Ord 0395-ORDERING THE VACATION OF S PORTION OF HILOW ROAD PLUS A 20 FOOT STRIP ADJACENT THERETO ON THE EAST IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSORDINANCE NO. 395 TE TO'WY COUNCIL OF TEE TOWN OF TES iaA'T-'OS DOES O'RIDAIN AS FOLLOWS-. Section 1. The Town can the oth day of Februc -m,.t t er of the vc` cat ion of STRIP ADJACENT THERETO ON Council of the Town of Los, cos, ry , 19561 by Resolution referred the a -oor t i can of HILO W ROAD PLUS A 20 FOOT HE FAST IF; THE T9 O LOS AT S, to the Y Planning commission for ita Report and Recommendation; that there- after, on the 7th day of !Aarch 1956, after due notice of the timne and place of hearing, published as required by law, and at a publ. is hea.ri.no, thereonB the Planning Commission recommended the vacation of a. portion of HILOW ROAD PLC'S A 20 FOOT STRIP AW~ACFNT T I 'RETO ON11 THE AST, hereinafter particularly described. That the Re7aort and recommendation cif the Planning So mis lion of the 'down of Los Gatos is on file 'with the Torn Olerk. Section . That the "o€wdr Council of the Town of Los Gatos.$ on the 19th day of March , 1956, passed Ordinance No. 393 declaring its intention to order the vacation of a portion of said HILL W ROAD PLUS' A 20 FOOT STRIP AD A ;Dtj1' TH RF]PO O 7HE EAST , particularly described as f ol? ovs, All that certain real property situated, in the 'poi. n of Los Gatos, County of Santa. Clara, State of California, described I as follows: BE INNIPG at a point on the Westerly line o` Hiloi,,, Road distant thereon North. 5° 481 15" Fast 33.35 feet from the center line of Kennedy Road; also known as Crescent Avenue, as said. Read: and. Avenue are sho-c-in upon that certain Map entitled, "Tract No. 328 Ke:nwood. Aores", which. Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the ounty of Santa. Aare., State of California, on June 25, 1986, in Book 10 of Maps, at pale 56- running thence North. 5 48' 15" East alon7 the said, Westerly line of Hilow Road. 59:5.29 feet; thence Northerly on a curare to the ?eft, with a: gadi.u.s of 153.09 feet, from a, tangent ~?hich bears North 53 928$ 251' East through an angle of 470 401 1011 for a distance of 127.37 Feet, to a paint in th.e Ea§terly prolongation of the Southerly lane of said. `.$'ra.ct No. 328; thence South 30 4S I 150 West and parallel With the said. 1 esterly line of Hilow road 670.87 feet-, ay,~ thence South 600 58' 021 West 42.89 feet, and South 690 54' 334. est 16.44, feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of Hilow Road as shown, upon "Tract No. 328 Ken wood CIO Acres." above referred.. to and a. portion of a, 20 foot strip of land idja:cent thereto on the last. ~r u ~T Section. 