2010081806 - Exhibit 15Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue • Public Hearing Date: June 9, 2010 • Agenda Item: 15928 Union Avenue, Subdivision Application M-08-13 and Architectural and Site Application M-08-30. • Subject: Neighbor Input to Agenda Item -Request Denial. • Neighbor: Tom Mangano 0 112 Panorama Way, Los Gatos CA 95032 ~,~~e ~~»~w~ R~C~IV~D MAY ~ r 2010 fOv~iN 0!- LG~ -u~;7u~ PLANNING DI'IISION 1~Page EXHIBIT 15 Neighbor input On 15928 Union Avenue ~~~wA19 Associate Planner: Suzanne Davis Commissioners: John Bourgeois -Chair Marico Sayoc -Vice Chair Philip Nlicciche Thomas O'Donnell Joanne Talesfore Marcia Jensen Charles Erekson I am Tom Mangano of 112 Panorama Way, an adjacent northern neighbor of the proposed development. I have lived at my residence for 36 years, and respectfully ask you to deny this application. I recognize the property owner's right of development, but this application as proposed supports a resultant development intensity that does not meet the spirit of Town's general plan and development guidelines, and should be denied on sections B, C, and D of the California Subdivision Map Act. This document will be made up of three parts: • Part 1: reasoning for California Subdivision N1ap denial. • Part 2: partial list of issues I have with the A&S portion of this application. • Addendum 1: collage of supportive photos for your review and reference. Part 1: Three-parcel subdivision. A. The root of the problem is the width of the lot. The 15928 Union Avenue lot width of 110.3 feet is just too narrow (see Figure 1) to properly place three homes and harmonize them with the neighborhood as is done in typical cul-de-sac termination such as Leewood Court (to use a cul-de-sac that is similar to this proposal). As you know, twG prc~ilGliS proposals for this property have been denied by the Commission; one for afour-parcel application was denied (5-0) on June 25, 2008 and athree-parcel application was denied (7-0) on August 26, 2009. 2~Pa~e Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue Additionally, the August 26, 2009 denial was upheld on appeal by the Town Council on November 2, 2009. This application before you also falls short in its burden to meet the Town's general plan. Yes, code does allow a 30 foot frontage on a "cul-de- sac," and that would be appropriate if the width or depth of 15928 Union allowed for typical "pie shape" parcels. The homes could then be placed and harmonized with each other and the existing homes on the street that the cul-de-sac terminates. This new Panorama Way cul-de-sac cannot possibly do that with any three-parcel sub-division. The resultant development intensity triggers a number of significant problems with neighborhood harmonization, view sheds, noise, drainage, privacy and sun access which will individually and collectively fail to meet the specifics and spirit of the Town's general plan and development guidelines. "hlodified Pie Shape" Panorama Lack of depth approx. 35 feet ' ~ Pie shaped lots Leewood Court 30 ft frontage Cul-de-sac Note depth beyond terminatio pprox - 135 feet Figure 1. leewood Court is example of cul-de-sac using 30 foot frontage parcels, but the "pie shape" parcels have adequate depth to place homes in a harmonized manner. 3~Page Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue 1) Harmonization: The established pattern of the predominate neighborhood of Panorama and Union is broken with the proposal. CD.P.1.7 New structures, remodels, landscapes and hardscapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area. L.P.4.3 Maintain the character and identity of existing neighborhoods. New construction, remodels, and additions shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. L.G.2.2 To reduce the visual impact that new construction and/or remodeling has on our town and its neighborhoods. Figure 2. Neighborhood pattern of Union Ave. and Panorama Way 41Pag~ Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue The applicant states there is a three structure neighborhood pattern for Union/Panorama Way and Leewood Court. The fact is that there are five northern lots on Union, and all five Union lots have detached garages behind the home (Figure 2). One of those garages has a "granny unit" attached. The existence of detached garages or an attached granny unit to one garage does not define a pattern of three structures on the adjacent lots that run from Union to Panorama Way to justify the additional 3200 sq. ft. residence on this application. The three structure pattern on the Leewood Court neighborhood with its own cul-de-sac (which is a typical cul-de-sac in terms of "pie shapes") should not be considered part of the immediate neighborhood as noted by the Town Council in the November 2, 2009 appeal. Additionally, the applicantjustifies the lack of harmony and pattern as a product of the proposed cul-de-sac. The fact is as pointed out in part 1, section A, that this is not a typical cul-de-sac and the degree of the non-conformity and harmony in this proposal is based on the limits of the property width not the cul-de-sac. A cul-de-sac pattern shift is not a license to establish a totally new pattern and justify total disregard for harmonization as this proposal is doing. 2) View sheds: The story pole "story" is just that. The subdivision as proposed does not conform to the following of the Town's general plan: CD.P.1.1 Promote and protect the physical and other distinctive qualities of residential neighborhoods. CD.P.1.4 Promote and protect view sheds. CD.P.1.11 New structures or remodels that will affect existing scenic views of neighbors shall be designed so that all affected properties have equitable access to views. L.P.2.3 Encourage basements and cellars to provide "hidden" square footage in lieu of visible mass, 5~°aj~ f Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue Figure 3 shows the proposed view from my backyard. When you visit the site, I extend an invitation to also visit my home, my side yard, my backyard, and sit in my porch rocking chair and view the story that these story poles tell loudly and clearly. The proposed development intensity of this application does not meet the spirit of the Town's general plan nor the design guidelines that have been adopted to protect the Town's residents' quality of life in their own homes. 6~?ale Figure 3. The vieYv from my backyard Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue The applicant states that this is a transitional area and that two story homes should be allowed. Nothing can be further from the truth: • 15928 Union because of its northern proximity is a "gateway" of the beautiful mountain ridge views to the south. Any construction over 15 to 16 feet into view sheds will block those views. The applicant has recognized the value of those views and has designed a viewing balcony on the 2"d story of both A&S parcels. • Planning has denied two-story homes on both the east (115 Cambrian Way) and west border (101 Lausen Ct) of this application. In the interest of time and efficiency of communication, at this point I have provided a collage of images in attached Addendum 1. It captures without any ambiguity the aesthetic hideousness of this proposal. Neighbors are referring to it as the circus tent...and worse. 3) Noise: The proposal does not conform to the following of the Town's general plan: N.P.1.12 Evaluate the noise impacts of new development in terms of any increase of the existing ambient noise levels and the potential for adverse noise impacts on nearby or adjacent properties. The evaluation shall consider short term construction noise and on-going operational noise. This development completes a perfect storm for noise because: 71Pa~~ Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue • Parcel 2's set-back of 60 plus feet from the cul-de-sac places the home and the garage 6 feet behind the back plane of my residence. • Parcel 3's home is positioned to deflect noise towards my home. • 8-11 foot fences on the south and east and heightened homes surrounding the cul-de-sac on three sides create a virtual echo chamber. • 118 Cambrian View home is no more than 10 feet from the property line. The home is heighten for grade and borders the cul-de-sac 15928 property for 100 feet. Combined a cavernous effect is produced and guarantees that noise -human and vehicular-will reverberate throughout the cul-de-sac area and surrounding structures (see Figure 4). T My residence r_ 112 Panorama Way r_ r source zone Figure 4. Designed to amplify noise. 4) Drainage: The neighborhood has been on record for over two decades of problems associated with natural drainage from the proposed property 8~°age Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue due to the topography, water tables, and soil conditions. I am appreciative of Engineering's increased review and the additional requirements that it has given to the applicant, because of the developer's previously inadequate drainage solutions. The application's floor to area ratio (FAR) requests combined with the 30% increase in first floor massing with the porches and overhangs (800 sq. ft. for parcel 2 only to mask the second floor massing) result in 69% of the drainage surface area to south of my home becoming impervious. I find this alarming and problematic given the history of water problems my house has had in the last 36 years with rain storms causing run-off water to run through my garage and ground 4vater to accumulate under my house. Most of neighborhood homes like mine will have sump pump activity for a month beyond any rainy season due to existing conditions. Given these factors this subdivision map merits conservative development intensity of two parcels not aggressive development intensity of three parcels. 