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Item 3 - Staff Report with Exhibits.16484 S Kennedy Rd (Parcel 2) PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/13/2022 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: July 8, 2022 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Demolition of an Existing Single-Family Residence, Construction of a New Single-Family Residence, and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned HR-1. Located at 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2). APN 532-20-012. Architecture and Site Application S-21-032. PROPERTY OWNER: Justin Reilly. APPLICANT: Robin McCarthy, Architect. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Consider approval of a request for demolition of an existing single-family residence, construction of a new single-family residence, and site improvements requiring a Grading Permit on property zoned HR-1 located at 16484 S. Kennedy Road. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Hillside Residential Zoning Designation: HR-1 Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan; Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Parcel Size: 1.06 acres (46,107 square feet) Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Residential Hillside Residential HR-1 South Residential Hillside Residential HR-1 East Residential Hillside Residential HR-1 West Residential Hillside Residential HR-1 PAGE 2 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. FINDINGS: ▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. ▪ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations). ▪ As required by Section 29.10.09030 (e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures. ▪ The project complies with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G). ▪ The project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan. CONSIDERATIONS: ▪ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the west side of S. Kennedy Road, approximately 400 feet southeast from the intersection of S. Kennedy Road and Bond Court (Exhibit 1). The property is comprised of two existing parcels: an undeveloped parcel fronting Los Cerritos Drive and a parcel fronting S. Kennedy Road currently developed with a single -family residence and detached garage (Exhibit 4). On November 10, 2020, the Development Review Committee approved a lot line adjustment between the two parcels to revise the shared property line from a north-south orientation to an east-west orientation, providing for two parcels with primary frontage along S. Kennedy Road and secondary frontage on Los Cerritos Drive (Exhibit 5). The revised property line would bisect the existing residence as shown in Exhibit 5. The approved lot line adjustment includes a condition that requires approval of an Architecture and Site application for demolition of the existing residence and construction of a new residence prior to recordation of the revised property configuration (Exhibit 6, Condition 3). The Draft Conditions of Approval for this Architecture and Site application also includes a condition requiring demolition of the existing residence prior to recordation of the approved lot line adjustment PAGE 3 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 BACKGROUND (continued): and recordation of the approved lot line adjustment prior to issuance of a Building Permit for construction of the proposed residence (Exhibit 3, Condition 3). Parcel 2 is approximately 46,107 square feet with an average lot slope of 16.62 percent. The parcel is screened by topography and existing vegetation so that any development would not be visible from any of the Town’s viewing areas. The Architecture and Site application has been referred to the Planning Commission based on the size of the proposed residence. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject parcel is approximately 46,107 square feet, located on the west side of S. Kennedy Road (Exhibit 1). Single-family hillside residential development surrounds the parcel. From S. Kennedy Road, the parcel descends approximately 21 feet to the lowest point at the center of the parcel. From this low area, the parcel ascends approximately 58 feet to the western property line adjacent to Los Cerritos Drive. The Least Restrictive Development Area (LRDA) is concentrated in the eastern half of the parcel. B. Project Summary The applicant proposes demolition of the existing single-family residence and detached garage (Exhibit 7) and construction of two new single-family residences on Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, as approved under the 2020 Lot Line Adjustment discussed above. The proposed development project on Parcel 1 will be considered separately by the Planning Commission. On Parcel 2, the applicant proposes construction of a two-story residence with an attached three-car garage (Exhibit 14). The proposed residence would be located within the LRDA and would not be visible as defined by the HDS&G. The project requires a Grading Permit for site improvements with earthwork quantities exceeding 50 cubic yards. The project complies with the objective standards of the Town Code and is not requesting any exceptions from the HDS&G. C. Zoning Compliance A single-family residence is permitted in the HR-1 zone. The proposed residence is in compliance with the zoning regulations for allowable floor area, height, setbacks, and on- site parking requirements for the property. PAGE 4 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 DISCUSSION: A. Architecture and Site Analysis Pursuant to the HDS&G, when determining the maximum allowable floor area for a hillside property, the gross lot area is reduced based on its average slope. Parcel 2 is approximately 46,107 square feet with an average lot slope of 16.62 percent. Based on this average slope the net lot area is 35,392 square feet, which provides for a maximum allowable floor area of 6,000 square feet. The applicant proposes demolition of the existing 1,969-square foot residence and 1,019- square foot detached garage, and construction of a new 5,465-square foot, two-story residence including an attached 910-square foot garage and a swimming pool (Exhibit 14). The project proposes a general Contemporary style residence with neutral colors and materials. Proposed exterior materials include a standing-seam metal roof, smooth coat stucco siding, stone veneer siding, metal windows and doors, wood columns and beams, and wood garage doors (Exhibit 8). The applicant has provided a Written Description/Letter of Justification detailing the project (Exhibit 9). The residence includes a 910-square foot attached garage, 510 square feet of which would count toward the total house floor area allowed for the property. A summary of the floor area for the proposed residence is included in the table below. Floor Area Main Floor 3,110 sf Upper Floor 2,355 sf Garage 910 sf Subtotal 6,375 sf Garage Credit (400 sf) Total 5,975 sf The proposed residence would be sited on the eastern portion of the parcel within the LRDA. The maximum height of the proposed residence is 24 feet, eight inches, where a maximum of 30 feet is allowed by the Town Code and a maximum of 25 feet is allowed by the HDS&G for nonvisible homes. The project requires a Grading Permit for site improvements for earthwork quantities exceeding 50 cubic yards. The project does not require any exceptions to the HDS&G. B. Building Design The applicant proposes a general Contemporary style residence with neutral colors and materials. Proposed exterior materials include a standing-seam metal roof, smooth coat stucco siding, stone veneer siding, metal windows and doors, wood columns and beams, and wood garage doors (Exhibit 14). Pursuant to the HDS&G, exterior colors for nonvisible PAGE 5 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): homes in the hillside area may not exceed an average light reflectivity value (LRV) of 30. The exterior colors will comply with the requirements of the HDS&G as reflected in Conditions 15 and 16 included in Exhibit 3. The proposed residence has been designed with a central two-story mass and a projecting garage turned perpendicular to S. Kennedy Road (Exhibit 14). The central two-story mass is covered with a hip roof, while the garage and multiple projecting elements include gable- end roof forms. The majority of the residence is finished with smooth coat stucco siding. Stone veneer siding would be included on portions of all elevations. The main floor of the residence includes the primary living areas, an office, and a bedroom suite. The second floor includes three additional bedrooms and a main bedroom suite with a balcony on the rear elevation. The Town’s Consulting Architect reviewed the proposed residence on October 19, 2021 (Exhibit 10). In the report the Consulting Architect noted that the proposed residence is designed in a general Contemporary style with an estate home scale. The Consulting Architect identified several issues and concerns and provided recommendations for changes to the original design to increase compatibility with the Residential Design Guidelines. In response to these recommendations, the applicant made several modifications to the design of the residence, summarizing the changes in a written response (Exhibit 11). The Consulting Architect’s issues and recommendations are provided below, followed by the applicant’s response in italics. Issues and Concerns: 1. The wide difference in roof slopes and heights, including 2:12 and 5:12 slopes, is visually awkward, and do not work well in creating a unified design. It appears as though a traditional style, large home has been scrunched down, unnecessarily except for a on e- size-fits-all universal requirement in the Town’s Hillside Standards and Design Guidelines. This variation in roof slopes is not consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.5.1. We have completely redesigned the roof system to create one unified roof slope to unify the roof pitches and eliminate complexity. We also increased the height of the roof slope to 3:12 to elevate the height of the roof so that it is more consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. PAGE 6 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): 2. The truncated roof ridge and full rear gable on the front of the house are awkward, and not consistent with the architectural style. The truncated gable has been removed to eliminate the inconsistency with the architectural style. We have also unified the roof slope to one pitch and elevated the roof slope to 3:12 to elevate the height of the roof so that it is more consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2 and Roof Plan A4-1. 3. There are a number of places where materials are changed in the same plane or at an outside corner which is not consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.8.4. The termination in the stone base has been addressed by wrapping the stone veneer around so that it terminates into a wall as per Residential Design Guideline 3.8.4. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. 4. The two-story unarticulated wall on the right-side elevation is not consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3. The truncated gable has been removed. The two-story unarticulated walls have also been modified for visual relief using a continuous lower roof eave that matches the front and rear lower roof eaves to be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. 5. There is an inconsistency in the use and color of belly band trims on the rear and side elevations. The belly bands have been completely removed in favor a roof eave line at the first floor to create one continuous line around the home instead of breaking up the wall sections with a belly band to create continuity as per the Residential Design Guidelines. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. Recommendations: 1. Terminate the front gable ridges further back from the front facade to reduce the visibility of the truncated form. All truncated gables have been removed. PAGE 7 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): 2. Coordinate the size and color of the belly band trim and add to all una rticulated two- story walls. The belly bands have been completely removed in favor a roof eave line at the first floor to create one continuous line around the home instead of breaking up the wall sections with a belly band to create continuity as per the Residential Design Guidelines. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. 3. Strongly consider increasing the roof slopes to be more consistent with the proposed architectural style, and the slopes proposed on the home’s front elevation. To achieve this, floor-to-ceiling heights may need to be reduced to conform with the building height limitations in the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. We have completely redesigned the roof system to create one unified roof slope to unify the roof pitches and eliminate the complexity of the roof forms. In addition, we increased the height of the roof slope to 3:12 to elevate the height of the roof so that it is more consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. The applicant responded to the Consulting Architect’s issues and recommendations through design revisions. Staff determined that the applicant adequately addressed all issues and concerns raised in the Consulting Architect’s report. C. Neighborhood Compatibility Pursuant to the HDS&G, the maximum allowable floor area for the subject parcel is 6,000 square feet. The table below reflects the current conditions of the homes in the immediate area and the proposed project. PAGE 8 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): FAR Comparison - Neighborhood Analysis Address Zoning Gross Lot Area SF Residential SF* Garage SF Total SF** FAR No. of Stories 16420 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 65,048 5,700 965 6,665 0.10 2 16440 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 43,632 7,313 864 8,177 0.19 2 16460 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 50,161 2,706 594 3,300 0.07 2 16461 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 105,818 0 0 0 0.00 0 16481 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 40,007 3,619 569 4,188 0.10 2 16491 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 191,972 5,268 1,408 6,676 0.03 2 16500 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 49,153 1,726 480 2,206 0.04 1 16505 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 53,448 4,496 630 5,126 0.10 2 16515 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 50,235 4,590 720 5,310 0.11 2 16520 S. Kennedy Rd HR-1 69,131 5,799 1,092 6,891 0.10 1 16484 S. Kennedy Rd (E) HR-1 46,107 1,969 1,019 2,988 0.06 1 16484 S. Kennedy Rd (P) HR-1 46,107 5,465 910 6,375 0.14 2 * Residential square footage includes the residence and detached accessory structures, except garages. ** The total square footage numbers do not include below grade square footage. The properties in the immediate neighborhood are developed with one- and two-story residences and include a mix of architectural styles. The property sizes within the immediate neighborhood range from 0.9 to 4.4 acres. Based on Town and County records, the square footage of the residences located in the immediate neighborhood range from 1,726 square feet to 7,313 square feet. The applicant is proposing a 5,475-square foot residence with a 910-square foot attached garage on a 1.06-acre parcel, where a maximum total floor area of 6,000 square feet is allowed by the HDS&G. The proposed project would be the fifth largest in terms of total square footage and second largest in terms of FAR. D. Site Design The subject parcel is located on the west side of S. Kennedy Road. The parcel slopes downward from the road by approximately 11 feet to the center of the development area. The western portion of the parcel is heavily wooded with steep slopes climbing to Los Cerritos Drive. The eastern portion of the parcel includes the LRDA, within which all proposed development would occur. A new driveway would provide access from the west side of S. Kennedy Road. The driveway would serve the three-car garage and four additional on-site guest parking spaces as required by the Hillside Specific Plan. The driveway is sited to limit tree impacts and removal. The driveway, motor court, and guest parking area require the removal of four protected trees as shown on Sheet L3.0 of Exhibit 14. The main residence and attached PAGE 9 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): garage, are sited adjacent to the motor court. A pathway on north side of the house provides exterior access to the side and rear yard areas. Outdoor living areas are concentrated at the rear of the residence and include patios, a covered porch, a shade structure, and a swimming pool. E. Tree Impacts The development plans were reviewed by the Town’s Consulting Arborist who inventoried 32 protected trees within the project area on Parcel 2 and made recommendations for their preservation (Exhibit 12). The applicant responded to the recommendations of the Consulting Arborist by adjusting the locations of proposed utilities and adjusting the grading and driveway plans to limit impacts to the existing trees. Proposed tree removal is shown on Sheet L3.0 of Exhibit 14. Four protected trees are proposed for removal, three of which are species included in Appendix A of the HDS&G. Given the species and canopy size of the trees proposed for removal, 20 new trees are required to be planted on site, 10 of which must be selected from Appendix A of the HDS&G. The Landscape Plans indicate that 19 new trees will be planted on site, six of which are species included in Appendix A of the HDS&G. Staff has included a Condition of Approval that prior to issuance of a Building Permit the Landscape Planting Plan be updated to adequately address the tree replacement requirements of the Town Code (Exhibit 3, Condition 6). If the project is approved, tree protection measures would be implemented prior to construction and maintained for the duration of construction activity. Arborist recommendations for tree protection have been included in the Conditions of Approval to mitigate impacts to protected trees (Exhibit 3). F. Visibility The parcel is screened by topography and existing vegetation and any development would not be visible from any of the Town’s viewing areas. G. Grading The project includes site improvements with grading quantities exceeding 50 cubic yards, which requires approval of a Grading Permit. The new driveway, parking area, motor court, and side and rear yard areas would require 294 cubic yards of cut and 189 cubic yards of fill. The proposed grading plan does not require any exceptions from the HDS&G. PAGE 10 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): Site Grading Summary Cut Fill Total Driveway/parking 138 13 151 Side yard 65 69 134 Rear yard 91 107 198 Total 294 189 483 The Town’s Parks and Public Works Engineering staff have included a condition of approval requiring submittal and evaluation of a Grading Permit in parallel with the required Building Permits (Exhibit 3). H. Neighbor Outreach The owners have indicated that they have been meeting with the surrounding neighbors to discuss the proposed project. A summary of their outreach efforts is included as Exhibit 13. I. CEQA Determination The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Story poles and project signage were installed on the site by June 1, 2022, in anticipation of the July 13, 2022, Planning Commission hearing. At the time of this report’s preparation, the Town has not received any public comment. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is requesting approval of an Architecture and Site application for demolition of an existing single-family residence, construction of a new a single-family residence, and site improvements requiring a Grading Permit. The project is well designed and compatible with the properties in the immediate area. The project is consistent with the Zoning and General Plan Land Use designation for the property. The project complies with the applicable sections of the HDS&G and Hillside Specific Plan. PAGE 11 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 CONCLUSION (continued): B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends approval of the Architecture and Site application subject to the recommended conditions of approval (Exhibit 3). If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposed project, it should: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the findings as required by Section 29.10.09030 (e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) (Exhibit 2); 4. Make the finding that the project complies with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (Exhibit 2); 5. Make the finding that the project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan (Exhibit 2); 6. Make the considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and 7. Approve Architecture and Site Application S-21-032 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3 and the development plans in Exhibit 14. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 2. Approve the application with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Deny the application. PAGE 12 OF 12 SUBJECT: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)/S-21-032 DATE: July 8, 2022 EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Existing Lot Configuration 5. Approved Lot Configuration 6. Conditions of Approval for Lot Line Adjustment M-20-006 7. Property Photos 8. Color and Materials Board 9. Project Description and Letter of Justification 10. Consulting Architect’s Report 11. Applicant’s Response to Consulting Architect’s Report 12. Consulting Arborist’s Report 13. Applicant’s Neighbor Outreach Effort Summary 14. Development Plans S K E N N E D Y R D L O S C E R R I T O S VIV IAN DRPINTA CTC R E S C E N T D R PHILLIPS AVBOND CT 16484 S. Kennedy Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION – July 13, 2022 REQUIRED FINDINGS AND CONSIDERATIONS: 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2) Architecture and Site Application S-21-032 Requesting Approval for Demolition of an Existing Single-Family Residence, Construction of a New Single-Family Residence, and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned HR-1. APN 532-20-012. PROPERTY OWNER: Justin Reilly APPLICANT: Robin McCarthy, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: ■ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. Required compliance with the Zoning Regulations: ■ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations). Required finding for the technical demolition of existing structures: ■ As required by Section 29.10.09030 (e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures: 1. The Town's housing stock will be maintained as the single-family residence will be replaced; 2. The existing structure has no architectural or historical significance; 3. The property owner does not desire to maintain the structure as it exists; and 4. The economic utility of the structures was considered. Required compliance with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines: ■ The project complies with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. Required compliance with the Hillside Specific Plan: ■ The project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan. EXHIBIT 2 CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of Architecture and Site applications: ■ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project. N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2022\S. Kennedy Road, 16484 (Parcel 2) - 07-13-22 - PC.docx S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx EXHIBIT 3 PLANNING COMMISSION – July 13, 2022 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2) Architecture and Site Application S-21-032 Requesting Approval for Demolition of an Existing Single-Family Residence, Construction of a New Single-Family Residence, and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned HR-1. APN 532-20-012. PROPERTY OWNER: Justin Reilly APPLICANT: Robin McCarthy, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans and/or business operation shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested . 3. CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: A Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded. Prior to recordation of the Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment, the applicant shall obtain all necessary permits for demolition of the existing buildings. Said demolition shall be completed and a final inspection obtained. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit for construction of a new residence, the Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded with the County Recorder and provided to the Town. 4. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum, and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. 5. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any trees to be removed, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 6. LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN: Prior to issuance of a Building Permit the Landscape Planting Plan be updated to adequately address the tree replacement requirements of the Town Code. 7. EXISTING TREES: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan, and must remain on the site. 8. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations identified in the Arborist’s report for the project, on file in the Community Development Department. These recommendations must be incorporated in S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx the building permit plans and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 9. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing and other protection measures shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees prior to issuance of demolition and building permits and shall remain through all phases of construction. Include a tree protection plan with the construction plans. 10. TREE STAKING: All newly planted trees shall be double-staked using rubber tree ties. 11. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the front yard must be landscaped. 12. WATER EFFICIENCY LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE: The final landscape plan shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance or the State Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. 13. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 14. STORY POLES: The story poles on the project site shall be removed within 30 days of approval of the Architecture & Site application. 15. EXTERIOR COLORS: The exterior colors of all structures shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 16. DEED RESTRICTION: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder’s Office that requires all exterior materials be maintained in conformance with the Town’s Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 17. LAND USE NEAR STREAMS: The project shall comply with the Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams prepared by the Santa Clara Valley Water Resources Protection Collaborative. 18. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building plans detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. Building Division 19. PERMITS REQUIRED AS FOLLOWS: a. A Demolition Permit for the existing single-family residence and detached garage. b. A Building Permit for the new single-family residence and attached garage. c. A Building Permit for the PV System if the system is required by the California Energy Code. d. A Building Permit for the construction of the new swimming pool and attached spa. e. A Building Permit for the new trellis or any detached patio cover exceeding 120 sq. ft. S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx 20. APPLICABLE CODES: The current codes, as amended and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos as of January 1, 2020, are the 2019 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Parts 1-12, including locally adopted Energy Reach Codes. 21. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 22. BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new building addresses to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 23. SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 24. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETE DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE: Obtain a Building Department Demolition Application and a Bay Area Air Quality Management District Application from the Building Department Service Counter. Once the demolition form has been completed, all signatures obtained, and written verification from PG&E that all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed form to the Building Depart ment Service Counter with the Air District’s J# Certificate, PG&E verification, and three (3) sets of site plans showing all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG&E. No demolition work shall be done without first obtaining a permit from the Town. 25. SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 26. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, ad jacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. 27. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on -site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 28. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e., directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 29. TOWN RESIDENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: New residential units shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx a. Wood backing (2” x 8” minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs, located 34 inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars if needed in the future. b. All passage doors shall be at least 32-inch wide doors on the accessible floor level. c. The primary entrance door shall be a 36-inch-wide door including a 5’x 5’ level landing, no more than 1 inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level and with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d. A door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 30. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 31. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. 32. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE: This project is located in a Wildland-Urban Interface High Fire Area and must comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code, Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 33. PROVIDE DEFENSIBLE SPACE/FIRE BREAK LANDSCAPING PLAN: Prepared by a California licensed Landscape Architect in conformance with California Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 34. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: Provide a letter from a California licensed Landscape Architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government Code Section 51182. 35. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the Architect or Engineer of Record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at 36. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (page size same as submitted drawings) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at ARC Blueprint for a fee or online at 37. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development – Planning Division: (408) 354-6874 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5771 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 d. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx e. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 38. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Plans, Standard Specifications and Engineering Design Standards. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job-related mud, silt, concrete, dirt and other construction debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. 39. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 40. CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1 (Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website. 41. PRIOR APPROVALS: All conditions per prior approvals shall be deemed in full force and affect for this approval. 42. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT: All work in the public right -of-way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. It is the responsibility of the Owner to obtain any necessary encroachment permits from affected agencies and private parties, including but not limited to, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), AT&T, Comcast, Santa Clara Valley Water District, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Copies of any approvals or permits must be submitted to the Town Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to releasing any permit. 43. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The property owner shall provide proof of insurance to the Town on a yearly basis. In addition to general coverage, the policy must cover all elements encroaching into the Town’s right-of-way. 44. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Owner or their representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of any work that occurred without inspection. 45. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The Owner or their representative shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx removed because of the Owner or their representative's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc., shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Any new concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineerin g Construction Inspector and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. The restoration of all improvements identified by the Engineering Construction Inspector shall be completed before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The Owner or their representative shall request a walk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 46. SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction. 47. STREET CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 48. PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees associated with the Grading Permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the commencement of plan check review. 49. INSPECTION FEES: Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. 50. DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to the approval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final “as-built” plans. 51. GRADING PERMIT: A grading permit is required for all site grading and drainage work except for exemptions listed in Section 12.20.015 of The Code of the Town of Los Gatos (Grading Ordinance). After the preceding Architecture and Site Application has been approved by the respective deciding body, the grading permit application (with grading plans and associated required materials and plan check fees) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location(s), driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). Prior to Engineering signing off and closing out on the issued grading permit, the Owner’s soils engineer shall verify, with a stamped and signed letter, that the grading activities were completed per plans and per the requirements as noted in the soils report. A separate S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, is needed for grading within the building footprint. 52. ILLEGAL GRADING: Per the Town’s Comprehensive Fee Schedule, applications for work unlawfully completed shall be charged double the current fee. As a result, the required grading permit fees associated with an application for grading will be charged accordingly. 53. GRADING ACTIVITY RESTRICTIONS: Upon receipt of a grading permit, any and all grading activities and operations shall not commence until after/occur during the rainy season, as defined by Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos, Sec. 12.10.020, (October 15-April 15), has ended. 54. COMPLIANCE WITH HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: All grading activities and operations shall be in compliance with Section III of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All development shall be in compliance with Section II of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. 55. DRIVEWAY: The driveway conform to existing pavement on S. Kennedy shall be constructed in a manner such that the existing drainage patterns will not be obstructed. 56. TREE REMOVAL: Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to the issuance of a grading permit/building permit. 57. SURVEYING CONTROLS: Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a. Retaining wall: top of wall elevations and locations. b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes. 58. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the Owner, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them as well prior to commencing any work, and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on-site at all times during construction. 59. RETAINING WALLS: A building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review process. 60. PROXIMITY OF RETAINING WALLS TO ADJACENT BUILDINGS: Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, structural details for the proposed retaining walls located immediately adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of existing buildings on adjoining lots shall be submitted confirming that said walls will not negatively af fect the structural integrity of these buildings. 61. CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: A Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded. Two (2) copies of the legal description for each new lot configuration, a plat map (8-½ in. X 11 in.) and two (2) copies of the legal description of the land to be exchanged shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx Department for review and approval. The submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports less than ninety (90) days old and the appropriate fee. The certificate shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. 62. WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT: All sewer connection and treatment plant capacity fees shall be paid either immediately prior to the recordation of any subdivision or tract maps with respect to the subject property or properties or immediately prior to the issuance of a sewer connection permit, which ever event occurs first. Written confirmation of payment of these fees shall be provided prior to map recordation. 63. DEMOLITION: Within 60-days of the Development Review Committee approval action being final (i.e. after the 10-day appeal period and no requested appeals being submitted to the Town), the Property Owner shall record a Deed Restriction on each of the number (#) parcels in question which prohibits the recording of a Certificate of Compliance until one of the two (2) prerequisite actions occurs prior to the proposed recordation: 1) removal of any structures which cross lot/property lines or 2) the Property Owner successfully obtaining an Architecture & Site approval from the Town of Los Gatos for the demolition of the existing house and construction of a replacement house. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOLOGY: 64. SOILS REPORT: One electronic copy (PDF) of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design, and erosion control. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. 65. GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE: A geotechnical investigation shall be conducted for the project to determine the surface and sub-surface conditions at the site and to determine the potential for surface fault rupture on the site. The geotechnical study shall provide recommendations for site grading as well as the design of foundations, retaining walls, concrete slab-on-grade construction, excavation, drainage, on-site utility trenching and pavement sections. All recommendations of the investigation shall be incorporated into project plans. 66. SOILS REVIEW: Prior to issuance of a building permit, t he Owner’s engineers shall prepare and submit a design-level geotechnical and geological investigation for review by the Town’s consultant, with costs borne by the Owner, and subsequent approval by the Town. In the event that the deciding body requests as such, the peer review shall be completed prior to approval of a development application. The Owner’s soils engineer shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the peer review comments. Approval of the Owner’s soils engineer shall then be conveyed to the Town either by submitting a Plan Review Letter prior to issuance of grading or building permit(s). 67. SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION: During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the Owner’s soils engineer prior to placement of concrete S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design - level geotechnical report and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing shall be documented in an “as-built” letter/report prepared by the Owner’s soils engineer and submitted to the Town before a certificate of occupancy is granted. 68. SOIL RECOMMENDATIONS: The project shall incorporate the geotechnical/geological recommendations contained in the project’s geotechnical report and any subsequently required report or addendum. Subsequent reports or addendum are subject to peer review by the Town’s consultant and costs shall be borne by the Owner. IMPROVEMENT PLANS: 69. SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT: The existing sanitary sewer cleanout, currently located within the South Kennedy right-of-way, shall be relocated within the property in question, within one (1) foot of the property line per West Valley Sanitation District Standard Drawing 3, or at a location specified by the Town. The Owner shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any portion of concrete flatwork within said right -of-way that is damaged during this activity prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 70. UTILITIES: The Owner shall install all new, relocated, or temporarily removed utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code Section 27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. The Owner is required to obtain approval of all proposed utility alignments from any and all utility service providers before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. The Town of Los Gatos does not approve or imply approval for final alignment or design of these facilities. 71. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE PARKING: Construction vehicle parking within the public right-of- way will only be allowed if it does not cause access or safety problems as determined by the Town. 72. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL: All construction traffic and related vehicular routes, traffic control plan, and applicable pedestrian or traffic detour plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of an encroachment, grading or building permit. 73. ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: Advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding parking restriction, lane closure or road closure, with specification of dates and hours of operation. 74. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on- or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.), and at other times as specified by the Director of Parks and Public Works. Pri or to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall work with the Town Building Department and Engineering Division Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic fl ow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the Owner and/or Applicant to place construction notification signs noting S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, o r providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 75. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: All subdivision improvements and site improvements construction activities, including the delivery of construction materials, labors, heavy equipment, supplies, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays. The Town may authorize, on a case-by-case basis, alternate construction hours. The Owner shall provide written notice twenty-four (24) hours in advance of modified construction hours. Approval of this request is at discretion of the Town. 76. CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty -five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 77. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the Owner and/or Applicant’s design consultant shall submit a construction management plan sheet (full-size) within the plan set that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, materials storage area(s), construction trailer(s), concrete washout(s) and proposed outhouse locations. Please refer to the Town’s Construction Management Plan Guidelines document for additional information. 78. WVSD (West Valley Sanitation District): Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used. A Sanitary Sewer Clean-out is required for each property at the property line, within one (1) foot of the property line per West Valley Sanitation District Standard Drawing 3, or at a location specified by the Town. 79. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE: Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approve d type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first approved by the Building Official. The Town shall not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overflow whe re the property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the Town and maintain such device in a functional operation condition. Evidence of West Sanitation District’s decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit. 80. NPDES STORMWATER COMPLIANCE: In the event that, during the production of construction drawings for the plans approved with this application by the Town of Los Gatos, it is determined that the project will create and/or replace more than 2,500 square S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx feet of impervious area, completion of the NPDES Stormwater Compliance Small Projects Worksheet and implementation of at least one of the six low impact development site design measures it specifies shall be completed and submitted to the Engineering Division before issuance of a grading/building permit. 81. SITE DESIGN MEASURES: All projects shall incorporate at least one of the following measures: a. Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b. Minimize impervious surface areas. c. Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d. Use porous or pervious pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e. Use landscaping to treat stormwater. 82. EROSION CONTROL: Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. A maximum of two (2) weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final landscaping, shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter month s. The Town of Los Gatos Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department and the Building Department will conduct periodic NPDES inspections of the site throughout the recognized storm season to verify compliance with the Construction Genera l Permit and Stormwater ordinances and regulations. 83. DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (MPH). All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 84. AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)- recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx a. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or otherwise kept dust -free. b. All haul trucks designated for removal of excavated soil and demolition debris from site shall be staged off-site until materials are ready for immediate loading and removal from site. c. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, debris, or other loose material off -site shall be covered. d. As practicable, all haul trucks and other large construction equipment shall be staged in areas away from the adjacent residential homes. e. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day, or as deemed appropriate by Town Engineer. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. An on-site track-out control device is also recommended to minimize mud and dirt -track-out onto adjacent public roads. f. All vehicle speeds on unpaved surfaces shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour. g. All driveways and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. h. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within forty-eight (48) hours. The Air District’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Please provide the BAAQMD’s complaint number on the sign: 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-334-ODOR (6367). i. All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended when average wind speeds exceed twenty (20) miles per hour. j. Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and watered appropriately until vegetation is established. 85. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. 86. SITE DRAINAGE: Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. Any storm drain inlets (public or private) directly connected to public storm system shall be stenciled/signed with appropriate “NO DUMPING - Flows to Bay” NPDES required language. On-site drainage systems for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels, directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. If stormwater treatment facilities are to be used, they shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the adjacent property line and/or right-of-way. Alternatively, the facility(ies) may be located with an offset between 5 and 10 feet from the adjacent property and/or right -of-way line(s) if the S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx responsible engineer in charge provides a stamped and signed letter that addresses infiltration and states how the adjacent property will not be adversely affected. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 87. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town’s storm drains. 88. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. 89. NEIGHBORHOOD CONSTRUCTION COMMUNICATION PLAN: Immediately upon approval of an encroachment permit, the Owner shall initiate a weekly neighborhood email notification program to provide project status updates. The email notices shall also be posted on a bulletin board placed in a prominent location along the project perimeter. 90. PERMIT ISSUANCE: Permits for each phase; reclamation, landscape, and grading, shall be issued simultaneously. 91. COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 92. GENERAL: Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 93. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet CS-1) An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 SF whether by increasing the area of the primary residence or by creation of an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2) In all new basements and in existing basements that are expanded by more than 50%. 3) In all attached ADUs, additions or alterations to an existing one- and two-family dwelling that have an existing fire sprinkler system. Exceptions: 1) One or more additions made to a building after January 1, 2011 that does not total more than 1,000 square feet of building area and meets all access and water supply requirements of Chapter 5 and Appendix B and C of the 2019 California Fire Code. Sprinklers required for residence and detached arbor structures. S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx 94. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: The fire flow for this project is 2250 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure. If an automatic fire sprinkler system will be installed, the fire flow will be reduced by 50%, establishing a required adjusted fire flow of 1125 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure. Note: The minimum required number and spacing of the hydrants shall be in accordance with CFC Table C102.1. Provide documentation from a local water purveyor confirming the required fire flow of 1125 GPM @ 20 psi residual from a fire hydrant located within 600' of the farthest exterior corner of the structure is required. 95. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE)ACCESS DRIVEWAY REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet A1-0) An access driveway shall be provided having an all-weather surface of either asphalt, concrete or other engineered surface capable of supporting 75,000 pounds and approved by a civil engineer. It shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum turning radius of 40 feet outside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet D-1. 96. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. 97. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water- based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 98. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1. 99. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chp. 33. 100. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE: This project is located within the designated Wildland - Urban Interface Fire Area. The building construction shall comply with the provisions of S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\07-13-2022\Item 3 - 16484 S. Kennedy Road (Parcel 2)\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx California Building Code (CBC) Chapter 7A. Note that vegetation clearance shall be in compliance with CBC Section 701A.3.2.4 prior to project final approval. Check with the Planning Department for related landscape plan requirements. 101. GENERAL: This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction. A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid. Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] This Page Intentionally Left Blank S K E N N E D Y R D L O S C E R R I T O S VIV IAN DR C R E S C E N T D R PHILLIPS AVBOND CT 16484 S. Kennedy RoadExisting configuration 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Parcel 1 Parcel 2 EXHIBIT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S K E N N E D Y R D L O S C E R R I T O S VIV IAN DR C R E S C E N T D R PHILLIPS AVBOND CT 16484 S. Kennedy RoadApproved configuration 0 0.250.125 Miles °Parcel 1Parcel 2EXHIBIT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE –November 10, 2020 DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 16484 S. Kennedy Road Subdivision Application M-20-006 Requesting approval for a lot line adjustment between two adjacent lots on properties zoned HR-1. APN 532-20-012. PROPERTY OWNER: Joan Holmes APPLICANT: Justin Reilly TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1.APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director, the Development Review Committee, the Planning Commission, or Town Council, depending on the scope of the changes. 2.EXPIRATION: The Subdivision Application will expire two years from the date of approval, unless the approval is used before expiration. Section 29.20.335 defines what constitutes the use of an approval granted under the Zoning Ordinance. 3.FUTURE ARCHITECTURE & SITE APPROVAL: Prior to recordation of maps showing adjusted lot lines, an Architecture and Site Application must be approved for demolition of the non - conforming existing building and construction of a new residence(s) that comply with setbacks to adjusted lot lines. 