2011030712 - Attachment 8 - 381 Pennsylvania AvenueFILING FEES Town of Los $321.00 Residential Office of the To $ per Commercial, Multi. IMO E Main S1., Los t fandly or Tentative 1Vlt}p Appeal APPEAL OF PLANNING CQi 1, the undersigned, do hereby appeal a decision of the Planning Commission as follows: (PLEASE 1 to a W 19 1011 DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: _J a n uary 26, 2011 �,([ `Zi � ir? t • m PROJECT /APPLICATION NO: $ubdi vi s.onn A�aa_U M -10 -007 `+l ADDRESS LOCATION: _ 38I Pen nsylvania Ave. Pursuant to the Tov n C «de, the Town Council Wray only grant an appeal of a Planning Commission decision in mast matters if the - - -" Council finds that one of three (3) reasons exist for granting the appeal by a vote of at least three (3) Council members. "Therefore, please specify haw one of those reasons exist in the appeal: i . The Planning Commission erred or abused its discretion because (see attached) 2, There is new information that was not reasonably available at the time of the Planning Commission decision, which is see attached — (please attach the new information if possible}; OR 3. • The Planning Commission did not have discretion to modify or address the following policy or issue that is vested in the Town Counci l IF MORE SP:4CE iS NEEDED, PLFASF. A17ACII ADDITIONALSI:tEETS. IMPORTANT: 1, Appellant is responsible for fees for transcription of minutes. A► $5 00.00 deposit is required at the time of riling, 2. Appeal must be filed within Ica (10) calendar days of Planning Commission Decision accompanied by the required filing fee. Deadline is 5:00 p.m. on the ld day following the decision: If the 19" day is a Saturday, Sunday, or Town holiday, then it may be filed on the workday immediately fallowing the 10" day, usually a. Monday. 3. The Town Clerk will set the hearing withing 56 days of the date of the Planning Commission Decision (Town Ordinance No. 1467) 4. An appeal regarding a Change of Zone application or a subdivision map only must be filed within the time limit specified in the Zoning or Subdivision Code, as applicable. which is different from other appeals. 5. Once filed, the appeal will be heard by the Town Council. 6. If the reason for granting an appeal is the receipt of new information, the application ill usually turned > t Pla a Commission for reconsideration. PRiNT NAME: +M t t h:ew H. a he r tent: n SIGNATURE: DATE: 2.%1/2011 ADDRESS: 3 71 Pennsylvania Ave. — PFIbNF: ` L os Gatos, CA �� FFICIAL USE ONLY M* T7 or � 24 cf DATE. OF PUBLIC HEARING: COsNFIRIMATION LETTER SENT: Date: Pending Planning Department Corinrmation TO APPLICANT S APPELLANT BY: DATE TO SEND PUBLICATION: DATH OF PUBLICATION: 'fir✓` _ �i�(r. t/�'{t . 7i1i7CM ATTACMIENT 8 This Appeal is tled pursuant to Section 24,20,075, which section requires an appal to be heard by the Town :Q4undil vii.thin 3 days. 99994 $01 A A a AD I a A *.Aga a# a a#$ a ad A Ad A* a A* a's A a a a I 41, L The Planning Commission's decision was arbitrary and capricious, 2. The Planning Commission's decision and findings are wholly lacking in evidenti 3, .The Planning Comm-ission's decision on fai4cd to - conform to the procedures required. by ]am 4, The Piatiniho Commissioris dec'isioii was.procedurally unfair. - 5. 'The Planning Commission.proacedcd without mandatory CEQA review. a! 9 a 8 9 a a a a A 4 a a It ff a A a a 0 8 3 a 13 a A 0 0 A a a 5 A a a a a A a 13 a A a a A A a a A a 2 A a a a n eV 4 A a 4 a a a a a a A a a 9 U A a a Q.l #2. The Los Gatos Historic Resources Inventory prepared for the Town of Los Gatos Planning Department in June., 1991. MNWAMI M J 363-1 01/2712011 14.44 FAX (7 0'o 10 18 Anne Bloam Id ARCHITECTURAL WSTORY ---- - - - - -- — 413 - 922 -1043 - -- -- LOS GATOS IIISTORIC RESO Ir INVENTORY June 199-1 Prepared for the Town of Las Gatos Planning Department. 01/27/20 11 1.4:44 PAX EVALUATION 10002/018 In the Survey's first ,phase a system of evaluation for hisro:ric resources was derived from Lhe systems advocated by Harold Kalman of Canada, explained in . Splend.ie 5ur viv�ors. (p. 9 -13), and -ustad :by the City of Oakland and by San Pran- cisco's:Heritage Foundation. This system makes evaluation. as objective as possible by es.ta•blishing 14 specific criteria against which hist6tic resources can .bg rat The c riteria _ ract2 - -from l�e Alec -.