Ord 0337-AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 249 OF THE TOWN•r-+, 'mTtT T ED tY ti.. 077-_DT.... P}r;r^c-rte _r" DOPml ' Z, C_ ':7F m0-':.. CF LCS "AMOS, T_`-7rW-_'_ 7J T00D EST LISfi- Dr mC7 '[{.,.4,T rid'? .j. fi ITT COLTT,TCIL OF '7=7; `"0-, OF LOS "0"5 DDOES O DA"E T AS FCLLC Section I. Thet Section. 3 of Ordinance No. 24-0 entitle" "An Ordinance A(flo_r-)tinlc- Unifor"! Building- Code, usu.= ali shi ng Fire Zones J Zones aml ProVie._n for Penalties,' oa.ssef ?nc7 rc.o~tec_ b-- the rl ry.~ r .N . Ir! o F' -4- 5~ r.. tr •f' c C.]'7' A 'C-7'- of T (1S v~ Tz::i v s on he '~V V.l_ C_C, o_ Le Ce7 ber, O 19 .-0, be, ?nc_ the sar_-1e is -iereby to "end _ed t re_-:c_ as follows: Section 3. F-cr the Q=,oses of sa,ic code, the entire Toi.'n is hereby declaree_ uo, and_ is 1e1 eby esta.bli shed as, a fire district, nc_ s .,id. fire c.is ~~r. ict sh 1l be knm-n s..nd. d_esi gnat ee_ as Fire Zone 2 and Fire Zone 3; that Fire Zone 2 shall be all that portion of the Town, the exterior boundary lines of T,hich are cescr ibed as f of lot,.Ts: of T i 7TjTT=;Tn at ~ tIn.e xrorthe^.S ueriy corner ot 5 B L1.: n of Bloch-. 1 o the A17=d, Grove Lc_Citi on, ...s ,"ecord..ec ;3e-p ue , r 15 1 17,872 in Boob. 0 of !-.Ta-ps - lOn t.u Pa.e 3, ',nC_ _J.11iin~ }t':_enCe `JO'uuher~ Easterl-T line of Lots S to 15 i nclusl-'e of sal- J,cc a..nd continuing Souti_erly7 to ~_nd along the Easuerly line of Lots 115 to 27 inclusive of Bloc", 2 of said. sulbdiv i si on to the ortherly line of Lot 14- of sa,, i c Bloc',_ 2; thence est erly, Southerly .o..,nd_ Easterly alonE-5- the boundaries of _ e of ~ Sc.i Q LCv l ' u0 Ji nt in the ?TO1lU-1 l n Beall Avenue, c i stcsnu tL.areon 1100 feet est erly 1 • • Y q iron, the Southeasterly corner o_ saJ c-.,_ Lot I/-• , thence Southerly to a in `17 e IN10 "t ^erly lii^e c= LOt 17 Ol ti!OGl o' J. Ly16On ' y.. n U. TriS1O^. a:g ar In `__1o0.''F A Of i.La.-,)s at image .54, diF4 ±h=.r'-.on 100 feet 'y'es t~rjy fro_- the Northeo.st~;rly Corner of SP-if Lot 17; thence ;:'esterly =Tong the Northerly line of saic L4rn6on's Subdivisi cn to a. not nt c.1 t-o n .:"lei:. eon. 90 feet eCto_-ly t'ne o _n _e of L;;°.i c:_On A-renue, t'_nence Scut.-,e ly ~2..' %.llel tC -he -yes ei,l`1irje of Dyn(~.Cn ve--ue throuSh Lots 111 10 r-..nc 9 of Bloc's `R of sa"ic' Lync:_on's :Subf_ivision to the Northerly llne of Lot ? of Bloc7, ? of sa:.ic Lyneon's Subdivlsion; thence esyerizr - lom? the idor herlLr line of Lots 2 to 6 inclusive of s id_ Bloc'-. 2) a.nc, Southerly along the I'esterlir 11:ne o,^ s._.id Lot 6 to Uhe +7ortherly li;-ne of 21,Ta.in Streee;; thence Southerly across ,,,iain Str°et _ic~L F,.lcng' the .J°Cterl;r 7 i '.e of Lot 9 of Bloc.,- 3 of seic. J. Lyndon's Sab- i vision, to t'.1 e 6ouIh.:rs1. er1 corner of s=_d" Lot 9; t'-'once 7.ster'..,,.lonD, the Southerly 11re of Lots 0. to 1 inclusive cf Blocr. 