Attachment 1 - A1 Exhibit Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 1 Scope of Work The following section provides our work program for the preparation of the Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update.AAThisAprogramAisAdesignedAtoArespondAtoAtheAscopeAitemsAincludedAinAtheATown’sARequestAofAProposalA (RFP) and provides for the formulation of a thoughtful and user -friendly General Plan and comprehensive program -level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that can be used to streamline subsequent project -level proposals. The work program includes appropriate technical studies and community engagemen t opportunities that explore issues, opportunities, and solutions to guide the community to the year 2040. InAthisAworkAprogram;AtheAtermA“Consultants”ArefersAtoAmembersAofAtheAConsultantATeamAassembledAforAtheA project. Details on community engagement activities are described under Task H, with placeholders shown under each task to show their relationship to the overall work program. During this task, the Consultants will work with Town staff to lay the foundation for the General Pl an Update, including developing tools to be used throughout the Update, meeting with the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the Planning Commission, and Town Council, and initiating the community engagement program. Task A.1 Project Scoping Meeting, Kick -off Meeting, and Town Tour The Consultants will meet with Town staff to discuss expectations for the schedule, process, and work products and to refine the scope of work to address Town comments. Following execution of the contract, the Consultants and Town staff will hold a project kick -off meeting. This meeting will confirm roles and responsibilities, establish communication protocols, refine and detail the project schedule based on actual start date, and discuss the initial ideas and strategies for communi ty engagement (which will be refined and documented under Task H.1). Immediately following the kick off, the Consultants will tour the community with Town staff to examine key issues and opportunities that will be addressed in the General Plan Update. Task A.2 Asse mble GIS Data and Prepare Base Maps The Consultants will work with Town staff to confirm the Planning Area and gather and format information for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database covering the Planning Area. The Consultants will prepare base m aps suitable for reports and display presentation, including establishing a uniform legend and title block. During the project kick -off meeting (Task A.1), the Consultants will work with Town staff to identify and obtain existing GIS resources from the Tow n and other identified agencies with GIS data covering the Planning Area. We will develop new GIS data and maps consistent with Town protocols and data formats to ensureAeasyAintegrationAintoAtheATown’sAinformationAsystem.A tAtheAendAofAtheAproject;AtheACo nsultants will provide the Town the native files of all original data as well as project -specific GIS layers modified or created by the Consultants for the General Plan Update. EXHIBIT A -1 2 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update As described in Task H.3, the Consultants will also present select ed geographic data online using ESRI ArcGIS Online and/or ESRI Story Map. Task A.3 Existing Data Collection and Compilation Knowledge of existing conditions within the Town of Los Gatos will give the Consultants, and the community, a more thorough understanding of how the Town can move forward and what has changed since the last General Plan was prepared. At the beginning of the Update process, and prior to initiation of public engagement, the Consultants will compile (including native format files whenever possible ) the following: Applicable plans, studies, and analysis documents that currently exist within the various departments in the Town of Los Gatos that pertain to the General Plan. Documents may include, but are not limited to:  General Plan  Specific Plans  Hazard mitigation plan  Parks, open space, trails and recreation plans  Municipal Code  Any other pertinent information, documents, plans, and other items identified by Town Staff  Applicable plans, studies, and analysis documents concerning Infrastructure and utilities  Geographic information system (GIS) data  Transportation plans Pertinent information that is contained in these documents will be reviewed and used by the Consultants to develop the Existing Conditions Background Report (see Task B) that will be provided with the General Plan Update. The Consultants will use and rely upon these existing resources to develop the General Plan and EIR information. The scope of work and budget are based on the availability and use of secondary data and the developmen t of planning level qualitative assessments that are typical for a general plan update. This information will be supplemented with data collected by our team as described in Task B, Existing Conditions Background Report GPAC Meeting #1 will be held during this task to facilitate data identification and collection (see Task H.5 ). Engagement Activities During Task A:  Task H.1: Community Engagement Strategy  Task H.2: Branding and Project Logo  Task H.3: Set Up Online Engagement  Task H.4: Newsletter #1, General Plan Update Overview  Task H -5 : GPAC #1  Task H -7: Community Workshop #1, Project Initiation  Task H.8: Joint Study Session #1, Introduction to the General Plan Update Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 3 Products:  Kick -off Meeting Summary (digital version)  GIS Base Maps (digital version) The termA“digitalAversion”AisAusedAinAthisAscopeAofAworkAasAtheAprovisionAofAdeliverablesAinAbothAtheirAnativeA format for staff use (e.g., MS Word, MS Excel) and a PDF format that is both print ready and bookmarked for online use. Task B During this task, the Consultants will compile information on existing conditions within the town and Planning Area organized by the topics to be covered in the General Pla n Update. The Existing Conditions Background Report (Background Report) will focus on identifying and evaluating existing conditions and future trends that will influence the development of the General Plan Update, the EIR, and the future of the community . Task B.1 Administrative Draft Background Report The Consultants will prepare an Administrative Draft Background Report and submit it to Town staff for review and comment. The Report will highlight current conditions and trends, and identify future opportunities and constraints, which will lay the groundwork for subsequent policy development. The report will address, at a minimum, the topics described in the request for proposals (RFP), although some reorganization and combinations are proposed.  Land Use  Populatio n, Employment, and Housing  Circulation and Transportation  Biological Resources  Cultural Resources  Economics  Infrastructure  Public Services  Noise  Air Quality  Safety and Hazards  Geology  Hydrology and Water Quality During this task, the Consultants will compi le information on existing conditions within the Planning Area organized by the topics identified above. This assessment will not only support the development of goals, policies, and programs, but will also serve as the setting information sections in the EIR. Compiling existing conditions information will involve reviewing existing and draft documents (e.g., existing General Plan elements, zoning, other plans, special studies, EIRs) and contacting appropriate agencies and organizations serving the communi ty. The Existing Conditions Report will include maps, charts, graphs, and photographs to illustrate conditions and trends in an easy -to -read format. Each topic area of the report will address the following: 4 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update  Introduction to the topic;  Key terms (as appropr iate to topic);  Regulatory setting outlining key Federal, State, and local regulations and policies that are pertinent to the topic;  A summary of existing conditions and setting;  A brief description of key constraints and opportunities; and  References (i.e ., document citations, websites, and personal communications). Land Use. The Consultants will analyze the existing General Plan land uses and adopted plans that affect development in Los Gatos. The Consultant will map and analyze existing land uses based o n available GIS and/orA ssessor’sAdataAandAidentifyAopportunitiesAandAconstraintsAforAfutureAdevelopmentAandAreuse.ATheA Consultants will also describe regional planning efforts affecting the town. This section will also summarize the community character o f Los Gatos neighborhoods and districts and the design characteristics of each. This will include describing architectural patterns, community gateways, and major geographic features that define the character of Los Gatos. Population, Employment, Housing, and Fiscal Stability. The Consultants will examine the demographic, employment, and market demand data for different land uses, including retail, industrial, and office development. For the demographic information, the Consultants will use a combination of primary data from the U.S. Census of Population, the American Community Survey, the Local Employment Dynamics database, Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), and the California Department of Finance. This data, supplemented by information provided by Town staff, will include measures and trends such as population, housing characteristics, income distribution, educational attainment, ethnicity, commute patterns, and tenure. We will prepare an overview of economic characteristics and analyze the rec ent employment trends to verify the leading sectors in the Los Gatos economic base. This analysis will address the types of office and light industrial uses that may be attracted to Los Gatos. For the local demand component, the Consultants will analyze th e retail market in Los Gatos, including household demand, business -to -business transactions, and visitor spending. Using sales data provided by the Town sales tax audit firm, we will prepare the retail leakage analysis and provide recommendations on potent ial commercial development opportunities. We will also prepare a projection of future market growth for Los Gatos based on anticipated household growth and trends in the regional market area. Based on this analysis, the Consultants will develop recommendat ions for strategicAactionsAandApoliciesAtoAhelpAsupportAtheAtown’sAretailAsectorAandAaddressApotentialAmarketAthreatsA related to changing market conditions. The Consultants will also look at the current job -housing balance and use the labor force data and commute patterns to assess housing needs. We will look at how the existing labor force patterns compare with the employment base. The distribution of occupational employment and labor force by occupation can serve as an indicator for the types of housing t hat the labor force and job base will demand. The Consultants will also identify the existing service levels for various institutions in Los Gatos, such as education and health care facilities, and compare them with other communities. This will help assess future needs, based on population and/or employment growth. Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 5 Based on the market analysis above and factoring in the potential supply of land for different uses (employment -generating and residential), we will produce a market projection that addresses future demand for different land uses, as well as forecasts that will identify a range of potential needs for different types of spaces. The Consultants will also prepare an analysis of the Town budget and how land uses affect Town revenues and costs. This will provide a foundation for later fiscal analysis of land use alternatives or changes in development capacity through the General Plan process. Circulation and Transportation (Mobility). The Consultants will compile data and information on the existing transportation system, including roadways, transit services, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The Consultants will prepare a detailed description accompanied with maps and graphics illustrating the roadway system, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, p eak hour traffic counts, pedestrian/bicycle counts, and transit routes/stops. We will use available Census and travel survey data to describe the travel behavior of Los Gatos residents and employees. Federal, State, regional, and local regulations pertaini ng to multimodal circulation in Los Gatos. TheAConsultantsAwillAreviewAcollisionAdataAavailableAthroughAtheACaliforniaAHighwayAPatrol’sASWITRSAreportsAtoA identifyAspecificA“hotAspots”AthatAhaveAexperiencedAhighAratesAofAautomobile;Apedestrian;Aand/orAbicy clist collisions. The Consultants will determine existing intersection levels of service using the collected traffic volume data, intersection geometric configurations, and signal phasing (to be provided by the Town). The Consultants will conduct weekday AM and PM peak period traffic counts (vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians) for 10 key study intersections and 24 -hour counts on 20 roadway segments (for informational purposes). We will develop the exact list of locations in cooperation with Town staff. To re present typical conditions, we will collect all data during a typical non -holiday weekday and while local schools are in session. Using transit ridership data from VTA and input from Town staff, we will map key transit trip origins and destinations and use d to assess connectivity of transit service. Transit operations will include the peak load factors for bus routes serving Los Gatos. We will map key pedestrian and bicycle origins and destinations to assess the pedestrian and bicycle network completeness. We will identify gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle networks. Biological Resources. The Consultant will summarize sensitive habitats, principal vegetation cover types, and special -status and endangered species. This will include primary source material fro m the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan, supplemented with limited windshield surveys and review of existing biology studies completed for the town. Cultural Resources. The Consultant will summarize historic structures and locations and conduct archeological sensitivity analyses for both prehistoric and historic sites using records maintained at the regional information center and in published research papers. The Consultant will ensure that appropriate individuals are contacted with the surrounding Native Am erican Tribes to ensure sensitive cultural resources are documented appropriately. This section will include areas for the protection of cultural resources consistent with recent State mandates (SB 18). Economics. See Economics, Population, Employment, and Housing description, above. 6 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure. The Consultant will summarize infrastructure, resources, services, and facilities related to: water supply and delivery, wastewater collection and disposal, stormwater drainage, solid waste and recycling, energy and telecommunications, law enforcement, fire protection, health care, schools and education, and government services. For each of the topical areas described, the Consultant will identify planned facility improvements and estimate future demands based on projected development compared to available capacity and planned improvements, identifying potential facility and/or service shortfalls. The Consultant will also assess if the General Plan must include information related to recent State mandates that require cities to identify service needs for unincorporated disadvantaged communities (SB 244). Noise. The Consultant will review existing noise data, including recent EIRs and studies, and summarize the existing noise environ ment in Los Gatos resulting from major roadways and highways, and stationary noise sources and activities. The Consultant will also document existing noise -sensitive areas and sites. The Consultant will also summarize current information on ground vibratio n. The Consultant will also update existing noise contours based on the data collected during the noise monitoring survey and traffic data developed/collected. Air Quality. The Consultant will summarize existing air quality conditions within Los Gatos and the nearby vicinity. This will specifically include the location of existing sensitive receptors and emission sources, existing mass emissions, ambient air quality concentration data from the most applicable monitoring station(s), attainment designations, and natural factors that relate to the transport and dispersion of air pollutants. This summary will include applicable Federal, State, and local regulations, as well as thresholds of significance recommended by Bay Area Air Quality Management District (B AAQMD) and rules for which compliance will be required. Safety and Hazards (including Geology). The Consultant will summarize existing natural and manmade hazards. As part of this evaluation, the Consultant will summarize the geological environment and ass ociated hazards. This section will address Seismic Hazard Zones (i.e., Seismic Hazards Mapping Act of 1990 and the Alquist -Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972) and soil strength properties. The Consultant will describe major creeks, streams, and dra inages, and will summarize the latest FEMA floodplain mapping to illustrate potential safety and development constraints. The Consultant will summarize urban and wildland fire risks, fire hazard risk areas, and fire protection resources. The Consultant wil l also summarize major users and producers of hazardous materials within or adjacent to the Town. Hydrology and Water Quality. The Consultant will summarize sources of groundwater and surface water, water consumption rates, measures used to conserve water, and renewable water facilities and resources. This section will document potential pollution sources, areas susceptible to water quality degradation, and source issues and capacity constraints. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change Adaptation. The C onsultants will prepare a climate change background report and existing GHG inventory that includes a discussion of climate change and how the General Plan Update should address this issue, including both the reduction of GHG emissions and climate change v ulnerability and adaptation. The report will briefly summarize relevant background information regarding these topics and lay out a framework for the General Plan Update to address climate change, including how the General Plan can implement the existing S ustainabilityAPlanA(2012)AtoAserveAasAaA“planAforA theAreductionAofAGHGAemission”AtoAachieveAstreamliningAbenefitsAperASectionA15183.5AofAtheAStateACEQ A Guidelines. Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 7  GHG Emissions. The Consultants will summarize relevant legislation and guidance regarding pr eparation of a GHG reduction strategy or climate action plan, including the five -step process of preparing an inventory (updates since the 2012 inventory was conducted) and forecasts (including through 2030 and the General Plan horizon year), setting new G HG targets, and developing updated and/or new GHG reduction measures. The Consultants will also prepare an inventory of recent annual GHG emissions for communitywide activities within Los Gatos, building off of the data contained in the 2012 Sustainabilit y Plan, using information provided by the Town, energy utilities, the traffic consultant, and other sources such as Plan Bay Area or other regional planning documents. The Consultants will prepare the inventory in accordance with established GHG inventory protocols that are appropriate for local municipalities (e.g., Local Government Operations Protocol [LGOP] and ICLEI Communitywide Protocol). The inventory will be focused primarily on emissions that are within the Town’sAjurisdictionalAcontrolAorAinfluenc e. The inventory will not attempt to quantify emissions that are outside the scope of the effort, such as lifecycle/carbon footprint analysis or changes in carbon sequestration or storage in natural or working lands. The inventory will serve as the referen ce point from which emissions forecasts and reduction targets can be prepared during later phases of the project.  