Attachment 1 - March 30, 2016_Exhibit 1 [Part 1]40NorthTOWN OF LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA PHASE I RESIDENTIAL & MIXED-USE NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURE AND SITE PLANNING, WITH TENTATIVE MAP, APPLICATION NOVEMBER 14, 2013 APRIL 29, 2014 MARCH 12, 2015 OCTOBER 14, 2015 FEBRUARY 8, 2016 MARCH 18, 2016 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA SCRABRAEIHT CT  NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA  LOS GATOS, CA 03.18.16 THE NORTH 40 CELEBRATING THE LOS GATOS LIFESTYLE TOWN COUNCIL VISION STATEMENT The North 40 reflects the special nature of our hometown. It celebrates our history, agricultural heritage, hillside views and small town character. The North 40 is seamlessly woven into the fabric of our community, complementing other Los Gatos residential and business neighborhoods. It is respectful of precious community resources and offers unique attributes that enrich the quality of life of all our residents. 1 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA SCRABRAEIHT CT  NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA  LOS GATOS, CA 03.18.16 WALKING TOUR THE NORTH 40 PHASE I REALIZING THE VISION After years of working with the Town of Los Gatos, Grosvenor, SummerHill Homes and Eden Housing believe we have captured the essence of the Town Council’s Vision Statement and Guiding Principles in an authentic Los Gatos village. Our plan features a mix of housing opportunites tailored to meet the Town’s unmet needs for places for young professionals and seniors to live. The residences are tied together with an open space plan that embraces the site’s agricultural history through functioning community gardens and orchard treatments. Finally, the heart of the project comes alive with a specialty market and neighborhood retail where neighbors, friends and families can gather and celebrate the Los Gatos quality of life. 2 HEART OF THE DISTRICT SPECIALTY MARKET/ MARKET HALL LIVE, MEET, RELAX A DIVERSE AND VIBRANT NEIGHBORHOOD WALKABLE TRANSITIONS THE LARK AND TRANSITION DISTRICTS CONNECT AS ONE KEEPING THE NEXT GENERATION IN LOS GATOS GARDEN CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL EMBRACING THE OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE CONNECT, GATHER, GROW KEEPING THE NEXT GENERATION IN LOS GATOS ROWHOME RESIDENTIAL KEEPING THE NEXT GENERATION IN LOS GATOS CONDOMINIUM CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL KEEPING THE NEXT GENERATION IN LOS GATOS CONDOMINIUM CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA SCRABRAEIHT CT  NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA  LOS GATOS, CA 03.18.16 HEART OF THE DISTRICT AN INVITING SUGGESTION OF HISTORIC STRUCTURE 3 REALIZING THE VISION qThe two buildings that face Los Gatos Boulevard make noteable reference to the site’s and to Los Gatos’ agricultural root qThe building designs will create a place that feels genuine and that speaks “neighborhood” rather than “project”. TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUILDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA SCRABRAEIHT CT  NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA  LOS GATOS, CA 03.18.16 HEART OF THE DISTRICT GROW LOCAL, EAT LOCAL REALIZING THE VISION qA specialty market will provide quality artisan products consistent with the Los Gatos lifestyle qA shopping experience unlike anything offered in the Town will complement Downtown’s boutiques and Los Gatos Boulevard’s commercial strip centers, and provide an anchor for North Los Gatos qInformal gathering spots will offer the opportunity to slow down, meet neighbors and spend time with family 4 TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUILDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services LAYOUT FOR EXAMPLE ONLY NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA SCRABRAEIHT CT  NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA  LOS GATOS, CA 03.18.16 HEART OF THE DISTRICT SPECIALTY MARKET/ MARKET HALL 5 REALIZING THE VISION qA walkable neighborhood with cafes, restaurants and personal services will connect the lifestyles of today’s empty nesters and young professionals qProduce, flowers and artisan goods will flow out onto the sidewalks, exhibiting a strong connection to the area’s