2 - Prospect Avenue Resurfacing Projectq4W N ~F >~ > ~~~, ~~S ~G A'~~~' DATE; JUNE 8, 2010 COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/21/10 ITEM NO: T0: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL ~%~``"' FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER ~,~~ SUBJECT:- PPW JOB NO. 09-20 -PROSPECT AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT 421- 812-0108 AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER 'I'0 EXECUTE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE AND. NOTICE OF COMPLETION .ACCEPTING THE WORK OF G. BORTOLOTTO & COMPANY INC. AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING BY THE CLERK ADMINISTRATOR RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion accepting the work of G. Bortolotto & Company Inc, and authorize recording by the Clerlc Administrator. ' BACKGROUND: Tlie adopted Capital Improvement Program designates funding for the Street Repair anct Resurfacing .Program and is consistent with the Town's goals to improve public safety and improve the duality of the Town's streets. Additionally, the Town secu>^ed federal grant fundil7g for the resurfaci>g of Prospect Avenue tluough t11e American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. Tlais project was a continuation of the street resurfacing project which was in progress for the past two years in the Prospect Avenue vicinity, and brought the Town closer to the completion of repaving the roads in this area. Streets that were recently resurfaced were; College Avenue, Jackson Street, Oalc Hill Way, Grove Street, Orchard Street, Central Avenue and West Central Avenue. --. _~ ,~~..~•~,m..- i \~=~ PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parks and Public Worlcs Reviewed by•~Assistant Town Manager ~~t~~ownnAttorney^ ~' ^y ~, s , ,I • '. , •' , . Clerk Administrator Finance Cominu>_iity Development N:U'PW\MANAGEMENT\COITNCIL\COUNCIL REPORTS\2010 Reports\.iune 21\09-20.prospect.ave.resur£cert.doc PAGE 2 JUNE 8, 2010 ' MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT:. PPW JOB NO. 09-20 -PROSPECT AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT 421- 4.~ ' 812-0108 DISCUSSION: On April 5, 2010, The Town Council awarded the contract for this. work to G. Bortolotto & Company Inc. The contracted work has been satisfactorily completed by G. Bortolotto & Company Inc. and is accepted by the Parlcs and Public Worlcs Department. Ten percent of the faithful performance bond will remain in effect for a period of two years to guarantee any needed repair and/or replacement caused by defective materials and worlananship. The execution and recordation of the Certificate of Acceptance is now required to finalize the Town's acceptance of the project. CONCLUSION: Staff recoirunends that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion accepting the work of G. Bortolotto & Company hlc. and authorize recording by the Clerlc Administrator. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed. FISCAL IMPACT: The Town Council approved the original contract in the amount of $103,911, along with a contingency budget of $70,000, for a total project budget of $173,91.1. Tl1is project was completed for $173,874.42 which is within the authorized budget.