3 =.nd_ the rPro iec ior_ thereof ,uci.s u 1-l y to a 7^1i1t u 1i e~ _ dis a'.nV thp--_-eon 155 feet -'.,.sterly fro.- the Easterl-, line of sa id Lot 1; thence Southsr,.~ + e,~ll-r z ste y _~.6, feet mo*ne or less along the 1_~ror3erty line bet-,een lands nov or forrn-erly of J. ,^.lter Crid.er a.nc± Lydi a. B. Crider a,nd that of Leonard f,n7_ 1''i :.r r Leona,='C_, to the `lC°t :es terlV corner o S. .1C lanc. of L^on`-^c_; uh.ence .1Cn's the South.° -,nsterl,r 'in- Of the sald l!..nd..s of Leonard to U a. I % • ® t point t,,hich. bears TAT ` 8° 4,g 1 30" E f"'o o a noi.nt on the 'Kcrt_T•Iea.S t-rl, line Of BrOadC T .,-~Oin t on ^GaCi-,,c,p i S 1^ I eet S'V07'tr]'"E5 ter1ZT fr0'7 the point of intersection of the _:"orthea sterly line of -E'.road.7^7ay 1 " the 1'TOTt rT stPrly 1_:1e. Of Sa,tlta Cruz Avenue as E'S,u .'C?11S"~E'C C'/ DeeQ : ref. 11,1 ,rch 15, 1940, ndL recorder? April 1 40, it BOOM 979 Of 0ff1- cia._1 =ecOrds at Ba.,e 159, _=ecorC"_s of 5^ntE vlar.= VGUr_t-Y-; ine,-,.ce 3 2,20 2_4 3,., .;0 feet more or e^s to the :~bo-e _:',entioned. oin rY a..~. , thence on . the lit e of Oc. 1 7' fl ^.Oi:tlnuln ~JOJt?CY" ttr n ~:`'Oi-c-1-a str~',:gh' line f--ro ,5 ie 1:'11St C_esc1"ib°.,d c'.'--a.l-se trJ Doinv O'1 uIn P_ S Li~~_L:-. u ew I 1nP.. CL B 0- d..F;,y ; thence ~~orthn~;-esterly a.lon,; the Soutlh-,,,esterly line of Broaf,wa:v to point distant thereon 14- feet "dorth~,resterl~r frog! the poi nt of intersection of the Southv7est erly line of Broa:05.-Way soi th the ?~Iorth- westerl,T line of Santa, Cruz Avenue as said S2.nu. j~ruz .venue eXlisteG. prior to the 7;'1.denin thereof in 1194-0; thence Southt,:7est erly at ric;'^t r.r-,2~les B~ O, .C', ~Ti ZJ r?Gt -1 +-h Sc., G!_ GUtr ',,gS v e- ~_'r line of thence c:.u _'1Y:'?u CilgleS ...OI'th?e"^Sue:C'l' 10 fF,E'.u; thence a,.t ric1ht angles Soath'-Ysterly 14 feet; thence a_t right a..nclesrGrth- esterly 90 feet along the Sout?i?rested ;ro:~ert,,T li: e of 1-,, f-s noi., or r 1 O_r•~.:1.nr:rl _ti T Of Laura Vir-d en Van Lone a.n . that of Guido Barbieri a.nc ;ary A. Barbieri;s thence con- tinuino, in. a n--ro,jected stra.iv'ht line from -he last a 175 r~. eu along the re i d co s Io_ },-e,., ue i- -he -ne lar_aSG. or formerly of JG.__e ? . a 1" Gra,.trf ord, n Ado` ^nc.. A'iit0lnet-e an0'_ that of the Hubbard a.nd -3- Johnso;.i. T r,,ber Co. to the i~ort'. T-esterly co rner o_ spit. lost n .r, e(5_ .._.'.nd; thence Souti.^_e.