Climate Change Adaptation. The Consultants will prepare a communitywide, planning -level climate change vulnerability assessment, using tools a ndAmethodsAestablishedAbyAtheAGovernor’sA Office of Planning and Research (OPR), the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA), and the California Energy Commission (CEC), including the Cal -Adapt web -based tool, the Adaptation Planning Guide, the 2017 Gene ral Plan Guidelines, and other resources. The assessment will examine the adverse effects of climate change relevant to Los Gatos, building on townwide work already completed as part of the Sustainability Plan and existing policies/programs contained in th e existing Environment and Sustainability Element. Key issues that will be addressed include extreme heat, changes in precipitation and drought, increased risk of flooding and wildfire, and other impacts. The assessment will help inform SB 379 adaptation m easures to be included in the General Plan Policy Document. Healthy Communities. The Healthy Communities chapter will examine public health challenges facing Los Gatos and identify opportunities for improving health and well -being of residents though a variety of land use, transportation, and other built environment strategies. Our an alyses will shed light on key public health issues impacted by the built environment including: obesity, chronic diseases, lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating, injuries, asthma, and health disparities. The Consultant will look at the impact of t hese issues on special populations such as children, youth, and seniors. The Consultant will also identify a set of healthy community indicators that will be used to describe community factors in Los Gatos that support or act as barriers to active and heal thy lifestyles. The Consultant will use GIS maps and graphics to present these findingsAandAillustrateAtheAlocalA“place -health”Aconnections. Environmental Justice. Community health, environmental justice, and social equity are emerging as important issues that communities are addressing in general plans. SB 1000 requires jurisdictions that have disadvantaged communities to adopt an environmental justice (EJ) element or incorporate EJ policies into their general plans. Based on a review of CalEnviroscreen 3 .0, which is considered the default tool used to identify disadvantaged communities, there are not currently any areas identified that would require special treatment as part of the General Plan Update, but this fact will be documented as part of the Backg round Report. 8 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Task B.2 Public Draft Background Report Following review by Town staff, the Consultants will revise the Background Report and provide a Public D raft document for review with the GPAC, the Planning Commission, Town Council, and community (see Task s H.9 and H.1 1 ). Task B.3 General Plan Audit Report An initial step in the update of the General Plan will be an assessment (audit) of the current General Plan. This assessment will look at the current plan and revisions and additions needed to address changes in State law, the new 2017 OPR General Plan Guidelines, and contemporary planning practice and content. In addition to meeting current requirements and planning practice, we will also work with Town staff to evaluate the existing General Plan to determine what work s, what does not work, and where the plan is not providing adequate or current guidance. This will be done using our proprietary General Plan Evaluation Tool. This Tool provides insights on the existing General Plan clarity; linkages to other plans; progre ss in achieving desired outcomes; and whether goals, policies, and actions should be carried forward, modified, or removed. The results of this review will be documented in a General Plan Audit Report. Engagement Activities During Task B:  Task H.3: Online Existing Conditions Story Map (digital version)  Task H.9: GPAC Meeting #2, Review Existing Conditions Report  Task H.10: Newsletter #2, Existing Conditions and Trends  Task H.11: Joint Study Session #2, Review Existing Conditions Report Products:  Administrat ive Draft Background Report (8 hard copies and digital version)  Public Draft Background Report (30 hard copies, CD, and digital version)  General Plan Audit Report (digital version) The objective of this task will be to work with the community on the identification of the issues, opportunities, and constraints that should be addressed as part of the General Plan Update. The items to be addressed will be identified by:  Items identified by the Town Council for t he Update (RFP page 3)  Findings from the Background Report and technical input from the Consultants  Input from the community (Community Workshop #2)  Input from stakeholder interviews  Updated input from the Town Council and Planning Commission Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 9 Task C.1 Administrati ve Draft Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Summary The Consultants will summarize the key issues, opportunities, and constraints identified based on the findings in the Draft Background Report, input from community workshops, stakeholder interviews, a nd Joint Town Council/Planning Commission study sessions. Task C.2 Public Draft Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Summary Following review by Town staff, the Consultants will revise the Administrative Draft and prepare a Public Draft Issues, Opportunities, a nd Constraints Summary for review with the GPAC , the Planning Commission, Town Council, and community (Tasks H.1 2 , H.1 3 , and H.1 4 ). Task C.3 Final Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Summary Following review by the Town Council and Planning Commission, the Consu ltants will revise the document and prepare a final Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Summary. Engagement Activities During Task C:  Task H.12: Community Workshop #2, Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Identification  Task H.13: GPAC Meeting #3, Rev iew Issues, Opportunities , and Constraints Report  Task H.14: Joint Study Session #3, Review Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Report Products:  Administrative Draft Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Report (digital version)  Public Draft Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Report (30 hard copies, digital version)  Final Issues, Opportunities, and Constraints Report (digital version) A General Plan vision statement and guiding principles are intended to reflec t what community members value most about their community and the shared aspirations of what they envision their community being in the future. The vision statement should be inspirational and set the key values and aspirations for the GeneralAPlan’sAguid ing principles, goals, policies, and implementation measures. The guiding principles should provide more specific guidance that provides the fundamental rules or doctrine that the Town will use to guide General Plan goals, policies, and implementation mea sures. During this task, the Los Gatos Vision Statement and Guiding Principles will be developed to guide the preparation of the General Plan Update. Task D.1 Administrative Draft Vision and Guiding Principles The Consultants will prepare the Administrative Draft V ision Statement that represents the ideal future for theAcommunityAandAaAsetAofAGuidingAPrinciplesAthatAsupportAtheAVisionAandArepresentAtheATown’sAcoreAvalues.A We will base the Vision and Guiding Principles on public input gathered at the stakeholder inte rviews, community workshops, GPAC meetings, and Town Council/Planning Commission study sessions, as well as input from Town staff. 10 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Task D.2 Public Draft Vision and Guiding Principles Following review by Town staff, the Consultants will revise the Administrative Dra ft and prepare a Public Draft Vision and Guiding Principles for review with the GPAC , the Planning Commission, Town Council, and community (Tasks H.1 5 , H.1 6 , and H.1 7 ). Task D.3 Final Vision and Guiding Principles Following review by the Town Council and Planning C ommission, the Consultants will revise the document and prepare the final Vision and Guiding Principles that the Town will use to guide development of the General Plan Update. Engagement Activities During Task D:  Task H.15: Community Workshop #3, Vision an d Guiding Principles  Task H.16: GPAC Meeting #4, Review Draft Vision and Guiding Principles  Task H.17: Joint Study Session #4, Vision and Guiding Principles Products:  Administrative Draft Vision and Guiding Principles (digital version)  Public Draft Vision and Guiding Principles (30 hard copies, digital version)  Final Vision and Guiding Principles (digital version) During this task, the Consultants will work with Town staff and the community to prepare, evaluate, and ultimately de fine a preferred policy and land use alternative that will be the basis of the General Plan Update. This task involves developing alternative scenarios for special planning areas and other key locations in the community and evaluating the implications of e ach alternative. We will also evaluate each alternative based on responsiveness to the key issues, opportunities, and constraints (from Task C) and the Vision and Guiding Principles developed in Task D. Task E.1 Administrative Draft Alternatives Report Based on inp uts received from the community as well as ideas from the Consultant team, the Consultants will prepare an Administrative Draft Alternatives Report for review by Town staff and the GPAC. This Report will contain a mix of land use and circulation alternativ es as well as key policy alternatives. Based on the RFP, the land use and circulation alternatives may potentially address: land use mix, development options for key sites, approaches to commercial corridors, circulation options, and interactions between l and use and transportation systems. The Alternatives Report will include maps and descriptions for land use, circulation, and policy alternatives that cover each of the areas and topics identified earlier. We will group location -specific alternatives into alternative packages that achieve the Vision and Guiding Principles. The assessment conducted will include an evaluation of alternatives in terms of implications for land use and community character, economic development, fiscal health, mobility and connec tivity, public facilities and services, and the natural environment. For each policy alternative, the Consultants will identify the issues for which there is clear policy choice and direction, as well as issues where choice and direction is not as clear. W e will complete a Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 11 qualitative comparative assessment of the