2010120612 - Approve arts plan for implementation January 2010-June 2013�pW N 0
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MEETING DATE: 12 /6/10
ITEM NO: f. C)--
Approve the attached Arts Plan for implementation January 2010 through June 2013
The Arts and Culture Commission was centrally focused on Music in the Park for the past
several years. With the transfer of this program to the non - profit, Los Gatos Music and Arts in
December of 2009, the Commission identified the need to create a long term Arts Plan. The
Commission diligently worked over the past year to create such an Arts Plan for the Town. The
Plan focuses on a 2010 -2013 Goal from the Town's Core Values and Services plan of,
"restructuring community arts and culture programs and services to meet community priorities
and needs." The Commission participated in retreats facilitated by Shawn Spano at the Adult
Recreation Center on April 15 and April 19, 2010.
During these retreats, the Commission thoughtfully developed four focus areas for .an Arts Plan
including, Long Term Mission and Visions Statement, Public Art, Funding and Communication.
The following three objectives were set forth to develop plans for each of the focus areas: best
practice research, plan development, and clarification of next steps, These objectives were
achieved over the next several months by ad -hoc subcommittee meetings and recommendations,
along with Commission collaboration.
Subcommittees were formed to develop plans for each of the four focus areas. Through these
subcommittees and with the direction of the Arts and Culture Commission, a description,
implementation plan, funding strategy and timeline was developed for each of the focus areas.
PREPARED BY : Regina A. Falkner � 01�
Community S ervices i c fo
y S v s D re r
Reviewed by: ��Assistant Town Managek�Town Attorney
Cleric Administrator <Fl nance 'Community Development
NOVEMBER 16, 2010
Below is an overview of the Arts Plan including the four focus areas, descriptions,
recommendations for implementation, and background and fiscal information as it applies. More
specific information is included in Attachment 2.
1. Long Term Vision & Mission Statement
Goal: Create a long -term vision for the arts in Los Gatos and defined role for the
The following were developed and approved by the Commission.
Long Term Vision: A vibrant, collaborative and creative Los Gatos where the amts
are a defining feature of our identity and unique character.
Commission Mission Statement: Advocates for artistic expression that enriches
the Los Gatos experience.
2. Public Art
Goal: Increase the number of public art displays.
A. Forbes Mill Footbridge Revitalization Project
Goal: This project focuses on revitalizing the Forbes Mill Footbridge Mural while
keeping the original purpose of incorporating art from youth in our community based on
the theme, Capturing Life in Los Gatos.
Background`. The Forbes Mill Footbridge Mural is made of 156 panels, painted by the
youth of this community, with art reflecting the history and character of Los Gatos. The
original Mural Committee was formed in 1994 and was comprised of Town Staff, Town
Commission members, Los Gatos service group members, and local artists. The
Committee completed the Forbes Mill Footbridge Youth Mural Project with a $9,000
budget, approved color palette and a local artist committed to providing upkeep of the
murals including graffiti cleanup and retouching of the defaced art. Painting for this
phase of the project began in 1996 and was completed by 1998.
By 2002, several of the painted panels were in need of repair due to vandalization,
chipping and cracking. Another community group comprised of artists, community
members and students completed 10 new panels and refurbished some of the damaged
ones. In 2004, the Museums of Los Gatos received a grant from the Town of Los Gatos
Arts Commission to complete some of the unpainted panels and refurbish the mural. A
local artist assisted with the refurbishing and graffiti cleanup on the existing panels while
guiding the completion of 12 of the unfinished panels in the summer of 2005. The next
year, the remaining panels and walls leading up to the bridge were completed with the
assistance of the same local artist and a local Girl Scout troop. The bridge was then
treated with its last coat of anti - graffiti paint.
NOVEMBER 16, 2010
Since then, the bridge has been sporadically maintained by local community service
groups and other volunteers. In 2007, a member of the Los Gatos Morning Rotary
(LGMR) approached the Town on behalf of the LGMR to show interest in "adopting" the
bridge as defined by providing cleanup maintenance and repairing and repainting panels.
Since this time, the group has cleaned the bridge on several occasions.
Through the development of the attached Arts Plan, the ACC has identified the Forbes
Mill Footbridge as a project they would like to include in their work, plan. A
subcommittee was formed to research options, and has provided this recommendation for
revitalizing the project with new artwork created by Los Gatos youth.
Implementation Plan: Several panels have reached a state of defacement and damage beyond
repair, resulting in the Commission to discuss the probable need to replace some of these panels
with new installations of public art. Thus, the Commission recommends the revitalization of this
mural while keeping the original purpose of incorporating art from youth in our community.