4.TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 5.APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 6.GENERAL: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall comply with all Town, County, State and Federal laws and regulations applicable to this land division. No other proposed development is included in this particular application of the Lot Line Adjustment. Issuance of a Lot Line Adjustment will acknowledge the Town’s acceptance of the parcel as legally created in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. Any subsequent development will be required to demonstrate compliance with the Town Development Standards and Codes. EXHIBIT 6 7. CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: A Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded. Two (2) copies of the legal description for each new lot configuration, a plat map (8-½ in. X 11 in.) and two (2) copies of the legal description of the land to be exchanged shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department for review and approval. The submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports less than ninety (90) days old and the appropriate fee. The certificate shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. \\tlg-file\data\DEV\CONDITIONS\2020\Kennedy Rd, 16484 - DRC COA- 11-10-20 DRAFT.docx Page 1 of 3 ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCHITECT, #C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVENUE, SUITE #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 ROBIN@ARCHSTUDIOINC.COM 408.859-8723 EXISTING PHOTO BOARD SURVEY 16484 S. KENNEDY ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95030 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. FRONT STREET VIEW EXHIBIT 7 Page 2 of 3 ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCHITECT, #C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVENUE, SUITE #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 ROBIN@ARCHSTUDIOINC.COM 408.859-8723 EXISTING PHOTO BOARD SURVEY 16484 S. KENNEDY ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95030 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. MAIN HOUSE FRONT VIEW 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. MAIN HOUSE SIDE VIEW 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. MAIN HOUSE REAR VIEW 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. MAIN HOUSE SIDE VIEW Page 3 of 3 ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCHITECT, #C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVENUE, SUITE #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 ROBIN@ARCHSTUDIOINC.COM 408.859-8723 EXISTING PHOTO BOARD SURVEY 16484 S. KENNEDY ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95030 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. Detached GARAGE FRONT VIEW 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. Detached GARAGE SIDE VIEW 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. Detached GARAGE REAR VIEW 16484 S. KENNEDY RD. Detached GARAGE SIDE VIEW This Page Intentionally Left Blank PARCEL 2 – 16484 SOUTH KENNEDY ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA 1 of 2 EXTERIOR Exterior Specifications 1 Stucco Finish: Smooth Finish Cement Plaster Color: Benjamin Moore: Gray Huskie Location: Exterior 2 Natural Thin Veneer Stone Vendor: Peninsula Building Materials Co. Location: Exterior Accent Name: Culture Stone by Boral Stone, Hewn Stone Color: Talus 3 Entry Door Vendor: Euroline Style: Contemporary Material: Steel EXHIBIT 8 PARCEL 2 – 16484 SOUTH KENNEDY ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA 2 of 2 4 Windows Vendor: Euroline Style: Contemporary Color: Black 5 Metal Roofing Name: Standing Seam Metal Roof Location: Upper & Lower Roof Color: Charcoal Gray 6 Exterior Light Fixtures Vendor: Restoration Hardware Name: Champeaux Linear Sconce Finish: Bronze 7 Garage Door Type: Paint-grade, Solid Wood Door Color: Benjamin Moore, 2120-10 Jet Black Robin McCarthy, AIA Archit ect Lic. #C29767 Residential + Commercial Architecture 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 20 7 San Jose, CA 95125 (408) 859 -8723 Page 1 of 3 Date: December 18, 2021 To: Town of Los Gatos Planning Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Subject: Letter of Justification for the proposed demolition of an existing two-story residence & detached garage / workshop originally constructed in 1948, and the construction of two new two-story residences with attached three-car garages; new hardscape and landscape with swimming pools located at 16484 S. Kennedy Road, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (APN – 532-20-012) on two existing properties to be reconfigured through an Approved Lot Line Adjustment (M-20-006). Attn: Planning Staff: Our clients and owners/developers of the property, 16484 S. Kennedy, LLC, are proposing to demolish an existing 1,969 square foot, 3-bedroom, and 3-bath two-story residence with a detached 1,019 square foot garage and workshop with driveway, decks, porches, and patios. It is their intent and proposal to build two new two-story residences with attached 3-car attached garages in the Town of Los Gatos at the above location on each separate property. Our clients, 16484 S. Kennedy, LLC, is a premier custom home development company who is known for building high quality and architecturally pleasing custom homes in the Los Gatos and surrounding Bay Area with great attention to high quality materials and designs. We, the Architect and Consultants, have prepared and submitted the Schematic Design Plans to the Town of Los Gatos for Architectural & Site Review for the project. We have considered the guidelines outlined in the City’s Residential Design Handbook and Hillside Residential Guidelines for the Town of Los Gatos. We believe that the Planning Staff can make the “Design Review Findings” necessary to support design approval. The following information gives a general description of the project along with the compliance measures to validate reasons for support of this new residential project. Site Properties, Planning, and Neighborhood Context: The existing home and property are located at 16484 S. Kennedy Road, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (APN – 532-20-012) and is part of the HR-1 Hillside Residential Zoning District. The properties along S. Kennedy Road and in their neighborhood are of various sizes varying 1 to 5 acres. The existing home illustrates a traditional ranch style. The nearby neighborhood context is varied with a mix of transitional and traditional styles sprinkled throughout the surrounding neighborhood. There is also a good mix of single-story and two- story homes comparable in size to the new two-story residence proposed. Many of the neighboring homes have prominent facades facing the streets setback with gates and driveways, many with front porches, and many with a mix of location of parking garages. South Kennedy Road has a gradual slope with properties along one side that follow up a hillside while the other side properties slope downhill. Our client’s property is on the downhill side. The existing street and surrounding neighborhood have been under-going a modest transformation over the last 20 years. Several homes in the neighborhood have been remodeled with new additions, and several of the homes have been replaced with new homes with various traditional and contemporary design styles. The prevailing pattern of the new homes, and remodels is leaning toward a two-story home design with 2-4 car parking garages attached to the front or side of the home. EXHIBIT 9 Robin McCarthy, AIA Archit ect Lic. #C29767 Residential + Commercial Architecture 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 20 7 San Jose, CA 95125 (408) 859 -8723 Page 2 of 3 General Description of the Proposed Design: The proposed new home designs are similar in size: two-story home (5,500-6000 square feet) with an attached three-car garage (850 square feet). Each home design includes a living room space, kitchen, family room with a fireplace, dining room, covered outdoor living space, guest suite on the main floor, office, powder, laundry and utility rooms, three to four additional bedrooms with private baths and walk-in closets, a grand suite, sitting room, balcony, and utility spaces upstairs. Both homes meet and are under the maximum allowed floor area threshold for each property. Site Development, Architectural Style, and Integration with the Environment: The proposed residences are sited on a relatively flat pad of the lot approximately located where the existing residence stands and have been designed to approximately follow the natural contour of the existing property with rooms oriented to enjoy the natural light of the sun orientation of the property. The proposed new entry gate and fencing have been designed to match and compliment the neighborhood with wood and wire fencing to integrate naturally into the landscape. The new driveway slopes downhill gradually (similar to the neighboring homes) and then flattens to a motor court at the front of the residence. There is a three car parking garage attached to the home with four additional parking spaces on site. The new style of the home is primarily “Farmhouse Style” materials, details, and elements. The new home incorporates a front and rear porch. The exterior siding is a fire-resistant cement board and batten material painted in warm earth-tone colors with natural stone veneer accents. The roof material shall be a Class “A” fire resistant standing seam metal roof in a charcoal gray roof color. The window and door frames shall also be a dark charcoal gray color with black accents and contemporary exterior light fixtures. The driveway shall have warm grey pavers, and at all other patios. The proposed natural earthy-tone colors are meant to harmonize with the surrounding landscape. The height of the home meets the zoning guidelines at less than 25 feet maximum. The intention of the proposed residence is a traditional two-story design with mixed forms and shapes with some design elements that will customize and detail the home. Each façade or elevation is varied to minimize the bulk and mass of the home. The windows and doors along each façade are designed with attention to size, shape, and detail. The openings are designed to let an abundance of natural light into the home along each facade, but screen for privacy from neighbors. Where possible (except for required bedroom egress windows) we have designed a smaller window high off the finished floor for only light and air. This will allow for the neighbors and owners to maintain privacy from side-to-side. Along the rear of the home, there are beautiful views of the landscape with larger windows and patio doors facing the private back yard of the property. The landscape design is water efficient and provides some existing screening trees and vegetation. The existing water runoff patterns are preserved and away from native trees and shrubs. Preservation of Protected Trees: There are many beautiful trees on these properties. There are several Cedars and an abundance of Coast Live Oak trees which are native to this neighborhood and are part of the beautiful landscape of this area. It was our intention from the beginning of the design process with this project to work closely with our arborist consultant to not disturb and/or remove as few trees as possible with the construction of the project. There are ten trees total proposed for removal for this project, which interfere with the footprint of the new home or has been determined to be in poor health. Our project has been developed so that the landscape plan with appropriate natural design to suit the natural terrain of the property. Robin McCarthy, AIA Archit ect Lic. #C29767 Residential + Commercial Architecture 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 20 7 San Jose, CA 95125 (408) 859 -8723 Page 3 of 3 Site Visibility, Preserving Views and Access to Views: The property for both projects is located on a site that gradually slopes downhill from South Kennedy Road. The proposed new homes are approximately located one-third down the slope of the lot which means that a person standing on S. Kennedy Road looking at the new homes there would be the appearance that the homes are lower than eye-level. The drawing below is a site cross section through a portion of the property illustrating that the height of the residence is minimized located on the downhill of the slope of the land. The backyard of the property gradually slopes downhill and then at approximately the mid-point begins to slope upward from the valley toward the west toward East Cerritos Drive. There are no neighbors to the rear of the home and therefore will not block any neighbor views from the rear of the proposed new homes. The neighbors at the front of the proposed homes and property are located uphill across South Kennedy Road and are at an elevation significantly higher that the proposed residences. Conclusion: It is the Client’s directive that this residence be of a very high-quality design and construction and enhance the Los Gatos community. We are confident that these proposed new residences and properties with landscape and design will increase the values of nearby properties and will be a benchmark for outstanding design as other homes in the Los Gatos neighborhoods. We respectfully ask for the Planning staff and Commission for support and approval of this project. For additional comments or questions, please contact me at 408-859-8723. Sincerely, Robin A. McCarthy, Architect CA License No. C29767 Arch Studio, Inc. This Page Intentionally Left Blank October 19, 2021 Mr. Sean Mullin Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 16484 Kennedy Road - Parcel 2 Dear Sean: I reviewed the drawings and evaluated the site context. My comments and recommendations are as follows: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT The site is located on a gently sloping parcel spanning between South Kennedy Road and Los Cerritos Road. It is one of two similar side-by-side projects submitted under separate applications. Both sites are large, and surrounded by similar large parcels with large homes. Photos of the site and surrounding neighborhood context are shown on the following page. EXHIBIT 10 16484 Kennedy Road - Parcel 2 Design Review Comments October 19, 2021 Page 2 The Site and Existing House House to the immediate left House to the immediate right Nearby house across South Kennedy Road South Kennedy Road frontage The Site and Existing House Nearby house across South Kennedy Road Site view from Los Cerritos Road below 16484 Kennedy Road - Parcel 2 Design Review Comments October 19, 2021 Page 3 ISSUES AND CONCERNS The proposed house on this parcel is designed in a general Contemporary Style with an estate home scale. Materials include stucco, horizontal siding, stone, and standing seam metal roofing - see proposed elevations and sketches below. PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION PROPOSED LEFT SIDE ELEVATION PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION PROPOSED RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 16484 Kennedy Road - Parcel 2 Design Review Comments October 19, 2021 Page 4 ISSUES AND CONCERNS 1. The wide difference in roof slopes and heights, including 2:12 and 5:12 slopes,is visually awkward, and do not work well in creating a unified design. It appears as though a traditional style, large home has been scrunched down, unnecessarily except for a one-size-fits-all universal requirement in the Town’s Hillside Standards and Design Guidelines. And, this variation in roof slopes is not consistent with Residen- tial Design Guideline 3.5.1. 3.5.1 Unify roof pitches • Utilize the same slope for all primary roofs. 2. The truncated roof ridge and full rear gable on the front of the house are awkward, and not consistent with the architectural style. 16484 Kennedy Road - Parcel 2 Design Review Comments October 19, 2021 Page 5 3. There are a number of places where materials are changed in the same plane or at an outside corner which is not not consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.8.4. 3.8.4 Materials changes • Make materials and color changes at inside corners rather than outside corners to avoid a pasted on look. 4. The two-story unarticulated wall on the right and left side elevations are not consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3. 3.3.3 Provide visual relief for two story walls Some techniques include: • Belly bands (see photo below left) • Pop outs and bay windows • Material and color changes • Chimneys • Wide overhangs with projecting brackets • Juliet balconies (see photo below left) • Window boxes and pot shelves • Landscaped trellises and lattices 5. There is an inconsistency in the use and color of belly band trims on the rear and side elevations 16484 Kennedy Road - Parcel 2 Design Review Comments October 19, 2021 Page 6 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Terminate the front gable ridges further back from the front facade to reduce the visibility of the trun- cated form. 2. Coordinate the size and color of the belly band trim, and add to all unarticulated two-story walls. 3. Strongly consider increasing the roof slopes to be more consistent with the proposed architectural style, and the slopes proposed on the home’s front elevation. To achieve this, floor-to-ceiling heights may need to be reduced to conform with the building height limitations in the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Sean, please let me know if you have any questions, or if there are other issues that I did not address. Sincerely, CANNON DESIGN GROUP Larry L. Cannon Robin McCarthy, AIA Architect License #C29767 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 207 San Jose, CA 95125 Phone: (408) 859-8723 Website: Page 2 of 7 REPONSE TO THE ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANT COMMENTS LETTER DATED 10-19-21 AND THE E-MAIL FROM SEAN MULLIN AT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATED 01-28-22: We have taken into consideration the architectural consultant, Cannon Design Group, comments letter dated 10-19-21, and have addressed the issues concerns in the following: We have completely redesigned the roof system to create one unified roof slope to unify the roof pitches and eliminate complexity. We also increased the height of the roof slope to 3:12 to elevate the height of the roof so that it is more consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. REAR ELEVATION EXHIBIT 11 Robin McCarthy, AIA Architect License #C29767 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 207 San Jose, CA 95125 Phone: (408) 859-8723 Website: Page 3 of 7 The truncated gable has been removed to eliminate the inconsistency with the architectural style. We have also unified the roof slope to one pitch and elevated the roof slope to 3:12 to elevate the height of the roof so that it is more consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2 and Roof Plan A4-1. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION Robin McCarthy, AIA Architect License #C29767 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 207 San Jose, CA 95125 Phone: (408) 859-8723 Website: Page 4 of 7 The truncated gable has been removed. The two-story unarticulated walls have also been modified for visual relief using a continuous lower roof eave that matches the front and rear lower roof eaves to be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3. The termination in the stone base has been addressed by wrapping the stone veneer around so that it terminates into a wall as per Residential Design Guideline 3.8.4. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION Robin McCarthy, AIA Architect License #C29767 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 207 San Jose, CA 95125 Phone: (408) 859-8723 Website: Page 5 of 7 The two-story unarticulated wall has been modified to include a roof overhang at the first-floor level and is line with the other roof plane to be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3. The stone veneer at the walls have been revised so that the stone terminates into a wall versus terminating in the same plane as the exterior stucco for consistency as per Residential Design Guideline 3.8.4. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION Robin McCarthy, AIA Architect License #C29767 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 207 San Jose, CA 95125 Phone: (408) 859-8723 Website: Page 6 of 7 The belly bands have been completely removed in favor a roof eave line at the first-floor to create one continuous line around the home instead of breaking up the wall sections with a belly band to create continuity as per the Residential Design Guidelines. See revised exterior elevations Sheets A5-1 and A5-2. RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION Robin McCarthy, AIA Architect License #C29767 1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite 207 San Jose, CA 95125 Phone: (408) 859-8723 Website: Page 7 of 7 SUMMARY: All comments made by the consultant have been addressed. The stone veneer at the walls have been revised so that the stone terminates into a inside corner versus terminating in the same plane as the exterior stucco and have color and material changes for visual relief for consistency as per Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3 and 3.8.4. All truncated gables have been removed. The two-story unarticulated walls have also been modified for visual relief using a continuous lower roof eave that matches the front and rear lower roof eaves to be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.3.3. We have completely redesigned the roof system to create one unified roof slope to unify the roof pitches and eliminate the complexity of the roof forms. In addition, we increased the height of the roof slope to 3:12 to elevate the height of the roof so that it is more consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines 3.5.1 and 3.5.2. FRONT ELEVATION SINCERELY, ROBIN A. MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT CA. LIC. C29767 ARCH STUDIO, INC. PH: 408-859-8723 EMAIL: ROBIN@ARCHSTUDIOINC.COM ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 1 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Assessment of Trees in the Tag Range #1 Through #35 (Except for Non-Regulated Size Fruit and Nut Trees) at 16484 S. Kennedy / PARCEL 2 Los Gatos, California Prepared for: Mr. Sean Mullin, Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Field Visit: Walter Levison, Contract Town Arborist (CTA) 10/20/2021 Report by CTA Revised 11/8/2021 EXHIBIT 12 ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 2 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Table of Contents 1.0 Summary ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 2.0 Assignment & Background ____________________________________________________________ 11 3.0 Town of Los Gatos – What Trees are Protected? ___________________________________________ 12 4.0 Recommendations ___________________________________________________________________ 14 5.0 Tree Protection and Maintenance Directions per Town Code _________________________________ 24 6.0 Tree Replacement Standards – Los Gatos Town Code ______________________________________ 27 7.0 Author’s Qualifications ________________________________________________________________ 30 8.0 Assumptions and Limiting Conditions ____________________________________________________ 31 9.0 Certification ________________________________________________________________________ 32 10.0 Digital Images _____________________________________________________________________ 33 11.0 Tree Data Table ____________________________________________________________________ 36 12.0 Tree Location & Protection Fence Map Mark-up __________________________________________ 40 ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 3 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 1.0 Summary a. Below is a matrix style overview of protected-size trees (non-exempt species, 4-inches diameter at 4.5 feet above grade). In the table, the CTA (Contract Town Arborist) has outlined expected impacts to each tree, along with suggestions for adjustments to the plan set (if applicable) that will optimize tree survival over the long term. Appraised dollar values of trees and tree heights were not determined for this report. Only a stripped-down, limited set of data was determined for the survey trees and shown in section 11.0, given the large number of tree specimens on site. Mitigation replacement rate and size is noted for each tree in the case that removal or damage to trees occurs. Note: Only trees within relatively close proximity of proposed work are included in this tree study (e.g. tree trunks located between approximately zero and 30 linear feet of current proposed new grading, utility trenching, excavation, haul routes, landscaping, etc. as shown on proposed plans, and trees with canopy driplines that encroach onto the subject property. New Staff Protocols / High Risk Tr ees and Dead Trees Per my communications with Town Planning Division Staff in 2021, all trees with a TRAQ risk rating of “high” or “extreme”, and all trees in “dead” (i.e. 0 to 5% overall condition ratings) are allowed to be removed as no-fee removals, without any canopy replacement fees or plantings required, when a site is undergoing entitlement review. The reference for this no-fee/no-replacement removal standard is tree ordinance section 29.10.0985. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 4 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved b. MASTER SUMMARY OF EXPECTED TREE DISPOSITION: 1.0(b) i. Total trees surveyed: Tags #1 through #35, minus “non-regulated trees” (e.g. fruit and nut trees <18” total diameter, etc.) = 35 minus 3 non-regulated trees = Total of 32 regulated size trees assessed in this CTA arborist report. ii. Non-regulated trees: Three (3) trees #16 (tagged as “17” duplicate tag by another arborist), #26, and #33, all excluded from this CTA study. iii. Regulated trees: 32 of 35 trees = #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35. iv. Protect-in-Place (PIP) trees: 28 of 32 regulated trees = #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35. iv. Removal trees requested by applicant: 4 of 32 trees = #17, 27, 30, 31. v. Protect-in-Place (PIP) trees that will be significantly impacted by proposed work if site plan is built out as currently shown on plans: 12 of 28 regulated trees being retained = #18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 35. Note that the chain link tree protection fence routing shown on the last page of this report is not optimal in terms of root zone protection, and would have to be greatly increased in terms of offset distances from trunk in order to achieve “optimal” protection for many of the trees, given that the applicant’s proposed build limits encroach into the trees’ critical root zone areas. See summary table 1.0(c) below for details of specific site plan elements that are suggested to be pulled to farther offset from tree trunk edges of the above-noted 12 tree specimens being retained. vi. Fees / Tree Canopy Replacement: The total canopy replacement equivalency cost for the above-noted four (4) applicant-requested removals is installation of twenty (20) 24” box size trees on site, or an in-lieu fee payment of $5,000, or a combination of in-lieu fees and on-site 24” box size tree plantings using tree species and irrigation types to be approved by Town Staff, totaling $5,000 equivalency (to be determined during a discussion between the applicant and Town Planning Staff). The tree planting plan for Parcel 2, located on applicant sheet L4.1 (snippet at right), indicates proposed installation of nineteen (19) 24” box size trees of species that are acceptable to the CTA. If this planting plan is used, then there will be a deficit of only one (1) 24” box remaining to be added to the matrix, in order to achieve full compliance with the CTA-calculated Town of Los Gatos canopy replacement requirement of twenty (20) 24” box size trees. NOTE: AN IRRIGATION PLAN SHEET IS MISSING FROM APPLICANT’S SUBMITTAL SET. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 5 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved BELOW: TABLE 1.0 (C) (REFER TO THE CTA’S TREE MAP MARKUP IN SECTION 12.0 WHEN REVIEWING THIS MATRIX) Line Number Tree Tag Number Expected Tree Disposition Suggested Changes to Applicant’s Proposed Plans to Boost Tree Conservation Suitability Rating (TCS) to “Moderate” or “Good” Replacement Rate Per Canopy Lost Replacement Size Tree 1 1 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 4 = $1,000. 24” Box 2 2 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 3 3 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 4 4 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 5 5 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 6 6 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 7 7 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 8 8 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 9 9 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 6 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Line Number Tree Tag Number Expected Tree Disposition Suggested Changes to Applicant’s Proposed Plans to Boost Tree Conservation Suitability Rating (TCS) to “Moderate” or “Good” Replacement Rate Per Canopy Lost Replacement Size Tree 10 10 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 11 11 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 12 12 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 13 13 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 14 14 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 15 15 Retain -------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 2 = $500. 24” Box 16 (Non-regulated tree) 17 17 Removal per applicant’s plan sheets. --------------------------------------- ($250 per each 24” Box) X 4 = $1,000. 24” Box ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 7 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Line Number Tree Tag Number Expected Tree Disposition Suggested Changes to Applicant’s Proposed Plans to Boost Tree Conservation Suitability Rating (TCS) to “Moderate” or “Good” Replacement Rate Per Canopy Lost Replacement Size Tree 18 18 Retain Use trenchless technology for the “Common Trench” utility installs. Also try to push proposed parking area construction and driveway construction to farther than current proposed, in order to keep work outside the critical root zone of 11.5 feet. If the root zone were fenced off at 11.5 feet radius from trunk, the work limits for parking area and driveway edging installations would need to be pulled out to roughly 14.5 feet radius or more from trunk edge, so that the work could occur without being hindered by tree fencing. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 4 = $1,000. 24” Box 19 19 Retain Use trenchless technology for the “Common Trench” utility installs. Also try to push proposed parking area construction and driveway construction to slightly farther than current proposed, where possible. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 20 20 Retain Use trenchless technology for the “Common Trench” utility installs. Critical root zone is 10.5 feet. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 4 = $1,000. 24” Box 21 21 Retain Use trenchless technology for the “Common Trench” utility installs. Critical root zone is 8.5 feet. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 22 22 Retain Use trenchless technology for the “Common Trench” utility installs. Critical root zone is 10 feet. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 23 23 Retain Use trenchless technology for the “Common Trench” utility installs. Critical root zone is 6.5 feet. Also pull out proposed driveway footprint to farther westward than currently proposed, to attempt to avoid the critical root zone where possible, or narrow the profile slightly to achieve 6.5 feet offset from driveway edging to tree trunk edge. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 4 = $1,000. 24” Box ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 8 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Line Number Tree Tag Number Expected Tree Disposition Suggested Changes to Applicant’s Proposed Plans to Boost Tree Conservation Suitability Rating (TCS) to “Moderate” or “Good” Replacement Rate Per Canopy Lost Replacement Size Tree 24 24 ? Tree is expected to be severely impacted by deep footings, hardscape development, and building exteriors, which will require both severe clearance pruning and severe root pruning within the tree’s critical root zone of 15.5 feet offset radius. Impacts shown on plans near this tree include: 1. Vegetated swale construction. 2. Walkway construction. 3. Landing construction. 4. Residence foundation footprint excavation. 5. Parking lot subbase prep, base section, and hardscape. Feasible changes may include adjustment of some or all of the above noted items. The easier adjustments would involve use of biaxial geogrid or triaxial geogrid to allow walkways and landings to be built completely over grade as “no dig” systems. Other items such as the swale and the residence foundation are necessarily standard deep type excavation that may not be able to be adjusted (subject to discussion between Staff and applicant team). The appraised value of this tree is far greater than its canopy replacement value. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 6 = $1,500. 24” Box ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 9 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Line Number Tree Tag Number Expected Tree Disposition Suggested Changes to Applicant’s Proposed Plans to Boost Tree Conservation Suitability Rating (TCS) to “Moderate” or “Good” Replacement Rate Per Canopy Lost Replacement Size Tree 25 25 Retain Critical Root Zone of tree #25 is 16 feet of radial offset for all construction. Tree is expected to be severely impacted by proposed: 1. Sanitary sewer lateral installation. 2. Swimming pool excavation. 3. Swimming pool surround. 4. Patio work. 5. Associated edging or wall construction at limits of patio and pool surround. Feasible changes to the proposed plans would be: a. Elimination of all plan-shown land contour grading/swale development on the side of the pool surround that faces the tree, which would then allow for tree protection fence alignments to be placed farther from the tree trunk. b. Adjustment of the swimming pool and pool surround, to increase the offset radius for the limit of that work, to 15 or 20 feet from trunk edge of oak #25. c. Sanitary sewer construction using pit to pit directional bore or other “trenchless” technology to eliminate all root zone impacts associated with trenching. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 6 = $1,500. 24” Box 26 (Non-regulated tree). 27 27 Removal per applicant’s plan sheets. Note that this specimen is extremely large, with a canopy spread diameter of roughly 80 feet. The tree provides a multitude of functions including being a substrate for insects that become food for native migratory bird species. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 10 = $2,500. 24” Box 28 28 Retain Critical root zone is 10.5 feet, but given that this is a valley oak, a more appropriate CRZ distance would be 8 or 10x diameter, which would be 14 to 17.5 feet offset radius. Proposed grading and excavation related to patio work, pool surround, and associated walls and land contour grading will encroach within the above noted distances. The CTA suggests that all proposed new work be pulled back to at least 20 feet offset from trunk edge, so that RPZ tree protection fencing can be erected at 15 feet offset from trunk. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 6 = $1,500. 24” Box ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 10 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Line Number Tree Tag Number Expected Tree Disposition Suggested Changes to Applicant’s Proposed Plans to Boost Tree Conservation Suitability Rating (TCS) to “Moderate” or “Good” Replacement Rate Per Canopy Lost Replacement Size Tree 29 29 Retain Proposed synthetic turf area and the proposed vegetated swale will both encroach near to or within the critical root zone of 8.5 feet offset radius. It is suggested that both the swale and the synthetic turf area be pulled out to at least 15 feet distance from the trunk edge of tree #29, so that protective fencing can be erected at 10 feet offset from trunk. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 4 = $1,000. 24” Box 30 30 Removal per applicant’s plan sheets. Removal per plan. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 31 31 Removal per applicant’s plan sheets. Removal per plan. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 32 32 Retain Critical root zone is 13.5 feet. Proposed synthetic turf area is outside this CRZ distance, but because the CRZ needs to be fenced off with chain link fencing at 13.5 feet min. offset, there may be no additional space to build the edges of the synthetic turf area, unless it is pushed out to 18 feet offset from trunk edge, so that there is a 5 foot wide construction corridor between limit of work and the fencing, to allow work to proceed without hindrance. Therefore, the turf area may still need to be pulled out to that 18 foot offset distance from trunk edge. The proposed vegetated swale is within the CRZ offset distance from trunk, and could have a significant negative effect on the tree root system if built as proposed. The CTA suggests eliminating the swale in this area, or building it as an extremely shallow handtool-graded swale with maximum 4 inches depth of cut below existing grade elevations. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 4 = $1,000. 24” Box 33 (Non-regulated tree). 34 34 Retain Tree was not accessible. Trunk diameter relatively very small diameter. Tree is expected to survive site work construction pressures as currently proposed, as long as the vegetated swale work is performed using handtools and is kept to a maximum of roughly 4 inches depth of cut. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 11 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Line Number Tree Tag Number Expected Tree Disposition Suggested Changes to Applicant’s Proposed Plans to Boost Tree Conservation Suitability Rating (TCS) to “Moderate” or “Good” Replacement Rate Per Canopy Lost Replacement Size Tree 35 35 Retain Tree was not accessible. Trunk is in close proximity to the proposed vegetated swale. i.e. within the calculated Critical Root Zone offset radius. Tree is expected to survive site work construction pressures as currently proposed, as long as the vegetated swale work is performed using handtools and is kept to a maximum of roughly 4 inches depth of cut. Heavy irrigation during construction will also help partially offset (mitigate) root loss and root damage caused by the proposed swale construction. ($250 per each 24” Box) X 3 = $750. 24” Box 2021-22 Town of Los Gatos In-lieu fee equivalent = $250 per each required 24” box mitigation tree planting not installed on the site. 15-gallon size trees are only allowable as new plantings for developed properties measuring < 10,000 square feet, but the same $250 per-tree fee still applies when calculating in-lieu fees for all required canopy replacement trees that will not actually be installed on the site by the applicant. This particular property measures greater than 10,000 square feet, and is therefore not eligible for the 15-gallon size replacement tree standard. 2.0 Assignment & Background Walter Levison, Contract Town Arborist (CTA) was directed to tag and assess all Protected-Size (4-inch diameter and greater) trees in relatively close proximity to the proposed site plan project area, including off-site trees on neighboring properties which were expected to be negatively impacted by the applicant’s planned work. The CTA assessed the entire set of 2021 plans. Tree data in section 11.0 of this CTA report is a “partial data” set, consisting of simplified data, without tree heights noted. Tree tags were affixed by the applicant’s arborist as round aluminum numbered tags affixed to the mainstem of each tree. Because of the large number of trees on this site, the CTA decided to use a limited set of data points for collection, to ease the tree review process and simplify analysis of tree impacts by proposed construction. Therefore, tree heights and some other data were not determined. See the simplified tree data table in section 11.0 of this report. Similarly, trees were not appraised by the CTA, as the dollar value determination process is very time consuming, and only of relevance if a tree were to be severely damaged on site during construction, and a tree value recovery plan initiated by Town Staff. The Canopy Replacement Rates noted in the 5th column of the summary table above are the official calculation of replacement “costs” that are used by Town Staff to determine fees levied against applicants for tree damage or tree removal related to site plan entitlement projects, for cases where replacement tree plantings are not actually installed on site. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 12 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Privets, fruit and nut trees, and palms were excluded from this CTA study, as these are considered non-regulated “exemption trees” per the Town tree ordinance, except in cases where the fruit and nut trees have single or multiple stems totaling greater than 18 inches diameter, or are non- fruiting, non-nut exemption species with one or more mainstems totaling greater than 24 inches diameter. The CTA’s recommendations in section 4.0 of this report are based on published information in various standard arboriculture texts, such as the series of Best Management Practices (BMP) companion publication (booklets) published by International Society of Arboriculture that are periodically updated over time. The series of BMP booklets accompany the ANSI-A300 USA standards for tree care used by U.S.-based tree care companies. Additional supporting information includes digital images of some trees groupings archived by the CTA as section 10.0, and a tree map markup JPEG embedded as section 12.0. As noted above in this report, the tree fencing alignments shown as red dashed lines on the tree map markup on the last page of this report are non-optimal, and would have to be pulled out to much farther distances from tree trunks in order to achieve optimal root zone protection in terms of full protection of the trees’ “critical root zones”. The current proposed build limits in many cases encroach into the critical root zone areas of some of the largest and most important trees on this site, such as trees #18, 24, 25, 28, and #29. Irrigation plan sheet The applicant’s submittal set of plan sheets does not include an irrigation plan sheet. Therefore, impacts to trees being protected in place (PIP) from irrigation pipe trenching, which could potentially be “severe”, were not determined as of the date of writing. 3.0 Town of Los Gatos – What Trees are Protected? Per the most recent (2015) iteration of the Town of Los Gatos tree ordinance (Town Code Chapter 29 – Zoning Regulations, Article 1), the following regulations apply to all trees within the Town’s jurisdiction (wordage adjusted): 1. All trees with at least a single mainstem measuring four (4) inches diameter or greater at 4.5 feet above grade are considered “Protected Trees” when removal relates to any development review. 2. 12 inch diameter (18 inch multistem total) trees on developed residential property not currently subject to development review. 3. 8 inch diameter (8 inch multistem total) blue oak (Quercus douglasii), black oak (Quercus kellogii), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), and Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) on developed residential lots not currently subject to development review. 4. 8 inch diameter (8 inch multistem total) trees on developed residential property not currently subject to development review, on lots in the designated Hillside Area per the official Town map. 5. All trees with a single mainstem or sum of multiple mainstems totaling 48 inches diameter or greater at 4.5 feet above grade are considered “Large Protected Trees” (LPT). 6. All oak species (Quercus spp.), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), and Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) with one or more mainstems totaling 24 inches diameter or more at 4.5 feet above grade are considered “Large Protected Trees” (LPT). ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 13 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 7. Section 29.10.0965. Prohibitions: A permit is required to prune, trim, cut off, or perform any work, on a single occasion or cumulatively, over a three- year period, affecting 25% or more of any Protected Tree (including below ground root system). 8. Section 29.10.0965. Prohibitions: A permit is required to prune, trim, or cut any branch or root greater than four (4) inches in diameter of a Large Protected Tree. 9. Section 29.10.0965. Prohibitions: A permit is required to conduct severe pruning on any protected tree. Severe pruning is defined in section 29.10.0955 as “topping or removal of foliage or significant scaffold limbs or large diameter branches so as to cause permanent damage and/or disfigurement of a tree, and/or which does not meet specific pruning goals and objectives as set forth in the current version of the International Society of Arboriculture Best Management Practices-Tree Pruning and ANSI A300-Part 1 Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management-Standard Practices, (Pruning).” 10. Exceptions: Severe Pruning Exception in Town Code section 29.10.1010(3) “…..except for pollarding of fruitless mulberry (Morus alba) or other species approved by the Town Arborist….”. Protected Tree Exceptions: a. Edible fruit or nut bearing trees less than 18 inches diameter (multistem total or single stem), including fruiting olive trees. b. Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood acacia) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) c. Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip tree) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) d. Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) e. Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian blue gum) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) f. Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River red gum) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) g. Other eucalyptus species (E. spp.) not noted above, less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) (REMOVAL O.K. ONLY AT HILLSIDE AREA LOCATIONS PER OFFICIAL TOWN MAP): h. All palm species (except Phoenix canariensis) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) i. Ligustrum lucidum (glossy privet) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) Note that per the exception in part ‘a’ above, fruiting olive trees with main stems totaling less than 18 inches are considered non-protected. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 14 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 4.0 Recommendations 1. Project Arborist (“PA”): Initial Signoff It is recommended that a third party ASCA registered consulting arborist or ISA Certified Arborist with good experience with tree protection during construction be retained by the applicant, to provide pre-project verification that tree protection and maintenance measures outlined in this section of the arborist report are adhered to. Periodic (e.g. monthly) inspections and summary reporting, if required as a project condition of approval, are suggested in order to verify contractor compliance with tree protection throughout the site plan project. This person will be referred to as the project arborist (“PA”). The PA should monitor soil moisture within the root protection zones of trees being retained, using a Lincoln soil moisture probe/meter or equivalent. If required, inspection reports shall be sent to Mr. Sean Mullin, Associated Planner ( ). Sample wordage for a condition of approval regarding monitoring of tree protection and tree condition: “The required protective fencing shall remain in place until final landscaping and inspection of the project. Project arborist approval must be obtained and documented in a monthly site activity report sent to the Town. A mandatory Monthly Tree Activity Report shall be sent at least once monthly to the Town planner associated with this project ( ) beginning with the initial tree protection verification approval letter”. 2. Project Team Pre-Project Adjustments, Clarifications, and Limits Suggested or Required: 2a. PROPOSED NEW WATER SERVICE PIPE INSTALL METHOD FOR PARCELS 1 AND 2: For both water service pipes for parcels 1 and 2, the alignments can remain basically as currently proposed. However, in order to avoid moderate to severe root damage to (Parcel 1 trees #1 through #10), the installation method shall be a “trenchless” technology only, such as, but limited to “directional bore” (see sample image at right). The pit in the image at right is the “send pit” for a 240 volt electrical conduit install in Santa Clara, CA on a project overseen by the CTA. The send pit and the receiver pit shall both be located outside of the chain link root protection zone (RPZ) fence perimeter as shown on the CTA’s tree map markup at the end of this CTA arborist report. Note that the excavation of soil for creation of the send pit and receiver pit in itself could cause significant root loss to one or more of the trees in the grouping #1 through #10. Both water service pipes for parcels 1 and 2 should be able to be bored starting from a single “send pit”. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 15 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 2b. PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY ALIGNMENT AND WIDTH: The proposed new driveway alignment and width should be considered for adjustment, in order to save Parcel 2 trees #18, 19, and #23 from unnecessary severe root loss during excavation and grading for the roadway base section. The optimal location for the Parcel 2 driveway and Parcel 2 parking lot area grading and construction is approximately: • Tree #18: 15 feet offset for driveway and parking lot. • Tree #19: 12 feet offset for driveway edge. • Tree #23: 10 feet offset for driveway approach. One of the reasons that the driveway and parking lot area need to be pulled to farther offset distances from the trunk edges of these three trees is that there needs to be a gap (a construction corridor space) between the chain link tree protection fencing alignment and the limit of parking lot and driveway work, so that work can proceed as planned, without causing the protective fencing to be destroyed by construction personnel trying to “work around it”. Therefore, it is always best to create and maintain a horizontal space of at least 4 to 5 feet between the fence line and the expected limit of new work. 2c. COMMON TRENCH (CT): For the proposed common trench or “CT” that will extend from street to residence, the applicant shall use “directional bore” or other trenchless technology to avoid trenching along the plan sheet-indicated alignment. The send pit and the receiver pit used for the directional bore shall be located outside the chain link root protection zone (RPZ) fence enclosure. This will avoi d causing varying degrees of negative impact to the root systems of Parcel 2 trees #18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and #23. 2d. RESIDENCE FOOTPRINT VS TREE #24: It is suggested that the residence footprint be pulled to a distance farther than currently proposed, in terms of horizontal offset distance from deodar cedar #24. The optimal distance would be roughly 20 feet offset, so that the protective chain link fencing could be erected at 15 feet offset from trunk edge. Note however that there are other impacts such as the vegetated swale and the gravel walkway, both noted below in this arborist report section, that will cause additional negative impacts to the tree #24 root system. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 16 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 2e. POOL SURROUND AND PATIO AREAS AND ASSOCIATED LAND CONTOUR GRADING VS TREES #25, 28, 29: Proposed new land contour grading, patio foundations/edging, and pool surround foundations/edging work, as currently shown on the applicant’s plans, encroaches into the tree #25, 28, and #29 critical root zones. All of this above noted work should if possible be pulled to the following offset distances from trunk edges, in order to allow for the critical root zones to be completely protected behind chain link tree protection zone fencing, and also allow for a 4 to 5 foot wide construction corridor between the limits of work and the chain link fencing panels: • Tree #25: 20 feet offset for all proposed new work, including land contour grading. • Tree #28: 20 feet offset for all proposed new work, including land contour grading. • Tree #29: 15 feet offset for all proposed new work, including land contour grading. 2f. SANITARY SEWER VS TREE #25: The proposed sanitary sewer (SS) pipe trench alignment shown on the applicant’s utility plan sheet will cause severe root loss and root damage to tree #25 if installed using the traditional “open trench” method. The easiest way to avoid this expected root damage would be to simply install the SS pipe using pit to pit directional bore, or another equivalent “trenchless” technology, which avoids trenching altogether. Alternatively, the SS pipe could be installed using open trench method if it were pulled out to at least 20 feet offset distance between trunk edge and trench wall. 2g. SYNTHETIC TURF AREA VS TREES #29 AND #32: Proposed new synthetic turf work, as currently shown on the applicant’s plans, encroaches into the tree #29 and #32 critical root zones. This work should if possible be pulled to the following offset distances from trunk edges, in order to both allow for full fencing protection of the critical root zones and to allow for creation of a 5 foot wide construction corridor between the limits of work and the chain link tree protection fence lines: • Tree #29: 15 feet offset for synthetic turf area edging. • Tree #32: 19 feet offset for synthetic turf area edging. Side Note: It is the CTA’s understanding that many municipal jurisdictions are now considering banning, or have already banned, the installation of synthetic turf systems on residential lots, due to the fact that installation of synthetic turf typically requires preparation of a compacted baserock base that necessarily impedes stormwater infiltration into the subgrade to a high degree (personal communication with municipal engineer staff in a jurisdiction outside Town of Los Gatos, November, 2021). If the Town is considering a ban on synthetic turf installations, this information will need to be conveyed to the CTA. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 17 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 2h. VEGETATED SWALE VS TREES #24, 25, 32, 35: Proposed new vegetated swale construction work, as currently shown on the applicant’s plans, encroaches into trees #24, 25, 32, and #35 critical root zones. This work should if possible be pulled to the following offset distances from trunk edges, in order to both allow for full fencing protection of the critical root zones and to allow for creation of a 5 foot wide construction corridor between the limits of work and the chain link tree protection fence lines: • Tree #24: 20 feet offset for edge of swale. • Tree #25: 20 feet offset for edge of swale. • Tree #32: 19 feet offset for edge of swale. • Tree #35: 10 feet offset for edge of swale. Note that the depth of cut for the swale, as shown at right on a snippet taken from applicant sheet C6, indicates only 4 inches below grade. However, the actual impact of the swale will occur during planting of the swale with hundreds of individual 4” diameter potted plants, which will each require their own planting pits, or a roughed up area that will be effectively twice as deep as the 4 inch deep swale, in order to allow for the plants to be correctly installed in soil. Also note that irrigation for the swale is not indicated anywhere on the plans, and could involve additional rigid irrigation pipe installations that would then feed the swale plantings via drip emitter lines or other systems. Given the potential impacts to tree root systems caused by planting hundreds of small plants as groundcover for the swales, plus possible extensive irrigation pipe trenching damages during installation of water delivery pipes to feed those plants, the easiest way to avoid these tree root zone impacts might be to simply pull the swale edges to the offset distances suggested above in this bulleted item #2(h). ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 18 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 2i. GRAVEL WALKWAY VS. TREE #24: The proposed gravel walkway surface, baserock base, and any associated support materials, to be built within the critical root zone of tree #24, shall all be constructed as a no-dig system (i.e. completely over-grade), with both baserock base and surface materials floated over existing grade elevation. Eliminate any and all “subbase preparation” (aka “subbase scarification and recompaction). In order to accomplish this goal of installing a no-dig walkway without any subbase preparation, use a load bearing membrane of the highest performance level, such as a biaxial or triaxial geogrid designed for use as an underlayment for highway construction purposes. Consult with a local geosynthetics sales rep for more information. At right is an image of a Stanford University parking lot project on which the CTA was the consulting arborist. We used Tensar brand TriAx model TX160 for this project, laid out over the ground, and built up class II baserock over the geogrid. The asphalt finish surface was then simply laid over the baserock. The edging for this parking lot was poured in place to avoid using a deep curb footing. All subbase prep was eliminated, and there was no scarification or recompaction at all. The only grading work was initial scrapping out of the surface organic layer, prior to laying the geogrid underlayment. 2j. IRRIGATION PLAN: It is suggested that Town planning staff require that the applicant prepare an irrigation plan sheet showing accurate, scaled representation of all proposed new irrigation piping, both rigid and flex tubing, with depths of cover (DOC) indicated in inches below existing soil grade. The CTA typically suggests that all rigid irrigation piping such as schedule 40 PVC piping, etc. be offset at least 15 to 25 horizontal feet from the trunk edges of all trees being protected in place (PIP). The 15 foot offset standard is appropriate for smaller trees such as those measuring 4” to 10” diameter each, whereas the 25 foot offset standard is appropriate for older, larger tree specimens such as those measuring between 10” and 30” diameter each. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 19 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved For areas of the Parcel 2 site that will require irrigation within these minimum suggested offset distances, the CTA suggests that the applicant be required to use only over-grade commercial type flexible tubing such as flexible PVC UV- resistant irrigation piping that can be solvent-welded (blue glue) to all PVC based irrigation components (see sample image at right showing Salco brand flexible PVC tubing that is considered “commercial grade” for full-time above- ground use. This material is relatively very thick-walled, and is therefore highly resistant to rodent chewing, when compared to standard thin-walled ½” diameter flex irrigation tubing sold by irrigation supply houses). Depth of cover for flex tubing: 0 to 3 inches max, for areas within 25 horizontal feet of trees being protected in place (PIP). 3. Trunk Buffer Wrap Type III Protection: Prior to demolition commencement, install trunk buffers around all trees being retained on-site: Wrap one (1) entire roll of orange plastic snow fencing around the trunk of each single on-site tree, between grade and 6 to 8 feet above grade to create a padding of at least 1 to 2 inches thickness around each tree trunk. Stand 2x4 wood boards upright, side by side, around the entire circumference of the orange plastic wraps. Affix using duct tape (do not use wires or ropes). See spec image above right showing the wooden boards correctly mounted against one entire roll of orange snow fencing, such that the wood does not actually touch the trunk at all. Trees to be wrapped at this site: All trees being retained. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 20 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 4. Chain Link Fencing Type I and/or Type II Root Protection Zone (RPZ): Prior to demolition commencement, erect chain link fencing panels set on moveable concrete block footings (see sample image below right). Wire the fence panels to iron layout stakes pounded 24 inches into the ground at the ends of each fence panel to keep the fence route stabilized and in its correct position. Do not wire the fence panels to the trunks of the trees. These panels are available commonly for rent or purchase. Alternative Fencing / Tube Posts and Rolled Chain Link: Using a professional grade post bounder, pound 7-foot long 2-inch diameter iron tube posts 24-inches into the ground, at 6 to 10- foot spacing maximum on-center, and hang steel chain link fencing material minimum 5-feet height on the tube posts. These materials are available for purchase at many retail and wholesale construction supply houses such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, Grainger’s, White Cap, Harbor Freight, etc. Note on Fencing Alignments: Tree fencing alignments shown as red dashed lines on the CTA tree map markup on the last page of this report are “non-optimal”, and would have to be pulled out to much farther distances from tree trunks in order to achieve optimal root zone protection in terms of full protection of the trees’ “critical root zones”. The current proposed build limits in many cases encroach into the critical root zone areas of some of the largest and most important trees on this site, such as, but not limited to, trees #18, 24, 25, 28, and #29. Pre-construction fence routes: Per the red dashed lines on the tree map mark-up attached to this WLCA arborist report: (Routes may be subject to change, depending on the finalized alignments of work items). This fencing must be erected prior to any heavy machinery traffic or construction material arrival on site. The protective fencing must not be temporarily moved during construction. No materials, tools, excavated soil, liquids, substances, etc. are to be placed or dumped, even temporarily, inside the root protection zone or “RPZ”. No storage, staging, work, or other activities will be allowed inside the RPZ except with PA monitoring. 5. Signage: The RPZ fencing shall have one sign affixed with UV-stabilized zip ties to the chain link at eye level for every 20 to 30 linear feet of fencing, minimum 8”X11” size each, plastic laminated or printed with waterproof ink on waterproof paper, with wordage that includes the Town Code section that refers to tree fence protection requirements (wordage can be adjusted): ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 21 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved TREE PROTECTION ZONE FENCE ZONA DE PROTECCION PARA ARBOLES -NO ENTRE SIN PERMISO- -LLAME EL ARBOLISTA- REMOVAL OF THIS FENCE IS SUBJECT TO PENALTY ACCORDING TO LOS GATOS TOWN CODE 29.10.1025 PROJECT ARBORIST: TELEFONO CELL: EMAIL: Note: Walter Levison, Contract Town Arborist is an independent consultant retained under contract with Town of Los Gatos Planning Division Staff, and is not the “PROJECT ARBORIST”. 6. Tree Removal Permitting / Removal of Protected-Size Trees / Mitigation: Applicant-proposed trees to be removed include trees #17, 27, 30, and #31. The total canopy replacement mitigation required for removal of these four trees is payment of $5,000, or installation of twenty (20) 24” box size trees. The applicant’s planting plan sheet L4.1 shows installation of nineteen (19) 24” box size trees of species that are appropriate for the Los Gatos area. Therefore, the applicant’s project for Parcel 2 will be at a single-tree deficit. This means only one additional planting or payment of $250 to the Town of Los Gatos tree planting fund, will need to be made, in order for Parcel 2 to be in full compliance with Town tree canopy replacement code. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 22 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 7. Tree Pruning and Maintenance: PRUNING: Retain the services of an ISA Certified Arborist to perform pruning work on trees requiring clearance pruning or other tree maintenance. All pruning work on trees at this project will need to be performed directly by an ISA Certified Arborist, or under full-time on-site direct supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist. All pruning shall conform to the most current iteration (2017) of ANSI-A300 tree, shrub, and other woody plant maintenance / pruning and the Best Management Practices companion pamphlet to the ANSI-A300 pruning standards, published by International Society of Arboriculture. Toward this end, pruning should consistently be limited to 25% max. removal of live wood and foliage in a given single growing season, and should focus specifically on limb length reduction pruning (aka “endweight reduction pruning” or “reduction pruning”), which involves removing the uppermost and outermost sections of a canopy, to effectively shorten limbs and reduce load forces acting on the limb attachment points. Do not perform liontailing type pruning which involves removal of lower elevation and inner canopy live wood and foliage. Roughly 90% of all Bay Area tree pruning consists of liontailing and topping pruning work, which is incorrect and non-industry conforming work contrary to the ANSI A300 pruning standards documents that govern tree care work in the United States. Tree tag numbers to receive limb length reduction pruning to achieve airspace clearance (horizontal clearance): • Tree #18 (clearance requirements will depend on finalized location of the proposed new parking lot footprint). • Tree #19 (clear the proposed new driveway footprint). • Tree #24: This tree will be severely damaged by pruning if the proposed residence footprint were built as currently shown on plan sheets. The CTA suggests pulling the residence footprint out to at least 20 feet distance from trunk edge. • Tree #25: The canopy of this tree currently extends over the proposed pool and pool surround areas. Extensive limb length reduction will be required to clear the airspace of these areas. • Tree #28: This valley oak specimen exhibits a 50 foot canopy spread diameter that will conflict with proposed pool, pool surround, and patio areas. Extensive pruning of a potentially severe degree may be required to avoid leaf drop issues in the future. This airspace clearance pruning may be considered a “significant negative impact”, and would be added to the root loss and root damage impacts below ground that are expected to occur, unless the project applicant can pull proposed pool and adjacent patio areas to farther offset distances from the trunk edge of this tree, such as 20 feet minimum offset distance from proposed limits of work. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 23 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Right: Limb Length Reduction Pruning Mockup for Reference (Walter Levison, Consulting Arborist). The limb extending left was pruned to remove the outermost (leftmost) end of the limb system, resulting in a shorter limb with less load force on the limb attachment point, and less mass at the extended end, reducing risk of limb splitout. 8. Irrigation Temporary (During Work Period): Adjusted volume and frequency to be determined by the project arborist (PA). Apply water over a large square footage of the trees’ root zones (i.e. not at trunk base). For most trees, irrigation should occur between zero and 20 feet out from trunk edge. For native oaks in the Bay Area, irrigation should be restricted to at least 20 or 25 feet offset from trunk edges. Volume: +/- 100-200 gallons per each single tree, applied on a single day, 1x/month for oaks, 4x/month for coast redwoods and deodar cedars. Volume typically depends on trunk diameter. Large mature trees typically receive roughly 200 gallons per each soaking, but redwoods and cedars if irrigated every week should receive 100 to 125 gallons per soaking. Right: Image of a spray tank apparatus on one of the CTA’s projects, used to irrigate tree specimens adjacent to the roadway. Below Right: Soaker hose snaked in concentric circles directly over the entire root zone of a large coast redwood tree specimen being retained at Stanford University, on a project being overseen by the CTA. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 24 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 5.0 Tree Protection and Maintenance Directions per Town Code The following is excerpted directly from the 2015 iteration of the Town of Los Gatos tree ordinance sections which provide specific tree protection directions and limitations on root pruning and above-ground pruning: Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (a) A tree survey shall be conducted prior to submittal of any development application proposing the removal of or impact to one or more protected trees. The development application shall inc lude a Tree Survey Plan and Tree Preservation Report based on this surv ey. The tree surv ey inventory num bers shall correspond to a num bered metal tag placed on each tree on site during the tree surv ey. The tree surv ey plan shall be prepared by a certified or consulting arborist, and shall inc lude the followi ng information: (1) Location of all exi sting trees on the property as described in section 29.10.0995; (2) Identify all trees that could potentially be aff ect ed by the project (directly or indirectly- immediately or in long term), such as upsl ope grading or compaction out side of the dripline; (3) Notation of all trees classified as protected trees; (4) In addition, for trees f our (4) inches in diam eter or larger, the plan shall specify the precise location of the trunk and crown spread, and the species, si ze (diam eter, height , crown spread) and condition of the tree. (b) The tree surv ey plan shall be reviewed by the T own’s consulting arborist who shall, after making a field visit to the property, indicat e in writing or as shown on approved plans, which trees are recommended for preserv ation (based on a retention rating of high/moderate/low) using, as a minimum, the Standards of Review set f orth in section 29.10.0990. This plan shall be m ade part of the staff report to the Town reviewing body upon its consi deration of the application for new property development; (c) When developm ent impacts are wi thin the dri pline of or wi ll affect any protected tree, the applicant shall provide a tree preserv ation report prepared by a certified or consulting arborist. The report, based on the findings of the tree survey plan and other relevant information, shall be used to determine the health and structure of exi sting trees, the eff ects of the proposed dev elopm ent and vegetation removal upon the trees, recommendations for specific precautions necessary f or their preservation duri ng all phases of development (dem olition, grading, during construction, landscaping); and shall also indicat e which trees are proposed for removal. The tree preservation report shall stipulat e a required tree protection zone (TPZ) for trees to be retained, including street trees, protected trees and trees whose canopies are hanging over the projec t site from adjacent properties. The TPZ shall be f enced as specified in section 29.10.1005: (1) The final approved tree preservation report shall be included in the building permit set of development plans and printed on a sheet titled: Tree Preservation Instructi ons (Sheet T-1). Sheet T-1 shall be ref erenced on all relevant sheets (civil, demolition, uti lity, landscape, irrigation) where tree im pacts from improvements may be shown to occur; (2) The Town rev iewing body through its site and design plan review shall endeavor to protect all trees recommended for preservation by the Town’s consulting arborist. The Town reviewing body may determine if any of the trees recomm ended for preservation should be removed, if based upon the evidence submitted the reviewing body determines that due to special site grading or other unusual characteristics associated wi th the property, the preserv ation of the tree(s) would significantly preclude feasible development of the property as described in section 29.10.0990; (3) Approval of final site or landscape plans by the appropriat e Town rev iewi ng body shall comply wit h the foll owi ng requirem ent s and conditions of ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 25 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved approval: a. The applicant shall, wi thin ninety (90) days of final approv al or prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever oc curs first, secure an appraisal of the condition and value of all trees inc luded in the tree report affected by the dev elopm ent that are required to remain within the development using the Tree Value Standard methodology as set forth in this Chapter. The appraisal of each tree shall recognize the location of the tree in the proposed dev elopment. The appraisal shall be performed in accordance wi th the current edition of the Guide for Plant Apprai sal published by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) and the Species and Group Classification Guide published by the W estern Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture. The appraisal shall be perf ormed at the applicant's expense, and the appraisal shall be subject to the Director's approval. b. The site or landscape plans shall indicate which trees are to be removed. However, the plans do not constitute approval to remove a tree until a separate permit is granted. T he property owner or applicant shall obtain a protected tree remov al permit, as outlined in section 29.10.0980, for each tree to be removed to satisfy the purpose of this divisi on. (d) Prior to acceptance of proposed developm ent or subdivision im provements, the developer shall submit to the Director a final tree preservation report prepared by a certified or consulting arborist. This report shall consider all trees that wer e to remain wit hin the developm ent . The report shall note the trees' health in relation to the ini tially reported condition of the trees and shall note any changes in the trees' num bers or physical conditions. The applicant wi ll then be responsi ble for the loss of any tree not previously approved for removal. For protected trees, which were removed, the developer shall pay a penalty in the am ount of the appraised value of such tree in addition to replacem ent requirements contained in section 29.10.0985 of this Code. The applicant shall remain responsible for the health and survival of all trees wi thin the development for a period of five (5) years f oll owi ng acceptance of the public im provem ent s of the dev elopment or certificat e of occupancy. (e) Prior to issuance of any demolition, gr ading or building permit, the applicant or contractor shall submit to the Buil ding Departm ent a written statem ent and photographs v erifying that the required tree protection f ence is installed around street trees and protected trees in accordance with the tree preservation report. (f) If required by the Director and conditioned as part of a di scretionary approval, a security guarantee shall be provided to the Town. Prior to the issuance of any permit all owing construction to begin, the applicant shall post cash, bond or other security satisf actory to the Director , in the penal sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for each tree required to be preserv ed, or twenty-fiv e thousand dollars ($25,000.00), whichever is less. The cash, bond or other security shall be retained for a period of one (1) year f oll owing acceptanc e of the public improvements f or the developm ent and shall be f orfeited in an am ount equal to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per tree as a civil penalty in the event that a tree or trees required to be preserved are removed, destroyed or severely damaged. (g) An applicant wit h a proposed development which requires underground utilities shall avoid the inst allation of said utilities wit hin the dripline of existing trees whenever possi ble. In the event that this is unavoidable, all trenching shall be done using directional bori ng, air-spade excavation or by hand, taking extreme caution to avoid dam age to the root structure. Work within the dripline of existing trees shall be supervised at all times by a certified or consulting arborist. (h) It shall be a violation of thi s division for any property owner or agent of the owner to fail to comply with any development approval condition concerning preserv ation, protec tion, and maintenance of any protected tree. (Ord. No. 2114, §§ I, II, 8-4-03) ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 26 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Sec. 29.10.1005. Protection of trees during construction. (a) Protective tree f encing shall specify the following: (1) Size and materials. Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, m ounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) f eet at no m or e than 10-f oot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and wh en stipulated in a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base. (2) Area type to be f enced. Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a sm all planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plast ic f encing shall be wrapped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch with 2-inc h wooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used to avoid dam aging any bark or branches. (3) Duration of Type I, II, III f encing. Fencing shall be erected bef ore demolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in place until the wor k is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection f ence. (4) Warning sign. Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an 8.5 x 11-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone-this f ence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025". (b) All persons, shall com ply with the following precautions: (1) Prior to the commencement of construction, inst all the f ence at the dri pline, or tree protection zone (TPZ ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other m aterials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles wi thin the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. (2) Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and lev eling wi thin the dripline of the tree unless approv ed by the Director. (3) Prohibit disposal or deposi ting of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmf ul m aterials wit hin the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dri pline of a protected tree. (4) Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any pr otected tree. (5) Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outsi de of the dripline when feasi ble. (6) Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serv e as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whe never activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be pr eserved and shall document all site visits. (7) The Di rect or and project arborist shall be notified of any dam age that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered. (Ord. No. 2114, §§ I, II, 8-4-03) ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 27 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Sec. 29.10.1010. Pruning and maintenance. All pruning shall be in accordance with the current version of the International Society of Arboriculture Best Managem ent Practices—Tree Pruning and ANSI A300-Part 1 Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Managem ent—St andard Practices, (Pruning) and any special conditions as determined by the Director. For developments, which require a tree preservati on report, a certified or consulting arborist shall be in reasonable charge of al l activities involving protected trees, incl uding pruning, cabling and any other work if specified. (1) Any public utility installing or maintaining any overhead wires or underground pi pes or conduits in the vicinity of a protect ed tree shall obtain permission from the Director before performing any work, including pruning, which may cause injury to a protected tree. (e.g. cable TV/fiber optic trenching, gas, water, sewer trench, etc.). (2) Pruning for clearance of uti lity lines and energized conductors shall be performed in compliance wit h the current versi on of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 (Part 1)- Pruning, Section 5.9 Utility Pruning. Using spikes or gaffs when pruning, ex cept where no other alternative is available, is prohibited. (3) No person shall prune, trim, cut of f, or perform any work, on a singl e occasion or cumulatively, over a three-year period, aff ecting twenty-five percent or m ore of the crown of any protected tree without first obtaining a permit pur suant to this division ex cept f or pollarding of fruitless mulberry trees (Morus alba) or other species approved by the Town Arborist. Applications f or a pruning permit shall include photographs indi cating where pruning is proposed. (4) No person shall remove any Heritage tree or large protected tree branch or root through pruning or other m ethod greater than four (4) inches in diameter (12.5” in circumference) wit hout first obtaining a permit pursuant to this division. (Ord. No. 2114, §§ I, II, 8-4-03) 6.0 Tree Replacement Standards – Los Gatos Town Code (Excerpted from Town Code 29.10.0985 and 29.10.0987) (1) Two (2) or m or e replacement trees, of a species and size desi gnated by the Director, shall be planted on the subject privat e property. T able 3-1 The Tree Canopy—Replacem ent Standard shall be used as a basis for this requirem ent . The person requesti ng the permit shall pay the cost of purchasing and planting the replacement trees. (2) If a tree or trees cannot be reasonably plant ed on the subject property, an in-lieu payment in an am ount set f ort h by the T own Council by resolution shall be paid to the Town Tree Replacement Fund to: a. Add or replace trees on public property in the vicini ty of the subject property; or b. Add or replac e trees or landscaping on ot her T own property; or c. Support the Town’s urban f orestry managem ent program. (Ord. No. 2114, §§ I, II, 8-4-03) ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 28 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved T abl e 3-1 - Tree Canopy - Replacem ent Standard Canopy Size of Removed Tree 1 (Staff is using 24” box size as the Replacement Standard for SFR Projects as of 2016 for properties >10,000 sq.ft.) 2,4 Replacement for (Developed) Single Family Residential Properties <10,000 sq. ft.3,4 10 feet or less Two 24 inch box trees Two 15 gal lon trees More than 10 feet to 25 feet Three 24 inch box trees Three 15 gallon trees More than 25 feet to 40 feet Four 24 inch box trees; or Two 36 inch box trees Four 15 gal lon trees More than 40 feet to 55 feet Six 24 inch box trees; or Three 36 inch box t Not Available Greater than 55 feet Ten 24 inc h box trees; or Five 36 inch box trees Not Available Notes 1To m easure an asymm etri cal canopy of a tree, the widest m easurem ent shall be used to determine canopy size. 2Of ten, it is not possible to replace a single large, older tree wit h an equivalent tree(s). In this case, the tree may be replaced wit h a combination of both the Tree Canopy Replacement Standard and in-lieu payment in an am ount set f ort h by Town Council resolution paid to the Town T ree Replacem ent Fund. 3Single Family Residential Replacement Option is av ailable for d eveloped single family residen tial lots under 10,000 square f eet that ar e not subject to the Town’s Hillside Developm ent Standards and Guidelines. Al l 15-gallon trees m ust be planted on-site. Any in-lieu fees for singl e family residential shall be based on 24” box tree rates as adopted by Town Council. 