Item 5 Attachments 1-4ORDINANCE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RESCINDING ORDINANCES 1247,1366, AND 1955 AND AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE EFFECTING A ZONE CHANGE FROM CM:PD TO CM:PD AT 90 -160 ALBRIGHT WAY AND 14600 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD (APNS: 424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, 063 ) THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to rescind Ordinances 1247, 1366, and 1955 and to change the Zoning at 90 — 160 (Ninety to One Hundred and Sixty) Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard as shown on the map which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and is part of this Ordinance (the "Property ") from CM:PD (Controlled Manufacturing, Planned Development) to CM:PD (Controlled Manufacturing, Planned Development). APN's 424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, 063. SECTION H The PD (Planned Development Overlay) zone established by this Ordinance (the "PD Overlay") authorizes the following construction and use of improvements: 1. The development of the Property could include up to a maximum of 485,000 square feet of office/R &D space (including office serving amenities), one parking garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and open space. ATTACHKMT 1 �. T T— pI'rntted nn ^ermitted are: erad . 1p Permitted Uses: • Office, including corporate, administrative, business, and professional offices, but excluding medical and dental offices; Light manufacturing, light assembly, research and development, wholesaling, warehousing, and other light industrial uses (including indoor storage of materials and products); and • Office serving uses designed to primarily serve those employed at the site or visiting the site for other business purposes, such as: recreational facilities; conference and training facilities; restaurants, cafeterias, and other eating establishments; health and wellness facilities; and ancillary uses such as on -site banking, ATMs, private post offices, personal services (such as dry cleaning pick up), and similar support uses. These office serving and ancillary uses shall not be available to the general public. Conditional Uses: • No conditionally permitted uses are allowed SECTION III COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All provisions of the Town Code apply, except when the Official Development Plan (as defined in Section V), and/or this ordinance specifically indicate otherwise. 2- SECTION IV Regardless of the type of permit, Architecture and Site Approval is required before any construction work for the project is performed and before any permit for construction is issued. Construction permits shall only be issued in a manner complying with Section 29.80.130 (Architecture and Site Approval) of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION V The attached Exhibit A (Map) and Exhibit B (Development Plans received by the Town of Los Gatos on June 13, 2013 (21 sheets) constitute the Official Development Plan. The following must be complied with before issuance of any grading, demolition or construction permits, unless otherwise stated below. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the performance standards listed below and the Official Development Plan. Any further changes or modifications made to the Official Development Plan shall be approved by the Community Development Director, Development Review Committee, Planning Commission or the Town Council, depending on the scope of the change(s). 2. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third parry to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the 3 approval. 3. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE (A &S) APPROVAL REQUIRED: A separate A &S application shall be required for the project. The A &S application shall be referred to Planning Commission for a recommendation to Town Council. Town Council shall make the final determination on A &S applications. 4. COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES: A &S applications shall be reviewed for compliance with the Common Design Guidelines of the Commercial Design Guidelines. 5. GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR LAND USE NEAR STREAMS: A &S applications shall be reviewed for compliance with applicable sections of the Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams. 6. SUBDIVISION REQUIRED: A subdivision map application shall be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. The Development Review Committee may be the deciding i body for the tentative map. 7. BUILDING COMPOSITION: The project shall not exceed 485,000 square feet of office/R &D space, inclusive of any indoor conference facilities, cafeteria, fitness center or other amenities. 8. BUILDING HEIGHT: The maximum all inclusive height of the buildings shall be as follows: • Building 1 — 50' (fifty feet) • Building 2 — 65' (sixty five feet) • Building 3 — 65' (sixty five feet) • Building 4 — 50' (fifty feet) • Parking Garage 35' (thirty five feet), exclusive of tower elements, elevator overrun structures, and other similar architectural elements. rd 9. SETBACKS: Minimum setbacks are as set forth on Sheet A -04 of the Official Development Plan (Exhibit B). 10. LOT COVERAGE: Maximum lot coverage for both buildings and parking structures is limited to 50% of the lot area. 11. OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS: The Official Development Plan provides the permitted development parameters applicable to the property. Final building designs in compliance with the Official Development Plan shall be determined during the A &S Approval process. 12. WATER EFFICIENCY: This project is subject to the Town's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, Chapter 26, Article IV of the Town Code, or the State Model Water Efficiency Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. A fee as established by Town Council resolution shall be paid when the landscape, irrigation plans and water calculations are submitted for review prior to the issuance of building permit. 13. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum, in compliance with standard Town practice, shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit and final subdivision map detailing how the performance standards will be addressed. 14. LANDSCAPE PLAN: The final landscape plan shall be reviewed by a restoration ecologist for compliance with the Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams prior to the issuance of a building permit. All Tree Protection measures recommended by the Consulting Arborist in reports dated February 18, 2011, December 18, 2012, and January 16, 2013, shall be followed. 15. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for trees approved for removal prior to the issuance of any permits. 5 lc TDL'p li. U M TNU-- F , plce t 0, &'p tine of— istlnQ trees and 1_ 1 L:,:-11. ad a D shall remain through all phases of construction. Fencing shall be six foot high cyclone (chain link) attached to two -inch diameter steel posts drive 18 inches into the ground and spaced no further than 10 feet apart. Include a tree protection fencing plan with the construction plans. 17. RECYCLING: Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, the developer shall provide the Community Development Director with written notice of the company that will be recycling the building materials. All wood, metal, glass, and aluminum materials generated from the demolished structure shall be deposited to a company that will recycle the materials. Receipts from the company(s) accepting these materials, noting type and weight of material, shall be submitted to the Town prior to the Town's demolition inspection. 18. PARKING: The minimum parking ratio for the project is 3.3 spaces /1000 square feet. Wheel stops may be used in the parking garages where deemed appropriate and necessary for safety. Wheel stops shall not be used in any surface parking areas. Parking spaces shall be double striped per Town standards. 19. NETWORK ACCESS: Network access shall be provided in the outdoor common areas, to allow people to work outside. 20. PROJECT PHASING: The project may be constructed in phases. If the applicant/developer elects to build the project in phases, then any undeveloped site(s) for future phase(s) shall include provisions for landscaping and other attractive low maintenance improvements, and security and maintenance of any undeveloped land to be developed under future phases. 21. DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES: The developer is required by law to pay development impact fees to the Los Gatos Union School District (LGUSD) and the Los Gatos - Saratoga Union High School District (LGSUHSD) at the time of the building permit issuance. 2 22. LANDSCAPE SCREENING: All buildings and parking structures shall be significantly buffered from Winchester Boulevard and adjacent properties by the existing and proposed tree screen as shown on the Planting Plan. All healthy redwoods and other significant trees along the Winchester Boulevard frontage screen shall be retained except for those that would be removed with the construction of the new signalized project entry or other required roadway improvements as shown on the Tree Disposition Plan. The proposed parking structure would also be screened by the existing vegetation and additional landscaping as shown on the Planting Plan. 23. PERIMETER TREES: The proposed trees to be planted along the perimeter of the property shall be planted during the first phase of construction. 24. TREE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: The applicant shall enter into a Tree Maintenance Agreement with the Town for five years for the twelve proposed trees to be transplanted. Should any of the transplanted trees die, the applicant will be required to replace them with trees that are 48 -inch box size at a minimum. 25. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3 -2, PROTECTION OF NESTING SPECIAL - STATUS AND MIGRATORY BIRDS: In order to avoid impacts to special - status and migratory bird species during project implementation, the measures outlined below shall be implemented. With the incorporation of the following measures, significant impacts on these species would be avoided: a. The removal of trees and shrubs shall be minimized to the extent feasible. b. If tree removal, pruning, grubbing and demolition activities are necessary, such activities shall be conducted outside of the breeding season (i.e., between September 1 and January 31), to avoid impacts to nesting birds. c. If tree removal, pruning, grubbing and demolition activities are scheduled to commence 7 a- e U' rd breedirc Sea50u ri bet`; __ Febru =' 1 and uriwg tuur J - preconstruction survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist no more than two weeks prior to the initiation of work. The preconstruction survey shall include the project footprint and up to a 300 -foot buffer, access and sight -lines permitting. If no active nests of migratory birds are found, work may proceed without restriction and no further measures are necessary. If work is delayed more than two weeks, the preconstruction survey shall be repeated, if determined necessary by the project biologist. d. If active nests (i.e. nests with eggs or young birds present, or hosting an actively breeding adult pair) of special - status or migratory birds are- detected, the project biologist shall designate non - disturbance buffers at a distance sufficient to minimize disturbance based on the nest location, topography, cover, species, and the type /duration of potential disturbance. No work shall occur within the non - disturbance buffers until the young have fledged, as determined by a qualified biologist. The appropriate buffer size shall be determined in cooperation with the CDFW and/or the USFWS. If, despite the establishment of a non - disturbance buffer it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. e. If project activities must occur within the non - disturbance buffer, a qualified biologist shall monitor the nest(s) to document that no take of the nest (i.e., nest failure) will result. If it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. 26. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3 -3, PROTECTION OF ROOSTING BATS: In order to avoid impacts to special - status bat species during project implementation, the measures outlined below shall be implemented. With the incorporation of the following measures, significant E:1 impacts on these species would be avoided. a. Prior to the removal or significant pruning of trees and the demolition of 90 Albright Way, a qualified bat biologist shall assess them for the potential to support roosting bats. Suitable bat roosting sites include trees with snags, rotten stumps, and decadent trees with broken limbs, exfoliating bark, cavities, and structures with cracks, joint seams and other openings to interior spaces. If there is no evidence of occupation by bats, work may proceed without further action. b. If suitable roosting habitat is present, the bat biologist shall recommend appropriate measures to prevent take of bats. Such measures may include exclusion and humane eviction (see `b" below) of bats roosting within structures during seasonal periods of peak activity (e.g., February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30), partial dismantling of structures to induce abandonment, or other appropriate measures. c. If bat roosts are identified on the site, the following measures shall be implemented: If non - breeding/migratory bats are identified on the site within a tree or building that is proposed for removal, then bats shall be passively excluded from the tree or building. This is generally accomplished by opening up the roost area to allow airflow through the cavity /crevice, or installing one -way doors. The bat biologist shall confirm that the bats have been excluded from the tree or building before it can be removed. If a maternity roost of a special - status bat species is detected, an appropriate non- disturbance buffer zone shall be established around the roost tree or building site, in consultation with the CDFW. Maternity roost sites may be demolished only when it has been determined by a qualified bat biologist that the nursery site is not occupied. Demolition of maternity roost sites may not be performed during seasonal periods of peak activity (e.g., February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30). E • NO additional mitigation for the loss of roostmg bat habitat ic, required. 27. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3 -6, CREEK PROTECTION: The following measures from the Town's adopted "Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams" would ensure that site construction and operation would not result in indirect adverse effects on the riparian and aquatic habitats or Los Gatos Creek: Measures to be Implemented During Project Construction a. Project construction activities shall be restricted to daylight hours; nighttime work shall not be permitted. b. Use of elevated flood lights shall not be perinitted;'any exterior lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. c. Dust control must be practiced during demolition and grading. d. The Town of Los Gatos routinely requires implementation of protective measures for all projects adjacent to stream courses. For all work adjacent to stream channels, best management practices (BMPs) shall be implemented to prevent bank erosion, sedimentation, release of contaminants, and accidental incursion by construction equipment below the tops of bank. Such measures may include' "installation of silt fencing, hay bales, straw wattles or other protective devices to prevent the downslope migration of silt or sediment from the construction site. Measures to be Implemented During Project Operation e. Post - construction BMPs incorporated into the project's drainage plan shall comply with Provision C.3.c of the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (see Impact 4.5 -5 in Section 4.3, Hydrology and Water Quality, for more discussion) to ensure that no significant adverse effects on water quality of Los Gatos Creek or the adjacent riparian habitat would result. 10 f. Exterior lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. g. Restrictions shall be in place to prevent the placement of pet food containers by employees outdoors in areas accessible to wildlife. h. Free - roaming domestic pets (e.g., cats, off -leash dogs) of employees shall not be permitted. i. All exterior trash receptacles shall be designed and maintained to exclude wildlife. j. All storm water treatment facilities must be in accordance with local and regional water quality standards to ensure there is no release of contaminants into the aquatic environment. 28. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -3a, FILL REMOVAL: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall require the removal of existing fill materials within proposed building excavations to a lateral distance of at least 5 feet beyond the building footprint or to a lateral distance equal to the fill depth below the perimeter footing, whichever is greater. Reuse of the fill materials shall only be allowed if they meet the requirements for engineered fill specified in the geotechnical report for the project. Materials such as debris, wood, and trash that do not meet the requirements shall be screened out of the fill materials and removed from the site. Fill materials shall be placed in lifts and compacted in accordance with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. While it is preferable to replace all existing fills with engineered fills, those fill materials extending into planned pavement and flat work areas (e.g. pedestrian concrete and pavers) may be left in place at the project sponsor's option. However, the project sponsor must determine that the fills are of low risk for future differential settlement and ensure that the 11 upper 12- to 1 °- ' f fill below the subgrade worked and compacted in accordance _1e 11e5 \ ` with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. 29. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -313, ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING UTILITIES: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that existing utilities are completely removed from all building areas. A utility may only be abandoned in place if it would not pose an unacceptable risk, and if approved by the geotechnical engineer. If abandoned in place, the utility'musvbe completely backfrlled with grout or sand - cement slurry and the ends outside of the building area must be capped with concrete. Trench fills must also be removed and replaced with engineered fill with the trench side slopes flattened to at least 1:1. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. 30. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -3C, EXCAVATION SAFETY: In accordance with the recommendations of the project- geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that the below grade excavations within the upper five feet below the building subgrade are sloped at 3:1 (vertical: horizontal) and that those deeper than five feet below the building subgrade as well as those excavations in pavement and flatwork areas are sloped at a maximum inclination of 1.5:1. Alternatively, temporary shoring may be used to support the excavations. The design of the shoring shall be left to the construction contractor's judgment, but shall comply with the standards set forth in the geotechnical report for the project. A California- licensed civil or structural engineer must design and be in charge of the temporary shoring design. 12 The shoring shall support adjacent improvements such as utilities, pavements, and buildings. A pre- condition survey shall be conducted including photographs and installation of monitoring points for existing site improvements. All sensitive improvements shall be located and monitored for horizontal and vertical deflections and distress cracking based on the pre - construction survey. For multi -level excavations, the installation of inclinometers at critical areas may be required for more detailed deflection monitoring. The monitoring frequency shall be established and agreed to by the project team prior to start of shoring construction. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. 31. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -31), IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS OF GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: The project sponsor shall implement all of the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, and any associated updates or revisions, related to review of plans and specifications for proposed buildings; demolition observation and testing; construction observation and testing; site demolition, clearing, and preparation; subgrade preparation; subgrade stabilization; material for fill; compaction requirements; trench backfill; site drainage; foundations; concrete slabs and pedestrian pavements; vehicular pavements; and retaining walls. 32. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.7 -1, ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS: Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the project applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department that the project complies with the following: a. Pursuant to the Town of Los Gatos Municipal Code Section 16.20.035, construction activities (including operation of haul and delivery trucks) shall occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Additionally, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.20.035(2) the Contractor 13 Shall de.......StSat° to the .,atrsfactton Qf the Tnl }n Q£ T Q� Gatnc Ruhl1e Ll /nrkc Department, that construction noise shall not exceed 85 dBA outside of the property line. This shall be accomplished through the use of properly maintained mufflers and other state - required noise attenuation devices. b. Property occupants located adjacent to the project boundary shall be sent a notice, at least 15 days prior to commencement of construction of each phase, regarding the construction schedule of the proposed project. A sign, legible at a distance of 50 feet shall also be posted at the project construction site. All notices and signs shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department prior to mailing or posting and shall indicate the dates and duration of construction activities, as well as provide a contact name for the contractor's Noise Disturbance Coordinator and a telephone number where residents can contact that person about the construction process and register complaints. c. The Contractor shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department, a qualified "Noise Disturbance Coordinator." The Disturbance Coordinator shall be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. When a complaint is received, the Disturbance Coordinator shall notify the Town within 24 -hours of the complaint and determine the cause of the noise complaint (e.g., starting too early, bad muffler, etc.) and shall implement reasonable measures to resolve the complaint, as deemed acceptable by the Public Works Department. d. Construction haul routes shall be designed to avoid noise sensitive uses (e.g., residences, convalescent homes, etc.) to the extent feasible and shall be restricted to collector streets in the project vicinity (i.e. Winchester Boulevard and Lark Avenue). 14 e. During construction, stationary construction equipment shall be placed such that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive noise receivers. 33. MITIGATION MEASURES 4.7 -2, VIBRATION CONTROLS: To prevent cosmetic damage to existing adjacent structures, the project contractor shall avoid use of large, truck- mounted vibratory compactors within 15 feet of adjacent structures, and shall not use any equipment that generates vibration levels that exceed 0.5 in/see PPV, the cosmetic damage threshold for transient vibration, when measured at the closest residential structures. 34. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.8 -1a, BAAQMD BASIC AND ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION MEASURES: Prior to issuance of any Grading or Demolition Permit, the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Grading Plan, Building Plans, and specifications stipulate that the following basic and enhanced construction mitigation measures shall be implemented as required by BAAQMD Guidelines while project phases are under construction: • Water all active construction areas to maintain 12% soil moisture. • All grading shall be suspended when winds exceed 20 miles per hour. • All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off -site shall be covered. • Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites. • Hydroseed or apply non -toxic soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). • Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply non -toxic soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). • All visible mud or dirt track -out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. Install sandbags or other erosion 15 u "v1m :It,,,rtoffw public madways. con .,.eas'w es to prevent s. p .. • Wind breaks and perimeter sand bags shall be used to minimize erosion. • The amount of simultaneously disturbed surface shall be minimized as much as possible. • Site access points from public roadways shall be paved or treated to prevent track -out. • Replace vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. • All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph. • All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. • Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to two minutes. Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points. • All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation. • Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the Town regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The BAAQMD's phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. 35. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.8 -113, BAAQMD ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS: Prior to issuance of any Building Permit, the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications include the following BAAQMD additional construction mitigation measures (during the application of architectural coatings in Years 3 and 4): • Use low volatile organic compounds (VOC) (i.e., reactive organic gases [ROG]) coatings beyond the BAAQMD requirements (i.e., Regulation 8, Rule 3: Architectural Coatings). Z VOC content of architectural coatings shall not exceed 150 grams VOC per liter of coating. 36. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.8 -1C, HAUL TRUCK VMT LIMITS: The following limitations shall be adhered to during soil hauling activities (during mass and fine grading) for construction Years 1 and 2 only in order to ensure NOX emissions would be reduced to less- than - significant levels: • Phase 1 (Year 1): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 1, shall not exceed a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per day during mass grading of 1,653 miles. • Phase 2 (Year 2): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 2 shall not travel more than 1,943 VMT. VMT during fine grading shall not exceed 545 miles (NOX mitigation is not necessary in Year 3). • Phase 3 (Years 4 and 5): No mitigation is necessary. Per BAAQMD policy, these travel distance limits are daily averages for a 7 -day week. VMT's shall be logged weekly and supplied to the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official on a monthly basis. These limitations shall be stipulated in construction bids, plans, and specifications. 37. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.9 -1, GHG REDUCTION MEASURES: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall demonstrate the incorporation of a combination (one or more) of sustainable project design features that would meet the EIR significance threshold of 4.6 MT CO2e /sp /year. The applicant's current proposal is to implement the GHG mitigation measures identified in Table 4.9 -2 of this EIR, which would achieve the reductions necessary to achieve the 4.6 MT CO2e /sp /year threshold. Those measures shall be carried out, except that, at the applicant's election and subject to approval by the Community 17 Development Director, the applicant may substitute nitPmnflve mPaCiirPC of e.n iiva1Pnt effectiveness to one or more of the measures identified in Table 4.9 -2. In the event that the BAAQMD has assigned percent reductions for such alternative measures, such reductions shall be considered by Town Staff in determining whether such measures truly are equivalent in their effectiveness to those identified in Table 4.9 -2. The following menu of measures provides examples of potential alternatives to the measures already accounted for in Table 4.9 -2: • Include solar photovoltaic or other technology to generate electricity on -site to reduce consumption from the electrical grid. • Implement an employee telecommuting program. • Implement an on -site carpool matching program for employees. • 100% Increase in Diversity of Land Uses (provide on -site employee amenities). • Increase Energy Efficiency Beyond Title 24. • Work with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District ( BAAQMD) to implement acceptable off -site mitigation. This would involve an agreement with the BAAQMD and payment of fees or the purchase of carbon credits. The BAAQMD would commit to reducing the type and amount of emissions identified in the agreement. 38. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.10 -2, HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS SURVEYS AND ABATEMENT: Prior to demolition of each building, the project applicant shall incorporate into contract specifications the requirement that the contractor(s) have a hazardous building materials survey completed by a Registered Environmental Assessor or a registered engineer. This survey shall be completed prior to any demolition activities associated with the project. If any friable asbestos - containing materials or lead - containing materials are identified, adequate abatement practices, such as containment and/or removal, M shall be implemented in accordance with applicable laws prior to demolition. Specifically, asbestos abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Section 19827.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, as implemented by the BAAQMD, and 8 CCR Section 1529 and Sections 341.6 through 341.14, as implemented by Cal/OSHA. Lead -based paint abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Cal/OSHA's Lead in Construction Standard. Any PCB - containing equipment, fluorescent light tubes containing mercury vapors, and fluorescent light ballasts containing DE HP shall also be removed and legally disposed of in accordance with applicable laws including 22 CCR Section 66261.24 for PCBs, 22 CCR Section 66273.8 for fluorescent lamp tubes, and 22 CCR Division 4.5, Chapter 11 for DEHP. 39. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.10 -3A, UPDATE ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASE REVIEW: The project applicant shall retain a qualified professional to update the environmental database review performed as part of the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment no more than three months prior to the start of any construction activities that would involve disturbance of greater than 50 cubic yards of soil. The qualified professional shall prepare a report summarizing the results of the environmental database review that assesses the potential for any identified chemical release sites to affect soil quality at the proposed project site and identifies appropriate soil analysis to evaluate the potential for soil contamination at the proposed project site, if needed. In response, the project applicant shall implement the recommended soil analyses, if any. 40. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.10 -313, CONTINGENCY PLAN: The project applicant shall require the construction contractor(s) to have a contingency plan for sampling and analysis of potential hazardous materials and for coordination with the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health in accordance with the Voluntary Cleanup Program in the event that previously unidentified hazardous materials are encountered during construction. If 19 ..rP.�nncl.. .,wniVln„ntif ed enil rnntami_natinn is irlantified. ner the enntinoencv nlan, the contractor(s) shall be required to modify their health and safety plan to include the new data, conduct sampling to assess the chemicals present, and identify appropriate disposal methods. Evidence of potential contamination includes soil discoloration, suspicious odors, the presence of underground storage tanks, or the presence of buried building materials. 41. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -2A, ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITOR: A qualified archaeologist shall be retained to monitor the site clearing and grading operations in those areas where buildings will be removed and/or new construction will occur. The archaeologist shall be present on -site to observe site clearing at a representative sample of building removal areas until he /she is satisfied that there is no longer a potential for finding buried resources. In the event that any potentially significant archaeological resources (i.e., potential historical resources or unique archaeological resources) are discovered, the project archaeologist shall stop work inside a zone designated by him/her where additional archaeological resources could be found. A plan for the evaluation of the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for approval. Evaluation normally takes the form of limited hand excavation ° and analysis of materials and information removed to determine if the resource is eligible for inclusion on the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR). 42. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -213, IDENTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE RESOURCES: If an eligible resource (i.e., an historical resource or a unique archaeological resource) is identified, a plan for mitigation of impacts to the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for approval before any additional construction related earthmoving can occur inside the zone designated as archaeologically sensitive. Whether the proposed plan is feasible shall be determined by the Community Development Department 20 after consideration of the viability of avoidance in light of project design and logistics. In lieu of avoidance, mitigation could include additional hand excavation to record and remove for analysis significant archaeological materials, combined with additional archaeological monitoring of soils inside the archaeologically sensitive zone. 43. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -2C, DISCOVERY OF HUMAN REMAINS: Required monitoring will also serve to identify and reduce damage to human burials and associated grave goods. In the event that human remains are discovered, it shall be the responsibility of the project archaeologist to contact the County Coroner's Office and the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC is responsible for naming a Most Likely Descendant (MLD) who shall represent tribal interests in regards to human remains and associated grave goods. The MLD shall make recommendations to the Community Development Director regarding the method for exposure and removal of human burials and associated grave goods, and shall advise the Community Development Director regarding the place and method of reburial of these materials. 44. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -3, HALT CONSTRUCTION AND EVALUATE RESOURCE: Prior to the commencement of construction activities, the project applicant shall provide for a qualified paleontologist to provide construction personnel with training on procedures to be followed in the event that a fossil site or fossil occurrence is encountered during construction. The training shall include instructions on identification techniques and how to further avoid disturbing the fossils until a paleontological specialist can assess the site. An informational package shall be provided for construction personnel not present at the meeting. In the event that a paleontological resource (fossilized invertebrate, vertebrate, plan or micro - fossil) is found during construction, excavation within 50 feet of the find shall be temporarily 21 halted or diverted until the discovery is evaluated. Upon discovery, the Commnunity Development Director shall be notified immediately and a qualified paleontologist shall be retained to document and assess the discovery in accordance with Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's 2010 Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Paleontological Resources, and determine procedures to be followed before construction is allowed to resume at the location of the find. If the Community Development Director determines that avoidance is not feasible, the paleontologist will prepare an excavation plan for mitigating the project's impact on this resource, including preparation, identification, cataloging, and curation of any salvaged specimens. 45. COMMUNITY BENEFIT: Community Benefit is required as offered by the applicant in Exhibit 9 of Attachment 4 and Attachment 9 of the Town Council Staff Report for their meeting on May 20, 2013. This includes the applicant's offer to provide $I per constructed square foot of new office/R &D buildings. 46. KEEP CLEAR: Applicant shall provide "Keep Clear" or other appropriate roadway markings and signage at the intersection of Charter Oaks Drive and Lark Avenue. 47. SIGNS: No signs shall be visible from Highway 85. Building Division 48. PERMITS REQUIRED: A separate building permit shall be required for the demolition(s) of existing buildings and each new office /commercial building and the parking garage structure. Separate permits are required for electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work as necessary. 49. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue -lined in full on the second sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval 22 will be addressed. 50. SIZE OF PLANS: Four sets of construction plans, size 30" x 42" maximum. 51. STREET NAMES, BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new street names and/or building addresses /suite numbers to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 52. SOILS REPORT: A soils report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the building permit application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 53. DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS: Obtain Building Department Demolition Applications and Bay Area Air Quality Management District Applications from the Building Department Service Counter. Once the Demolition Forms have been completed, all signatures obtained, and written verification from PG &E that all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed Forms to the Building Department Service Counter with the Air District's J# Certificate(s), PG &E verification, and three (3) sets of Site Plans showing all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG &E. No demolition work shall be done without first obtaining a Permit from the Town. 54. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed four (4) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property or the public right -of -way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall conform to Cal/OSHA regulations. 55. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the soils 23 nM and that the hrnilrlino naA PlPVatinnc and nn -cite retaining wall location- and elevations r.,p........_. _I .._ .,_�_- ..a =__ ---.__.____ have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining Walls 56. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue -lined (sticky - backed) onto a sheet of the plans. " 57. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12- inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 58. FIRE ZONE: This project will require Class A Roof Assemblies.--.-. - 59. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection fs required by CBC Section 1704, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled -out, signed by all requested parties, and be blue - lined on the construction plans. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building 60. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION STANDARDS SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara County Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (or Clean Bay Sheet 24 2406) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second or third page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at San Jose Blue Print for a fee. 61. NPDES -C.3 DATA FORMS: Copies of the NPDES C.3 Data Forms (updated based on the final construction drawings) must be blue -lined in full onto the Plans. In the event that this data differs significantly from any Planning approvals, the Town may require recertification of the project's storm water treatment facilities prior to release of the Building Permit. 62. GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS: This project must, at a minimum, be in compliance with the Nonresidential Mandatory Measures of the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code and all subsequent Amendments. 63. SITE ACCESSIBILITY: At least one accessible route within the boundary of the site shall be provided from public transportation stops, accessible parking and accessible passenger loading zones and public streets or sidewalks to the accessible building entrance that they serve. The accessible route shall, to the maximum extent feasible, coincide with the route for the general public. At least one accessible route shall connect all accessible buildings, facilities, elements and spaces that are on the same site. If access is provided for pedestrians fi-om a pedestrian tunnel or elevated walkway, entrances to the buildings from each tunnel or walkway must be accessible. 64. ACCESSIBLE PARKING: The parking lots, as well as the parking structure, where parking is provided for the public as clients, guests or employees, shall provide handicap accessible parking. Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances. 25 6g, APPROVALS REQUIRED: The prniect requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development — Planning Division: Joel Paulson (408) 354 -6879 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: Maziar Bozorginia (408) 395 -3460 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378 -4010 d. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378 -2407 e. Bay Area Air Quality Management District: (415) 771 -6000 Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: Engineering Division 66. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right -of -way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into stonn drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right -of -way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 67. GRADING PERMIT: A grading permit is required for site grading and drainage. The grading permit application (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall 26 include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Parks and Public Works Director, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department at 110 E. Main Street is needed for grading within the building footprint. 68. GRADING PERMIT PHASING: Phased grading permits may be allowed if approved by the Town Attorney and the Parks and Public Works Director. Phasing may relate to development phases or to multiple grading permits within a development phase, such as early release of a grading permit prior to release of the building permit, or for utility relocation. Bonding of early grading improvements may be required. 69. PILE DRIVING: No pile driving shall be allowed during any phase of construction. 70. TENTATIVE MAP: A tentative map is required, either one tentative map for the proposed project or more than one tentative map, depending on phasing, prior to submittal for one or more final or parcel maps. Phased subdivision maps shall be permitted. 71. SUBDIVISION MAP: A final or parcel map shall be recorded. Two copies of the final / parcel map shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department for review and approval. Submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports and appropriate fee. The map shall be recorded before any building permits are issued. Tentative Map planning applications shall be approved for each development phase before a parcel or final map for that phase is recorded. 72. RIGHT OF WAY VACATION: The Albright Way and Albright Court right of ways shall be vacated prior to or concurrently with the first subdivision map. Street vacation or issuance of an encroachment permit shall occur prior to issuance of permits allowing private work to 27 commence in street right of way arras. 73. PUBLIC EASEMENT ABANDONMENT: The initial public easements to be abandoned shall occur prior to or simultaneously with the street vacation or issuance of an encroachment permit. Subsequent public easement abandonments may be approved by the Director of Parks and Public Works. 74. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT: All work in the public right -of -way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. 75. DEDICATIONS: The following shall be dedicated on each subdivision map. The dedications shall be recorded before any permits are - issued. a. Winchester Boulevard. Right of way as needed to accommodate required frontage and site entry improvements. b. Public Service Easements (PSE), as required. I c. Ingress- egress, storm drainage and sanitary sewer easements, as required. d. Emergency Access Easement. Extending from the northerly terminus of Charter Oaks, through the project site, to Winchester Blvd. sufficient to meet the Fire Department's requirements. No private vehicle access will be permitted between Charter Oaks to the project site utilizing this Easement. 76, PAD CERTIFICATION: A letter from a licensed land surveyor shall be provided for each building stating that the building foundation was constructed in accordance with the approved plans shall be provided subsequent to foundation construction and prior to construction on the structure. The pad certification shall address both vertical and horizontal foundation placement. 77. DESIGN CHANGES: The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town Engineer, in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the proposed work and the f w design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall be subject to the approval of the Town before altered work is started. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final "as- built" drawings. 78. AS- BUILT PLANS: After completion of the construction of all work, the original plans shall have all changes (change orders and field changes) clearly marked. The "as- built" plans shall again be signed and "wet- stamped" by the civil engineer who prepared the plans, attesting to the changes. The original "as- built" plans shall be review and approved the Engineering Inspector. A Mylar and AutoCAD disk of the approved "as- built" plans shall be provided to the Town before the Faithful Performance Security or Occupancy Permit is released. The AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall conform to the layer naming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG - OUTLINE; b) Driveway, Layer: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Wall, Layer: RETAINING WALL; d) Swimming Pool, Layer: SWIMMING-POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer: TENNIS- COURT; f) Property Line, Layer: PROPERTY -LINE; g) Contours, Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as -built digital files must be on the same coordinate basis as the Town's survey control network and shall be submitted in AutoCAD version 2000 or higher. 79. FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS: Finished floor elevations for all new inhabitable buildings shall be higher than the 100 -year- water surface elevations identified on Flood Insurance Rate Maps current at the time of building permit issuance. 80. PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to plan review at the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 81. INSPECTION FEES: Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to issuance of any Permit or recordation of the Final Map. 82. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The developer or his representative shall notify the 29 Engineering Inspector at least twenty -frnir (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on -site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right -of -way. Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that went on without inspection. 83. THIRD PARTY INSPECTOR FEES: The applicant shall pay for the inspection of public street lighting and traffic signal related work. Inspections shall be performed by the Town's street lighting and traffic signal contractor. An initial deposit of $5,000 shall be made to the Town prior to issuance of an encroachment or public improvement permit. Inspection will be on a cost recovery basis and additional inspection fees may be required. 84. SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION : OBSERVATION: During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design -level geotechnical report, and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing should be documented in an "as- built" letter /report prepared by the applicants' soils engineer and submitted to the Town before final release of any occupancy permit is granted. 85. WATER DESIGN: Water plans prepared by SJWC must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of any permit for each development phase, subject to the discretion of the Town Engineer. 86. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN: A storm water management plan shall be included with each phased grading permit application for all Group 1 and Group 2 projects as defined in the amended provisions C.3 of the amended Santa Clara County NPDES Permit. The plan shall delineate source control measures and BMP's together with the sizing calculations. The plan shall be certified by a professional pre - qualified by the Town. In the 30 event that storm water measures proposed for the A &S approval differ significantly from those certified on the Building/Grading Permit, the Town may require a modification of the A &S approval prior to release of the Building Permit. The applicant may elect to have the A &S submittal certified to avoid this possibility. 87. AGREEMENT FOR STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS: The property owner or Owner's Association, as appropriate, shall enter into an agreement with the Town for maintenance of the stormwater filtration devices required to be installed on this project by Town's Stormwater Discharge Permit and all current amendments or modifications. The agreement will specify that certain routine maintenance, including catch basin cleaning and pavement sweeping, shall be performed by the property owner or owner's association, as applicable, and will specify device maintenance reporting requirements. The agreement will also specify routine inspection requirements, permits and payment of fees. The agreement shall be recorded prior to release of any occupancy permits. 88. SITE DRAINAGE: All storm drain inlets (public or private) shall be stenciled/signed with appropriate "NO DUMPING - Flows to Bay" NPDES required language. 89. NPDES 1: On -site drainage systems for all projects shall conform to the requirements of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit that is current at the time of A &S approval for each development phase. Each development phase must provide, at a minimum, sufficient improvements to treat all development within that phase. Deferral of treatment to future phases will not be allowed. 90. NPDES 2: Prior to issuance of a building permit for each new building, landscape plans shall be submitted to Community Development for review and approval to insure that beneficial landscaping has been incorporated into the design to minimize irrigation runoff and use of 31 pesticides and fertilizers. 91. WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT: All sewer connection and treatment plant capacity fees for a project phase shall be paid either immediately prior to the recordation of any subdivision map for that phase, or immediately prior to the issuance of a sewer connection permit, which ever event occurs first. Written confirmation of payment of these fees shall be provided prior to recordation of each map or issuance of a building permit. 92. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL: Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean -out at the property line. -- 93. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE: Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first approved by the Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting fiom a sewer overflow where the property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined section 103(e) of the Uniform plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the Town Code and maintain such device in a functional operating condition. Evidence of West Valley Sanitation District's decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to issuance of a building permit. 94. TRASH ENCLOSURES: Trash enclosures shall be covered and provided with a drain connected to the sanitary sewer system. No trash enclosure shall be placed between a building and a residential area. 32 95. GREASE TRAPS: Meet all requirements of the Santa Clara County Health Department and West Valley Sanitation District for the interception, separation or pretreatment of effluent. 96. UTILITIES: All new utilities shall be placed underground. 97. ABOVE GROUND UTILITIES: The applicant shall submit a 75- percent progress print to the Town for review of above ground utilities including backflow prevention devices, fire department connections, gas and water meters, off - street valve boxes, hydrants, site lighting, electrical/communication/cable boxes, transformers, and mail boxes. Above ground utilities shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to issuance of any permit for each development phase. 98. UTILITY RELOCATION AND PHASING: Utility and circulation relocation and phasing plans shall be included in the grading permit application package. 99. PHOTOMETRICS: Site lighting photometics shall be provided with each Architecture and Site application. 100. UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW: Letters from the electric, telephone, cable, and trash companies indicating that the proposed improvements and easements are acceptable shall be provided prior to recordation of each subdivision map. 101. JOINT TRENCH PLANS: Joint trench plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to recordation of each map. The joint tench plans shall include street and/or site lighting and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by PG &E stating that public street light billing will be by Rule LS2A, and that private lights shall be metered with billing to the owner. Pole numbers, assigned by PG &E, shall be clearly delineated on the plans. 102. TRENCHING: Trenching within public streets will be allowed subject to the following requirements: a. The Town standard "T" trench detail shall be used. 33 h. A Town aiP,— ved colored controlled density backfill shall be used. c. The total asphalt thickness shall be a minimum of 3- inches or shall match the existing thickness, whichever is greater. The final lift shall be 1.5- inches of half inch medium asphalt. The initial lift(s) shall be of three quarter inch medium asphalt. d. The Contractor shall schedule a pre - paving meeting with the Town Engineering Construction Inspector the day the paving is to take place. e. A slurry seal topping may be required by the construction inspector depending his assessment of the quality of the trench paving. If required, the slung seal shall extend the full width of the street and shall extend 5 -feet beyond the longitudinal limits of trenching. Slurry seal materials shall be approved by the Town Engineering Construction Inspector prior to placement. Black sand may be required in the slurry mix. All existing striping and pavement markings shall be replaced upon completion of slurry seal operations. 103. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE: The developer shall pay a fee proportional to the project's share of transportation improvement needed to serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building permit application is made. The fee shall be paid before the building permit is issued. The traffic impact mitigation fee for this project, using the current fee schedule and addition of 300,000 square -feet of Office Park (TTE Code 750) is $192,960. The final fee shall be calculated from the final plans using the rate schedule in effect at the time of the building permit application, using a trip generation rate based on use. 104. TRAFFIC IMPACT COMMUNITY BENEFIT: The developer is required to provide Community Benefit based on the Town Traffic Impact Policy. 105, LARK/UNIVERSITY TRAFFIC SIGNAL: Prior to issuance of a building permit or recordation of any map, the developer shall pay $228,639.11 to reimburse the Town for their 34 fair share contribution towards the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of University Avenue and Lark Avenue. The contribution is based on 52- percent of the total construction and design cost of $397,550.63. 106. PARKING. Any proposed parking restrictions on public streets must be approved by the LGPD. 107. TRAFFIC SIGNAL:_ A new intersection aligned with the existing Courtside driveway on Winchester Boulevard, and conversion of the existing Albright Way intersection to right -turn in and out shall be provided with the Phase 1 development. A full traffic signal, signal interconnection and timing shall be provided prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy. 108. TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING AND SYNCHRONIZATION: The applicant shall provide a proposal from a licensed traffic engineer containing a scope of work for developing a method of interconnection, coordination, and timing of the traffic signals along Winchester from the new project signal to Winchester/Wimbledon to Lark/Winchester and on to Lark/University. New conduit is required in locations where street widening is proposed. The proposal and method of signal coordination shall be reviewed and approved by Town Engineer. Signal coordination shall be in place prior to occupancy of Phase 1 building, and re -timed again once each building has reached a significant level of occupancy. A bond for the signal coordination up to two times subsequent to the initial work performed prior to occupancy shall be posted with the Town prior to issuance of each certificate of occupancy. 109. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION STUDIES: As part of each grading permit application, the developer shall submit design-level circulation plans to address onsite circulation and project entry points from Winchester Boulevard at each development phase. The plans will identify the configuration of on -site circulation facilities and project entry points from Winchester 35 Boulevard as needed to support each development -base. 110. TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS: The following traffic improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy: a. New Project Entry. The applicant shall construct a new four -way signalized intersection to align with the existing Courtside driveway approximately 200 -feet south of Albright Way. The design shall include, at a minimum, an additional right turn lane entering the project site, additional Class II bike lane on east side of Winchester Boulevard along entire project frontage, and two left -turn lanes exiting the project site. The southbound left turn pock shall be formed using a raised median. The raised median shall extend north to physically restrict southbound left and U -turns at Albright Way. The northbound left tam pocket to the Courtside Club shall be extended to 175 -feet (7 car queue) as recommended in the traffic impact analysis. Handicap ramps, pedestrian crossings, signing, striping and parking shall be provided in general conformance with the approved PD plan set. b. Albright Way at Winchester Blvd. Construct a landscaped island ( "pork chop ") to restrict vehicular movement to right -in right -out only with turn restriction signage. c. Frontage Improvements. Paint pole and install LED light fixtures for all existing street lights at the project frontage. d. Class II Bike Lanes. Class II bike lanes shall be provided in both the north and south bound directions on Winchester Boulevard between Wimbledon Drive and the rail crossing. Median islands shall be modified as needed to accommodate the bike lanes. e. Dedicated Right Turn Lanes. Winchester Boulevard shall be widened to provide dedicated right tam lanes at the south entry and new signalized entry. Additional widening may also be required to provide a right turn lane at Albright Way if determined REO to be required by the Director of Parks and Public Works. f. Striping. The developer shall restripe southbound Winchester Boulevard between the Courtside entrance and Lark Avenue to provide a dedicated southbound left -turn lane to eastbound Lark Avenue. 111. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS: Applicant shall be required to improve the project's public frontage to current Town Standards. These improvements may include but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approaches, curb ramps, traffic signal, street lighting (upgrade and/or repaint) etc. 112. BUS PAD: Prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, the developer shall provide a bus pad on northbound Winchester Boulevard north of Albright Way. The pad shall meet the following VTA specifications: a. Handicap access ramps and sidewalk from Albright Way to the bus pad; b. 10' x 55' concrete bus pad constructed to VTA specifications; c. Minimum 8' x 40'concrete sidewalk adjacent to the bus stop area; d. Solar bus stop light mounted on VTA bus stop pole with ADA compliant activation button; e. Trees and landscaping should be placed outside the bus stop area to accommodate passenger /pedestrian movement and provide clearance for vehicles. 113. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Plans for public improvements shall be prepared by a California registered civil engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by contract, Faithful Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of a building permit or the recordation of a subdivision map for each development phase. The improvements must be substantially completed prior to issuance of the fast certificate of occupancy, fully complete and accepted by the Town prior to issuance of the final Certificate 37 of occupancy for each development phase. 114. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. A slurry seal shall be provided across the full lane width in areas of trenching, lane widening, median modification or construction, and where striping has been ground off. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction- ° of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. Developer shall request a walk - through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 115. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT SECURITY: The applicant shall supply suitable securities for all public improvements, and private circulation and drainage infrastructure improvements that are a part of the development in a form acceptable to the Town in the amount of 100% (performance) and 100% (labor and material) prior to issuance of any permit for each development phase. Applicant shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the applicable improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 116. RETAINING WALLS: A building permit, issued by the Building Department at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review process. -1 117. SOILS REPORT: One copy of the soils report shall be submitted with each grading permit application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design and erosion control. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. Each report shall be peer reviewed by Town Consultants prior to submittal for permits. 118. SOIL EXPORT: The total soil export volume (sum of all development phases) fiom the site shall not exceed 22,200 cubic yards. The contractor's project engineer shall send daily trucking reports to the Engineering inspector during the export operation of each development phase. Project impacts were evaluated based on the following earthwork breakdown: Phase 1) 33,000 CY cut to fill, 8,700 CY export; Phase 2) 4,500 CY cut to fill, 10,000 CY export; and Phase 3) 31000 CY cut to fill, 3,500 CY export. 119. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on or off -site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.). No more than 10 trucks per hour will be allowed. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall work with the Town Building and Engineering Department Engineering Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the developer /owner to place construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. 