2010081807 - Desk Item Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and the Environmental impact reportMEETING DATE: 8/16/10 Zowr+oF I'I"EMNO: *~, °• ~ DESK ITEM to .a~~ oa COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT S GAS DATE: August 16, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER ~i~--., SUBJECT: DRAFT LOS GATOS 2020 GENERAL PLAN AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE DRAFT LOS GATOS 2020 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE REMARKS: Staff has received the following recommmended edits to Draft Land Use Element pages LU-14 and LU-18, and Draft Vasona Light Rail Element page VLR-6 fiom a planning firm representing a development applicant. After consulting with the Town Attorney, staff is recommending minor edits to the definition of Non-Residential Land Use Designation to better clarify the definition and is recommending a new definition for the Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone that is more consistent with the intent of the PD Overlay. Finally, the planning firm is also requesting adding "senior housing" to Vasona Light Rail Policy VLR-2.3 on Page VLR-6. The planning firm's recommended language is underscored, and staffs recommended changes are in italics and strike-through format. Page LU-14: 2. Non-Residential Land Use Designations For non-residential land uses, the specific uses mentioned are illustrative, and other compatible uses ;~"c'~din~usidc~ a°ai~~,T) including those authorized in any other "toning District within the Town may be permitted where authorized by a Planned Development Overlay Zone. For non-residential land uses, building intensity limits are indicated by either allowable land coverage or floor area ratio (FAR) and a maximum height limit ~°°°~a°a *'~°~ *'~°°°'~~r~~° .,,°° 1, a s t, al a w vt a n t . n a ~ PREPARED BY: U W~endie R. Rooney, Director of Community Development Reviewed by: ~,J_Assist Clerk Administrator Town Manager ,~~~Y~I'own Attorney -Finance ~ ~ Community Development N:\DEV\CNCLRI'TS\2010\2020 General Plan Slaff Report for August 16 Desk stein No Ldoc Itefomiatted: 5/30/02 PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN AND EIR August I6, 2010 Page LU-18: Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone. The PD Overlay Zone is intended to provide for alternative uses that are more consistent with the site characteristics allowed in other zones, in order to optimize the use of open space and encourage good design. The PD zone permits the establishment of a single use or the integration of several uses not ordinarily possible, if the use(s) complies with the entire development plan and relates to the surrounding area. In non- residential land use designations, the PD Overlay Zone may permit use(sl that are compatible with, but not suecifically authorized by, the aynlicable land use designation. °.,+: ,.1 1,..,,] . ° a°°; rt,, ,.+;.,., ., 41,° Dtl ll..°«1.... ~.,.,°,,, ,.., .,°«..:t 1,,,:1,7;«.. :.,r°„~: t,. .,.,,7 7, °; ,.i,r Staff Reco7mnended Revised Language for Planned Development Overlay: The PD overlay is intended to ensure orderly planning and quality desigla that will be in harmony with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhood. The Planned Development Overlay is a specially tailored development plan and ordinance which designates the zoning regulations for the accompanying project, sets specific development standards, and ensures that zoning and the General Plan are consistent. Commercial, residential, or industrial property or a mixture of these uses may be considered for a Planned Development Overlay. Staff recommends this revised definition since it clearly explains the intent of a PD Overlay, how it can be used, and that it applies to all types of land uses in the Town Zoning Code. However, if the Council does not support the staff recommended revised language, staff recommends the existing definition incorporate language that clarifies the PD Overlay can be used for all land uses listed in the Town Zoning Code and the General Plan Land Use Designations. Page VLR-6: Policy VLR-2.3 Proposed projects in the Vasona Light Rail area which include residential uses shall assist the Town in meetuig its housing goals of providing rental units, s°^~ ^^ao.==o. =:aaai==wand affordable housing. Staff does not recommend the language change since affordable and rental housing encompasses senior housing. WR:ct N:\DEV\CNCL12PT5\201012020Genend Plan Staff Report for August 16 Desk No l.doc