Attachment 2 - Historic ResearchATTACHMENT 2 Harding Mediterranean District Continuation page 4. 7. DESCRI~ON {Cont.) planarwallsand various other hallmarks of this style. Many have ceramic (or ~itation ceramic) pantile roofs of the standard terra cotta orange color. The roofs are flat or of low pitch. Some have curvalinear parapets, low relief medal- lions, and/or canales (decorative water spouts). There are a number of segmental arches and some columns. Considered in three dimensions, most of the houses appear as one main block with a single front projection (entry or one room) having a separate low pitch roof. Facades are not symmetrical, but entries are near the ceneer. Chimneys, usually stuccoed, are located on side elevations . Most original Windows appear to have been wood casement sash, often subdivided. By and large the houses are intact as to location, materials, workmanship, feeling and association, but a number of front windows have been altered to picture windows. On the 15 parcels, 12 houses (80%) contribute to thedistrict. ~o of the three non-contributors are too thoroughly altered to contribute, and one lot has 1950s building(s). All parcels are listed on page 2, and each contribueing house is shown on subsequent pages with photo and minimum historic information.