-l_yr :='nd. 3Oulu he:7..Sterly ,':lob- tl,~.e .;ester T ^.YlC'_ ,J c v--17ortey'ly OU line of b.nd_ of bb~c s.nd Johnson Lumber C,o. , ±o t`'.e an ,1e point therein -which is common to the °vorth7, est co-_n=r of the land of Robert v . an~_ Ca:,roline V. S?p.ra,nson and. distant on the Northerly line of said land of SY,,,va,nson 120.09 feet `v'esterl;r from- the .resent esterly line of the State H! ght'rc.y; thence Southerly and to the lesterl r line of the b t o rligh- ,,I i.y to t'1e .Nor'he.rlyr line of :i'OOd Road,; thence Ester-l-, alone ^.1d ~OYt_ °"lsr line to the t nr-ese1n -;es+ , ~ zr line of he Star HJJ zy,-,., t17., e IT r+ V _ u (_-.u F _L J15.,'G,y; u ll4e oy u ~ erly along said yesterly ?_ine to the --pro j ection ~•~,esterly of the Southerly line of ' . C. Shore Subdivision, as recorded May 27, 1899, in Boo? D of Y-p-ps at Page 109, thence Easterly along said Westerly projection to the most "uVesterly corner of said :Shore Subdivision; thence Northerly a.lorl the 'esterlsa line of said. Shore S-.)bdivision to t',e Southe,rly 11 ._ne of Lot 10 of saic. Sub- division; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 10 to 15he esterl7r line of Park StrFet; thence Northerl- :..brig the ",esterl line rl o r et ~ v. e •1 yY of Pa.y ~ ate e ~ to t ~__e -or o,, , eca.. ~io_Y' _ st er~_ . of the Southerly, li ie of Lots 1 to 5 inclusive of said Shore Subdivision; thence Easterly along said projection a.nc. Southerly line to the Southeasterly corner of said. Lot 1; thence Ee,sterly1- to -ooint in the ,-est erl yy line of the private on the E.a..sterl side of Los Gatos Cree'r. d_ista.nt thereon SOUt'.^.erl';% lla.c:" feet from. the -4- Sout:nerl-; line of Za.st T, a.,in 5t--eet; t'nence East -rlOr across said, -rivate road to a 'point In uh" .,..ro...,t P,s .Y -in of S->1.d road G._ ;,2.i1t i,.._,,1 120 feet Southerly f ro:Cr_ the South e~1`r ?..ine of East 1•1ain Street; thence Easterly to a -ooint in the esterl;,T _line of College Avenue (formerly ilcox venue) d.ista.nt thereon 114!--.4-2 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of East 3Uain Street; thence Easterly across College Avenue to a. coint in the Easterly line thereof distant thereon 120 feet Southerly from -he Southerly lire of 'East -ia.in Street; thence Easterly to a point in the , e t-erly _i_ie of Pageant day (form-- erly Seanor Street) dis tc. tt thereon 171 feet Southerly fro":1 SOU.t:,.-,_pr-r ,_ine of East I-J.ain the Street; thence Easterly to the Southi,7esterly corner of the land now or formerly of Jennie A. Wilson and distant on the Westerly line of said land: of Wilson 171.66 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of East 1.1a.in Street; thence Easterly a_1on- the Souther1y line of s a i c: nd of i1son to the Southeast corner thereof, ~:1h ich point is also in the - 'est erly line of la,nj_ norm or formerly of " . .L. and I'i. E. Correa; t-nIence Southerly and Ea.sterl`11 aloTn", the Westeriv a.nc.. Southerly line of the la.nc of sa.io_ Corr ea to the 'westerly line of Fiesta. .,.,,_ay (formerly La. 