Ord 0153-CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 --.,9--- 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ORDTN,12dCE NUMBS N OFDI t INCE CALLIE G SPECIAL "LOTION IN Thn '201.5'FT OF § LOS G.~_ nGLTI~v_ ~l.l.is COUNTY OF c. ~,:NT C _.c~ ~ 'j;. OF C A7 rg•G1?tTT Tn0~, i., STATE fi, FOR 'T_'r' PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QuALL1FIED ELLCLO O Sr,TD 1G15?l; FOU1? (L) PROPOSITIOlw TO INCUR BONDED i17DEBTLD''?EsS TO PZ THE COST OF . C:ERTkIN PUBLIC YUNICIP L I7: P tOV22AI NTF S OF a: 1 D TG-f, T LE i COST Or ViRICH S+;ILL By TOO GREAT TO BE r:;ID OUT Or THE O tDI13 APff .ANNUAL REVE'wUn AND INCOME CF SAID TOYd" The Board of Trustees of the Ton of Los Gatos, do N ordain as followsYi Section I. A Special Election is hereby called for, and shall be held in, the Town of Los Gatos , in the Counts' of y Santa Clara, State of Cali_ on.ia, on iondai .read day of ` - 9 September,' 1912, to sub-mit, and at which s_,^,ecial election shall g~g 9 be submitted to the qualified vo ters of said Town,: of Lo's Gatos, the fol lmTiaig propositions to incur bC- ded indebtedness of; and by, said To mm-, to wit: l) The propcsi ti oa~ to r a bonded of (incur indebtedness f y - Ten Thousand Dollars ` ~.~1C,00 ~~C) in gold coin of the Ln st.,d :Mates. of A? erica for ti^ object and purpose of pa.yin the cost 3f the, acquisition, construction . and completion of a• 'log;" :all and t`ae ~ necessary land on mlaich to locate the s$L3e, in and for the Toim of Los Gatos, said Town Fall to be .''itted up and used for a Mace to hold the meetings of the Board of •Trustees of said b " 0lon, and as offices for the officers aT d Officials, and the keeping and preserving of the !?wcords of sai _ Tome, ann' any other use necessary or convenlerit to carry out the objects, purposes and pov€ers of the said municipality. The estimaated g cost of the said proposed public impro,Tement is the scary of Ten Thousand Dollars (~,tlO, GO0) , and the 8`? cant ofthe principal of V, the indebtedness to be incurred tb.erefore is Tell Thousan 1 d Dollars 1 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (1'10,000), and the rate of interest to paid on said indebtedness is Five per Cent (5,%) per annum. (2) The -Proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of :cif Thousand Dollars in gold coin of ...:e United States of h erica for theobject and purpose of c y t_e cost of the acquisition of land for public par?f and X~Ot ground purposes and any other use necessary or convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municiplaity, and the acqui-sition, construction 2ind completion on said land of a park and play grOmad. The estimated cost of the said proposed public improve- ment is the sum of Six Thousand Dollars 06,000), a--,ad -he amount of the principal of the indebted-mess to be incurred try refor is Six Thousand Dollars '5,000), and the rate of interest- to be paid on said indebtedness 1S F1.vt; 'o6'T° cent (r%) per ai3TluPi. (3) The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of Thirty Thousand Dollars (P30,000) in gold coin of the unite- States of kn_erica f o-r the object and purpose of paying the cost of the acquisition, construction and completion of a re- lief sewer, two out let se -ters, (one of said outlet sewer's to be in and for the Last side of said •To.r , and the other in and for the Test side thereof,) with necessary man- oles, rights of :fay and appurte?nances tl~ refor, and a sewage disposal plant, together with necessary rights of way and land. !therefor, for the purpose of carrying off and disposing of t11e sewage of said to-cm. The estimated cost of the said preposed public aLprovemaiat is the sure of Thirty Thousand B~ellars (30,000) and s• the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to incurred. therefor i s Thirty Thousand Dollars (r;30,000), and the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness is Five per cent (5?) per arimi a. (4) The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of thirty Five Thousand Dollars (135,000) in gold coin of the 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 29 30 31 3S of the United. States