39 120. SOILS REVIEW: Prior to issuance of each grading permit, the applicant's soils engineer shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site Fading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the peer review comments. The applicant's soils engineer's approval shall then be conveyed to the Town either by letter or by signing the plans. 121. EROSION CONTROL: Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. A Notice of Intent (NOD and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for projects disturbing more than one acre. A maximum of two weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final landscaping shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as. needed to protect - - downstream water quality during winter months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be in compliance with applicable measures contained in the amended provisions C.3 and C.14 of the most current Santa Clara County NPDES MRP Permit. 122. SURVEYING CONTROLS: Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a. Retaining wall - -top of wall elevations and locations b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes M 123. PRECONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY: Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit, the project Applicant shall complete a pavement condition survey documenting the extent of existing pavement defects using a 35 -mm or digital video camera. The survey shall extend from the Highway 17 freeway ramps on Lark Avenue along Lark and Winchester to the Campbell City limits. In addition, a pavement deflection analysis conforming to the same limits as the photographic survey shall be performed to determine pavement strength. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review. 124. POSTCONSTRUCTI0N PAVEMENT SURVEY: The project Applicant shall complete a post construction pavement condition survey and pavement deflection analysis to determine whether road damage occurred as a result of project construction and whether there were changes in pavement strength. Rehabilitation improvements required to restore the pavement to pre - construction condition and strength shall be determined using State of California procedures for deflection analysis. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review and approval. The Applicant shall be responsible for completing any required road repairs prior to release of a certificate of occupancy. 125. TREE REMOVAL: Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to issuance of any grading permit. 126. DEMOLITION: Any existing structures that would straddle a future property line shall be demolished prior to recordation of the final or parcel map for the applicable phase. 127. DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three times daily, or 41 apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets will be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town.Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on -site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 pair. and shall include at least one late - aftemoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 20 MPH. All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 128. DUST CONTROL (SITES > 4 ACRES): The following measures should be implemented at construction sites greater than four acres in area: a. Hydroseed or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). b. Enclose, cover, water twice daily or. apply (non- toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.) c. Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph. d. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. e. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as passible. 129. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY: It is the responsibility of contractor and property owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right -of -way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into 42 the Town's storm drains. 130. SIDEWALK CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 131. SIDEWALK REPAIR: The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. Sidewalk repair shall match existing color, texture and design, and shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. The limits of sidewalk repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. 132. CURB AND GUTTER: The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project. New curb and gutter shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. 133. PRIVATE EASEMENTS: Agreements detailing rights, limitations, and responsibilities of involved parties shall accompany each private easement. The easements and associated agreements shall be recorded simultaneously with each subdivision map. 134. PRIVATE STREETS: All streets within the development shall be private. 135. CONSTRUCTION NOISE 1: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays; and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty -five (85) dBA at twenty -five (25) feet. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty -five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall 43 not exceed elgh.J -five (85j dBA. 136. CONSTRUCTION NOISE 2: The Director Of Parks and Public Works may allow earlier start times than specified by Town code if it determined that the work will not cause undue nuisance to adjacent residential neighborhoods. In the event that noise complaints are received, the Town code construction hours will be implemented. 137. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior to issuance of any permit or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the project applicant, attend a pre - construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project. conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval, and will make certain that all project sub- contractors have read and understand them prior to commencing work and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on site at all times during construction. 138. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN: The Applicant shall submit a construction management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum. the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, construction trailer, and proposed outhouse locations. 139. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be diligently performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The storing of goods and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division. The adjacent public right -of -way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall ,i not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right -of -way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 140. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: The project sponsor will be required to work with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department to develop a traffic control plan for incorporation into the construction bid documents (specifications), and this plan will include, but not be limited to, the following measures: a. Construction activities shall be strategically timed and coordinated to minimize traffic disruption for schools, residents, businesses, special events, and other projects in the area. The schools located on the haul route shall be contacted to help with the coordination of the trucking operation to minimize traffic disruption. b. Flag persons shall be placed at locations necessary to control one -way traffic flow. All flag persons shall have the capability of communicating with each other to coordinate the operation. c. Prior to construction, advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding one -way operation, specifying dates and hours of operation. 141. CONSTRUCTION STREET PARKING: No vehicle having a manufacturer's rated gross vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be allowed to park on the portion of a street which abuts property in a residential zone without prior approval from the Town.Engineer (§ 15.40.070). 45 142. CO1'EPWD TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall he covered. 143. CC &R's: A copy of the CC &R's shall be submitted for review and approval by the Town Attorney and Planning Division prior to map recordation. 144. FENCING 1: A fence shall be provided along the project frontage to the rail right of way as shown in the A &S plan set. The fence shall be complete prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy. 145. FENCING 2: A 6 -foot masonry fence shall be provided between commercial and residential zones as required by Town Code. 146. ALTERNATIVE TRANSIT: The project shall encourage alternative transportation modes (carpooling and bicycling) by providing reserved parking for carpools/vanpools, showers/changing areas for employees, and bicycle parking. 147. BICYCLE PARKING: Bicycle parking shall be provided at a ratio of one bike space to twenty vehicle parking spaces. Three quarters (75 %) of the bike spaces shall be Cl I and the remaining quarter (25 %) shall be Cl lI spaces as defined by VTA. The spaces shall be provided by phase in accordance with the vehicle spaces required for that phase. 148. SCVWD APPROVAL: The following Santa Clara Valley Water District approvals shall be obtained prior to issuance of building permits: a. Any work east of the project's east boundary requires an encroachment permit from the District. b. Any proposed trail access points must be open to the general public and not be exclusive to site occupants. New trail connections and trail amenities require District permits. The District discourages the proliferation of "midblock" access points. c. Planting of replacement trees on SCVWD property to mitigate on site tree removals is not permitted. M TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLAAA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 149. Review of this development proposal is limited to acceptability of site access and water supply as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 150. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH: The minimum clear width of fire department access roads shall be 20 feet. Aerial fire access roads: Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet in height. Proximity to building: At least one of the required access routes meeting these conditions shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building, as approved by the fire code official. CFC Sec. 503 See Pages C -1, C -2.1 and C -2.2. 151. ACCESS AND LOADING FACILITIES: Buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fie apparatus access road (including bridges and culverts) with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fie apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds or as otherwise determined by the fire code official. Minimum clear 47 lieiglif: Vertical clearance over required Velt;CUlar access roads and driveways shall he 73 ill . feet 6 inches. Grade: Maximum grade shall not exceed 15 %. Turn Radius (circulating): The minimum outside turning radius is 42 feet for required access roadways. Greater radius up to 60 feet may be required where the fire department determines that ladder truck access is required. Circulating refers to travel along a roadway without dead ends. Turning Radius (Cul -de- sacs): The minimum outside turning radius is 36 feet. Use of cul -de -sacs is not acceptable where it is determined by the fire department that ladder truck access is required, unless greater turning radius is provided. CFC Sec. 503 See pages C -1, C -2.1 and C -2.2. 152. EMERGENCY RESPONDER RADIO - COVERAGE: Buildings and structures that cannot support the required level of radio coverage shall be equipped with a radiating cable system, a distributed antenna system with FCC certified signal boosters or other system approved by the fire code official in order to achieve the required adequate radio coverage. CFCJ103.1.1. 153. FIRE SPRINKLERS WHERE REQUIRED: An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provide throughout all new buildings and structures. Where the provisions of this code require that a building or portion thereof be equipped throughout with an approved fire sprinkler system in accordance with this section, the sprinklers -shall be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13 except as provided in Section 903. and local standards. Note: The new owner(s), occupant(s) and any contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) are responsible for consulting with the water purveyor of record in order to determine if any modification or upgrade of the existing water service is required. A State of California licensed (C -16) Fire Protection Contractor shall submit plans, calculations, a completed permit application and appropriate fees to this department for review and approval prior to beginning their work. CFC Sections 903.2.1 through 903`2.18 as adopted and amended by LGTC. - - 48 154. POTABLE WATER: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water -based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by hat purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2007 CFC See. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 155. HOSE VALVES /STANDPIPES REQUIRED: Buildings shall be equipped with standpipes designed per NFPA Std. #14, as amended in Chapter 47, and be equipped with 2 -1/2" hose valves, at location designated by the fire department. Hose valves /standpipes shall be installed as per the 2010 CFC See. 905, or where emergency access has been deemed minimal, shall be equipped standpipes designed per NFPA Std. #14, as amended in Chapter 47, and be equipped with 2 -1/2" hose valves, located within the stair enclosure(s). Note specifically, within parking structure(s) @ stairwells and on podium within courtyard area. 2010 CFC Sec. 905. 156. PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT(S) REQUIRED. Provide public fire hydrant(s) at location(s) to be determined jointly by the Fie Department and the San Jose Water Company. Fire hydrants shall be provided along required fire apparatus access roads and adjacent public streets at location(s) to be determined by the fire department. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 500 feet, with a minimum single hydrant flow of 1500 GPM at 20 psi, residual t r press»re. Pn--, to des; gn, the project cr l engL Par shall meet with the lire department water supply officer to jointly spot the required fire hydrant locations. 2010 CFC Sec. 507, Appendix B and C and Tables B 106 and C105.1. 157. FIRE LANE MARKING REQUIRED: Provide marking for all roadways within the project. Markings shall be per fire department specifications. Installations shall conform to Local Government Standards and Fire Department Standard Detail and Specifications A -6. 2010 CFC Sec. 503.3. 158. TIMING OF REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATIONS. Installations of required fire service(s) and fire hydrant(s) shall be tested and accepted by the Fine Department, prior to the start of framing or delivery of bulk combustible materials. Building permit issuance may be withheld until required installations are completed, tested, and accepted. 2010 CFC Sec. 501. 159. TIMING OF REQUIRED ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. Required access roads, up through first lift of asphalt, shall be installed and accepted by the Fire Department prior to the start of combustible construction. During construction, emergency access roads shall be maintained clear, and unimpeded. Note;ahat building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed. Temporary access roads may be approved on a case by case basis. 2010 CFC Sec. 501. 160. PREMISES IDENTIFICATION: Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall contrast with their background: CFC Sec. 505. 161. NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING: All new commercial buildings shall comply with standard specification SI -7 for construction site safety. 50 162. FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION IDENTIFIER: Prior to project final inspection, the general contractor shall ensure that an approved ( "Blue Dot ") fire hydrant location identifier has been laced in the roadway, as directed by the fire department, 163. TRAFFIC SIGNAL PREMPTION: Both new and existing traffic signals on Winchester Boulevard and Lark Avenue must be equipped with signal preemption control devices. Contact this office to determine which intersections must be so equipped. 51 SECTION VI This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on June 3, 2013, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on June 17, 2013 and becomes effective 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA N: \DEV \ORDS\2013\A1brightFinal.docx 52 PL /,90 - 160 ALBRIGHT WAY AND 14600 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. PD -12 -001 " A.P.N. # 424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, 063 Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: CM:PD To: CM:PD Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: June 17, 2013 Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: April 24, 2013 Ord: Exhibit A of Attachment 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ORDINANCE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RESCINDING ORDINANCES 1247,1366, AND 1955 AND AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE EFFECTING A ZONE CHANGE FROM CM:PD TO CM:PD AT 90 - 160 ALBRIGHT WAY AND 14600 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD (APNS: 424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, 063 ) THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to rescind Ordinances 12477 1366, and 1955 and to change the Zoning at 90 — 160 (Ninety to One Hundred and Sixty) Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard as shown on the map which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and is part of this Ordinance (the "Property ") from CM:PD (Controlled Manufacturing, Planned Development) to CM:PD (Controlled Manufacturing, Planned Development). APN's 424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, 063. SECTION lI The PD (Planned Development Overlay) zone established by this Ordinance (the "PD Overlay ") authorizes the following construction and use of improvements: 1. The development of the Property could include up to a maximum of 550185,000 square feet of office/R &D space (including office serving amenities), one parking garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and open space. 1 ATTAGMENT 2 2. Uses permitted and conditionally permitted are: Permitted Uses: a Office, including corporate, administrative, business, and professional offices, but excluding medical and dental offices; e Light manufacturing, light assembly, research and development, wholesaling, warehousing, and other light industrial uses (including indoor storage of materials and products); and o Office serving uses designed to primarily serve those employed at the site or visiting the site for other business purposes, such as: recreational facilities; conference and training facilities; restaurants, cafeterias, and other eating establishments; health and wellness facilities; and ancillary uses such as on -site banking, ATMs, private post offices, personal services (such as dry cleaning pick up), and similar support uses. These office serving and ancillary uses shall not be available to the general public. Conditional Uses: o No conditionally permitted uses are allowed SECTION III COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All provisions of the Town Code apply, except when the Official Development Plan (as defined in Section V), and/or this ordinance specifically indicate otherwise. SECTION IV Regardless of the type of permit, Architecture and Site Approval is required before any construction work for the project is performed and before any permit for construction is issued. Construction permits shall only be issued in a manner complying with Section 29.80.130 (Architecture and Site Approval) of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION V The attached Exhibit A (Map) and Exhibit B (Development Plans received by the Town of Los Gatos on fJune 13. 2013 X4-9 sheets) constitute the Official Development Plan. The following must be complied with before issuance of any grading, demolition or construction permits, unless otherwise stated below. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Planning Division I. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the performance standards listed below and the Official Development Plan. Any further changes or modifications made to the Official Development Plan shall be approved by the Community Development Director, Development Review Committee, Planning Commission or the Town Council, depending on the scope of the change(s). 2. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval. 3 :. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE (A &S) APPROVAL REQUIRED: A separate A &S application shall be required for the project. The A &S application shall be referred to Planning Commission for a recommendation to Town Council. Town Council shall make the final detennination on A &S applications. 4. COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES: A &S applications shall be reviewed for compliance with the Common Design Guidelines of the Commercial Design Guidelines. 5. GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR LAND USE NEAR STREAMS: A &S applications shall be reviewed for compliance with applicable sections of the Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams. 6. SUBDIVISION REQUIRED: A subdivision map application shall be approved prior to the issuance of building permits. The Development Review Committee may be the deciding body for the tentative map. 7. BUILDING COMPOSITION: The project shall not exceed 550435.000 square feet of office/R &D space, inclusive of any indoor conference facilities, cafeteria, fitness center or other amenities. 3. BUILDING HEIGHT: The maximum all inclusive height of the e ' Phuildings shall licup to f ,._ stories " aFAas follows: Building 1 — 50' (fiftv feet) • Building 2 — 65' (sixty five feet). The fna ?Ei um height eFthe par4da" stra sr„u bet • Building 3 — 65' (sixtv five feet) Building 4 — 50' (fifty feet) &• Parking Garage 35' (thirty five feet), exclusive of tower elements, elevator overrun 4 structures, and other similar architectural elements. —Kane k }e e - r hp Parking staiGo'.Q 9. SETBACKS: Minimum setbacks are as set forth on Sheet A -04 of the Official Development Plan (Exhibit B). 10. LOT COVERAGE: Maximum lot coverage for both buildings and parking structures is limited to 50% of the lot area. 11. OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS: The Official Development Plan provides the permitted development parameters applicable to the property. Final building designs in compliance with the Official Development Plan shall be determined during the A &S Approval process. 12. WATER EFFICIENCY: This project is subject to the Town's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, Chapter 26, Article IV of the Town Code, or the State Model Water Efficiency Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. A fee as established by Town Council resolution shall be paid when the landscape, irrigation plans and water calculations are submitted for review prior to the issuance of building permit. 13. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum, in compliance with standard Town practice, shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit and final subdivision map detailing how the perfonnance standards will be addressed. 14. LANDSCAPE PLAN: The final landscape plan shall be reviewed by a restoration ecologist for compliance with the Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams prior to the issuance of a building pen-nit. All Tree Protection measures recommended by the Consulting Arborist in reports dated February 13, 2011, December 13, 2012, and 5 January 16, 2013. shall be followed. 15. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for trees approved for removal prior to the issuance of any permits. 16. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees and shall remain through all phases of construction. Fencing shall be six foot high cyclone (chain link) attached to two -inch diameter steel posts drive 18 inches into the ground and spaced no further than 10 feet apart. Include a tree protection fencing plan with the constriction plans. 17. RECYCLING: Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, the developer shall provide the Community Development Director with written notice of the company that will be recycling the building materials. All wood, metal, glass, and aluminum materials generated from the demolished structure shall be deposited to a company that will recycle the materials. Receipts from the company(s) accepting these materials, noting type and weight of material. shall be submitted to the Town prior to the Towns demolition inspection. 18. PARKING: The minimum parking ratio for the project is 3.3 spaces /1000 square feet. Wheel stops may be used in the parking garages where deemed appropriate and necessary for safety. Wheel stops shall not be used in any surface parking areas. Parking spaces shall be double striped per Town standards. 19. NETWORK ACCESS: Network access shall be provided in the outdoor common areas, to allow people to work outside. 20. PROJECT PHASING: The project may be constructed in phases. If the applicant'developer elects to build the project in phases, then any undeveloped site(s) for 0 future phase(s) shall include provisions for landscaping and other attractive low maintenance improvements, and security and maintenance of any undeveloped land to be developed under future phases. 21. DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES: The developer is required by law to pay development impact fees to the Los Gatos Union School District (LGUSD) and the Los Gatos- Saratoga Union High School District (LGSUHSD) at the time of the building permit issuance. 22. LANDSCAPE SCREENING: All buildings and parking structures shall be significantly buffered from Winchester Boulevard and adjacent properties by the existing and proposed tree screen as shown on the Planting Plan. All healthy redwoods and other significant trees along the Winchester Boulevard frontage screen shall be retained except for those that would be removed with the construction of the new signalized project entry or other required roadway improvements as shown on the Tree Disposition Plan. The proposed parking structure would also be screened by the existing vegetation and additional landscaping as shown on the Planting Plan. 23. PERIMETER TREES: The proposed trees to be planted along the perimeter of the property shall be planted during the first phase of construction. 24. TREE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: The applicant shall enter into a Tree Maintenance Agreement with the Town for five years for the twelve proposed trees to be transplanted. Should any of the transplanted trees die, the applicant will be required to replace them with trees that are 48 -inch box size at a minimum. 25. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3 -2, PROTECTION OF NESTING SPECIAL - STATUS AND MIGRATORY BIRDS: In order to avoid impacts to special- status and migratory 7 bird species during project implementation, the measures outlined below shall be implemented. With the incorporation of the following measures, significant impacts on these species .would be avoided: a. The removal of trees and sluubs shall be minimized to the extent feasible. b. If tree removal, pruning, grubbing and demolition activities are necessary, such activities shall be conducted outside of the breeding season (i.e., between September 1 and January 31), to avoid impacts to nesting birds. c. If tree removal, pr ring, grubbing and demolition activities are scheduled to commence during the bird breeding season (i.e., between February i and August 31), a preconstruction survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist no more than two weeks prior to the initiation of work. The preconstruction survey shall include the project footprint and up to a 300 -foot buffer, access and sight -lines permitting. If no active nests of migratory birds are found, work may proceed without restriction and no further measures are necessary. If work is delayed more than two weeks, the preconstruction survey shall be repeated, if determined necessary by the project biologist. d. If active nests (i.e. nests with eggs or young birds present, or hosting an actively breeding adult pair) of special- status or migratory birds are detected, the project biologist shall designate non- disturbance buffers at a distance sufficient to minimize disturbance based on the nest location, topography, cower, species, and the type /duration of potential disturbance. No work shall occur within the non - disturbance buffers until the young have fledged, as determined by a qualified biologist. The appropriate buffer size shall be determined in cooperation with the 0 CDFW and/or the USFWS. If, despite the establishment of a non - disturbance buffer it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. e. If project activities must occur within the non- disturbance buffer, a qualified biologist shall monitor the nest(s) to document that no take of the nest (i.e., nest failure) will result. If it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. 26. MITIGATION MEASURE 43-3, PROTECTION OF ROOSTING BATS: In order to avoid impacts to special- status bat species during project implementation, the measures outlined below shall be implemented. With the incorporation of the following measures, significant impacts on these species would be avoided. a. Prior to the removal or significant pruning of trees and the demolition of 90 Albright Way, a qualified bat biologist shall assess them for the potential to support roosting bats. Suitable bat roosting sites include trees with snags, rotten stumps, and decadent trees with broken limbs, exfoliating bark, cavities, and structures with cracks, joint seams and other openings to interior spaces. If there is no evidence of occupation by bats, work may proceed without further action. b. If suitable roosting habitat is present, the bat biologist shall recoimnend appropriate measures to prevent take of bats. Such measures may include exclusion and humane eviction (see "c" below) of bats roosting within structures during seasonal periods of C peak activity (e. g.. February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30), partial dismantling of structtues to induce abandonment. or other appropriate measures. c. If bat roosts are identified on the site, the following measures shall be implemented: a If non- breeding'migratory bats are identified on the site within a tree or building that is proposed for removal, then bats shall be passively excluded from the tree or building. This is generally accomplished by opening up the roost area to allow airflow through the cavity /crevice, or installing one -way doors. The bat biologist shall confirm that the bats have been excluded from the tree or building before it can be removed. ■ If a maternity roost of a special- status bat species is detected, an appropriate non- disturbance buffer zone shall be established around the roost tree or building site. in consultation with the CDFW. Maternity roost sites may be demolished only when it has been determined by a qualified bat biologist that the nursery site is not occupied. Demolition of maternity roost sites may not be performed during seasonal periods of peak activity (e.g., February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30). ■ No additional mitigation for the loss of roosting bat habitat is required. 27. MITIGATION MEASURE 43-6, CREEK PROTECTION: The following measures from the Town's adopted "Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams" would ensure that site construction and operation would not result in indirect adverse effects on the riparian and aquatic habitats or Los Gatos Creek: Measures to be Implemented During Project Construction 10 a. Project constriction activities shall be restricted to daylight hours; nighttime work shall not be permitted. b. Use of elevated flood lights shall not be permitted; any exterior lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. c. Dust control must be practiced during demolition and grading. d. The Town of Los Gatos routinely requires implementation of protective measures for all projects adjacent to stream courses. For all work adjacent to stream channels, best management practices (BMPs) shall be implemented to prevent bank erosion, sedimentation, release of contaminants, and accidental incursion by construction equipment below the tops of bank. Such measures may include installation of silt fencing, hay bales, straw wattles or other protective devices to prevent the downslope migration of silt or sediment from the construction site. Measures to be Implemented During Project Operation C. Post - construction BMPs incorporated into the project's drainage plan shall comply with Provision C. 1.c of the Municipal Regional Stonmwater Permit (see Impact 4.5 -5 in Section 4.3, Hydrology and Water Quality, for more discussion) to ensure that no significant adverse effects on water quality of Los Gatos Creek or the adjacent riparian habitat would result. f. Exterior lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. g. Restrictions shall be in place to prevent the placement of pet food containers by employees outdoors in areas accessible to wildlife. 