5tpW N OF /�S GASES COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: MAY 9, 2013 TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: 05/20/13 ITEM NO: 5 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER — SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 12 -04 — WINCHESTER BOULEVARD/KNOWLES AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 813 -0204 A. AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH DURAN & VENABLES INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $403,759. B. AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE FUTURE CHANGE ORDERS TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AS NECESSARY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,000. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the Town Manager to execute a construction contract with Duran & V enables Inc. in an amount not to exceed $403,759. 2. Authorize staff to execute future change orders to the construction contract as necessary in an amount not to exceed $40,000. BACKGROUND: The Town's adopted FY 2012/13 — 2016/17 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget designates funding for infrastructure construction projects. This is consistent with the Town's goals to improve public safety and improve the quality of Town streets. The need for improvements at the intersection of Winchester Boulevard/Knowles Avenue has been identified by the Town for several years but were postponed due to the Town not having the required right -of -way to construct an additional turning lane on Knowles Avenue. As a result of a recent private development project in the vicinity of this intersection, the Town acquired the necessary right -of -way in 2012. PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parks and Public Works Reviewed by: Town Manager Z Town Attorney N:\ PPW\ MANAGEMENT \COUNCIL \COUNCIL REPORTS\9-013 Reports \052013 \12 - 04. WINCHESTER. KNOWLES.INTERSECTION.award.doex PAGE 2 MAY 9, 2013 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 12 -04 — WINCHESTER BOULEVARD /KNOWLES AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 813 -0204 DISCUSSION: The improvements in this project include: construction of a right turning lane on the south side of Knowles Avenue from Capri Drive to Winchester Boulevard, relocation of the traffic control system cabinet and hardware to the north side of the intersection, reconstruction of sidewalks and ramps on Knowles Avenue, modification of the traffic signal system at Knowles Avenue intersection with Winchester Boulevard and Capri Drive, and storm drain improvements to address the chronic flooding problems at this intersection. The striping and signing will be updated to enhance vehicular and pedestrian safety at this intersection as part of this prof eci. At the April 1, 2013, Town Council meeting, the Council approved plans and specifications for this project and authorized staff to advertise the project for bids. On May 8, 2013, three (3) bids were received for this project (Attachment 1.) Staff reviewed the bids received and determined that Duran & Venables Inc. is the lowest responsible entity and is most responsive to the Town's formal bid process. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a construction contract in an amount not to exceed $403,759. Additionally, due to the variables associated with this particular type of construction and to address unforeseen circumstances during the course of construction, staff further recommends that the Town Council authorize staff to execute future change orders to the construction contract as necessary, in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 for work beyond that which is identified in the base bid. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed. PAGE 3 MAY 9, 2013 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 12 -04 — WINCHESTER BOULEVARDlKNOWLES AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 813 -0204 FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds for this project as demonstrated in the table below. $ 530,000 $ 43,553 $ 4 Construction _ $ 403,759 Contingency 40,000 TOTALS $ 443,759 Attachment: Certified Bid Tabulation THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Tvunt of Las Galas Parks mod Pablic Works Depamnnft Winchester BOatepard7B11o,✓h'# Avnme Bltersectien, BnprovnnntProjea 912 -M Certified Bid TabnhrHon Bid oyening May 8r2013at 10:00 A.M.atthe Civic Cnrter This certifies that aft bids were received and opened on May 8, 261$ and riot this b e copy of the bid tubudaHon SVdT bids ,A a usd So, er -Be in addition& neWtipliaoi By: ` L Attachment 1 Duran &Verebles, Inc. 740 Hillvlew Ot Milpitas, CA 05035 Joseph J. Albanese, Ino. PO Box 087 Santa Clara, CA 85052.0087 Golden Bay C,swWd'Nn, Inc. U260epo1 Rd. Hand, CA W545 1. N.. Dim' Han QuniiH than _ y, { Un"Pnn Ihn, C., WtltPtln It.. Coil UniLPr/a Non COs, 1 SawaA 600 LF fiD_. 20.00 10.000.00 I'M 500.00 2.00 1,000.00 2 Rwnove AC PevemeM 600 IF T "0_OU Ban 4.000.00 20,00 ID.000.00 4.25 2.125.00 3 Remove Cosh &Culler BOB LF 17.00 8fioom 5.00 2,50000 11.00 61600.00 4 Remove FlakwdJbNenik 4,000 SF 6.50 28.000.00 1.20 4,800.00 3.00 12.000.00 5 Remove Trees 3 EA A 250.00 750.00 30.00 B0 p0 150.00 4SAW B RemovelWSD 2fi LF 183.0 4.575.00 115.00 2.005,00 4580 1.125. 7 Remove Inlet 1 EA 450.00 anion 21000,W 2,000.00 2 043 2,000.00 0 1WW.P. and. vane Mrepair) 15 lF 310.OB 4,650.00 625.00 0.3]5. 433.00 6.405.0 0 New SD MCNwIa 1 EA 6300.00 81300.00 0600.0 8.600,. B4OBS.. 0,085.00 f0 Nen CUT InIN t EA 4200.00 4,2WOB 715OOB0 ],SOO.W 4.900.0 4,600.00 11 N.CUT &GuOer 460 LF - 34.00 16,3..00 42.00 18.800.00 29,W 12oW.. 12 Nea6Nevap 2250 SF 7.0 16,750.. 10.00 22,500.00 ASO 14,025.. 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Ia only) 1 FA 8.000.00 8000.00 4,WO.Po 4,000.. 6900. 5.0.. 22 TYpe1B 184-100 1 EA 15.000.00 10,000. 13.700.00 13,700.00 14,600.00 14,5..00 23 Type 1 -Al1 -BSI nest Pole 1 E4 2.40D.W 2400.00 2850.00 2850,1XI 2.400.. 2400. 24 T,. 26 e 1 E4 18000.00 10.800.00 20.000.00 2D,000.00 16,800.. 188W.00 26 VoWds SI,nal LED Module 24 FA 480.00 11.620.00 16aAa 360D.00 60000 12000.. 26 Mast Aim Mounted 35edbn VehlGaSteel 3 EA 840,00 2.520.00 Una. 345.00 27 Pale TO "wean Vehldeblrel UNA I 1 EA F .0.00 840.00 11500 115.00 000.00 00.0000 20 Pole Want"ectpn Valid. S" rel (SV-1) 4 EA 840. 3,300,00 116.00 400.00 WO.. 3,800.00 20 Pelestran3 "-ILEDMOdule 4 EA 400.00 1,60000 400,. 