06-04-03 Minutes - HPC110 TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR JUNE 4, 2003, HELD IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER, 208 E. MAIN STREET ROOM 208, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Chair Pacheco. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Kelly Blough, Susan Burnett, Jeanne Drexel, Len Pacheco and Joanne Talesfore Absent: None Staff Present: Sandy Baily, Associate Planner ITEM 1: 248 UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Committee considered revised plans to add onto a residence in the University/Edelen Historic District. Paheco moved to recommend approval of the application to the Planning Commission subject to the condition that at the rear elevation, the second story bay window shall be modified to a square bay with a gable end with a belly band and brackets to match the existing front elevation. Blough seconded, motion passed unanimously. Talesfore left during the discussion of the following item. ITEM 2: 256 UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Committee considered revised plans to reconstruct a nonconforming setback with a first and second floor addition in the University/Edelen Historic District. Blough moved to recommend approval of the application to the Director of Community Development subject to the following conditions: 1. Change the pitch of the roof tower from 7:12 to 9:12. 2. Add an architectural diamond shape window at the front elevation in the tower. 3. Correct the rear balcony railing so it dies into the parapet. 4. Change the rear door and the balcony doors to have lower wood panels with glass upper panels. These doors shall have a square top, not an arch. 5. At the right elevation, raise the window in the tower element and reduce the width of the window on the first floor so it is proportional to the existing windows. 6. The lower rail of the balcony shall have an ogee shape. 7. The gutter line at the tower shall be extended four inches. ITEM 3: 106 TAIT AVENUE The Committee considered revised plans to construct a first and second story addition to a residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. Blough moved to approve the application subject to the following conditions. 8. The skylight shall be eliminated from the front elevation. 9. The architectural detailing of the front porch shall be incorporated at the rear. 10. Shingle siding shall be installed on the second floor and v -groove siding shall be installed on the first floor. 11. The window trim shall match existing. Burnett seconded, motion passed unanimously. ITEM 4: 110 HARDING AVENUE The Committee considered plans to construct a second story addition to a pre-1941 single family residence. Pacheco moved to continue the matter at the applicant’s request since her architect was not here to answer questions of the Committee. Burnett seconded, motion passed unanimously. Burnett and Pacheco recused themselves from the next item. ITEM 5: 73 ELLENWOOD AVENUE The Committee considered plans to construct a second story addition. Drexel moved to recommend approval of the application to the Director of Community Development subject to the following conditions. 1. All windows and doors shall be wood. No snap in grids or grids inside the windows are permitted. Simulated wood grids are acceptable (ie: one glass pack with grids applied by manufacturer to inside, outside and between glass), to read as a true divided lite window. Vinyl clad windows are not permitted. 2. All window trim, window finish detail, corner boards, soffits, eaves, millwork and any other detail shall match existing. Blough seconded, motion passed unanimously. Burnett and Pacheco returned to the meeting. ITEM 6: OTHER BUSINESS a. 526 San Benito Avenue - The Committee considered a preliminary request to add a second story addition to a pre-1941 single family residence. The Committee encouraged that the design be kept as a simplified craftsman. b. 15 Ashler Avenue - The Committee considered a preliminary request to add a second story addition to a pre-1941 single family residence. The Committee felt that the garage should remain detached from the house. The applicant was encouraged to look at demolishing or relocating the existing garage to the rear of the lot and reduce the driveway width. The architecture of the house should be maintained. c. 125 Massol Avenue – The applicant requested in writing that this matter be continued to a date uncertain. d. Training – Baily informed the Committee about training opportunities to meet CLG requirements. Members are to contact the Town if they wish to sign up for any of the available workshops. Baily will check to see if any of the workshops will be videotaped. ITEM 6: STATUS OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS Baily informed the Committee on the status of previous applications that came before the Committee. ITEM 7: APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of May 7, 2003 were passed unanimously. ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of July 2, 2003. Prepared by: Approved by: ___________________________ _______________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner Len Pacheco, Chair SLB19\HPCminutes\6-4-03