Staff Report.44 Bayview
Associate Planner
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874
MEETING DATE: 03/24/2021
DATE: March 18, 2021
TO: Historic Preservation Committee
FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Forward a Recommendation to the Director on a Request for Technical
Demolition of a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) and Construction
of a Single-Family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio Standards on
Property Zoned R-1D Located at 44 Bayview Avenue. APN 510-44-020.
Architecture and Site Application S-21-005. Property Owner: Pamela Hook.
Applicant: Jay Plett, Architect. Project Planner: Sean Mullin
Consider a preliminary review of a request for technical demolition of a presumptive historic
residence (pre-1941) and construction of a single-family residence to exceed floor area ratio
(FAR) standards on property zoned R-1D located at 44 Bayview Avenue.
1. Date primary structure was built: c. 1922 per County Assessor’s Database/Bloomfield
2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: +, historic and intact, worthy of special note
3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No
4. Is structure in a historic district? No
5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A
6. Findings required? Yes
7. Considerations required? Yes
On December 16, 2020, the HPC conducted a preliminary review of a request for technical
demolition of a presumptive historic resource (Pre-1941) for a proposed project to rehabilitate
the single-family residence. Any request to demolish a presumptive historic structure is
reviewed by the HPC and is accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the
structure’s physical condition, prepared by an architect. The HPC reviewed the request and was
SUBJECT: 44 Bayview Avenue
DATE: March 18, 2021
N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2021\03-24-21\Item 2 - 44 Bayview Avenue\Staff Report.44 Bayview.docx
generally supportive of the proposed project, including removal of exterior walls. The HPC
recommended that the applicant return under formal application and consider the following:
• Specify windows that would be more reflective of the exist ing windows;
• Revise second-story front gable-end projection to preserve the original roof line; and
• Revise the design of the garage to make it appear more detached from the residence.
An Architecture and Site application was submitted to the Town on February 18, 2021 for the
proposed project. The Development Plans provided with the Planning application are
consistent with those considered by the HPC on December 16, 2020, including removal of
exterior walls. The applicant has addressed the comments provided by the HPC at that meeting
by specifying windows with a divided lite pattern more reflective of the existing residence,
lowering the lower-story ridge on the right side of the front elevation, and minimizing the roof
ridge behind the garage to make the garage appear more detached from the residence
(Attachment 7). As was previously presented, the applicant proposes to rehabilitate the
residence by repairing and preserving portions of the front façade found to convey the his toric
and architectural values of the residence and by making additions to the residence that are
compatible with the existing residence. The portions of the front façade that are to be
rehabilitated, along with the rest of the residence, are clad in horizontal lap siding noted to be
in extremely poor condition and unsalvageable in the report describing the condition of the
siding on the residence (Attachment 2). Given the condition of the siding, the applicant
requests that the HPC find that the siding on the portions of the front façade that are proposed
for preservation and rehabilitation be exempted from the demolition definition as allowed by
the Town Code.
A new two-story addition with below grade square footage would be constructed behind the
relocated and rehabilitated front facade. The proposed below grade square footage would be
located under a majority of the residence while the proposed partial second floor would be set
back from the front of the main floor, stepping into the residence to provide articulation and
distribution of the second-story mass. Proposed exterior materials include wood lap siding to
match the original size and profile of the existing residence, wood windows and doors, stone
cladding at the base of the front porch and chimney, and composition roof.
The front of the house would project two feet, seven inches into the required front setback.
The reduced front setback is allowed by the Town Code where a lot is situated between two
lots, each with main buildings that project into the required front setback. The reduced front
setback is the average of the main building setbacks on the adjacent properties. Additionally,
the proposed residence would exceed the FAR allowed for the property by 0.055 or 313 square
feet. The Town Code allows for an FAR greater than what is allowed when determined to be
consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines and compatible with the lot coverage,
SUBJECT: 44 Bayview Avenue
DATE: March 18, 2021
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DISCUSSION (continued):
setbacks, and FAR of development on surrounding properties. The applicant has provided
streetscapes showing how the design of the proposed residence would fit into the immediate
neighborhood (Attachment 7, Sheet A-1.1). When making their recommendation, the HPC
should consider whether the proposed design of the residence with an FAR exceeding
standards is compatible with the neighborhood, consistent with the Guidelines.
Should the Committee find merit in the proposed project, it should make the following findings
and considerations and make a recommendation of approval to the Community Development
A. Findings
Sec. 29.10.020. Demolition (historic structures)
All remaining exterior walls must be contiguous and must retain the existing exterior wall
covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall
covering. The following are exempt from this definition:
b. Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non-repairable exterior wall covering
(siding) resulting in no change to its exterior app earance or historic character if
approved by the deciding body.
Sec. 29.40.075. Floor area ratio.
In evaluating a request to exceed FAR standards, the deciding bod y shall consider whether
the design theme, sense of scale, exterior materials, and details of the proposed project
area consistent with the provisions of:
The adopted residential development standards.
B. Considerations
Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review.
In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design,
arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Application s
shall not be granted unless:
SUBJECT: 44 Bayview Avenue
DATE: March 18, 2021
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For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior
architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the
C. Residential Design Guidelines
Section 4.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for
additions to historic resources through reference to Section 3.9 (Attachment 2).
1. Letter of Justification
2. Report describing the condition of the existing siding
3. Photos
4. 1990 Bloomfield Survey
5. Sanborn Map exhibit
6. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines
7. Development Plans