- dates- et- ans:trtar� ion -- the'sub quality of building design. The criteria are:g'rou.ped into the major_doncerns about historic resources: History Architecture Environment Integrity in the initial process, the survey director wrote down the qualities of the particular resource (a distrier, or a building, or an object) that b #sm correspond to each of the 14 criteria. Actitg as evaluator, the director then rated each quality as excellent, Very good, Good, or Fair /Poor. These ratings were tzanslated into numbers, and their total was compared. with a scale to derive a total rating for. the particular resource. The ratings are explained below. In the case of residential districts, the individual houses did not recezve full individual evaluations. .Instead, a full evaluation was prepared for each district as a whoie, and each house received a mini - evaluation consisting of the date of construction, the name of the district, whether or not this house "contributes" to the district,. names of eaelies.x 'mown owner and /or residents, designer if known, and notation of -alterations. Samples of - the.vatrious evaluation forms are in the Appendix. Complpte'd evaluation forms are:in.the hard copy files for t:he respective addresses. To complete the evaluation process., outside reviewers were asked to look at the written evalua:cions and the research files, 1 to sgree or to Ove specific areas /reasons of disagreement. The purpose of'the review is �co ch.eck .fox aacidental. ogiissi.ons or mistakes on the Fart of the original evaluator, to provide balance for h.:lin.d spots, and to add infora�acion she may have missed. Ideally there should le three outside reviewers; an architect, a local historian, and an architectural historian. The major reviewers for the Los Gatos Survey :ere: Michael Corbett, architectural historian and author of Si d Survivors Berkeley. Alice Carey, A.I.A., Carey and Company, preservation architects, San Francisco. n� I Kathy Morgan, Los Catos Historic Preservation Committee and Plann rg Commissioa. i 01/27/2011 14:44 FAX Additional, partial reviews were conducted by:. 0003/010 Mardi Bennett, Marben Asksociates, architectural historian, Other members 6£ the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Comdtittee, Laura Taylor, president, Las Gatos Heritage Preservation. Society. William A. Vulf, Los Gatos Historian. Wilma Thompson., local historian and Museum volunteer. To final.i the. evaluations, the reviewers' comments were balanced and adJ.ustments were made_ Theft Historic Resource Inventory $ores were .prepared for the highest ranking resources. Generally, .historic. resources already designated by the 'Town were not given additional research, nor evaluated., nor .written tip 6n Historic Resource Inventory forms. RATINGS The .Survey produced three kinds of ratings, depending an the amo,.nt of research and evalitati.on conducted for the various resources. A rating is shown for each resource, either on Historic Resource Inventory form`s (in the upper right Corner) or on the computerized file of all known historic resources. 'Evpry resource Which was evaluated received: a rating consisting of ane numeral and one letter. The numeral indicated the level of o n s' s bi.litll 2 is highest, 7 is lowest. The letter.indlcates the t.elati6n of the particular resource to that level, as &n individual resource, a contributor in a district,. A .non - contributor in a district, or a vac-ant parcel In a district. The meaning of these reting•eode.s is as tolls: Already listed in the Rational Register of Historic Places, and also eligible for local historic designation, 2S Determined by the National Park Service or the State Historic Preservation officer to be eligi.bl'e for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, and for local historic designation (none known in Los Gatos). 3H Appears eligible,. Both as an. individual lasting and as a contributor to a hiszorte district, 'for the National Register of Historic , and for local historic designation, Fleets 3D - Appears eligible, only as a contributor to a District, for listing in the National Register of Historic Pla:,es and for local historic des gnat:ion. 3N - Located in but Not contributory to a National Register- and .local - eligible- appearing district. 35 - Appears eligible, es a Single prop Erty, for l,.isting in the Na.tiona? Register of Historic Places, and for local historic designation.. 