2010110105 - Town Council Meeting MinutesDRAFT Council/Agency Meeting 11/1/2010 Item # ~. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2010 The Town Counci of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Monday, October 18, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. A Reception began at 6:00 p.m. for the General Plan Update Advisory Committee TOWN COUNCIL CALLED TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Diane McNutt, Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Councilmember Steve Rice, Councilmember Barbara Spector, and Councilmember Mike Wasserman. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • Crystal Huang, RJ Fisher Middle School, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. PRESENTATIONS Commendations -General Plan Advisory Committee Members • Mayor Diane McNutt presented commendations to the General Plan Update Advisory Committee Members for their dedication and guidance on the 2020 General Plan update. CLOSED SESSION REPORT • There was no Closed Session scheduled for this meeting. Page 1 TOWN COUNCIL COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters • There were no Council Matters for this meeting. Manager Matters Mr. Larson • Commented that on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 the Police Foundation held their 21St annual Police Recognition Event which was sponsored by the Los Gatos- Monte Sereno Police Foundation. • Commented that the organization recognized Detective Kevin Elliott, Officer Leo Cottington, Mike Basford (resident), the Volunteers in Policing Program members, and the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Explorers for their service to the residents of Los Gatos. • Commented that the Town is seeking community volunteers to apply to the Town's Boards, Commissions, and Committees. The application deadline is Friday, October 22, 2010. • Commented that the Town Clerk Department is accepting "Vote by Mail" ballots. Santa Clara County residents may drop off ballots in the Town Clerk Department through Election Day. Did You Know?? Sandy Baily, Community Development Manager • Presented information on the Town's Affordable Housing programs. • Commented that the Town works with the Santa Clara County Office of Affordable Housing to address many of the community's affordable. housing needs and more information can be found at www.LosGatosCa.gov/communityservices or www/sccgov.org. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Accept the Fiscal year 2009-2010 Annual Report. 2. Adopt a resolution amending the Appendices to the Town of Los Gatos Conflict of Interest Code (Division 4 of Article III. of Chapter 2.) 3. Authorize the Town Manager to submit a grant application. to the County of Santa Public Health Department for Tobacco Prevention Initiative Funds. 4. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Deborah Ellis to serve as a consulting arborist to the Town. Page 2 Consent Items #1-7 -Continued 5. Adopt resolution setting date for consideration of reorganization of an uninhabited area designated as Peacock Lane No. 2, approximately 2.8 acres located at 16417 Peacock Lane and 16200 Shannon Road (APNs: 532-02-028 and .075); File #AN 10- 002. Property Owners/Applicants: Erik Vanderburg and Dan Bainbridge (respectively.) 6. PPW Job No. 10-11 Oak Meadow Park ADA Pathway Access Project 421-831-4002 a. Authorize the Town Manager to execute a construction contract with Joseph J. Albanese in an amount not to exceed $101,522 b. Authorize staff to execute future change orders to the construction contract as necessary in an amount not to exceed $1 O,OOD TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 7. Approve Council/Agency minutes of October 4, 2010. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski to approve Consent Items #1-7. Seconded by Councilmember Mike Wasserman. VOTE: ~ Motion passed unanimously. VEREAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Gruetzner • Commented that the Butter Paddle will be moving their store to Los Gatos and proceeds from their shop benefit the Eastfield Ming Quong Children's Center in Town. __ ~._. ___•.___ Commented..that the.ir.grand opening, will_be held on November 5,,_2010. _. _...__.._ . Closed Verbal Communications Mayor Diane McNutt called for a recess at 7:15 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:20 p.m. Page 3 TOWN COUNCIL OTHER BUSINESS • There was no Other Business Scheduled. for this meeting MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:20 P.M. Joint Meeting of the Town Council and Planning Commission began -Mayor Diane McNutt presiding. ROLL CALL -PLANNING COMMISSION Present: Joanne Talesfore, Philip Micciche, John Bourgeious, Marico Sayoc, Marcia Jensen, Charles Erikson, and Thomas O'Donnell. Absent: None 8. The Council and Commission., in Study Session format, will discuss the draft Housing Element of the General Plan. No Action would be taken. Staff report. made by Wendie Rooney, Director of Community Development. Council/Commission Comments • Questioned what determines "fair share." • Questioned. what year the 41 homes (currently in the housing stock) were built, if they are included as part of the new housing units needed., and the time frame to meet the goal of 521 new housing units. • Questioned if the 1.5 job to household ratio is for Los Gatos,. what is the ideal ratio, and how the ratio is determined. • Questioned at what point would the Town look at the services that different economic groups would require, • Questioned if