Ord 0140-AMEND SECTION 6 AND SECTION 20 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 14oxT3XN:~ra~ . rt4. ~1~~ }Na q.9v9:w .M Ug,.!,~ :~z~. c~.nzrr~rrc~ ~g ,,,arm _ s~a~xorr sTx A~ sna~~arr ~rvr~zT~r~r a~ o~tuT~r~c NUAJ1t3,IlR .T'OT7R`i':L+',L+~7.+T,; e~1~T.OTtiDT1VArTCTi; P7~OVIDING 7~'OR TFl'I+; .A.SSFSSA~NT~` i,L~TY ;„ CO:LL~CT~~N: Ol' !AXES OT*~ 'TH.~ ?'O~~N a~' :LOS GA`~QSm . TT-ID .~O,AftD ~~~+' '~I~US~ALS OI+' THE TO'1~iT 0~' X05 Cr.A~C?S '$Q` Ordain as fo;i3.ows to .. _ ,~ >: .. -- _, _. -- Section ~m ~eC'~iCn 5i~ Qf the Qrd~.inance the tit],e of which ie •reCited in the tit:l,e hpreofp is hereby amerxl.eci so- as to read as.<~ola:ows; ,.. .: Sect~:on 6a the Board Of ~ru~teo~ iaust, an the fiz st Monday of October::, of each y'e~;r; :fix the- rate Cf town ta~ees, designating tshe n~T?er of: cents ,ori. each one ,:hundred da]lars of prop:erty ... .. _ _, levied for each fund, and intis~ then levy the town ta.xe~s upon •t he ~ab).e px°op©rt;y ire t:tae toVJn; pp'ovided, that the 1evJ fir, a1,7. purpoees, eatc~.t~p:ve pf the iFVy for 'library and bond xedeanptic~~u • funds, fir a.ny one ,;year shall-. not e~oeed one hundred aei1ts 'i (~~;00) on: eae~.: •one hundred dollars of the assessed ~Ja,lue of a~.~. real :and personal prCporty withi~~ the town4 Seetioxi '2. Seatian ~'wenty of •Ghe Ordinance the title. off' which. is recited in t7a.e t it7e hereef, is hereby amended so as Seetiori 20. Q~; fi7.in~ the certffic~it°e "~~vith th,e 'COUri,ty l~acardar, the'~;;~8~ d~ the':.:"down •vPSts ~n the purchaser, and is ,; .~ only divested by the .payment to .him, or to the T°own '~reasurQr ,., far hie use, of the pur~'ahas® money and fifty pe:r cent thereto, radempt3.on of the property sold znay be ;de •by the owner, or any par~~..ir~tex'ested,: within five y'ear's fr:o~r. the date pfi` ,pur- chase. Redempti.an must 'ce made in ~o1d or silvo2 join; and when mad@ •~o the T'owri Tz"easurer, he must; credit the amount paid to the p©Y•son named in, t12e o~l.lector a s .certificate, and pay it on derr~and to thQ person or his ass3 ghee, rn each report the T'="r~asu-r•,$r, makes.to the hoard p~ Trust;ees sons entitled to redern tion mone ' hQ must name the per.,, p Y, and the amount due t o each. Section 3e This ordinance shall take ef'#'ect and be .in :Force i~rom and af't.er its passage, approval and publioatior~. gassed and adopted this 20th day of September, A.v. 1909, by the Fo~,3.o~ring vote;~. dyes. Trust;eesA~~~lf ~.~n-~_e,~~«~_~,_ -~.~ ~~: -- -..~r..._._~_._____ Noes. Tarust.PesQ ~~--~z-C .X ....,. _.. absent. Trustees ~ r. W _ ~" ~' '_ -- W_ ~awin~ofnt off' No~lrus~e`es`~o3° -the dos Gatos, ~TTiEST ~,~ 7 C%ler.k of "the"'~o~~`;-b'~os Gatos.