Ord 0383-APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED LAND DESIGNATED KENNEDY ROAD NUMBER ONE ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSr.. ~ ~ • did-:determine tha.t'no protes~s to said pr•o~osed a.nnexa.tion ; have ~`:een m2,d~ bt,= ar on ne-~~:Zf of ~ha o?.,ners off' 'one-?za~.f of t?~e ve;l.ue of the terri tort _,,,ro-.:,osed to be an~~e<sed as 'shorn by `the:.: last ecuali~ed assessment roil', rear '~y pu~l,ic; 2nd nriva.te oU~ners` of equal. to one-half` of t_~e vGjlue of t_~e 't4rritor~r proposed to be' anne~ed_ a.s determined by :sa.id le~isl~:tive body; a;~id "G°~H~~~=~~AS, said: terrztor~T is' contiguous to tl~.e Toth7n of Los Gatos, , a.nd is uninhabited territory i!'I the ~ount~r of Santa, ~le:ra., ` ~ and a,ll of the prcceeclural recluirements of t~~e .Annexation'of Uninh2.bited Territory ;~.ct off' 1939, ~~.rticalarly Government Oode sections X5300 to 35314 inclusive haT,re been f~~11y com~lie~ ~~,~ith; ;iO~aU,. 'yr,~RE~'OP.:~, the said ~ounc~l of the To~~rn off' Los ~.tos does hereby approve the; anne~.aton of said tErritoz°y,. hereinafter described, to the To?,.=n of Los G~ata~ a.nd a.aes;;hereby fu.rtr~er ordain that the said territory be and i:s he-rebJ ~:nne~~ed to the . To~%n of Loy Ga.tos< that saic- territorJ, the a:nne.a.tian of ti=chic='? to the To~sjh of Los Sa.tos is hez~ein a.r~provec~ is X11 th~=..~ ter~~itory situa~e in' the` ~oUnty Of ~;nta Clara,, ~f"i~.t e oI L`2.lif ari'11:c:., ;i,0~',e "~~rtlQtAlc~.r l~,r .described a~.s folloT~rs: ~egnninQ on the east line a ~ ~i"!e Tot~n Limit ~'o~n` of Los Gatos; at the intersection of tt~<e south line of the subdivision s?^~~~ti°n upon that eert=?.n r~~.p entitled i°I~~ap. of P~.melvie?nTra' t~Th.ich:map t~?as filed_ ~'or record in she Bffice of the"Recarc~er of tl~e Coun~~ of Santa Clara, V Stage of California on April 1, 10~,~ in ~oo?~ X of I~i~pe, Page 30; thence so~.theast erly nor ~'^e~.sterl;~ a~~~_ further ri.orti~easterly al.enz' 'ehe va:rinus courses and distances of - the .so~ztherly- and southea st erly In es_ of s~.~. elu iez~~ Sub~_vision t,o he p©int of ini,ersectzon tti~ith ~.he south~° `~~esterly line:.. of that cert'a.in pa.rce~ of land described a.s Parcel: 5 in the geed from L. i~.,~ fall a.nc~ :Anita Ball o L,` N. `;~3all' a.nd' Anita R. fall, ~ s Joint ~ rian ~ s, dated ~ June 14, 'I954 recora.ed`Jur_e 15, 154-- in Boa?{ 2895 C~ff3.cia.l l~.ecords, .Page 160, Santa. ~1z.r2 Go'~~nty ecarea_s; t _ence southeasterly, alsong s~.id so~?tht.aes ~ e~ l~% line to t~~e south: ea:sterl~T <corner of said parcel; thence lurt'ner southea.sterl~~ ~ - ~ t n ~ ~ r T fi yid out zelaste l~ e ,.,~io~_ oa s , lon th.e southeas~ rl colon a g y p g line to the point of intersectian t~lith she i~resterl,V line of that ce-rtairn ~areel of land..as described in t~~e Deed fray: Ta,ude Call ~o Ja.ek va,11 and-':inn e Octet ~t e ~~11~ da.t ed 'June 16, 1955, recorded June ~2, 1935, in ~aak 3205 C~°fiei al_ records, ~ ~ ~m r s Page x.93, Pa.nta; "fare county records; thence south; wester y., southerlIr and sou Yieasterly along the various courses and distances of the fires 4 er1,. a.nd souther l r boundary of said last named parcel to the most s`out= er1;r point th'sraof, being also a point on theaesterl~r boundary. of the subd.ison shown. upon th.t certain ralo entitled "Crescent Hill", which Pap tzG as filed f or 'record in ; the Office of', the Recorder ' of the County of. Santa Clan, Sta,t e of C2.I if ornia on July 23, 19293* in Book X'of Maps, Pages 46 47; t'nence northerly along said westerlt, bounndaryof said Crescent. Hill Subdivision