of America for the object and ruruotze, of _paying Forty per cent (40~) of the cost of the acquisition, construction and completion of the following street wort', to 1~it: The cmnstruction of concrete curbs and, gutters, „mere the same are not already built to official grade, along each side, and suffieent drains for the proper drainage, and the gradir and paving with a one and one half inch (1?) asphaltic .searing surga.ce upon a foul" and one half inch (41) concrete base, of the following named, streets and portions thereof in the lo't 7:'1 of Los Gatos, to wit: San Jose Avenue from the ?'Northerly Twin limits to its junction ith -&-lain Street; Riia iin Street fr orm it junction with Nan Jose Avenue on the "past to the X; I~~MIZK !',esterll line of pay View Avenue Santa, Cruz Avei?ize from a line drairai across said avenue at right angles thereto six-? hundred (600) feet Southerly from the intersection of said _>ve2ue °ith the Southerly- line of iroadwa'- Avenue,, thence to'tha Northerly line of Saratoga Avenue, and Saratoga Avenue from the 5ilesterly line of Santa Cruz Avenue to the 7esterlej "1oT 1 limits. card the construction of concrete- curbs and gutters as aforesaid along each sir e, and the grading and paving as aforesaid, of all st'ree'C.s intersecting; said above na,7.ed streets iiithin the boundaries trie~,_Pe above given to the outside boundary line, also ca d the property lines, of said above named streets, respectively, -projected across all intersecttinI, streets, Excepting, ho-wever, from all of the aofresaid -Tor=, such portion thereofas is required by la-.T to be. kept in order or repair by any person or corl7any hav- thereon. T^ estimated cost railroad tracks he a of t'a'le said pXlyposed public improver, ents is the su a of Eighty Sever, Thousand Five DIundred Dollars (I'S 7, 500 , and the amount of the principal i,eR -~h'1^eft3=" of the indebtedness t0 be incurred is Thirty Five Thousand Dollars (",`,35,000), and the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness is give per cent (5') per j. a e f ° e I I Section And it isfurt?"1e ordered, ordained and 3 f B i 2 g determined, that the total indebtedness authorized to be c,eat- 3 ° ed at said e eetior shall be represented by bonds negotiable in 4 ~ fO1'M, of the character kn,-4vn aSvv S2?-'=alS!v cL'_7d of such. Q' :'].^,iT!1i_u•^ j Z 5 tions as the legislative branch of the said To%Tn of Los Gates 6 ;g hereafter determine, principal and interest o may the of ~:;Thich 7 Shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America 8 i in the manner follo,,ing, to :pit: One twentieth (1f20) part of the ;Thole amount of the principal of said bonds shall be paid ! 10 ! each and every year at the fe-a Treasury of said Doti°,n of Los 11 Gatos on the day and date to be hereaf ter, fi zed by the legisla- 1 2 gy ti've branch of said mu ?i cinali ty, together -f.ith the interest 13 upon all surds unpaid at such dates; provided that the interest ~j 14 on said bonds shall be paid semi-ai-j-wally sr that there shall 15 be a payment of interest on all sU.i s then unpaid in emery half ...a-, one of Si1cY? Se_ ail5'_'j.Lal payments in each year 17E32g, t--E. 17 i date of the payment or the annual installment of he principal 18 of said indebtedness, as aforesaid, and provided further that 19 said interest indebtedness shall be evidenced with the proper 20 c ~d to for each s eir?aa_ erret oupons attache each bond- - Po- E~_- ~ pa~._zt of 21! interest to become due on sucn bond. 22 ~ Section 4. It is further ordered and ordained that, 23 for the purpose of sad•spee2al election, said Tor of Los 24 ! Gatos has been, and is now, and hereby, regularly constituted ! 