With the theme of Capturing Life in Los Gatos, the art will be completed in conjunction with an
art instruction class held through the Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation Department's (LGS)
summer camp series. Completed art will be digitally transferred to a panel then affixed to the
bridge. It is anticipated that 30 panels will be completed annually. Prior to the start of this
revitalization project, staff will attempt to notify all past participants of the new project.
Funding: It is estimated that the cost to install art would not exceed $200 per panel, for a
total of $6,000 per installment. This cost would be covered in part by the materials fee
associated with the art instruction class through LGS and funds currently allocated for
public art. The bridge currently needs to have a coat of paint applied to the borders and
edges of each panel, and panels being replaced would be treated with the same color just
prior to new artwork being affixed. It is recommended that this fiscal impact be
incorporated into the Town's 2011 -2012 budget, within the Parks and Public Works
Department, as. the bridge requires this maintenance independent of the mural project.
Alternative funding sources would be required for this project to continue on an annual
B. Banner Program
Goal: The public art banner program focuses on enriching Downtown Los Gatos by
incorporating public art into the existing banner program.
Background: The current banner program consists of a standard banner with alternating
text on streetlight poles throughout Downtown Los Gatos and on Los Gatos Blvd. The
intent of this program is to market the Town to community members and visitors. The
banners are currently displayed year round. Best practice research of another local city
with a public art banner program has shown this model to be successful.
Implementation Plan: Local artists will be invited to submit designs in print ready
format that reflect the History and Arts of Los Gatos, or the Flora and Fauna of Los
NOVEMBER 16, 2010
Gatos. A selection committee including ACC Members and Staff will choose from 5 -8
banners for display on existing banner poles along the perimeter of Plaza Park, along
Main Street, Montebello Way and Broadway. Selected designs will be digitally printed
on the banners and include a uniform title bar that is similar to the one currently used on
existing Downtown banners to provide cohesiveness. The banners will be on display for
a 4 -6 month period with new banners added to the rotation bi- annually. This project will
be evaluated after a year.
Funding: Banners are estimated at $600 per banner. This budget includes materials,
digital image printing, installation hardware, labor to install /de- install the banners on
existing banner poles, and artist honorarium. The total for five to eight banners would
range from $3,000 to $4,800 depending on number of selected banners. It. is
recommended that funds currently allocated for Public Art be used to fund this banner
program for the first year and alternative funding would need to be explored for this
program to continue bi- annually.
C. Public Art Displays
Goal: Increase the number of public art displays by installing one to two pieces of public
art every two years.
Background: Staff will develop an inventory of possible installation locations focusing
on the Civic Center. Any artwork loaned or gifted to the Town as public art would be
subject to the acceptance and approval process set forth by the Town Council adopted
Public Art Policy.
Implementation: Upon determining an appropriate and approved location for public art,
a Call for Artists would be placed with specific requirements for artwork that fits
predetermined criteria.
Funding: The cost to install public artwork is not immediately known as it is dependent
upon installation requirements, location and maintenance. Prior to placing the Call for
Artists, a budget and funding source would need to be identified.
D. Art in the Council Chambers, Sister City Exchange
Goal: Incorporate art from one of the Town's Sister Cities into the Art in the Council
Chambers schedule'.
Background: The Town's Art in the Council Chambers Program (AICC) display six
public art shows annually in the Town's Council Chambers. Typically the shows consist
of artwork created by local artists in various mediums.
Implementation: The AICC Curator will coordinate with an identified sister city to have
one installment of Art in the Council Chambers be a collection of pieces from the city.
NOVEMBER 16, 2010
Funding: There are currently funds to provide advertisement postcards for each AICC
show, and staff provides assistance with labeling artwork and preparing supplies.
Additional funds would be needed to cover shipping costs of the artwork. It is anticipated
that project costs can be absorbed within existing Community Services Department
3. Funding
Goal: Develop funds for the arts including long term funding strategies to develop
sustainable options to fund programs on an ongoing basis.
Implementation: The Commission will investigate how other municipalities fund art
projects to determine best practices. Then, these findings will be used to evaluate project
implementation in the Town.
4. Communication
Goal: Develop communication strategies for the arts.
Implementation: Investigate and prioritize marketing tactics for approved projects and
programs. Actions around specific communication will be discussed and explored
pending Town Council approval of this plan.