5) Privacy and sun access: Under "Town Design Guidelines" section 2.5.2, Design with sensitivity to neighbors. This proposal diminishes my residency privacy and sun access. Elimination of direct view windows on 2"d floor north elevation of parcel 2 does not eliminate privacy issues associated with its east facing 2"d story windows. Sun access is lost by my residence in the middle of the afternoon because of placement and massing of parcel 2 during the fall and winter when such sun access would reduce energy consumption, and be particularly enjoyable. Part 1, Conclusion: As part of your review, I also ask you to review the commission's video of August 26, 2009 and ask yourself how this newest proposal mitigates any of the concerns that you voiced in your 7-0 denial. It simply does not. In fact, given that we now have defined height and massing as proposed in the A&S section of this proposal, it is clear that the 9~Paoe Neighbor input On 15928 Union Avenue applicant has not listened to any of the guidance the Planning Commission has voiced, nor the neighborhood concerns that have been documented and expressed. The applicant stated during the November 2, 2009 Town Council appeal about the proposal iii front of you, "i d~~~'t thi~~k its right in this ccntext." (P,ef, town council video 11/2/09: 02:18:04-07) This newest three-parcel proposal has simply morphed a previous proposed flag lot into asix-sided "modified pie shape" as applicant call it. As result this proposal creates the same issues the Commissioners voiced and voted 7-0 to deny on August 26, 2009. As part of my conclusion I would like to address some of the applicant's assertions and statements to date: • "The primary objection with the previous proposal was the flag lot configuration." The Town Council denied the appeal of the August 26, 2009 Commission vote on November 2, 2009. On February 1, 2010 the Council remanded the applicant back to the Commission to work on a new proposal be it 2 or 3-parcel subdivision. The Town Council never stated on public record that removal of the flag lot configuration was the only barrier to a 3-parcel subdivision approval. I encourage you to review the November 2, 2009 video and the resolution follow-up video discussions of December 7, 2009 and February 1, 2010 to draw your own conclusions on the Council's direction - if in fact there was any given - beyond the fact that 15928 Union application was remanded back to this Commission. • "Three is a compromise between two and four." "The developer originally wanted four and the neighborhood wanted two." The four homes were a proposal that never met the Town's general plan, was not supported by staff and was denied by this commission (5-O). An overreaching defeated proposal is not a viable proposal tha± merits weight in a compromise. This is a 2 or 3-parcel subdivision and the Commission, Council or a Court will ultimately make that final decision based on the merits of proposal and the To~nrn's general plan not based on some alleged compromise bet~rieen 2 and 4. 1U~~a~e Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue • "We were directed to do three." This Comrission asked the applicant if he would entertain 3-parcels instead of the requested 4-parcels during the June 25, 2008 hearing as a vehicle to continue the hearing. The applicant's answer was "No." Investigating or exploring a 3-parcel subdivision alternative did not direct or guarantee the applicant a 3-parcel subdivision approval. The application must still meet the burden of the Town's general plan. This Commission's criteria for development approvals are not based only on zoning requirements and supportive frontage, height and setback requirements as the applicant wants us to believe. "We can't preserve view sheds because the August 26, 2009 proposal was denied." I fought for the denial of August 26, 2009 because I know for all reasons I have stated in this letter that a subdivision of 2-parcels is the only proper use of the 15928 Union property. The burden is again on the applicant to conform to the Town's general plan. To justify loss of view sheds because of the denial of another proposal is disingenuous. In closing this section I would like to take two sentences from the Introduction section of Los Gatos' General Plan: "Proposed development projects are held to a higher standard and what is approved in other communities may not be acceptable in Los Gatos." "Support of new development from surrounding residents and property owners will be a major consideration during any development review process." These two sentences are reflective and important to all the residents of Los Gatos and especially express my own expectations for the Los Gatos Community Development Department, the Planning Commission and the Town Council. I am currently working on my master's thesis for my graduate degree in Architecture. I hope to someday present architectural plans to this very body. I want my architecture to be held to such a high standard. This proposal wilts from the light cast on it by that standard. Land use, view sheds, and neighborhood harmony are irreplaceable, and because of that we must meet a higher standard for our community to take pride in itself and to meet the standards it has set for itself. Too many questions have not been answered by 11~Pa~e Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue this developer and designer. Too many town and residents' concerns have not been addressed; therefore, this proposal neither meets the higher standard of Los Gatos nor merits the support of the surrounding residents like myself. Thank you Commissioners for your time and thank you for your community service on the Planning Commission. A special thank you for Suzanne Davis for all the help she has given me and my fellow neighbors who are only asking for a responsible development for 15928 Union Avenue so the residents present and future can enjoy Los Gatos. Part 2: Architecture and site concerns General: • Southeastern and eastern borders: Development should be required to construct a finish wall, for the developer is removing current screening. The eastern fence is not straight because it is currently built around a tree that going to be removed, and both fences have ongoing height variations. 