Ord 0133-REGULATING THE OPERATION AND SPEED OF MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES ON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSORDINANCE NO ®~L~~`~ ®m=oo0oom~w AN OF~DINANCE 1~EGUI,AT%NG THE OP1~tATION AND SP~+I) OP BdLOT02Z AND 07.'IiAT~i. '(1}r~-TICZES ON TTiE PUBLIC iTI3 + +TS AND HIGHVIIAI'S IN THE TOdVN OP ZOS GATOSe CAZI1a'ORNIA, . m®a.oo0oom~a - THE BOARD OR TRUSTL~ES of the Town o~ I,os Gatos do ordain as follows: Section l® Tt shall be unlawful fnr any person to drive, ride or op erate any motor vehic~,® upon or along ax~y public street or highway of the Town o~ I,os Gatos at asp®ed g~°e~ater than one mi%.e in sine minutes and it shal:~ also be un5.awful for any person to driven ride or op~~ate any other vehicle along or upon any p~bliie~ street or highway within said Town of Dos Gatos at a speed greater than one mil® in sia~ minutes. Section 2. Any person ,~~;ating any provision of this Ordinance shall be gui.lt~ of a misdemeanor and upon coxnrietion thereof shah: b:~.:sub3ect to a gins of not a~aore than ~~~iLe a~~.r~-L~~~r ~G~ D~3,7.ars or ivaprisonment in the Coun~ty- J~a;~i~], of the County of ..Santa CJLara for u, term oi' ,'~1~~>i~r G~,r,~=..d~~'da a ar both suo h-2' ins and irapr i aon~aent q Seotion 3. phis Ordinance shah. tal~e~ effect .and b: fn force from and ai'ter its pas~~,ge. Section 4. A7.~. Ordixiances or parts of Ordinances in oonflict her~eurith ax°e - hex'e'~y 'repealed... . Section 5a It shall be the duty of t;Yn A~arshall of. said Town to plane or ire p].aeed" conspi~uoua%.y .and to per•® petual].y~ maintain in eac2i maims publics ligheay mf' said Town where the boundary oi' said Town crosses the saubQ,g signs of sufficient size to be easily read:ab"7.e by a person using the° highway, bearing the word$ 00.~~1ow Down t o den Riil~®s" and a~..so an arr®w pointing to the direction where the speed is, to be reduceda Passed and adopted as an Ordinance o~ the Town o~ Dos Gatos at a regu].ax° 7neeti.ng of the Board oi' Trus-~ees off' said '.1'iowYl this ~.~~~. day o~ '~a,rch;~ g 1905, by tl~e fo~.lowixtg ~ot~es Aye%: Trustees ~ i~/ ~~ .~ ..a m~ we.® ..e m ~/~ Noes a ~x°usteas ~~G/Y_~( _ _ _ _ Ab'nt ; T.'rus t e e s ~ ~.. - ®.~ , ,r, ,~~ o ~ ®.~ °` /r ~v~. president oi' the Board of ~rus~se€ of th.e down 9~ I,os (€atos,. i ATT~STo ~a ~ ~7,e~k e~y the Board ~d~' T~ias~®e~'o~ the Torovn o~ I,US Gatos.. a x.