3V - Vacant parcel, located in appearing district. a National Register- and local—eligibl M -S 0 1J� 1/2011 10:45 FAX a Or.0 4B - May become eligible, Both as an individual listing and as a contributor to a historic d istrict, for the National. Register of Historic Places and for local historic designation. 4D - May become eligible, only as a contributor to .a historic District, for for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, and' for local historic designation, - -- ad - in bui - 1oC eontrtoxy to s district which may become eligible for the Ua,ti;onal Register of Historic Places' and for 'local historic designation, 4S - stay become tlig.i.ble, as a Single property, for listing in the National Register -of Historic Plates, and for local historic designa- tion. 4V - V acant parcel located in s district which may become eligible for listing in the Vational Register of .Historic Places, and for local hlst.oric designation, 5E - Appears eligible, :Both as an individual listing and as a contributor 'to n historic district, for local historic designation. 5D .. Appears eligible, only as a Onttri;butor to.a District, which appears eligible for local historic designation. 5N - Located in but Not contributory to a district which appears eligible for local historic designation, 5S - Appears eligible, as an individual listing, for local historic designation. 5V m Vacant parcel located in a district which appears eligible f.ar local historic designation, Every resource which was not researched'And evaluated received a rdting consisting of a single lettei;. These - ratings were preliminary. 'They were ordinarily established :during the initial .field survey. Resources nor researched or evaluated were caned as f'ollow's.: C Contributor to Los Cato,' historic atmosphere; *historic'hut somewhat. altered, I - Intact contributor to Los Gatos' historic atmosphere, N - "New "; i,e. appears built since 194.1, R Remodeled heavily. A few historic 'resources were partially researched and /or eve uaced, and were judged worthy of some sort of recognition as a group. I have called these M -6 0I/27/2011 14.45 FAX la 005 /01.8 ct2nE .��aatn�%��c� ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 2229 44ES57EA STREET . SAN FKANCIac4, CALIFORNIA 94115 0 161822.1063 EC0102NDATIO'N5 FOR HISTORIC DESTGNAT!0 ?1 It is tO.CO vended that the T &ft of Los Gatos :change the Master Plan Provision for protecting historic buildings so that .the .cu.toff date for conii:der- ing. a building 1t h:istarie.' gill be 194'1 instead of the present 1..917. The Survey has pr-eparad a computerized. list of such properties. This char 84 Would bring Los Gatos much closer to conformance with the standards of the National Park, Service and the State Office of Historic Pieser- This :c T is :c hange would protect. .- w use a cutaff of 5O years old and admit younger cases if exceptional. Chr hi , for example, the High School and the First Church of ist Scientist, wch were both built in the 19208 and appear eliat..bl.e for listing in the National Register of 'Historic Places and also for local historic designation, The present Survey does rot recommend rescinding an of the existing historic designations (except in the case of demolished buildings),- whether or not Survey Forms have been prepared for them. In the previously des- iSne'ted districts, a distinction Bh6U :d be made bet;reen the resources which 1 :cantribute" to the district and those which: do not. Such a distinction will assist in dealing with requests for demolition, alterations, or additions. A few of the presently designated individual buildings come within the boundaries of new districts being proposed'. The present Survey recommends eight hdstoric districts and 2'4 individual properties for new historic designations by the Town of Los Gatos. They are listed on the next page. For each of these there is a Historic Resources Inventory Form in the: Appendix. These forms give location, map, parcel numbers, description, reasons why the particular rasource is significant enough to merit designation and - distinction between contributing and non - contributing pproperties. ) In addition., quite a few individual. properties . were - not ;✓ritten up on Inventory Forms beca time allocation was insufficient, They peed further research. Those which appear most worthy of further attention.and possible designation