to the most North ,r.esterly corner of said Crescent Hill - Subdivision; thence: soutneast- erl~y along 'the northerly bound_a.ry' of se.id Crescent H-111 Subdivision to an angle -coint in sa:iC' northerly bounda"ry;' thence northeasterly along the nor hwesterly boundary of said 's-u'cdilrision to the pc-nt of intersection th the soutn~:,,esterly line of Kennedy hod d, being 40 f e.et in Ti dth; thence northiaeste~°l r 7., along the various courses and c-stances of the south- westerly line of said Kennedy Road to an angle point where the westerly line of said Kennedy Road bears nor .-Leaste.rly; thence northeasterly along said westerl~r line of said. Kennedy _=toad to an angle ,3oint Adhere , the westerly line becomes the southerly line of said Kennedy Road; thence further nort'heasteiyly along 'he north- easterly prplongatioh of the last named course to the nort`lerly life of said Kennedy ?oa.d_, sr-,,d part oein also the point of intersection of the nort izrly line of Kennedy Road with-the northerly -line of Crescent Avenue, the latter being 40 feet 'inidt'a; thence nortnea.sterly a:nd. easterly along. the northerly line of saic crescent Avenue to the point of interjection with the northt-;esterly line of that,.certair. parcel of land described in the Deed from Margaret D. Kixer to A. L. Vince a,nc Grace D. Vince, as Jo nt 'Tenants, dated January 25, 194-1, recorded January X17' 19c1 in Boo', '10`?-l Official ,ecords,, Page 150, Santa.-Cla'ra. 'Count,-, Records; thence northeaster y along said northivesterly line of said ^arcel tc the most northerly corner of said ?parcel; thence easterl;~ along the northerly Brie of said parcel to the most northeasterly corner of said.parcel; thence southerl r along the ea-steely lime of said- -cancel to the most southeasterl- cor er of said parcel, being ,also a ;ooi_-_t on the northerly line." of said crescent Avenue; thence south- easterly along the various courses and d.ist~rces of the i northsa;sterl = line of saiu. Crescent venue to the point of intersection with the most southerly lip e of that c6,rLain parcel of land, d_esc_ ibed in tl~~e Deed from Rat-oh Els n>n to Florence E. ' lsnan, dated April .21 19421 reco?'cIed April 2?, 1942, in oo'L 1091 0ff1 cia3 P.eeords, 'Page 332, Santa "lava County Records, thence east eel norther Iy, northwesterl,r, easterl nort'ierly and "westerly following the ext.erior lound_aries of the - last oescr ~ eel .rce3 to the -o - t of intersection with the easterly boundary of t -~.t subdivision sho*vn upon that certain nap entitled `a~;,en>>.ood 'cr_°es'a, _ich map was filed l or record in t.,e office of the 'Re3or-er of the County of Santa Mara, State of C -lifornia on June 25, 1943 in Loo's 10 of -aps, PaVe,50; thence southerly along said- easteil - "-ounda.r: line of said subdivision to the point `of intersection/i,;ith ,e easterly rolonga.tion of the northerly line of that. cert:~.ir_ parcel of land described in the Decree Est&,,- isning the Fact of Death of ,5ara.h Jones Conwell and vesting title in MaPy J. Littlefield, Echo' J. Gohwell and, Rolf uonwell dated2oter_ber 8 1954 recorded September 102 1954 in Book;. 2955 0f,ficial~ Records, Page 2212 ;Santa. C1a-ra County Records, thence' westerly along said easterly prolongation of said "northerly line of said parcel to the northeasterly corner" of said parcel; thence westerly, southerly, easterly, southerly and southeasterly; following the exterior boundaries of said parcel, to, the northwesterly' corner of that certain percel; of land described in the Deed from ;-svelter G. 11cBride and Dessie Dale igcBrid.e to i ary J.. Littlefield- Echo J°. Conwell and Rolf' W. Conwell, dated: De .ember 14, 19541 recorded December 16, 1954 in Book 303.6 Official Records, Page . 