Ord 0438-CAMINO DEL CERRO NUMBER THREE ANNEXATIONAN 6v,u .tail'fJVr 'Y C, R'T:. i 'ttAiTO T OF T_ ~ _ ~J_ zj_1V !l.1'' .1.,..~.! T'irD '~'_,.3~T.~;~Ry' i'~j'`T~' ^r,,'.;-• 't:'"d NO D lJ. :Jl~-_-,iR THiA. %I NL.l~. i n~.'•D T 'J _L,.T 7,`~~2 OF LOS 0 S. mTT---, E' `1 t. J ✓ T ."T iV T ` 0 7,' TT '707 ..V .0 _ E)0 ' ` n ~iv"'' .ry.~m0S '~.S l)~.D_',.Ii\ AS -.son the 23rd -day ..of iuiay, 1957, the Council of 01 the territory so proposed to be annexed to said Town; and Eil'AS, said :~,esolution did contain a no-;ice of the day, Tour and dace when and wier e the said ouncii of said Town would hear protests iado by any person owning, :-eal `property .°vithin the the Town of Los Gatos did. pass and adopt a .Lasol?ation o:,;ivin notice of the proposal to annex certain bninhablted territory to the Town of Los' i=atos, said territory being therein desi,7natad as 1°CA;4T',;0 DAL T ` Y..._ !1R O T7T .end said: action being taken by the ncil of said Town as -the legislative body of the Town -)ursuant to a written -petition therefor, said Resolution descrioinirzs the boundaries territory proposed to --.e annexed, the time of said faeari.^g being not less than forty -ior _nore than sixty days from the date of` the passa?e Of said Resolution; and ^vH E? EAS, on the 15th day of July, 1957, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Los Gatos Town 3ouncil Chambers in the Town ,'all of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution for hearin, :protests to said annexation, the said Louncil of said Town did hear and puss u-Pon all p.rotest8 made to said jroposed annexation and did deterlmine that no protests to said proposed annexation have been made by or on b_-half o:L the owners of one-half of the value of the territory p- oposedte be annexed as shown b7lr the last equalized roll, nor by public and. Cori vate owners of equal to one-half of the value o the territory proposed to be annexed- as determined -by said lecislative body; and Page of Pages the iaT ,aim,ivy, said ' territory 15 contiguous tJ 'down of Los Gatos, and is unintabited territory in the county of Santa Clara, and all of the procedural requirements of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, particularly Government ;;erode sections 3:300 to 35314 inclusive have been fully complied with; NOW, THEREFORE, the said Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby approve the annexation of said territory, h.erainaft:er described, to- the Town of Los Gatos and does `hereby further ordain toat the said territory be and is `hereby annexed to the Town of Los i TAt said territory, the annexation of which to the Toip of Los Gatos is herein approved, is all that territory situate in the County of Santa Clara,' State of California, .'yore particularly described as follows I Page of Pages Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southerly ?_ine of Blossom?iil Road, 60 feet wide, with the Easterly line of Tract No. 104 Blossom Hills, as said road and Tract are shoTcm upon the :nap thereof filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on May 15, 1939 in Boo's 3 of Naps, at pages 56 and 57,. records of said County; running thence along Southerly line of Blossom Hill Road, esterly to the point of intersection thereof with the Westerly line of Lot 4, as said Lot 4 is shozpm upon said Nap hereinabove referred to; running thence along the northerly prolongation of the Westerly line o-" said Lot, Northerly to the point of intersection thereon" with the Southerly line of Blossom Hill Road, 40 feet wide: running thence along said last named Southerly lime of Blossom Hill Road, Westerly to the point "of intersection. thereof with the Southeasterly prolong- ation of the Southwesterly line of Parcel No. 1 as said Parcel No,, 1 is described in that certain Deed from Lino ?'iolir_, a single man, to Raymond A. Metzger, et u<;, dated October 26, 1956 and recorded October 31, 1956 in Boos: 3646 of 0fficial Records, at page 229, Santa Clara County Records; running thence along said.outheasterly prolon- ged line, Northwesterly to the point of intersection thereof with the Northerly line of Blossom Hill Road, said point of intersection being in the Town Limits of the Town of Los Gatos; running thence along said Northerly line of Blossom Hill Road, and along the Tove=n. Limits of the Town of Los Gatos, Easterly to the point of inter- section thereof with the Northeasterly line of said Parcel No. 13 described in said Deed to Metzger; running thence along Northeast- erly line of Parcel No. 1, Northwesterly to the point of intersect- ion thereof with the Southwesterly line of Parcel No. 3 as said Parcel No. 3 is described in said Deed to Metzger, hereinabove referred to; running thence along said Southeasterly line of Parcel No. 3, and still along the Town Limits of the Town of Los Gatos, Northeasterly to the point of intersection thereof with the Forth- easterly line of the Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos; -running thence along said Northeasterly line of the Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos, Southeasterly to the most northerly corner of said Tract No. 101 -1- Blossom Hills, Southerly, to and across Blossom Hill oad., to the point of beginning. -2- Introduced, at 'a regular meetim of the Town Council of the Town of. Los Gatos, State of California, held on the 15th day of July, . PASS~~ ll.,'D AJDO , JE. 'D AS AN ~J. ~ZLV ::'lil J.t:J Vin 'L't'+T'.~'. ~1~~,1'~`V OF > fr9 n D ^ ~.•OS i'1iTOC.., '.y I~O. t~:T.:-5., ..i i /'~~,a✓a''..-s/~~ s ir=._JTINGi OF THE y~.-._. iO,i1V "',OT I Oi LL J: JF~ 01\1 , ' m - . r 1957. id AYuS : COTJN'ILl 1LP J ryJ. COT"N 'T_LiVUN: A5SEXT Ol11Jl.IV:J~T.~ /yj/J;F} a a . -Cy ATM]ST ~ON; OL"' T r,r OH• 0 >LOS ATQS Page of Pa es