Staff Report PREPARED BY: MATT MORLEY Director of Parks and Public Works Reviewed by: Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/07/2017 ITEM NO: 12 DATE: JANUARY 24, 2017 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARKING AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction on next steps for the Parking and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee. BACKGROUND: On February 17, 2015, the Town Council created and appointed a Town Council Ad Hoc Committee to study infrastructure, transportation, traffic management, and parking strategies (see Attachment 1). This Committee was not created by resolution as has been the Town’s practice for other focused committees (such as the Housing Element Advisory Board). The Council unanimously approved the Ad Hoc Committee and delegated the appointments to the Committee to the Mayor. Subsequently, then Mayor Jensen appointed Council Members Spector and Rennie. Given the latitude in its creation, the Parking and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee began meeting on February 26, 2015 and has met eleven times since. The meeting minutes for the first meeting are provided as Attachment 2 and minutes from subsequent meetings are available on the Town website. During the first meeting, the Committee discussed its priorities and the term of the Committee given relatively broad initial direction from the Council. The Committee decided to focus on downtown parking and specifically a parking garage on Main Street. The Committee also acknowledged that the Ad Hoc Committee would have a finite term, as is required with ad hoc committees. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARKING AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE JANUARY 24, 2017 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2017\02-07-17\Parking Ad Hoc Committee\Parking Ad Hoc Staff Report FINAL.docx 2/2/2017 9:38 AM MM DISCUSSION: The Parking and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee has advanced the parking garage concept to the point of negotiations with a developer for a project that inclu des a parking structure with market rate and below market housing on Town -owned property on Main Street. Staff is currently selecting a consultant to advise the Town on these negotiations and the Town Council will be providing direction in both closed and open sessions. With the direction on the parking garage project and the understanding of a finite timeline for the Committee, the timing is appropriate for the Council to review the future of the Ad Hoc Committee. At its last meeting on October 10, 201 6, the Committee discussed that it did not want to duplicate the work of the Town’s Transportation and Parking Commission, and that it might be better suited to examine on demand shuttle bus services and/or downtown parking time limits, business employee parking needs, and the possibility of paid parking. The Committee discussed that these substantive issues might benefit from a Council Ad Hoc Committee evaluation prior to consideration by the full Council. Other potential new topics include those identified in the minutes from the first meeting, or another issue referred by the Council as a whole. If the Council would like the Ad Hoc Committee to continue in 2017, staff recommends that the Council identify specific topic(s)/issue(s) for the Committee and its duration that could be documented in a resolution. This resolution would return to Council for approval at its January meeting. Alternatively, the Committee could be disbanded in alignment with the finite term and having accomplished the primary identified objective. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Council provide direction on next steps for the Parking and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee. COORDINATION: This report has been coordinated with the Town Attorney. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the Ad Hoc Committee is the staff time associated with preparing analyses, attending meetings, and following up on agenda items. Staff will be available at the Council PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARKING AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE JANUARY 24, 2017 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2017\02-07-17\Parking Ad Hoc Committee\Parking Ad Hoc Staff Report FINAL.docx 2/2/2017 9:38 AM MM FISCAL IMPACT (cont’d): meeting to discuss the implications of potential new work items for the Committee in light of existing priorities. Some work topics may be easier to absorb with existing staff resources than others. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. February 17, 2015 Town Council Report. 2. Minutes of the February 26, 2015 Parking and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee Meeting.