'r ontagne Avenue) which ?poi 11t is a.pproirna rely 179.3.2 feet Southerly along said "westerly line from the Southerly line of East 1-11'ain Street; thence northeasterly ieSta. `Ja.T to the South?3esterl' corner of FI' ,,,,cross land no? or f or;-: 1y of Lilli an E. l~ -1 T.:;h ch -ooi nt is also the N,.orths< est corner of Lands no-- or formerly of Sa:.'TiUel -^nd Lourana.n Norris; thpnoe ''^:Ster7:;; -',long ^E' JOUt ^:7 r line, of lan6s no-,T 0` f ory P s < n^. i'C ri e P1Ser t0 -he 7OUthec..Str:~„ corne'. Of s^.id. land of ,..~,=j s`~r; th°-nce Ee..ster", to th_ 3Q1,triry,7eStr~,rl V '._orner' of l .nCs no-(,- o--r- Iorme-l~r of A. Buhler: thencP 1.-.sterly a,.lon.:~E the Southerly line of sair. l::ncs of Buhler, s.' Lch ine 's also the Northerly 1Lne o l~.nf~s no?-7 or ?C.~ i>Z"~ ~lT' of C as-oar L. --nr'', FosG.lle E. van Den Berg'^tc the Souther.,ste~-'; co-,-_r_Pr c sai . lane of Buhler; thence Ea.sterl7r ~ r x.11 P1 to :h e South oily l1ne cf `F,.st ,Stweet to t'!a ester1', r- of land not, o~,7 =or erly of E+11-el I. Coon• 7 thence Southerly .Ion sa:ic_ - est ray li e to 4 e Southi-esterly corner of sa.ic!. land. of Coon; thence East erly along the Southerl v 'ine of lo.n,.-)s of Ethel 1,1. Coon and Chas. G. and. Luella. Cundiff, YrThich line is also the Northerly line of land of °Isa.bel Shewell, tc the Southeasterly corner of sa.L~ l«.nd of ~~und.i-f; t1,ience Y,',ortherly -long the Zas ,P't'=yv _n e of se:.? d 1 .nC.. 0! 0unC' _fl o ~ oClnt therein co-, -.on it 11 the `youth- PstP~nlT; corner of the 1 c`^.nd. rioi,, o-,-. fi'O?"__ Of Fc.ith i-i. anC_ v'iBs U I. Bentley; thence _,.ster y ~.-.lony the 5out"rie-'ly i 1n° Of 8:'..i C'. 1= nd of entle"r, <:-can l ; ne i S is0 the 'Northerly 1=ne of l..-n: noT' Cr for !erly of 1`1. D. "-nt. Alice E. !TOr-l-is, to J_2P Southeasterly corner of s-.i f_ land. of Bent!----r; thence 32,.sterly to t'cne Southveeterly coiner of Lot 1 Of 11rilc e- '?ra.nc. dcit_on ~.r r co ~c.ed. av in 9 7 ,co.- D o_? F ,'L-, F=.- 7 t_._ nce ,lo::a,: the ,you'. 'h, -1-ine Of x_Q- to 7 Clusive -a- . } C ,Ti 1.iC'.. C..:_t1 Or. auO ~,_'?c .c Ct c. -,'1_7' '.ire of aJ,=.c ::son -.7-e ice Sout'ea-ster7_y ac:"OSS Jv.c'Y:s On ?street r t0 Cii^t _ ^n, St Br? -~'_?e t'_ uC Ci.1St .lxt _,Icr hiarly line Of Lot 13 of ' ilderr- nc_ nc.,. ition s corded_ T'`E' 14", 1^8~, in Boob. A of e-os at Paoe 2:~', thence _ •SUe.'i.. , 'Pcb'". le_ to S^.1Ci 1`~O'.'tP_e(ly _lile to ure esterl,,r line of Alpine A7-enue' thence Northerly lonc, the +lesterly ine of A!-.Di_1e Avenue -C the u l:ortheG.s U =rl,r co -n^W cl ~o U 1='. o_ sic", Mo_i Lion; the.ce `70-th-,~,-es'-to th IN O t L , corner 1J J O :J O1 La _ C_ kL. ul on; v once c,- 'Fct& -•1y .75 n. c.rCSS st ~n ^et to ti': a t'^e sto ? 77 cc~ne~. of Lot to l o t-?-I.- GaldsT°orty Lei .Li an-7- Bennis Subc_ivision F-s re 01 1Q92, in Book E. of j- ,~s at Page 1^_'7, Records of amt-a Cls_ County; thence !TO_.'therly alon> the• Easterly line of said Lot 4 (said line Ileing also the -Testerly ]-ire of Pleasant- Street) to the Njortheasterly corner of s= ic_ Lot thence "esterly along the -Northerly li ~e of Lots 5 and S of said. BlocT, 1 to t__e NorthT.,-ester177 corner of said Lot S; thence ''?ortherly along U'le rr-c j ection of the 'E, esters y Line of sa.i d Lot S to th~ 6o-athe%.st cOr _el of Lot- 9 of s :.1_c!. Bloc'- 1; thence -u,'esterly alom-~ the Southerly lino of sa.ic. Lot 9 to the South?,este:•ly corner of t_ --nce Southerly along the -orojection of the ves -erl`r line of s^.i r- Lot 9 tO a, '',oint d..i s tc:i'1t 150 f e e t a. I ric, U a. '•les VO1 t' e:_''~ r frO_^ le 1'vorther1IT lire of ~;.;:,st li?,i:C St, eet; t'_... ce eS, t° l n11e1 t^ eanC. ,;..1sp - ifeet -7- .'Tcw L 'l r nn., t C-rt,_ G l e of uu, s t F,i n Altr-e uo t e uFF5er~ ;i're o ii1 i JC"OG?_ v 'ua't; J1_e1 -r V y ~ G'"C♦11_ ...1~._ 3--a-10- to anC c-... 0112._ v1nQ i\G U'i1:;1 _ . 0'' L IL.C,__5u1,=jeu Vo uh e . t e- I v i _ p Qf chu=h ~e_- 1y r.t _ i :a „ U r inv-, e -i o -~t~~-e E S t e-n _ y co_-n- r- of in a. Q _ _ l.e U t u.:.- ?-',nc. nG? or for~erly cf the ector, a.rC_ens a.nc Vest.-7-en of St . Lu''.'- s C o.. 1s `I, i C`_Z s a I l .nd- 1 rt' Ont s, on i, ~ E rly s.i,, e of _UniverSi tT- .uc: qt u e _ x,re_^ue -_nc 7.~Joi"1- 1-.nr_ -c t---e IY'ort1a nor o fQ _'erly of the Los G~.tos `J It,-,c D_st:'- Qt; thence ^rlYr l l a} 'tie ' =',sterlr _ine Off: kr n e t0 t'ne 5oU_t'_r;rl~Yy I_iie o1 v 1.. , 1,xll^n Avenue; -~h. n c e est( long S ,ia you ui ^rl y line to the Eqr s--i=rly I_ne of Ur,i vC- ~s.i tTr Avenue; thence `~'esterly across University Avenue to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 7, Bloc]:'- 1, of the lKiles Inc- Ecelen Subdivision of ra,r-t of Vineya.rc. Lots as record e( April 21, 1838, in BocI: C of y-., . F,^Ve 87; IuInence ,'esterl7r ..long u- the SGU°.l!-:1_'_z,? Ii.._u of Sc.-CI Lot + u 7 to ur'G aS+ e,rly l_-ne of the -Lisht of <..;r of the Southern Pct.C'•ifiC th lv l ng sa.ic' s t- of VO SOuUrrrl; E, of LOt 1 Of the En~Iisix ubci-ris'ion ,r,GrC,ed j, 1S•`9, in 3GO'l'w J Of i`lc::oS a..t e 143-~; thence u^.Ster --ITr -,10- 'he 3r;u%,'erl~r _i ^6 of s24 I c_ Lot I uc the es I L,~ line of Urivcw,S! t r 7r P, nu e hthen c e a er, r 1O~ t':e ktrenu° t0 ~h- eStPrlJ r Li::le O. T n _V' e F, ~j - „ 7 n ~ n -F T. n . i,, P .T 1-7, -1 lion ~o e(', nl^.7 r-7r - s 1S_, , in B'00', - 3- of s a.t P8, e 13 _1 ; .,':e_1icp ,'c't°rl V F...1C)In t_iF' \01"t~:!.Gr?