policy implications of each alternative based on clarity and congruence with key issues. The Consultants will prepare an Alternatives Report that clearly communicates the potential implications of each alternative, supporting a more informed choice. We will base the assessment of each alternative choice primarily on a qualitative look at factors that can be used to differentiate the alternatives and their potential impacts on the community relative to achieving the Vision and Guiding Principles. There are two areas where we will provide more quantifiable information: fiscal impacts and the transportation system. The work done at this stage is designed to help the community evaluate the alternatives presented and is not intended to be a full CEQA alternatives analysis (which will be performed as part of a later task). Subtask E.1a Fiscal Impact Analysis The Consultants will prepare an analysis of the fiscal and economic impact of proposed land use cha nges being considered as part of the General Plan Update. This may be in the form of an alternatives analysis or an analysis of the preferred land use plan, as needed in the overall process. The fiscal analysis will project Town tax revenues and other reve nues normally affected by growth in population, jobs, and development. The Consultants will estimate the increases in service capacity needed to support the proposed growth levels or from changes in the land use mix. The fiscal model allows us to evaluate land uses separately to assist in identifying an optimal land use mix from the standpoint of generating sufficient tax base to support Town services. Subtask E.1b Transportation System Alternatives The Consultants will develop trip generation and VMT estimates using our MainStreet tool for each of the land use alternatives. These trip generation and VMT estimates will be used in the selection of the preferred alternative. The Consultants will also provide qualitative assessments of each alternative usi ng criteria developed in concert with Town staff to reflect Los Gatos community values. They may include items such as the availability of transportation services, the potential to increase traffic congestion, and the potential to reduce average VMT. Task E.2 Publi c Draft Alternatives Report Following review by Town staff, the Consultants will revise the Administrative Draft and prepare a Public Draft Alternatives Report for review with the GPAC , Planning Commission, Town Council, and community (Tasks H.19, H.20, H.21, and H.22). Engagement Activities During Task E:  Task H.18: Newsletter #3: Alternatives  Task H.19: Community Workshop #4, Alternative Choices  Task H.20: GPAC Meeting #5, Review Draft Alternatives Report  Task H.21: Planning Commission Study Session #5, A lternatives Report  Task H.22: Town Council Study Session #5, Alternatives Report Products:  Administrative Draft Alternatives Report (digital version)  Public Draft Alternatives Report (30 hard copies and digital version) 12 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Based on the extensive work resulting from the Background Report, technical studies, visioning, and alternatives planning in previous tasks, the Consultants will prepare the draft General Plan. The Consultants will prepare a General Plan document tha t is attractive, contemporary, and user -friendly, using extensive photos, illustrations, and maps. We are also proposing to include the development of a web -based General Plan at the end of the project. Task F.1 Administrative Draft General Plan For the Update, the Consultants will address all the requirements of State law, such as complete streets, flood risk reduction, and environmental justice, using the 2017 OPR General Plan Guidelines as a guide. The Plan will reflect best practices for addressing contemporary planning issues, such as retail trends, transportation technology, and community health. It is expected that the cross -cutting topics of climate change, sustainability, resiliency, and healthy communities would be themes addressed throughout the Plan, rath er than separate, standalone elements; however, we will discuss options with Town staff. The General Plan will include an Introduction and Table of Contents, and at a minimum, will update the content of the elements that make up the current Los Gatos Gener al Plan:  Land Use Element;  Community Design;  Transportation Element (Circulation);  Vasona Light Rail Element;  Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element (Open Space);  Environment and Sustainability Element (Conservation);  Noise Element;  Safety Element; and  Human Services Element. Prior to the start of this task, and considering the results of the General Plan Audit conducted earlier, the Consultants will work with Town staff to determine the outline (framework) for the General Plan Update. To support this, the Consultants will review with Town staff a selection of plan formats that could be used. This could include the combination of existing elements or the addition of new elements to meet current and projected needs. As part of this task, the Consultants will develop policies and programs to reduce GHG emissions as part of an integrated GHG reduction strategy. The current Housing Element will be integrated into the General Plan Update when the final documents are prepared at the end of the project. The To wn’sAcurrentAHousingAElementAwillAnotAbeAupdatedAasApartAofAthisA project. Implementation Strategy The Consultants will prepare a comprehensive implementation strategy that includes discrete, tangible actions the Town will undertake to implement the goals a nd policies. The Consultants will also review current implementation ordinances/regulations (e.g., zoning, subdivision, historic preservation, public arts, and other Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 13 implementing ordinances) and include recommendations as a part of the implementation progr ams for ordinance revisions needed to maintain consistency with the General Plan. As part of the Update, the Consultants will review and develop new objective standards that provide clear direction on applicat i on and intent. Task F.2 Administrative Draft Land Use and Circulation Diagrams The Consultants will prepare an updated General Plan (Land Use) Diagram and Circulation Diagram as part of the Administrative Draft General Plan. We will update the Land Use Diagram with any changes made to the designations and loc ations they apply based on the preferred alternative. For the Circulation Diagram, we could use VMT to develop roadway standards instead of or in addition to LOS standards (as desired). Task F.3 Preliminary Draft General Plan Based on direction from Town staff, the Consultants will revise the Administrative Draft General Plan and prepare a Preliminary Draft General Plan for review and confirmation by the GPAC, Planning Commission , and Town Council. We recommend this review to confirm direction on changes to the Gene ral Plan before preparation of the EIR (see Task H.23 and H.24 ). This approach helps reduce the potential for major changes to the Plan during or after the environmental review process. Task F.4 Public Draft General Plan Based on direction from the Town Council, th e Consultants will prepare the Public Draft General Plan for publication and environmental review. Task F.5 General Plan Consultation and Referrals State law requires consultation with a variety of Federal, State, regional, and local agencies whenever a jurisdictio n updates or amends its general plan. These statutes are located throughout the Government Code and have varying requirements for when draft and final documents must be submitted and how long agencies have to review and provide comments. We maintain a chec klist of agency consultation requirements that we will use to ensure the Town provides the Public Draft General Plan to the appropriate agencies. Engagement Activities During Task F:  Task H.2 3 : GPAC #6  Task H.2 4 : Joint Study Sessions #5, #6, and #7  Task H.2 5 : Newsletter #4, Draft General Plan  Task H.2 6 : Community Workshop #5, Draft General Plan Products:  Administrative Draft General Plan (digital version)  Administrative Draft Land Use and Circulation Diagrams (digital version)  Preliminary Draft General Plan (30 hard copies, digital version)  Public Draft General Plan (30 hard copies, CD, digital version) 14 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Based on review of the RFP and our experience preparing General Plan EIRs, we recommend the preparation of a Program EIR pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15168. Although the legally -required contents of a Program EIR are technically the same as those of a Project EIR, Program EIRs are by necessity more general and may contain a broader discussion of impacts, alternatives, a nd mitigation measures than a Project EIR. Use of a Program EIR provides the Town with the opportunity to consider broad policy alternatives and program -wide mitigation measures and greater flexibility to address environmental issues and/or cumulative imp acts on a comprehensive basis. Once a Program EIR has been certified, subsequent activities within the program may be evaluated to determine what, if any, additional CEQA documentation needs to be prepared. IfAtheAProgramAEIRAaddressesAtheAprogram’sAeffect s as specifically and comprehensively as possible, many subsequent activities could be found to be consistent with the Program EIR mitigation parameters and additional environmental documentation may not be required (CEQA Guidelines Section 15168(c)). In t his case, the Program EIR serves a valuable purpose as the first -tier environmental analysis that will assist in streamlining and possibly exempting future projects from CEQA with the idea that the General Plan Program EIR can be used for such exemptions w hen projects are consistent with the General Plan Update. Task G.1 Staff Work Session on Program EIR Preparation The consultants will facilitate a work session with Town staff on preparing the Program EIR and completing the adoption process. The session, often refe rred to as a CEQA kickoff meeting, will cover the following topics: Evaluating Environmental Impacts  Strategies for CEQA compliance  Coordination of environmental document with general plan preparation  Developing a reasonable range of alternatives  Using new or revised policies as mitigation measures  GHG gap analysis Completing the Process  Agency consultation  Public notice  Hearings  Adoption  Final documents Task G.2 Notice of Preparation The Consultants will work with Town staff to develop a project description and wil l prepare a draft Notice of Preparation (NOP) for Town staff to review. The NOP is intended to alert other public agencies about the undertaking, and to solicit their input on the scope of the study. The Consultants will submit a final PDF copy of the NOP to Town staff for posting on its website and for distribution to public agencies. It is assumed that theATownAwillAdistributeAtheANOPAusingAtheATown’sANOPAdistributionAlist.ATheAConsultantsAwillAreviewAandA make suggestions regarding the list. The Consultan ts will be responsible for filing the NOP with the State Clearinghouse/OPR. Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 15 Task G.3 Scoping Meeting The Consultants will facilitate a public and agency scoping meeting associated with the release of the NOP. The Scoping Meeting will be held during the 30 -day NOP p eriod to introduce the community to the EIR process and obtain input on the Program EIR scope of work. It will include a brief presentation, followed by public comment and input from meeting attendees. The Consultants will prepare a summary of all input ga thered, which will be included in the Draft Program EIR along with any written public comments received during the NOP comment period. Task G.4 Administrative Draft Program EIR The Consultants will prepare an Administrative Draft Program EIR (ADPEIR) in compliance with CEQA requirements using information gathered as part of the General Plan update effort and comments on the NOP, as well as information from other relevant CEQA documents completed by the Town in recent years. The Consultants will be responsible for de velopment of a legally -adequate and appropriate Program EIR for the General Plan. The Consultants will prepare the ADPEIR based on the project description approved by the Town Council. The description of the environmental and regulatory setting for the Gen eral Plan EIR will be based on the Background Reports prepared for the project (see Task B), and information from other relevant CEQA documents completed by the Town in recent years, as well as any information received during the General Plan Update proces s. Materials will be presented in a user -friendly format. We will introduce each topical section in the environmental analysis with a brief statement of its context in the ADPEIR and the development of the General Plan. This effort may include interpretive information for the reader to better understand how the General Plan affects the environment, as well as the sources of data used in the analysis. The setting for each topical section will describe existing conditions relevant to the topic and provide the groundwork for impact analysis. The number of impacts to be analyzed and the depth of analysis will be determined based on areas of concern identified by the Consultants and Town staff, as well as responses to the NOP. Thresholds used to determine the sig nificance of project impacts will be clearly stated and will include thresholds in the CEQA Guidelines, Appendix G, as well as existing regulatory standards, if applicable. Impacts will be identified, and mitigation measures will be prepared, to reduce sig nificant impacts to a less - than -significant level, when feasible. For each potentially significant impact identified in the ADPEIR, the Consultants will identify mitigation measures or policy statements proposed by the Town as part of the General Plan Upda te to avoid or reduce identified impacts. Mitigation measures will be constructed as policy statements or implementation measures to facilitate incorporation into the General Plan Update. In order to prepare an ADPEIR that meets the needs of the Town and r egulatory requirements of the State, the ADPEIR will comprise the following sections: Executive Summary. This section will provide a summary of the entire ADPEIR and include the following:  a discussion of the project objectives;  a brief description of the proposed project;  a summary of the environmental setting for the Planning Area;  a summary of impacts; 16 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update  a summary of mitigation measures (mitigating policies or programs);  a discussion of alternatives considered; and  areas of controversy, and issues remain ing to be resolved. Introduction. The ADPEIR will contain an introductory chapter that provides an overview of the project and context, summarizes CEQA requirements and the environmental review process, describes the legal purpose of the ADPEIR, outlines t he environmental issues being addressed, and presents the organization of the report. Project Description and Environmental Setting. ThisAsectionAwillAcontainAtheATown’sAobjectivesAforAtheA General Plan and a summary of the General Plan components. It will also outline the Planning Area boundaries and summarize existing conditions and new land uses proposed as a part of the project. We will describe the information in a mix of text, tabular, and graphic form (i.e., maps and diagrams). Analysis, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures. The environmental analysis section will include four main components:  Setting – description of current conditions with respect to the issue in question, including the existing regulatory environment  Impact analysis – statement of significance thresholds and discussion of potentially significant effects of the proposed project  Programmatic mitigation measures – methods by which significant effects can be reduced or eliminated, often presented as General Plan policies to be introduce d back into the plan  Level of significance after mitigation – discussion of whether proposed mitigation measures reduce impacts to below the adopted significance threshold We will consider adverse impacts that meet or exceed significance thresholds signifi cant. Additionally, all impacts will be characterized in terms of short - or long -term effects and presented in a logical discussion that the public can understand. We will discuss any inconsistencies with local or regional plans. We will discuss approaches to the impact analysis for the Program EIR with Town staff and will be consistent with the assumptions and methodologies used in recent Town -certified EIRs to the extent possible. In general, the impact analysis will focus on the issues present in the Pla nning Area and likely to be affected or impacted by the General Plan Update. Some issues, such as agriculture and mineral resources may not require a detailed analysis relative to other issues because they do not occur in Los Gatos or would be unaffected b y the project. Issues to be analyzed in a programmatic framework will include:  Aesthetics  Agriculture  Air Quality  Biological Resources  Cultural Resources  Geology and Soils  Greenhouse Gas Emissions  Hazards and Hazardous Materials Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 17  Hydrology and Water Quality  Land Use and Planning  Mineral Resources  Noise  Population and Housing  Public Services  Recreation  Transportation and Traffic  Tribal Resources  Utilities and Service Systems  All the mandatory CEQA sections including energy and growth inducement Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis The Consultants will conduct necessary analysis to address CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.4. The Consultants will prepare the GHG section of the ADPEIR addressing the contribution of GHG emissions generated by buildout of the General Pla n and their contribution to cumulative impacts related to climate change. Potential impacts and mitigation measures will be coordinated with the recommended targets and GHG emissionAreductionApotentialAofAtheAupdatedAGeneralAPlan’sApoliciesAandAprogram. Pr epare GHG Forecasts and Reduction Targets Based on the GHG emission inventory (conducted in Task 2.2), the Consultants will prepare GHG emissions forecastsA(e.g.;A“business -as -usual”)AforAcommunitywideAsourcesAforAtwoAfuture -year scenarios: 1) without appl icable legislative actions; and 2) with reductions associated with implementation of adopted Federal and State legislation (e.g., renewable energy portfolio standards, California Green Building Code standards, vehicle emissions controls, fuel efficiency st andards). The Consultants will forecast GHG emissions for 2020 (consistent with AB 32), 2030 (consistent with SB 32), and 2050 (consistent with Executive Order B - S -3 -05), along with the GPU buildout year (i.e., 2040). The Consultants will also calculate G HGAreductionAtargetsArequiredAtoAmeetAtheATown’sAlocalAfairAshareAofAtheA State’sA2020AandA2030AGHGAreductionAgoalsAinA BA32AandASBA32;AperAguidanceAfromAC RBAinAtheA2017AScopingA Plan Update and the 2017 General Plan Guidelines. Quantify GHG Reduction Measu res and Perform Gap Analysis The Consultants will quantify the GHG reduction potential of proposed General Plan policies and programs andAconductAaA“GHGAreductionAgapAanalysis”AtoAdetermineAwhetherAtheAproposedApoliciesAandAprogramsAinA the Draft General Pl anAcanAachieveAtheATown’sAGHGAreductionAtargetsAandAgoals. As part of the GHG quantification process, the Consultants will evaluate and prioritize policies and actions using the following or similar criteria:  Quantified VMT or trip reduction potential;  Qua ntified energy conservation or fuel savings potential;  Quantified renewable energy generation potential;  Quantified water efficiency and conservation potential; 18 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update  Quantified solid waste reduction and recycling potential;  Administrative/political responsibility and feasibility, implementation costs, possible funding sources, and public and private sector implementation partners. We will add all information, assumptions, and target indicators used to quantify GHG emissions reductions required to mee t the targets into the ADPEIR as a technical appendix, creating a single, master data -set for the GHG reduction analysis. If it is determined during preparation of the ADPEIR that the identified draft policies and program are not enough to achieve the Town ’sAreductionAtargetsAandAgoals;AtheAConsultantsAwillA increase participation rates of GHG reduction actions or identify new potential GHG reduction policies and actions to fill the gap. If needed, revised or new policies and implementation programs will be added to the General Plan and/ or recommended as mitigation measures. Transportation Analysis The operations of study intersections and freeway segments on SR 17 and SR 85 will be evaluated with LOS calculations during the AM and PM peak hours for the foll owing traffic study scenarios:  Existing Conditions  Cumulative 2040 without Project  Cumulative 2040 with Updated General Plan Land Use and Circulation Element TheAConsultantsAwillAuseAtransportationAforecastsAfromAtheAVT ’sAtravelAdemandAmodelAtoAdetermineA the growth in traffic, including regional traffic growth on SR 17 and SR 85 for a plan year (2040). We will add traffic estimates from Task 3 for the preferred land use to develop traffic forecasts for Scenario 3. We will prepare a LOS table showing opera ting conditions of all study intersections for each of the study scenarios, along with "Project plus mitigated conditions" (if mitigations required and/or are feasible). We will use the Town of Los Gatos and VTA criteria to identify significant impacts to intersections and freeway segments. Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Analysis The Circulation Element will include improvements to pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities and services. If bus rapid transit (BRT) is included in the Circulation Element, we will evaluate its impact at a planning level by comparing person carrying capacities and levels of service at a few selected intersections with and without its implementation. VMT Travel Forecast Model Runs to Support Air Quality and Noise Analyses The ConsultantsAwillAuseAtheAVT ’sAmodelAtoAprovideAinputAforAtheAairAqualityAandAnoiseAanalyses. For Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis: 1. Average Daily Vehicle Trips associated with existing land uses (2018) in Los Gatos 2. VMT associated with exis ting land uses in the Los Gatos 3. Average Daily Vehicle Trips associated with 2040 without Project and with Project land uses in Los Gatos (at the planning horizon) Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 19 4. VMT associated with the 2040 without Project and with Project land uses in Los Gatos – GP Plan Year 5. VMT by I -X, X -I, I -I (excluding X -X trips), if available For Noise Analysis : 1. Daily Segment Traffic Volumes for Existing for all segments analyzed 2. Daily Segment Traffic Volumes for 2040 without Project and 2040 GP Plan Year for all segments analyz ed 3. Speed limits on the segments for existing and future time frames, if available Alternatives Analysis . We will consider a range of alternatives in the ADPEIR. State CEQA Guidelines require considerationAofAtheA“NoAProject”A lternative.AForApurposesAofA this Program EIR, the No Project Alternative would be a continuation of the existing General Plan without any updates or additions. In addition to the “No -Project”A lternative;AtheAConsultantsAwillAconsiderAotherAalternativesA(suchAasAalternativeAlandAuseA scenarios) that were developed during the General Plan Update. Evaluation of alternatives will be in less detail than that for the proposed project, though the analysis will provide decision -makers and the public adequate information to decide between alte rnatives.AThisAsectionAwillAalsoAidentifyAtheA“environmentallyA superiorAalternative.”AIfAtheA“NoAProject”A lternativeAisAdeterminedAtoAbeAenvironmentallyAsuperior;AtheA ADPEIR will identify the environmentally superior alternative among the remaining scenar ios. For transportation impacts, the Consultants will analyze up to two project alternatives in a qualitative manner, with a discussion of trip generation and general discussion of potential impact differences compared to the preferred land use plan. Cumul ative Impacts . We will evaluate cumulative impacts based on planning documents for the Planning Area. We will also estimate and discuss the contribution of the proposed project to the overall cumulative impacts. Other CEQA Sections . The ADPEIR will provide , in addition to the sections discussed above, all other required CEQA sections, including areas of known controversy, growth inducement effects, energy, and significant unavoidable impacts. Task G.5 Staff Review/Screen Check Draft Program EIR The Consultants will incorporate Town staff input into the ADPEIR and provide Town staff with digital versions of the ADPEIR in both Word and PDF formats. Town staff will conduct one review of the ADPEIR and provide consolidated comments and edits. The Consultants will incorpo rate appropriate revisions and prepare a Screen Check Draft Program EIR. We will provide the Screen Check version in a digital format. Task G.6 Draft Program EIR Once the Town staff approves the Screen Check Draft Program EIR, the Consultants will prepare the Draft EIR for public circulation. The Consultants will prepare and distribute the required copies of the Draft Program EIR to the State Clearinghouse, including all required accompanying forms, such as the Notice of Completion (NOC). The Consultants will also f ile the Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft Project EIR with the Santa ClaraACountyAClerk’sAoffice.AWeAassumeAthatATownAstaffAwillAdistributeAtheANO AofAtheADraftAProgramAEIRAtoA responsible agencies, and interested agencies, organizations, and person s. We also assume that the Town willAbeAresponsibleAforArequiredAnewspaperAadsAandAotherApublicAnoticingAofAtheAdocument’sAavailability;AsuchA 20 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update as radius label mailing or onsite posting. As required by State law, the Draft Program EIR will require at least a 45 -day public review period. Products:  Draft and Final Notice of Preparation (digital version and submittal of copies of the NOP with the State Clearinghouse)  Scoping Meeting Materials  Administrative Draft Program EIR (2 hard copies and 10 CD copies to th e Town)  Screen Check Draft Program EIR (digital version)  Draft Program EIR (30 hard copies and 30 CD copies sent to the Town and 30 hard copies of the Executive Summary and 15 CD copies of the Draft Program EIR submitted to the State Clearinghouse, NOA sub mitted to the County Clerk) Task A Engagement The following activities will occur in conjunction with the work under Task A. Task H.1 Community Engagement Strategy Based on input from the kick -off meeting (Task A.1), the Consultants will work with Town s taff to prepare a comprehensive Community Engagement Strategy that will document the outreach methods to be used throughout the project. The Strategy will describe outreach responsibilities, publicity protocols, and how the engagement will be structured to ensure comprehensive community engagement. The Strategy will be structuredAtoAbeAinclusiveAofAallAthoseAwhoAmakeAupAtheA“community;”AincludingAresidents,Aworkers,Avisitors,A businesses; property owners; educational institutions; civic, community, and non -p rofit organizations; religious, social, cultural and ethnic communities; and public agencies. In addition to being inclusive, our goal is to create meaningful opportunities for involvement throughout the development of the Update. Task H.2 Branding and Project Logo The Consultants will develop a branding package for the General Plan Update. The branding package will include a project logo and style templates that we will use for all work products, the website, and publicity materials to build enthusiasm about the pr oject and ensure that this effort is distinct in the minds of the community. We will provide the Town with up to three options from which to choose. Task H.3 Set Up Online Engagement During this task, we will design and develop a project -specific website for the Lo s Gatos General Plan Update. In our work on dozens of general plan projects, we have found that having a stand alone project website, withAlinksAtoAandAfromAtheATown’sAwebsite;AprovidesAaAresponsiveAplatformAforAcommunityAengagementAwhileA not adding additi onal work for Town staff. The Consultants will build the website on a modern, user -friendly platform that allows quick and easy updates to the website. In addition to being an important public outreach and information tool, the website will serve as an adm inistrative record of the project. It will include all meeting announcements/materials, draft and final documents, and meeting summaries. The website will also be used to link to online Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 21 engagement opportunities, including Engagement HQ, developed during th e project. This scope of work includes all needed maintenance and updates to the website for the duration of the project. As part of the online outreach, we propose to use the Engagement HQ software tool and online mapping using ESRI ArcGIS Online and ESRI StoryAMap.AForAmoreAinformation;AseeA“EnhancedACommunityAEngagementA Tools”AinsetAonApageA41. Task H.4 Newsletter #1, General Plan Update Overview The Consultants will prepare a newsletter that describes what a general plan is, how and why it is being updated, the project schedule, and how the public can be involved in the update. The newsletter will be used to promote engagement opportunities. Task H.5 Form the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), GPAC Meeting #1 The Consultants will facilitate the first meeting of the G PAC. We will first present and get consensus on the overall GPAC meeting format, rules, and operating procedures. We will summarize the community engagement strategy and get GPAC input on strategy refinements. We will also ask the GPAC members to identify key issues they feel should be addressed during the General Plan Update. Task H.6 Other GPAC Meetings Six GPAC meetings, associated with specific deliverables are detailed in the Scope of Work. Budget to cover an additional 18 GPAC meetings is included and will be placed as needed. Task H.7 Community Workshop #1, Project Initiation At the beginning of the process, the Consultants will conduct the first community workshop. At the Town Hall, the Consultants will provide an overview of the key steps in the General Plan Update process, the opportunities the community will have for engagement, and changes in State law/regulations and other important issues that will affect the General Plan Update. During this Town Hall, the Consultants will also conduct an exercise to start the i dentification of issues and opportunities that should be addressed as part of the General Plan Update. Task H.8 Joint Study Session #1, Introduction to the General Plan Update At the beginning of the process, the Consultants will facilitate a Joint Study Session wi th the Town Council and Planning Commission. Given the significance of the General Plan Update, it will be important for the Council and Commission to meet the Consultants early in the program and to have a clear understanding of what to expect during the process. This meeting will provide a common understanding of the need for and purpose of the General Plan, the key steps in the preparation process, the strategy for community engagement, changes in State law and regulations since the last update, and othe r important issues affecting the General Plan preparation process. The workshop will also help establish stronger working relationships between the Consultants and Town leaders. Engagement Products During this Task:  Community Engagement Strategy (digital v ersion)  Project Logo and Design Theme Alternatives (up to 3 alternative approaches, digital version)  Project Website and Engagement HQ Site Setup 22 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update  GPAC #1 Meeting Materials and summary minutes (digital version)  Newsletter #1 (100 hard copies and digital ver sion on website)  Stakeholder Interview Summary (digital version)  Joint Study Session #1 Meeting Materials and Summary Report (digital version) Task B Engagement The following activities will occur in conjunction with the work under Task B. Task H.9 GPAC Meeting #2, Review Background Report The Consultants will facilitate Town staff and GPAC review of the GPAC Draft Background Report. Task H.10 Newsletter #2, Existing Conditions and Trends The Consultants will prepare a newsletter summarizing key findings from the Background Report and initial outreach efforts. The newsletter will be used to characterize existing conditions and trends influencing the community and promote the online engagement opportunities. Task H.11 Joint Study Session #2, Review Existing Conditions Report The Consult ants will facilitate a joint study session with the Town Council and Planning Commission to present the major findings from the Public Review Draft Background Report. The Consultants will facilitate a discussion with the Council members and Commissioners a bout the implications of the findings on the future of the community. Engagement Products During this Task:  GPAC Meeting #2 Materials and Summary Report (digital version)  Newsletter #2 (100 hard copies and digital version on website)  Joint Study Session #2 Meeting Materials and Summary Report (digital version) Task C Engagement The following activities will occur in conjunction with the work under Task C. Task H.12 Community Workshop #2, Issues and Opportunities Identification The second community workshop will be a three -part event. During the first part of the event, the Consultants will provide the community with an overview of the information developed for the Background Report. This component will highlight the existing conditions and trends that will influence the future of the community. The second part of the event will involve interactive exercises designed to gain input on the issues and opportunities that the public would like to see addressed in the General Plan Update. From the issues and opportunities discussion, workshop participants will segue to the third part of the workshop, in which the Consultants will work with smaller groups to answer questions such as: What is unique about Los Gatos that is not found anywhere else? We will work with participan ts to define a list of places they like to take out -of -townAvisitors;AplacesAtheyAconsiderA“public -places”A(i.e.;AplacesAwhereApeopleA gather), and natural or manmade features that make the community unique. Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 23 Task H.13 GPAC Meeting #3, Review Issues and Opportunitie s Report The Consultants will facilitate Town staff and GPAC review of the Administrative Draft Issues and Opportunities Report. Task H.14 Joint Study Session #3, Review Issues and Opportunities Report The Consultants will facilitate a joint study session with the Town Council and Planning Commission to present the major findings from the Issues and Opportunities Report. The Consultants will facilitate a discussion with the Council members and Commissioners about the implications of the findings for new or revised G eneral Plan policies and programs and solicit input on key issues and opportunities the Update should consider, and other interests and expectations of the Council members and Commissioners. Engagement Products During this Task:  Community Workshop #2 Mater ials and Summary Report (60 printed, digital versions)  GPAC Meeting #3 Materials and Summary Report (digital version)  Newsletter #2 (100 hard copies and digital version on website)  Joint Study Session #3 Meeting Materials and Summary Report (digital versio n) Task D Engagement The following activities will occur in conjunction with the work under Task D. Task H.15 Community Workshop #3, Vision and Guiding Principles The third community workshop will include several interactive visioning exercises that encourage commun ity participation and dialogue about the future of Los Gatos. There are several options for how to structure the community workshop (e.g., open house format or small group exercises) and which exercises to conduct. The Consultants will work with Town staff prior to the workshop to identify the format that will work best for the community. Task H.16 GPAC Meeting #4, Review Draft Vision and Guiding Principles The Consultants will facilitate Town staff and GPAC review of the Draft Vision and Guiding Principles. At this meeting, the Consultants will also review the General Plan Audit Report and confirm content to be updated and new topics to be addressed. Task H.17 Joint Study Session #4, Vision and Guiding Principles The Consultants will facilitate a joint study session with the Town Council and Planning Commission to present the draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles. The purpose of the study session will be to gain consensus on these items and provide direction to the Consultants that will guide the development of the goa ls, policies, and implementation measures in the General Plan Update. Engagement Products During this Task:  Community Workshop #3 Materials and Summary Report (60 printed, digital versions)  GPAC Meeting #4 Materials and Summary Report (digital version)  Joi nt Study Session #4 Meeting Materials and Summary Report (digital version) 24 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Task E Engagement The following activities will occur in conjunction with the work under Task E. Task H.18 Newsletter #3: Alternatives The Consultants will prepare a newsletter that summarize s the land use and policy alternatives. We will use the newsletter to educate community members on the alternatives process and generate public interest and attendance for the upcoming community workshop. Task H.19 Community Workshop #4, Alternative Choices The Cons ultants will facilitate the fourth community workshop, which will focus on identifying land use and topical (policy) choices based on previous community inputs. Policy alternatives could address items such as transportation options, healthy community updat es, public facility choices, and so forth. The workshop will contain an educational component on the fiscal, transportation, environmental, and other considerations that need to be assessed with any alternatives. The Consultants will take the input receive d at the community workshop to prepare preliminary land use concepts and relevant topical alternatives for further consideration. Task H.20 GPAC Meeting #5, Review Draft Alternatives Report The Consultants will facilitate Town staff and GPAC review of the Draft Alte rnatives Report. Task H.21 Planning Commission Meeting The Consultants and Town staff will facilitate a meeting with the Planning Commission to review the Alternatives Report and solicit their feedback and recommendations on a preferred land use alternative and key policy choices presented. Recommendations from the Planning Commission will be presented to the Town Council for consideration and direction. Task H.22 Town Council Meeting The Consultants and Town staff will facilitate a meeting with the Town Council to review the Alternatives Report and recommendations from the Planning Commission. The purpose of this meeting will be to gain Council direction on the preferred alternatives package that will be used to create the Draft General Plan. Engagement Products During this T ask:  Newsletter #3 (100 hard copies and digital version on website)  Community Workshop #4 Materials and Summary Report (60 printed, digital versions)  GPAC Meeting #5 Materials and Summary Report (digital version)  Planning Commission #5 Meeting Materials an d Summary Report (digital version)  Town Council #5 Meeting Materials and Summary Report (digital version) Task F Engagement The following activities will occur in conjunction with the work under Task F. Task H.23 GPAC #6: Draft General Plan The Consultants will facilitate Town staff and GPAC review of the GPAC Draft General Plan Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 25 Task H.24 Joint Study Sessions #5, #6, and #7 The Consultants will conduct up to three joint study sessions with the Town Council and Planning Commission to review and confirm the changes to the Ge neral Plan. The Planning Commission will recommend any final revisions or adjustments to the Town Council. The Town Council will then provide direction on any final revisions or adjustments to the General Plan prior to the preparation of the EIR. During on e of these study sessions, a presentation on VMT will be included. Task H.25 Newsletter #4, Public Draft General Plan The Consultants will prepare a newsletter summarizing the Public Draft General Plan that provides highlights of the key features and changes in the new General Plan. Task H.26 Community Workshop #5, Draft General Plan Upon release of the Public Draft General Plan, the Consultants will facilitate an open house to present the Plan to the community. The open house could be set up in the format where residents can visit stations or “booths”AfocusedAonAeachAelementAofAtheAPlan.ATownAstaffAandAConsultantsAwillAbeAstationedAatAeachAboothAtoA discuss the elements, answer questions, and gather feedback. The Consultants will promote the public