Attachment 1p< MEETING DATE: 02/17/15 IVU tps s sps COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT ITEM NO: b DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2015 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: CREATE AND APPOINT A TOWN COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE TO STUDY INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, AND PARKING STRATEGIES RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Mayor's appointment of Mayor Marcia Jensen and Vice Mayor Barbara Spector to a Town Council Ad Hoc Committee to study infrastructure, transportation, traffic management, and parking strategies. BACKGROUND: In recent months, the Town Council has heard verbal communications and public testimony regarding car traffic, bicycle lanes, pedestrian safety, Downtown parking, and related issues. The establishment of a Town Council Ad Hoc Committee to study these issues would give priority attention to the concerns and provide recommendations to the Town Council for subsequent consideration. DISCUSSION: The Mayor is requesting this Ad Hoc Committee to study a broad variety of infrastructure, transportation, traffic management, and parking strategies for the Town. The Committee would examine the feasibility of a Downtown parking structure, shuttle bus service, school bus service, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and other strategies to improve safety and ease congestion in Los Gatos. The work of the Ad Hoc Committee would contribute to advancing three of Strategic Goals adopted by the Town Council on February 18, 2014, The Strategic Goals direct staff resources to high priority issues in addition to the core services provided by all Town Departments. Three of these Goals are: Facilitate a privately -led effort to address options for Downtown parking supply, Explore and present funding mechanisms to provide ongoing funding for street maintenance, and Consider the sale or lease of Town properties to create one -time or ongoing funding. Reviewed by: Town Manager NAMGR4ldminWorkFi1es12015 Council ReportsTeb. 17WdHoc.2.17.15.doc Town Attorney PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CREATE AND APPOINT A TOWN COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE TO STUDY INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, AND PARKING STRATEGIES FEBRUARY 11, 2015 DISCUSSION (cont'd): Staff has met multiple times with the private sector to explore options to increase the Downtown parking supply. By examining Downtown parking within a larger framework of overall traffic management, transportation choices, and infrastructure, the Committee may identify potential options for further Council consideration. The options may include opportunities for private sector participation and/or collaboration. Funding is often the constraint to implementing innovative transportation, infrastructure, parking, and traffic management solutions. By studying potential ongoing and one -time funding streams, the Committee would be able to identify mechanisms to pay for the investment options to address parking and transportation concerns in Town. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: As this action brings together three pending Strategic Goals, the staff work necessary to support the Ad Hoc Committee's work is already allocated in the current Town Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2014/15.