11 h. Free - roaming domestic pets (e.g., cats, off -leash dogs) of employees shall not be pennitted. i. All exterior trash receptacles shall be designed and maintained to exclude wildlife. j. All storm .cater treatment facilities must be in accordance with local and re.gional water quality standards to ensure there is no release of contaminants into the aquatic environment. 28. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -3a, FILL REMOVAL: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall require the removal of existing fill materials within proposed building excavations to a lateral distance of at least 5 feet beyond the building footprint or to a lateral distance equal to the fill depth below the perimeter footing, whichever is greater. Reuse of the fill materials shall only be allowed if they meet the requirements for engineered fill specified in the geotechnical report for the project. Materials such as debris, wood, and trash that do not meet the requirements shall be screened out of the fill materials and removed from the site. Fill materials shall be placed in lifts and compacted in accordance with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. While it is preferable to replace all existing fills with engineered fills, those fill materials extending into planned pavement and flat work areas (e.g. pedestrian concrete and pavers) may be left in place at the project sponsor's option. However, the project sponsor must determine that the fills are of low risk for future differential settlement and ensure that the upper 12- to 18- inches of fill below the subgrade is re- worked and compacted in accordance with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation 12 requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. 29. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -313, ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING UTILITIES: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that existing utilities are completely removed from all building areas. A utility may only be abandoned in place if it would not pose an unacceptable risk, and if approved by the geotechnical engineer. If abandoned in place, the utility must be completely backfilled with grout or sand- cement slurry and the ends outside of the building area must be capped with concrete. Trench fills must also be removed and replaced with engineered fill with the trench side slopes flattened to at least 1:1. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to snatch the updated recommendations as necessary. 30. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -3C, EXCAVATION SAFETY: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that the below grade excavations within the upper five feet below the building subgrade are sloped at 3:1 (vertical:horizontal) and that those deeper than five feet below the building subgrade as well as those excavations in pavement and flatwork areas are sloped at a maximum inclination of 1.5:1. Alternatively, temporary shoring may be used to support the excavations. The design of the shoring shall be left to the construction contractor's judgment, but shall comply with the standards set forth in the geotechnical report for the project. A California - licensed civil or structural engineer must design and be in charge of the temporary shoring design. The shoring shall support adjacent improvements such as utilities, pavements, and buildings. A pre- condition survey shall be conducted including photographs and 13 installation of monitoring points for existing site improvements. All sensitive improvements shall be located and monitored for horizontal and vertical deflections and distress cracking based on the pre - construction survey. For multi -level excavations, the installation of inclinometers at critical areas may be required for more detailed deflection monitoring. The monitoring frequency shall be established and agreed to by the project team prior to start of shoring construction. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. 31. N41TIGATION MEASURE 4.4 -31), IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS OF GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: The project sponsor shall implement all of the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, and any associated updates or revisions, related to review of plans and specifications for proposed buildings: demolition observation and testing; constriction observation and testing; site demolition, clearing, and preparation; subgrade preparation; subgrade stabilization; material for fill; compaction requirements; trench backfill; site drainage; foundations; concrete slabs and pedestrian pavements; vehicular pavements; and retaining walls. 33. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.7 -1, ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS: Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the project applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department that the project complies with the following: a. Pursuant to the Town of Los Gatos Municipal Code Section 16 20.035, construction activities (including operation of haul and delivery trucks) shall occur between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Additionally, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 14 16 20.035(2) the Contractor shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department, that construction noise shall not exceed 85 dBA outside of the property line. This shall be accomplished through the use of properly maintained mufflers and other state - required noise attenuation devices. b. Property occupants located adjacent to the project boundary shall be sent a notice, at least 15 days prior to commencement of construction of each phase, regarding the construction schedule of the proposed project. A sign, legible at a distance of 50 feet shall also be posted at the project construction site. All notices and signs shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department prior to mailing or posting and shall indicate the dates and duration of construction activities, as well as provide a contact name for the contractor's Noise Disturbance Coordinator and a telephone number where residents can contact that person about the construction process and register complaints. c. The Contractor shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department, a qualified "Noise Disturbance Coordinator." The Disturbance Coordinator shall be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. When a complaint is received, the Disturbance Coordinator shall notify the Town within 24 -hours of the complaint and determine the cause of the noise complaint (e.g., starting too early, bad muffler, etc.) and shall implement reasonable measures to resolve the complaint, as deemed acceptable by the Public Works Department. d. Construction haul routes shall be designed to avoid noise sensitive uses (e.g., residences, convalescent homes, etc.) to the extent feasible and shall be restricted to M, collector streets in the project vicinity (i.e. Winchester Boulevard and Lark E venue). e. During construction, stationary construction equipment shall be placed such that emitted noise is directed awav from sensitive noise receivers. ;;. MITIGATION MEASURES 4.7 -2. VIBRATION CO \TROLS: To prevent cosmetic damage to existing adjacent structures, the project contractor shall avoid use of large, truck - mounted vibratory compactors within 15 feet of adjacent structures, and shall not use any equipment that generates vibration levels that exceed 0.5 in/sec PPV, the cosmetic damage threshold for transient vibration, when measured at the closest residential strictures. 34. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.8-la, BAAQMD BASIC AND ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION MEASURES: Prior to issuance of any Grading or Demolition Permit, the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official shall confirm that 1 the Grading Plan, Building Plans, and specifications stipulate that the following basic and enhanced construction mitigation measures shall be implemented as required by BAAAQMD Guidelines while project phases are under constriction: • Water all active constriction areas to maintain 12% soil moisture. • All grading shall be suspended when winds exceed 20 miles per hour. • All haul tucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off -site shall be covered. • Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non- toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites. • Hvdroseed or apply non -toxic soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). 16 ■ Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply non -toxic soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). • All visible mud or dirt track -out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. • Wind breaks and perimeter sand bags shall be used to minimize erosion. The amount of simultaneously disturbed surface shall be minimized as much as possible. • Site access points from public roadways shall be paved or treated to prevent track -out. • Replace vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. • All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph. • All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. ■ Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to two minutes. Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points. ■ All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation. • Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the Town regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 43 hours. The BAAQMD's phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. 17 35. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.8-113, BAAQMD ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS: Prior ( to issuance of any Building Pennit. the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications include the following BAAQ\4D additional construction mitigation measures (during the application of architectural coatings in Years 3 and 4): • Use low volatile organic compounds (VOC) (i.e.. reactive organic oases [ROG]) coatings beyond the BAAQMD requirements (i.e., Regulation S, Rule 3: Architectural Coatings). • VOC content of architectural coatings shall not exceed 150 grams VOC per liter of coating. 36. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.3 -IC, HAUL TRUCK VMT LIMITS: The following limitations shall be adhered to during soil hauling activities (during mass and fine gn�ading) for construction Years 1 and 2 only in order to ensure NOX emissions would be reduced to less - than - significant levels: a Phase 1 (Year 1): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 1, shall not exceed a vehicle miles traveled (V \4T) per day during mass grading of 1,653 miles. a Phase 2 (Year 2): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 2 shall not travel more than 1,943 VMT. VMT during fine grading shall not exceed 545 miles (-NOX mitigation is not necessary in Year 3). a Phase 3 (Years 4 and 5): No mitigation is necessary. Per BAAQMD policy. these travel distance limits are daily averages for a 7 -day week. VMT's shall be logged weekly and supplied to the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official on a monthly basis. These limitations shall be stipulated in constriction bids, plans, and specifications. 1S 37. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.9 -1, GHG REDUCTION MEASURES: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall demonstrate the incorporation of a combination (one or more) of sustainable project design features that would meet the EIR significance threshold of 4.6 MT CO2e /sp /year. The applicant's current proposal is to implement the GHG mitigation measures identified in Table 4.9 -2 of this EIR, which would achieve the reductions necessary to achieve the 4.6 MT CO2e /sp /year threshold. Those measures shall be carried out, except that, at the applicant's election and subject to approval by the Community Development Director, the applicant may substitute alternative measures of equivalent effectiveness to one or more of the measures identified in Table 4.9 -2. In the event that the BAAQMD has assigned percent reductions for such alternative measures, such reductions shall be considered by Town Staff in determining whether such measures truly are equivalent in their effectiveness to those identified in Table 4.9 -2. The following menu of measures provides examples of potential alternatives to the measures already accounted for in Table 4.9 -2: Include solar photovoltaic or other technology to generate electricity on -site to reduce consumption from the electrical grid. • Implement an employee telecommuting program. • Implement an on -site carpool matching program for employees. • 100% Increase in Diversity of Land Uses (provide on -site employee amenities). • Increase Energy Efficiency Beyond Title 24. • Work with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District ( BAAQMD) to implement acceptable off -site mitigation. This would involve an agreement with the BAAQMD and payment of fees or the purchase of carbon credits. The BAAQMD would commit 19 to reducing the type and amount of emissions identified in the agreement. 38. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.10 -2, HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS SURVEY'S AND ABATEMENT: Prior to demolition of each building, the project applicant shall incorporate into contract specifications the requirement that the contractor(s) have a hazardous building materials survey completed by a Registered Environmental Assessor or a registered engineer. This survev shall be completed prior to any demolition activities associated with the project. If any friable asbestos - containing materials or lead - containing materials are identified, adequate abatement practices, such as containment and /or removal, shall be implemented in accordance with applicable laws prior to demolition. Specifically, asbestos abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Section 19827.5 of the California Health and Safetv Code, as implemented by the BAAQMD, and 8 CCR Section 1529 and Sections 341.6 through 341.14. as implemented by CaPOSHA. Lead -based paint abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Cal /OSHA's Lead in Construction Standard. Any PCB - containing equipment, fluorescent light tubes containing mercury vapors, and fluorescent light ballasts containing DEHP shall also be removed and legally disposed of in accordance with applicable laws including 22 CCR Section 66261 24 for PCBs, 22 CCR Section 66273.8 for fluorescent lamp tubes, and 22 CCR Division 4.5, Chapter 11 for DEHP. 39. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.10 -3A, UPDATE ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASE REVIEW: The project applicant shall retain a qualified professional to update the environmental database review performed as part of the Phase 1 Enviromnental Site Assessment no more than three months prior to the start of any construction activities that 20 would involve disturbance of greater than 50 cubic yards of soil. The qualified professional shall prepare a report surmnarizing the results of the enviromnental database review that assesses the potential for any identified chemical release sites to affect soil quality at the proposed project site and identifies appropriate soil analysis to evaluate the potential for soil contamination at the proposed project site, if needed. In response, the project applicant shall implement the recommended soil analyses, if any. 40. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.10 -313, CONTINGENCY PLAN: The project applicant shall require the construction contractor(s) to have a contingency plan for sampling and analysis of potential hazardous materials and for coordination with the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health in accordance with the Voluntary Cleanup Program in the event that previously unidentified hazardous materials are encountered during construction. If previously unidentified soil contamination is identified, per the contingency plan, the contractor(s) shall be required to modify their health and safety plan to include the new data, conduct sampling to assess the chemicals present, and identify appropriate disposal methods. Evidence of potential contamination includes soil discoloration, suspicious odors, the presence of underground storage tanks, or the presence of buried building materials. 41. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -2A, ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITOR: A qualified archaeologist shall be retained to monitor the site clearing and grading operations in those areas where buildings will be removed and/or new construction will occur. The archaeologist shall be present on -site to observe site clearing at a representative sample of building removal areas until he /she is satisfied that there is no longer a potential for 21 finding buried resources. In the event that any potentially significant archaeological resources (i.e., potential historical resources or unique archaeological resources) are discovered, the project archaeologist shall stop work inside a zone designated by him leer where additional archaeological resources could be found. A plan for the evaluation of the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for approval. Evaluation normally takes the form of limited hand excavation and analvsis of materials and information removed to determine if the resource is eligible for inclusion on the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR). 42. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -213, IDENTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLE RESOURCES: If an eligible resource (i.e., an historical resource or a unique archaeological resource) is identified, a plan for mitigation of impacts to the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for approval before any additional construction related earthmoving can occur inside the zone designated as archaeologically sensitive. NVhether the proposed plan is feasible shall be detennined by the Community Development Department after consideration of the viability of avoidance in light of project design and logistics. In lieu of avoidance, mitigation could include additional hand excavation to record and remove for analysis significant archaeological materials, combined with additional archaeological monitoring of soils inside the archaeologically sensitive zone. 43. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -2C, DISCOVERY OF HUMAN REMAINS: Required monitoring will also serve to identify and reduce damage to human burials and associated grave goods. In the event that human remains are discovered, it shall be the responsibility of the project archaeologist to contact the County Coroner's Office and the Native 22 American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC is responsible for naming a Most Likely Descendant (MLD) who shall represent tribal interests in regards to human remains and associated grave goods. The MLD shall make recommendations to the Cormnunity Development Director regarding the method for exposure and removal of human burials and associated grave goods, and shall advise the Community Development Director regarding the place and method of reburial of these materials. 44. MITIGATION MEASURE 4.11 -3, HALT CONSTRUCTION AND EVALUATE RESOURCE: Prior to the commencement of construction activities, the project applicant shall provide for a qualified paleontologist to provide construction personnel with training on procedures to be followed in the event that a fossil site or fossil occurrence is encountered during construction. The training shall include instructions on identification techniques and how to further avoid disturbing the fossils until a paleontological specialist can assess the site. An informational package shall be provided for construction personnel not present at the meeting. In the event that a paleontological resource (fossilized invertebrate, vertebrate, plan or micro- fossil) is found during construction, excavation within 50 feet of the find shall be temporarily halted or diverted until the discovery is evaluated. Upon discovery, the Community Development Director shall be notified immediately and a qualified paleontologist shall be retained to document and assess the discovery in accordance with Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's 2010 Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse hnpacts to Paleontological Resources, and determine procedures to be followed before construction is allowed to resume at the location of the find. If the 23 Community Development Director determines that avoidance is not feasible, the paleontologist will prepare an excavation plan for mitigating the project's impact on this resource, including preparation, identification, cataloging, and curation of any salvaged specimens. 45. CONIMUIITY BENEFIT: Con--.­ -.-, s offered by the applicant in Exhibit 9 of Attachment - cit:ment 9 of the To i:n Council Staff Report for their meeting on Mav 20 2013 This includes the apnlicant's offer to provide SI per constructed square foot of new office R&D buildings. 46 KEEP CLEAR: Applicant shall provide `Deep Clear" or other appropriate roadway markings and signage at the intersection of Charter Oaks Drive and Lark Avenue. 47. SIGNS: No signs shall be visible from Hi°h[vav S5. Building Division 445. PERMITS REQUIRED: A separate building permit shall be required for the demolition(s) of existing buildings and each new office /commercial building and the parking garage structure. Separate pen-nits are required for electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work as necessary. 4649. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue -lined in full on the second sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 450. SIZE OF PLANS: Four sets of construction plans, size 30" x 42" maximum. 24 i 48:51. STREET NAMES, BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new street names and/or building addresses /suite numbers to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. ?9:52. SOILS REPORT: A soils report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the building permit application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer specializing in soils mechanics. -50-f- DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS: Obtain Building Department Demolition Applications and Bay Area Air Quality Management District Applications from the Building Department Service Counter. Once the Demolition Forms have been completed, all signatures obtained, and written verification from PG &E that all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed Forms to the Building Department Service Counter with the Air District's J# Certificate(s), PG &E verification, and three (3) sets of Site Plans showing all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG &E. No demolition work shall be done without first obtaining a Permit from the Town. 54-54. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed four (4) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property or the public right -of -way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall conform to Cal /OSHA regulations. -5-21,54FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as 25 specified in the soils report and that the building pad elevations and on -site retaining wal'. locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal. and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor el-vation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining Walis 5356. TITLE 24 ENERGY CONIPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue -lined (sticky- backed) onto a sheet of the plans. 5157. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater vale is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12- inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. -5 5S. FIRE ZONE: This project will require Class A Roof Assemblies. 56.59. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance, of the building pennit. The Town Special Inspection foam must be completely filled -out, signed by all requested parties, and be blue -lined on the constriction plans. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at 26 V www.losgatosca.gov/building 62NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION STANDARDS SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara County Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (or Clean Bay Sheet 2406) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second or third page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of S2 or at San Jose Blue Print for a fee. 9.61. NPDES-C.3 DATA FORMS: Copies of the NPDES C.3 Data Forms (updated based on the final construction drawings) must be blue -lined in full onto the Plans. In the event that this data differs significantly from any Planning approvals, the Town may require recertification of the project's storm water treatment facilities prior to release of the Building Permit. X62. GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS: This project must, at a minimum, be in compliance with the Nonresidential Mandatory Measures of the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code and all subsequent Amendments. 6&63. SITE ACCESSIBILITY: At least one accessible route within the boundary of the site shall be provided from public transportation stops, accessible parking and accessible passenger loading zones and public streets or sidewalks to the accessible building entrance that they serve. The accessible route shall, to the maximum extent feasible, coincide with the route for the general public. At least one accessible route shall connect all accessible buildings, facilities, elements and spaces that are on the same site. If access is provided for pedestrians from a pedestrian tunnel or elevated walkway, entrances to the 27 buildings from each tunnel or walkway must be accessible. ^ 6-64. ACCESSIBLE PARKING: The parking lots. as well as the parkin- structure, where parking is provided for the public as clients, guests or employees, shall provide handicap accessible parking. Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances. 6?65. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building pen-nit: a. Community Development— Planning Division: Joel Paulson (40S) 354 -6379 b. Engineering/Parks R Public Works Department: N/laziar Bozorginia (403) 395 -3460 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (403) 373 -4010 d. Nest Valley Sanitation District: (403) 375 -2407 e. Bay Area Air Quality Management District. (415) 771 -6000 Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: Engineering Division 6-:66. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted 28 (_/ Town Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right -of -way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special pen-nit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right -of -way according to this condition may result in the Town perfonning the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 64:67. GRADIiv'G PERMIT: A grading -pen-nit is required for site grading and drainage. The grading permit application (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Parks and Public Works Director, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading pen-nit is for work outside the building footprint(s). A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department at 110 E. Main Street is needed for grading within the building footprint. gS6S. GRADING PERMIT PHASING: Phased grading permits may be allowed if approved by the Town Attorney and the Parks and Public Works Director. Phasing may relate to development phases or to multiple grading permits within a development phase, such as early release of a grading permit prior to release of the building permit, or for utility relocation. Bonding of early grading improvements may be required. 29 &-',.-69. PILE DRIVING: No pile driving shall be allowed during any phase of construction. 6":70. TENTATIVE NNIAP: A tentative map is required, either one tentative map for the proposed project or more than one tentative map, depending on phasing, prior to submittal for one or more final or parcel maps. Phased subdivision maps shall be permitted. 71. SUBDIVISION MAP: A final or parcel map shall be recorded. Two copies of the Final / parcel map shall be submitted to the Engineerir^ Division of the Parks & Public Works Department for review and approval. Submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports and appropriate fee. The map shall be recorded before any building permits are issued. Tentative Map planning applications shall be approved for each development phase before a parcel or final map for that phase is recorded. 6472. RIGHT OF WAY VACATION: The Albright Way and Albright Court right of ways shall be vacated prior to or concurrently with the first subdivision map. Street vacation or issuance of an encroachment permit shall occur prior to issuance of permits allowing private work to commence in street right of way areas. =473. PUBLIC EASEMENT ABANDONMENT: The initial public easements to be abandoned shall occur prior to or simultaneously with the street vacation or issuance of an encroachment pen-nit. Subsequent public easement abandonments may be approved by the Director of Parks and Public Works. 1=74. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT: All work in the public right -of -way will require a Construction Encroactmment Permit All work over S5.000 will require construction 0 �. security. 7_'.78. DEDICATIONS: The following shall be dedicated on each subdivision map. The dedications shall be recorded before any permits are issued. a. Winchester Boulevard. Right of way as needed to accommodate required frontage and site entry improvements. b. Public Service Easements (PSE), as required. c. Ingress - egress, storm drainage and sanitary sewer casements, as required. d. Emergency Access Easement. Extending from tie northerly terminus of Charter Oaks, through the project site, to Winchester Blvd. sufficient to meet the Fire Department's requirements. No private vehicle access will be permitted between Charter Oaks to the project site utilizing this Easement. q3-L& PAD CERTIFICATION: A letter from a licensed land surveyor shall be provided for each building stating that the building foundation was constructed in accordance with the approved plans shall be provided subsequent to foundation construction and prior to construction on the structure. The pad certification shall address both vertical and horizontal foundation placement. 74--77. DESIGN CHANGES: The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town Engineer, in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the proposed work and the design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall be subject to the approval of the Town before altered work is started. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final "as- built" drawings. -7178. AS -BUILT PLANS: After completion of the construction of all work, the original plans shall have all changes (change orders and field changes) clearly marked. The "as- built" 31 plans shall again be signed and "wet- stamped" by the civil engineer who prepared the plans, attesting to the changes. The original "as- built" plans shall be review and approved the Engineering Inspector. A tilylar and AutoCAD disk of the approved " as- built" plans shall be provided to the Town before the Faithfid Performance Security or Occupancy Permit is released. The AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall contonn to the layer gaming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG - OUTLINE; b) Driveway. Laver: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Nall. Laver: RETAINING WALL; d) Swimming Pool, Layer: SWiM II \G -POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer: TE \NIS- COURT; f) Property Line, Laver: PROPERTY -LINE; g) Contours, Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as -built digital files must be on the same coordinate basis as the Town's survey control network and shall be submitted in AutoCAD version 2000 or hither. '6-.79FINISITED FLOOR ELEVATIONS: Finished floor elevations for all new inhabitable buildings shall be higher than the 100 -year water surface elevations identified on Flood Insurance Rate Maps current at the time of building permit issuance. 