are listed on p. RD - There are also four groups (d•istritts ?) of houses which appear to merit attention and might be considered for a new category, "Recognition Group,'v Their names and contributing properties are listed on p RD -3 and. RD-4, RD -1 25/6/91 , 1 01/27/2011 1'4:45 FAX INDIVIDUAL PROPERTM- REGOtII BIMED FOR DESIGNATION Address Main, Santa Cruz, etc, 75 Alpine Ave. 213 Bean Ave, 14440 Blossom Hill Rd. 54 Chestnut Chestnut Ave.. 17 College Ave, 18 -26 Ditto's Lane 68 Ellenwood. Ave. 17 Fiesta ,k'y 130 Hernandez Ave. High School Court 433 Los Gatos Blvd, L6751.Magnason Loop 46 E. Main St, 236 E. Main St, 262 E, Main St. 120 O.ak "Nea'dow Dr, 18505 Over?00% Rd. 41 N. Santa Cruz Ave. 112 N., Santa Cruz Ave. 137 N. Santa Gruz Ave, 565 University Ave.. 14381 Winchester Blvd.. 0 0 09b /0 16 Building Hi .Name Type Ratin Downtown Light Standards Streetlights 5SU Kimball -Moser House House 55 Mail -News Buildings Commercial 5S Hamilton Farm hbuse House 5 S -- -- — - — 4 *iSla Ceccant - — - -- Rouse Complex 5S - Meriam House House 5S ,Los Gatos Soda Works Industrial 5S Dizto-Grim Complex House Complex 5S Hastdtter House House 58 Gray-Old Tamale Cottage House 38* •Short douse House 5S Los Gatos Union High School School 3S Sunby Hous.a House 5S Magneson House House 3S (o.11y's Motel -U g'alow Court SS First Church of Christ Church 3a Scientist Congdon ga ;rdinge House House. 5S Forrest House House 5$ Gerlach House House 55 Los Gatos Theatre T4eat.er 5S Lawson Plumbing Shop Commercial 5S Peerless Stage Depot Commercial 7S Puccinel -li Dehydrator Factory Industrial 3S Frank Farmhouse Plouse 6S* DISTRICTS .RECOFIMENDED FOR DESIGNATION Cleland, College, Kimball, Cleland- College District 3S Reservoir, Rogers 44-101 Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza District (extended) 5S Ellenwood, Glen Ridge., Glen Ridge District 3S Hernandez, Palm, Pennsylvania, Peralta Harding., Los Gatos .Blvd:, Harding 1Iediterranean District 58 Bella Vista, Johnson,, Johnson -Los Gatos Boulevard District 55 Loma Alta, Los Gatos B1Yd. , etc:.. 316 - 350 X. Santa Cruz A ve. Little Village District 53 Main., N. Santa Cruz, etc. Los Gatos H istoric Commercial District 2S# Bay View, IV, 1.1a n, -Pen- Lyndon Subdivision District 5.S sylvan,ia, Tait R Ratings: 2S � Determined eligible for National Register and local designation. 3S = Appears eligible for National Register and local designation, 55 - Appears eligible for local designation, 68 = Appear4 ineligible for designation but contributes ,ro Town's historic ambience; recommended for historic racogntior RD -2 01/27/2011 14:49 FAX Q007/016 TNDIVTDUAL PROPERTIES RECOMMENDED FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION Address Historic Name (if Known) Building Type Ratin 1CO Andre Row of Palm Trees House C 41 -55 Ellenwood Ave, Row of Plam Trees Trees T# 16780 Farley Rd. House. I 1_6793. Farle y - Rd, — _House_ 191 Kimble Ave, — _. Mrs. Menuhin's House P`arra complex House I I 119 333 Lama Alta Ave, Los Gatos Blvd, Market Street School Cottage Rasmussen House House c,425 Los Gatos Blvd, House House 5S* I 430 432 1 .09 Gatos Blvd. Los Gatos Blvd. Kennedy Estate House House - 6S 4 16334 Los Gatos Blvd, Kennedy - Torrey House Western Seminary house House 5S 1:6461 1 Los Gatos Blvd.. 20th century adobe shop Commercial I 288 Monroe Ct, Nino Way Nino House House I 381 Pennsylvania McCullagh Guest House ( ?) House House I SS Prospect .Ave, Stonehouse (Sister.$ of the House T $31 N, Santa Cruz Ave, Holy Name property) 30$ Saratoga Ave. Scully House House 'Douse I I (Access Montgomery) 16221 Shannon Rd, House I 188 742 Twin Oaks Drive University Ave, Houses I Saone Barr. C 1 104 Whitney Ave, Belding House House 6S POSSIBLE HISTORIC RECOGNITION GROUPS CHESTNUT RECOGNITION GROUT 15 16 Chestavt Ave. , Johnston - Faulkner kouse House C .20 Nouse I 21 S0 Swanson House House House C I 52 Washburn House ( ?) House I 54 Meriaa carriage House House C lay Hernandez Ave. Meriam House House 5S 200 House C House It Ratings: G = Preliminary. : - Contributes to historic ambienceldistrict, I - Preliminary: Intact contributor, NR = Preliminary: Not Rated., SS = Appears eligible for local designation 6S = Appears ineligible for designation but contributes t Town's historic ambience; recommended for historic recoeniLior,. RD -3 MIN 'T.iiis'PA.GE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK