07-22-15 Minutes - HPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos , CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR JULY 22, 2015, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS , 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS , CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:00P.M. by Chair Len Pacheco . ATTENDANCE Members Present: Len Pacheco, Michael Kane, Bob Cowan, Kathryn Janoff, Tom O 'Donnell Members Absent: None Staff Present: Jennifer Savage, Senior Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. ITEM1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tom O 'Donnell moved to approve the minutes of May 27,2015 and June 24 , 2015. The motion was seconded by Michael Kane and approved unanimously. ITEM2 ITEM3 14316 MULBERRY DRIVE Jose (applicant) and Juan Carlo Navarro (applicant) were present and explained the proposal. Kathryn Janoff asked about the infonnation provided by the applicants. Bob Cowan asked about evidence of the age of the structure and commented that the structure appeared to be built after 1941 . The Committee and the applicants discussed the age of the structure. Bob Cowan moved to recommend approval of the request to demolition the existing single-family residence finding that the structure appeared to be built in the 1950s or 1960s, and that there is no evidence of historic or architectural significance or work of a master. The motion was seconded by Tom 0 'Donnell and approved unanimously. 140 FOSTER ROAD Rob Weiner (property owner) was present and summari zed the history of the Historic Preservation Committee July 22, 2015 Page 2 of4 ITEM4 property. Michael Kane and Len Pacheco stated they had trouble finding the site. Kathryn Janoff commented that the research does not support demolishing the structure, the structure does not appear to be irreparable or not restorable , and there is enough history to warrant at least a closer look at the structure. Michael Kane commented that the pictures should the structure is m poor condition but hi storic evidence may warrant a clo ser look at the structure. Rob Weiner commented they are trying to create a rustic looki ng structure. Tom 0 'Donnell commented that the pictures appear to warrant that the structure be tom down but historic evidence may warrant a closer look at the structure. Bob Cowan agreed that the photographs show the structure is in poor condition. The new structure should be traditional ranch architectural style. L en Pacheco agrees with all of the Co mmittee 's comments and that the new structure should have the feeling of the traditional architecture. The Committee agrees to continue the matter and rev iew the request on a special meeting on the August 12 at 4:00pm. 194 VILLA A VENUE Kip Rolle (property owner) and Jay Plett (architect) were p resent and described the project. Michael Kane asked about the west side setback and expressed his appreciation for the property owner's work to get the current plans. Jay Plett confirmed the project will meet required five foot side setback on the west side. Kathryn Janoff commented that she is not in favor of locating the chimney in the center of the structure. She also commented that using a cap wo uld be more consistent with the architectural style. Bob Cowan commented that the plans look a lot better and better illustrate what the property owner was thinking. Historic Preservation Committee July 22 , 2015 Page 3 of4 ITEMS L en Pacheco commented that the plans are an improvement from the last set of plans and deal with the issues of balance and dormers . He supports the proposed design. Michael Kane moved to recommend approval the requested second story, with the required findings and considerations, in that the work will not adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, and with the condition that the centrally-located chimney be no more than two feet above the ridge. The motion was seconded by Kathryn Janoff, with the option that the Committee would support moving the house forward (north) up to 10 feet and that no parking the front shall not be located in the front (along Villa Avenue), and approved unanimously. Kathryn Janoff commented that the option to move the structure forward would provide the opportunity to provide parking in rear of the property (along Oak Hill Way). OTHER BUSINESS a. Historic Demolition Penalties The Committee discussed: • When HPC approves plans, and the construction occurs inconsistent with the plans, does that warrant fines ? • Los Gatos fines are unusual compared to other California cities. • Other cities had option to restore . • Other cities had misdemeanors to unlawful demolition where the court decides. • Proposed/drafted new language should allow discretion for a range of penalties . • Maintaining penalties but allowing an intennediate step to assess the need for demolition and provide recommendations for restoration. • Mismatch of penalty versus final construction result. • Applicants should be able to take the structure down and put it back like for like. • If repair is required, that repair should be not be subject to fines . • If the applicant makes the building better and keeps the exterior appearance, the Town should allow that. Historic Preservation Committee July 22 , 2015 Page 4 of4 • Should restoration be required and the penalties and the amount of the penalty be discretionary? The Committee decided on the following direction: • Committee will merge both proposed language changes and consider the entire ordinance. • Staff should provide written analysis of proposed language, including whether staff sees any potential issues. ITEM6 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:37 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 26, 2015 , at 4:00p.m. Prepared by: Chair N:IDEV\H ISTOR IC PRESERVATIONIHPCminulcs\20 I SIHPCminUies 7·22·1 S.docx