Ord 067-TO PROMOTE THE SAFETY AND SECURITY TO PUBLIC TRAVEL BY PROHIBITING THE BEATING OF DRUMS AND CERTAIN OTHER NOISESt ~ r')r /' I) : r ,'~~ ~ f. ~' ~ I e`' ') 0: I$ I? I AF A N C E N -0 . 6'7` 2 %a I ~i~ -! ,r .`-~~ ~ ,r,,~An ©rd~inance to promote safety and security to publo travel by pro:hi:bti:ng-the beating ,©~' drtun"S, and certain other 3 y~•~ ?`r~e~tse~g, on the- traveled streets ,or-av~+nus's of the Town of I,os ;~ ti ~ G~~tg~q, w~.t~aout spenal permi s~3.on therefgr, and autizoriaing ~ °'~ ~ :such pe:rmi.ssi,.on in certain cases, $nd fi,x~,ng^~he.psnalty: i'or the',.violatioxi therao~; J '' .; -. .- ~ • ~ 6 Th® Board of Trustees vf` the Town o:f I,os Cato,s do ©:rda-n 7 Section-l,~- ~ p©r ;~, mexe ;effectual, control of t}~e Streets and. Avenues ~'of~the-Tm!sn of,:Io.s G8.°to.a an-behalf•of aa,~'c~Y and :ser 8 ••cux~l;tyy tv trav'~7, tkieresan, ~it ~ e hea+~eby made ~ unlawful for anY person ,~o.r' persons', to beat: a~iY drum or drums, or any s®uriding : g ~ instx~umemt, •ar to bl ow arip* horn, bugle., o r trumpet upon • any ®f th~s__traveled struts or avenues oaf s,~t?.d Toxm;, wit}put a l0 spacial.. permi~:€~i.on:in writing,. first had :and obtained from the pt~cas+atudx• presi dent of lbhz Board o#' Trustees of said Town, 1 ~ wh~jiQ~a p.erm3. t t hg pre s dent of s aid. Bo and may grant whenev:ex, in, hi s- ~udgrnent , the issuance. of ~he.~ same- shall. n©.t; ;confl:cst 12 with '~~ ~~•~''~' ~~~~ l~'~r oses oi"-.thi.s`'ordinanoe, and not other wi:sA; provided th~;:t said permit shall. specify 'the tyre ~rh~n, + 13 ` .and th® strut or avenue erhere, arty of s-a3d instruments shal;1 -b~_ so _tiood as- s~oresaid, And no person or persons shrill ):g hereafter best arty drum or drums, or anY sounding instrument o~ °blotis arty horn,: bugle or trumpet in om upon any portion of 15 any trav~l.ed: ,s.tra.et or avenue of said. Town; without;--such:sai:d peels] permvt so obtained as aforesaid. Seetio~ 11.,x• Any and. every` violation of aar~ of the proVi ions 16 of ?~hi4s ordnance is herby declared to be a misd®me~,nor., .and she,11 be,,pun~.sliable by a g fine of not less tl~n.. 7 twe°1ved0l~.a~ri~ nor more than one. hix~dred dollars, or by m~ p~°i.sonrnent in the bounty Jail of Santa C1$ra County for riflt lE3 .~:~.ess~tYian tho~~ days nor more than fifty days. Sea:t i one x.11, •- All ordina:nae s o r par~te o:f ordinances a,'n aom- l0 fl~:et hea^ewith are hereby .repealed, Section 1V.~This ordinaixse sha11 take e~~'e;i~t ~z~om and after 2U ~, t~s pas~ge; approval and : --~~.,~-~~~~~/.~ri~. Paast~ai .this ~,st,. d{ay of J'tz1,y,1895 21 22 ~3 2~ 25 2 ti ~r C~,.j CA AYQS-;C/ ~~l_''y"r r-t F%G'1r~~-2, ~~ r , ~'t ~J,Q',L,-tir ` ~~- 1~T4.ea- YL,G''-7it~~ Approved- ;~, -~~J , .President q:i' Board:, Atte t ,~Q/~~'~ G'tFY: ~~ 9 • t . • e • • e ~ .- m~ h-:~s .b Tam, alerx. .._,»~-