agrarian roots TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUILDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services See landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; some proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA SCRABRAEIHT CT  NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA  LOS GATOS, CA 03.18.16 LIVE, MEET RELAX NEIGHBORHOOD SERVING RETAIL 6 TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUILDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION qWalkable neighborhood-scale retailers, restaurants and cafes will provide opportunities for residents to meet, socialize and satisfy their needs for everyday goods and services qTransition District retail will be designed to complement future retail development in the Northern District See landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; some proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA SCRABRAEIHT CT  NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA  LOS GATOS, CA 03.18.16 LIVE, MEET, RELAX A DIVERSE AND VIBRANT NEIGHBORHOOD 7 TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUILDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION qSmaller senior affordable apartments will be located alongside retail and homes for young professionals, creating a diverse and sustainable neighborhood qPedestrian-oriented open spaces, community gardens and plazas will provide additional opportunities for relaxation and activity qProximity to goods and services will enhance the attractiveness and financial feasibility of the senior affordable residences NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA REALIZING THE VISION TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUILDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services EMBRACING THE OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE COMMUNITY PARKS & GARDENS q &HQWUDOL]HGFRPPXQLW\JDUGHQVWR  FRPHWRJHWKHUOHDUQDQGJURZ q 0XOWLSOHJDWKHULQJVSDFHVIRU  UHVLGHQWVWRGLQHXQZLQGDQG   XQSOXJ q %RFFHFRXUWIRULQWHUDFWLYHIXQ   EHWZHHQQHLJKERUV q &RQWLQXHGRUFKDUGWUHDWPHQWDQG  FRQQHFWLYLW\WRSDVHRV 8 CO NNECT GATHER GROW SOUTH ‘A’ STREET COMMUNITY PARK 03.18.16192-072 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUIDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION 9 EMBRACING THE OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE GRAND PASEO LINKING SOUTH A STREET TO LOS GATOS BOULEVARD q *UDQG3DVHRFRPSOHWHZLWKILUH  SLWVDUHDWRORXQJHVKDGHVDLOV  DQGFRQWLQXHGRUFKDUGWUHDWPHQW q ,QWHUZRYHQSDVHRVWKURXJKRXW  WKHQHLJKERUKRRGVZLWKRUFKDUG  WUHHVLQWLPDWHJDWKHULQJ    VSDFHVDQGYLHZFRUULGRUV q 'RJSDUNDQGZDONLQJWUDLOIRU   RXUEHVWIULHQGWRSOD\LQDQGHQMR\ LOS GATOS BOULEVARD GRAND PASEO SOUTH ‘A’ STREET 03.18.16192-072 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUIDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION EMBRACING THE OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE COMMUNITY PARK & GARDENS 6HHODQGVFDSHGUDZLQJVIRUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWUHHVDQGSODQWLQJ VRPHSURSRVHGODQGVFDSLQJPD\QRWEHVKRZQLQWKLVUHQGHULQJIRUFODULW\ q 0LGEORFNFHQWUDO&RPPXQLW\3DUN  ZLWKDGLYHUVHRIIHULQJRI  LQQRYDWLYHDPHQLWLHVWRDWWUDFWWKH  oXQPHWQHHGVpEX\HU q *DUGHQSORWVWREHDGRSWHGDQG  JURZQE\/DUNDQG7UDQVLWLRQ  'LVWULFWUHVLGHQWV q &RQWLQXHGRUFKDUGWUHHV q 3HGHVWULDQDQGLQWHUGLVWULFW  FRQQHFWLYLW\WKURXJKDQHWZRUNRI  SDVHRV 03.18.16192-072 10 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA REALIZING THE VISION TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUILDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services EMBRACING THE OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE BIKE PATHS & BICYCLE AMENITIES q 3ULPDU\%LNH5RXWHVDORQJ/DUN  /RV*DWRV%RXOHYDUGDQG$6WUHHW q nZLGHGHWDFKHG6RXWK1RUWK   0XOWL0RGDO3DWKWKDWFRQQHFWV  WKHGLVWLQFWLYHDQGFRPSOLPHQWDU\  RSHQVSDFHVWKURXJKRXWWKH   FRPPXQLW\ q 8QLTXHELF\FOHDPHQLWLHV    LQFOXGLQJUHSDLUYHQGLQJPDFKLQHV  UHSDLUVWDWLRQVWXQHXSVWDWLRQV  DQGDEXQGDQWELF\FOHSDUNLQJ 11 PRIMARY BIKE ROUTE 5287(0$5.