06-24-15 Minutes - HPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR JUNE 24, 2015, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS , CALIFORNIA. The meeting was called to order at 4:00P.M. by Vice Chair Bob Cowan. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Michael Kane, Bob Cowan, Kathryn Janoff, Tom O'Donnell Members Absent: Len Pacheco Staff Present: Jennifer Savage, Senior Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. ITEMl 78 W. MAIN STREET Svetlana Kocic (applicant) was present. The Committee had no issues with the color change of the awning. Tom 0 'Donnell moved to approve the project. The motion was seconded by Kathryn Janoff and approved unanimously. Bob Cowan recused himse lf and Kathryn Janoff served as chair. ITEM2 136 T AIT A VENUE Chris Spaulding (architect) and Valerie and John Hopkins (property owners) were present and explained the proposal. Tom 0 'Donnell and Michael Kane had no comments. Kathryn Janoff commented that the materials will match the existing materials and the design is complementary to the existing structure. Michael Kane moved to approve the project, made the required considerations, and found the project was compatible with the neighborhood. The motion was seconded by Tom 0 'Donnell and approved unanimously. Bob Cowan returned to serve as chair. Historic Preservation Committee June 24, 2015 Page 2 of4 ITEM3 194 VILLA A VENUE Kip Rolle (property owner) was present and explained his research and the proposal. Bob Cowan commented that the applicant has integrated the proposed addition but the plans do not have the detail the Committee would like to see. He commented that the Residential Design guidelines emphasize proportionality, lining up dormers, and using similar window sizes. Kathryn Janoff commented that the existing style is Craftsman Bungalow. The type, size, and number of details shown on the plans begins to change architecture to Cape Cod. The Committee would like to maintain Craftsman Bungalow style. Kip Rolle commented he was told there are central chimneys and the height of the chimney was lowered from the last proposal. Kathryn Janoff commented she was concerned about massing. The Craftsman's second story should be smaller than the first story. She presented a picture as an example where the second story is setback and doesn 't detract from the first story. She recommended studying two story Craftsman structures, including the gables. Kip Rolle asked what would make is more Craftsman. Bob Cowan commented he was concerned that the donner size and location were out of sync. Kath1 y n Janoff commented that the amount of roof proposed with a break takes the proposal away from the Craftsman style. Tom O 'Donnell commented that the Committee is not designing the home but that the character should be maintained. Kathryn Janoff commented th at the concern is that the whole roof b ecomes so large that it overshadows the lower portion which is the existing hom e. Katluy n Janoff commented it is more typical of Craftsman to have a single dormer. Kip Rolle comme nted that he is trying to maintain the front porch. Bob Cowan commented that the applicant is going in the ri ght direction but Historic Preservation Committee June 24, 2015 Page 3 of4 questions whether the Committee can comment on the design without more detail on the plans. Kip Rolle is concerned about the cost of hiring an architect. Bob Cowan commented the portions are wrong. The dormer concept is okay but the schematic design does not provide the details to make a recommendation. Kathryn Janoff commented the existing structure has a one story cross gable bungalow and the design for modifications needs to be consistent with that. Kip Rolle asked for a suggested roof line. Kathryn Janoff commented it is the features of the design that matter. Bob Cowan was okay with the proposed front elevation with refinements to the plans . Tom 0 'Donnell commented that the proposal should like a Craftsman and if the drawings were better Bob Cowan may support the proposal. Kathryn Janoff commented that the basic structure provides the basis for additions and the Committee is looking to maintain the existing architecture. Kip Rolle commented the shed dormer doesn't work. His research showed most of the Craftsman homes had shed dormers but some did not. Bob Cowan commented that the proposed dormers are not m the correct proportion. Tom 0 'Donne ll commented that the proposed design is not consistent with the Craftsman style. Kathryn Janoff commented that the dormers are not correct in size and scale. Kip Rolle asked to the Committee to talk about the rear elevation. Bob Cowan commented that the proportionality issue is the same as the front elevation. The applicant could consider constructing some of the second story over the existing structure. Kathryn Janoff commented that the rear may not need to be a precise duplication Historic Preserva tion Committee June 24,2015 Page 4 of4 ITEM6 of the front of the house. Bob Cowan commented that the dormer in the back exceeds 50% of the width of the roof which is inconsistent with the Guidelines. The Committee continued the item to a date uncertain. OTHER BUSINESS a. 145 Glenridge A venue Scott McDonald (owner) and Gary Kohlsaat (architect) were present. Everyone compared the different versions of approved plans. The architect is proposing paneling under the front right window. The Committee is okay with paneling under the front right window. The Committee, the owner, and the architect agreed to an onsite meeting in the future to review the divided lites in the second story windows. b. 215 Alexander A venue Gary Kohlsaat (architect) and Kip and Stacy Martin (property owners) were present and explained the proposal. They are trying to avoid a technical demolition. Bob Cowan commented about the front gables. Kathryn Janoff commented she has pause about the second story roof stepping up. She commented that either the previous or tonight's proposal works to break up the large front mass. Bob Cowan agrees either version. Kathryn Janofflikes the stone base but tonight 's treatment is good, too. Tom 0 'Donnell likes tonight version. Michael Kane likes the restoration of the front porch. He commented he would support what the applicants want to do within the applicable ordinances. Historic Preservation Committee June 24, 2015 Page 5 of4 ITEM7 Kathryn Janoff commented that they are possibly going in the right direction. c. Historic Demolition Fines The Committee asked: Does the Committee want to provide greater flexibility with the penalty? Bob Cowan commented they should consider greater flexibility for what applicants can demolish. Tom 0 'Donnell commented that the Committee should get something done. Kathryn Janoff commented the Committee could reword the ordinance. Bob Cowan commented he can change the demo wording in the context of the review process . Kathryn Janoff proposes circulating two drafts -one regarding penalties and one modifying the amount of demolition. Bob Cowan wi ll create a draft and Tom 0 'Donnell will create a draft . Staff provided what some other cities do regarding unlawful demolition. Micha el Kan e requested copies of other cities requirements. Tom 0 'Donnell found some other city requirements through hi s own research. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:56 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 22, 2015, at 4:00p.m. Prepared by: N: DEVIHISTORIC PRESERVATIONIHPCminutes-20 15\HPC minut es 6·24·15.docx