3.1 AddendumCOUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: JANUARY 29, 2016 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 02/02/16 ITEM NO: 3. 1 FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: ENDORSE THE DRAFT PREFERRED ALLOCATION OF 2016 TRANSPORTATION SALES TAX MEASURE FUNDS WITH DISCRETION FOR THE MAYOR AND TOWN MANAGER TO ADVOCATE THE TOWN'S POSITION AND REFINE THE DRAFT ALLOCATION IN COORDINATION WITH NINE WEST AND NORTH VALLEY CITIES. REMARKS: After the staff report was prepared for distribution, staff received an inquiry on the subject of this agenda item. The Council Report for this item has been structured with a subject, a staff recommendation and alternatives. It is the Town's practice for the subject and recommendation to match. The purpose of this addendum is to recognize that this report could have been structured differently by asking for Council input without providing a staff recommendation. In this case, staff provided a recommendation because of their involvement and experience in the transportation topic. The staff recommendation provides one option for the Council to consider. As with all agenda items, it is the Council's purview to pursue the recommendation, alternatives that have been provided by staff, or other alternatives the Council may identify. Staff structured the report with a single recommendation and additional alternatives. Together those include: • Supporting the draft allocation • Supporting the draft allocation with authority for the Mayor and Manager to modify it (the staff recommendation in the report) • Do not support the allocation. • Another alternative developed by the Council PREPARED BY: MATT MORLEY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Finance PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ENDORSE THE DRAFT PREFERRED ALLOCATION OF 2016 TRANSPORTATION '1 SALES TAX MEASURE FUNDS WITH DISCRETION FOR THE MAYOR AND TOWN MANAGER TO ADVOCATE THE TOWN'S POSITION AND REFINE THE DRAFT ALLOCATION IN COORDINATION WITH NINE WEST AND NORTH VALLEY CITIES JANUARY 29, 2016 REMARKS (cont'd): In the case of this agenda item some discussion occurred between the Mayor (as a Town representative at the North and West Valley Cities meetings) and staff on this agenda item. The intent from the staff perspective was to provide a staff report that included the information gathered by attendees to the North and West Valley Cities meetings while also providing a starting point for the discussion which is based on staffs professional judgement. The Mayor and Council have the purview to consider and discuss staff's recommendation and/or any of the options referenced above and provide staff with specific direction on how to proceed. .-,