(56 AMENITY *8(67%,&<&/(3$5.,1* AMENITY 5(3$,59(1',1*0$&+,1(6 PRIMARY BIKE ROUTE 6+$552:6 PRIMARY BIKE ROUTE n08/7,385326(75$,/ SUPPLEMENTAL ROUTE 6287+1257+ n08/7,02'$/3$7+ AMENITY 781(8367$7,21 AMENITY *8(67%,&<&/(3$5.,1* 03.18.16192-072 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUIDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION q $QLQYLWLQJDQGZDUPSHGHVWULDQDQG  YHKLFXODUFRUULGRUWKDWMRLQVWKH  H[LVWLQJDQGQHZ q $ZDONDEOHQHLJKERUKRRGVWUHHW  WKDWVHDPOHVVO\FRQQHFWVWKHGLVWULFWV q $WDSHVWU\RIUHVLGHQWLDORIIHULQJV  WRPHHWWKHXQPHWQHHGVRIWKHWRZQ  ZRYHQWRJHWKHUZLWKSDVHRVDQG  FRPPRQODQGVFDSHWUHDWPHQWV q 0RYLQJIURPWKHORZHULQWHQVLW\  UHVLGHQWLDO/DUN'LVWULFWWRDUDQJH  RIXVHVLQFOXGLQJUHVLGHQWLDO  QHLJKERUKRRGVHUYLQJVWRUHVDQGD  VSHFLDOW\PDUNHW WALKABLE TRANSITIONS THE LARK & TRANSITION DISTRICTS CONNECT AS ONE 6HHODQGVFDSHGUDZLQJVIRUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWUHHVDQGSODQWLQJ VRPHSURSRVHGODQGVFDSLQJPD\QRWEHVKRZQLQWKLVUHQGHULQJIRUFODULW\ 03.18.16192-072 12 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUIDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION KEEPING THE NEXT GENERATION IN LOS GATOS GARDEN CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL q +RPHVZLWKPHGLDVSDFHVDQG    URRPVRSHQIORRUSODQVORIWOLYLQJ   ODUJHVFUHHQZDOOVIRUJDPLQJRU   YLHZLQJ q $FFHVVWRWHUUDFHVDQGFUHDWLYH  RXWGRRUVSDFH RQVHOHFWSODQV WKDW  SURYLGHURRPIRU)LGRDQG6SRW q /DUJHZLQGRZVWRPD[LPL]HLQWHULRU  OLJKWDQGHOHYDWLRQVDQGYDULHW\RI  URRISLWFKHVIRUH[WHULRUGLYHUVLW\ 6HHODQGVFDSHGUDZLQJVIRUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWUHHVDQGSODQWLQJ VRPHSURSRVHGODQGVFDSLQJPD\QRWEHVKRZQLQWKLVUHQGHULQJIRUFODULW\ 03.18.16192-072 13 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUIDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION KEEPING THE NEXT GENERATION IN LOS GATOS ROWHOME RESIDENTIAL q 6DWLVI\LQJWKHXQPHWQHHGVEX\HU  :RUNIURP+RPH3OD\IURP+RPH  ZLWKKRPHRIILFHVDQGJDPLQJ  PHGLDURRPV q )ORRUSODQVWKDWEULQJWKHIDQWDVWLF  /RV*DWRVZHDWKHULQVLGHZLWK   JUDFLRXVOHYHOWHUUDFHV 6HHODQGVFDSHGUDZLQJVIRUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWUHHVDQGSODQWLQJ VRPHSURSRVHGODQGVFDSLQJPD\QRWEHVKRZQLQWKLVUHQGHULQJIRUFODULW\ 03.18.16192-072 14 NORTH FORTY LOS GATOS, CA 543 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, T. 415 293 5700, F. 415 293 5701 WWW.BARARCH.COM SCRABRAEIHT CT  LOS GATOS, CA TOWN COUNCIL VISION GUIDING PRINCIPLES The North 40 will qLook and feel like Los Gatos qEmbrace hillside views, trees and open space qAddress the Town’s residential and/ or commercial unmet needs qMinimize or mitigate impacts on the Town’s infrastructure, schools and other community services REALIZING THE VISION KEEPING THE NEXT GENERATION IN LOS GATOS CONDOMINIUM CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL q ([WHULRUGHVLJQDQGILQLVKHVWKDW  FRPSOHPHQWWKHSURMHFWnVDJUDULDQ  RSHQVSDFHV q ,QVSLUHGLQWHULRUIORRUSODQV   LQFOXGLQJRSHQSODQIODWVDQG   EULJKWDQGIXQVSDFHV q )LUVWIORRUSRUFKHVDQGVHFRQG  OHYHOWHUUDFHVWRUHOD[DQGJULOO  ZLWKIULHQGV 6HHODQGVFDSHGUDZLQJVIRUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWUHHVDQGSODQWLQJ VRPHSURSRVHGODQGVFDSLQJPD\QRWEHVKRZQLQWKLVUHQGHULQJIRUFODULW\ 03.18.16192-072 15 I 03.18.16 Area C Nor t h ‘ A ’ S t r e e t ‘C2’ Street Los Gatos Blvd.Los Gatos Blvd. La r k A v e n u e La r k A v e n u e ‘R 2 ’ 3 r d - S t r e e t Ne i g h b o r h o o d S t r e e t ‘R2’ 2nd Street Lark District Transition District Area A Area B Specialty Market / Market Hall Senior Affordable RestaurantRetail Retail Retail/ Residential Above Restaurant/Retail Garden Cluster Garden Cluster Live/Work Rowhome Rowhome Grand Paseo Garden Cluster Market Plaza Vineyard Lark District Transition District ‘R 2 ’ 1 s t - S t r e e t South ‘A’-StreetSouth ‘A’-Street Area E Community Park Or c h a r d Or c h a r d Demonstration Gardens Residential Above ‘R 2 ’ 4 t h - S t r e e t Condominium Cluster Rowhome Area D Garden Retreat Garden Cluster Garden Cluster Garden Cluster Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Garden Cluster Garden Cluster Garden Cluster Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Garden Cluster Condominium Cluster Condominium Cluster Condominium Cluster Garden Cluster Rowhome Garden Cluster Rowhome Condominium Cluster Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Parking Lot A Parking Lot B Kiosk Parking Lot C South Parking Lot Central Par k i n g L o t C N o r t h 03.18.16 Outdoor Food Culture Agricultural Heritage Lark District Neighborhood Serving Retail Pedestrian Environment Garden Court Area C Nor t h ‘ A ’ S t r e e t ‘C2’ Street Los Gatos Blvd. ‘R 2 ’ 