Council Agenda Report - Council RetreatDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT FEBRUARY 5, 2014 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL G; GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER 2014 TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT RECOMMENDATION: MEETING DATE: 02 -10 -14 COUNCIL RETREAT Provide direction on changes on the previously adopted 2013 — 2015 Strategic Goal matrix, including removal of completed items, changes to continuing items and additions of new priorities, if any, for preparation of the 2014 -2016 Strategic Goal matrix. BACKGROUND: Each year since 2010, the Town Council has adopted strategic goals for a two -year period. Inmost years, the Council considered updates to the strategic goals in a retreat session and last year, the Council reviewed the goals as part of the mid -year budget discussion. This year, the Council is holding a separate retreat session to discuss the strategic goals for 2014 — 2016. The strategic goals represent special, priority issues to address during the two -year time period, and are in addition to the Town's ongoing core services which account for approximately 80% of staff resources. In addition to the strategic goal matrix, staff also began using a work plan that schedules the projects on the goal matrix for Council agendas, pursuant to Council member Barbara Spector's request during her term as Mayor last year. DISCUSSION: 2013 -2015 Strategic Goal Matrix Attachment 1 is the 2013 -2015 Strategic Goal matrix including the status of each item. Council will note that some of the items have been completed noted in red), others are in progress (noted in green) PREPARED BY: PAMELA JACOBS fJ u-1, ucok'D ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER Reviewed by: ,Assistant Town Manager own Attorney Finance C\Usm \pjacobs\Desktop\2014 Council Retreat Staff Report.doc PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 2014 TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 2014 and some are pending (noted in blue). Staff is recommending that the completed items be removed from the goal matrix. In two cases, one part of the goal has been completed and staff recommends removing the completed item and keeping the remainder on the matrix unless it is no longer a priority. The completed items include: Community Character • Consider regulating single -use bags (remainder of goal to stay on the matrix) • Adopt AHOZ, emergency shelter zoning and multi - family CUP policies as required by the Housing Element Good Governance ■ Update story pole policy to ensure public notice and engagement on pending projects Fiscal Stability • Evaluate the impact of the expiration of the Parking Assessment District on the downtown parking supply Quality Public Infrastructure • Finalize lease negotiations with the Museums of Los Gatos and Friends of the Library for use of the vacated library space • Adopt "Complete Streets Policy" that supports a balanced, multimodal transportation network Civic Enrichment ■ Review library customer service standards (remainder of goal to stay on the matrix) Public Safety • Develop regulations regarding the commercial sale of firearms in Town • Conduct Town -wide speed survey using grant funding provided through MTC Two of the completed items have evolved into subsequent phases. One is the item related to the Parking Assessment District. Per Council direction, staff is facilitating ongoing discussions with property owners and businesses to identify short and long term measures to enhance the downtown parking supply. Staff facilitation of this privately -led effort could be included on the goal matrix. The second item is the lease negotiations with the Museums and the Friends. While the leases are finalized, the Town work to complete the capital improvements in the facility for which the Town is responsible is included in the Town's Capital Improvement Program. In addition, the Museum would like to re -open lease negotiations to delay any payment of utility costs for two to three years after the Museum opens. Alternatively, staff is including separate metering of electric usage in the capital project to ensure that the Museum and Friends are responsible for only the electricity they use. PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 2014 TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 2014 Draft 2014 Work Plan Most items that are in progress or pending are included on Attachment 2, Draft 2014 Work Plan Issues for Prioritization and Scheduling. The work plan also includes a few issues /projects that are not reflected on the Strategic Goal matrix, but are high profile projects or land use applications requiring significant staff work and Council review (i.e., Albright Election Action, Hillbrook CUP amendment). Not included on the work plan are other development projects either underway or anticipated this year. These include projects such as CVS, Knowles, Elks Lodge, and Twin Oaks. While managing these projects is considered an ongoing core service, they often require extraordinary staff, management and Council time. Proposed Council and Staff Issues for 2014 Work Plan Attachment 4 is a list of proposed issues for prioritization and potential inclusion on the 2014 — 2016 Strategic Goal Matrix and the 2014 Work Plan. Council proposals appear in black type and staff proposals are in blue. In some cases, the scope of the issue is not defined and staff suggests a range for the level of staff work and review that could be involved. Because a number of these items are challenging and /or complex, it is likely that Council agendas may only accommodate one or two at a time. In addition, unanticipated priority issues often arise through the course of any fiscal year. Staff capacity is limited to undertake all or even several of new projects and issues, on top of ongoing strategic goal priorities and day -to -day core services. Staff is seeking Council direction on potential adjustments to the Strategic Goal matrix and/or the 2014 work plan list of projects to reflect Council priorities. Adjustments could include delaying projects on the Strategic Goal matrix or the work plan list, and/or adding new projects /issues from the proposed Council and staff lists. Please note that some projects /issues have timeframes that are outside the Town's control (e.g. Housing Element update), which must be taken into account when setting priorities. CONCLUSION: The 2014 Council retreat presents an opportunity to update the 2013 -2015 Strategic Goal matrix to reflect Council priorities for 2014 -2016. Staff is recommending that completed projects be removed from the Strategic Goal matrix, and that Council consider which projects on the existing matrix can be adjusted, if any, and which projects /issues from the proposed list should be added, if any. Based on Council consensus or majority, staff will update the Strategic Goal matrix and the 2014 Work Plan and return to Council for adoption of the Strategic Goal matrix with the FY 2014 -15 budget. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 2014 TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 2014 FISCAL IMPACT: Resources to update the Strategic Goal matrix and the Work Plan are available in the operating budget for the Town Manager's Office. Any needed resources to undertake new priority projects /issues will be included in the proposed FY 2014 -15 Operating Budget. Attachments: 1. 2013 -2015 Strategic Goal Matrix Status 2. Draft 2014 Work Plan Issues for Prioritization and Scheduling 3. Proposed Council and Staff Issues for 2014 Work Plan