The long term Arts Plan, described above, has been thoughtfully developed by the Arts and
Culture Commission through a retreat process, best practice research, subcommittee meetings
and Commission collaboration, and it is recommended that the Arts Plan be approved by Town
The recommended action is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required.
Approximately $9,800 is currently allocated to public art and was previously earmarked for a
gateway project. These funds would not require an account transfer and would be retargeted for
the projects outlined in the Arts Plan. The funds currently exist in and would be expended from
account 6999 - 68711. It is likely that this amount would fulfill one year of programming, along
with money allocated from the 2011 -2012 budget for Art in the Council Chamber and Forbes
Mill Footbridge maintenance that would be necessary independent of the Arts Plan. Alternative
sources of long term funding would need to be explored and secured to continuously offer the
outlined public art projects and programs.
NOVEMBER 16, 2010
1. Arts Plan Overview
2. Detail for Public Art Projects
Arts and Culture Commission
Increase the number of public art displays
Forbes Mill Footbridge Revitalization Project Continuous summer
Revitalize this piece of public art while keeping the original purpose project beginning 2011
of incorporating art from youth in our community based on the
theme, Capturing Life in Los Gatos.
Banner Program Bi- annual program
Enrich Downtown Los Gatos by incorporating public art into the beginning 2011/2012
existing banner program..
Public Art Displays Bi- annual program
Increase the number of public art displays by installing one to two beginning 2012/2013
pieces of public art every two years.
Art in the Council Chambers, Sister City Exchange Incorporated in the
Coordinate with an identified sister city to have one installment of AICC schedule by
Art in the Council Chambers be a collection of pieces from the city. 2012/2013
Develop communication strategies for the arts. Actions around specific
communication will be
Investigate and prioritize marketing tactics for approved projects and discussed and explored
programs. pending Town Council
approval of this plan.
Exhibit 2
Of the four focus areas included in the Arts and Culture Commission's Arts Plan, the Public Art section
focuses on increasing the number of public art displays through four specific projects. The following
description serves as general direction for the projects, with the understanding that the details may change as
the projects are further developed and implemented.
I. Forbes Mill Footbridge Revitalization Project
i. Goal
Recondition and revitalize the Forbes Mill Footbridge Mural by replacing existing art
with new art created by current youth from the Los Gatos community within the theme
of Capturing Life in Los Gatos.
ii. Background
The Forbes Mill Footbridge Mural is made of 156 panels, painted by the youth of Los
Gatos, with art reflecting the history and character of the Town. The project
originated in 1994 and was completed in stages, with the final stage reaching
completion in 2006. At this time, several panels have reached a state of disrepair, thus
the Arts and Culture Commission's Forbes Mill Footbridge Sub - Committee is
recommending the following project as a way to revitalize this piece of public art
while keeping the original purpose of incorporating art from youth in our community
at the forefront.
iii. Guidelines
1. Youth from the Los Gatos Community, in second to fifth grade would be invited on
a come first served basis to sign up for a summer art workshop through Los Gatos -
Saratoga Recreation Department. The goal of the workshop would be for the youth
to receive professional guidance and coaching on techniques used in art, and to
create a two- dimensional piece of artwork to be displayed on the Footbridge.
2. Art will reflect the theme, Capturing Life in Los Gatos, with images depicting
subject matter such as history, flora and fauna, architecture and the arts of Los
3. Youth may create more than one piece of artwork, though only one piece from each
youth will be selected for display.
4. Selection decisions on the art will be made by a selection committee comprised of
Arts and Culture Commissioners.
5. The completed artwork would then be transferred to a digital image that would be
produced on a two by three foot panel and affixed to the Footbridge. Panels may be
displayed vertically or horizontally on the bridge.
6. The exact criteria and guidelines for artwork are yet to be determined. Medium and
artistic technique could vary each summer as new panel installations take place.
7. Artwork may not display any sort of sponsorship, endorsement or advertisement for
a local business or private venture of any kind.
8. No more than thirty panels would be replaced at any one time. Though the summer
sessions may take place in multiple sessions, all thirty pieces of artwork would be
installed at one time.
9. Panels in a state of disrepair would be replaced first, with placement consideration
given so that the new panels are dispersed sporadically and not in one cluster.
NOVEMBER 4, 2010
10. An explanation of the revitalization project would be incorporated into the design of
the bridge and would likely be displayed on the walls at either /both ends of the
11. The Town has been previously approached by members of the Los Gatos Morning
Rotary to clean and maintain the bridge. Should the group choose to extend this
agreement and continue maintenance, a plaque or message acknowledging their
contribution could also appear on the fore mentioned walls.
