1949-11-Preliminary Decision Under Division 4 Of The Streets And Highways Code-Maraposa Avenue:y mr {+ F# EOL.UTION NO, // 114AMUMMARY 7MAXIXATZtMANWDZRRCTING o u"n NOTICK, IN Smoot RWRM*W' UA60M Mn la L OF THS :MR MTq AIM 1QdWAYS COM. MARIPOSA AVENUE RESOLVEDO by the Town Council of the 'Town of Les D Umm santa Clara county► California► that the public interest add eonven.ienaoo require and that It to the intention of this Couneil to aequire and construct eertain iv@rovss=ts 1n and for said Towns the general nature, location and extent of which are as follows o 1. That Mariposa Avenue between Santa Cruz Avenue and the westerly Town boundary, including intersections, be improved by grading and constructing therein water -bound rock macadam base pavement with asphalt concrete wearing surface, cement concrete monolithic vertical face curbs and gutters, and vitrified clay pipe sewer house laterals, In accordance with standard plans and specifications of said Town on file in the office of the Town Clerk. 2, The cost of said work after contributions► will be assessed upon a dintrict benefitsd, the exterior boundaries of which are the coterminous exterior boundary of the aowposlte Y or frail W"tttM aat ead 4*pPOVOWWU# a 04 0 to Im filo LA ww et! *0 at tm ?PIMA! c'lark# 3• That to '1 "m will sa*MtrV.MMM" Ow at *two Np tfWLjjtUW aaad isStWOMPOt' 00"WO.i "A s NO %& , *e Ow *** at the payttib: work A* Ow VOOMINSION 00t 00 UIKW 10 be tram rm4M t*a taut rdaft t4r paving WWW to be 4010 GO LOM Alft +t'W MWo VA""" Aen WAW arW V%iVI rs#ty ArrsMOO be"M to tbo total ssst st p"Aft Work to be IIUM W oar ONJA NMt v"to ad alas s.1da414 ate, %Asa4 M AV**"* *a►tlsy +tswit IM# WVOISW A.iaf n SM JJOWs r XMIO. •. 5AIA &rquia£Yien rind Ea t*caue 8s trUl be hat %aftr aasn�e s to %4 tai:eu by the "it-*' taaes""t to tANA :s M9tji!'o t jut of 1qj� aqa tAt Will be L*W- at UVOR NO UPPIi 4*ma4tomt9 ptm+rtraraat is the ;Y.WW t ieAd Ad% at IMdp to tom' Interest *t at PaU of not to Ozoead SU Per 44" (6�j pw *4#M a and aar+tuare Is tft (10) 00081 sNMI *0140*4 at tM ead4u3*1%1 aao 4" DOS8tV'1I:i:MW WUl AOt 400604 VO lam- "tleaa "t " In DIVIS14m 4 +a!' "wN a" AMS%Nwgu @arlarpr #VA 6. °lbAt aw TOM Clerk of ULU ft M- I is 1NNw"w At WOUA to MaaU V" par d iiogte giving Imus t or the ris"ma apart rrtooeut ars"m of tlrls cem".f.1 3s roUlie t 'Iipypwr too an prWrIfta to f a►t T at DIVt is m 4 of said cots. at • • � r s I MWQIW ~Xlft 11* X14 AbOft OVA ft"Olft "MUOUM 447 a" roomINVU W thw Tbm O*wwAl of We ftm or u* sat" at a "*dw *"am twreo hat " vo is* ow m4sENTO c oe"t 11 s � -�— 40,t. tw A,t fwp i