review process and hearings f or the General Plan. Engagement Products During this Task:  Joint Study Session Meeting Materials and Summary Reports (digital version)  Newsletter #4 (100 hard copies, digital version)  Community Workshop #5 Materials and Summary Report (60 printed, digital versions)  Community Workshop #5 Display Boards Enhanced Community Engagement Tools Task H.27 Online Engagement While workshops and meetings are essential to an effective planning process, these traditional outreach methods of engagement are not enough to obtain the broad mix of inputs needed to make a plan responsive to the entire community. This is especially true for younger generations who are busy with work, family commitments, and other social engagements. Our approach to public outreach is to supplement commun ity workshops with web -based crowd -sourcing and social media tools to attract and engage the broadest possible audience. As part of the Update program, we will offer a range of online engagement tools that allow participation in the process while at home, work, the coffee shop, or wherever inspiration strikes. Project Website . The website will serve as the hub of project communication and information, including an overview of the project, announcements about upcoming meetings and information on past meetings and events, document library, and contact information. Engagement HQ . In addition to the Project Website as an information portal, we also propose to use Engagement HQ software tools to develop an exciting platform for online public engagement. Engagement HQ allows us to engage with the community through surveys, opinion pol ls, discussion forums, photo sharing, mapping exercises, and more. It also offers analysis and reporting tools to understand who is participating and easily summarizes community inputs. During the General Plan Update, we will use this tool to poll the comm unity on a range of topics. 26 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update If desired, the Consultants will also train Town staff to administer the site, so it can be maintained beyond the General Plan Update project as an ongoing forum for general civic engagement. We will use Engagement HQ software for active public engagement over a 12 -month period during the development of the General Plan, with the site maintained during the public review portions of the project. For more information on Engagement HQ, visit: www.bangthetable.com/engagementhq Onl ine Mapping. To help the community better understand the range of existing and future factors (natural and manmade) that will influence the future of Los Gatos, the Consultants will prepare an online mapping tool (ESRI Story Map). This online Story Map wi ll provide maps of these factors (items such as wildland fire hazards, biological resources, environmental hazards, transportation connectivity) and a short description that will describe the implications of the factor shown on each map. This type of onli ne map atlas will help support the discussion of issues and opportunities and be a component of the alternatives development. Social Media. As part of the Update process, we will provide content for social media posts that Town staff can publish on the Tow n of Los Gatos Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/losgatosca/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/townlg?lang=en), Nextdoor (https://nextdoor.com/neighborhood/losgatosmain --los - gatos --ca/), and other Town social media feeds at key points in the Update process. Task H.28 Ongoing Communication Email Blasts. As part of the Update process, the Consultants will work with the Town to develop project - specificAemailAnotificationsAthatAtheATownAwillAdistributeAusingAtheATown’sAexistingAe -notification system. Additional e -mail add resses for interested individuals that are collected by the Consultants at meetings, events, or the Project website will be provided to the Town to add to their current notification lists. Press Releases. Prior to every community workshop, we will prepare and distribute news releases to inform media outlets serving the community about upcoming meetings and ensure accurate coverage that sets realistic expectations for what the General Plan does and does not do. Task H.29 Pop -up Booth for Festivals and Events Booths at Festivals and Events. TheAConsultantsAwillAprovideAmaterialsAforATownAstaffAtoAsetAupAaA“pop -up”A booth at up to four sets of festivals and events in Los Gatos. The booth would feature boards and hand -outs that provide an overview of the General Plan Updat e, information on opportunities to get involved, and depending on which phase of the project we are in, exercises that are similar to the exercises from the most recent community workshop. It is assumed that Town staff will attend and run the booth with su pport from the Consultants. Materials will be provided relative to the following four major components of the Update: 1) project overview, 2) issues and opportunities exercise, 3) alternatives exercise, and 4) draft General Plan. Town Hall Displays. Like the booths at festivals and events, the Consultants will provide materials for Town staff to display at Town Hall. These displays will provide timely information on the Update process, provide posters on current project developments, and provide some opportunities for interactive displays designed to gain community input. Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Scope of Work | 27 Task I.1 Response to Comments Within three weeks of receipt of all comment letters on the Draft Program EIR, the Consultants w ill submit a draft Response to Comments to Town staff for review. The Response to Comments document will include a list of commenters, comment letters, responses to comments, and any added or revised text of the Draft Program EIR that may be necessary. All responses will include reasoned analysis and, as necessary, will include additional analysis. The final version of the Response to Comments will be incorporated as an appendix to the Final Program EIR. The scope and budget assume a level of effort that w ould include 100 hours of staff time for this task. This assumes receipt of approximately 15 to 25 comment letters. If the number of comment letters and the effort to prepare responses is greater than anticipated, the Consultants will notify Town staff imm ediately and discuss options to amend our scope of work and budget as necessary. Following receipt of Town staff comments, the Consultants will finalize the Response to Comments. Task I.2 Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program Concurrent with the Response to Comments, the Consultants will prepare a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP), which will be included in the Final Program EIR. The MMRP will be provided in a format designed for use by planners, environmental monitors, or code enforcement offi cers. Essentially, this plan will take the form of a detailed table that describes:  Persons/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance with each condition  Timing when monitoring must occur  Frequency of monitoring  Criteria to be used to determine compli ance with conditions The final version of the MMRP will be incorporated as an appendix to the Final Program EIR. Task I.3 Final Program EIR The Consultants will complete the Final Program EIR after the review period has closed and all comments submitted during that period have been received. The Final Program EIR will include corrections to the Draft Program EIR (if warranted), comments received, and responses. The Consultants will prepare a Screen Check Final Program EIR for Town staff review and confirmation follo wed by a Final Program EIR after incorporating comments from Town staff. The Consultants will produce print and digital copies of the Final Program EIR. Within one day of Final Program EIR certification and project approval, the Consultants will submit the draft Notice of Determination (NOD) to Town staff for delivery to the County Clerk and/or State Clearinghouse. Task I.4 Planning Commission Hearing The Consultants will attend a public hearing with the Planning Commission to review the Public Draft General Plan an d Final Program EIR. The Planning Commission will consider the comments made during the public hearing and make recommendations to the Town Council. 28 | Scope of Work Mintier Harnish – Los Gatos General Plan Update Task I.5 Town Council Hearings (2) The Consultants will attend two public hearings with the Town Council to review t he Public Draft 2040 General Plan and Final Program EIR. At these hearings, the Town Council will consider the Planning Commission recommendations and the comments made at the Planning Commission public hearing. After the hearings, the Town Council will di rect the Consultants to incorporate their recommendations and prepare the Final General Plan and Final Program EIR. Task I.6 Final General Plan Documents Following public review of the Draft Public General Plan, the Consultants will prepare the Final General Plan f or adoption. Task I.7 Town Council Adoption Hearing The Consultants will attend one hearing with the Town Council for certification of the Final Program EIR and adoption of the Final General Plan. Task I.8 Web -Based General Plan The Consultants will design the Final General Plan as an interactive web -based General Plan. The web -based plan will not simply be a document that is published online, but will be a dynamic communication tool that provides transparency, accessibility, and efficiency in local government. The web -based plan will be highly graphical and structured and designed to meet the specific needs of the Town. It will be fully searchable, allowing decision -makers and other users to quickly locate relevant information. The online format will allow cross -referenced l inks to related policies, programs, maps, or background information. Products  Response to Comments (digital version)  Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (digital version)  Final Program EIR (30 hard copies and 30 CD copies to the Town)  Tracking of comments and recommendations (all meetings, digital versions)  Final General Plan (100 hard copies, 100 CDs, digital version, 2 unbound originals for reproduction)  Color Land Use Element Exhibits (100 copies, sizes and scales to be determined)  Compilatio n CD with all milestone documents, data, and GIS files (3 CDs)  Web -based General Plan