150 linear feet of "back fence" not built for primary public exposure is not appropriate for the neighborhood. (see collage pictures on page 17 and 18) • I am concerned about the "upkeep" of the eastern quadrant of the development in terms of graffiti and landscape maintenance. • Street lighting is required on the cul-de-sac. • The neighborhood has requested 5-foot park strips around the cul-de-sac to continue the existing park strip width on Panorama Way. • Northern border fences' eastern termination point does not work for my residence. • Six-foot high fencing on the northern border is not defined in quality, style, or responsible costs. Why and how was the fence height determined to be 6 feet? The current open plank fence is 5 feet. • I request driveway edging on northern border of parcel 2 to minimize water runoff towards my parcel. Quality of homes' exterior finishes compared to detail work on adjacent homes. • Excessive use cf first floor massing to mask the second floor massing. • Neighborhood harmonization 12~Pa_a Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue • Drainage, drainage, drainage! I believe the Clifford Bechtel and Associates drainage calculations of April 5, 2010, are dangerously conservative. Calculations are based on an average of 40% impervious area, which is not the case of the effective drainage area to my parcel. • View sheds. • Noise, • Privacy. • Sunlight. Parcel 2: • Horne FAR is excessive and does not mitigate issues the development creates. • Home height (2 stories- with 9'6", 1St floor ceiling height) is excessive and does not mitigate toward sharing of view sheds • Home was "ballooned" 800 sq. ft. of non FAR space to mask second floor massing. • Home northern setback is 8 feet, the minimum per code, but does not mitigate the mass and position of the home. Homes adjacent to north have 10 and 13 feet side yard setbacks. • Home position interferes with backyard views for Panorama/Union immediate neighborhood. • Horne has a predominated garage facade • Home has aset-back that is not compatible with immediate surrounding structures, and the immediate neighborhood. • Roof ridges do not mitigate view shed issues. Major roof ridges run east/west and north/south. Additionally, aesthetically, the roof is too busy for the home size and surrounding structures. • 360 degree architecture and finishes do not extend beyond window styles. Cannon Design Group (CDG) voices the same concerns in their letter of Ntarch 16 and Nlarch 26 of 2010. 13~°age Neighbor input on 25928 Unioil Avenue • No use of basements or cellars to minimize above ground massing. Today's building trades and materials make basements and cellars feasible in like soil drainage conditions. Parcel 3 • Home FAR is excessive and does not mitigate issues the development creates. • Home height (2 stories with 10', ls` floor ceiling height) is excessive and does not mitigate issues the development creates. • No use of basements or cellars to n-~ir~irnize above ground massing. Today's building trades and materials make basements and cellars feasible in like soil drainage conditions. • As a condition of approval, eliminate any future swimming pool (which would acerbate the noise issues). • Requests: • 60-day notice and proper involvement of underground utility pull through my utility easement. • Professional conduct and respect for myself and property by the landowner and any contractors, subcontractors, or agents hired for the development. • Current 15428 Union home be demolished prier to cons*.ructior. a The sticct safety of P~aiivraiiia v^va''y' is g,ver', top prlCr~ty beC2U5e Cf the n:.'mhor pf yni,inba children who live on the street. • No construction parking on the existing Panorama Way street • Street and residence driveways are not blocked at any time, 14~Pae Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue Addendum 1 Picture Collage South view from my home of the development from my sun porch South view from my home of the development from my back yard Parcel two front is placed behind the back plane of my house. Addendum 1 Picture Collage 15~Pa~e (~ Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue View of development from my bedroom View of development from my inglenook :~ Addendum 1 Picture Collage View of development from my dining area 16~Page Neighbor input on 15928 Union Avenue View of development from my porch dew of development from my kitchen window Vew of eastern and southeast ofdevelop- mentsection - part of the future noise corridor 17~Page Neibhbor input on 15928 Union Avenue ._, , Addend-urrr 1 Ficture Collage Vew of development southeast comer - hodgepodge of fencing now hidden -This will all be exposed bythe development dew of eastern fence with height changes and line changes dew from future sidewalk of development slotting of parcel 2 home behind partial 3 home . 181Page