Ordinance 1146 - DESIGNATING FIVE (5) LANDMARKS AS HISTORICALLY AND CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANTORDINANCE NO. II45 AN ORD INANcE DES IGNAT ING F IvE (5) I.IIIoNnnrs as H ISTOR ICALLY ANO CULTURALLY S IGN IF ICANT. The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does ordain as follows: S ECT ION I. The following landmarks are hereby designated historically and cultural ly signif icant: HO-73-9 Alpine Avenue Stone l,Ialls - both sides of Alpine Avenue be tween Ma in Street and Foster Road. The deta i I ed descr ipt ion of the des ignated I andmarks, the char- acter ist ics which justify des igna t ion, and a map showing their I oca t ion and delineation of the h is tor ic s ite, are part of this 0rdinance. -t- I tem V I -A sEcT l0N 2 . The propcrty I lsted ls deslgnated to be of hlstorlc, archl- tectural, or aes thet I c slgnlflcance for the reasons I l sted below. Property: Alpine Avenue Stone Ual ls - llal ls fronting on propertieson both sides of Alplne Avenue between Hain Stceet and Foster Road,on properties addressed as 19,25,38, \7, 57, 58,78, 126, and 134Alplne Avenue.Hlstorlc Deslgnation l{o. HD-73-9 Classlflcatlon (structure or landmark) | Landmarks. Descrlptlon of ttem(s) Deslgnated: stone retaining wal ls locatedadjacent to sldewalk. Descr ipt I on of the characterlstics which justlfy the designation: ALPINE AVENUE ST0NE l.rALLS: These walls, built in 1923 by an ltalian s tone mason, are an examP common to this area. ltquarry that was u3ed to cr e of attractive, unaltered stonework formerlys bel ieved that the dbnes came from theeate Lake Vasona. Descrlption of partlcular features that should be preserved lneddltlon to I tems covered under Sectlon 9-3.1 (slte area, appurte- nance, landscape feature, other). None. -2- sEcTt0N 3. The Town Clerk shall attest to the adopt ion of this 0rdinance. Th is 0rd inance shall be published once in the Los Ga tos Times - Saratoga 0bserver, a newspFper of general circulation, printed and published in the Town of Los Gatos within fifteen (l!) days of its f ina I passage and'.this 0rd inance shall ta ke effect th irty (30) days fol lowing its f inal passage. The above and forego in9 0rd inance was duced at a meeting of the Town Council of duly and the Town regularly i ntro- of Los Ga tos he I d on the lEth day of llarch , t97 4 . PASSE0 ANO AD0PTED as an 0rdinance of the Town of Los Gatos, California, at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the lst day of APril , 197\, by the fol lowing vote: AYES:COUNC ILI.IEN Ru th Cannon I'lark B. D iDuca Al bert B. Smith John B. Lochner NOES:COUNC ILHEN None ABSENT:COUNC ILIlEN S IGNED: ATTEST: -4- Trwr{- otr Lft aeloe l+tbTo<LC w?tEt LATlo* Ho. sp-73-? kl-nr-ff- Nrx'ue qoH-L wAJb &?WA/YD bI nA,J,l+ltl{4 LoMMbto* ?Afb zrttn', -3- L??KOVZ2 bY TawF+ {LYK<- ccI-AN Si -() i4wcT -HOlIAUpie-il .f l>oTe I t-l cSIJA'/'i_ -ilelC SUl4:VA ii-4NJA f \\rr\s .:IAa H$eSAA Ae-', S,lJt+/.{-AN Y€ aSVQ>N\A V )>:JJ HWEJI -t-