255 and established as, and didided into, two special election 26 precincts,, to be knoiTn as Municipal Special Election Yreci?u~ts p 27 i Iumbe_°s One (I) and Two (2), both inclusive, the exterior 28 bO1:31dd,riES of rrilCh prt'Ci?3C$S are hereinafter SEt Sortl That 29 polling said special election voting precincts and the places E ,places 30 therein at v-rhich the polls in such precincts v7ill be opened on~ 31 said day of said special election in said `town shall bey and 32 are hereby, established, created and designated as _ollo-us, to wit: 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 -9, i 10 I 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 i1tiii?'CI NL ;LC-- F:LECTICiN HE,-=NCT NO. 1. All the -portion of the Tom= of Los Gatos situate, lying and being on the easterly side of the center line of the SouthernPaciI'i c Railroad Coy,,a-pay's main railroaii tract: ~ ah? Chi said railroad track tors a7t?rvl through said Toun of Los Gatos,) shall constitute and be, and is hereby designated, established and constituted as, and named Municipal Special Election Precinct No. 1 for said special election, The -,.,lace of voting, in said -'recinct No. 1 axid for the voters thereof for said election, shall be at the Town Hall in the Tom of Los Gates, which is situate on the Northerly side of _ cst (',`ain Street between ",4ill street and Sigh Street in said Town. The officers of election to conduct said special election in said M~unic.ip?i. Special Election Precinct No. 1, and ?h0 are hereby appointed j'or that ptrp ose, are as follows, to. wit: .lop Inspectors Judges: 67, Clerks: Ballot C`lerl>s> NCj,I NO. 2. 2vfiUN I C I PAL SPECIILL All that ,or'tion of the Town of Los Gatos lyinG, and being on the Westerly side of the center line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Com- any l s main railroad traces l vll ch said -rail- rand track ruins entirely throng} said Toy n of Los Gatos, ) shall constitute and be, and is hereby designated, established and cwnstittzted as, and clamed Municipal Special Electioi_ Pre- ci_ of No. 2 for said special election. The place of vctine in said precinct No. 2 and for the voters thereof for said special election, steallbe at the Court room of the Justice;.s Court of Red,voed Twonship, that is to say, the Court room, of the Hon. B. ,s. Pearce, Justice of the 1-sacs in and -Per kedrrood Tovmship, County o"' Santa Clara., State of California, Y5inich sz id Court E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 roon is situate on the '8aesterly side of Santa Cruz Avenue, between Main Street and Bean .=verve in said Tovm. special The officers of election t conduct saidAeleCtion no in said T~Dui=icipal Special Election Precinct No. 2, and are hereby appointed for that purpose, are as follows: Inspectors ea e r judges < e - ~o d~ Clerks Xa& /I Ballot Clerks e That each of said I n a polli_M7 places has beer, foland to be and is herebv deter-=iined to be a suitable and proper place for holdimz said Tiunicipal special election in the special election zorecinct in +ili Cif it is Si tuato, an : said several. persons have been found to be, and they are hereby deter-mined to be, quHlif fed for their said respectilue pasi tiers, as _ +e t+, rF°J required by 1a y,, and they Ana sd.il _ - be,, and ,are r _eir sh^U,it. appointed such officers to conduct said special election and shall constitute respectively the Boards of Ll rctio , and said boards of election and said officers Shall o.-,riduct, and are hereby directed to conduct said. elect :'n &-1_1x and this ordinance -Drov .ded in -each of their said respec titre mr-uni cipal special election preeinets here inbefore indicated and for -twhich they have been specially appointed, and to canvass the votes I-ve. and cast at said special election, and to mil:e and de- liver returns thereof to said Board of Trustees; and it is further ordered that said Board of Trustees shall neet and ean< vacs said returns ,.hen received and declare the result o said special election. Section 5. The manner of voting for or against said I indebtedness shall be as follows, to i.it: A su:ffieent numeber of ballots shall be, and are hereby directed to be rrepwred and caused to be printed upon the prop ^ kind of paper used at rar_-- 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 I 11 ' 12 4 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 2(5 27 28 29 30 31 32 eral el- ections iyI. said State of California, by the Cier33 of said - -m, and to be furni she: and provided for the use of the voters at said special election, at tS1e expense of said , r~ eVY:, o,,lzi said ballots