Ord 077-GOVERNING THE LAYING OF PIPES IN THE STREETS AND THOROUGHFARES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PROVIDING FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOFORDTD?ANCE N0.77, An Ordinance Governa:ng the Laying of pipes in tk.e s~:r~~'ets and tho~tiuughfares in the To,vn of 7,os Gatos and providing for the viol- ation thereof. The •,oard of TrListees of t'^e Tot~rn of T,os Gatos do ~~~~~ ~~ orelaln ;as follows. Sectmon 1. Any ineki:vidua.l or company no~rr supplying or de-siring to supply the :Co~.vn of Los Gatos, or the inhabitants therei wa.th eithy:water of artificial light may use the streets and thorough- fares of the Town of Los-~atos by 1a.ying dolvn pipes or conduits therein and massing connecY,ion trieretivith so far as may bo nec sary for introduceng into and supplying said to~rm or its inhabitants the reof, by complying wi t;h the following regu•:Iratons, cec~tian 2< All excavations rgade in .any, st-rest or thot•oughfare i;n the "Town of Lo c,atos, shall be ma-de under the di;reetion of the Strec;t Supertendsnt o.f said towns and said excavations on laid ~#z~t~a_oz streets or thoroughfare l shall be replace d in as good and pe @n ant a condition as ss;cl streets or th~roughPares were befoxa the mailing of the excavations. Section 3. ~~Ihe~ever any exasvations shall be ma.:de in any street or thoroughfare in the Town of Los „atos;;pr whenaver~the breaksfing of pi'pesee,,~o~~.~r//J/ conduits owned by an/ inc;vidual or company ., S"a c~ (~/u~4 ~ ~ . ?~w r.~-PeQ ~? ens ~c ~ ;~~~~ lfYY,c w ~~ a r~/ .~~%~-Q~- using the streets or thorou~hs~~it shall be tale duty of the individual om company using said streets: ror tho~ou~hfa.res,, ti :place x~~tau~~ obstructions a~ounrl such excavations; or such placss in the streets and thoroughfares bhat are dangerous to the public e~:used by such excavator~,~ or injuri•es~ or breaking :~Jif pipes or mains as will gi-ve warzz,~::rig to the public ~~ # of the condition in ~r~hich ;said strae is remain at th~;t tine, Ry night in addition to the. obstrueti,ons placed around such excavations or dangerous places =1~ in the streets or thoroughfares of said town1 there shall be pa,aced a. sufficent- number of l~nternslo.r other artificial lightSas ~.vall Y;ive ample notice and warning to a;ll travelers, - , And any individual o~ compan~,us:i.ng the streets or thorougl~w fares of tYie Town of Los ratos~and refusing anal neglecting to Rlace,__li.~ht s ox. o'nat~-ucr one around such excavations or dangerous p].a;ces as aforesaid shall be liable to any per. son or persons, for all damages or expense which he or they, may sustain by reason of s~cYx,negligenee~ and. it is hereby made prima-facia e~(idence of negligence on the pt~rt of such individual or company .refusing or neglecting to, place lights or obstructions around excavations or dangerous places. Section 4. Whenever the street Superten<dent of the Town of Los Gatos, shall discover any low or sunken placas~where excauatioy~s have been ruade by an:~ individual ar company use^~ng the streets or thoroughfares of the Town: of Los Gatos ~ for layingo~' pipes; on~+ Y conduits therein an<v shall notify laid individual or comp-any or their rez~xssan~ffi~~g~a~ representative of such sunken or dangerous pla.ees~ std by such exeavatrons,~ ~shal.l be the duty o.f said .. ~.~,.... U, inc3iv~,dual or company bo immediately replace said street or thoroug~ai fr~.re in as goad a condition as it was before the excavation was iv. made,. and should tl~Le individual or company using .said streets or thoaza~ughfare refuse or ~~e:~l:eet for a period of ttivEntyfour hours to replace said. streei;s or thoroughfares in aGsl.~g.ood and pexrriona~-,t a condition as previous to the excavations/, ~~3~~-, ~~? it shall be the duty of the Strse t Superen endext t,Q mmediatoly replace sai d ristreets or thoroughfares in a:s good and permenant a condition as before the exeavat io''ns ~ /~ and upon doing sod present .his bil 1 for the services. rendered to the individual or company ,in fault,, and if not paid imrnediate.ly to proceed to collect said sum from said r; _ ~ndx'xk~tuzx3c -2~ t' ._ ~fi a ,` individual or company, by suit or oche rwise. S~~~}~~ 5, ~~~ ~oard of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos he~raby reserve in tnhe center of all streets or' thoroughfares alleys or plae:es,twelve feet in the center thexrt:of for the purpose of laying ~ewors. ~e.eton 6, All ox~~di~anees or parts of ordinances in ~anfliet :herewith are hereby re:pealed,., ___. _ -,~ec~tion' Ga 7'hi s orcliiva;iicE shall: be ~n~fbrcec~ f~orim and 't ' ~ .=f after its passage , i~pZ~. ro val and publi cat ions / ~;..Sjy, ~- ~;-p, fi °~ ~~ .. ~ jk~ Past ed° th s seventh day of October,189-5, ~`..,} ~:~ ~ ,,., ;Y ~%` p r~ (~,, ,..~. ~ ' ( xr~1 „ i; ~ Noes , / ~-~-~ ~ ~') $~ Absent, App rage d, ' ~.. ~~ ja.~ w o _ _~_ _ Preside,~;~of the ~3oardu Town Clerk,