11-19-15 Minutes - HPC SpecialTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR NOVEMBER 19, 2015, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:00P.M. by Chair Len Pacheco. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Len Pacheco, Bob Cowan, Kathryn Janoff, Michael Kane, Tom O'Donnell Members Absent: None Staff Present: Joel Paulson, Planning Manager Mami Moseley, Associate Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. ITEM 1 ITEM2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bob Cowan moved to approve the minutes of October 28, 2015. The motion was seconded by Michael Kane and approved 4-0-1 with Tom O 'Donnell absent. 325 W. MAIN STREET Mark De Mattei (applicant), Brian Aced (applicant), and Elisa Morgan (property owner were present and are requesting approval of exterior modifications to a pre- 1941 property in a Historic District. Micha el Kane commented that the revisions address a number of Kathryn Janoff's comments from the last meeting. Kathryn Janoff commented that it is an interesting concept, that the 1888 Sanborn map shows this house and cottages , and that she likes what has been done to make it look like two small cottages . The only concern I have is that it is not typical to see four windows on a front fa9ade. Commented that the shed porch is consistent with the original structure. Mark De Mattei commented that the four windows work with the floor plan, that they tried grouping two together, and that it is possible to group the windows. Len Pacheco asked why there wasn't a door at the porch elevation. Historic Preservation Committee November 19 ,2015 Page 2 of7 ITEM3 Mark De Mattei commented that they would like to add a rail and that a door could be added. Len Pacheco commented that two doors could be confusing and that paired windows make more sense. Kathryn Janoff asked if they had considered retaining the existing front entry. Elisa Morgan commented that safety is a concern with the proposed bedroom having a door on the front facade . Kathryn Janoff commented that she is not okay with paired windows and that four windows are better than a door or paired windows. Bob Cowan commented that he liked the revised plan wi th the gable in front, that the porch may not be deep enough, and that raising the building should be considered. Kathryn Janoff commented that the windows should have lugs. Bob Cowan moved to approve the propo sal with the option to raise the building by two to three feet at the discretion of the property owner. The motion was seconded b y Michael Kane with the request that lu gs be added if they are on the existing windows and approved 4-0-1 with Tom O'Donnell absent. 68 FAIRVIEW PLAZA (Heard out of order) Jay Plett (architect) was present and discussed the request to demolish the existing structure and construct a new home in a historic district. Bob Cowan commented that the setback is consistent as detem1ined at the last meeting. Michael Kane commented that at the previous meeting Kathryn Janoff stated that it wasn't Cra ft sman enough and asked ifthe revised plans addressed that. Kathryn Janoff commented that the height increase is h elpfu l, that it doesn't appear that enough additional detail has been added as requested at th e last meeting. Jay Plett stated that he can change the siding material. Historic Preservation Committee November 19,2015 Page 3 of7 ITEM4 Michael Kane commented that he likes the revisions, the neighborhood is eclectic, and the proposed project is a great improvement. Kathryn Janoff commented that the board and batten siding seems too modern and likes the idea of changing the siding. Jay Plett stated that he can change the siding material to shingles. Kathryn Janoff commented shingles are more Craftsman. Bob Cowan commented that he is okay with board and batten or shingle siding. L en Pacheco stated that he prefers shingle siding. Bob Cowan asked if shingle siding in the Wildland Urban Interface Area can be done. Jay Ple tt stated that it is tough, but can be done . Len Pache co stated that he is okay with either siding option and likes the raised roof. Len Pacheco moved to recommend approval of the revised project with the direction that either board and batten or shingle siding may be used. The motion was seconded by Micha el Kane and approved unanimously. 529 MONTEREY A VENUE (Heard out of order) B ess Wiersema (architect) was present and discussed the request to demolish the existing structure and construct a new home in a historic district. Kathryn Janoff commented that this area was built later than other areas in Town. Bob Cowan commented that a home down the street was required to maintain its historic status, that you could do a second story and maintain most of the home, and that he is not convinced that the house should be torn down. Kathryn Janoff commented that there is architectural merit in this house. Michael Kane referenced the structural report that outlined the issues with the house. Historic Preservation Committee November 19 , 2015 Page 4 of7 ITEMS Len Pacheco commented that the house is in bad shape, but agreed that it should not be removed from the inventory. Additionally, many of the homes on the street are similar from a mass and scale perspective. Please note that Tom O'Donnell arrived at 4:23P.M. Bob Cowan commented that he is interested in retaining the architecture not the boards and nails because the architecture is important. Michael Kan e commented that he doesn't have the same appreciation for the architecture. Bob Cowan commented that the Guidelines speak to maintaining the architecture and