3 r d - S t r e e t Ne i g h b o r h o o d S t r e e t Area A Area B Senior Affordable RestaurantRetail Retail Retail/ Residential Above Restaurant/Retail Live/Work Market Plaza Vineyard South ‘A’-Street Demonstration Garden Residential Above ‘R 2 ’ 4 t h - S t r e e t Specialty Market / Market Hall Outdoor Lounge Condominium Cluster Rowhome Area D Garden Retreat Rooftop Produce Garden Condominium Cluster Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome Rowhome ‘R2’ 2nd - Street Winter Color in Vineyards Kiosk Parking Lot A Parking Lot B Parking Lot C South Parking Lot Central Park i n g L o t C N o r t h Outdoor Dining Outdoor Dining Outdoor Lounge Bike Parking Bike Parking 03.18.16 Outdoor Dining Garden Court Chef’s Garden Orchard Parking Outdoor Vendors Demonstration Vineyard Heritage Trees Modern Agriculture VineyardVineyard Heritage Oak Heritage Oak Heritage Oak Demonstration Garden Heritage Oaks South ‘A’ Street ‘C2’ Street ‘R 2 ’ 3 r d - S t r e e t No r t h ‘ A ’ S t r e e t Area C Area A Area B Lark District Ne i g h b o r h o o d S t r e e t P r o p e r t y L i n e Ne i g h b o r h o o d S t r e e t Ve n d o r s Market Plaza Senior Affordable Residential Above Vendor Display Restaurant/Retail Garden Court Retail/ Residential Above Live/Work Retail Retail Restaurant Los Gatos Blvd. Cafe Outdoor Dining Ou t d o o r D i n i n g 2.2 Specialty Market / Market Hall Seating with Trellis Bike Parking Bike Parking Area D Garden Retreat Rooftop Produce Garden Kiosk Mu l t i - U s e P a t h Kiosk Parking Lot A Parking Lot B Parking Lot C South Parking Lot Central Park i n g L o t C N o r t h Transition District Area C+D Landscape Plan 03.18.16 Outdoor Lounge Garden Retreat Garden Amenities Outdoor Dining South ‘A’ Street No r t h ‘ A ’ S t r e e t Area C Area A Area B Restaurant/Retail Live/Work Senior Affordable Residential Above Demonstration Garden ‘R 2 ’ 3 r d - S t r e e t Lark District ‘R 2 ’ 4 t h - S t r e e t Bike Parking Outdoor Lounge Garden Retreat Rowhomes Condominium Cluster Area D Outdoor Dining Harvest Garden Note: Refer to sheets 5.RH.1 – 5.ST.14 for Transition District Area D building architectural information Condominium Cluster Rowhomes Rowhomes Rowhomes Rowhomes Rowhomes ‘R2’ 2nd - Street Mu l t i - U s e P a t h Park i n g L o t C N o r t h 2.503.18.16 Populus nigra Lombardy Poplar Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 40’-100’ high x 15’-30’ wide Deciduous PERIMETER TREES Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood Initial size: 60” box Mature size: 70’-90’ high x 15’-30 wide Evergreen Pinus radiata Monterey pine Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 80’-100’ high x 25’-35’ wide Evergreen Magnolia grandiflora “Little gem” Dwarf southern magnolia Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 8’ high x 12-15’wide Evergreen Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia Initial size: 48’’ box Mature size: 80’ high x 60’ wide Evergreen Magnolia soulangiana “Stellata’’ Saucer Magnolia Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 12’-18’ high x 6’-12’ wide Deciduous ORCHARD TREES Juglans Californica Hindsii California Black Walnut Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 30-60’ high x 30-40’ wide Deciduous Prunus blireana Purple leaf plum Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 40’ high x 25’ wide Deciduous Prunus salicina Japanese plum Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 10’-18’ high x 10’-18’ wide Deciduous Acer palmatum Japanese maple Initial size: 24” box Mature size: 20’ high x 20’ wide Deciduous COMMON OPEN SPACE TREES Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone Initial size: 48‘‘ box Mature size: 20’-100’ high x 20’-100’wide Evergreen Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet gum Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 60’ high x 20’-25’ wide Deciduous Aesculus Californica California buckeye Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 10’-20+’ high x 30+’ wide Deciduous Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip tree Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 60’-80’ high x 40’ wide Deciduous Cedrus deodara Deodar cedar Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 80’ high x 40’ wide Evergreen koelreuteria paniculata Goldenrain tree