3. That the portion of said Hilow Road plus a. 20 foot strip a.d. a cent 'thereto on the Fast in the Town of Loss Gatos to be vacated, anal the details of said vacation., are° particularly shown upon a. map bearing the legen : "Proposed vacation -of a portion of Hilow Road plus a 20 foot strip adjacent thereto' on the East which map was by said,. Ordinance 393 approved for the ,,u pose of this t~ oceedin ,a and was ordered fIled in the off ice of the -Town 01.erk. of the Town of Los Gatos and, was marked. "filed 19), 1956", and Y hich map was ,in said Ordinance No. - 393 - Pik . f. e:rred. to for particulars as to the proposed. vacation. Ali Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section. 4. That the Town G?erk. of the Tow of Los Gatos caused the said Off nance No. 393 to be published as designated in said Ordinance. Section 5. That the To,-,,n C,l erk of the Town of Los Gatos caused to be posted conspiciously along the line of the portion o= s ilow Road plus a 20 foot strip ado acpnt th ur eto on the s a.st proposed to be va,ca t ed, Notices of `street Vacation in the form and manner required by said Ordinance No. 393. Section_ . That proof of said pullication is evidenced by an A 3 i-davit of Pullication noi-ri on file in the Office of the Town Clerk of the i'co,,n of Los Gatos. Section 7. That proof of said posting is evidenced by the Affidavit of the erson posting; said n0tiees, which Affidavit sets forth the 1Cact s regarding such posting and Is n °aF on file n tile Off ice cf. the Town Clerk of- the Town of Los --ca dos. - 2- • 0 L Section S. That said Ordinance No. 393 nixed the 23rd w~ ~t day of April l9k156, at 1-,he hour of ei~:r ht o'clock p. m. of of Lo Gatos as, the time ancft 7w.1'_ .(','e for 'nea-ing by he ov,7 ( w?c *.F omp cy.l o all nerscins a.nLf. st-ee..,, .'."..n or l.~ibe ut.3.ra to, Vie propose vac tio,-i. Section 9 ThaL Ghe :.a to of said, oaonosed VsC.c ion.. came on re -arl i cr h2r?.„'3.ng be-ore the Town "ounc i ? of the own o uG , Gatos a, J is regular .mceti ng o -he. 23rc, y+ of April, k'Y'ucLi x.._G:,. _ 1.nC° i '15 he and .it ':-.uiwl~ 1, •i the evidence v1S and ,t. [°3.,"L. . ~.i i. td .s if all persons 1~wel.'v S.tte in sG`-i U-A.. 1?no_`o.sed. TS2:..ca61.W.^'Zr ; s,-, s. J u e6_ for V. 4: J m-:a a.L,,.r W '.111 s { i Section 10. That <=.h~,.w the rJT'`:r t~O:.kn:Y.l o tli Toi,r v; .i r~v,3 34.ios fi gads an fl. d.ete 'm in a from all the ~~TZ ~ ?C"~~ ~i 3 I?s~ t sE3C3s t .Y:;.';'. t t ha.t « 0111) • ,~„s .::fo-~ L,' ^t , `J, T C tr b s... D u, .Sv F r7 ukM6.L ~;~.f' it~. l:i of ,ka : . 1} e ti.t ' ar. said .id ti+ s: a1 h... C. 1ul 3 31. a V' L. r..' N Th, .r.: _ ,..R V: i. .F:G. ere-:tis.above more zjarticulc°, rly ti.escri ed, Is unieceszs'.rv for .c..s : rs::•t ROA-D T UF~' ,t AD 1 r t1 NT ~It'H is `-ereby ordered va.ca-ed. shall . b''i -ln ,JCLizl 11 . -F jT3E^saa r.