all of the potential sites in the Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ) have been studied for future housing needs and school capacity. • Requested clarification on the offset between the Regional Housing Needs - -Assessment (RHNA) number and the projection-of housing to be built by 2014:-- . -- • Questioned the process to define-the projected number of jobs and homes for Los Gatos. • Questioned what consideration was given in the evaluation of the growing senior population. • Questioned if there would be a foss of commercial area when an overlay zone is applied. • Questioned if the overlay zoning process would take into consideration the commercial zones. • Questioned if the property owners of the commercial sites determine if they want to stay commercial or convert to housing, • Questioned if the developers are aware of the changes that are arising. Page 4 Study Session Item #8 -Continued Council/Commission Comments • Questioned if the developer's right extends to a 20 unit per acre count. Mr. Early and Ms. Chan, Consultants • Clarified that "fair Share" is a term used statewide for the process of allocating housing units from the State, to the region and then to the individual cities. • Commented that the Association of .Bay Area Governments (ABAG) is in charge. of making the allocations. • Clarified that the potential sites were part of the study to determine future housing needs. • Clarified that ABAG has defined the process for job to housing ratios and the housing growth and job growth are projected as part of their process. • Commented that the senior population was not directly folded into the evaluation in population for the 1.5 job to household ratio. Ms. Rooney • Clarified that the 41 homes were added to the .housing stock since 2007 and the Town should meet the goal of 521 .new units by 2014. • Clarified that the Town's preference would be to maintain the 1.5% ratio. • Clarified that the ability to provide services to future residents was looked at through the General Plan's Environmental Impact Report. • Commented that when each project comes through the Community Development process, staff will take a look at the ability to maintain the General Plan Policies which are .relative to that project and levels of service. • Clarified that the projections are from ABAG surveys throughout the region. • Clarified that the RHNA is a planning goal that needs to be in place by 2014 and the 521 homes is what the Town would need to plan for by 2014. • Clarified that when staff did the housing site analysis they did look at a number of sites and projected a percentage of the sites for .housing and a percentage for commercial. The percentage was about 50% for each. • Clarified that the next step would be for staff to craft language for each overlay. -zone so when` a project comes through staff could id~enfify the Town''s` expectations for each site. ® Commented that a developer would have to meet the expectations for the overlay zone or develop the property under the current zone. • Clarified that most of the developers are aware of the changes coming forward. • Clarified that the goal of the Housing Element is to try to provide affordable housing for the property owners. If the Town meets the default density, which is 20 units per acre, then the State considers that affordable. by design. Open/Closed Public Hearing Page 5 Study Session. Item. #8 -Continued Council/Commission Discussions • Questioned at what point in the process does the Council need to be concerned about the overlay zone and what it allows. • Questioned if the Planning Commission and Town Council will see more information regarding the other two proposals. • Questioned the process for a developer who wants to develop under the overlay zone and what discretion does the Town have. • Regarding the Initial Site Analysis, does staff consider 20% of BMP's as part of that. analysis. • Questioned what new provisions would be incorporated into the Housing Element for the homeless population. •. Questioned how many of the very low income figures are seniors. • Expressed concerns that the overlay zones will dictate the overall character of Los Gatos Boulevard. Ms. Rooney • Clarified that the Council would be approving the concept for the overlay zones, then staff would proceed to implement the process which would include going before the Planning Commission and then on to the Town Council. This process may take five to six months. • Clarified that there would be detailed information added to each overlay zone for clarity when developers plan to develop under the overlay zone. • Clarified'. that there would be a zoning code amendment to allow for a housing shelter in the controlled manufacturing zone., to continue with the Care Program which is a regional effort of providing homes for the homeless, and to amend the code for the definition of family. • Clarified that the process. would be part of the housing element under the overlay zone. • Clarified that one of the proposals is the Affordable Housing Strategies that Council approved in 2009 and the other proposal for shared equity is included as an .action. item to study at a General Plan Committee meeting.. and. Planning Commissior~rrieeting before presentation to Council for consideration: • .Clarified that the Town will be using the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan to assist with the future character of the Boulevard. ADJOURNMENT Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk~Administrator Page 6