12. All youth and their guardians will be asked to agree to terms set forth by the Town
that are yet to be determined. Such terms would include: duration of display /life
expectancy of approximately five years, procedures to be followed should the piece
be damaged or weathered beyond repair, Artist's rights, Town rights, and
retirement /decommissioning. Once artwork is removed from the bridge, the panel
would be offered to its artist.
iv. Preparation for the Revitalization Project
1. Town staff will attempt to contact the artists whose artwork is currently displayed
on the bridge and inform them of the revitalization project.
2. An event will be held at the amphitheater near the Footbridge to celebrate the
current artwork and introduce the revitalization project to the community. Invitees
will include: past artists, local art groups, and the greater Los Gatos community.
3. Local advertising will be used to inform the community of the revitalization project,
schedule for youth to participate in upcoming art camps for the bridge and the fore
mentioned celebration event.
v. Fiscal Impact
1. A "materials fee" of $75 -$100 will be assigned to each LGS Recreation camp
participant to cover the cost of the teacher, class materials and partial panel
2. The cost of the materials for each panel, including the panel itself, W /graffiti
coating, and hardware to secure it to the bridge would not exceed $200, for a total
of $6,000 per installment session. This cost could be offset by the "materials fee"
attached to the LGS Recreation art camp.
3. Each panel being replaced, and the borders of all of the panels would need to be
initially repainted one solid color, and each remaining panels would need to be
similarly painted prior to new art panel installation. It is suggested that this cost be
included in the Town's annual budget, as a maintenance cost for the bridge as this
upkeep would be necessary, independent of the proposed project.
II. Public Art Banner Program
i. Goal
Enrich the atmosphere of Downtown Los Gatos by incorporating public art created by
local artists into the Town's existing banner program.
ii. Artists
1. Qualified artists will be sought through a Call for Artists process.
NOVEMBER 4, 2010
2. To qualify, an artist must be a Los Gatos Resident, defined by those with a Los
Gatos address including county residents, and at least sixteen years of age.
iii. Guidelines for Art
1. Subject matter for the submitted art must fit the approved theme. Themes in
consideration are: The History and Arts of Los Gatos, and The Flora and Fauna of
Los Gatos.
2. Artists may submit up to four entries.
3. All art must be submitted digitally, in a print ready format including final colors and
proportionately sized to fit the final scale.
iv. Banners
1. Banners are exactly 30 x 60. The image must be smaller, to accommodate space for
standardized "Los Gatos" title bar which will appear on each final banner. The
dimensions are yet to be determined.
2. A diagram of the banners will be provided in the Call for Artists information packet
and will include the layout of the "Los Gatos" title bar.
3. Final banners will be double sided, with the same image appearing on both sides.
4. Banners will be digitally created by a 3rd party vendor using the print ready files
submitted by the artists during the selection process.
v. Art Selection
1. A selection committee will meet to select five to ten banners.
2. The committee reserves the right to postpone the project should the entries not meet
the committee's expectations.
3. The committee will review the submissions and make selections based on the above
outlined guidelines.
4. The committee will be comprised of Arts and Culture Commissioners, community
members, business and arts organizations, and staff.
5. The selection committee will be made up of no more than a total of nine members.
vi. Locations
Selected banners will be displayed in and around Plaza Park, on the corner of Main
Street and N. Santa Cruz Avenue, on poles currently equipped for hanging banners.
vii. Fiscal Impact
Banners are estimated at $600 per banner including: banner materials, digital image
printing, installation hardware, labor to install/de- install the banners on existing banner
poles, and artist honorarium. The total costs for five to ten banners would range from
$3,000 to $6,000 depending on number of selected banners
NOVEMBER 4, 2010
III. Public Art Displays
i. Goal
Increase the number of public art displays by installing one to two pieces of public art
every two years.
ii. Guidelines
As a part of the expansion plan, staff will develop a list of approved Public Art
locations. Upon choosing approved art locations, there would then be a Call for
Artists with specific requirements for an appropriate piece for the approved
location(s). Art would be selected in accordance with the Town's Public Art Selection
IV. Art in the Council Chambers Sister City Program
i. Goal
Coordinate one Art in the Council Chambers show to include art from a Sister City
ii. Guidelines
The AICC curator is exploring options for this program. It will likely include one
installation of art in an AICC show created by artists from a sister city to the Town.
N: \CSD\ART\Arts Commission \TCR Arts Plan Doemnents\Detail for Public Art Projects, Attacbment2.doex