~.? line of •~JC`;!. C. Lot l to sc..i-~~, rte_',V of - 11 F ; v_r.e•fiGe VOYi V 7_C.= ucl.StEY,r E~' %^t CI v0 tc? OL''_tin'n Iv - ;_ab of t'1^ BPt~'" .v 1C?'. ^7'S . " t~.. t' on li Vie of Lo- llnreC•Cr6.E6_/ ; v".eiZCE .C:c. Er1.y c O'Z'=': S-'.iG.. CCU ul_..,_ y line t0 the v'esterly ii:'?... of UniVers t;y' Avenue; '_.~nGE i\?0"t'lc 1^l r c,lOil?` Sc;1C~. uEF ~erly 11•ne uo the svortherly lin? o ' C-orese Avenue: thence uc`cterl~r ]Northerly _line to ;o1 .t c.i s ta.nt 'hereon lam'; . H Feet East er! y=No : e r line of Uni VerSlay Avenue; U`._e:nce North- pr Iv (d1Lq`5 '.~.t 13~. feat E:r,St-rl`r f ror'_ and ara13-e1 u0 u ^ e .St Ar7 tr line of Uni t/r-,rq ji TTEnL'.° , distance of 385. 65 f eet u0 u<P, Southerly line of land. noi,,, or for.:-:?erly of John R. Hodgvon; thence ,a.sterly ?S, feet along said- Southerly line to the Southeasterly corner of said land of Hod-boon; thence Northerly alonc7' the IlEa.sterly line of said l.nd, of Hodgson 181.50 feet to the Tvorthe,acterly corner tai . • of, ch >.:.,.ic corner, _ also in the 3Cut~_°,? - n of n0"'7 C." -Io i ~f CLev-o DlE':1P y , Vi'y thence =-.cte l`s clC:i j S2.i 7CUu~ e lU,! 1in tC uhe t'-sterg j" to,, of to e io,,,'-,n of L~l Gay lJ CS' thence _VCr`Vr_Ea"^li y I,!ortherltr a V a..1id_ B U°{ _~ir 1 On'~ +~.'-lr Oa J~i1 L u O?-'n 1'" 1 u s of the o--n of Los Gatos to the "EFsterly 1 F°°^t of 1,Fay line of the Southern Pacific Ra.ill,a,y Corr-pany; t_lEnG SO"V ui-8- _J along S^^-.~ Ects - _Li_._t ? _1 e tO the So-j_t~1°_'"'l-y line of a~St eEt~ u i --:~n Ge y tpJ"," PlOn,, sa.i~f _ S0uu e-r]-17 line t0 tIe Fsterly 1-4-ne of or", Cruz hVenue; thence +'-~Yl';r Si C.. St P' ~ rl„ line ~~Ot c . i _oYl " " .si= uG u'le '7-- G- jeculGl^i ::..iv°,l 17r ni- t1F'. .South~rl I1ne of 1,1ari- osa. rl_?enue• thence rester-1 ~Iong sa.ic ~C sterlel Uro jectio- nc. Sc'utherl line tG a ~G^_.t cs_ista..~t thereon 110 feet yesterlY fro' the sterl-T line of _,Iorth 'Santa, Cruz Avenue; thence Southerly _ arallel to th.e Easterly lire of Santa. Cruz Ave- nue a.. distance of 100 feet; thence esterlY parallel to ~ 'U e Southerly ~r; ~ osAv Ave- nue line of nue to the -oro4ection j Grt' erly of the - ies,'erly ii--,e of Lots l.--,0 of the i e b^ .11 ~r i c..l'1C_ .--,0 _~;:.cV ^..S reccrC-ed June S. 1930) in BOG'.