1,800.00 gOO,Po 1,000.00 W Pedestrian Push Bubon B and Sign 4 EA 3000B L200.a0 115.00 400.00 900.00 1,200.00 31 Pedeslran Sgnl BIM Moudllg(SP -1 &TP 11 4 EA _ 715.00 2880.0i 118000 400000 700.00 2B0000 32 Remove aM Remslall AWable Ped Signal 2 EA $1 - 205.00 1 410.. SIOBD 6BOPo 20000 400.00 33 LED LUminclre B FA 300.00 t,80n. 885000 4110.00 30000 1,.000 36 RemavdRe lace Lumhaim 1 EA b 1.65000 t 691.00 085.00 685.00 1,700011 170000 35 #BPu1l Bes th COVer 4 EA 70000 2,8O0.. 45500 1,820.00 700.60 2,000 .00 36 si Type'. Wandler Cabinel (Fodallon CA0 t EA BB0.00 B00.W 1,140.00 114000 11000.00 1.000.. 37 Iroiell Town-Fumished Type- P- CUNmller CBlicAncendy 1 EA - 1,4100 1,400.00 856.00 855.00 1,450.. 1450.On 3B 1PVCSnh40 250 LF p 42.00 10,500.00 100000 26,00B,. 6OP0 0 W TPVCSO. BO 250 IF 88.00 16,50.00 100.. 2500 B.BB 12],005000..000 0 414 -#9 Cantluolan: 15.000 LF 9i 1.20 10,0.,. 1.50 ffi,600.W 2.25 33,75000 41 #6 - #1 Conductors 400 LF &04 2,4BOB0 3.50 1.4.,00 6.60 260000 42 EmmBenry Wide. Preamytion Cables OplNwm 200 LF 3.80 720.00 1.18 MOBS 4.80 000.00 43 Remove GMlMO.& Clean Cowl Lit 25a lF 3.00 900.00 1.10 275.. 600 1112&W 44 Video COWpwrer Cade t,an. LF IBC 1820.. 2,30 3080.00 2.25 3600,. 46 Atmrv.T IV L or R 4 EA Illiolatuaw 144,00 576.30 68.00 272.00 86.00 394.00 46 Auay,Type Vll N or OR 2 EA 28000 620.03 115.. 230.00 14300 286.0 47 Install New b "nBM Pwd 5 EA D 300.00 9,.0.00 280,W 11400BO 258.W 1,200.00 4B InsbIIS nOnIT 2 EA 300.. "WOO 200.W 400.00 155.00 310.00 49 hen. T 'W Made 2 EA 160.00 380.00 96.00 182.. B3B0 120,00 50 Sig, R Mato on Sinal Most A. 4 EA 360.00 L400.0` 400.00 1.0... 645.W .0.00 L400.W 51 S'n,Rahwate Remove&Reanstall 1 EA BW.00 .0,00 245.00 172.00 172.. 62 Sgn, SaNa,. Train, Sin& Replace e[N. 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R. or III Foundaldon 2 EA 600.00 1.000.00 2,000. 1 4,000.00 5000. 1,000.00 85 SS. a Cabinet& CONmllcv 1 EA Muni 600.00 680.00 57A. 57D,. 700.00 700.0 BO baNa eLumiteire 8 EA 35.00 210.. N5000 BBC.. 0 22&00 W SoN .axL Sinal Head 4 EA 41.00 104.00 116.00 "am 172,W as Bob,. PPB 4 EA 21.00 09.00 57.00 228.00 8800 BB Ssw a Signal Pole x4Mast Amt 2 EA 1,260.. 2,500.. 570.00 1,140.00 ran 2600.- ]0 S.Wa.Sk -tL ht Pde t EA 410.00 410. 6]0.00 570.00 425.W ]t Salvage T se1 -B Signal Pale 2 EA 600.. 1,200. 116,. 2304. 1,R-.. ]2 Salves sVehB ralH -d On B EA 160.00 1,200.00 115.0 020,- . 1,200,00 73 Removeand Ra-Rode SIC 2 EA 1$fi0.00 2500. 1,710.00 3420.W .00 2,800.00 74 Undeaq 50 SF W.BO 1,600. 8.. 3... R1300�W 250.00 75 Rdorale 1...11 Illunitadedb n 1 EA 2]500 276.. 67000 570.0 00 280.00 70 Rc,Swd Cabinet FoudaWn 1 LS 1,350.0 1350. 230.0 R3D. W 560,. ]] Rdwsas Video Detection Cis. 2 EA 1,100.00 22..00 2.85000 6,700.0 .W ]0 MobT Ibn 1 LS T, 350.. 7,350.. 2],300.- 27300,00 .00 30864.00 ]0 Trel6a LOMOI 1 LS 1).000.- 1].0... 180000 180... .. 225.. 80 CI ®d eM Gmbh' 1 LS 3,100.00 3,10. 13,6..00 1,800.. .. 40,O..W To 4- ,750.0. 424.4200 431,75225 This certifies that aft bids were received and opened on May 8, 261$ and riot this b e copy of the bid tubudaHon SVdT bids ,A a usd So, er -Be in addition& neWtipliaoi By: ` L Attachment 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK