~~ ,, . . ~~;.;~~ RnssDrtdls~usenbpry Arciurecture, Inc, PraposaS far Gos Gatos PaI1Ge Services suildin~rArchltscture and Cn~ineering Services Pale 5, , RDC (s available ko begfn servlce$ wlthin.a.o business days of receipt of •khe Nati4e to Proceed from fihe Tgwn of Los Gatos, ' Please contact me should you require clariffcatlnn. Thankyaufar your conslderatlan. • ~ Sincerely, Michael: s, Ross,AlA EXHIBIT D AM);NDM>CNT TO AGR)<]CN~NT Tlus AMENDMENT TQ A.GREIJMENT (E~clubit A) is entered into this flee ~ day of , 2009, by and between the To~vvn of Iaos Gatos, State of California, herein called "Yawn," and Ross Drulis Cusenbery Yne, Herein called "Consultant:" TL~CCITALS ' A, Town and Consultant entered into an agreerx~ent for design consu]taiit services in March, 2007 ("Agreement"), a copy ofwhich is attached hereto as (Attacluueut I) and incorlorated llerdin by reference. • B. Additional design services for Project .0722 - L,as Cxatos/ Monte Serena Police Operations Building Project were required aftei the execution of:the agreement in order to redesign the ,project to meet budgetary requirements. These design services were paid for with car~tract fiends originally intendod. for construction suppoi~: services. Ali additional $.3S,10U is required to cover the costs associated with constL2tction support services. AMI;NDMIaNT l , Section 6 (Go~.zlpensation) of the Agreement is hereby anaea~ded to aclcl ~3 5,100 to the total contract at~an amount not to exceed $609,397 to cover the costs associated with constnlction support services for this project in accordance with (.Lxlubit C) atttached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, 2. A.ll other terms and conditions of tl~e :A.gxeen~ent dated March 2007 remain in 6711 force and effect. 1N WITNESS WI-IEStEOF, tl7eTown and Russ D~111isCusenbexy Iuc, have executed tl~is Agreement as o•i'tla.0 date indicated on page one (1). Town of Los Gatos, by: • 7~ Crreg Larson Ross ]7~•ulis GusenUeiy Snc, 'S'own Manager Ilecomrnended by: Tadd Capurso Ialrector of Parks and Public Worlcs ATTIiJST: '~.~, ~ Clerk Adintnister Approved as to Farxn: Orly P. I~orb, Tovvn Attorney BXI-IIBIT E AIVIENDMl±,le1'7' TO AGR>i EM)+ N'1" This AMEN]aMENT TQ AGREEMENT is enteral into this the 6r~' day of April, 2009, by and between the Tawrr afLos Gatos, Stag of California, herein palled "Town," and Ross Drirlis Crrseubory Yrxc, herein called "Consultant," ' C~::G ZTALS A, Town anal Consultant entered into an agreement .fox design consultant services in March, 2007 ("Agreement"), a copy of which•is attached hereto as (Exhibit A) and • incorporated herein by reference. B, Additional design services for Project '07-22 ~ T.,as Gatos/ Monte Serena police Operations Building Proj ect were required after the e~cecutian of the agreement in order to redesign the project to meet budgetary requirements. These design se~~riccs were paid :for with contract fiends arginally intended for construction support sarviaes, An additional $10,020,00 is required to cover the costs associated with construction support services, AMENDMENT 1, Sectiora~6.(Compensation) of the Agreement is hereby amended to add $10,020;00 to the fatal contract to cover the .costs assoeiated with construction support services far this project in accordance with (Exhibit C) attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, 2, All other terms and eonditians of the Agreement dated March 2007 remain in full force and effect, III WITNL~SS 'VJTII~,IZ~O~', the ~bwzr and, Russ Diulis Cusenbeiy Inc, have executed this Agxeenaent as of the date.ir~dicated on page one (1), Town of Los Gatas, b~. ~~ Greg Larson Ross Drulis Cusanbery Inc, Tows Manager Recoinmendcd by: `Ibdd Capurso Director oi' Parks and. Public ~Io~^lcs AT'I'~ST: ~,~, ~-- ,Cler Adrni~~istsx~ Appved.as to arena ~ „> ~~ ~,,,,Orr~' ~', ICaxb, Town ~ ~ot~.e~ ~.. f8Q94 .. 5anama HlOhtvay Sanoms C A 95476 TEL 707 996 8448 FAX707 996 8542 ; A'RCHIT~CTURE ~ w h9na' 16 ~..vY ~'"~" March 30, zaog ~~ Kevin RohanJ, P.~., Town engineer ~;~,~" ' Parks and PublicWorks. Department ti~,~ Town of Lns Gatos ~~ 4s. Mlles Ave, ~.. wi Los Gatos GA 9 "a03~. Reference: Revlsod Prapasal for Los Gatos PviiGe Services Building: Additional Architecture and Engineering Services ~DeteGtives'Area, RooftopAntnnrrcr & Roam ~k~:co 17oor Dear Kevin: . Ross©rullsCUSenbery ArchltGCtw•e, inc. (RDC) (s pleased to submit this proposal for additional ' Architectural and ~nglneeringConstruction ContractAdminlstration services for the Los Gatos Polfce Department project. Redesign of Detectives' Area RDC will revlss,the layout of the Detective's Area so that it h'as full heightwalls similar to file original Bid set. The main dlf'ference will be'that the transom windows originally designed i:a surround this area will be deleted and the Walls will be gypsum board. The ceilings will remain lay-In the as is currently~shown, but the grid, light and diffuser locations will be revised, The proposed fixedfeefarthls addl•L'lonal service is as follows; Architect z,zao.oo Mechanical >;ngineer 1,'J7.5.o0 ' .Electrical Cngineer ~ gzo,oo • Structural En$Inder z87,5o Total Detectives' Araa 5,p3z.50 . Structural Analysis far Rooftop Antenna (Time & 5xpenses) RDC and dts structural engineer Will provide a structural analysis for relocatingthe antenna to the rooftop. The fees far this additional design will be computed hourly plus expenses, The estimated cost: is as follows: • Architect 8 hrs $~.5o a.,2oo,00 Structural Engi.neQr 85z.so Total Rooftop Antenna z,o6z.So Additfanal Door Ga Roam s.~p (Time &):xpsnses) RDC wil l provide design revisions to add another door into the Interview/Breakout Roam, #~.~:o. The fees forthls additional design will be comported hourly plus expenses, Tl~e estimated cost Is as follows: Rassprulfspusenbery Architecture, Inc, March ~a, zoog . I~a~e z of 2 Architect ?9,5 hrs ~~.So z,9z5,oo Total-Additlnnal.p.oor ~ x,gx5.oo• grand Total ~ $~;O,oxb•00 sincerely, Ml~hael R. Ross, AIA, CCQ • rtosspruliscusenbery ArGhftecturo, lnc,