66, Gant. Clara County' Records; thence southeas t.erly along the southwesterly line of said parcel.: to the most southerly corner =hereof, being 0.1so the most nortY?erly corner of . t,-a+- certr.in 'parcel of land described in the Deco from 1 a.ry J. Littlefiela., -Echo J: Conwell -and` Rolf " "rya Connell to .essie Dale TlcBr de, 'dated December 15 1854recorded December 16, .1954, in Book 3036 Off icial Records, Page 6'7, Santa Clara. ':County .Records; thence southeasterly folloivino the various courses-and distances 6f the exterior boundaries °:of said last named parcel to a point on the future northeasterly line of Kennedy. Road,, Uahen Widened to a 60 foot 'r bad- thence southwesterly. at right angles to said northeasterly lire of said Kennedy Roa.d to the southwesterly lineof said. Kennedy Road as it now, eXists,' being a0 feet in tt?idth; thence north- 1esterl.y and trtresterly along the various courses and distances of the southwesterly and southerly line of s2 id 'Kennedy Road to the point' of intersection 'rith the easterly 11ne of that certain parcel of land described in the Deed from. ~Ia.ro d Robert Chivers to Herbert E. Jaffe and Beverly; J. Jaffe, as -Joint Tenants, darted Decen_ ber 15, 1954-, recorded, Deger.ber 22, 1954,. in Book 3039. Off icial Records, Page 356, Santa Glara County Records; thence southerly, westerly and northerly fol- lotiing. the exterior boundaries of said.. :last daseribed parcel to the point of , intersection with the southerly line of said Kennedy Road; thence vesterly along the southe ply, line of said Kennedy `Road. to the pointof intersection frith 'the :easterly line of that certain parcel of land described :in the Deed from L. N_ Ball and Anita Ball to San Jose Abstract and Title Commoany, a Cor-,ora t ion, dated Hov e? b er 26, 19541recorded ' November`3O, 1.954 in Book 3021, Official Records, Page 269, Santa Clara County Records; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly, following the exterior boundaries of said last described parcel, to the point of intersection with the s=outherly.; line of ' said' Kennedy 'Road.; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Kennedy t~~o .c to the point of in=tersection with the r ortliw'esterly 1ine of, that certain -oarcel: of land:describ ed in the `Deed from L. IT. Ba.l1 and Anita . N. Ball t o L. . Pall and ~ t Anita, H, Ball :as Joint Tenant s~. dated June `1.4, 1954, recorded June 15, 1954 in,, Bool_, ?85 Official Records, Page 100, Santa G,?a.r°a Count: E~ecor(f~s; thence southweater-ly, southea.sterly: and- so,~t-I e~°Zy follofii_~ ire exterior bound ariES of s~,.id' last describec_ parcel to a point on the southwesterly; line of saA6 parcel., being` also a 'point on the norrthAasterl~~ line of the subc~_ivlsion; shorn on 'that certain crap entitled ;Los Fobles :Subdivisioln whic. ma.-o was filed for reeorc, in tae Office of. -4~- ELIO " Naven of Womes" Office of the Town Clete December 1 19,55 State of California ) County o Santa r,!, ra) as Town Los Gatos 1g Beverly H. Blatni,p Town Clank o- the Town, That h foregoing and annexed i a zfullt true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 383 a reg Lail passed and adopted b the Q Council of the Town, o Los atos o to 31st day c October,, as appears of re o in - office. ° I` S hand and the offjc . 0'el O' tine Taw-n o' Loq Gatos this 4 6aY o cep: r., 1.953. o he Town. of Los Gatos