> Y o= 11e'-ps at Pa.L,e e~ _rl_-- a.lo_-- -0-0- thence `tiou-._ _ ,V ~ sa.ici~Nortrie~ -1Y jectiGn an;'!. :esterly Iine ~:nd. continuinV Southerly across San -Mateo Avenue to and a.Iong the ,est- erly line of Lots 1 and 2 of said Ball Tract to the Northerly line of Lot 1 of Bloch 1 of the C. H. Ca.ldtf,?eIl Subdivision as recorded arch 5, 19122 in Boo's N of ",?a.ps at Page 8B; thence West- er'I and Southerly a..lon- the Northerly am-5. esu.rl,-- li: es of eaic Lot 1, avn(f,'- continuing Soul erly aloe the esterl'- line of Lou 2 of S ` I floc':' 1 n -h.e '1teSuP,rly line of Io-s 1 a.nc,. of B~_oc';- of saic_ C~.1d?Tell. Subdivision t0 the v0:'theJ 1y line of uhe `:obey Subdivision as recorded June 7, 19:?6, in Boo? U of a ,t Page 4-.9; thence Ear st erl T along said Northerly line to the Easterly lire of Lot 26 of sa,i d Tobey Subdivision; thence Southerly a.lon the E .sterl,y line of Lou 26 a.nd Lot 5 of s-i d Sub- division to the NTOrtherly line of the Nott f.'-o'r -.ivision. hs recorder. July 15, 1238, in Boon L -1'')- ~ i a7 ?l s :,t 1;}C'.?'tc.' ~:...eslC e in C''~ t e L. _-i+,. r,t cc-n, r o_ Lot 1~- 01 IN0tt Su'C;dizrj s-i on; thence Southerly F.lon, twee :est- erIv 0f LaQs to 12' 1 ^l_.si . e of Sc._ 1-( bdivision t0 t' o :t'aPr-_.~_in, of t 1e "Vns'%U 17_ ubc.ivisi on s recorrLed __ey r, 19, 75, in Boo~.~ i1 of i!a.1)s at P?,e 67; t'^ence Sout. erl' alon0, 'he z:D line of Lots 1 to 10 inclusive of said B-runs'.Tull Subdivision to the I\Tor-lu-h-erlly line. of Lot r'6 of Subdivision; -,U-hence ,'esterl~_ T - long t he Nort}ierl,r line of sp.id Lat 0 to the P~F,,c, vnr-__-r l li'1 of `on- ere', venue; hence i'-arthe» - , F _ c^C' o` on' -ey - a.,, ?1 1r• he S e J_ . n o f _c v Ort 1.erl i line of Lo u v ^-'.-1": ``~-vr- nC vv of said- Bnunsl-,ull Subdivision to the ,D--sterl~= 1 _ne of San Benito A~.-enue; thence ivoryImnesterly across Sa.n Benito Avenue to the l~?o rthe~.sterly corner of Lot 6^--_ of the brunskull Subc_i vision pan,. thence ':'es terly along the Northerly line of Lots 64, 05 .nc 6' to the Easterl;r line of 1'rontgoriery Street; thence ivart'r_ esterl = :;cross i, ontoo~ler,r Street to t_ne Norther sterl - corner of Lot r4 of the Br'uns- !--uli thence c=.lonc° the No-therl7= 1-nn of Lots 7z-. to !7 l inclusive of said aLl C.i~=iSi'Oi7 t0 the -Tester-l- u0-n limits 0 t"le To7~,:. of Las S .tos; thence South,,,esterly across S^.ratogc. Avenue ^.ne further South-esiterl,_- a"ng the ss.ic ' esterly toi,;n limits to a point thereon c.istGnt 140 feet at right noles Southerly from the Souu1erly line of S=-E),.togn^,_ Al _ o.e.; thence ErSt Y'15% h72.rc.11e1 16 i u'_i5u^.ilt 140 feet Southerl' frorj the Souu ^.e:""1 ? line, o~ 5^,"^c^t0 2: A-~;- e n-a e t t._ye qt er_ 17 11- ne of p.,., al A: er:'a 1_. th ence -further. .asterl-,r .c_:=oss _1a.ssol Aven-:.e to ~'_nC ,..Long the Southerl;, 1- ! r'e of Lots 7 to 12 i^.: 'usive of loc'. •s of. the Ix.~:7ssol 3U on ~c ~.s ~ecM1 ,c'ec ece!, :er w~, 1S9in Boot G of i4>"~'ps 2 ' Pac -;e 35 - thence fu-_'tn r E as"' e''l,% ac.'.'Oc 8 Tc,i t Avenue to F,nc_ along the Southerizr line of Lots 12 to 18 inclusive of Bloc'- 4 of laic. %.,ssol Subdivision to the Soothe ',sterlsr corner.• of said. Lot 1-9Y .ich. sr.i,. corner is .lso in t' e est- --rly nq o' Lot , o'f said Bloc'- A- thence Southeri7r P,,_On;?' the -ter y 1 i r- o= Lots `C 3 , ..7 _ , nc c -c s i C_ Bloc'..- 4_ t 0 the l?prt n t?Y l er 1-inn of AI7'',!en6_rc _4'ivenue; thence :Sou.therl+T cr oss A!---,lP,n- d'_ '~.vpn'ue t0 t n O"thP,°.Stel1`"' ^or'ner of Lot I of Block. 1 of said .~Fssol Su'_;division; thence South~.rly ...long the Easterly line of Lot 16 of said. Bloc'_; 1 to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 16; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of. Lots 17 and 18 of said Bloc's 1 to the South- e~?.sterl," corner of sai c' Lot 11 T^7 hich corner is also thr- corner of Lot ~ of Sc.iO. Blocs 1; thence So-,j"--r?< or!_ ~ a.-~.ster!~r I - - of Lot 1 of sC.id Bloc?, 1 t^ tree iv' U "otherly line of B...chm,,.n A7renue; thence Soot': "across B-.c.hin, n A..s'enue to the Point of Beginning. A! "°f er--nc ep, to rerorced :m,:ps are as the same are recorded in the office of the County recorder of S^,nta C!rr~3 Count-,r, California. All of the rest of said To,-n sh_;1 be Fire Zone 3. m I-. i-h't y... a ere shcl1 1'° no fire zone cor:K'!- -nond,ing r to , ire Zone in, soi,9 coC'_e, anf, s,'1^e.neve... ~'te Zone 21 r Fire ,W or Fire Gone -7 is __e-erred to in so.i, cc-."f~e' -'aid r °f a--noe shy 11 v construed. Ps refer?" n.g to Fire r • n - L' t ro~ ~s - Zones -reI in es ta Cy ;~nc_ .:}e regul~.tlOnS nc' eC." y~ e ;n~S of .~^1. cc) -e 1nsofc_ s 41.be- relate t0 ri 'e lone l exc1_uo-17relT; ?neii hi-.Te no .1~'~'1^^..~1Oi1 In .._'~e "o-,"n c-- `section 2; This C- din~:'..nce S' 'Cal-tee :.f fecv r `10' be in force thi.rttr (30) f.-ays fro--i a.nc3 after r.,,te of its ns,ssw~e a.nr before the e ,rira.tion of fifteen (155) cavs -ter its passage it shall be published once T:,it-n --he nrr es of t'^e nem2 ers voting for a.nr against the same i^. the LC:~ GAT-05 DAILY' 'f I' ES, neT,s~a;~er °C. 1.'1 ~j'?,^, :OT,-r, of LOS ur:tOS. i J'c',.W cd. -u IF U1 g of i OT„'n vO'znOi1 Of the iOT',n of Los Gatos, Stetp of ilia, he' C o_ 'he 3rd day of December, l 9 C, s s e C. F n C_ o. O o t e G_ ~ s CrCc re of* a'v.''1 e TOT of 1 e _ i1- .n o ` T o s G0t0S, 1f ornlc:y at c r eg ~ r r:~eeti ?g of uhe iOTr?i1 ~✓O'UnCi 1 thereof 9 helr.. on the (G ' c_ay of ~&Le~ 19"-1, b,y the fa1loT:ing vote: AYES: SCUTN CIUVIEN 'N 0 E : rK r.T iY r `T T ~ I T 'V -1 s G'_ G'i OF L C:J G.' 1 G . Fimm-n ~m , t a ~'-i ,TT Sri T}. ~...~r,~. n, r„ - ("}C. _ ;rl C~ JL~. _ -..v.J In C;J -l3-