Initial size: 48 ” box Mature size: 20-35’high x 25’-40 ’ wide Deciduous Lagerstroemia species Crape myrtles Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 15’-25’high x 20’-25 ’ wide Deciduous Malus floribunda “Parrsi” Pink crabapple Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 12’-20’ high x 12-20’ wide Deciduous ORCHARD TREES Prunus kwansan or akebono Japanese cherry Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 40’ high x 25’ wide Deciduous Prunus persica nucipersica Nectarine Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 40’ high x 25’ wide Deciduous Pyrus calleryana Callery pear Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 40’ high x 25’ wide Deciduous Prunus cerasifera Cherry plum Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 10’-18’ high x 10’-18’ wide Deciduous Prunus persica Peach Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 10’-18’ high x 10’-18’ wide Deciduous Malus floribunda “Paris” Pink Crabapple Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 12’-20’ high x 12’-20’ wide Deciduous Prunus avium ‘Bing’ Bing cherry Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 20-30’ high x 16-18’ wide Deciduous Prunus domestica ‘French Prune’ European plum Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 20-30’ high x 20’ wide Deciduous Citrus x limon ‘Meyer’ Meyer lemon Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 6-10’ high x 5-8’ wide Evergreen Prunus armeniaca ‘Moorpark’ Moorpark Apricot Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 15’-30’ high x 10’-20’ wide Deciduous Prunus avium ‘Rainier’ Rainier cherry Initial size: 36” box Mature size: 20-30’ high x 16-18’ wide Deciduous 2.603.18.16 COMMON OPEN SPACE TREES Tilia cordata Little leaf linden Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 30’-50’ high x 15’-30’ wide Deciduous Cinnamomum camphora Camphor tree Initial size: 60” box Mature size: 50’+ high x 60’ wide Evergreen Ginkgo biloba Maiden hair tree Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 30’-50’ high x 15’-25’ wide Deciduous Laurus nobilis Sweet bay Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 12’-40’high x 12’-40’wide Evergreen Melaleuca linariifolia Melaleuca Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 20’-30’ high x 20’-30’wide Evergreen STREET TREES SPECIMEN TREES Acer palmatum Japanese maple Initial size: 24” box Mature size: 20’ high x 20’ wide Deciduous Betula utilis Whitebarked Himalayan Birch Initial size: 36‘‘ box Mature size: 40’ high x 20’ wide Deciduous Cercidphyllum japonicum Katsura tree Initial size: 48‘‘ box Mature size: 40’ high x 25’ wide Deciduous Cercis occidentalis Western redbud Initial size: 24‘‘ box Mature size: 10’-18’ high x 10’-18’ wide Deciduous Quercus suber Cork oak Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 30’-60’ high x 30’-60’ wide Evergreen Zelkova serrata Sawleaf zelkova Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 60’ high x 60’ wide Deciduous Quercus lobata Valley oak Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 50’-70’+ high x50’-70’+ wide Deciduous Quercus ilex Holly oak Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 30’-60’ high x 30’-60’ wide Evergreen Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet gum Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 60’ high x 20’-25’ wide Deciduous Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia Initial size: 48’’ box Mature size: 80’ high x 60’ wide Evergreen Olea europaea Olive tree Initial size: 24” box Mature size: 20’ -30’ high x 20’-30’ wide Evergreen Quercus douglasii Blue oak Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 30’-50’ high x 40’-70’ wide Deciduous Quercus agrifolia Coast live oak Initial size: 60” box Mature size: 20’-70’ high x 20’-70’ wide Evergreen Pinus canariensis Canary island pine Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 50’-80’ high x 20’-35’ wide Evergreen Pinus pinea Italian stone pine Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 40’-80’ high x 40’-60 wide Evergreen Platanus racemosa Sycamore Initial size: 48” box Mature size: 30’-80’ high x 20’-50’wide Deciduous Pyrus kwansan or akebono Japanese cherry Initial size: 48‘‘ box Mature size: 20’-25’ high x 20’-25’ wide Deciduous 2.703.18.16 Myrica californica Pacific wax