2010081806 - Exhibit 10~~ GAN NOiVT DESIGN GROUP b{arch ?~, zoto {s. Suzanne Da~1s Commutate Def-elopment Deparuneat Town of Lo, Gatos t 10 E. \[ain Street l'.O. Bus 9~9 Lns Gatos, G~ 9~03t RE; 15923 Union Are /Lots 2 & 3 Dear Suzanne: ARCHITECTURE PL~utiiVG UR3AN DESIGV P~At~1^ilf~dG DIVI~!`::i'J This ~e a re«sed fi~L'uw up letter to mF earlier rec-iew dared \la_cii 1G, and responds to the applicant's changes mace in response to the issues raised in that revieR! Neighborhood Context T'tte site is part of Luger parcel with frontages on Ut'ie>n '>.renue snd Panorama ~ia~. Tlus specific parcel will be located nn a neR- cul-de-sac at the end of Panorama ~'a~ The site is 6urdered on all sides b} existinb single family homes, some older Ranch Steve homes and others newer, and larger homes. Phr~tos of the site aed si:rmunding neinhhorhood are ShU\Gn t1C1U\4. "EL 1' i '.1; ~7•+S =iX: ~ i i. 17' ~",.' cs+~iL ,~:~.r,, ..,,. .. ~_ I ,.,, tRU r,~33CR JRI\'f iU~'c ! + i.~t;i~.LT_ _ '~ ,. CXHi;3i7 ' +,' Ii9?.41:ni,.n_lccnuel:rt::1 :8 i Dc~i~m Rr~ica Commenn \f:uch 2~rUln P.i~~ 2 i~!~~.tiC!4 DE~IC~+ ~RJI.P t30 H,~RSOR ~F.!~,'F ~l.l'= -'•~ . ~,~i.SAL:T~~~ t^~?~?o~ Uie:!• front Panorama 4Vay looking across ste t'ie:v tram srte Iaakin rorth!vest ~iL't!~ li7. r7 fGn Ord+'l^._ ~'Y .~~ O~ ~`;j:i~.:n ~ipi:S~ S;}O i'.~.i ~a tr,~ Left '!~r~!:' O:f a:1%?t.zr;_ nau~e frot-:t ~ crC°~~? t t,_.. Close. f'o.'se aG-~~_. t'.,,;,n.~:~,i:i 1>9'_3 Utuun r\ccnuc L~~ti 3 & 1 Desires, Rceietic- C;ummcnts Issues and Concerns Parcel 3 Thi_t home is radirr well dc;i~ued with g~nd forms and interesring derail;. It is similar in sn-le and materials ar the er-istinl; lu>me nearbt- on the west side of Panorama fir;. In m,; earlier review; I w-as concerned about only one element which was the large number of second Hnor w-indow•s in d\e Hat-walled dormer on the second fluor. I•hcs were visually yen- bust, and less successful than tt~pical dormers nn houses of this st;;le chat havr mate wall area with siding celadve to tJte window- area. I outlined rhree possible apps ~achrs, and the applicanr c:une bacti with a forth one that I feel is acceptable and success- ful. The initial eleva~un and te~rised elevation are sho\vn below. Parcel 2 In my earlier review; I noted that the home nn Parcel ?had mote issue,. «lzile similar ui approach to Parcel 3 ir: irs em- phasis on tlzt: rote; and the recessed ~;ara~r, it w-as much less finisl•.rd, and had a more fray;-;ec:ed desil,*n. for r of the issues includr~': 1. T'ne stone facing w•as lunited to a relatively small purtior. of t1•:e front elrvatiua. That appmach w•culd not be comistent wirh the Rrsidr,uial Dtrign Guido tnrr Gtrr:ral Dati3n Prirrtiplzr (page 11 bullet point ~) which calls for 'Dtr3rr with ar:hih:T~ral inf;~rJ~ ore all;idat of tha fiorr,z"and Guideline 3.2? bullet poin[ ~, "CamJ wall nmtrria[i, wirrrlow t;~rr. and ar:l:Ittt- t:creel ~fi'tdlh around all ;idtr of tbt hau;t..~Is~oid;ir(z acrd raar ~Ir.•ationr that an mar.~d~ dir;erent~r~ii !hr f~arrt ale:•ation. " 2. Thr round arched entr: d~>.rr was quite aw•~,carel used wiuh rectangular :ide windows, lea~-in~ rarro~c ;eips of waL bet~.veen ~c:r dour anti wutdow ~a.