Attachment 2 - Applicant's Submittal Packet15116 Blossom Hill Rd,
Los Gatos, CA, 95032
Dear Members of the Historic Preservation Committee,
We are writing to formally request the removal of our house, located at 15116 Blossom Hill Rd,
Los Gatos, CA, 95032, from the city's historic inventory. After conducting thorough research into
the history and architectural significance of the property, We believe that it meets the criteria for
removal as outlined in the city's regulations concerning historic structures. I presented a
previous request on 07/25/2024 (PHST-24-011), which made the case that 1) the house is not
associated with significant events or persons. 2) lack significant and distinctive characteristics.
3) its historic integrity is compromised through renovation and alteration (one of which is a large
alteration and addition done in 1988).
The committee has agreed to 1 and 2, yet there was a disagreement among committee
members on point 3) whether the alternation in the house done by the previous owner in the 80s
has changed any significant characteristic. The committee did not find sufficient evidence on the
hearing on July 25th, thus we follow up on this request with additional research gathering
evidence supporting point 3 above.
We present the following additional findings:
1.Square footage area of addition is large: The permitted addition to the house area is very
large (over than 800 sq ft). Note that the total house area is around 1300 sq ft. So, this addition
is > 50% in size compared to the house (See addition plan).
2.Addition is largely visible from the street view: The entryway to our house is visible from
the street (see attached picture). The addition is so large that it also not only covers the rear of
the house but also our entryway view visible from the street (See attached picture). In total the
addition square footage placed only in this area is 12x25=300 sq ft.
3.Addition largely changing the roof lines and structure: The addition changed the house
roof line and architecture (see attached picture). Also, house siding and walls were altered to
give entry to the addition (See attached pictures). Further, the addition windows look all glass
modern style.
4.Addition of a large retaining wall completely changed the house view. Retaining walls of
this house collapsed and had to be redone completely with new material. A new retaining wall
with concrete, steel and modern stone was added in 1986 to the house front completely altering
the street view (see attached).
5.All sidings in the house are not original: We examined all sidings of our house and found
that they are made of weatherproof vinyl. This material was not used in houses in the 1940s and
was only more widely used starting in the 1970s (See Bradtmueller and Foley 2014). We
researched this finding and found evidence obtained from the previous owner that all house
sidings are not original. The old siding was completely damaged and had to be replaced. The
previous owner hired Sears company to replace all sidings (See attached receipt and pictures of
the modern house sidings). We found also evidence in the city of los gatos records of the
corresponding permits of changing the sidings.
Based on this additional evidence, I respectfully request that the Historic Preservation
Committee considers my application for the removal of my house from the historic inventory.
The property does not meet the threshold for preservation based on its historical or architectural
significance as defined by the city's criteria.
Enclosed with this letter are copies of the research findings and supporting documents that
substantiate the conclusions drawn regarding the property's historical and architectural context.
I am available to provide any additional information or documentation that may assist in your
review process.
Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look
forward to your response.
Owners of 15116 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA, 95032
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