to have thC =ollos_ 2T^_tC', ! ~ t. rle" in add_tior t • an other fatter i21 ice? may be requi red b,; law, to -it: "IESTRUCT3OINTS TO VOTERS- To vote on any p op- f4 ositl0n, stamp a cress (X) in time voting Square after the ,lord "Yes" or after U the word "No." All marks, except the cross " are forbidden. All distinguishing marks 'f or erasures are forbidden ~~and make the ball; of it voidTH YOU WRONGLY . rA_M , TKLR lnrv DE AI CE "TFIS E -LLO , RETURN 1T TO TEE i-N-ISPECTOIR OF fe ELECTION +nTr oR ~T~l,i+T n,zaoT~t^~~l~EI . ~ . af,IMIT7CI!RLL TICKET. , "LOS Gr_TCS MUNICIPAL SPE''CirL E'LLC` ION t Special election submit -Lng to to •i o ' . -v_ _ ff voters of the Tot q of L•o: Gatos, County of Santa Clare,, "State of California, the following propositions, to it. ff_roposition No. l: Shall the TctvrT of Los "Gatos incur a bonded indebtedness of Ten 'Thousand Dollars (1q",310,000) in gold coin) of 41 the United Mates of America for the object "ana,puPpvse of paying the cost of the acqui- "si tion, construction and comuletion of a Tom : Yes "Hal and the recesaary land on which to lo- Gate v. the s&me, it and for the Town of Los 'Gatos;---------- No "Rroposition 'Faa Shall the Toni of "Los Gatos ijacur a ,d. i, , s+s of Si? 1housana Dollars in gold coin of the "T "United States of Aaerica for the purpose of sfpaying the cost of the acquisition of land ff f or public park and play ground c;•urpese.s and ,cony other use necessary or co!7vanient to f•c _ ~~,rr: out the objects, purposes and powers Ves ° afoI' said mid icipality, and the acquisition, i-co struetion and e m)letion on said land of to Tark and play ground. No 7r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2b 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "Proposition NO.. Shall- the To`m of Los "Gatos incur a bcnded indebtedness of Thirty ¢'Thousand Dollars (1-70,000) in gold coin Of "the united States of tinerica for the object 11 and purpose of paying the cost of the acaui- ¢9u ti;n, construction and completion of a re- "'-Jef sewer, two outlet se:rers,y)i• P u ~)~r$ )3 3 ~ 'one of said outlet If sewers to be ill and for the East side of said for:'n and the other in and for the ',Vest "side thereof;) with necessary manholes, rights of way and appurtenances therefor, and a sew- age disposal plant, together with the neces- `¢sary rights of i,-ay and land therefor, for the "purpose of carrying off and disposing of the sssetivao-e of said tom "Prorosi Lion No. 4: Shall the Tom of Los "Gatos incur a bonded indebtedness of Thirty "Five Thousand Dollars {`x.v5,000) in gold coin "of the united States of America,for the ob- " j ect and purpose of paring Forty per cent, " (4C';u) of the cost of the acquisition, con - "struction and completion of the following. street -pork, to wit: The construction of cola- "c"ete curbs and gutters, where the sane are ee not already built to official o-wade, along "each side, and svff-iGent drains for the -prop- I'er drainage, and the grading and paving with r¢ oGie and one half inch (1- ) asphaltic 'searing e¢ surface upon a f our and one half inch {4. concrete- ba' se' o~ h'6' following., named streets and portions thereof in the To,,,tn of Los Gatos, "to wit: San Jose Avenue fro=-,i the IIortherly timer'aYl 1_k1ts o its junction with ~.a3n greet, "1',ain Street from its junct o- with San Jose "avenue on the East to the Westerly line of "Bay View i-,venue Santa Cruz Avenue from a ¢¢line drawn across said tvenue at fight ell~Ties "thereto Six hund'ed (600) feet Southerly from "the intersection of said avenue witr the "Southerlti line of Broadway Lvenue, thence to "the; Northerly line of Saratoga. Lvenue; and Saratoga Avenue from the Vesterly line of Santa "Cruz rvemue to the '',desterly T.oim l_i' its: and1 "the cons truction of concrete curbs and gutters I' as aforesaid alG?i-2 each side., and the grading and Davir_g as aforesaid, of all streets ir_ter ¢4 secting _ said above na-ed "streets w t-izn the boundaries thereof above given., to the out side boundary li-?es, also "cliled the -:erty lines, of said above ¢¢nar°ed streL respeotivel j c _~u across "all intersecting streets. E±c€ating, however, "from all of the aforesaid work, such portion "thereof as is re,ouire'd by law to be kept in ncrder or reapir by any person or company hav- "i g railroad tracers thereon. _as Y,i 0 es is o 6¢r1,,y Voter s~ ?