Attachment 2 - 1990 Bloomfield Surveyue- d/nn£ 23foom{ufd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address ~~(}, ·v~r.;//;r PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141 5l 922 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 Parcel # 5'2....1-&~ -t)(!) I Lot size: 5"' $" front ft. x //0 ft. deep Lot shape: Rectan gle~ L___ Rectangle with small rear jog ___ Other ___________________ _ Lo cation: N s side of L) St --~----------------Ave / Other ----------- distance to c ross st: ft. N S E W from --------------------------------- HISTORIC INFORMATION ON Ol d tract or subdivision at NE /NW PARCEL MAP nam e V.'#yad ~~I-s I FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) SE SW corner Old Block # 5'""' Preliminary rating -t-Estimated age I¥ 76)~ Style 1-rk.tttl"ft~t-...,/e_ Old lot # ------------ # stories._,L Alterations~------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other ~ "?e., COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTER ISTICS (paste on copy) OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date ____ 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size Own e r Na me EFFe c tive date ·---- MISCELLANEOUS National Register listed date __________________ _ PHOTOS: Roll /frame #t'O~~ Date ____ _ County Inventory 1979 ___________ ~~----------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation ___ Recognition __ _ District Name ------------------------------- Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustration page # Butler I Junior League ---- ATTACHMENT 2 Street: ~ ~llfcs N)useulh P..ss~c.!a.-Tw:';~ ~r :siono.. Hlln1E: Su r"<.:::Y Informant : E . l;8.GeS House numbe~: Phone: 202 I idur n fa : ~rel'Sent owners: r. R R Phone: I Nr. and ~rs a av od~ers I IE s timeted constructi0n dete: 1890C.A.R. ~ 1 900I •• G .'J~.R. ;1 C583 1.ritle Ins . Bui l der: wner.s0ip: Original: §ccu pation: (ye ar of nurchase) (Present) 07lnei.." Occu pan~a : !History: 19_ GcoTr·e I'h lcs voJ J ins ( 1911.1 L .G .·t ~ lL }' 194]_: H ,G Q H8,T(l tkr-> 19_: 19 __ 192tL! Oliver Collins l9{J:}_: A.l;. :Baker 1555 : l·irs. Dunbar J,. Rudolnh l%'7: Tnmc:r G. HeJton (Please identify information source .) ll I I " " II Occupa ti on: II II tl . II II _______ .. __ ~ Afplt~E Al!e.. I"-' ---------------------------- ~s Go.i~~s.&.,IRem~-deling .. = _(Please identify inZormati o n aourca and year of change .) c. -\v t' • -7 .-/1 :L<'l.\2.nct<.:.y__:r_Q.QD a;nd br;drpom added. at thr. 'b ack of house. --·---..... ( /n .. lA! "'· ,,_ .. }l l u '~ . (\ G" \~ · .. •' t . ·~ ~· li ) ) l \ .. ·:~ ------------------------------------------------------------- ~------------------------------------