Ord 0113-ESTABLISHING WATER RATES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS. ~ 11 ~ Ssc, 22-For irrigation, foruaeot ng ajoaera and inki t t O 3 RDI~~NC~ :~0 i hone. for Bpr graBB plater Of not morn than jiitir h ~ '9i' ~~ ~ ~ • • : • • • • square y'arde, per Mont ardexcseding ti(- ' For each squarer y ty per month, % cent. t A n Ordlnnnaa EetuLll~hing 'WaUr Itateo E~,p, 23-FOT lln0 Of h08a in fron tores and f l ' ~ B r.rr u,. rear (:nmroencing July 1, > ooz, t G ' s o ~ alks, rinkhng Btdew windows and ep ,24 to 1.00 $ mo t os. - Power or Las. fur the . ,,, accordingto homage, per ter truuQhe, for Y \ Sac. 24-For wa h trough on sidewalk, por mo. $1 to g3 ' ~fE1i BO:II2D OF'~RUSTI;ES OF TL-IE 'Loa'n of Loa (autos du ordain as inl• t eac Ssc. 25-For China wash-houses r for ono washer' t own: 1 for uee of water[ 3.75 ' The ncedulB rotes to be charged to e Per month ..... For each ndditiouel man at the 3 00 u water rate payers to be collected [or fur Y iahing water to consumers withi^ the . same houne......... • • • • • • • • • • ' " j / r water-carts F t u foa'^ of Los Baton fur the year canmeo- shall be as tollowe: 1fl0'l ingJuly 1 o SEC. 26- rink- t a•agone for ono o[ fo t a hr1000 Kal- , , e - linj streets Duly, ,12 Sxc'rtox :-For tenemen'e occu- pied by n single htmily of not more long used ................... • • 27>cFor wntut used by me- SEC t han five peroone, per mouth,... •$ •00 , `• ter minimum chBrgB of 1.00 pper to 8000 e Ssc, 2r-For fumilien and private wonth which entltlee user t bourdiu~ houses of morn than fivo paroone, shall be charged for each gallons. er thousand •25' Next 17.,000 Kall°a H~ per thousand •15 9 pernou above that number, per 1 All aver 20,000 g dissatisfied d <' ioonth ............... .......... •1fi Children of souse years and under nr® Ssc, 28-:key consumer e with the amount of hiB monthly rate for y djusts 4 exempt from tho ahovo rule. I- wptpr can have the name a lies nn '!nH the Water comp Y Ssc, 3.-For small families occu- - ter by pt>y f tho motet Gqf~ a reasonable coat _ pying'io,,ms i^ second nod third h •i5 cost o oue- cSect ont27 of dh l ............... stoliea, per mont n ae p ovide I and Kallone SEC. 4-For restaurants and eat- per month,......$3.UU to 6.00 ing houses d the foregoing tarid of rateB. 29-The Board o[ Dtrectore of the SEC , EEC. 6-1'or hotels and lodf;ing , f 1\'ater company shall h meterethe quan- to oecertain by houees, rate subject to npecial agree- all cases fix the price na of water Used np(j - ' il ~ meat in accordance atith the quern- tit}' of wa'.er used, to be determined p t provided Uy Section 27. u o^ the }larm l ' p t by water, ere provided to Section '27 d y e Sac. 30-Immedia of fire t{ll ~ereonB using water cot feu ets } tt Sera U-For small Btoree an sbops. per wouth .50 l tinK purposes {east close d kee them closed urmg the cgnttu- e Fi i SEC. 7-For stores sail shops, per c an P the aerate of the ueo o[ the water by l ... , .. $LUU to $2.50 month. SEC. 8-For saloons, per month, department: 31-For water wil[ully or SEC ....... $1.50 to $3.50 . careiesnly a~iowed to run over ntght ~ SEC. 9-For rooms in second and er, or n through n honer, e BPriP~eT night "c.40 hall be p third stories occupied. ere offices, for per mouth..... ,$ .25 to .50 oath room faucet, the rate s 33-For wntex used {rom , 5ac.10-For photograph galleries 00 t)~ t0 $5 $3 .SEC. hydrants for fire purposes by the f Lon GeL08 fOT each . l ~ . . par lnOnth ................ Ssc. 11-For public water cloeetn Town o oar- drpnt; per annum, payable q. 4,00 ,, . where thore in Duly one, per.month 1.00 tarty.. ~ ~ • • • •""" r used fo t ~ For each additional one per month •3U For private one per month........ .4U e Ssc. 33-For wa treete e tag sewers and eprinklinK s t Ssc. 1?-For public bnthtnbs o oolyby the Town o{ Los Ga , ,12 , uned in bathing eetu6lishmeote, boarding houses and barbershops per 1000 Kallons..... • . SEC. 34-This ordinance shall {alto ef- nd after June for first one, per month........... LE 0 tact and be in Lorca from a For ouch additiontd ono par month LOU 30, 1002. arty of or- I Fur bathtubs used in private !am- 25 SEC, 35-9t1 ordinances or p conflict with. this ordinance i e ,( ilien, per month ................. • 13-For hakories in addition Ssc n ~ dinances are harehy repealed. l00° ' 9 . W the family rates, according to _. Passed thin 17th da3' of February, rho monthly uee of Dour, far each 1.50 g f uj i Eulliva ,•f JulnP~1 CII`I d S I, , \PICIIOnt 4-For dPl1gBLOre Ssc l • on Lyn J. H 5 r the use of node or other fountains, IvnES-'_~one. ~- per month......... ... ... 1.00 For drugstores where soda or oth- ABBE~T-None. r.r (onntainB are used,per month $2 to 3.00 ~kpproced. J. D.ky'IS~ T SEC. 15-For blacksmith and .other wa{;on ohope, per month.... 1.O . U President u{ the Board of Trustees °f i ~ Sec.lfi-For livery Btabtes, in- d the Toa'n of Los Gatoa. eluding water for washing. buKgien Attest: and carriages, for each horde, per Town Clerk. IiEE R' month ...... ... ............... .2 , .\L 5 i G. S. CEO. 17-For private stables in- Clllding w'atei for hOree End wafBT "f fora'nahing buggy, per month,.... .3 5 t For each additional horde or cow, •. per month......._ ............... .2 0 6EC. 1&-For steam engines, not working over 1C horse-power per derv, for each horse-power so used, per month........... ........ .7 0 For all working over 10 home-pow- er per day, for each horso-power, per month ............ ......... .4 6 6rc. 1fl-=Fur building or plaster- 1 for slacking each barrel of lime .1 ing 5 , For water used by bricklayers to make tr.oarr naddamponthebrick ~ oac111000 brick .......... ....... .1 5 ',~ SEC. 2U-For barbenhope whore 1 one chair ie need, pormontht ..... 1.0 0 ja Fqr Dash additional ehnir, pee month ,$ 0 Sac. 21-For dougt-ine not usod more than six hours por dap, for '• ~~ E-lfi inch jetr per month.......... 2;0 0 ~, * .For 1-B inch Let, pee month....... 4.0 0 :: :.For 1-~ 1L4CZL;19L~: peiYmon tlr ... - .. 10.0 0. _.- i - _ .-.:~.'PC'-~f1Y .~ r~' ~5in'YHSS~ 5Et<.;~ffYM%t' ~4s"..a/n:s ,rF - ~1'v ter. -a ...,. ..., ~ ~ 5• ..~~1 --.- t.., .aU.S