`r X ~ yk~ r KRIS i;txq ,tr t may vote for or against any one or XI T,'!orG than one.:or a1? ewe' said rroposi tions. 8. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S7 28 29 30 31 32 ,section „o - nd it is further ordered and orr_ia4ned that any voter who desires to vote ffor and in favor o a prpp- osition to incur a. bended indebtedness as aforesaid, and to accept such preposition Rlay do so at sa -Ld special election by stagy'=ping a cross in the otin- square at the i_zht hand margin vi 171is ballot and after and opposite t ]-o Nord "Yes," atte.r and opposite the proDositi nal'71 7:nich he accepts, ar-A aft°„r said ballet small have been se stamTred and shall be deposited ilea the ballot box it shall be canvassed and counted as reauired by la --w as a vote in flavor of said prop- rsition and accenting; the, same 3 and that any voter .iho do- sires to vote aainst a .rOp0sition to in-curb a bonded i de , edness, as aforesaid, and to reject such proposition May do so at said special election by stam'ping a cross IkX) in the v ' ing sd'71are on the _°'igl".t hand r3ar ? ? f his ballot after and 6pposlte the T9'Ord "No," :.,flter and Opposite the prop0- si ti on 'rahi cb_. he rejects, and after such ballot be so stamped and sllall be deposited in the ballet box- it shall b,,?, oanvassea l _ . ,ou."'_God, J,., ov_., i c S t elL prcpcs3tionand. ejectinE the sa .e, and that c;,n -i?Otcr or iciy 'o i e f o..,, aEai1St -,nv one, --r more than one" Or all... said pr~r p>,~itic-=ls . Said shall be rad nl ituh a 7ta.r?lr t: icYty,l Ize YiecG-SSary pads anCi. in.u.g"~1-11 bt- prO-,7ided for each booth for tile rurpoze. Section . This Ordina--nce shall be, and it is hereby - 00 n ordered published once a S eh for, two eves in the ~ u f_~, .r 3'^a_,,,r i 1T:31~c,l c.cl C3. I'-^ culac, on published less- than six (6) days a wee)^ is such '!"i7t? cip;a.lity, to ?tit: published Ci`!.oe a wee ilk 71171' "PoT 1' +.he'e bairg no newspaper 71711 Said 1Ci7.. published oftt-.-er than once Ca a a :;eel., an.a 1i;e said. r 9. 2 3 4 5 6 1 i 7 g 10 11 12 13 I~ 14 +i 15 f 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 newspaper having been regularly p,ablished weekly for more than one year last past within said Teen of Los Gatos, and i having been during all said time and berg now a newspaper o= general circulation. The first publication of said ordinance shall of Septe ben , A. . , 1912; appear on ~ y~~g~, he/Aith day t second publication of said ordinance shall appear on , the PlAth day of September, A. D., 1912; the third publication of said ordinance shall appear o ie' the &7th day of September, A. D.,,, 19121,-in the satl Fo other noticeof said election need be given. SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall take effect and' be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Introduced and read in full the 4th dad= of Septe':ber; A. D., 10-12, at a regular meeting of the'-B6ard of T"-ra: Bet of the Torn of Los Gatos held at the Town Hall in said Town on the 4th day of September, 1912. 'gassed and adopted as an ordinance of the Ton of Los Gatos at a regular meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of said Town held t the Town Hall in said Town on the day of September,~with and by the following v oi;ey Uo wit-- Ages and in favor of the passage of said Ordinance, Trustees- Imes, Trustees: ~G✓!~G~ d Absent, Tr;astees.: C~~ f < ~l 1~'/C-~_ 1 i 2 1 3 4 i i 5 6 I 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 1d i 15 16 17 i I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 Signed, attested and approved: as an: Ordinance of the Torn of Los Gatos e on, this /gi h day of Septem-bere x:91 20 s resideia.t of the Board of Trustees of the mown of Lo Gatos, ATTEST. Glerk of the Town o os Gatos, I hereoyr approve the aaoVe and foregoing ordinance ' thisBfith days of September,,, A< Da" 1912. President of the Board o-f Este of the Town of Los -Gatos as 1-11x.