•nbs and travinti an aw-; c~ardh• shanrd space between the dour and wtr:dc>w head.;. ~. The transition 5c^.veen hr arc!:rd stt~t•.e upe:urzs o~-er tY:e rn~; and she oar:t~e aad the column, be!c;ev was not well rrst~lved. U~~~NON DESiGV GROUP 1d0 H,~RSOR DRI4'E . SI;IrE '~9 . ~,~LS~LiTG . C~ 9396; Ori~ina! ~4rce! 3 Front Efevation Comments r.r•. n~ u r~rr ter ~ T'r Onf cres•atron l7'1'_y L'm~,n .b:cnuc L, ,,= 3 ~_ 3 DeeiSm Recie•.c (~,~mmenc~ ~. The d+_ai gear color of rile stucco finish d!d n+,t w-+ ~rk toll etch the rearm sel'•ow tr>nes of t'1r stone. + ~. More do _til was Herded re~areun~ rnarra:u:; ~r,~, I; d1e sr,re rca, stun or st-nrhenc stnne~). The dr:r.vin~s fur Parce! 3 are t-et, ,i.ecific i;. mar? ru matrrials..~ sim~iar de~cripr.+~n !s neeei_e:1. fur t_~'t!s parcel. Recommendations Parce! 3 1 I am saes4rd ~.t:ri1 d1e c:lan~e made c,n rhr Parcel 3 Cr.(i;s:nan tie. ie h„me, ar.d h:r:e rn, further recum!nendanur.; tuC Chan:;C Parcel 2 The house prupu;r;l ft,r dlis parcel is seal less nmshrd th:.u: d1e unr nn Parcel 3, but I bcliet•e that rhr changes proposed bl' the a?pllcanC aCC gCrtCr:lil}' aCCr:7ta!7ir. TnetiC Ch1n~CS, SI::T'nar'.i.'C'd r,n '~1C d13~ram br!+,tt', tnCllt~ir the fuL'+,a•in~: t, _~ rrfinrmrnt of rile openings in rhr stone at the entn• anti garage in terms of both sh:tpr and details. '. Thr use of stone on selecred portions of the rear and side elet-ations. 3. The aduition of a scour chimne}'. I do have a couple of recommendations for the house on Parcel 3 as follows: 1. Tile ret-iscd e!ecations short: the originallc prr,posed window trim removed. I believe dlat wntild br acceptable and fit with d1e house stile, but only if the window frames are recessed a minimum of 2 or 3 inches from the face of the w-~ll (tire photo esanlplr to the right). Staff should also ask for cl.•trincarion re,,arding the head and sill window trim shown on the drawings. ? Thr drsi~r.1 still >rems t., br to br a bit sr:ir+ed down cc,mnarrd ro that of tllc Parcel 3 hove. '~iv era>mmrndari+.-,n would be n, ad~.l a thickened ;wall base in aIl tucatiuas where sntcco is used as i<'1e trall mare: al. Ir. the architect's e-n1ai1 to me earlier, he su~`~ested that file base tt•ould not be seen hecause ni fences Uiucl+:irg the vtett•. Jtaif silouid pursue t'rus further with t11r appucant. That surelc is rhr cave alone the north side of Parcel _' tt-aere there is an rutting fence along d-:e prvpern-lire with the adjacent evsrirg house. H+,w-ever, s'1e site I17an d(,es nut currrnd~ silutc a fence sepa-a>;n;; ir'atce!s _' a:.d ~. If a fence is u, be consrrrxtetw be^a•een L'1e lets, detail: of its location and terminacoe points .are ae~e3c',? as well a; design details nc its :1e±gbr and aPr?rarauce. 4lzannr, pkzse !er r^.r Lnuu- if t•ou Have ant- auestivrs, or !i i,~1rr. are st e:ific issue. ~>f concern that I did not address. ~i^ crrelt•, C_~~\U~ Di=~IG\ GRc~~P ~G . L... ~....,.~ .. ..IrP '',j:~,~;U`: JG~iCV LROI,P 13U Hitn3C'R OR 4T . jLl`= "-~~ ~AUS~UTO Gt ~14oi Original Front Elevation Resubmitted Front Elevation t~riL`t reccmmenCeC sWc_a ~~~e