Study Session.,j *N op !os G,ptO COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: MAY 29, 2012 MEETING DATE: 06/04/2012 STUDY SESSION TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER vl� SUBJECT: SUSTAINABILITY PLAN STUDY SESSION BACKGROUND: In September 2010, the Town Council adopted the 2020 General Plan. Action ENV -13.1 directs the Town to develop a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Plan. The Sustainability Plan will serve as the Town's GHG Emissions Reduction Plan and satisfy the 2020 General Plan Action ENV -13.1. On June 8, 2011, the Town authorized the execution of an agreement with The Planning Center DC &E to prepare the Sustainability Plan. The consultants have completed the following tasks: • Established a GHG Emission baseline year • December 5, 2011, Town Council Study Session • January 30, 2012, Community Workshop • Completed the Town and Community GHG inventory • Refined the list of Sustainability Plan measures • Quantified emissions reductions through refined Sustainability Plan measures • Created implementation schedule DISCUSSION: The purpose of the June 4, 2012, Town Council Study Session is as follows: Review refined list of Sustainability Plan measures Review quantified emissions reductions, cost effectiveness, and implementation schedule Provide feedback to staff and consultants for completion of the Sustainability Plan PREPARED BY : Wendie R. Rooney, Director of Community Development Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager - Town Attorney Finance N: \DCV \TC RL'- PORTS\ 2012\ SustainabilityPlan _StdySess.6- 4- 12.docx PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: Sustainability Plan May 29, 2012 Immediately prior to the June 4, 2012, Town Council Study Session, the Town will hold a Community Open House to showcase the draft measures based on feedback from the public, Town Council, Planning Commission, and Sustainability Committee; Town staff will also be in attendance. NEXT STEPS Staff recommends the following steps: 1. Publish Sustainability Plan for public review 2. Hold Planning Commission meeting to review the Sustainability Plan 3. Hold Town Council meeting to adopt the Sustainability Plan CONCLUSION The goal of the Town Council study session is to facilitate review of a refined list of Sustainability Plan measures, quantified emissions reductions, cost effectiveness, and implementation schedules. Staff and the consultant are seeking feedback to determine what measures are appropriate to complete the Sustainability Plan. After receiving input from the Town Council, the Sustainability Plan will be published for public and Planning Commission review, and the plan would come to Town Council for adoption. Attachments 1, Draft Summary of Measure Reductions and Implementation Distribution The Planning Center DC &E, 1625 Shattuck Avenue Suite 300, Berkeley, CA 94709 WRR:JS cgt A P P E N D I X E SUMMARY OF REDUCTIONS IMPLEMENTAT MEASURE AND 1 O N ......................................................................................... ............................... Attachment I L O S G A T O S S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y PLAN A P P E N D I X E Los Gatos Sustainability Plan Communitywide Emissions Reduction Measures This table lists the emissions reduction measures that are included in the Los Gatos Draft Sustainability Plan. The measures are divided into the following sectors: • Land Use and Community Design • Transportation • Green Building • Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Fuels • Energy Conservation • Water and Wastewater • Solid Waste • Open Space • Purchasing • Community Action The measures were initially developed based on adopted Los Gatos General Plan policies, model policies from the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) and California Institute for Local Government (ILG) Climate Action Network, and similar adopted plans in other built -out Bay Area communities. Then, Town staff and consultants held a study session with the Town Council and an open house and workshop with community members to gather feedback on the preliminary measures The measures were refined based on this input, the consultant team then modeled the revised suite of measures to estimate individual and total GHG emissions reductions. F �F This matrix provides the following information for each measure: • The estimated GHG emission reduction ""achieved by the measure, and the percent of overall GHG emission reduction this represents. • The cost effectiveness of the measure, meaning a comparison of its capacity for reducing GHG emissions versus its anticipated net cost. Measures that have minimal or even positive financial impacts, such as those that repay their own costs over time, are highly cost - effective. However, measures with low cost - effectiveness should not be precluded from consideration. A measure such as adding bicycle parking makes a small reduction in GHG emissions, but may nonetheless be of high value to the community and provide other benefits not considered in this cost - effectiveness evaluation. • The parties responsible for implementing the strategy (Town, private developers, etc.). ® An approximate implementation schedule that will allow the Town to meet its GHG emissions reduction target by the 2020 horizon year established in State law and BAAQMD guidelines. LOS G A T O S S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y PLAN APPENDIX E 2