77.80. PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to plan review at the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. ?BSI. INSPECTION FEES: Inspection fees shall be deposited wiTh the To-,vn prior to issuance of any Permit or recordation of the Final ylap. 79-.81 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The developer or his representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty -four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining 3 2 �/ to on -site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right -of -way. Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that went on without inspection. X33. THIRD PARTY INSPECTOR FEES: The applicant shall pay for the inspection of public street lighting and traffic signal related work. Inspections shall be performed by the Town's street lighting and traffic signal contractor. An initial deposit of $5,000 shall be made to the Town prior to issuance of an encroachment or public improvement permit. Inspection will be on a cost recovery basis and additional inspection fees may be required. S1-S4. SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION: During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and /or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design -level geoteclutical report, and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing should be documented in an "as- built" letter /report prepared by the applicants' soils engineer and submitted to the Town before final release of any occupancy pen-nit is granted. 5�. WATER DESIGN: Water plans prepared by SJWC must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of any permit for each development phase, subject to the discretion of the Town Engineer. X36. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN: A storm water management plan shall be included with each phased grading permit application for all Group 1 and Group 2 projects as defined in the amended provisions C.J of the amended Santa Clara County NPDES Permit. The plan shall delineate source control measures and BMP's together JJ with the sizing calculations. The plan shall be certified by a professional pre - qualified by the Town. In the event that storm water measures proposed for the ASS approval differ significantly from those certified on the Building'Grading Permit, the Town may require a modification of the A&S apnrovai prior to release of the Building Pen-nit. The applicant may elect to have the ASS submittal certified to avoid this possibility. £4-.rS . AGREEMENT FOR STORM WATER BEST NIF:NAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION AND \I_AINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS: The property owner or Owner's Association, as appropriate, shall enter into an agreement with the Town for maintenance of the stonmvater filtration devices required to be installed on this project by Town's Stonnwater Discharge Permit and all current amendments or modifications. The agreement will specify that certain routine maintenance, including catch basin cleaning and pavement sweeping, shall be performed by the property owner or owner's association, as applicable, and will specify device maintenance reporting requirements. The agreement will also specify routine inspection requirements, permits and payment of fees. The agreement shall be recorded prior to release of any occupancy permits. ASS. SITE DRAINAGE: All stone drain inlets (public or private) shall be stenciled.!signed with appropriate "NO DUMPING - Glows to Bay" NPDES required language. S-4-89. NPDES 1: On -site drainage systems for all projects shall conform to the requirements of I the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit that is current at the time of ASS approval for each development phase. Each development phase must provide, at a minimum. Sufficient improvements to treat all development within feat phase. Deferral of treatment to future phases will not be allowed. 9790. NPDES 2: Prior to issuance of a building permit for each new building, landscape plans 34 shall be submitted to Community Development for review and approval to insure that beneficial landscaping has been incorporated into the design to minimize irrigation runoff and use of pesticides and fertilizers. SS 41. NEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT: All sewer connection and treatment plant capacity fees for a project phase shall be paid either immediately prior to the recordation of any subdivision map for that phase, or immediately prior to the issuance of a sewer connection permit, which ever event occurs first. Written confirmation of payment of these fees shall be provided prior to recordation of each map or issuance of a building permit. 5491 SANITARY SEWER LATERAL: Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean -out at the property line. 90-.2L-SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE: Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.3 mm) above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first approved by the Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overflow where the property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined section 103(e) of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the Town Code and maintain such device in a functional operating condition. Evidence of 35 West Valley Sanitation District's decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to issuance o a building pen-nit. 9-94. TRASH E \CLOSURES: Trash enclosures shall be covered and provided with a drain connected to the sanitary sewer system. No trash enclosure shall be placed between a building and a residential area. 9=_99. GREASE TRAPS: Meet all requirements of the Santa Clara County Healer Department and Nest Valley Sanitation District for the interception, separation or pretreatment of effluent. 9--'— 96. UTILITIES: All new utilities shall be placed underground. 94797. ABOVE GROUi\r D UTILITIES: The applicant shall submit a 75- percent progress print to the Town for review of above ground utilities including back-flow prevention devices, fire department connections, gas and water meters, off - street valve boxes, hydrants, site lighting, electrical,'communicatioii /cable boxes, transformers, and mail boxes. Above ground utilities shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to issuance of any permit for each development phase. 9-93. UTILITY RELOC'ATiON AND PHASING: Utility and circulation relocation and phasing plans shall be included in the grading permit application package. 9x99. PHOTOMETRICS: Site lighting photometrics shall be provided with each Architecture and Site application. 9r100.UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW: Letters from the electric. telephone. cable, and trash companies indicating that the proposed improvements and easements are acceptable shall be provided prior to recordation of each subdivision map. 9&101.JOINT TRENCH PLANS: joint trench plans shall be reviewed and approved by the 3 6 Town prior to recordation of each map. The joint trench plans shall include street and'or site lighting and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by PG &E stating that public street light billing will be by Rule LS2A, and that private lights shall be metered with billing to the owner. Pole numbers, assigned by PG&E, shall be clearly delineated on the plans. 99d02.TRENCHING: Trenching within public streets will be allowed subject to the following requirements: a. The To«m standard "T" trench detail shall be used. b. A Town approved colored controlled density backfill shall be used. c. The total asphalt thickness shall be a minimum of 3- inches or shall match the existing thickness, whichever is greater. The final lift shall be 1.5- inches of half inch medium asphalt. The initial lift(s) shall be of three quarter inch medium asphalt. d. The Contractor shall schedule a pre - paving meeting with the Town Engineering Construction Inspector the day the paving is to take place. e. A slurry seal topping may be required by the construction inspector depending his assessment of the quality of the trench paving. If required, the slurry seal shall extend the full width of the street and shall extend 5 -feet beyond the longitudinal limits of trenching. Slurry seal materials shall be approved by the Town Engineering Construction Inspector prior to placement. Black sand may be required in the slurry mix. All existing striping and pavement markings shall be replaced upon completion of slurry seal operations. 44)0:103. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE: The developer shall pay a fee 3 7 proportional to the project's share of transportation improvement needed to serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building permit application is made. The Yee shall be paid before the building permit is issued. The traffic impact mitigation fee for this project, using the current fee schedule and addition of 300.000 square -feet of Office Pz.rk (ITE Code 750) is S192,960. The final fee si:all be calcuiated from the final plans using the rate schedule in effect at the time of the building permit application, using a trip generation rate based on use. ,41 104. TRAFFIC [NIPACT C'UIVIUNIT't BENEFIT: The developer is required to provide Community Benefit based on the Town Traffic Impact Policy. 4-9_' —.105. LARK/UNIV"ERSITY TRAFFIC SIGNAL: Prior to issuance of a building permit or recordation of any map, the developer shall pay $3_'3.639.1 f to reimburse the Town for their fair share contribution towards the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of University Avenue and Lark Avenue. The contribution is based on 53- percent of the total construction and design cost of 5397,550.63. 103 -106. PARKIti`G. Any proposed parking restrictions on public streets must be approved by the LGPD. 41 -107. TRAFFIC SIGNAL: A new intersection aligned with the existing Courtside drivewav on Winchester Boulevard, and conversion of the existing Albright Way intersection to right -turn in and out shall be provided with the Phase I development. A full traffic signal, signal interconnection and timing shall be provided prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy. 40- ;-103. TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING AND SYNCHRONIZATION: The applicant shall 3s provide a proposal from a licensed traffic engineer containing a scope of work for developing a method of interconnection, coordination, and timing of the traffic signals along Winchester from the new project signal to Winchester /Wimbledon to Lark /Winchester and on to Lark/University. New conduit is required in locations where street widening is proposed. The proposal and method of signal coordination shall be reviewed and approved by Town Engineer. Signal coordination shall be in place prior to occupancy of Phase 1 building, and re- tuned again once each building has reached a significant level of occupancy. A bond for the signal coordination up to two times subsequent to the initial work performed prior to occupancy shall be posted with the Town prior to issuance of each certificate of occupancy. 446--109. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION STUDIES: As part of each grading pen-nit application, the developer shall submit design -level circulation plans to address onsite circulation and project entry points from Winchester Boulevard at each development phase. The plans will identify the configuration of on -site circulation facilities and project entry points from Winchester Boulevard as needed to support each development phase. 40= =110. TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS: The following traffic improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy: a. New Project Entry. The applicant shall construct a new four -way signalized intersection to align with the existing Courtside driveway approximately 300 -feet south of Albright Way. The design shall include, at a minimum, an additional right turn lane entering the project site, additional Class lI bike lane on east side of Winchester Boulevard along entire project frontage, and two left -turn lanes exiting the project site. The southbound left turn pock shall be formed using a raised median. 39 The raised median shall extend north to physically restrict southbound left and U- ^ turns at Albright Way. The northbound left turn pocket to the Courtside Club shall be extended to 1-15-feet (7 car queue) as recommended in the traffic impact analysis. Handicap ramps, pedestrian crossings, signing, striping= and parking shall be provided in general conformance with the approved PD plan set. b. Albright Way at Winchester Blvd. Construct a landscaped island (`pork chop") to restrict vehicular tmc ement to right -in right -out only with turn restriction signage. c. Frontage hmprovements. Paint pole and install LED light fixtures for all existing street lights at the project frontage. d. Class II Bike Lanes. Class II bike lanes shall be provided in both the north and south bound directions on Winchester Boulevard between Wimbledon Drive and the rail crossing. Median islands shall be modified as needed to accommodate the bike lanes. e. Dedicated Right Tom Lanes. Winchester Boulevard shall be widened to provide dedicated right turn lanes at the south entry and new signalized entry. Additional widening may also be required to provide a right turn lane at Albright Way if determined to be required by the Director of Parks and Public Works. f Striping. The developer shall restripe southbound Winchester Boulevard between the Courtside entrance and Lark Avenue to provide a dedicated southbound left -turn lane to eastbound Lark Avenue. 40&111. FRONTAGE INIPROVE.NIENTS: Applicant shall be required to h.;prove the project's public frontage to current Town Standards. These improvements may include but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk. driveway approaches, curb ramps, traffic signal. street lighting (upgrade and/or repaint) etc. 40 G 4112. BUS PAD: Prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, the developer shall provide a bus pad on northbound Winchester Boulevard north of Albright Way. The pad shall meet the following VTA specifications: a. Handicap access ramps and sidewalk from Albright Way to the bus pad; b. 10' x 55' concrete bus pad constructed to VTA specifications; c. Minimum 3' x 40'concrete sidewalk adjacent to the bus stop area; d. Solar bus stop light mounted on VTA bus stop pole with ADA compliant activation button; e. Trees and landscaping should be placed outside the bus stop area to accommodate passenger /pedestrian movement and provide clearance for vehicles. 4?!113. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Plans for public improvements shall be prepared by a California registered civil engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by contract, Faithful Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of a building pen-nit or the recordation of a subdivision map for each development phase. The improvements must be substantially completed prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, fully complete and accepted by the Town prior to issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for each development phase. 4- -114. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. A slurry seal shall be provided across the full lane 41 width in areas of trenching, lane widening, median modification or construction, and where striping has been ground off. Existing improvement io be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply vN n all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. Developer shall request a walk- throu-It with the Engincering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verifv existim, conditions. -1 .ill. PUBLIC A \D PRIVATE IMPROVEME \T SECURITY: The applicant shall supply suitable securities for all public improvements, and private circulation and drainage infrastructure improvements that are a part of the development in a form acceptable to the Town in the amount of 100% (perfonnance) and 100% (labor and material) prior to issuance of any permit for each development phase. Applicant shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the applicable improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 14.3..1 16. RETANING WALLS: A building permit, issued by the Building Department at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading pen-nit plan review process. 444-117. SOILS REPORT: One copy of the soils report shall be submitted with each grading permit application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wail design and erosion control. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6i35 of the California Business and Professions Code. Each report shall be peer reviewed by Town Consultants prior to submittal for permits. 42 44- -.113. SOIL EXPORT: The total soil export volume (sum of all development phases) from the site shall not exceed 22,200 cubic yards. The contractor's project engineer shall send daily trucking reports to the Engineering inspector during the export operation of each development phase. Project impacts were evaluated based on the following earthwork breakdown: Phase 1) 33,000 CY cut to fill, 3,700 CY export; Phase 2) 4,500 CY cut to fill, 10,000 CY export; and Phase 3) 3,000 CY cut to fill, 3,500 CY export. 4- L6-.119. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on or off -site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.). No more than 10 trucks per hour will be allowed. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall work with the Town Building and Engineering Department Engineering Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the developer /owner to place construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. 1':120. SOILS REVIEW: Prior to 'issuance of each grading permit, the applicant's soils engineer shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the peer review comments. The applicant's soils engineer's approval shall then be conveyed to the Town either by letter or by signing the plans. 44- &:121. EROSION CONTROL: Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared 43 and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks fi Public Works Department. A Notice of hitent (NOI) and Stonn Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for projects disturbing more than one acre. A maximurn of two weeks is allowed berween clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during constriction and 'before installation of the final landscaping shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details). erosion control blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basin-, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be in compliance with applicable measures contained in the amended provisions C.3 and C.14 of the most current Santa Clara County NPDES NIRP Permit. 449-,L22. SURVEYING CONTROLS: Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a. Retaining wall- -top of wall elevations and locations b. Toe and top of cut and till slopes 130-123. PRECONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY: Prior to issuance of a Grading Pen-nit, the project Applicant shall complete a pavement condition survcy documenting the extent of existing pavement defects using a 35 -mm or digital video camera. The survey shall extend from the Highway 17 freeway ramps on Lark Avenue along Lark and Winchester to the Campbell City limits. In addition, a pavement deflection analysis 44 conforming to the same limits as the photographic survey shall be performed to determine pavement strength. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review. ' 124. POSTCONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY: The project Applicant shall complete a post construction pavement condition survey and pavement deflection analysis to determine whether road damage occurred as a result of project construction and whether there were changes in pavement strength. Rehabilitation improvements required to restore the pavement to pre - construction condition and strength shall be determined using State of California procedures for deflection analysis. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review and approval. The Applicant shall be responsible for completing any required road repairs prior to release of a certificate of occupancy. ?- 33125. TREE REMOVAL: Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be I provided prior to issuance of any grading permit. 42_-:3-.126. DEMOLITION: Any existing structures that would straddle a future property line shall be demolished prior to recordation of the final or parcel map for the applicable phase. 12-16L27- DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town,, or a minimum of three times daily, or apply (non- toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access 45 roads, parting areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets will be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as otter as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on -site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one late- afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 20 MPH. All tnrcks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 4-25 125. DUST CONTROL (SITES > 4 ACRES): The following measures should be implemented at construction sites greater than four acres in area: a. Hydroseed or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). b. Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non- toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.) c. Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph. d. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. e. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. 4-2&L2 9. SILT A`-D MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT- OP -WA"Y: It is the responsibility of contractor and property owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right -of- way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other constriction debris 46 SHALL NOT be washed into the Town's storm drains. -1'".1=0. SIDEWALK CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the sidewalk r_quires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 46131. SIDEWALK REPAIR: The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. Sidewalk repair shall match existing color, texture and design, and shall be constricted per Town Standard Details. The limits of sidewal, repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. 439132. CURB AND GUTTER: The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project. New curb and gutter shall be constricted per Town Standard Details. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be detennined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. 438:133. PRIVATE EASEMENTS: Agreements detailing rights, limitations, and responsibilities of involved parties shall accompany each private easement. The easements and associated agreements shall be recorded simultaneously with each subdivision map. 494:134. PRIVATE STREETS: All streets within the development shall be private. 43?1L35. CONSTRUCTION NOISE 1: Between the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., weekdays; and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise 47 ievel exceeding eighty -five (85) dBA at twenty -five (25) feet If the device is located within a structure on flee property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty -five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty -five (85) dBA. 1??.l ?6. CONSTRUCTION NOISE 2: The Director Of Parks and Public Works may allow earlier start times than specified by Town code if it determined that the work will net cause undue nuisance to adjacent residential neighborhoods. In the event that noise complaints are received, the Town code construction hours will be implemented. 4;4- ?. PRECO: >STRUCTION - MEETING: Prior to issuance of any permit or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the project applicant, attend a pre - construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval, and will make certain that all project sub - contractors have read and understand them prior to commencing work and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on site at all times during construction. ,"5.1:8. CONSTRUCTION btANAGE;vIE \T PLAN: The Applicant shall submit a construction management plan that sha!1 incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traf is Control Plan. Project Schedule, site security fencing, employce parking, construction staging area, construction trailer, and proposed outhouse locations. 4- 3§..i9. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at a!1 times during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be 48 diligently performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The storing of goods and /or materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division. The adjacent public right -of -way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right -of -way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. ?.140. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: The project sponsor will be required to work with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department to develop a traffic control plan for incorporation into the construction bid documents (specifications), and this plan will include, but not be limited to, the following measures: a. Construction activities shall be strategically timed and coordinated to minimize traffic disruption for schools, residents, businesses, special events, and other projects in the area. The schools located on the haul route shall be contacted to help with the coordination of the trucking operation to minimize traffic disruption. b. Flag persons shall be placed at locations necessary to control one -way traffic flow. All flag persons shall have the capability of communicating with each other to coordinate the operation. c. Prior to construction, advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding one -way operation, specifying dates and hours of MG operation. r - S 14L COti'STRUCTION STREET PARKING: No vehicle liming a manufacturer`s rated gross vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be allowed to park on the portion of a street which abuts proper ",v in a residential zone without prior approval from the Town Engineer (ys 15.40.070). 4=- 3 -1-'.? COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered. 4 14_. CCxR's: A copy of the CC &R's shall be submitted for review and approval by the Town Attorney and Planning Division prior to map recordation. 44L:144. FENCING l: A fence shall be provided along the project frontage to the rail right of way as shown in the A& S plan set. The fence shall be complete prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy. 4- 12A46. FENCING 2: A 6 -foot masonry fence shall be provided between commercial and residential zones as required by Town Code. 44_x.146. ALTERNATIVE TRANSIT: The project shall encourage alternative transportation modes (carpooling and bicycling) by providing reserved parking for carpools /vanpools. showers/changing areas for employees, and bicycle parki•tg. i 4-?4 -147. BICYCLE PARKING: Bicycle parking shall be provided at a ratio of one bike space to twenty vehicle parking spaces. Three quarters (750/'0) of the bike spaces shall be Cl I and the remaining quarter (25 %) shall be CI II spaces as defined by VTA. The spaces shall be provided by phase in accordance with the vehicle spaces required for that phase. 4x-3:143. SCVWD APPROVAL: The following Santa Clara Valley Water District 60 �� approvals shall be obtained prior to issuance of building permits: a. Any work east of the project's east boundary requires an encroachment permit from the District. b. Any proposed trail access points must be open to the general public and not be exclusive to site occupants. New trail connections and trail amenities require District permits. The District discourages the proliferation of "midblock" access points. c. Planting of replacement trees on SCVWD property to mitigate on site tree removals is not permitted. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 44§:149. Review of this development proposal is limited to acceptability of site access and water supply as they per to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 414,4150. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH: The minimum clear width of fire department access roads shall be 20 feet. Aerial fire access roads: Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more 51 than 30 feet in height. Proximity to building: At least one of the required access routes meeting these conditions small be located Nvithin a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building, as approved by the fire code official. CFC Sec. 503 See Pages C- 1. C -2.1 and C-2.2. x:151, ACCESS A \D LOADI NG FACILITIES: Buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constricted shall be accessible to 'ire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus access road (including bridges and culverts) with an asphalt, concrete or oilier approved driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds or as otherwise determined by the fire code official. Minimum clear hei4ht: Vertical clearance over required vehicular access roads and driveways shall be 13 feet 6 inches. Grade: ?- aximu m grade shall not exceed 15 %. Turn Radius (circulating): The minimum outside turning radius is 42 feet for required access roadways. Greater radius up to 60 feet may be required where the fire department determines that ladder truck access is required. Circulating refers to travel along a roadivav without dead ends. Turnim- Radius (Cul -de- sacs): Tile minimum outside turning radius is 36 feet. Use of cul -de -sacs is not acceptable where it is determined by the fire department that ladder truck access is required, unless greater turning radius is provided. CFC Sec. 503 See pages C -1. C -2.1 and C -22. - 119152. ENIERGE\CY RESPO_vDER RADIO COVERAGE: Buildings and siruc,uras that cannot support the required level of radio coverage shall be equipped with a radiating cable system, a distributed antenna system with FCC certified signal boosters 52 G or other system approved by the fire code official in order to achieve the required adequate radio coverage. CFCJ 103.1.1. k5g153. FIRE SPRINKLERS WHERE REQUIRED: An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provide throughout all new buildings and structures. Where the provisions of this code require that a building or portion thereof be equipped throughout with an approved fire sprinkler system in accordance with this section, the sprinklers shall be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13 except as provided in Section 903. and local standards. Note: The new owner(s), occupant(s) and any contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) are responsible for consulting with the water purveyor of record in order to determine if any modification or upgrade of the existing water service is required. A State of California licensed (C -16) Fire Protection Contractor shall submit plans, calculations, a completed permit application and appropriate fees to this department for review and approval prior to beginning their work. CFC Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.13 as adopted and amended by LGTC. 4-5-1-154. POTABLE WATER: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water -based fire protection systems, and /or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance 53 with the requirements of the water pua'evor of record are documented by hat purveyor as having been met by the apphcant(s). 2007 CFC Sec. 903.3.6 and Heaith and Safety Code 13114.7. 4-2— .. HOSE VALVES /STAy:DPIPE.S ::SQUIRED: Buildings shall be equipped with standpipes desitmed per `:FPA Std. 414, as amended in Chapter =:7, and be equipped with 2 -1/2" hose valves, at location designated by the fire department. hose valves!standpipes shall be instated as per the 2010 CFC Sec 906, or where emergency access has been deemed minimal, shall be equipped standpipes designed per NFPA Std. r14, as amended in Chapter 417, and be equipped with 3 -1'2" hose valves, located within the stair enclosure(s). Note specifically, within parking structure(s) ce, stairwells and on podium within courtyard area. 2010 CFC See. 906. 4s:166. PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT(S) REQUIRED. Provide public fire hydrant(s) at location(s) to be determined jointly by the Fire Department and the San Jose Wafer Company. Fire hydrants shall be provided along required fire apparatus access roads and adjacent public streets at tocation(s) to be determined by fire fire department. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 600 feet. with a minimum single hydrant flow of 1600 GPVl at 20 psi. residual pressure. Prior to design, the project, civil engineer shall meet with the fire department water supply officer to jointly spot the required fire hydrant locations. 2010 CFC Sec. 607. Appendix B and C and Tables B 106 mid C105.1. 4- X4:167. FIRE LANE AARKI \G REQUIRED: Provide marking for all roadways tti -,hin the project. Markings shall be per fire department specifications. Installations shall conform to Local Government Standards and Fire Department Standard Detail and Specifications A -6. 2010 CFC Sec. 603.3. 64 G 13}158. TIMING OF REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATIONS. Installations of required fire service(s) and fire hydrant(s) shall be tested and accepted by the Fire Department, prior to the start of framing or delivery of bulk combustible materials. Building permit issuance may be withheld until required installations are completed, tested, and accepted. 2010 CFC Sec. 501. I--5(-159. TIMING OF REQUIRED, ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. Required access roads, up through first lift of asphalt, shall be installed and accepted by the Fire Department prior to the start of combustible construction. During construction, emergency access roads shall be maintained clear and unimpeded. Note that building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed. Temporary access roads maybe approved on a case by case basis. 2010 CFC Sec. 501. 4-5? 160. PREMISES IDENTIFICATION: Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall contrast with their background. CFC Sec. 505. 13&161. NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING: All new commercial buildings shall comply with standard specification SI -7 for construction site safety. 134:162. FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION IDENTIFIER: Prior to project final inspection, the general contractor shall ensure that an approved ( "Blue Dot ") fire hydrant location identifier has been laced in the roadway, as directed by the fire department, Ib&163. TRAFFIC SIGNAL PREMPTION: Both new and existing traffic signals on Winchester Boulevard and Lark Avenue must be equipped with signal preemption 55 control deices. Contact this office to determine which intersections must be so equipped. 56 SECTION VI This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on ;June 3. 2013, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance Of the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on ,June 17. 2013 and becomes effective 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA NADEV\0RDS '2013 -M4-g eA1hnghtTC.docx 57 This Page Intentionally Left Blank RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CERTIFYING A FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND MAHING CERTAIN FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN CONNECTION WITH A REZONING TO CM:PD FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 90 -160 ALBRIGHT WAY AND 14600 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD. APNS: 424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, AND 063 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR -12 -003 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: PD -12 -001 ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION S -12 -078 WHEREAS, A. The applicant, John R. Shenk, proposes to rezone property located at 90 -160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard from CM:PD to CM:PD for the development of up to 550,000 square feet of new office/R &D space (including office - serving amenities), one parking garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and open space. The Albright Office Park Project includes Planned Development Application PD -12 -001, Architecture and Site Application S -12 -078, and Environmental Impact Report EIR -12 -003. B. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Albright Office Park Project was issued on August 3, 2012. C. A public scoping meeting was held on August 27, 2012, to receive comments regarding the scope of issues to be addressed in the EIR. D. A Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) to analyze potential impacts associated with the Albright Office Park Project was prepared and issued for agency and public review and comment on January 29, 2013, for a 45 day review period. 1 ATTACHMENT 3 E. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on February 27, 2013, at which time the Commission received public comments regarding the Draft FIR for the Albright, Office Park Project. F. ` Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and the implementing Guidelines adopted therefore,( "CEQA "), the Town prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report (Final FIR), incorporating responses to comments on the DEIR which was issued on April 12, 2013. G. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on April 24, 2013, at which time the Commission considered the public testimony, the staff report prepared for that meeting ( "Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to the Albright Office Park Project, and recommended denial of the Planned Development application to the Town Council for the Albright Office Park Project. H. The Town Council held a duly noticed public hearing on May 20, 2013, at which time the Town Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report, and all other documentation related to the Albright Office Park Project and continued the item to June 3, 2013 I. The Town Council held a continued public hearing on June 3, 2013, at which time the Town Council further considered additional public testimony, the Staff Report, and all other documentation related to the Albright Office Park Project. J. At the public hearing on June 3, 2013, the Town Council modified the applicant's proposed "project by: reducing the height of Building 1 and Building 4 to a maximum all inclusive height of 50' (fifty feet); reducing the maximum height of the parking garage to 35' 2 (thirty five feet) exclusive of tower elements, elevator overrun structures, and other similar architectural elements; reducing the maximum square footage of the Planned Development project to 485,000 square feet; not permitting any freeway visible signs; and requiring the applicant to provide "Keep Clear" or other appropriate roadway markings and signage at the intersection of Charter Oaks Dive and Lark Avenue. K. Public Resources Code §21081, subdivision (a), requires a public agency, before approving a project for which an EIR has been prepared and certified, to adopt findings specifying whether mitigation measures and, in some instances, project alternatives, discussed in the EIR, have been adopted or rejected as infeasible. L. The Town need not make findings rejecting alternatives described in the EIR if all of the project's significant impacts will be mitigated to a less than significant level by mitigation measures, which is the case with the Albright Office Park Project. M. The Town Council, reflecting the advice of Town Staff, expert consultants, the Planning Commission, and extensive input from the community, has expressed its intention to approve the Albright Office Park Project. N. In taking this course, the Town Council has acted consistent with the CEQA mandate to look to project mitigations and/or alternatives as a means of lessening or avoiding the environmental effects of projects as proposed. O. All of the potentially significant environmental effects associated with the Albright Office Park Project, as approved, have been mitigated to less than significant levels through the inclusion of mitigation measures proposed in the Final EIR. 3 P. The Town Council in approving the project as proposed intends to adopt all I mitigation measures as set forth in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Albright Office Park Project (the "Program "), which is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit a Q. The Town Council recognizes the Town's obligation, pursuant to the Public Resources Code § 21081.6 subdivision (a), to ensure the monitoring of all adopted mitigation measures necessary to substantially lessen or avoid the significant effects of the project. Such monitoring will occur pursuant to the adopted Program. R. The location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the Town Council's decision is based is in the office of the Town Clerk, 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby certifies the Final EIR, adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program attached hereto as Exhibit A, and adopts the Findings of Fact attached hereto as Exhibit B. In certifying the Final EIR, the Town Council specifically finds that (1) the document has been completed in compliance with CEQA (2) the document was presented to the Town Council as the decision - making body of the lead agency, and the Council has reviewed and considered the information contained therein; and (3) the Final EIR reflects the Town's independent judgment and analysis. 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 17th day of June, 2013, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA N:\DE V\RESOS\2013\AlbrightCEQAFinal.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM This Page Intentionally Left Blank s MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 f' PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way sus PD -12 -001, 5 -12 -078 � h � -- . Y JVlttt opMeasur 4.3 Biological Resources Implemen--: tation M c �TZY25 onsi)xilr Timing R. -- Vlonitorin 4.3 -2, Protection of Nesting Special- status and Migratory Birds: In Required as Directors of Prior to order to avoid impacts to special - status and migratory bird species during a condition Community issuance of any project implementation, the measures outlined below shall be of Development Grading Permit. implemented. With the incorporation of the following measures, approval. and Parks and significant impacts on these species would be avoided. Public Works Ensure these a. The removal of trees and shrubs shall be minimized to the extent measures are feasible. incorporated b. If tree removal, pruning, grubbing and demolition activities are into project necessary, such activities shall be conducted outside of the breeding plans. season (i.e., between September 1 and January 31), to avoid impacts to nesting birds. Monitoring: c. If tree removal, pruning, grubbing and demolition activities are Prior to and scheduled to commence during the bird breeding season (i.e., betwee during February 1 and August 31), a preconstruction survey shall be construction. conducted by a qualified biologist no more than two weeks prior to the initiation of work. The preconstruction survey shall include the project footprint and up to a 300 -foot buffer, access and sight -lines permitting. If no active nests of migratory birds are found, work may proceed without restriction and no further measures are necessary. If work is delayed more than two weeks, the preconstruction survey shall be repeated, if determined necessary by the project biologist. d. If active nests (i.e. nests with eggs or young birds present, or hosting an actively breeding adult pair) of special -status or migratory birds are detected, the project biologist shall designate non - disturbance buffers at a distance sufficient to minimize disturbance based on the nest location, topography, cover, species, and the type /duration of potential disturbance. No work shall occur within the non- disturbance buffers until the young have fledged, as determined by a qualified biologist. The appropriate buffer size shall be determined ' cooperation with the CDFW and/or the USFWS. If, despite the establishment of a non - disturbance buffer it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. e. If project activities must occur within the non - disturbance buffer, a qualified biologist shall monitoring the nest(s) to document that no take of the nest (i.e., nest failure) will result. If it is determined that project activities are resulting in nest disturbance, work shall cease immediately and the CDFW and the USFWS shall be contacted for further guidance. 4.3 -3, Protection of Roosting Bats: In order to avoid impacts to Required as Directors of Prior to special- status bat species during project implementation, the measures a condition Community issuance of Tree outlined below shall be implemented. With the incorporation of the of Development Removal Permit following measures, significant impacts on these species would be approval. and Parks and and Demolition avoided. Public Works Permit for 90 a. Prior to the removal or significant pruning of trees and the demolition Albright Way of 90 Albright Way, a qualified bat biologist shall assess them for the and any potential to support roosting bats. Suitable bat roosting sites include Grading Permit. e MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM ` DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way SOS 6AS0 M -12 -001, S -12 -0700 " illga d Implemcu- taio Timing & 1onitorii ng trees with snags, rotten stumps, and decadent trees with broken limbs, exfoliating bark, cavities, and structures with cracks, joint seams and Ensure these other openings to interior spaces. If there is no evidence of measures are occupation by bats, work may proceed without further action. incorporated b. If suitable roosting habitat is present, the bat biologist shall into project recommend appropriate measures to prevent take of bats. Such plans. measures may include exclusion and humane eviction (see "c" below) of bats roosting within structures during seasonal periods of peak Monitoring: activity (e.g., February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30), Prior to and partial dismantling of structures to induce abandonment, or other during appropriate measures. construction. c. If bat roosts are identified on the site, the following measures shall be implemented: • If non - breeding/migratory bats are identified on the site within a tree or building that is proposed for removal, then bats shall be passively excluded from the tree or building. This is generally accomplished by opening up the roost area to allow airflow through the cavity/crevice, or installing one -way doors. The bat biologist shall confirm that the bats have been excluded from the tree or building before it can be removed. • If a maternity roost of a special - status bat species is detected,. an appropriate non - disturbance buffer zone shall be established aroun the roost tree or building site, in consultation with the CDFW. Maternity roost sites may be demolished only when it has been determined by a qualified bat biologist that the nursery site is not occupied. Demolition of maternity roost sites may not be performed during seasonal periods of peak activity (e.g., February 15 - April 15, and August 15 - October 30). • No additional mitigation for the loss of roosting bat habitat is required. 4.3 -6, Creek Protection: The following measures from the Town's Required as Directors of Ensure these adopted "Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams' would a condition Community measures are ensure that site construction and operation would not result in indirect of Development incorporated adverse effects on the riparian and aquatic habitats or Los Gatos Creek: approval. and Parks and into project Measures to be Implemented During Proiect Construction Public Works plans. a. Project construction activities shall be restricted to daylight hours; nighttime work shall not be permitted. Monitoring: bring and after b. Use of elevated flood lights shall not be permitted; any exterior construction. lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. c. Dust control must be practiced during demolition and grading. d. The Town of Los Gatos routinely requires implementation of protective measures for all projects adjacent to stream courses. For all work adjacent to stream channels, best management practices (BMPs) shall be implemented to prevent bank erosion, sedimentation, release of contaminants, accidental incursion by construction equipment below the tops of bank. Such measures may include installation of silt fencing, hay bales, straw wattles or other protective devices to prevent the downslope migration of silt or sediment from the s uF MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD -12 -001, S -12 -078 Implemen- Tmung.S -. .lIitigation Measure - - _ _ ration. ! Recnonsibility L %Tnnitnr. construction site. Measures to be Implemented During Proiect Operation e. Post - construction 13MPs incorporated into the project's drainage pla shall comply with Provision C.3.c of the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (see Impact 4.5 -5 in Section 4.3, Hydrology and Water Quality, for more discussion) to ensure that no significant adverse effects on water quality of Los Gatos Creek or the adjacent riparian habitat would result. f Exterior lighting shall be directed inward and shall not cause the illumination of the adjacent riparian habitat. g. Restrictions shall be in place to prevent the placement of pet food containers by employees outdoors in areas accessible to wildlife. h. Free - roaming domestic pets (e.g., cats, off -leash dogs) of employees shall not be permitted. i. All exterior trash receptacles shall be designed and maintained to exclude wildlife. j. All storm water treatment facilities must be in accordance with local and regional water quality standards to ensure there is no release of contaminants into the aquatic environment. 4.4 Geology, Soils, and Seismicity 4.4 -3a, Fill Removal: In accordance with the recommendations of the Required as Directors of project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall require the removal a condition Community of existing fill materials within proposed building excavations to a lateral of Development distance of at least 5 feet beyond the building footprint or to a lateral approval. and Parks and distance equal to the fill depth below the perimeter footing, whichever is Public Works greater. Reuse of the fill materials shall only be allowed if they meet the requirements for engineered fill specified in the geotechnical report for the project. Materials such as debris, wood, and trash that do not meet the requirements shall be screened out of the fill materials and removed from the site. Fill materials shall be placed in lifts and compacted in accordance with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. While it is preferable to replace all existing fills with engineered fills, those fill materials extending into planned pavement and flat work areas (e.g. pedestrian concrete and pavers) may be left in place at the project sponsor's option. However, the project sponsor must determine that the fills are of low risk for future differential settlement and ensure that the upper 12- to 18- inches of fill below the subgrade is re- worked and compacted in accordance with the compaction requirements specified in the geotechnical report. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. Mitigation Measure 4.4 -3b, Abandonment of Existing Utilities: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that existing utilities are completely removed from all building areas. A utility may only be abandoned in Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit. Monitoring: Ensure that all recommenda- tions of the project geotechnical report are properly implemented including proper characterization of undocumented fill materials. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM 0*0vtS DATE: A pril 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way evs rD -12 -001, 00- 12-07/5 are Implemen- -. tation - i ResponsibHih Timing &_ -: - Monitoring place if it wouldhot pose an unacceptable risk, and if approN ed by the geotechnical engineer. If abandoned in place, the utility must be completely backfilled with grout or sand- cement slurry and the ends outside of the building area must be capped with concrete. Trench fills must also be removed and replaced with engineered fill with the trench side slopes flattened to at least 1:1. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. Mitigation Measure 4.4 -3c, Excavation Safety: In accordance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, the project sponsor shall ensure that the below grade excavations within the upper five feet below the building subgrade are sloped at 3:1 (vertical:horizontal) and that those deeper than five feet below the building subgrade as well as those excavations in pavement and flatwork areas.are sloped at a maximum inclination of 1.5:1. Alternatively, temporary shoring maybe used to support the excavations. The design of the shoring shall be left to the construction contractor's judgment, but shall comply with the standards set forth in the geotechnical report for the project. A California - licensed civil or structural engineer must design and be in charge of the temporary shoring design. The shoring shall support adjacent improvements such as utilities, pavements, and buildings. A pre- condition survey shall be conducted including photographs and installation of monitoring points for existing site improvements. All sensitive improvements shall be located and monitored for horizontal and vertical deflections and distress cracking based on the pre- construction survey. For multi -level excavations, the installation of inclinometers at critical areas may be required for more detailed deflection monitoring. The monitoring frequency shall be established and agreed to by the project team prior to start of shoring construction. If there are updates or revisions to the project geotechnical report, the above mitigation requirements shall be revised to match the updated recommendations as necessary. Mitigation Measure 4.4 -3d, Implement Recommendations of Geotechnical Report: The project sponsor shall implement all of the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, and any associated updates or revisions, related to review of plans and specifications for proposed buildings; demolition observation and testing; construction observation and testing; site demolition, clearing, and preparation; subgrade preparation; subgrade stabilization; material for fill; compaction requirements; trench backfill; site draina .ge; foundations; concrete slabs and pedestrian pavements; vehicular pavements; and retaining walls. 4.7 Noise and Vibration 4.7 -1, Administrative Controls: Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the - Required as Directors of Prior to project applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town of a condition Community issuance of any Los Gatos Public Works Department that the project complies with the of Development Grading Permit. following: approval. - and Parks and MTTIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 t PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way goy. ��os PD -12 -001, S -12 -078 a. Pursuant to the Town of Los Gatos Municipal Code Section Required as Public Works Ensure these 16.20.035, construction activities (including operation of haul and a condition Community issuance of any delivery trucks) shall occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 of Development measures are incorporated p.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekends and approval, and Parks and into project holidays. Additionally, pursuant to Municipal Code Section Public Works plans 16.20.035(2) the Contractor shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of these measures the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department, that construction Monitoring: noise shall not exceed 85 dBA outside of the property line. This Prior to and shall be accomplished through the use of properly maintained during mufflers and other state - required noise attenuation devices. construction. b. Property occupants located adjacent to the project boundary shall be sent a notice, at least 15 days prior to commencement of construction of each phase, regarding the construction schedule of the proposed project. A sign, legible at a distance of 50 feet shall also be posted at the project construction site. All notices and signs shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department prior to mailing or posting and shall indicate the dates and duration of construction activities, as well as provide a contact name for the contractor's Noise Disturbance Coordinator and a telephone number where residents can contact that person about the construction process and register complaints. c. The Contractor shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department, a qualified "Noise Disturbance Coordinator." The Disturbance Coordinator shall be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. When a complaint is received, the Disturbance Coordinator shall notify the Town within 24 -hours of the complaint and determine the cause of the noise complaint (e.g., starting too early, bad muffler, etc.) and shall implement reasonable measures to resolve the complaint, as deemed acceptable by the Public Works Department. d. Construction haul routes shall be designed to avoid noise sensitive uses (e.g., residences, convalescent homes, etc.) to the extent feasible and shall be restricted to collector streets in the project vicinity (i.e. Winchester Boulevard and Lark Avenue). e. During construction, stationary construction equipment shall be placed such that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive noise receivers. 4.7 -2, Vibration Controls: To prevent cosmetic damage to existing Required as Directors of Prior to adjacent structures, the project contractor shall avoid use of large, truck- a condition Community issuance of any mounted vibratory compactors within 15 feet of adjacent structures, and of Development Grading Permit. shall not use any equipment that generates vibration levels that exceed approval, and Parks and 0.5 in/sec PPV, the cosmetic damage threshold for transient vibration, Public Works Ensure that when measured at the closest residential structures. these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: During wn o0 1•IITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way PD -12 -001, S -12 -078 Implemen- Timing & .�u.r,.,�..,n�r..••.�Ya - tction-- Responsibility I Monitoring. 4.8 Air Quality 4.8 -1a, BAAQMD Basic and Additional Construction Mitigation Measures: Prior to issuance of any Grading or Demolition Permit, the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Grading Plan, Building Plans, and specifications stipulate that the following basic and enhanced construction mitigation measures shall be implemented as required by BAAQMD Guidelines while project phases are under construction: • Water all active construction areas to maintain 12% soil moisture. • All grading shall be suspended when winds exceed 20 miles per hour. • All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off - site shall be covered. • Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites. • Hydroseed or apply non -toxic soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). • Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply non -toxic soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). • All visible mud or dirt track -out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. • Wind breaks and perimeter sand bags shall be used to minimize erosion. • The amount of simultaneously disturbed surface shall be minimised as much as possible. • Site access points from public roadways shall be paved or treated to prevent track -out. • Replace vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. • All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph. • All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. • Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to two minutes. Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points. • All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation. • Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the Town regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The R AAil7vM'c phone number shall also be visible to ensure Required as Director of Prior to a condition Community issuance of any of Development Grading Permit, approval. Demolition - Permit, or Building Permit. Ensure these measures are incorporated into project plans. Monitoring: During construction. wx uF MITIGATION MONITORING-AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way cos a PD -12 -001, S -12 -078 with applicable regulations. 4.8 -1b, BAAQMD Architectural Coatings Mitigation Measures: Prior to issuance of any Building Permit, the Chief Building Official shall confirm that the Building Plans and specifications include the following BAAQMD additional construction mitigation measures (during the application of architectural coatings in Years 3 and 4): • Use low volatile organic compounds (VOC) (i.e., reactive organic gases [ROG]) coatings beyond the BAAQMD requirements (i.e., Regulation 8, Rule 3: Architectural Coatings). • VOC content of architectural coatings shall not exceed 150 grams VOC per liter of coating. 4.8 -1c, Haul Truck VMT Limits: The following limitations shall be adhered to during soil hauling activities (during mass and fine grading) for construction Years 1 and 2 only in order to ensure NOx emissions would be reduced to less - than- significant levels: • Phase 1 (Year 1): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 1, shall not exceed a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per day during mass grading of 1,653 miles. • Phase 2 (Year 2): Trucks hauling soil during Phase 2 shall not travel more than 1,943 VMT. VMT during fine grading shall not exceed 545 miles (NOx mitigation is not necessary in Year 3). • Phase 3 (Years 4 and 5): No mitigation is necessary. Per BAAQMD policy, these travel distance limits are daily averages for a 7 -day week. VMT's shall be logged weekly and supplied to the Town Engineer and the Chief Building Official on a monthly basis. These limitations shall be stipulated in construction bids, plans, and specifications. 4.9 Greenhouse Gases 4.9 -1, GHG Reduction Measures: Prior to the issuance of building Required as Director of Prior to permits, the applicant shall demonstrate the incorporation of a a condition Community issuance of any combination (one or more) of sustainable project design features that of Development Building would meet the EIR significance threshold of 4.6 MT CO,e/sp /year. approval. Pe1mitr. The applicant's current proposal is to implement the GHG mitigation measures identified in Table 4.9 -2 of this EIR which would achieve the Ensure that reductions necessary to achieve the 4.6 MT CO,e /sp /year threshold. necessary Those measures shall be carried out, except that, at the applicant's measures are election and subject to approval by the Community Development incorporated Director, the applicant may substitute alternative measures of into project equivalent effectiveness to one or more of the measures identified in plans to ensure Table 4.9 -2. In the event that the BAAQMD has assigned percent that the GHG reductions for such alternative measures, such reductions shall be significance considered by Town Staff in determining whether such measures truly threshold is are equivalent in their effectiveness to those identified in Table 4.9 -2. met. The following menu of measures provides examples of potential alternatives to the measures already accounted for in Table 4.9 -2: • Include solar photovoltaic or other technology to generate electricity on -site to reduce consumption from the electrical grid. • hnolement an emnlovee telecommutinv nrnoram MN aF DHTIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROPROGRAM . DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way goy; os PD- i2 -OO1, S- 12 -07 °0 I Ingflcmeu- ', � Lnun, & Mitigationlleasure tahon ResponsihilirN AIonitorinl", _ _ _ _ * Implement an on -site carpool matching program for er.= • 100% Increase in Diversity of Land Uses (provide ou- i i. =_ ployee ` amenities) • Increase Energy Efficiency Beyond Title 24 • Work with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District ( BAAQMD) to implement acceptable off -site mitigation. This would involve an agreement with the BAAQMD and payment of fees ,or; the purchase of carbon credits. The BAAQMD would commit to reducing the type and amount of emissions identified in the agreement. 