4Replacement Trees shall be approved by the T own Arborist and shall be of a species suited to the available planting location, proximity to structures, ov erhead clearances, soil type, com patibility with surrounding canopy and other relevant factor s. Replacem ent with native species shall be strongly encouraged. Replacem ent requirements in the Hillsides shall comply wi th the Hillside Developm ent Standards and Guidelines Appendix A and Section 29.10.0987 Special Provisions--Hillsides. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 29 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Sec. 29.10.0987. Special Provisions—Hillsides The Town of Los Gatos recognizes its hillsides as an im portant natural resource and sensi tive habitat which is also a key component of the Town’s identity, character and charm . In order to maintain and encourage restoration of the hill si de env ironm ent to its natural state, the Town has established the f oll owing special provisions for tree removal and replacement in the hillsides: (1) All protected trees locat ed 30 or m or e f eet from the prim ary residence that are removed shall be replaced with native trees listed in Appendix A Recommended Native Trees for Hillside Areas of the Town of Los Gatos Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G). (2) All protected trees located wit hin 30 f eet of the primary residence that are removed shall be replaced as follows: (a) If the removed tree is a native tree listed in Appendix A of the HDS&G, it shall onl y be replaced wit h a native tree listed in Appendix A of the HDS&G. (b) If the removed tree is not listed in Appendix A, it may be replaced wit h a tree listed in Appendix A, or replaced with another species of tree as approved by the Director. (c) Replacem ent trees list ed in Appendix A may be planted anywhere on the property. (d) Replacement trees not listed in Appendix A may only be planted withi n 30 f eet of the primary residence. (3) Replacem ent requirem ents shall comply wit h the requirements in T abl e 3-1 Tree Canopy Replacement Standard of thi s Code. (4) Property owner s should be encouraged to ret ain dead or declining trees where they do not pose a safety or fire hazard, in order to foster wi ldlife habitat and the natural renewal of the hillside environment. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 30 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 7.0 Author’s Qualifications • Continued education through The American Society of Consulting Arborists, The International Society of Arboriculture (Western Chapter), and various governmental and non-governmental entities. • Contract Town Arborist, Town of Los Gatos, California Community Development Department / Planning Division 2015-present • Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (ISA TRAQ Course Graduate, Palo Alto, California) • Millbrae Community Preservation Commission (Tree Board) 2001-2006 • ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 • ASCA Arboriculture Consulting Academy graduate, class of 2000 • Associate Consulting Arborist Barrie D. Coate and Associates 4/99-8/99 • Contract City Arborist, City of Belmont, California Planning and Community Development Department 5/99-5/20 (21 years) • ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A • Peace Corps Soil and Water Conservation Extension Agent Chiangmai Province, Thailand 1991-1993 • B.A. Environmental Studies/Soil and Water Resources UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California 1990 UCSC Chancellor’s Award, 1990 (My full curriculum vitae is available upon request) ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 31 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 8.0 Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Any legal description provided to the consultant/appraiser is assumed to be correct. Any titles and ownership to any property are assumed to be good and marketable. No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character. Any and all property is appraised and evaluated as through free and clean, under responsible ownership and competent management. It is assumed that any property is not in violation of any applicable codes, ordinance, statutes, or other government regulations. Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been verified insofar as possible; however, the consultant/appraiser can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or to attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services as described in the fee schedule and contract of engagement. Unless required by law otherwise, the possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply right of publication or use for any other purpose by any other than the person to whom it is addressed, without the prior expressed written or verbal consent of the consultant/appraiser. Unless required by law otherwise, neither all nor any part of the contents of this report, nor copy thereof, shall be conveyed by anyone, including the client, to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media, without the prior expressed conclusions, identity of the consultant/appraiser, or any reference to any professional society or institute or to any initiated designation conferred upon the consultant/appraiser as stated in his qualifications. This report and any values expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant/appraiser, and the consultant’s/appraiser’s fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified value, a stipulated result, the occurrence of a subsequent event, nor upon any finding to be reported. Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report, being intended for visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys unless expressed otherwise. The reproduction of any information generated by engineers, architects, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is for the express purpose of coordination and ease of reference only. Inclusion of said information on any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation by Walter Levison to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. Unless expressed otherwise: a. information contained in this report covers only those items that were examined and reflects the conditions of those items at the time of inspection; and b. the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that problems or deficiencies of the plants or property in question may not arise in the future. Loss or alteration of any part of this report invalidates the entire report. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 32 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Arborist Disclosure Statement: Arborists are tree specialists who use their education, knowledge, training, and experience to examine trees, recommend measures to enhance the beauty and health of trees, and attempt to reduce the risk of living near trees. Clients may choose to accept or disregard the recommendations of the arborist, or to seek additional advice. Arborists cannot detect every condition that could possibly lead to the structural failure of a tree. Tree are living organisms that fail in ways we do not fully understand. Conditions are often hidden within trees and below ground. Arborist cannot guarantee that a tree will be healthy or safe under all circumstances, or for a specified period of time. Likewise, remedial treatments, like any medicine, cannot be guaranteed. Treatment, pruning, and removal of trees may involve considerations beyond the scope of the arborist’s services such as property boundaries, property ownership, site lines, disputes between neighbors, and other issues. Arborists cannot take such considerations into account unless complete and accurate information is disclosed to the arborist. An arborist should then be expected to reasonably rely upon the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. Trees can be managed, but they cannot be controlled. To live near trees is to accept some degree of risk. The only way to eliminate all risk associated with trees is to eliminate the trees. 9.0 Certification I hereby certify that all the statements of fact in this report are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. Signature of Consultant Walter Levison DIGITAL BADGES: ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST CREDENTIAL: ISA TREE RISK ASSESSMENT QUALIFIED (TRAQ): ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 33 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 10.0 Digital Images / Parcel 2 Below: Digital Images by the CTA, archived October, 2021. Note that not all of the 32 regulated trees assessed in this Parcel 2 report are included in the digital image matrix. Tag # Image Tag # Image 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7 through 15 ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 34 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved L to R: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 23 25 25 ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 35 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 27 This is an extremely large native willow specimen that provides very significant wildlife benefit in terms of insect food for bird species, and nesting opportunities for those birds. 28 Valley oak specimens such as this one are very sensitive to root damage or root loss from construction activities, and are best protected in place (PIP) using construction work offsets of at least 8x to 10x the trunk diameter. This specimen will decine if the proposed site work elements at Parcel 2 are not adjusted to pull them farther from tree trunk edge than currently proposed. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 36 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved 11.0 Tree Data Table Tag Number Common Name Genus / species Diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (In.) Canopy Total Spread Diameter in Feet Health Rating Structural Rating Overall Condition Rating NOTES 1 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 24.2 30 70% 60% 65% Good No impacts expected. 2 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 18.5 20 70% 70% 70% Good No impacts expected. 3 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 16.4 15 75% 60% 65% Good No impacts expected. 4 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 5.9 10 75% 60% 67% Good No impacts expected. 5 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 4.7 10 75% 45% 55% Fair Bark inclusion type fork noted at 8 feet. 6 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 4.3 10 70% 65% 63% Good 7 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 5.9 5 70% 45% 55% Fair 8 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 6.2 10 75% 70% 70% Good 9 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 7.8 10 75% 60% 63% Good Tree was sheared to clear existing driveway to remain just south of trunk. 10 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 6.2 10 75% 60% 63% Good Tree was sheared to clear existing driveway to remain just south of trunk. 11 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 4.2 10 70% 55% 60% Fair 12 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 5.2 10 75% 60% 63% Good Tree was sheared to clear existing driveway to remain just south of trunk. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 37 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Tag Number Common Name Genus / species Diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (In.) Canopy Total Spread Diameter in Feet Health Rating Structural Rating Overall Condition Rating NOTES 13 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 6.5 10 75% 65% 68% Good 14 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 4.5 10 75% 60% 64% Good 15 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 4.9 10 60% 40% 48% Fair Tree exhibits a canker at 9 feet elevation. 16 (Non-reg. tree) Tree was tagged incorrectly by others, as a duplicate “17”. 17 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 14.9 35 65% 65% 65% Good Tree to be removed per plan. 18 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 22.8 35 85% 75% 80% Good Common trench utilities will damage root zone if not installed using trenchless technology. 19 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 15.1 25 65% 50% 53% Fair Common trench utilities will damage root zone if not installed using trenchless technology. Bark inclusion fork at 3 feet elevation. 20 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 21.2 30 75% 70% 73% Good Common trench utilities will damage root zone if not installed using trenchless technology. 21 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 16.6 20 70% 60% 65% Good Common trench utilities will damage root zone if not installed using trenchless technology. 22 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 20.2 25 70% 60% 65% Good Common trench utilities will damage root zone if not installed using trenchless technology. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 38 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Tag Number Common Name Genus / species Diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (In.) Canopy Total Spread Diameter in Feet Health Rating Structural Rating Overall Condition Rating NOTES 23 Valley oak Quercus lobata 12.5 35 45% 35% 39% Poor Common trench utilities will damage root zone if not installed using trenchless technology. Proposed driveway will severely impact root system of this tree as well. Note that this tree was previously topped by PG&E to clear their existing overhead high voltage wires. 24 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 30.8 50 75% 75% 75% Good Will be severely impacted by both the proposed vegetated swale construction, and the proposed new residence footprint. Note that with a 50 foot canopy diameter, this tree’s below ground root system and the above ground canopy will both be severely impacted by the work. 25 Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 32.5 50 80% 55% 64% Good Proposed sanitary sewer lateral (SS) is shown routed through the root zone of this tree, just southeast of the trunk at an unknown offset distance from trunk edge. Critical Root Zone (CRZ) is 16 feet offset radius. Sewer lateral will encroach to inside this no-dig radius if built as currently proposed. Pool grading , pool surround excavation, and patio excavation will all encroach to inside the 16 foot CRZ offset radius, severely degrading the tree in multiple quadrants of the root system, if built as currently proposed. 26 (Non-reg tree) ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 39 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Tag Number Common Name Genus / species Diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (In.) Canopy Total Spread Diameter in Feet Health Rating Structural Rating Overall Condition Rating NOTES 27 Native California Willow Salix sp. 42.1 80 60% 50% 55% Fair This native willow specimen is extremely large, with a height of 65 feet and a canopy spread of 80 feet total diameter. The tree currently provides a number of very significant benefits, such as providing a substrate for insects that become food for native migratory bird species. 28 Valley oak Quercus lobata 21.3 50 60% 50% 54% Fair Grading and excavation as currently proposed will have a severe negative impact on this tree’s root system. Tree has a CRZ critical root zone offset radius of 10.5 horizontal feet. 29 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 17.6 30 75% 65% 70% Good Proposed synthetic turf and associated edging northeast of the tree trunk base will have a significant negative effect on this tree’s root system. 30 Valley oak Quercus lobata 7.5 15 80% 70% 77% Good Tree to be removed per applicant’s plan. 31 Valley oak Quercus lobata 12”/7” 20 85% 60% 70% Good Bark inclusion fork at 5 feet. Tree to be removed per applicant’s plan. 32 Coast redwood Sequoia sempervirens 27.0 40 75% 75% 75% Good Proposed synthetic turf area development appears to be outside this tree’s critical root zone of 13.5 feet offset radius. However, the proposed “vegetated swale” will encroach to inside this tree’s critical root zone of 13.5 feet horizontal offset radius. 33 (Non-reg tree) 34 Coast redwood Sequoia sempervirens Est. 5” (inaccessible) (No data collected). Fence off during construction, at as far a distance as possible from trunk edge, such as 10 to 15 feet radius offset from trunk). ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 40 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Tag Number Common Name Genus / species Diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (In.) Canopy Total Spread Diameter in Feet Health Rating Structural Rating Overall Condition Rating NOTES 35 Native California Willow Salix sp. Est. 10” (inaccessible) (No data collected). Fence off during construction, at as far a distance as possible from trunk edge, such as 10 to 15 feet radius offset from trunk). Note that the proposed “vegetated swale” will encroach to inside this tree’s critical root zone of estimated 5 feet horizontal offset radius, negatively affecting two (2) root zone quadrants. 12.0 Tree Location & Protection Fence Map Mark-up The CTA marked up the applicant’s sheet C-4 grading and drainage plan dated 08/2021 by Peoples Associates, Structural Engineers of San Jose, California as the basis for the tree location map markup on the following page of this CTA arborist report. The CTA added the following items to this plan sheet for reference purposes: • Tag numbers are indicated using large font size numeric indications from “1” to “44” (non-regulated trees #27, 31, 35, and 39 were eliminated from the tree map). Tags #45 onward are located off site such that they will not be impacted significantly by proposed site work. • There was some discrepancy as to actual tree locations in the area of the proposed Parcel 1 water service pipe line (i.e. trees #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10), and tree #4 is not shown anywhere on any applicant map or plan sheet. • Town planning staff should require that the applicant use a trenchless technology (i.e. “directional bore”) to install the two (2) proposed water service pipes without causing any subgrade impacts to the trees’ root systems, other than dug pits at each end of each pipe line, which are called “send pits” and “receiver pits”. This is the preferred “Best Management Practice” for installation of utility pipes and conduits near to trees, when the pipe alignments are within the critical root zone offset distances from tree trunk edges. The trees impacted by the two water service pipes are located on both parcels 1 and 2, but the trees in that grouping of specimens affected by the trenches are surveyed and discussed only in the PARCEL 1 arborist report by the CTA. • Yellow highlight indicates the applicant’s proposed graded driveway footprint. • Magenta highlight indicates the applicant’s proposed water service pipe at the top of the page, which will have to be installed using a trenchless directional bore method, to avoid severe damage to PARCEL 1 trees #1 through #10. • Orange highlight indicates the applicant’s proposed “common trench” (CT), also spanning from street to residence, which will have to be installed in a similar trenchless manner, in order to avoid root loss to trees in the tree grouping #18 through #23. • The red dashed line indicates the CTA’s rough outline of the chain link tree protection zone (RPZ or TPZ) fencing panels or rolls hung on tube posts. These alignments are rough only, and are expected to be adjusted by the field construction team prior to start of the site plan project on the ground. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 / ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified / ISA Certified Arborist #WE-3172A C ell: (415) 203-0990 / Email: 41 of 41 Site Address: 16484 S. Kennedy PARCEL 2, Los Gatos, CA Version: 11/8/2021 Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture  Walter Levison 2021 All Rights Reserved Above: CTA’s tree map markup on applicant sheet C-4 grading and drainage plan, PARCEL 2, dated 08/2021 by the project civil engineer. Important Notes: The circles drawn around trees and added onto this sheet by the project architect are in many cases NOT accurate representations of on-the-ground scaled tree canopy dimensions. For instance, canopies of trees #24 and #25 are twice (2x) as large as indicated on this sheet, which also means that there will be significant canopy conflicts with both proposed buildings and with vertical drilling machinery. Also note the red dashed line protective fence routing as shown is “non-optimal”. This Page Intentionally Left Blank 16484 South Kennedy Development Prepared by Justin Reilly, Property Owner Over the last several weeks I have had the opportunity to meet and discuss the future development of the property with many passing by and stopping. I focused as best as possible with the immediate neighbors on the right-side left side as well directly across the street. Additionally, I posted on Nextdoor and open house to answer any design/development questions which I hosted on the property December 5th between 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM. My immediate neighbors: 1)This neighbor is located on the north side of the property . When I purchased the property coming up on two years ago, I met them first. The main comment from and his wife were the existing view corridor from their porch. My architect did a fantastic job setting the new house back as far as possible keeping the same view corridor as today for and his wife. I EXHIBIT 13 showed the design and they were very appreciative and supportive of the development. 2)Neighbor located on the south side of the property set back off the road was very supportive of the project, given the homes were not going to be directly adjacent to their home and are appreciative of the consideration. 3)Neighbor located across the street and north . I went to their door and left them with photos of the design and site layout. They were appreciative of the time to drop by and had no further questions. 4)Neighbor located directly across the street was not available upon my attempts going by their home. Both are behind gates and unable to speak to either resident. Regarding the Open House, I did not have a sign-in sheet and the attendance was moderate. All that attended were in support of the development after seeing the design and layout of the two sites. This Page Intentionally Left Blank ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: SEE DRAWINGS CS-1 COVER SHEET, PROJECT INFORMATION DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 (N) FULL-HEIGHT WALL (N) PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL (E) WALL TO REMAIN (E) WALL TO BE REMOVED SHEAR WALL DOOR SYMBOL, SEE SCHEDULE WINDOW SYMBOL AND SKYLIGHT SYMBOL, SEE SCHEDULE DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SECTION LETTER SHEET NUMBER SPECIFIC OR KEY NOTE ROOM NAME ROOM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ROOM FINISH FLOORING INTERIOR ELEVATION IDENTIFICATION REVISION CENTER LINE DATUM LINE 1 2 A A2 9 A2 X OFFICEEL. + X'-X" CARPET 1 2 4 3 1 LC DATE: 09-02-21 S H E E T I N D E X L E G E N D P R O J E C T D A T AP R O J E C T D I R E C T O R Y OWNER / DEVELOPER: 16484 S. KENNEDY, LLC 2267 GUNDERSON DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95125 EMAIL: ARCHITECT: ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA, CGBP ARCHITECT CA. LIC. C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVE., SUITE 207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 (408) 859-8723 EMAIL: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DAVID FOX LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (408) 761-0212 ARBORIST: KATHERINE NAEGELE CONSULTING ARBORIST AESCULUS ARBORICULTURAL CONSULTING, LLC. PH. (650) 209-0631 1. ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING AND SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL ACT IN DESIGN / BUILD CAPACITY. THEY SHALL PROVIDE, SEPARATELY, ANY DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS OR INFORMATION REQUIRED BY BUILDING DEPARTMENTS. 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL CODES, LOCAL ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS APPLICABLE AS FOLLOWS: ·CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2019 EDITION (CBC) ·CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, 2019 EDITION ·CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, 2019 EDITION ·CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, 2019 EDITION ·CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE 2019 EDITION ·CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 2019 EDITION ·INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE 2019 EDITION ·CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2019 EDITION ·CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS, (CALGREEN) 2019 EDITION ·2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, PART 6, TITLE 24 V I C I N I T Y M A P L E G E N D PROJECT ADDRESS & ZONING: ADDRESS:16484 S. KENNEDY ROAD , LOS GATOS, CA 95030 PARCEL 2 APN#: 532-20-012 ZONING:HR-1 NET LOT AREA:38,445 SQ. FT. (0.883 ACRES) GROSS LOT AREA: 46,673 SQ. FT. (1.072 ACRES) AVERAGE LOT SLOPE: 17.63% OVERALL SITE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING RESIDENCE, AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE, COVERED PATIOS, LANDSCAPE, SWIMMING POOL, AND HARDSCAPE. OTHER INFO.: FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: YES FLOOD ZONE:NO HISTORIC:NO DEFERRED SUBMITTALS: FIRE SPRINKLERS NOTE: A SEPARATE BUILDING IS REQUIRED FOR THE PV SYSTEM THAT IS REQUIRED BY THE ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMPLIANCE MODELING. THE SEPARATE PV SYSTEM PERMIT MUST BE FINALED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. G E N E R A L N O T E S & C E R T I F I C A T I O N S ZONING REQUIREMENTS: SETBACKS FOR MAIN RESIDENCE: FRONT:30 FT. SIDES: 20 FT. REAR:25 FT. MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO (F.A.R.): 6,000 SQ. FT. INCLUDING GARAGES EXCEEDING 400 SQ. FT. JADU MAX. 500 SQ. FT. / TOTAL ADU ON PROPERTY 1,200 SQ. FT. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 25 FT. FOR MAIN RESIDENCE, 15 FT. FOR SECONDARY DWELLING UNIT OR STRUCTURE BUILDING CODE INFORMATION : OCCUPANCY TYPE:R-3 / U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B STORIES:TWO-STORY TOTAL NEW FLOOR AREA: 5,975 (SQ. FT.) FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS: MAIN FLOOR AREA: 3,110 SQ. FT. UPPER FLOOR AREA: 2,355 TOTAL:5,465 SQ. FT. GARAGE AREA: 910 TOTAL:6,375 SQ. FT. GARAGE REDUCTION: (400 SQ. FT.) FLOOR AREA MAX. NET: 5,975 SQ. FT. NOTE: THIS RESIDENCE WILL COMPLY WITH THE TOWN’S ALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE, ELECTRIC VEHICLE AND ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN CODE SECTION 6.70.020 AND 6.120.020. F R O N T S T R E E T V I E W R E N D E R I N G GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: C2EARTH, INC. 750 CAMDEN AVENUE, SUITE A CAMPBELL, CA 95008 PH. (408) 866-5436 EMAIN: C2@C2EARTH.COM CIVIL ENGINEER & LAND SURVEYOR: VELIMIR SULIĆ SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER PEOPLES ASSOCIATES 1150 CAMPBELL AVENUE SAN JOSE, CA 95126 office: (408) 520-2552 cell: (408) 966-0165 S P E C I A L N O T E S 3. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SHALL FIELD INSPECT FOUNDATION FOOTINGS AND WALLS PRIOR TO CONCRETE POUR AND ALL SHEAR WALLS, HOLD-DOWNS AND FRAMING. 4. ALL TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC WIRES, AND OTHER SUCH SERVICE FACILITIES TO NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET CITY REQUIREMENTS. 5. ANY OMISSION, CONFLICT, OR AMBIGUITY FOUND IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 6. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LISTED BY THE APPROVED LISTING AGENCY AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. 7. "HERS" VERIFICATION REQUIRED FOR THE HVAC HEATING & COOLING, DISTRIBUTION, AND FAN SYSTEMS. PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF 3RD PARTY VERIFICATION (HERS) TO BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 1. PROVIDE THE HOMEOWNER WITH A LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE THAT INCLUDES A LIST OF LEMAPS INSTALLED IN THE LUMINAIRES. 2. THE COMPLETED CF2R-LTG-01-E FORM MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 3. ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS COATINGS, AND AEROSOL PAINT CONTAINERS MUST REMAIN ON THE SITE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR 4. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, A LETTER SIGNED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR THE OWNER/BUILDER MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL CERTIFYING THAT ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS AEROSOL PAINTS AND AEROSOL COATINGS, CARPET SYSTEMS RESILIENT FLOORING SYSTEMS AND COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS INSTALLED ONT HIS PROJECT ARE WITHIN THE EMISSION LIMITS SPECIFIED IN CGBSC SECTION 4.504. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW SET : CS-1 COVER SHEET A1-0 PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLAN A1-1 PROPOSED ENLARGED SITE PLAN A1-2 NEIGHBORHOOD AREA PLAN A1-3 STREETSCAPE ILLUSTRATIONS A1-4 SHADOW STUDY DIAGRAM A1-5 SHADOW STUDY DIAGRAM A1-6 SHADOW STUDY DIAGRAM A1-7 SHADOW STUDY DIAGRAM A1-8 SHADOW STUDY DIAGRAM A1-9 SHADOW STUDY DIAGRAM A2-1 DEMOLITION SITE PLAN A3-1 PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN A3-2 PROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLAN A4-1 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN A5-1 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A5-2 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A5-3 DESIGN REVIEW COMPLIANCE A5-4 PROPOSED EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES A6-1 BUILDING SECTIONS A6-2 BUILDING SECTIONS A8-1 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS CIVIL : C-1 TITLE SHEET C-2 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 SITE PLAN C-4 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C-5 UTILITY PLAN - PARCEL C-6 DETAILS & SECTIONS C-7 EROSION CONTROL PLAN & TREE PROTECTION DETAILS C-8 BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY LANDSCAPE : L1.0 LOT 1 - AND LOT 2 OVERALL SITE PLAN L1.2 LOT 2 - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN L2.0 SECTIONS L3.0 TREE PLAN L3.2 LOT 2 - TREE TABLES L4.1 LOT 2 - PLANTING PLAN 1. THIS PROPERTY LOT LOCATED AT 16484 S. KENNEDY ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA HAS AN APPROVED 2-LOT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION AT TOWN OF LOS GATOS FILE NO. M-20-006 DATED NOVEMBER 10, 2020. 2. PER A CONDITION OF THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL, THE EXISTING STRUCTURES MUST BE DEMOLISHED PRIOR TO THE RECORDATION OF THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. 3. AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL AND BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE NEW RESIDENCE MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ON LOT. 4. ALL GRADING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PREPARED FOR THIS SITE BY: C2EARTH, INC. DATED FEBRUARY 2021. 5. SEE ARBORIST REPORT BY AESCULUS ARBORICULTURAL CONSULTING ON 9/1/2021. 235,392 SQ. FT. (0.812 ACRES) 46,107 SQ. FT. (1.059 ACRES) 16.62% EXHIBIT 14 PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE CENTERLINE NEW LOT LINE MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR 570 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE LEGEND EXISTING STRUCTURES R.O.S. BOOK 75 MAPS PG. 20 R.O.S. BOOK 330 MAPS PG. 3 R.O.S. BOOK 35 MAPS PG. 31 A.P.N. 532-20-002 A.P.N. 532-20-011 A.P.N. 532-20-004 A.P.N. 532-20-001 ELIMINATED LOT LINE NEW LOT LINE NEW PARCEL 1 BUILDING SETBACK LINE 465.5 9 3-CAR GARAGE F.F. 458.0 PAD 457.0 F.F. MAIN LEVEL 458.0 NEW 2-STORY RESIDENCE PAD 455.0 457.9 LEVEL3.5%1.5%456.38 457.30 2.0%46415% 6%457COVERED PATIO 457.5457.31% 1%455.8T. W . 4 5 9 . 7 B. W . 4 5 7 . 3 T.W. 461.0 B.W. 457.9457.9457.8A AA A COVERED PORCHINTERLOCKING BLOCK RETAINING WALL 30' B.S.L.20' B.S.L.20' B.S.L.R=10'R= 1 0 ' 16' WID E D RI V E W A Y R=5' R=5 ' 9', TYP.18', TYP.PATIO SOUTH KENNEDY ROAD20' MIN.16'457.9 457.8 VEGETATED SWALE VEGETATED SWALE 457.0457.10 13%4624602. 0 %457.4457.4457.445 7 . 4 4584 5 8 . 5 2.0%TOE FILL 10% T. W . 4 6 2 . 2 B. W . 4 6 1 . 0 T.W. 459.0B.W. 455.95'3'MIN.457.5R=40' R=56' 458 T .W . 4 6 2 . 3 B .W . 4 5 8 . 5 F.F. 458.5 2%2%458.0 T.W. 4 6 0 . 2 B.W. 4 5 7 . 27'T .W . 4 6 1 . 2 B .W . 4 5 8 . 0457.18'X4' TRASH ENCLOSURE PERVIOUS PAVERS 25' SETBACK SEE GEOTECH. REP O R T PARKING PAVERS 10' B B NEW 1.5" W.M.EX. 12" WATER MAINNEW 2" P.V.C. WATER SERVICE C.T. 90'-4" P.V.C. S.S. LAT. S=8% NEW S.S.C.O.NEW S.S. LAT.NEW S.S.C.O. R I M 4 5 6 . 0 I N V . 4 5 1 . 5 R I M 4 5 0 . 3 I N V . 4 4 4 . 3 58'-4" P.V.C. S.S. LAT. S=4% INTERLOCKING BLOCK RETAINING WALL INTERIOR RETAINING WALL 457VEGETATED SWALEF.L. 450.5 LEVELT.W. 4 6 0 . 5 B.W. 4 5 7 . 8 T.W . 461 .1B.W . 458 .5 TOP OF CUT NEW WATER SERVICE EX. 6" ABS S.S. MAINWATER LEVEL 455.3VANISHING EDGE POOL455.8T.W. 455.8 455.8 455.5 454.5 456.8 SPAW.L.T.W. 452.0WATER LEVEL 451.545 2 . 9 SYNTHETIC TURF 455.0456.9455.045 5 . 8455.7456.6 456.5 GRAVEL WALKWAY 457.3455T.W. 457.0 454.0CONC. CURB451. 9 453. 0 RIM 455.5SLOTTED DRAIN1%1% 1%1% STONE PAVERS ON SAND 455.9456457.7456.0T.W. 458.4T.W. 458.4 1%1% 457.3 455.7 455 454 451. 0 455.8456GEOLOGICAL CONS T R A I N T S LRDA LESS THAN 7% AVE R A G E S L O P E457TOE OF FILL TOE OF FILL 45 5 . 8455.75:1 0.00° R.O.S. BOOK 330 MAPS PG. 3 A.P.N. 532-20-011LOS CERRITOS DRIVEPARCEL 2 LRDA LESS THAN 30% AVERAGE SLOPE AVERAGE SLOPE 30% OR GREATER NEW PARCEL 2 46,107 S.F. (NET) 3-CAR GARAGE F.F. 463.0 PAD 461.5 F.F. MAIN LEVEL 462.5 NEW 2-STORY RESIDENCE PAD 459.5 462.4 LEVEL 461.56 463.00463.004%1.5%1.5%8% 47 1 . 7 8 T.W. 466. 0 463.50 T .W . 4 6 6 . 0 B .W . 4 6 2 . 5 B.W. 462. 2 T. W . 4 6 6 . 0 B. W . 4 6 2 . 9 462.0461.8COVERED PATIO 1% 1%458.615% AA20' B.S.L.20' B.S.L.30' B.S.L. 9', TYP.18', TYP.3'MIN.INTERLOCKING BLOCK RETAINING WALL R= 6 'R=8'R=80' R=96' 16' WIDE DR I V E W A Y 20' MIN. R= 5 ' R=5'15.5'LANDINGPATIO LANDING COVERED PORCHT.W . 4 6 7 . 0 B.W . 4 6 6 . 0 10' M IN .CLEART.W. 4 6 6.3 B.W. 462.4 462.0 462.0 461.9 462.4462.3VEGETATED SWALEVEGETATED SWALE46 2 . 0 47046846646413%462.0462.0462.0 T .W . 4 6 2 . 2 B .W . 4 6 0 . 7 462459462.0 TOP OF CUT TOE OF FILL 25' SETBACK SEE GEOTECH. REP O R T F.F. 462.5 2%2%462.5 462.08'X4' TRASH ENCLOSURE 458.61%1%F.L. 453.0 LEVELSTORAGE 463.5 T .W . 4 6 7 . 3B.W . 4 6 3 . 5 MOTOR COURT PARKING NEW 1.5" W.M.EX. 12" WATER MAINNEW 2" P.V . C . W A T E R S E R V I C E C.T. NEW S.S. LAT.EX. S.S. LAT. FIELD VERIFY INV. & LOCATION NEW S.S.C.O. B B INTERLOCKING BLOCK RETAINING WALL INTERIOR RETAINING WALL VEGETATED SWALE LANDINGNEW WATER SERVICE RETIRE WATER SERVICEVEGETATED SWALEF.L. 453.0 LEVELWATER LEVEL 454.9VANISHING EDGE POOLW.L.SPA 456.4 455.3458.3455.4T.W. 455.4 T.W. 455.4 GEOLOGICAL CONST R A I N T S LRDA LESS THAN 8% AVE R A G E S L O P E 461.6 461.5 GRAVEL WALKWAY 461.5459.0458.6 461.8458.7T.W. 461.81% 1%458.4T.W. 457.4T.W. 457.4458.43:1 3:1 SLOTTED DRAIN1% 1%T.W. 452.8WATER LEVEL 452.3T.W. 461.8461.9460.9461.5458.6 SWAL E TOE OF FI L L 455.2SW A L E TOE OF F I L L 455.2TOE O F F I L L 455 455 458 STONE PAVERS ON SAND 461 TOE OF FILL 2:1 459.1459.9 460.5459.0 460 . 0 459.5 458.5 SYNTHETIC TURF 461.9T.W. 457.4B.W. 455.8455.3 PERVIOUS PAVERS (UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. PROPOSED ARBOR 15FT. MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 23 21 19 18 1 2 3 20 22 24 25 28 29 32 15 9 8 7 10 12 14 16 19 17 18 20 13 11 23 2 31 32 34 21 22 26 27 25 23 29 31 28 7' P R O P O S E D O V E R A L L S I T E P L A N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 1' = 20' A1-0 PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLAN DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-10-21 1 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 2 DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A TE OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 DATE: 09-02-21 00 20'40' NOTE: SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS & LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION. 1 2 R.O.S. BOOK 35 MAPS PG. 31 A.P.N. 532-20-004 T. W . 4 5 9 . 7 B. W . 4 5 7 . 3 A RETAINING WALL 20' B.S.L.VEGETATED SWALE T.W. 459.0B.W. 455.9 T.W. 4 6 0 . 2 B.W. 4 5 7 . 27'T .W . 4 6 1 . 2 B .W . 4 5 8 . 0 25' SETBACK SEE GEOTECH. REP O R T B NEW 1.5" W.M. NEW 2" P.V.C. WATER SERVICE NEW WATER SERVICE T.W. 458.4 T.W. 458. 4 GEOLOGICAL CONS T R A I N T S LRDA LESS THAN 7% AVE R A G E S L O P E TOE OF FILL NEW PARCEL 2 46,107 S.F. (NET) 3-CAR GARAGE F.F. 463.0 PAD 461.5 F.F. MAIN LEVEL 462.5 NEW 2-STORY RESIDENCE PAD 459.5 462.4 LEVEL 461.56 463.00463.004%1.5%1.5%8% 47 1 . 7 8 T.W. 466. 0 463.50 T .W . 4 6 6 . 0B.W . 4 6 2 . 5 B.W. 462. 2 T. W . 4 6 6 . 0 B. W . 4 6 2 . 9 462.0461.8COVERED PATIO 1% 1%458.615% A 20' B.S.L.20' B.S.L.30' B.S.L. 9', TYP.18', TYP.3'MIN.INTERLOCKING BLOCK RETAINING WALL R= 6 'R=8'R=80' R=96' 16' WIDE DR I V E W A Y 20' MIN. R= 5 ' R=5' LANDINGPATIO LANDING COVERED PORCHT.W . 4 6 7 . 0 B.W . 4 6 6 . 0 10' M IN .CLEART.W. 466.3 B.W. 462.4 462.0 462.0 461.9 462.4462.3VEGETATED SWALEVEGETATED SWALE46 2 . 0 47046846646413%462.0462.0462.0 T .W . 4 6 2 . 2B.W . 4 6 0 . 7 462459462.0 TOP OF CU T TOE OF FIL L 25' SETBACK SEE GEOTECH. REP O R T F.F. 462.5 2%2%462.5 462.08'X4' TRASH ENCLOSURE 458.61%1%F.L. 453.0 LEVELSTORAGE 463.5 T .W . 4 6 7 . 3B.W . 4 6 3 . 5 MOTOR COURT PARKING NEW 1.5" W.M. NEW 2" P.V . C . W A T E R S E R V I C E C.T.NEW S.S. LAT.EX. S.S. LAT. FIELD VERIFY INV. & LOCATION NEW S.S.C.O. B B INTERLOCKING BLOCK RETAINING WALL INTERIOR RETAINING WALL VEGETATED SWALE LANDINGNEW WATER SERVICE RETIRE WATER SERVICEVEGETATED SWALEF.L. 453.0 LEVELWATER LEVEL 454.9VANISHING EDGE POOLW.L.SPA 456.4 455.3458.3455.4T.W. 455.4 T.W. 455.4 GEOLOGICAL CONS T R A I N T S LRDA LESS THAN 8% AVE R A G E S L O P E 461.6 461.5 GRAVEL WALKWAY 461.5459.0458.6 461.8458.7T.W. 461.81% 1%458.4T.W. 457.4T.W. 457.4458.43:1 3:1 SLOTTED DRAIN1% 1%T.W. 452.8WATER LEVEL 452.3T.W. 461.8461.9460.9461.5458.6 SWAL E TOE OF FI L L 455.2SW A L E TOE OF F I L L 455.2TOE O F F I L L 455 455 458 STONE PAVERS ON SAND 461 TOE OF FILL 2:1 459.1459.9 460.5459.0 460 . 0 459.5 458.5 SYNTHETIC TURF 461.9T.W. 457.4B.W. 455.8455.3 PERVIOUS PAVERS SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. PROPOSED ARBOR 15FT. MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 23 21 19 18 1 2 3 20 22 24 25 28 29 32 8 7 10 23 2 3 1 7' 15FT. MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED - UMBRELLA 14' P A R T I A L P R O P O S E D S I T E P L A N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 1' = 10' A1-1 PARTIAL PROPOSED SITE PLAN DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-10-21 1 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 2 DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A TE OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 DATE: 09-02-21 00 20'40' S I T E P L A N G E N E R A L N O T E S : 1. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! CONTACT UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA) AT 1-800-227-2600 AT LEAST 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE EXCAVATING. 2. BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION, COORDINATE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING SITE UTILITIES. 3. EXCAVATION, FILLS, AND UTILITIES FOR ALL BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES SHALL BE SO CONSTRUCTED OR PROTECTED THAT THEY DO NOT ENDANGER LIFE OR PROPERTY. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN DURING EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION, U.O.N. 5. FOR ALL FINISH GRADES, SEE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS PREPARED BY CIVIL ENGINEER. 6. FOR ALL EXTERIOR HARD SURFACES, SEE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS PREPARED BY CIVIL ENGINEER. 7. LOT GRADING SHALL CONFORM AT THE PROPERTY LINES AND SHALL NOT SLOPE TOWARD PROPERTY LINES IN A MANNER WHICH WOULD CAUSE STORM WATER TO FLOW ONTO NEIGHBORING PROPERTY. HISTORIC DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL NOT BE ALTERED IN A MANNER TO CAUSE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS TO NEIGHBORING PROPERTY. 8. FOR ALL NEW RAINWATER DOWNSPOUTS, SEE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS PREPARED BY CIVIL ENGINEER. 9. IMPLEMENTATION OF "BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES" SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT STORM QUALITY AND PREVENT POLLUTANTS ENTERING THE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN. FAILURE TO IMPLEMENT AND COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION "BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES" WILL RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF CORRECTION NOTICES, CITATIONS, OR STOP ORDERS. 10. PROVIDE EXPANSION AND CONTROL JOINTS IN ALL EXTERIOR CONCRETE SLABS. SPACING OF JOINTS SHALL BE PER INDUSTRY STANDARDS. 11. TRENCHES SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE DRIP LINES OF EXISTING TREES IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE NEGATIVE IMPACTS. 12. SEE COVER SHEET, FLOOR PLAN, AND BEST PRACTICES MANAGEMENT SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION. 13. NATURAL GRADE AND VEGETATION SHALL BE RETAINED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. 14. SEE SOILS REPORT PREPARED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 15. THE BUILDING SHALL HAVE THE ADDRESS AND BUILDING NUMBER IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET FRONTING THE PROPERTY AS REQUIRED BY CBC. 16. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING AND PAYING FOR AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 17. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED ACTIVITIES SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY DURING THE HOURS OR 8:00AM TO 5:00PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND 10:00AM TO 5:00PM ON SATURDAY. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY OR RELATED ACTIVITIES SHALL BE ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED HOURS OR ON SUNDAYS AND THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, 4TH OF JULY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS DAY. NOTE: SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS & LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION. L A N D S C A P E G E N E R A L N O T E S : LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION: 1. ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A PERMANENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR ALL USES. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND MAINTAINED TO PREVENT WATER WASTE (E.G. RUNOFF OR OVER-SPRAY). IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF MULTIPLE PROGRAMMING AND INCORPORATE SENSORS TO OVERRIDE THE CALL FOR WATER DURING RAIN OR IF THE SOIL IS STILL MOIST. IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS AND BACK-FLOW DEVICES SHALL BE SCREENED FROM PUBLIC VIEW. IRRIGATION SHALL ONLY OCCUR BETWEEN 8 P.M. AND 10 A.M. PLANTING, SOIL MANAGEMENT AND WATER FEATURES: 1. PLANT SELECTION AND INSTALLATION MUST BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTED HORTICULTURAL INDUSTRY PRACTICES. SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS. 3. TALL FESCUE OR SIMILAR TURF REQUIRING LESS WATER MUST BE USED FOR TURF TURF MUST NOT BE PLANTED ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 10%. 4. A MINIMUM 2-IN. LAYER OF MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED ON ALL EXPOSED SOIL. 5. SOIL AMENDMENTS (I.E. USE OF COMPOST) AND STRUCTURED SOIL SHALL BE INCORPORATED BASED ON WHAT IS APPROPRIATE FOR SELECTED PLANTS. 6. WATER FEATURES (I.E. FOUNTAINS) MUST HAVE A RECIRCULATING WATER SYSTEM AND USE RECYCLED WATER IF AVAILABLE. COVERS ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR POOLS AND SPAS. SITE DRAINAGE: 1. SITE DRAINAGE SHALL NOT BE DIRECTED ACROSS ANY PROPERTY LINES. PLANT MATERIAL: 1. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS. 2 2 2 NEW PARCEL 2 NEW PARCEL 1 17151 17115171111710516420165001644016520BRIDGE PROPOSED TWO-STORY RESIDENCE EXISTING TWO-STORY RESIDENCE EXISTING ONE-STORY RESIDENCE SOUTH KENNEDY ROAD16520 SOUTH KENNEDY R OAD S. K E N N E D Y RO A D PHILLIPS AVENUE16500 16484 PARCEL 1 16440 1646016460 16420 PHILLIPS AVE. 17111 17105 17115 17151LOS CERRITOS DRIVELOS CERRITOS DRIVEPHILLIPS AVENU E 5 BEDROOMS 5 BATHS 5,799 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.61 ACRES 3 BEDROOMS 3 BATHS 1,726 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.13 ACRES 5 BEDROOMS 5 BATHS 7,313 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.0 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS 3.5 BATHS 5,700 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.49 ACRES 5 BEDROOMS 5 BATHS 5,000 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.5 ACRES 5 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3,121 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.0 ACRES 16515 16505 16491 16481 16461 16421 16411 16301 4 BEDROOMS 3 BATHS 3,700 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.74 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS 2.5 BATHS 3,182 S.F. LIVING SPACE 0.73 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS 3 BATHS 2,706 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.15 ACRES 6 BEDROOMS 5 BATHS 4,590 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.15 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 4,496 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.19 ACRES 6 BEDROOMS 5.5 BATHS 5,268 S.F. LIVING SPACE 4.41 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3,619 S.F. LIVING SPACE 0.92 ACRES 2.43 ACRES 6 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 4,300 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.24 ACRES 5 BEDROOMS 3 BATHS 2,624 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.12 ACRES 5 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 4,789 S.F. LIVING SPACE 0.73 ACRES1648116491164611642116411164111650516484 PARCEL 2 PROPOSED MAIN RESIDENCE: (SEPARATE APPLICATION) 6 BEDROOMS 6-1/2 BATHS 5,500 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.072 ACRES JUNIOR ADU: 460 SF STUDIO+BATH PROPOSED MAIN RESIDENCE: 5 BEDROOMS 5-1/2 BATHS 5,465 S.F. LIVING SPACE 1.059 ACRES N E I G H B O R H O O D A R E A P L A N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 1" = 50'-0" A1-2 NEIGHBORHOOD AREA PLAN DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 DATE: 09-02-21 00 50'100' EX. ROADSOUTH KENNEDY ROAD 450 460 470 450 460 470 F.F. 462.5 B.S.L.PROP. LINE461. 8 462. 0 O.G. NEW DRIVEWAYPAD 459.5 PARKING(BACKGROUND) 8%15% 13% 2% F.F. 473.5 CEILING 482.5 ROOF - SEE ARCH . PLANS O.G. CRAWLSPACE FAMILY ROOM GRAND BEDROOM FOYER STAIRWELL SITTING ROOM 25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 10'-0"9'-0"+ 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE - 0'-6" (FFE 461.8') PATIO FFE COVERED PORCH 22'-512"EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE 123 3'-6"24'-1134"123 BALCONY PORCH STREETSCAPE (E) DRIVEWAY 16440 16500 16520 450 460 470 450 460 470 STREET LINE STREET LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPARCEL 124'-8 1/2"10'-0"9'-0"24'-9"13'-0"10'-0"9'-0"-1'-0" (FFE 457.0') GARAGE FLOOR LINE + 14'- 0-5/8" UPPER FLOOR LINE GARAGE + 13'- 0" (EL 471.0') T.O. PLATE GARAGE 123 123 123 16500450 460 470 STREET LINE STREET LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPARCEL 124'-8 1/2"10'-0"9'-0"24'-9"13'-0"10'-0"9'-0"-1'-0" (FFE 457.0') GARAGE FLOOR LINE + 14'- 0-5/8" UPPER FLOOR LINE GARAGE + 13'- 0" (EL 471.0') T.O. PLATE GARAGE 12 3 123 12 3 P R O P O S E D S T R E E T S C A P E & S I T E S E C T I O N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: SEE DRAWINGS A1-3 PROPOSED STREETSCAPE & SITE SECTION DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 DATE: 09-02-21 1 6 4 8 4 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D P A R C E L 1 1 6 4 8 4 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D P A R C E L 2 1 6 5 0 0 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D 1 6 5 2 0 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D 1 6 4 4 0 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D S T R E E T S C A P E 1/16" = 1'-0" C R O S S S E C T I O N 3/32" = 1'-0" 1 6 4 8 4 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D P A R C E L 1 1 6 4 8 4 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D P A R C E L 2 1 6 5 0 0 S. K E N N E D Y R O A D S T R E E T S C A P E 1/8" = 1'-0" PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE CENTERLINE MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR 570 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE LEGEND EXISTING STRUCTURES R.O.S. BOOK 75 MAPS PG. 20 R.O.S. BOOK 330 MAPS PG. 3 R.O.S. BOOK 35 MAPS PG. 31 A.P.N. 532-20-002 A.P.N. 532-20-011 A.P.N. 532-20-004 SOUTH KENNEDY ROADLOS CERRITOS DRIVEA.P.N. 532-20-001 PROPOSED NEW LOT LINE PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED LOT LINE PARCEL 2 PARCEL 1 BUILDING SETBACK LINE DEMOLITION & CLEARING AREA GEOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTSLRDA LESS THAN 7% AVERAGE SLOPE LRDA LESS THAN 30% AVERAGE SLOPE AVERAGE SLOPE 30% OR GREATER STRUCTURES TO BE DEMOLISHED RESIDENCE GARAGE / WORK SHOP 1,969 1,016 SQ. FT. SHED 79 FRONT PORCH 71 DECK 800 TOTAL 3,935 TREES TO BE REMOVED TREE TO BE REMOVED 23 21 19 18 17 1 2 3 20 22 24 25 28 29 32 15 9 8 7 10 12 14 16 19 17 18 20 13 11 23 2 31 3233 34 21 22 24 26 27 25 23 29 31 28 39 38 30 S I T E D E M O L I T I O N P L A N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 1' = 10' A2-1 SITE DEMOLITION PLAN DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-10-21 1 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 2 DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A TE OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 DATE: 09-02-21 00 20'40' 1. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! CONTACT UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA) AT 1-800-227-2600 AT LEAST 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE EXCAVATING. 2. ENTIRE EXISTING HOME AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONCRETE WALKWAYS, PATIOS, DECKS, SHEDS, AND PLANTERS) SHALL BE COMPLETELY DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED FROM SITE. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK WITH PG&E AS REQUIRED TO CAP OFF AND SECURE EXISTING GAS LINES TO PROPERTY. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK WITH PG&E AS REQUIRED TO CAP OFF EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO BUILDING. SET UP NEW TEMPORARY POWER POLE AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE POWER DURING CONSTRUCTION. 5. CONTRACTOR TO SAFE OFF EXISTING WATER SERVICE AS REQUIRED TO UPGRADE WATER SERVICE TO NEW HOME. PROVIDE TEMPORARY WATER ACCESS AT SITE AS REQUIRED FOR USE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. STOCKPILING OF MATERIALS IS NOT ALLOWED ON SITE. ALL DEMOLITION MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SITE PROMPTLY. 7. PER THE MOST CURRENT CALGREEN BUILDING CODE, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A WASTE HANDLING PLAN AND RECYCLING DEBRIS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 7.1. RECYCLE 100% OF ASPHALT AND CONCRETE; 7.2. RECYCLE UNIVERSAL WASTE PROPERLY; 7.3. RECYCLE 65% OF THE REMAINING MATERIALS GENERATED BY THE 7.4. PROJECT; AND 7.5. SEPARATE PLANT/TREE DEBRIS FROM OTHER MATERIAL, AND 7.6. COMPOST 100% OF PLANT DEBRIS. 8. ALL MATERIALS SHALL GO IN A CITY APPROVED DEBRIS BOX. 9. IF CONTRACTOR USES SELF-HAUL USING THEIR OWN EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO TAKE ALL MATERIALS TO AN APPROVED RECYCLING FACILITY. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL SAVE ALL RECEIPTS FOR SUBMITTAL WITH A FINAL DIVERSION REPORT. FAILURE TO PROVIDE PROPER DOCUMENTATION MAY RESULT IN A $1000/TON PENALTY FOR EACH TON NOT RECYCLED. S I T E P L A N D E M O L I T I O N N O T E S 1 MAIN FLOOR 38'-1"8'-512"7'-312"13'-312"5'-9"26'-2"15'-4" 6080 3060SC 2080FX708011420FX TRANSOM2080FX3060SC90100 O.H. GARAGE DOOR 2880 2640SC90808096TC6090160909090309030906080 408040804080 30802680 268028802880 3050SC 3060SC 2680 3670FX3670FX2030SC2656SC2656SC 9066TC5056DC 5056DC 6080 30802680 2880 2640SC DN UP DN DN DN114'-412" 4'-314" 8'-0"2'-6"9'-5"2'-6"9'-314"2'-534"9'-514"2'-534" 6'-1114"4'-314" 16'-0"15'-1112"21'-314"14'-112"1'-8"2'-4"4'-0"3'-1114"2'-514"3'-312"3'-9"24'-8"64'-014"15'-714"2'-0"12'-014"2'-0"15'-3"3'-0"8'-0"2'-4"3'-0"BOOKSHELFBOOKSHELF COATS DINING CABINET SEE-THRU FIREPLACE MW DRWR. 48" RANGE BREAKFAST NOOK KITCHEN FAMILY ROOM OFFICEDINING ROOM MUDROOM BATH 1 BEDROOM 1 PWDR.RM. PANTRY FRONTCOVEREDPORCH 3-CAR GARAGE COVERED PATIO BUILT-INCAB.D/W FOYER COVERED PATIO WALK-IN CLOSET 10 FT. FLAT CLG. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. VAULTED CLG. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. WINE REF. FRZ. COL. REF. COL. 10 FT. FLAT CLG. TWO-WAY FIREPLACE TWO-WAY FIREPLACE BENCH & HOOKSCLOSET IT ROOM SEE-THRU FIREPLACE OPEN PATIO BUILT-INCAB.STACK WASH/ DRY STORAGE 3'-934" 15'-11"10'-0"25'-834"3'-0" 16'-6" COVERED PATIO 12'-334" O.C. 51'-734"53'-014"10'-314" PATIO90100 O.H. GARAGE DOOR 90100 O.H. GARAGE DOOR21'-012" O.C.6'-0"4'-334" MAIN FLOOR AREA: 3,110 SQ. FT. UPPER FLOOR AREA: 2,355 TOTAL:5,465 SQ. FT. GARAGE AREA: 910 TOTAL:6,375 SQ. FT. GARAGE REDUCTION: (400 SQ. FT.) FLOOR AREA MAX. NET: 5,975 SQ. FT. A A6-1 A A6-1 B A6-1 B A6-1CA6-2CA6-2DA6-2DA6-22'-6"2'-6"10'-514" DN P R O P O S E D M A I N F L O O R P L A N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A3-1 DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN DATE: 09-02-21 FLOOR PLAN NOTES: 1. SEE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET GN-1 FOR SPECIFIC CODE INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS FLOOR PLAN. DN 4026LS2650SC2650SC 6060 DC2640SC2640SC10040FX2030SC2656SC 2860SC 60120FX 2880 8050FX2650SC 2680268026804080 2680 268026802640SC2680 2680 2680120802656SC 2656SC 26802880268026802680 2640SC2640SC 5056DC 408013'-10"2'-314"7'-012"5'-634"5'-934"5'-614"12'-11" 52'-1112" 2'-2" 8'-414"15'-1112"15'-3"16'-214"47'-434"3'-1134"1'-734"2'-4"1'-8"20'-1112"10'-0"5'-612"13'-10" 5'-612" 4'-914" 2'-934"1'-734"14'-334"5'-612"13'-1014"17'-8"53'-014"1'-8"2'-4"ELEC. FIREPLACE CLOSET BALCONY BEDROOM 4 BATH4 STAIRWELLGRAND BDRM BEDROOM 2 9FT. FLAT CLG.9FT. FLAT CLG. LAUNDRY WALK-INCLOSET BEDROOM 3 BATH 3 9FT. FLAT CLG. 9FT. FLAT CLG. 9FT. FLAT CLG. SITTING AREA 9FT. FLAT CLG. GRAND BATH GRANDCLOSET SHWR. W.C. WALK-INCLOSET MEDIA CABINET BENCH 42" HT METAL GUARD RAIL LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF COLUMN BELOW, TYP. BATH 2 SHWR.CLOSETWALK-IN CLOSETLINENCLOSET 50'-4"8'-3" BALCONY MAIN FLOOR OUTLINE A A6-1 A A6-1 B A6-1A6-2CA6-2DA6-2DA6-2C6016 FX TRANSOM6060 DC6016 FX TRANSOMB A6-1 B A6-1 P R O P O S E D U P P E R F L O O R P L A N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A3-2 DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 PROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLAN DATE: 09-02-21 FLOOR PLAN NOTES: 1. SEE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET GN-1 FOR SPECIFIC CODE INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS FLOOR PLAN. ROOF PLAN 2-15-22 BALCONY LOWER ROOF 3 : 123 : 123 : 12 3 : 12 CHIMNEY LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF 3 : 123 : 123 : 123 : 123 : 12 LOWER ROOF LOWER ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 3 : 123 : 12LOWER ROOF A A6-1A6-2CA6-2C5 : 123 : 123 : 12A6-2C3 : 123 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 123 : 123 : 123 : 12 3 : 123 : 123 : 123 : 12 UPPER FLOOR OUTLINE MAIN FLOOR OUTLINE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF A A6-1 LOW-SLOPE ROOF W/ BUILT-UP ROOFING SYSTEM; MIN. SLOPE 3 : 123 : 12 3 : 123 : 123 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 12 3 : 123 : 123 : 12 3 : 123 : 12B A6-1 B A6-1DA6-2DA6-2STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF P R O P O S E D R O O F P L A N ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A4-1 ROOF PLAN GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 2. PROVIDE ROOF SLOPE AS INDICATED ON PLANS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY IN THE FIELD. 3. PROVIDE NEW STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF "CLASS A" ROOF COVERING. STYLE AND COLOR TO BE DETERMINED BY OWNER. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COPY OF THE ICC REPORT FOR THE ROOF COVERING AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION. 5. PROVIDE ALUMINUM METAL GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS THAT SHALL BE PAINTED. GUTTERS SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH TRIM COLOR AND DOWNSPOUTS (RAIN WATER LEADERS: RWL) SHALL MATCH BODY COLOR. 6. PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION AT ENCLOSED ATTICS AND ENCLOSED RAFTER SPACES FORMED WHERE CEILINGS ARE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE UNDERSIDE OF ROOF FRAMING MEMBERS SHALL HAVE A CROSS VENTILATION FOR EACH SEPARATE SPACE BY VENTILATING OPENINGS PROTECTED AGAINST THE ENTRANCE OF RAIN AND SNOW. BLOCKING AND BRIDGING SHALL BE ARRANGED SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH THE MOVEMENT OF AIR. A MINIMUM OF (1) INCH OF AIRSPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE INSULATION AND THE ROOF SHEATHING. THE NET FREE VENTILATING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF NOT LESS THAN (1) SQ. FT. FOR EACH (150) SQ. FT. OF ATTIC AREA WITH (50) PERCENT OF THE REQUIRED VENTILATING AREA PROVIDED LOCATED NEAR THE UPPER PORTION. VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF: A. SEE ROOF VENTILATION CALCULATIONS ON ROOF PLAN. B. PROVIDE LOW EAVE AND RIDGE LINE VENTILATION. 1. PROVIDE 22"X 30" MINIMUM OPENING FOR ATTIC ACCESS OR AS LARGE AS THE LARGEST COMPONENT OF APPLIANCE LOCATED IN ATTIC. 2. PROVIDE DIMENSIONS FOR ALL ROOF OVERHANGS AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS AND DETAILS. 3. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL LAYOUT INFORMATION. COORDINATE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. IF THERE ANY DISCREPANCIES, PLEASE REPORT TO THE ARCHITECT AS NECESSARY. DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN DATE: 09-02-21 10'-0"9'-0"14'-1 1/4" TO EXISTING GRADE14'-0"24'-8 1/2" TO PROPOSED GRADE18'-11" TO PROPOSED GRADE24'-9 1/2" TO EXISTING GRADE23'-3 1/2" TO EXISTING GRADETWO-SIDED FIREPLACE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR -1'-0" (FFE 461.5') GARAGE FLOOR LINE + 14'- 0" (EL 475.5') T.O. PLATE GARAGE -3'-4" (FFE 458.4') LOWER PATIO FLOOR LINE -1'-0" (FFE 461.5') GARAGE FLOOR LINE EXISTING GRADE EXISTING G R A D E 25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 1 3 12 18'-1 1/4"14'-0"10'-0"9'-0"22'-10" TO EXISTING GRADE24'-2 1/2" TO EXISTING GRADE24'-8 1/2" TO PROPOSED GRADE-1'-0" (FFE 461.5') GARAGE FLOOR LINE + 14'- 0" (EL 475.5') T.O. PLATE GARAGE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR ALL EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES TO BE SHIELDED AND DIRECTED DOWNWARD IN ACCORDANCE TO THE TOWN CODE AND HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES. 25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED EXISTING GRADE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 N E W R E S I D E N C E :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D, L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0A5-1 ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC. AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" DATE: 09/02/21 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 SUBMITTALS: DATE DESCRIPTION 09-02-21 DESIGN REVIEW SET YHTRAS9 -30-23 DATE RENEWAL T EOFTA INOF C A IL RD AREC No. C29767 A S OBREN IN LIC AECTCcT. M H I 12-10-21 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS P R O P O S E D E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N S EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES: 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 2. SEE ROOF PLAN SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON ROOF COVERING, GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS. 3. EXTERIOR WALL COVERING: (SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR LOCATION OF MATERIALS, AND DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION). SEE SHEETS A5-3 AND A5-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COLOR SAMPLES FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT OF THE FOLLOWING: A. THREE COAT (7/8 inch) PLASTER ASSEMBLY OVER FRAMING: WOOD-BASED SHEATHING (PER APA) EXTERIOR SHEATHING BOARD WITH 1- SHEET OF A SELF- ADHERED FLASHING (SAF) APPLIED AT ALL HORIZONTAL SURFACES UNDER 2-SHEETS OF BLACK, GRADE “D” BUILDING (KRAFT) PAPER AS A WEATHER-RESISTIVE BARRIER; GALVANIZED PLASTER ACCESSORIES, METAL LATH, A CONVENTIONAL PLASTER SCRATCH AND BROWN COAT MEETING ASTM STANDARD C 926. SEE EXTERIOR MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEETS A5-3 AND A5-4. B. PROVIDE ADHERED NATURAL THIN STONE VENEER AT ALL BASE COLUMNS AND BASE OF PORCH. SEE EXTERIOR MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEETS A5-3 AND A5-4. 4. TRIMS, EXTERIOR DOORS, SHUTTERS, CORBALS AND OTHER MISC. ACCENTS: ALL MATERIALS TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE SHALL BE CEMENT BD. OR SIMILAR WITH PAINTED COLOR FINISH: SHALL BE SELECTED BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT. 5. EXTERIOR ENTRY DOOR, OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR: SEE EXTERIOR MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEETS A5-3 AND A5-4. 6. PATIO DOORS & WINDOWS: SEE EXTERIOR MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEETS A5-3 AND A5-4. 7. CHIMNEY / FLUE: SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST 2 FT. ABOVE THE HIGHEST ELEVATION OF ANY PORTION OF THE BUILDING WITHIN 10 FT. OF THE CHIMNEY. 8. PROVIDE VAPOR BARRIER: (TYVEK OR EQUAL) OVER THE WALL SHEATHING. SEE DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 9. BUILDING ADDRESS: SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE ADJACENT PUBLIC WAY OR STREET. ADDRESS LETTERS / NUMBERS SHALL BE MINIMUM 4-INCHES HIGH, WITH A MINIMUM STROKE WIDTH OF 1/2-INCH, AND SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. IF BUILDING ADDRESS CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM THE PUBLIC WAY, AND ACCESS TO THE DWELLING IS PROVIDED BY A PRIVATE ROAD, THEN SHOW LOCATION OF A MONUMENT OR POLE SIGN USED TO IDENTIFY THE SITE ADDRESS. CRC SECTION R319. F R O N T S T R E E T V I E W E A S T E L E V A T I O N S I D E Y A R D V I E W N O R T H E L E V A T I O N PLAN CHK. COMMENTS02-22-22 1 10'-0"9'-0"13'-3 1/2" TO EXISTING GRADE22'-6" TO PROPOSED GRADE19'-8" TO EXISTING GRADE24'-8 1/2" TO PROPOSED GRADE+ 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE ± 14' - 0" (EL 475.5') GARAGE PLATE HT. - 0'-6" (FFE 461.8') PATIO FFE EXISTING G R A D E EXISTING GRADE 25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED -1'-0" (FFE 461.5') GARAGE FLOOR LINE 18'-2" TO PROPOSED GRADE24'-10" TO PROPOSED GRADE24'-4" TO EXISTING GRADE22'-11 1/2" TO EXISTING GRADE24'-8" TO EXISTING GRADE-3'-4" (FFE 458.4') LOWER PATIO FLOOR LINE + 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE - 0'-6" (FFE 461.8') PATIO FFE PLANTER STEPS & PATIO IN FOREGROUND EXISTING GRADE 25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED EXISTING GRADE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 N E W R E S I D E N C E :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D, L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0A5-2 ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC. AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" DATE: 09/02/21 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 SUBMITTALS: DATE DESCRIPTION 09-02-21 DESIGN REVIEW SET YHTRAS9 -30-23 DATE RENEWAL T EOFTA INOF C A IL RD AREC No. C29767 A S OBREN IN LIC AECTCcT. M H I 12-10-21 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS P R O P O S E D E X T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N S EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET A5-1 FOR GENERAL EXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES. 2. SEE SHEET A5-3 AND A5-4 FOR SPECIFICATION OF EXTERIOR MATERIALS. R E A R Y A R D V I E W W E S T E L E V A T I O N S I D E Y A R D V I E W S O U T H E L E V A T I O N PLAN CHK. COMMENTS02-22-22 1 2 4 6 3 5 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 TWO-SIDED FIREPLACE 7 5 5 6 7 7 1 2 2 1 1 224'-8 1/2"6 6 4 5 5 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 5 4 N E W R E S I D E N C E :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D, L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0A5-3 ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC. AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16 IN. = 1 FT. DATE: 09/02/21 DESIGN REVIEW COMPLIANCE ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 SUBMITTALS: DATE DESCRIPTION 09-02-21 DESIGN REVIEW SET F R O N T S T R E E T V I E W E A S T E L E V A T I O N D E S I G N R E V I E W C O M P L I A N C E YHTRAS9 -30-23 DATE RENEWAL T EOFTA INOF C A IL RD AREC No. C29767 A S OBREN IN LIC AECTCcT. M H I S I D E Y A R D V I E W N O R T H E L E V A T I O N DESIGN REVIEW SET12-10-21 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS R E A R Y A R D V I E W W E S T E L E V A T I O N S I D E Y A R D V I E W S O U T H E L E V A T I O N PLAN CHK. COMMENTS02-22-22 1 2N E W R E S I D E N C E :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D, L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0A5-4 ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC. AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: NO SCALE DATE: 09/02/21 PROPOSED EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 SUBMITTALS: DATE DESCRIPTION 09-02-21 DESIGN REVIEW SET YHTRAS9 -30-23 DATE RENEWAL T EOFTA INOF C A IL RD AREC No. C29767 A S OBREN IN LIC AECTCcT. M H I DESIGN REVIEW SETP R O P O S E D E X T E R I O R P E R S P E C T I V E S NOTE THAT THESE PERSPECTIVES ARE ILLUSTRATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL RENDERING OF THE MAIN RESIDENCE ONLY AND DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FINAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN HARDSCAPE AND PLANTINGS. F R O N T P E R S P E C T I V E R E A R P E R S P E C T I V E 0 1 12-10-21 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS R E A R P E R S P E C T I V E 0 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS02-22-22 BREAKFAST NOOK KITCHEN PANTRY BEDROOM NO.1 MUD ROOM BREEZE WAY 3 CAR GARAGE CRAWLSPACE BEDROOM NO.3 BEDROOM NO.2 LAUNDRY ROOMBATH NO.2 WALK IN CLOSET WALK IN CLOSET 25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 10'-0"9'-0"+ 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE - 0'-6" (FFE 461.8') PATIO FFE ± 14' - 0" (EL 475.5') GARAGE PLATE HT. -1'-0" (FFE 461.5') GARAGE FLOOR LINE EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE23'-1034" TO EXISTING GRADE13'-812" TO EXISTING GRADE12 3 12 3 24'-314"CRAWLSPACE FAMILY ROOM GRAND BEDROOM FOYER STAIRWELL SITTING ROOM 25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 10'-0"9'-0"+ 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE - 0'-6" (FFE 461.8') PATIO FFE COVERED PORCH25'-534" TO EXISTING GRADE22'-512"EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE 123 3'-6"24'-1134"12 3 BALCONY PORCH B U I L D I N G S E C T I O N S ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A6-1 BUILDING SECTION NOTES: 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 2. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND DETAILS FOR CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. 3. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 BUILDING SECTIONS DATE: 09-02-21 S E C T I O N A - A 3/16" = 1'-0" 3/16" = 1'-0" S E C T I O N B - B 2 2 CRAWLSPACE BEDROOM NO. 1 STAIR HALL BEDROOM NO. 2 SITTING ROOM 10'-0"9'-0"+ 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE22'-612" TO EXISTING GRADE24'-5" TO EXISTING GRADE25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 123 12 3 D-D24'-8 1/2"-3'-4" (FFE 458.4') LOWER PATIO FLOOR LINE 10'-0"9'-0"+ 0'-0" (FFE 462.5') MAIN FLOOR LINE + 11'- 0-5/8" (EL 473.55) UPPER FLOOR LINE + 20'- 0-5/8" EL 482.55) T.O.P UPPER FLOOR + 10'- 0" (EL 472.5') T.O. PLATE23'-934" TO EXISTING GRADE- 0'-6" (FFE 461.8') PATIO FFE BREAKFAST NOOKCOVERED PATIOCOVERED PATIO BALCONY 23'-934" TO EXISTING GRADE25'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ALLOWED 25'-0" TO EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE 12 3 B U I L D I N G S E C T I O N S ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A6-2 BUILDING SECTION NOTES: SEE SHEET A6-1 FOR BUILDING SECTION NOTES. DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 09-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A T E OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS12-06-21 1 2 PLAN CHK. COMMENTS2-22-22 BUILDING SECTIONS DATE: 09-02-21 S E C T I O N C - C 3/16" = 1'-0" 3/16" = 1'-0" S E C T I O N D - D TYPE "S" MORTAR JOINT NATURAL THIN STONE VENEER BLEND SHEATHING 2-LAYERS WATER RESISTANT BARRIER METAL LATH TYPE "S" MORTAR SCRATCH COAT TYPE "S" MORTAR SETTING BED WOOD STUDS NOTE: FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS AND/OR INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR ADHERED MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER, AND BSI BUILDING STONE INSTITUTE "ADHERED NATURAL STONE VENEER INSTALLATION GUIDE." NOTE: PROVIDE A BONDING AGENT MIXTURE WITH THE MORTAR INSTALLATION. STONE VENEER 2X STUDS STRUCTURAL BEAM CEDAR T&G CEILING PANEL 1X6 TRIM O/ 2X10 FASCIA SEE TYPICAL ROOF EAVE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MTL. RAIN WATER LEADER MTL. GUTTER EXTERIOR STUCCO SMOOTH FINISH O/ SHEATHING & WALL FRAMING NOTE: SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SHEATHING STUCCO STONE VENEER; SEE DETAIL 3/A8-3. NOTE: SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. STONE TILES O/ MORTAR PORCH F.F.E. MAX. 12" RADIUS 7-3/4" MAX. RISER NOSING 34" TO 1 14" 10" MIN. TREAD 2X STUDS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. STONE VENEER SEE DETAIL 3/A8-3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NOTE: SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. STONE TILES O/ MORTAR PORCH F.F.E. MAX. 12" RADIUS 7-3/4" MAX. RISER NOSING 34" TO 1 14" 10" MIN. TREAD PLYWOOD 2X STUDS ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF ROBIN MCCARTHY ARCH STUDIO, INC.AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF ROBIN MCCARTHY SCALE: SEE DRAWINGS A8-1 DATE: 09/02/2021 3" = 1'-0" STONE VENEER, TYPICAL 2 3 DATE RENEWAL No. C29767 ROBIN MCCARTHY, AIA ARCHITECT #C29767 LICENSE D ARCHI TE CTROBIN A.MCCA RT HYST A TE OF CA L IFO RNIA1155 MERIDIAN AVE. #207 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 9 - 30 - 23 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS DESIGN REVIEW SET SUBMITTALS: Date Description 9-02-21 N E W 2 - S T O R Y R E S I D E N C E F O R :P A R C E L 2 R E S I D E N C E1 6 4 8 4 S . K E N N E D Y R O A D L O S G A T O S , C A 9 5 0 3 0PC RESPONSE12-10-21 1 REAR PATIO COLUMN & STEPS 1-1/2" = 1'-0" REAR PATIO COLUMN & ROOF EAVE 1-1/2" = 1'-0" 5 4 1-1/2" = 1'-0" FRONT PORCH STEPS & WALL6 NOT USED NOT USED 1'-2"3'2x6 PT fir top rail 6x6 PT fir post 4"x4" 10ga WWM Staple to frame Mesh to be black vinyl coated 2x6 PT fir kicker6'14" dia conc. footing WOOD AND WIRE FENCE1 Bar and strike latch no lower than 60" above the ground6"3/4" solid steel pickets 2" steel tube frame Self closing hinges 3 total per gate, gate to be 6' tall 4'-0" See Detail above 5'-4"SELF-CLOSING GATE2 8'Cast concrete wall with earth tone stain or stone veneer Gravel drain blanket, wrap in filter fabric Stone paving over concrete or permeable base Foundation as determined by structural engineer RETAINING WALL MATERIALS36'6'9'-6" Conc. slab Stucco finish, paint to match house Wood gate 5'-8" TRASH ENCLOSURE4 SOUTH KENNEDY ROADSOUTH KENNEDY ROADTWO-WAYFIREPLACE F.F. MAIN LEVEL 462.5 NEW RESIDENCE F.F. MAIN LEVEL 458.0 PAD 455.0 New Screening trees See planting plan for species and size Existing trees to remain See Tree Plan for tree tables Legend Note: Work on lot 1 is under separate permit 30' 30'20'20'20'25' 25'20'Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.Lot Split and New Houses16484 S. Kennedy RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF South Kennedy408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureLots 1 and 2Overall Site andScreening Plan8-12-21 1"=20'-0" L1.0 1 Per plan check comments DRF 1 1 SOUTH KENNEDY ROADF.F. MAIN LEVEL 462.5 NEW RESIDENCE 1 1 1 2 22 3 4 55 6 6 6 7 7 9 10 10 10 11 14 15 13 16 52 52 30'20'20'20'20'1'-2"3'2x6 PT fir top rail 6x6 PT fir post 4"x4" 10ga WWM Staple to frame Mesh to be black vinyl coated 2x6 PT fir kicker6'14" dia conc. footing WOOD AND WIRE FENCE1 Bar and strike latch no lower than 60" above the ground6"3/4" solid steel pickets 2" steel tube frame Self closing hinges 3 total per gate, gate to be 6' tall 4'-0" See Detail above 5'-4"SELF-CLOSING GATE2 8'Cast concrete wall with earth tone stain or stone veneer Gravel drain blanket, wrap in filter fabric Stone paving over concrete or permeable base Foundation as determined by structural engineer RETAINING WALL MATERIALS36'Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.Lot Split and New Houses16484 S. Kennedy RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF South Kennedy408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureLot 2 PreliminaryLandscape Plan8-12-21 1"=10'-0" L1.1 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Existing tree from arborist report Existing tree to remain (typical) New residence, see architects plans Proposed pool and spa Stone patios set on permeable base Shrubs and ground covers areas. For exact species, size and count see planting plan New trees. For exact species, size and count see planting plan Permeable paving in hatched area to reduce impervious surface, ie. ECO pavers, gravel, etc. 6` wood and wire fence and 6` self-closing gates that open away from the pool Proposed trellis Proposed electric fireplace insert. The fireplace insert and the surround would have a total height of 3`-6" Trash enclosure, For elevations see sheet L1.0 Synthetic turf lawn BBQ and counters. The area is covered by an umbrella(s), there is not structure over this item. 20` setback 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 52 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE 1 Per plan check comments DRF 1 520 510 500 490 480 470 480 450 510 520 460 500 490 450 470 460 460 470 450 460 470 450 520 510 500 490 480 470 460 450 520 510 500 490 480 470 460 450 470 460 450 470 460 450 460 450 440 460 450 440 LOT 2 - Section A LOT 2 - Section B LOT 1 - Section A LOT 1 - Section B LOT 1 - Section C6" fill2' cut9" cut16" cut1'-10 fill1'-10 fill1'-8" cut2'-5 cut11'11'SOUTH KENNEDY ROADF.F. MAIN LEVEL 458.0 PAD 455.0 SOUTH KENNEDY ROADF.F. MAIN LEVEL 462.5 NEW RESIDENCE 1A 2.0 1A 2.0 2A L2.0 2A L2.0 3A L2.0 3A L2.0 1B 2.0 1B 2.0 2B L2.0 2B L2.0 3B L2.0 3B L2.0 LOT 2 LOT 1 Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.Lot Split and New Houses16484 S. Kennedy RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF South Kennedy408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureSections1"=30'-0" L2.0 8-24-21 NEW LOT LINE SOUTH KENNEDY ROAD4:12 F.F. MAIN LEVEL 462.5 NEW RESIDENCE COVERED PATIO F.F. MAIN LEVEL 458.0 NEW RESIDENCECOVERED PATIO 23 21 19 18 17 16 11 10 8 7 4 56 9 1214 15 13 1 2 3 20 22 24 25 28 29 32 33 43 42 41 40 39 44 34 35 38 36 15 9 8 7 10 12 14 16 19 17 18 20 13 11 23 5 6 2 31 3233 34 21 22 24 26 27 25 23 29 31 28 39 37 38 35 30 40 44 4647 49 52 53 43 42 41 58 54 45 48 36 Note: Trees in this area outside of construction activity Note: Trees in this area outside of construction activity Canopy from report Tree number from report Tree protective fencing see detail 2" dia x 8' galv. steel fence post Drive minimum 24" into soil Chain link fabric 2'6'6' TYPE I TREE PROTECTIVE FENCING NTS 6'1 Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.Lot Split and New Houses16484 S. Kennedy RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF South Kennedy408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureTree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications 1. Size and materials: Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulated in a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base. 2. Area type to be fenced: Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches. 3. Duration of Type I, II, III fencing: Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence. 4. Warning Sign: Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025.” Text on the signs should be in both English and Spanish (Appendix E).Tree PlanNote: Trees to replace ordnance size trees that are to be removed will be placed as space allows. Required replacement trees that cannot be planted on site will be subject to the Town in-lieu fee SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Existing tree from arborist report Existing tree to remain (typical) Tree to be removed (typical) Tree canopy from arborist report Fire truck turnaround New residence Stone patios set on permeable base Proposed tree protection fencing Type 1 Driveway paving with installation that meets H/20 and HS/20 load standards Driveway to garage This section of path to be deferred until tree fencing can be removed 1 3 4 5 8 10 14 15 29 30 49 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE 1"=20'-0" L3.0 8-24-21 1 Per Town comments 2-24-21 DRF All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 1. Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protection zone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles within the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. 2. Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director. 3. Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials within the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. 4. Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree. 5. Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible. 6. Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits. 7. The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered. X 27 31 X 30 Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureLot Split and New Houses16484 S. Kennedy RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF South KennedyTree Tables Lot 2L3.1 8-24-21 6 AM2 10 EF 3 FM 3 MR 3 ML 3 EF 2 LP2 3 SP2 2 FM 6 PT 4 AM2 3 MR 2 LP2 3 EF 3 ML 3 LP2 3 CP2 3 EF 3 AH2 3 ML 4 AD 2 PL 3 LP 655 sf TS 1 PO 1 CH 2 PO 7 AD 7 SG2 3 CP2 4 VC 3 CP2 5 AD 3 QA 2 ML 3 PDD 3 MR 2 OS 5 CP2 8 CP2 3 OS 3 CP2 2 OS 2 CP2 3 PL 4 EF 1 CH 3 MR 3 CXH 4 EF 1 PDD 4 CXH 3 PL 3 CO 1 LN 2 OS 5 CP2 1 CH 1 PDD 2 ML 3 LP Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.Lot Split and New Houses16484 S. Kennedy RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF South Kennedy408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureSHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY AH2 Anigozanthos x `Big Red`Big Red Kangaroo Paw 5 gal 3 AM2 Arctostaphylos hookeri `Emerald Carpet` Hooker`s Manzanita 1 gal 10 AD Arctostaphylos x `John Dourley`John Dourley Manzanita 5 gal 16 CP2 Ceanothus griseus `Point Sal`Point Sal Carmel Ceanothus 1 gal 32 CH Ceanothus x 'Ray Hartman'Ray Hartman Wild Lilac 15 gal. 3 CXH Cistus x hybridus White Rockrose 5 gal 7 EF Eriogonum fasciculatum foliolosum California Buckwheat 5 gal 27 FM Ficus pumila minima Creeping Fig --- 5 LP Lantana montevidensis Trailing Lantana 1 gal 8 LP2 Limonium perezii Statice 1 gal 7 ML Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Kitten'Little Kitten Eulalia Grass 5 gal 13 MR Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass 1 gal 12 PL Perovskia atriplicifolia `Lacey Blue` Russian Sage 5 gal 8 PT Phormium tenax `Tiny Tiger`Dwarf Flax 1 gal 6 PDD Phormium x `Dark Delight`New Zealand Flax 5 gal 5 SP2 Salvia `Celestial Blue`Santa Rosa Island Sage 1 gal 3 SG2 Salvia clevelandii x sonomensis `Gracias` Sage 1 gal 7 VC Vitis californica `Roger`s Red`California Wild Grape 1 gal 4 PLANT SCHEDULE TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY CO Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Multi-trunk 24" Box 3 LN Lagerstroemia indica fauriei `Natchez` Multi Crape Myrtle 24"box 1 OS Olea europaea `Swan Hill`Swan Hill Olive 24" Box 9 PO Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore 24"box 3 QA Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 24" Box 3 GROUND COVERS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING QTY TS Turf-Synthetic Synthetic turf Roll 655 sf PLANT SCHEDULE 22 22 22 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Line of 30` defensible zone and ornamental zone22 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE Lot 2 Planting Plan1"=10'-0" L4.0 8-24-21 Could be used for replacement trees Could be used for replacement trees Note: There are 195 plants total in the plan. Of these 195, 118 are native species. 60% of the total is native plantings. 1 1 1 1 Per plan check comments DRF