myrtle Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size 15’ high x 8’ wide Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen Arctostaphylos densiflora 'McMinn' Manzanita 'McMinn' Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size 7’-10’ high x 7’-10’ wide Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen Salvia clevelandii Cleveland sage Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 3’-5’ high Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen Pittosporum tobira Mock orange Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 3’ high x 5’ wide Drought tolerant Evergreen Lavandula spp. Lavender Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 1’-5’ high Drought tolerant Evergreen Buddleia spp. Butterfly bush Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 6’-12’ high x 6’-12’ wide Drought tolerant Evergreen FOREGROUND SHRUBS Calycanthus occidentalis Spicebush Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 3’-10’ high x 3’-20’ wide Drought tolerant California Native Deciduous Cistus x hybridus White rockrose Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 2-3’ high Drought tolerant Evergreen Erigeron glaucus Beach aster Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 1’ high Drought tolerant Evergreen Azalea indica ‘Formosa’ Formosa azalea Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 6’-10 high x 6’-10’ wide Drought tolerant Evergreen Camellia japonica Camellia Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 6’-12’ high x 6’-12’ wide Evergreen Dryopteris Wood fern Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 18”-36” high Evergreen Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon bush Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 12’ high x 8’ wide Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen FOUNDATION SHRUBS Pittosporum tenuifolium Kohuhu Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 20-30’ high x 10’ wide Drought tolerant Evergreen Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 10”-30” high Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen Cotoneaster microphyllus Rockspray cotoneaster Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: 2-3’ high x 5’ wide Drought tolerant Evergreen Escallonia x exoniensis ‘Fradesii’ Pink princess escallonia Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size 4-6’ high x 4-6’ wide Drought tolerant Evergreen Viburnum tinus Laurestinus Initial size: 5 gallons Mature size 7-20’ high x 10’ wide Will grow under Walnut Evergreen Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscan blue’ Tuscan blue rosemary Initial size: 5 gallons Mature size 6-7’ high x 2’ wide Drought tolerant Evergreen Fragaria chiloensis Strawberry Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 6” high Drought tolerant Deciduous Arctostaphylos uva- ursi 'Emerald Carpet' Manzanita 'Emerald Carpet' Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 1’ high Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen Ceanothus `hearstiorum’ Ceanothus Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 6” high Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen PROSTRATE SHRUBS and GROUNDCOVERS Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’ Prostrate Rosemary Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 1-3’ high Drought tolerant Evergreen Sinapis alba White mustard Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size 1’-1.5’ high Deciduous 2.803.18.16 Muhlenbergia rigens Deergrass Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size up to 5’ high Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen Nassella tenuissima Mexican feather grass Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 1’-3’ high Drought tolerant Evergreen GRASSES Vitis vinifera Common grape vine Initial size: 5 gallon Mature size: up to 8’ Deciduous VINEYARD Miscanthus sinensis Silver grass Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 3-7’ high Evergreen Rosa genus Climbing roses Initial size: 1 gallon Evergreen Wisteria species Wisteria Initial size: 1 gallon Deciduous Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston ivy Initial size: 1 gallon Deciduous Festuca rubra Creeping red fescue Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 8” high Drought tolerant Summer dormant Carex pansa California meadow