highlighting the historic structure to maintain the flavor of the existing building. I am also okay with a second story. Kathryn Janoff commented that Four Square architecture with a hipped roof is important. Len Pacheco commented that the house is an example of the type of home Built in the Town in the thirties. Kathryn Janoff commented that the home has architectural merit, is typical of Los Gatos, and represents a certain era. Len Pacheco commented that demolition may be challenging and suggested a separate addition with a galley connection. Kathryn Janoff asked if they considered a cellar. Bess Wi ers ema stated that it is not good to have kids bedrooms in a cellar and that she was willing to get additional information. Len Pacheco mo ved to continue the matter at the ap plicant's requ est to provide additional re search . The motion was seconded by Michael Kane and approved unanimously. 256 BACHMAN A VENUE Genevieve and Mitchell Wyman (property owners) were present and are requesting approval of exterior modifications for a contributing single-family residence in a Hi storic District. Historic Preservation Committee November 19 ,2015 Page5 of7 ITEM 6A Michael Kane commented that he is okay with the proposal. Kathryn Janoff commented that she is concerned about replacing the door with a window because it is not consistent, suggested taking out the door and filling the opening in , and that it is great that the property owners want to restore the siding. Len Pacheco asked if new original siding could be placed over existing non- original siding. Mitchell Wyman stated that was not feasible. Tom 0 'Donnell commented that he is okay with the proposal. Kathryn Janoff moved to approve the modifications consistent with Option 2, to allow the siding below the water table to be replaced when necessary, and to remove the do or and to fill in the opening. The motion was seconded by Tom 0 'Donnell and approved 4-0-1 with Bob Cowan recused. 145 GLEN RIDGE A VENUE Gary Kohlsaat (architect) and Scott McDonald (property owner) were present. Len Pacheco provided an introduction of the request regarding windows with divided lites that have been installed on the second floor. Bob Cowan stated that he was in favor of one on one lites and that it looks nice with the divided lites, that neo-classical with divided lites is appropriate, but some elements and additions make it less neo-classical. He asked if this was the original proposal would the Committee supported it and stated that he supports the divided lites. Kathryn Janoff commented that the windows should be consistent on both floors , that the first floor style drives the house, and that she is not supportive of the divided lites. Tom 0 'Donnell commented that he agrees with Bob Cowan and leans in that direction Michael Kane commented that he doesn 't feel compelled to require the windows to be changed, that it wasn't done in defiance, and that he is comfortable with the divided lite s. Len Pach eco commented that it is an eclectic design and a mix, but the strongest features are neo-classical and referenced the Design Guidelines that require replacement to match existing. Historic Preservation Committee November 19 ,2015 Page 6 of7 Kathryn Jan off commented that the Guidelines apply to all pre-1941 homes. Len Pacheco commented that the Highway 9 home has one over one not divided lites, that the lites make it feel more de licate , it has a wedding cake feel with first floor strength and the upper floor feels light with the lites , that he agrees with Kathryn Janoff, is not okay with the lites because it de-masculinates the strength of the house, and it is too delicate for the boldness of the house. Gary Kohlsaat commented on the Highway 9 house and di scussed the differences b etween the two homes. Len Pacheco asked why the original design was done with one over one. Kathryn Janoff commented that the windows of the house drive the house, that there should be a consistent window treatment , and that she is sympatheti c to the D esign Guidelines that require replacement to match existing. Len Pacheco asked if the windows on the street facing elevation only could be changed to one over one. Gary Kohlsaat commented that some of the bedrooms have two windows which would present an awkward situation . Tom 0 'Do nnell commented that he struggles with this because it is done. Bob Cowan commented that the sides are not visible from the street. Len Pacheco commented that he is trying to find a compromise. Scott McDonald commented that if you take them off the front then they should all be removed. Len Pacheco res tated that he is trying to find a compromise. Kathryn Janoff commented on having the grids in s ide the columns. Scott McDonald commented that if he like s the look of the di vi ded lites . Len Pacheco stated that he is trying to find a compromise within the framework of the Guidelines. Bob Cowan commented that cost is a minor i ssue and that it is more of a consistency of a look and feel issue. Historic Preservation Committee November 19,2015 Page 7 of7 Tom 0 'Donnell commented that three members of the Committee seem to be okay with di v ided lites and two members are not okay with the divided lites. ITEM 6B SPECIAL MEETING DATE FOR DECEMBER The Committee decided to have a Special Meeting on December 17 , 2015. ITEM7 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjoumed at 5:45p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for December 17 , 2015 , at 4:00p.m. Prepared by: ~~ / Planning Manager N:\DEV\H ISTOR IC PR£SER V A TION\HPC minutes\20 15\HPC minutes ll -19-15.docx