4.10 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 4.10 -2, Hazardous Building Materials Surveys and Abatement: Required as Directors of Prior to Prior to demolition of each building, the project applicant shall a condition Community issuance of any incorporate into contract specifications the requirement that the of Development Demolition contractor(s) have a hazardous building materials survey completed by approval. and Parks and Permit. a Registered Environmental Assessor or a registered engineer. This Public Works survey shall be completed prior to any demolition activities associated Ensure these with the project. If any friable asbestos - containing materials or lead- measures are containing materials are identified, adequate abatement practices, such incorporated as containment and/or removal, shall be implemented in accordance into project with applicable laws prior to demolition. Specifically, asbestos plans and abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Section 19827.5 of contract the California Health and Safety Code, as implemented by the specifications. BAAQMD, and 8 CCR Section 1529 and Sections 341.6 through 341.14, as implemented by CaVOSHA. Lead -based paint abatement shall be conducted in accordance with Cal/OSHA'S Lead in Construction Standard. Any PCB - containing equipment, fluorescent light tubes containing mercury vapors, and fluorescent light ballasts containing DEHP shall also be removed and legally disposed of in accordance with applicable ' laws including 22 CCR Section 66261.24 for PCBs, 22 CCR Section . 66273.8 for fluorescent lamp tubes, and 22 CCR Division 4.5, Chapter 11 for DEHP. 4.10 -3a, Update Environmental Database Review. The project Required as Directors of Prior to applicant shall retain a qualified professional to update the a condition' Community issuance of any environmental database review performed as part of the Phase 1 of Development Grading Permit. Environmental Site Assessment no more than three months prior to the approval. and Parks and start of any construction activities that would involve disturbance of Public Works Ensure these than 50 cubic yards of soil. The qualified professional shall measures are greater prepare a report summarizing the results of the environmental database incorporated review that assesses the potential for any identified chemical release into project sites to affect soil quality at the proposed project site and identifies.. plans "and appropriate soil analysis to evaluate the potential for soil contamination contract at the proposed project site, if needed. In response, the project specifications. applicant shall implement the recommended soil analyses, if any. 4.10 -3b, Contingency Plan. The project applicant shall require the construction contractors) to have a contingency plan for sampling and analysis of potential hazardous materials and for coordination with the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health in accordance with the Voluntary Cleanup - Program in the event that reviously wx ,. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way )os nrt PD -12 -001, 5 -12 -078 �; Implemen- 3`. _ Tinting & _ .Mitigation Measure tation `'- Res onsibili Monitoring. unidentified hazardous materials are encountered during construction. If previously unidentified soil contamination is identified, per the contingency plan, the contractor(s) shall be required to modify their health and safety plan to include the new data, conduct sampling to assess the chemicals present, and identify appropriate disposal methods. Evidence of potential contamination includes soil discoloration, suspicious odors, the presence of underground storage tanks, or the presence of buried building materials. n wx oa nIITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way r�s s��os PD -12 -001, S -12 -075 4.11 Cultural Resources 4.11 -2a, Archaeological Monitor: A qualified archaeologist shall be Required as Director of retained to monitor the site clearing and grading operations in those a condition Community areas where buildings will be removed and/or new construction will I of Development occur. The archaeologist shall be present on -site to observe site approval. clearing at a representative sample of building removal areas until he /she is satisfied that there is no longer a potential for finding buried resources. In the event that any potentially significant archaeological resources (i.e., potential historical resources or unique archaeological resources) are discovered, the project archaeologist shall stop work inside a zone designated by him/her where additional archaeological resources could be found. A plan for the evaluation of the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for approval. Evaluation normally takes the form of limited hand excavation and analysis of materials and information removed to determine if the resource is eligible for inclusion on the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR). 4.11 -2b, Identification of Eligible Resources. If an eligible resource (i.e., an historical resource or a unique archaeological resource) is identified, a plan for mitigation of impacts to the resource shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for approval before any additional construction related earthmoving can occur inside the zone designated as archaeologically sensitive. Whether the proposed plan is feasible shall be determined by the Community Development Department after consideration of the viability of avoidance in light of project design and logistics. In lieu of avoidance, mitigation could include additional hand excavation to record and remove for analysis significant archaeological materials, combined with additional archaeological monitoring of soils inside the _ archaeologically sensitive zone. 4.11 -2c, Discovery of Human Remains. Required monitoring will also serve to identify and reduce damage to human burials and associated grave goods. In the event that human remains are discovered, it shall be the responsibility of the project archaeologist to contact the County Coroner's Office and the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC is responsible for naming a Most Likely Descendant (MI.D) who shall represent tribal interests in regards to human remains and associated grave goods. The MLD shall make recommendations to the Community Development Director regarding the method for exposure and removal of human burials and associated grave goods, and shall advise the Community Development Director regarding the place and method of reburial of these materials. Monitoring: During construction. 4.11 -3, Halt Construction and Evaluate Resource: Prior to the Required as Director of Monitoring: commencement of construction activities, the project applicant shall a condition Community During provide for a qualified paleontologist to provide construction personnel of Development construction. with training on procedures to be followed in the event that a fossil site approval. or fossil occurrence is encountered during construction. The training shall include instructions on identification techniques and how to further avoid disturbing the fossils until a paleontological specialist can assess the site. An informational package shall beprovided for construction 10 wa nF MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM DATE: April 1, 2013 � PROJECT: Albright Office Park, Albright Way 11`os PD -12 -001, S -12 -078 personnel not present at the meeting. In the event that a paleontological resource (fossilized invertebrate, vertebrate, plan or micro- fossil) is found during construction, excavation within 50 feet of the find shall be temporarily halted or diverted until the discovery is evaluated. Upon discovery, the Community Development Director shall be notified immediately and a qualified paleontologist shall be retained to document and assess the discovery in accordance with Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's 2010 Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Paleontological Resources, and determine procedures to be followed before construction is allowed to resume at the location of the find. If the Community Development Director determines that avoidance is not feasible, the paleontologist will prepare an excavation plan for mitigating the project's impact on this resource, including preparation, identification, cataloging, and curation of any salvaged specimens. 11 This Page Intentionally Left Blank I MA 2.11011M. CEQA FINDINGS OF FACT Tlzis Page Intentionally Left Blank CEQA FINDINGS OF FACT of the TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS for the ALBRIGHT OFFICE PARK June 17, 2013 i. in ai ouuctiori As approved by the Town Council on June 3, 2013, the Albright Office Park project ( "the Project ") will involve the development of up to 485,000 square feet of office/research & development (R &D) space (including office- serving amenities), one parking garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and private open space. The Project will require the removal of ten existing buildings totaling approximately 250,000 square feet of office/R &D space and entail the construction of up to four new larger office/ R &D buildings at full build out, for a total net increase of 235,000 square feet of office/R &D space. The Town of Los Gatos ( "Town "), as lead agency, prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Project in January, 2013 (State Clearinghouse No. 2012082020)'. This document was made available for review on January 29, 2013, for a forty-five (45) day review period. Accordingly, written comments were solicited until March 14, 2013. The Town of Los Gatos prepared responses to comments on the Draft EIR, and published both comments and responses to comments in the April 2013 Final EIR, which was posted on the Town's website on April 11, 2013. These findings have been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq.) and its implementing guidelines ( "CEQA Guidelines ") (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15000 et seq.). H. Proiect Description As reflected in the Project Description in the Draft EIR, the Project applicant originally proposed to develop up to 550,000 square feet of office /research and development (R &D) space (including office - serving amenities), one parking garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and privamrope -h- space on the subject:" ",-`r= property located at 90 -160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard. The site is located in the northern part of the Town of Los Gatos, immediately east of Winchester Boulevard and south of the State Route 85 (SR 85) freeway. As noted above, the Project will require the removal of ten existing buildings totaling approximately 250,000 square feet of office/R &D space and allow the construction of up to four new larger office/R &D buildings at full build out. As the Project was proposed in the Draft EIR, implementation of the Project would have resulted in a net increase of 300,000 square feet of office/R &D space. As the Project was finally approved by the Town Council, however, this amount was reduced to a total net increase of only 235,000 square feet. The Albright Way loop road will be eliminated to accommodate the new buildings, and new driveways will be constructed to provide access to the new buildings as well as to provide emergency 'See Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, section 15367 for a definition of "lead agency." vehicle access. The driveways will serve the parking lots and one new parking garage. (Draft EIR, p. 2 -1.) The Project applicant proposed a new Planned Development (PD) overlay zone to replace the existing CM: PD (Controlled Manufacturing, Planned Development) zoning designation on the property. The PD overlay would allow the development of the site for expanded office/R &D space (including office - serving amenities). The PD overlay zone is a specially tailored development tool that designates site - specific zoning regulations consistent with the General Plan, sets development standards for a site, and establishes site design guidance. The PD overlay zone is intended to ensure orderly planning and quality design that will be in harmony with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhood. The development of the Albright Project site will comply with the standards and guidelines established in the PD overlay, as determined by the Town through the Architecture and Site ( "A &S ") approval process. (]bid.) The PD overlay requires A &S approval, in conformance with the use and development standards and design guidance in the PD Overlay, prior to construction of new buildings. (]bid.) A. Location The subject property is located at 90 -160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard in the northern part of the Town of Los Gatos, immediately east of Winchester Boulevard and south of the State Route 85 (SR 85) freeway. Winchester Boulevard and a Union Pacific Railroad right -of -way bound the Project site on the west, while SR 85 bounds the northern side of the property. The Los Gatos Creek Trail, which separates the property from and runs along Los Gatos Creek, bounds the property on the east, and the Charter Oaks residential neighborhood bounds the project site on the south. The headquarter offices of the Santa Clara County Fire Department are adjacent to the south side of the 14600 Winchester Boulevard office building, and adjoin the southwestern site boundary. (Draft EIR, p. 3 -l.) The Project site consists of ten developed parcels within the Los Gatos Business Park at the intersection of Albright Way and Winchester Boulevard. Albright Way is a loop road providing the principal access to the property; however, vehicular access to the Project site is also available via a driveway on Winchester Boulevard at the southwest corner of the site. The subject property is developed with ten one -story and two two -story office/ R &D buildings, along with associated driveways, parking areas, and landscaping. The buildings were constructed on the site in the 1970s and 1980s. The rear parking lot for 151 Albright Way adjoins the paved Los Gatos Creek Trail, which extends northward under SR 85 to downtown San Jose and southward past the Charter Oaks residential subdivision, connecting to Vasona Reservoir, and eventually ending at Lexington 3 Reservoir. Vasona Reservoir is located approximately 0.6 miles to the south of the project site. (]bid.) The Project site is bounded on the north by SR 85, with offices and residential development immediately north of this freeway. The Vasona Light Rail station is proposed for a site also located immediately north of the freeway and the Valley Transportation Authority has acquired all required right -of -way to extend the existing rail line to this location. The Santa Clara Valley Water District has jurisdiction over the Los Gatos Creek and the Los Gatos Creek Trail, which adjoin the project site on its eastern boundary. Across the Water District's property from the site, there is a mobile home facility, the Bonnie View Park and a remnant orchard parcel. Single - family attached homes (townhornes) of the Charter Oaks neighborhood adjoin the southern perimeter of the project site. The headquarter offices of the Santa Clara County Fire Department are adjacent to the south side of the 14600 Winchester Boulevard office building. West of Winchester Boulevard and 100 to 150 feet from the subject property are the Courtside ., ,. Club facilities, residences on Smitli'Ranch Clourt; and vacant parcels adjoiiung the southbound off -ramp from SR 85 to Winchester Boulevard. Union Pacific railroad property and tracks are located along a portion of the western property boundary between the project site and Winchester Boulevard. (Draft EIR, pp. 3 -1, 3 -5.) B. Purpose and Objectives CEQA Guidelines section 15124 requires that the "Project Description" portion of a Draft EIR set forth "[a] statement of the objectives sought by the proposed project." The Town's Draft EIR "for the Albright Project identified "project objectives" for both the project applicant and the Town. The following are the applicant's objectives: 1. Develop a project that is consistent and compatible with the existing land uses in the surrounding afea: 2. Develop an office/R&D park of sufficient size and quality that enable it to attract and accommodate large corporate tenants. 3. Develop an office/R&D park of sufficient density to. take advantage of the site's proxinuty to the existing and planned transit facilities. 4. Design office /R &D buildings that satisfy modem tenant demands for site configurations, amenities, and efficient/effective employee collaboration space. 5. Provide adequate parking spaces. to accommodate the operations of the new occupants as well -as adequate spaces for business invitees. 6. Construct an environmentally sensitive design with green building techniques. 4 7. Develop office/R &D buildings that maximize on -site open space through project massing and sensitive design. 8. Develop a project that will create construction jobs and employment opportunities in the Town of Los Gatos. 9. Develop a project of sufficient density to support the proposed project amenities, and to be fmanceable and financially feasible. In issuing the Draft EIR, the Town did not want to prejudge the proposed project by embracing the applicant's project objectives at the outset of the environmental review process. Instead, in order to be able to respond to the applicant's proposal in light of the Town's own legislative policies, the Town staff chose to formulate the Town's own project objectives based on what staff believed were key relevant policies from the Town's 2020 General Plan. Because the project site is located within the part of the Town subject to the Vasona Light Rail (VLR) Element of the General Plan, the Town's objectives reflect the goals and policies of that Element. The Town's objectives also reflect some important goals and policies of the Environment and Sustainability Element of the General Plan. The Town's objectives are listed below: 1. Encourage a mix of commercial, office, light industrial and recreational uses within the Vasona Light Rail area, especially in areas less suited to residential development due to noise (Policy VLR -3.3). 2. Work with developers and agencies to ensure that the Vasona Junctibn sub -area (located just north of the project site) is developed in a manner that takes full advantage of the mass transit opportunities afforded by the Vasona Light Rail (Policy VLR -9.2). 3. Encourage site plans in the Vasona Light Rail area to be designed to minimize traffic impacts and preserve sufficient open space (Policy VLR -6.2) 4. Facilitate and encourage pedestrian activity through the siting, scale, and design of buildings in relationship to each other (Policy VLR -6.3). 5. Provide opportunities for a variety of non - residential land uses within the Vasona Light Rail area (Goal VLR -4) and limit impacts of non - residential development projects on existing residential uses (Policy VLR -4.2). 6. Orient development to take advantage of the amenities of Los Gatos Creek and the Creek Trail (Policy VLR -5.2). Contribute to the Town's efforts to reduce overall greenhouse. gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (Goal ENV -14) by reducing use of non- renewable energy resources and expanding the use of renewable resources and alternative fuels (Goal ENV -16), and promoting green buildings that minimize consumption of energy and natural resources (Goal ENV -17). 8. Encourage the use of energy conservation techniques and technology in order to improve energy conservation (Policy ENV- 16.1). 9. Encourage new development to incorporate measures that reduce, energy use through solar orientation by taking 4dvantage of shade, prevailing winds, landscaping, and sun screens. (Policy ENV- 16.6). 10. Require new construction to use energy and resource- efficient and ecologically sound designs, technologies, and building materials, as well as recycled materials to promote, sustainability (Policy ENV ,17.1). 11. Encourage reductions in the use of nonrenewable resources in building construction, maintenance, and operations (Policy ENV - 17.3). (DEIR, pp. 3 -5 to 3 -8.) III. Environmental Review Process and Proiect Approval On August 2, 2012, the Town published a; Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the Draft EIR(see DEIR, Appendix A), thereby notifying responsible agencies, trustee agencies, adjacent local agencies, transportation planning agencies, the public, and other interested parties of the scoping period and giving them the opportunity to transmit their concerns and comments on the scope and content of the Draft FIR. On January 29, 2013, the Town published the Draft EIR for the Albright Project, commencing a 45 -day public review period that ended on March 14, 2013. On April 11, 2013, the Town issued the proposed Final EIR for consideration by the Town's Planning Commmission and, subsequently, by the Town Council. On April 24, 2013, the Planning Commission considered the Project, acting in an advisory capacity. After hearing public testimony, the Commission determined to recommend denial of the Project as proposed. On May 20, 2013, and June 3; 2013, the Town Council considered the Project. After receiving public testimony and deliberating, the Council approved the Project with the following modifications: (i) the total permitted square footage was reduced from 550,000 to 485,000; (ii) the maximum heights on Buildings 1 and 4 were reduced to a total of 50 feet each (including mechanical equipment on the roofs), allowing for three stories in each building rather than four, as proposed; (iii) the maximum height of the parking garage was reduced to 35 feet (not counting tower elements, elevator overrun structures, and other similar architectural elements); and (iv) signage visible from the freeway was prohibited. The Council's Architecture and Site approval was conditioned on the subsequent approval by the Town's consulting architect of design modifications to accommodate these changes. The Council also indicated a willingness, in the future, to entertain a request from the applicant to build the parking garage partly or fully underground, but the Council recognized that additional environmental review and discretionary approvals would be necessary for such a change. The Project is not required to build underground parking, and will function effectively, with adequate parking, in the absence of underground parking. IV. Record of Proceedings In accordance with Public Resources Code section 21167.6, subdivision (e), the record of proceedings for the Town of Los Gatos' decision on the Project includes the following documents: • The Record of Proceedings from Los Gatos Citizens for Responsible Development et al. v. Town of Los Gatos et al. (Santa Clara County Superior Court Case No. 111 CV 209214); • The January 2013 Draft EIR and its appendices; • The April 2013 Final EIR and its appendices; • All documents cited or referenced in the Draft and Final EIRs; • The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; • All findings and resolutions adopted by the Town of Los Gatos in connection with the Project and all documents cited or referred to therein; • All reports, studies, memoranda, maps, staff reports, or other planning documents relating to the Project prepared by the Town of Los Gatos relevant to the Town's compliance with the requirements of CEQA and the Town's action on the Project; All documents sub-i,uited to the Town u y y the applicant, b other p �g__ ublic agencies or . en members of the public in connection with the Project, up through the close of the final public hearing on Project before the Town Council held on June 17, 2013; • Any minutes and/or Verbatim transcripts of public meetings and public hearings held by the Town of Los Gatos in connection with the Project; • Any documentary or other evidence submitted to the Town of Los Gatos at such public meetings and public hearings; • Any and all resolutions adopted by the Planning Commission and the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos regarding the Project, and all staff reports, analyses, and summaries related to the adoption of those resolutions; • Matters of common knowledge to the Town of Los Gatos, including, but not limited to federal, state, and local laws and regulations; • Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan; s Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report; • Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update Background Report; • Los Gatos Town Codes; . Los Gatos Sustainability Plan; • Any documents expressly cited in these fmdings, in addition to those cited above; and • Any other materials required for the record of proceedings by Public Resources Code section 21167.6, subdivision (e). The documents constituting the record of proceedings are available for review by responsible agencies and interested members of the public: from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Los Gatos Community Development Department at 110 East Main Street; from 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Town Clerk office at 110 East Main Street; and during regular business hours, at the Town Library at 100 Villa Avenue. The custodian of these documents is the Community Development Department. This information is provided in compliance with Public Resources Code section 21081.6. The Town's decision makers have relied on all of the documents listed above in reaching their decisions on the Project even if not every document was formally presented to the decision makers. Without exception, any documents set forth above not found in the project files fall into one of two categories. Many of them reflect prior planning or legislative decisions with which the Town of Los Gatos was aware in approving the proposed project. (See City of Santa Cruz v. Local Agency Formation Commission (1978) 76 Cal.App.3d 381, 391 -392; Dominey v. Department of Personnel Administration (1988) 205 Cal.App.3d 729, 738, fn. 6.) Other documents influenced the expert advice provided to the Town of Los Gatos staff or consultants, who then provided advice to the Town Council as final decision makers. For that reason, such documents form part of the underlying factual basis for the Town's decisions relating to approval of the proposed project. (See Pub. Resources Code, § 21167.6, subd. (e)(10); Browning - Ferris Industries v. City Council of City of San Jose (1986) 181 Cal.App.3d 852, 866; Stanislaus Audubon Society, Inc. v. County ofStanislaus (1995) 33 Cal.AppAth 144, 153, 155.) V. Findings Required Under CEQA Public Resources Code section 21002 provides that "public agencies should not approve projects as proposed if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen the significant environmental effects of such projects[.]" The same statute provides that the procedures required by CEQA "are intended to assist public agencies in systematically identifying both the significant effects of Projects and the feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures which will avoid or substantially lessen such significant effects." Section 21002 goes on to provide that "in the event [that] specific economic, social, or other conditions make infeasible such project alternatives or such mitigation measures, individual projects may be approved in spite of one or more significant effects thereof." The mandate and principles announced in Public Resources Code section 21002 are implemented, in part, through the requirement that agencies must adopt findings before approving projects for which EIRs are required. This mandate to adopt findings is found in Public Resources Code section 21081, subdivision (a), and CEQA Guidelines section 15091, subdivision (a). Under these provisions, for each significant environmental effect identified in an EIR for a Project, the approving agency must issue a written finding reaching one or more of three permissible conclusions. The first such finding is that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final EIR. The second permissible finding is that such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding, and that such changes have been adopted by, or can and should be adopted by, 9 S:rrh If — agent_, The t�yirri potential conrhlsio" is that sneritir economic; legal �nrial; technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final EIR. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15091.) "[F]easible" means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social, legal, and technological factors." (CEQA Guidelines, § 15364.) Here, as set forth in Table A to CEQA Findings, the Town Council has adopted the first permissible finding with respect to all significant effects identified in the EIR, concluding that all such effects can be mitigated to less than significant levels. The Town Council therefore has no need to consider the feasibility of any project alternatives. (Pub. Resources Code, § 21002; Laurel Hills Ho?neowners Association v. City Council (1978) 83 Cal:App.3d515, 521 (Laurel Hills); see also Kings County Farn Ball-eau v. City of Hanford (1990) 221- Ca1.App.3d 692, 730 -731; and Laurel Heights bnprovement Association v. Regents of the University of California (1988) 47 Ca1.3d 376, 400 -403.) Under CEQA, where the significant impacts of a project cannot be avoided or substantially lessened, either by mitigation measures or a project alternative, a public agency, after adopting proper findings, may nevertheless approve the project if the agency first adopts a "statement of overriding considerations" setting forth the specific reasons that the agency found the project's benefits outweigh its unavoidable adverse environmental effects. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15093; Pub. Resources Code, § 21081, subd. (b).) Here, however, as noted above, the Town of Los Gatos has identified and adopted feasible mitigation measures that mitigate all significant environmental impacts of the Project to less than significant levels. Thus, just as the Town is not required to address the feasibility of alternatives, the Town is also not required to adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Project: VI. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Subdivision (a) of Public Resources Code section 21081.6 requires lead agencies to "adopt a reporting and mitigation monitoring program for the changes to the project which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to initigate or avoid significant effects on the environment." For the Albright Project, the Town satisfied this obligation by preparing a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), which was attached as Appendix L to the Final EIR. The MMRP provides a list of all adopted project mitigation measures, identifies the parties responsible for implementing such measures, and identifies the timing for implementing each pleasure. The MMRP is being approved concurrently with the adoption of these Findings of Fact. 10 VII. Significant Effects and Mitigation Measures The Draft EIR identified a number potentially significant environmental effects (or impacts) that the Project will cause or contribute to. All of these effects can be mitigated to less than significant levels through the adoption of feasible mitigation measures, all of which Town staff has determined remain necessary, in unchanged form, for the Project as finally approved though they were originally prepared with the originally proposed Project in mind. The Project thus will not result in any significant and unavoidable impacts. The Town of Los Gatos' findings with respect to the Project's significant and potentially significant effects and mitigation measures are set forth in the table attached to these findings (Table A to CEQA Findings). The findings set forth in the table are hereby incorporated herein by reference. This table does not attempt to describe the full analysis of each environmental impact contained in the Draft and Final EIRs. Instead, the table provides a summary description of each impact, describes the applicable mitigation measures identified in the Draft EIR or Final EIR and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos, and states the Town's findings on the significance of each impact after imposition of the adopted mitigation measures. A full explanation of these environmental findings and conclusions can be found in the Draft EIR and Final EIR, and these findings hereby incorporate by reference the discussions and analyses in those documents supporting the Final EIR's determinations regarding mitigation measures and the Projects' impacts and mitigation measures designed to address those impacts. In making these findings, the Town of Los Gatos ratifies, adopts, and incorporates into these findings the analyses and explanations in the Draft EIR and Final EIR, and ratifies, adopts, and incorporates in these findings the determinations and conclusions of those documents relating to environmental impacts and mitigation measures, except to the extent any such determinations and conclusions are specifically and expressly modified by these findings. oil This Page Intentionally Left Blank ¢ t� �Qa Owa w oat U O E F J 11 C N C m d N IL C I r w U0 m U0 C V D\ A y� Ew E� ^� ° °P4 'd ° a E e .d �Ea 'Aar �a� 2 —6 to uz WA C V C N •° N a .