sedge Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 8” high Drought tolerant Evergreen Iris douglasiana Pacific coast iris Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 10”-30” high Drought tolerant California Native Evergreen BIOSWALE Juncus effusus Rush Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 2-4’ high Evergreen Festuca ovina glauca Blue fescue Initial size: 1 gallon Mature size: 10” high Evergreen Sod Mature size: 4” high Evergreen VINES 03.18.16 Orchard Street Pedestrian Environment Walkable Neighborhood Garden Lanes Community Gardens Los Gatos Blvd. La r k A v e n u e La r k A v e n u e ‘R 2 ’ 3 r d - S t r e e t ‘R2’ 2nd - Street ‘R 2 ’ 1 s t - S t r e e t South ‘A’ - Street Area E Transition District Community Park Or c h a r d Or c h a r d Community Farm Garden Cluster Garden Cluster Rowhome Rowhome Grand Paseo Condominium Cluster 03.18.16 A-Street Landscape Plan South A - Street ‘R 2 ’ 3 r d - S t r e e t South A - Street ‘R 2 ’ 1 s t - S t r e e t La r k A v e n u e Pedestrian Crossing Community Park Orchard Trees Community Farm Transition District Heritage Oak Tree Orchard Trees Orchard Trees Los Gatos Blvd. Grand Paseo Heritage Tree Orchard Trees Orchard Trees Los Gatos Blvd. Landscape Plan Orchard Street Walkable Community Orchard Frontage Resting Spaces Turfblock Turf Block Heritage Tree 03.18.16 Modern Agrarian Landscape Pedestrian Connectivity Multi-Use Trail Orchard Buffer Country Landscape Garden Lane Garden Lane Garden Lane Orchard Trees Orchard Trees Orchard Orchard Mu l t i - U s e T r a i l Mu l t i - U s e T r a i l Garden PlantingRustic Materials South A - Street ‘R 2 ’ S t r e e t La r k A v e n u e ‘R 2 ’ 1 s t - S t r e e t 5.1 Lark District Perspective Rendering - South A Street from Lark District toward Transition District See landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; pp pg y g ysome proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity 03.18.16192-072 Scale: NTS 5.2 Lark District Perspective Rendering - Park See landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; some proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity 03.18.16192-072 Scale: NTS 5.3 Lark District Perspective Rendering - Alley ‘A’ view from South A Street See landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; some proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity 03.18.16192-072 Scale: NTS 5.GC.16 Lark District Perspective Rendering - Garden Cluster - 7-Plex A Cluster 1 See landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; some proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity 03.18.16192-072 5.GC.17 Lark District Perspective Rendering - Garden Cluster - 7-Plex A Cluster 2 See landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; some proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity 03.18.16192-072 5.GC.18 Lark District Perspective Rendering - Garden Cluster - 5-Plex Cluster 7 SeSeee landscape drawings for additioinal information on trees and planting; ee landscape drawings for additional information on trees and planting; sosoome proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarityome proposed landscaping may not be shown in this rendering for clarity 03.18.16192-072 GARDEN CLUSTER1 7ͲPLEX1235 9 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER1 7ͲPLEX1235 9 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER2 7ͲPLEX145 610 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER2 7ͲPLEX145 610 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER3 7ͲPLEX145610 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER3 7ͲPLEX145610 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER4 8ͲPLEX1 5 9 15 16 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER4 8ͲPLEX1 5 9 15 16 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER5 8ͲPLEX1467910 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER5 8ͲPLEX1467910 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡ PLAN3 ‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER6 8ͲPLEX156710 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER6 8ͲPLEX156710 PLAN1 ‡ PLAN2 ‡ PLAN2X ‡‡ PLAN4 ‡ PLAN5 ‡ PLAN6 ‡ PLAN7 ‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER7 5ͲPLEX 1357 PLAN1X ‡ PLAN2X ‡‡‡ COLORSCHEMES GARDEN CLUSTER7 5ͲPLEX 1357 PLAN1X ‡ PLAN2X ‡‡‡ COLORSCHEMES