2010081806 - Attachment 12~1 -- , 06/09/10 Addendum for Los Gatos Planning Commission Hearing on 06/09/10 Regarding 15928 Union Ave. Subdivision/A&S Submitted by Geoff Mitchell Contents: Attached documents show the historical application by previous property owner, Joe Iwashita, fora 3-lot subdivision and resulting final approval of a 2 lot subdivision by the Los Gatos Planning Commission. ~~~+~~~® JUN 9 - 210 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLARINING DIVISION ATTACHi'•fENT 12 • PLAN ~~~f ~ MENQ~~6 p~.~~~~orm /Picaea 7yPa nr print) 1 FEES CSC. Ti?: OF APPSGTIO)tf5) FJ~ Brief Oescripdon II of Variance P,egiast Section :-r~r--~ Remnin4 Pn'n to ~If -V.,e~_t'eq-~s-t Jis Pcr a Plaraed f3a'relc- ~~tion !itiaal infonutix as listed in the App Section I - Cateeprioally bLt '•v-~~ ''~'~" Exe+Pt Per Seciicn $eeiix II - NeBacive ~~~- Ieelara2van fYan:ed avte l `'C BEFCRT EIR •BA[ ..- Iii, TG,^.ATF.c 4P F: - - 'Iola) X of P is o[rvted ~- '.~ ~g2er street 6 r!w io+'.al size of proPei'tY~ ~f~~~~ ~J.,}.-. - iG[vsel ~~JC~,~--R7et) ___._ After Ca~KCity Name (Please Prin[) 5`t••-- Arneld rfe.aiCfr. .... ___ tEQIO CF 1 l.i 1. Ea[ReCt title ttport dated ctithin T ,a!eks of aPPllcaticn s)xuing PNCf of ownership .3.° and leBa). desariPtien. C'et re4~+i[°-d ;cr sinl¢e family sttucna'es.> 2. P.el•.~ sets of pla:u. 'sc:odu:¢ Plot Plan. gredsg. floor Pions. b'aildfnE: elLeasti_ns~ aig:s, if anY. and iardscaoing pl attached applicaden s:rpl^~^t ar Cetaiis.) +3• vcn of A:pliwticn ~, Ccrle2e ttlated 7oct' Euppla'znt. Y. T.xl~e coyer a?pleicatiPn3, shn+ir$ io2a1 .)+° PTOPartY .. 5. Eifft:een copies of teara~ •:e map. 70 P,Pe. P:F75, Oft p;Y.S.4 ^:.::8 dti^=?:Ai SMLL BP SU2.NI:'=E- 07 Snci:S °aL.S':::3 i.._ 3n" s sz". Pane: fa* 3t•a:e n~ as: r.:%rE 55 a-ptiaation aupota~nc 5 ~1{IO~e~O 72U1 ~T O~Op~O NOTB: Thfa applioacian aMLZ ba eo~taca in atL details bajora it Witt ba aacapesd jor jtifnp. l5ee other side far Bs,:eral infomation. ) RIS--~-- 1anLoape atcfutect, oUwr). hv[ecC, enB~rzcry plater, s With dip lade) Taleptoro Finn and Addles _ _ - _ .,...! Appltcanta ;. o~ "- ._ [.1 .`~ U ~~ ~ Z ^ . ~ `=05 i s ~`°' n J E~yn;_ ~~.3 x ~~'~~~~~ . ..~. ss r ` ~ @~ a ~~ ~~s~ ~~s~~ '~ • :~ a ~ ~~ . Yy pp ~ ~' ~ C3~~ it ~~SV wi~>~__: Ss~R9~.,.J /~ ~s~~~~zsa r~ ~~ ~ a • 4b F t" y~ ~ C ~` ~~ ~~ ~ ~~d, a~ ~~ ~~.r ~ ,~ ~~ ~~~.~~~~~~Ry r r~~-:~1{~w y 4 N, ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~.; ~ ~; -~ ~ s ~ n a ~ , I ~~4~ ry ~~ ~ ~ n ^ i Miw ~~. l i ' ~i p NI ml~ ~~ ~ i F~ ~~ ~ mi ~. _I p T D `~ ~•~~~ . ~-6 w ~; .~ ,:.:mss ~ ,.. _ ~ ~, .::.: _..;... _ - : Y. ~~{ ; '~ ~" ~? i, TOIYN-at1:AB OA`1Y18 N•minSDpvtmrat a6(-0a72 March 23, 147E Jce A. and SLeko Iwashita 15928 Unien Avenue Los Gatos, California 95030 ire: Shcdivisim Application M-77-24 (2 lots) 15928 Unim Avenue [knr Mr, and Nrs. Iwashita: On Mardi 22, 1978, the Los Gatos Planning Commissim made the Negative [kc- larstim (determinzt~an that the project will not have a significant impact upon the mrvimtm:ent)kand approved the above applicatim for atwo-lot sub- di~~isim, subject to the following cmditims: 1. That a revised tentative map showing the street dedicatims and improve- ments as required be submitted to the satisfaction of the Mown Engineer. 2. The property owner dedicate the following to the satisfaction of the Towat Engineer: A. Union Avenue. To a line 45 feet fran centerline across the frontage of the property. B. Panorama Way. 56-feet-wide across the property. C. Easements for stornl drainage and sanitary sewers from Parcel 1 to Panorama Way. 3. Tha applicant shall guarantee by cmtract and bond the installation of public improvements to the satisfaction of the Tawn Engineer as follows: A. Union Avenue. Curb, gutter, sidewalk (curb line 35 feet from centerline), pavement, storm drainage, street lighting, and sanitary sewers. CIVIC C6NTLR • 110 [ABT MAIN 6TRC6T • l.O. eo:a~a i-. LOR 6ATQa, CALIFORNIA aurae ,:_ '` This Page Intentionally Left Blank ~, ~ ~ h d ~VlL~ I e'~sF'°'. MrIX'~ ~ AW. 1`° 3o f.z tan-~w lt,~ fa.~ fs . lrl.srt. yrs.da gsn ~, B~r.wr .k-.rr-h a.r prva~~+as' d1Prn $aa&u'' rnl) T ~• ~ t L..9,tlP,.~/eirY' 'vlfrr- J=~ 4'`/'hr ~"#~~ K~~ a~' .4 •v~alt _ ~"~':. ' a~~ ~+4+~.: Tai r-e-n..~,rs ~lfiY AG '~ f3~'.EN.~ XAc.+a3~ sm ,ek Ti, 5}~y+ ~cn~~#tp~ ~v.z~1r ,~76ap ait._ .~:7 yfs5 1/ts an rAx.pp los 1s~a, fib/, ant,~.~_:._.~e - E~r~1 nrI ~,4~N ^Y9~ A3=~~} ~T° ~~• ~^ - ---__a-- ~°~ - __ - - - - - `-__-__ . ~.