� .-. ¢ �a =' �U �a a 75 �U w 0 a W O ° Ai m y C E w C d E y oz ....0 w ..0 u u.. 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W tti. en u `3 d r N R p 0 C➢ L to a n c y T w N co m D LL U m N 0 3 Y j C p J .y t p � _ U - ml N � O 4. -0 T W � -- 4 to a n c y T w N co m D LL U m N 0 3 Y j C p J .y t ml -. m J� '� = .i rJ N ��x L4 0 'O t� C :-0 � .. y 'i> ° of ttl vNi � � ^ wo Y .0 > O l�.0 '�C td ❑U d OD N O >, O u 4- Y L,, b O w r h C p w p, o; T C o C �J C p G J m O O .O _ c r U _ to a n c y T w N co m D LL U m N 0 3 j J .y t to a n c y T w N co m D LL U m N 0 3 u Tq W 0 N C C i4 4 O O - � a a U 4 CL b9 'O Vl N x 4 •--� _ O o 'n A X A O O d N 7 ^ A 0 q m N T y h A V w G N r> 'O N N "d V r b N� pq C y .: U m U •U„ y v b x 0 A A U 3 7 M O C �+ U o '� U N U N P. � V CyO' P• q � •>C U m C T A O O -' T b C O l� G d A> O A �.. �. "^" t^ ❑ ai O 'n N O O b y O N O U 'p E5 bD o N 7 4 V? X-aU Ei El U U ' C 0 j •-• - y WN U O m.00 o U U o ,2 N .� N W U a.� .." N aJ fy A f-" �^ tJ y' c 4 h E° m :° •= �s E m h e e • • e e .n v e " u a A y A C-0 O G i4 CD ui v LO m N m a c LL Q O W U N O A N O J 0 I- n ■ r | \ \\ \\{ < e■« )%( e z /Q@ \} ƒ cy \2/ §f/ 2/{ ) {/ § }\ � \ J m \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ ) E5 .. \ \ \ \\\ � 2 \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ /f . .5 bo ± /§/ i ® §z . e§2j / ._ § }R k19 \ 5) } \ a, ; ;]� }k)a{ � ƒ \§I)k %| n ■ r | RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CERTIFYING A FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND MAIQN G CERTAIN FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN CONNECTION WITH A REZONING TO CM:PD FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 90 -160 ALBRIGHT WAY AND 14600 WINCHESTER BOULEVARD. APNS: 424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, AND 063 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR -12 -003 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: PD -12 -001 ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION S -12 -078 WHEREAS, A. The applicant, John R. Shenk, proposes to rezone property located at 90 -160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard from CM:PD to CM:PD for the development of up to 550,000 square feet of new office/R &D space (including office - serving amenities), one parking garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and open space. The Albright Office Park Project includes Planned Development Application PD -12 -001, Architecture and Site Application S -12 -078, and Environmental Impact Report EIR -12 -003. B. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Albright Office Park Project was issued on August 3, 2012. C. A public seeping meeting was held on August 27, 2012, to receive comments regarding the scope of issues to be addressed in the EIR. 1 ATTACIMENT 4 D. A Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) to analyze potential impacts r associated %vine the Albright Office Park Project was prepared and issued for agency and public revie1.v and comment on January 29, 2013, for a 45 day review period. E. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on February 27 , 2013, at which time the Commission received public comments regarding the Draft EIR for the Albright Office Park Project. F. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and the implementing Guidelines adopted therefore ( "CEQA "), the Town prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR), incorporating responses to comments on the DEIR which was issued on April 12, 2013. G. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on April 24, 2013, at which time the Commission considered the public testimony, the staff report prepared for that meeting ( "Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to the Albright Office Park Project, and recommended denial of the Planned Development application to the Town Council for the Albright Office Park Project. K The Town Council held a duly noticed public heating on \day 20, 2013, at which time the Town Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report, and all other documentation related to the Albright Office Park Project and continued the item to .iune ?. 2013. I. The Town Council held a continued public hearing on June 3. 2013. at which time the Town Council further considered additional public testimony, the Staff Report, and all other documentation related to the Albright Office Park Proiect. 2 J. At the public hearing on June 3. 2013 the ToN "n Council modified the applic nt's proposed project by reducing the height of Building 1 and Building 4 to a maximum all inclusive height of 50' (fifty feet): reducing the maximum height of the parking garage to '5' (thirty five feet) exclusive of to ,--r element; elevator oierrun structure; and other similar architectural elements: reducing the maximum square footage of the Planned Development project to 485.000 square feet: rot permitting anv freeway visible sig s: and requiring h applicant to rovide "Keep Clear" or other aopro riate roadwav markings and sigtiage at the intersection of Cha er Oaks Dive and Lark Avenue K. Public Resources Code §21031, subdivision (a), requires a public agency, before approving a project for which an EIR has been prepared and certified, to adopt findings specifying whether mitigation treasures and, in some instances, project alternatives, discussed in the EIR, have been adopted or rejected as infeasible. L. The Town need not make findings rejecting alternatives described in the EIR if all of the project's significant impacts will be mitigated to a less than significant level avoided or substantially lessened by mitigation measures, which is the case with the Albright Office Park Project. M. The Town Council, reflecting the advice of Town Staff, expert consultants, the Planning Commission, and extensive input from the community, has expressed its intention to approve the Albright Office Park Project. N. In taking this course, the Town Council has acted consistent with the CEQA mandate to look to project mitigations and/or alternatives as a means of lessening or avoiding the environmental effects of projects as proposed. 3 O. Alt of the potentially significant environmental effects associated with the Albright Office Park Project, as approved, have been taIti_ ieil -' - ,'ar-_7 le,-Is tl:.. inciusio "i: of iT.it `''„ttio:; measures proposed in the Final E1R. P. The Toivn Council in approving the proiect as proposed intends to adopt all mitigation measures as set forth in the Mitigation Monitoring and Rcporting Program for the Albright Office Park Project (the "Program"" which is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. Q. The Town Council recognizes the Town's obligation, pursuant to the Public Resouices Code 2108 1.6 subdivision (a), to ensure the monitoring of all adopted mitigation measures necessary to substantia!ly lessen or avoid the significant effects of the project. Such monitoring will occur pursuant to the adopted Program. R. The location acid custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the Town Council's decision is based is in the office of the Town Clerk, 110 E. plain Street, Los Gatos, CA 9030. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Town Council herebv certifies the Final FIR. adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Pronam attached hereto as Exhibit A and adopts_: the Findings of Fact =`.hick are attached hereto ;hi; as Exhibit B. In C-1- . th,- Final EIR. the Town Council soecificalle finds that (1) the document has been compte'ed in compliance -'Xitn CEOA: ?( ) the document was presented to the Tlv %-n Council as the decis on making body of the lead agencv. and the Council has reviewed and considered the information contained therein: and 3) the Final EIR reflects the Tolrn's independent judgment and anak-sis. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 17th day of June, 3013, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TONVN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS. CALIFORNIA N: DEV`,.RESOS''013 A1b1iehtCEQARed1ine.docx EXHIBIT B CEQA FI-\DI \GS OF FACT This Page Intentional /v Left Blank CEQA FINDINGS OF FACT of the TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS for the ALBRIGHT OFFICE PARK June 17, ?013 L Illtrod"clion As approved by the Town Council on June 3. 2013. rThe Albright Office Park project ("the Project ") will involve the development of up to X35.000 square feet of office /research & development (R &D) space (including office - serving amenities), one Parking garage. surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and private open space. The Project will require the removal of ten existing buildings totaling approximately 250,000 square feet of office /R &D space and entail the construction or up to four new larger office/ R &D buildings at full build out. for a total net increase of x.000 square feet of office.R? &D space. The Town of Los Gatos ( "Town "), as lead agency, prepared a Draft Enviromnental Impact Report (EIR) for the Project in Tanuary, 2013 (State Clearinghouse No. 2012082020). This document was made available for review on Tanuary 29, 2013, for a forty -five (45) day review period. Accordingly, written comments were solicited until March 14, 2013. The Town of Los Gatos prepared responses to continents on the Draft EIR, and published both continents and responses to comments in the April 2013 Final EIR, which was posted on the Town's website on April 11, 2013. These findings have been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq.) and its implementing guidelines ( "CEQA Guidelines ") (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15000 et seq.). II. Proiect Description As reflected in the Proiect Description in the Draft EIR. tThe Pproiect applicant originally proposeds to develop up to X05504 -5,000 square feet of office /research and development (R &D) space (including office - serving amenities), one parting garage, surface parking areas, new access driveways, and new landscaping and private open space on the subject property located at 90 -160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard. The site is located in the northern part of the Town of Los Gatos, immediately east of Winchester Boulevard and south of the State Route 85 (SR 85) freeway. As noted above, the Project will require the removal of ten existing buildings totaling approximately 250,000 square feet of office /R &D space and allow the construction of up to four new larger office /R &D buildings at full build out. As the Proiect was proposed in the Draft EIR. P-rejeet- implementation of the Proiect would have resulted in a net increase C 300 =x,000 square feet of offrc: IRS-D space. As the Proiect was finally approved by the Town Council. however. this amount was reduced to a total net increase of oniv _35.000 square feet. The Albright Way loop road will be eliminated to accommodate the new buildings, and new driveways will be constructed to provide access to the new ' See Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, section 15367 for a definition of "lead agency." buildings as well as to provide emergency vehicle access. The driveways will serve the parking lots and one new parking garage. (Draft EIR, p. 2 -1.) The Project applicant proposed a new Planned Development (PD) overlay zone to replace the existing CM: PD (Controlled ivlanufacturina, Planned Development) zoning designation on the property. The PD overlay would allow the development of the site for expanded office/R &D space (including office- serving amenities). The PD overlay zone is a specially tailored development tool that designates site - specific zoning regulations consistent with the General Plan, sets development standards for a site, and establishes site design guidance. The PD overlay zone is intended to ensure orderly planning and quality design that will be in harmony with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhood. The development of the Albright Project site will comply with the standards and guidelines established in the PD overlay, as determined by the Town through the Architecture and Site ( "A &S ") approval process. (Ibid.) The PD overlay requires A &S approval, in conformance with the use and development standards and design guidance in the PD Overlay, prior to construction of new buildings. (Ibid.) A. Location The subject property is located at 90 -160 Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard in the northern part of the Town of Los Gatos, immediately east of Winchester Boulevard and south of the State Route 85 (SR 85) freeway. Winchester Boulevard and a Union Pacific Railroad right -of -way bound the project site on the west, while SR 85 bounds the northern side of the property. The Los Gatos Creek Trail, which separates the property from and runs along Los Gatos Creek, bounds the property on the east, and the Charter Oaks residential neighborhood bounds the project site on the south. The headquarter offices of the Santa Clara County Fire Department are adjacent to the south side of the 14600 Winchester Boulevard office building, and adjoin the southwestern site boundary. (Draft EIR, p. 3 -1.) The project site consists of ten developed parcels within the Los Gatos Business Park at the intersection of Albright Way and Winchester Boulevard. Albright Way is a loop road providing the principal access to the property; however, vehicular access to the Pproject site is also available via a driveway on Winchester Boulevard at the southwest comer of the site. The subject property is developed with ten one -story and two two -story office/ R &D buildings, along with associated driveways, parking areas, and landscaping. The buildings were constructed on the site in the 19'70s and 1980s. The rear parking lot for 151 Albright Way adjoins the paved Los Gatos Creek Trail, which extends northward under SR 85 to downtown San Jose and southward past the Charter Oaks residential subdivision, connecting to Vasona Reservoir, and eventually ending at Lexington 3 Reservoir. Vasona Reservoir is located approximately 0.6 miles to die south of the protect site. (Ibid.) The Pf roject site is bounded on the north by SR Si. with offices and residential develoonient immediately iiortii of this free�eay. -The Vasona Licht Rail station is proposed for a site also located imined!ately north of the free %, and t11e Valle Transportation Authority has acquired all required right -oi to extend the existing rail 'line to this location. The Santa Clara Valley Water Distric >. c indiction over the Los Gatos Creel_ and the Los Gatos Creek: Trail. Nvhich adjoin !' "site on its east:: Across tl :c Districts property fi—o n 1`1 _ a inobile Honig :[1\. Lriy. tile, B� inie N ie.. Pain aal a reil]P:aiit o1'Chal "il I. .. _ _ � :.i..ilV a :ache -'11 ponies (totvtihomes) of the Ch_:.er Oats neighborhood' =oin ti, nuthem perimeter of the project site. The Headquarter offices of the Santa Clara C'oun l=ire Department are adjacent to the south side of the 14600 Winchester Boulevarei ofEce building. West of Winchester Boulevard and 100 to 150 feet from the subjcc: are the Conrtside Club facilities, residences on Sin' Ranch Court, and vacnr. _.: c:n adjoining the southbound off -ramp frorn SR S5 to Winchester Boulevard. :, on Pacific railroad property mitt tracks are located along a portion of the weste:u property boundary bett•, een the project site and Winchester Boulevard. (Draft EIR. hp. ; -1. ; -5.) B. Purpose and Objectives CEQA Guidelines section 15124 requires that the `Project Description' portion of a Draft EIR set forth ­[all statement of the objectives sought by the proposed project." The To«"n's Draft EIR for the Albright Project identified "project objectives" for both the project applicant and the Town. The following are the applicant's objectives: 1, Develop a proiect that is consistent and compatible with the existing tand t,.ses ui the surrounding area. Develop an office,'R&D park of sufficient size and quality that enable it to attract and acconiniodate large corporate tenants. Develop an office; Rif D park of sufficient density to take advantage of the site proximity to the existing and planned transit facilities. Design office R&D buildings that satisfy nlodeni tenant demands for site configurations. amenities, and efficient'effective employee collaboration space. 1. Provide adequate parkins spaces to acconiniodate the operation's of the new occupants as well as adequate spaces for business invitees. 6. Construct an environmentally sensitive desi ni with green building techniques. Develop office /R &D buildings that maximize on -site open space through project massing and sensitive design. S. Develop a project that will create construction jobs and employment opportunities in the Town of Los Gatos. 9. Develop a project of sufficient density to support the proposed project amenities, and to be fnanceable and financially feasible. In issuing the Draft EIR, the Town did not want to prejudge the proposed project by embracing the applicant's project objectives at the outset of the environmental review process. Instead, in order to be able to respond to the applicant's proposal in light of the Town's own legislative policies, the Town staff chose to formulate the Town's own project objectives based on what staff believed were key relevant policies from the Town's 2020 General Plan. Because the project site is located within the part of the Town subject to the Vasona Light Rail (VLR) Element of the General Plan, the Town's objectives reflect the goals and policies of that Element. The Town's objectives also reflect some important goals and policies of the Environment and Sustainability Element of the General Plan. The Town's objectives are listed below: Encourage a mix of commercial, office, light industrial and recreational uses within the Vasona Light Rail area, especially in areas less suited to residential development due to noise (Policy VLR -33). Work with developers and agencies to ensure that the Vasona Junction sub -area (located just north of the project site) is developed in a manner that takes full advantage of the mass transit opportunities afforded by the Vasona Light Rail (Policy VLR -9.2). 3. Encourage site plans in the Vasona Light Rail area to be designed to minimize traffic impacts and preserve sufficient open space (Policy VLR -6.2) 4. Facilitate and encourage pedestrian activity through the siting, scale, and design of buildings in relationship to each other (Policy VLR -6.3). 5. Provide opportunities for a variety of non - residential land uses within the Vasona Light Rail area (Goal VLR -4) and limit impacts of non - residential development projects on existing residential uses (Policy VLR -4.2). 6. Orient development to take advantage of the amenities of Los Gatos Creek and the Creek Trail (Policy VLR -5.2). 7. Contribute to the Town's efforts to reduce overall greenhouse has (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (Goal ENV -14) by reducing use of non- - renewable energy resources and expanding the use of renewable resources and alternative fuels (Goal ENV- [6). and promoting green buildings that minimize consumption of energy and natural resources (Goal ENV - l7). S. Encourage the use of energy conservation techniques and technology in order to improve energy conservation (Policy ENV - 16.1). 9. Encourage new development to ir_:opor:3te measures that reduce energy use through solar orientation by taking advantage of shade, prevailing winds. landscaping, and sun screens (Policy ENV- 16.6). W. Require new construction to use energy - and resource - efficient and ecologically sound designs, technologies. and building materials, as well as recycled materials to promote sustainability (Policy E`:V=17.!). 11. Encourage reductions in the use of nonrenewable resources in building constriction, maintenance, and operations (Policy ENV -173). (DEIR, pp. 3 -5 to 3 -8.) III. ) nvironmen(al Reviww Process and Project Approval On August 2, 2012, the Tov. n published a'votice of Preparation (NOP) for the Draft EIR(see DEIR, Appendix A), thereby notifying responsible agencies, trustee agencies, adjacent local agencies, transportation planning agencies, the public, and other interested parties of the seeping period and giving them the opportunity to transmit their concerns and comments on the scope and content of the Draft EIR. On January 29, 2013, the Town published the Draft EIR for the Albright Project, conmtencing a 45 -day public review period that ended on March 1, , 2013. On April 11, 201' ), the Town issued the proposed Final EIR for consideration by the Town's Planning Commission and, subsequently, by the Town Council. On April 24 2013. the Planning Commission considered the Proiect, acting in an advisory capacity. After hearing public testimony. the Commission determined to reconunend denial of the Project as proposed. On Mav 20. 2013. and June 3. 2013. the Town Council considered the Proiect. After receiving public testimony and deliberating. the Council approved the Project with the following modifications: 1j) the total permitted square footage was reduced from 550.000 to 48.000: (ii) the maximum heights on Buildings I and 4 were reduced to a total of 50 feet each ( including mechanical equipment on the roofs) allowing for three stories in each budding rather than four as proposed: (iii) the maximum height of the parking garage was reduced to 35 feet (not counting tower elements. elevator overrun structures. and other similar architectural elements): and (iv) signage risible from the freeway w as prohibited. The Council's Architecture and Site approval was conditioned on the subsequent approval by the Town's consulting architect of design modifications to accommodate these changes. The Council also indicated a willingness. in the future- to entertain a request from the applicant to build the parking garage party or full underground. but the Council recognized that additional environmental review and absence of underground parking IV. Record of Proceedings In accordance with Public Resources Code section 21167.6, subdivision (e), the record of proceedings for the Town of Los Gatos' decision on the Project includes the following documents: • The Record of Proceedings from Los Gatos Citizens for Responsible Development et al. v. Town of Los Gatos et al. (Santa Clara County Superior Court Case No. 111 CV 209214); • The January 2013 Draft EIR and its appendices; • The April 2013 Final EIR and its appendices; • All documents cited or referenced in the Draft and Final EIRs; • The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; • All findings and resolutions adopted by the Town of Los Gatos in connection with the Project and all documents cited or referred to therein; • All reports, studies, memoranda, maps, staff reports, or other planning documents relating to the Project prepared by the Town of Los Gatos relevant to the Town's compliance with the requirements of CEQA and the Town's action on the Project; e All documents submitted to the Town by the applicant, by other public agencies or members of the public in connection with the Project, up through the close of the final public hearing on Project before the Town Council held on E. =June 17. 2013; Any minutes and/or verbatim transcripts of public meetings and public hearings held by the Town of Los Gatos in connection with the Project; e Any documentary or other evidence submitted to the Town of Los Gatos at such public meetings and public hearings; e Any and all resolutions adopted by the Planning Conunission and the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos regarding the Project, and all staff reports, analyses, and summaries related to the adoption of those resolutions; Matters of common knowledge to the Town of Los Gatos, including, but not limited to federal, state, and local laws and regulations; e Town ,,f Los Gatos 2020 General Plan-, e Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report; e Town of Los Gatos Gcn ral Piaa IT Background Rcpoa: e Los Gatos Town Codes; —Los Gatos Sustainabitity Plan; o Any documents expressly cited in these findings, in addition to those cited above; and e Any other materials required for the record of proceedings by Public Resources Code section 2 t 167.6, subdivision (e). The documents constituting the record of proceedings are available for review by responsible agencies and interested members of the public: from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Los Gatos Community Development Department at 110 East Main Street; from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Town Clerk office at 110 East :stain Street; and during regular business hours, at the Town Library at 100 Villa Avenue. The custodian of these documents is the Conununity Development Department. This information is provided in compliance with Public Resources Code section 21081.6. The Town's decision makers have relied on all of the documents listed above in reaching their decisions on the Project even if not every document was formally presented to the decision makers. Without exception, any documents set forth above not found in the project files fall into one of two categories. Many of them reflect prior planning or legislative decisions with which the Town of Los Gatos was aware in approving the proposed project. (See City of Santa Cru v. Local Agency Formation Commission (1978) 76 Cal.App.3d 381, 391 -392; Dontiney v. Department ofPersonttel Administration (1988) 205 Ca1.App.3d 729, 738, fn. 6.) Other documents influenced the expert advice provided to the Town of Los Gatos staff or consultants, who then provided advice to the Town Council as final decision makers. For that reason, such documents form part of the underlying factual basis for the Town's decisions relating to approval of the proposed project. (See Pub. Resources Code, § 21167.6, subd. (e)(10); Brolt-ning- Ferris Industries v. City Council of Citv of San Jose (1986) 181 Ca1.App.3d 852, 866; Stanislaus Audubon Society, Inc. v. County of Stanislaits (1995) 33 Cal.AppAth 144, 153, 155.) V. Findings Required Under CEOA Public Resources Code section 21002 provides that "public agencies should not approve projects as proposed if there are feasible alteratives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen the significant environmental effects of such projects[.]" The same statute provides that the procedures required by CEQA "are intended to assist public agencies in systematically identifying both the significant effects of Projects and the feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures which will avoid or substantially lessen such significant effects." Section 21002 goes on to provide that "in the event [that] specific economic, social, or other conditions make infeasible such project alternatives or such mitigation treasures, individual projects may be approved in spite of one or more significant effects thereof." The mandate and principles announced in Public Resources Code section 21002 are implemented, in part, through the requirement that agencies must adopt findings before approving projects for which EIRs are required. This mandate to adopt findings is found in Public Resources Code section 21081, subdivision (a), and CEQA Guidelines section 15091, subdivision (a). Under these provisions, for each significant environmental effect identified in an EIR for a Project, the approving agency must issue a written finding reaching one or more of three permissible conclusions. The first such finding is that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final EIR. The second permissible finding is that such changes or alterations are within the 9 responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding, and that such changes have been adopted by, or can and should be adopted by, such other agency. The third potential conclusion is that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for hishly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final EIR. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15091.) "[F]easible" means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social, legal, and technological factors." (CEQA Guidelines, § 15364.) Here, as set forth in Table A to CEQA Findings, the Town Council has adopted the first permissible finding with respect to all significant effects identified in the EIR, concluding that all such effects can be mitigated to less than significant levels. The Town Council therefore has no need to consider the feasibility of any project alternatives. (Pub. Resources Code, § 21002: Laurel Hills Homeoirners Association r. City Council (1978) 8' ) Ca1.App.3d 515, 521 (Laurel Hills); see also Kings County Farm Bureau v. City of Hanford (1990) 221 Cal.App3d 692, 730 -731; and Laurel Heights Improvement Association v. Regents of the University of California (1988) 47 Cal.3d 376, 400 -403.) Under CEQA, where the significant impacts of a project cannot be avoided or substantially lessened, either by mitigation measures or a project alternative, a public agency, after adopting proper findings, may nevertheless approve the project if the agency first adopts a "statement of overriding considerations" setting forth the specific reasons that the agency found the project's benefits outweigh its unavoidable adverse environmental effects. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15093; Pub. Resources Code, § 21081, subd. (b).) Here, however, as noted above, the Town of Los Gatos has identified and adopted feasible mitigation measures that mitigate all significant environmental impacts of the Project to less than significant levels. Thus, just as the Town is not required to address the feasibility of alternatives, the Town is also not required to adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Project. VL Mitigation i\fonitoring and Reporting Program Subdivision (a) of Public Resources Code section 21081.6 requires lead agencies to "adopt a reporting and mitigation monitoring program for the changes to the project which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment." For the Albright Project, the Town satisfied this obligation by preparing a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), which was attached as Appendix L to the Final EIR. The MMRP provides a list of all adopted ift project mitigation measures, identifies the parties responsible for implementing such measures, and identifies the timing for implementing each measure. The MMRP is being approved concurrently with the adoption of these Findings of Fact. VII. Significant Effects and Mitigation Measures The Draft EIR identified a number potentially significant environmental effects (or impacts) that the Project will cause or contribute to. All of these effects can be mitigated to less than significant levels through the adoption of feasible mitigation measures. all of N,,Bich Toivn staff has determined remain necessary. in unchanged form. for the Project as finally approved though they were originally prepared with the originally proposed Project in mind. The Project thus will not result in any significant and unavoidable impacts. The Town of Los Gatos' findings with respect to the Project's significant and potentially significant effects and mitigation measures are set forth in the table attached to these findings (Table A to CEQA Findings). The findings set forth in the table are hereby incorporated herein by reference. This table does not attempt to describe the full analysis of each environmental impact contained in the Draft and Final EIRs. Instead, the table provides a summary description of each impact, describes the applicable mitigation measures identified in the Draft EIR or Final EIR and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos, and states the Town's findings on the significance of each impact after imposition of the adopted mitigation measures. A full explanation of these environmental findings and conclusions can be found in the Draft EIR and Final EIR, and these findings hereby incorporate by reference the discussions and analyses in those documents supporting the Final EIR's determinations regarding mitigation measures and the Projects' impacts and mitigation measures designed to address those impacts. In making these findings, the Town of Los Gatos ratifies, adopts, and incorporates into these findings the analyses and explanations in the Draft EIR and Final EIR, and ratifies, adopts, and incorporates in these findings the determinations and conclusions of those documents relating to environmental impacts and mitigation measures, except to the extent any such determinations and conclusions are specifically and expressly modified by these findings. 11 This Page Intentionally Left Blank