$ *tG sv`,' iw.l? 9.c3'C. an i _i the ':it 'err of Los Gatos, Oa!-L and the '''C%om ".1j er of bhg ovin of Los 3-it 3s s )tall cause 3erti- S ied, coop3 o this O di a-`s:nce, attested -v the flown a F izrk under c,.(? ,:.eaJ. of t... Town of Los .z',_~.%„CS, to be C:.,r f,; in is.. ti; Off ice o t xe Count- Reccrde o the Gouty ty o Santa Clara ~ u i (2. in which the '11'Ve.,n of '1.40-9 Gatos is located. e L -12. 3 t O l74 PC?. at t`a' J 4Jlc'~r 3".t~ ee'- ~'s^g`'., of u-"he Town Co};`lr3:'tl of 1he J.t'7'm o Los Gatos on the 2cry"°.'.. y'>.a:y of April, 1956. GAT O 3~ T A 1. d+..1, Vote: A IIS va:: N"OFS 9 AND ADOPTFD AS AN OTR,)II:rANGE "'7f"ti AR METt TT'i`t rm O T j-,z+ IiN of 4; n ' r `N o 0Owf NIC) ILaMEN: 0 O THE O QUNG I. ?59-$ by TOWN OF LO hey: on the the following a ILMYOR OF THE O-qI I$ i" 1 0S' C 12 r.^ J• 4 f'6 ~ ff • mH7F' "Ro1 plli;T, OF W+ r'y1 .t L +„7 t a+ n ( ✓ 7-`?'ry~i Sy. '0t1i' OF LOS GAT05 ~ :C7 c " L`r ^ z o + On 1 uh o 'eveinber, 2, ~Tl :tLV I,1'3r:FTCKy 1C's;ri Oler-k of U o,,.-;Tfi of Loss lx2>'i Cry do I--,.ere-.,.cg ti 'r v= a 77 U u.ry. at u_..c :._-L; u'_ "l G 1v ICJ "i'~ C'a 00y)y Of u le Cr1L411'ia . Ord_-s._ic,nce oil r i s e -111 .Y 0111C e. j7l .ee an c f :i xe a -i - O ? L c. erU I i-.a.Cove t.7 . 3 5l'_ s U - en. s ` - 4u •L.1►i ~ • L^ . 0- CZ 9 ei CZ. J ~V'7W ^f U, / r Y - 4- -4 C= D . y _N"C NIO. 395 L, !NANr~ 0'- i\n 7' LT Or A lyii 071 ri I- R TO O \ Tj:l r%fiaSm 1."i :_.T7 mU'i'c'^`V J L S~ C -TCS. .^.IT - r., T 17 i T()ti rtrl 7-11S 7 1F Psi ti >'T AS OLLO'V., S: Section 1. The ToT,n Council of the Town of Los Gnat'os, on the 6th day of Februa.r`Y , 956, ?eeC1"UrLOf2 ~'cZ e re `F .apt-ter of the vacation of a portion of viLC'. '::~O D r'LUS A %O -OO S 1 _1~AVa_ -`nmv r- r. T y T t j '_'.T O i mr ST i,- E: TOWN C 1 0S GA;OS, to Une ^ Pla,nnin g Commission for ins i,eoor t, an _Re om' C enoa~, t- 1_ on; that there- after., -ca - v_: on the °(uh ~~.a~J o.~ 1~'iv.?'GY_ g 195E, after due notice O t_iF ti-le and clace Cf '1-arinc1, c-ublished as revu: red_ Ity laws &•,Y.1~. c„u a oLl&:_.i' _ ect•Z"1.ncy- un8_ (,Cn, the _ a__i.._r O_± P.Cvmr!'E'.P.QFd_ T7 , rill` jl T'tIti `0 -n`0 i iS ti✓r_ h:, v `iCi: C* a N'Lr:, .~Cn o T a \i v T' _ _.M ADj_4C 1_ v'I THERETO SN TI t, EAST, hereinafter rarti.culariy descri :eo_. T _:.t the Report and recommendation of the Planning Commission of t1^e To,an o-F' Los Gatos ? s on file 'viith the Torn Clerk. Section 2. Tlt- the Tovn Council of the ToT-:.,n of Los Gatos, on 19tn da.y 0f i~ir?rch 19'.56 pasged OrC_ino.i,ce C . 395 eclar' ng it intention to oro.er the vacation of a DC i~'n of said. TIL Ca' PO"D PLUS FOOT lF DTAC ='C ._A,ST, jarticularl,,, desc_ribeC. as follows: All that certain rea.1 -orcperty situated in the Tm,:n o2. Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara., State of Ca.liforn _a, ciescri.bed. as follows: 1J I ; c_ .y e of ilC C _`'s_ 'G at a -ooint. OP 1 e Z 21antu 1`h ereon 1Jorr d l5l9 ";~'.Ct J- . 5 feet `_r•om ;_r`',1 O, center line of K.enried_y Poad, also ~:noi'+'n as Crescent, ^',.7 hat Certain p saZC_ 'Road- and Avenue are sho~m u-,,.-on entt er? l3mraC` \C. 3-28 r~tn?'OO ~sCrf'swhich T'tp ,v7as _'iled for re 0? C'. in thF Cff_•r..e Of tiie Recorder C_ le County Gt Se"?^ita 'vlaY'2., `,7'tat•°. of 1.;:_,.1ZI0::'n'2., on June r,C, 194S, in Look lO of Maps, at pa.'ge 56; running thence North 5o AS ° 15!! 2.. , a.st aloe the said 4esterly file of Hilo'woa.d 595. L'eet. _ a Nadi us o it theYlCe Northerly on a curve O tree left w n 1 f + an r P 5 09 e from a ~~en 4' .cr. bears North ~ ?o 1- r East ~hrou J~~, a,n a.ng! e of 4-70 ' ;,0 s 10E~ for a. distance of 127.37 ~eet, to a, oii!t n' 'r E.s 81 ~r JYvio - _2t10 Yi of t e So t lerly : e of Sp,1(_ Tract IN o. thence South 50 4QI 15tt ;,'egt and la.rallel ~sTith nle =c. _ i 'eSterly Line cf H-1 10107 Boas 670.87 feet thence South 600 59, 8 012 I'est ?2.89 feet, and. South 690 54-1 41-- , e a t 'l,`,;'est l~ 6.44 fee to the r C? nt O ' 'Je in!" it ati being a portion, Of Hilo7•d , ;.^a.d, as ShC"vun jmo~i `E 1'ra.Gt T?O. Q t''eni.u000_ ~ z I on C•~ 8, c:. ove i'e~ ireG `C jaf. % corgi on oi' a ''v toot sti-i-C of e he East . SeG-_or ha t -t- '"n, e, J_ 20 foot striv adjacent thereto on the mast in the Town of Los Gatos to be vacated, and the details of sa,id_ vacation, are ",oarticularl;T shown ucon a. rna.io bearing t'_^_e l emend- °lPro;ooseG vacation '-of a ocrtion of N1_~o1J _toad )lus a. 20 foot strip;' ac_~,a:cent tiler-etc on th,e .LaStsB} ~J.iGil - was -v said al n, ante .39,3 . ap- -roved. for -he r V._ ,J'JSe Ci vA i... p-_ no cLediri~•, c;,.iCl ir'da,.s or-der e'_ f'Z.!_ed in the off iGP. Ci TvTi,,n Clerk of the Town o lj S Gatos r G - s^ c', S m d' E8- Z ~ y a. a, r. e s e _ ^ s~ was in saic_ C V 1. or pa l U cu-, l.(. GI, J a p c. s, e d vi .a r- lb s, 0 f 0rQ;.i na n-_e lid God; .c' il:Vv 'li^ repealed. i C! -L- e Tr a'i n• 7 i o ' fi. .JC ii e _'l I 0rCl na.n3es eGtion 4. That the Tcvn GlerJ of the Toti:n of Los Gatos ca us ed. the said v"^ iranc8 No. 393 to be pub! ished as de sig at ed in saiC_ OrC_inance. Section 5. That ti':e 'o ,,n C , erk_ of file Town of cos Ga.taP, cau^:erd to be -,ost ed_ cons-)iciously along the line of the 7)Croon of Hilm,7 _noad_ plus a 20 foot strl- ad'iacei_t the-y-eto on the iaSt :o'_-opoSed to be vaca.tec_y Notices of Street Vacatlon in the forr. an.d_ man _er required b-,,r said Ordinance 'No. 39: . Section S. That rroo.i of sa.1 C_ -out,!! ca.t ion is evidenced 9 2 aii rlG n ti1e e of t c TCT Olerk of t-he `I'Ot^In o Los Section 7. That proof of sad -00stin.c is eviderced. t fie Af`i 'e vit Cf u '-.e person posti-- said notices, ?''rich Af f - .v4. t sets 'o-th the facts rer'c.rdino such pOszi g and is on file Off :in the .iGe Of tP8 Town 0-'lerii of the TCV,*,n of i:oS 'ua.tC.7. ■ :ecticn 8. That ~ sair C-6inance 39-3 fiyed the ri' i d_ of ori.l~ 1950, at the, hour of eJ,""t S j . d. Qa`j, iii she vLu_r_c I-le, R ei 3.t the 0 Los Ga tos, as the timie ;_,:.nd- 2.ce ?`o r~ Uo v.ri~i er 9o, ~'.`..s i _iu- eS"vs t ea i, n 0r - -s m: 1,v n Ha ^eari n~' by the ob11 ectl ^`Z• t 0' of the down I' op.' p the c~ a osec v-.cati o Section 9. That the matter of said proposed vacation came on regularly for hearing before the Town Council of the Ta-v n of Tcs Gatos a , t .U its regu r eeting on h- 3rd day of ~april, 1956, and at such hearing ,v the sai'Q'~ , ~0`Nn ii +ot:;i~Gl_1 ~l:;ardll. t-~,ne evi6_ence ~ L e I- eQ 5' all -i:; sc?"is intei-ester 'n sai r fro gored -,a.^o ; x , a.r.c a hea.rin`~ thereon r.a.ving been ha.c u~ e ,,tie r' l .r.. 4iTa,s s bmitte0_ for aeter:m_na.,-; Sectl.on ''hat the To-,. Y' r[ 1 - n, JCL i L)1 of L P _-T'Ll of - r _ (sa-'_cs C_s a.na. 6,_ ete:r;-7i, _L ne. , G a ev n c e sm_tteo 9 t ha L _O 0- Ll O _ `i ~_,~(`i -Ci:._ .GUl _ 8 ~ ' lie s, ".FTO Oi~ ST aescri bed in said vr-c_iance Teo.9, and hereina.bove more particular ly described, is unriecespa.ry for present or prospective n-ublic-street purposes; and. said cor - ion of -TTLOV;' ]ROAD PLUS A 210) iC"' P ~'i.,` D m rn.i; 1 -r TrC O 1 m~' E 1 l: 1 ~ 1 l:. ~J:~ .L'i'J~1 '~1 ~H~ ~1 FAA' is hereby orc_er ed vacated. Section li. This Ordinance sha11 ice -i) :lb .=;_,he'd in the Los '3a.t0s 77-1m, es 0 b q erv r a. ri , e,,7 spa. r e r o f . F2~ e.he_ca,l c,, rcalat~cn nlubl~she'd c.nd ci--,cu 1 ed_ in the mo YVn 02 L , T' , S GatoS, v:,.! 0r. L 9 a.n(f the Town vler% of the Town of Los Gatos sna.l'_ cause a certi- fied copy of this Orcinance, attester by t 11 r!'ot.m Clerk under e ;Sea.!. of he To,- ,,,,.,n c 0 t o c 1_ Office n 0-. c--_ e rr "oi.'.nt;y ~ec0rder of the County of Se, tu, T'v z_ 1i wr :l the To~,rln of Los Gatos 's located. ~ecut ion , 2. Tl1tr0C_uG ed_ at a regular meeting of the Town voui'?cii of the To",,tin 0f Los Gatos on the ` 3rcC l da.Y% of Acrl! , 19 - l 4 AND PT h ;'1 A' C) a'i OF T.H. TQ ~N\ OF LOS PAS"SED AT A r nT? nJ ny, I HE 'O",.,' CQUI`TCIL held. on the day o`' w ZZI, 1956, bv the te 10 _J J ' ry _Y Vr 17L v': ~QiJ lT~ 1 V c . ATTEST' ' 0 THE, 'TQIr:'\? OF LQS TO rj 4N00"LEI ` aNiQS.