1993-022 - Execute an agreement with State of California DOT for maintenance of State Highways in the TownRESOLUTION 1993 -22 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the Town of Los Gatos enter into an agreement (attached) with the State of California Department of Transportation for maintenance of State highways in the Town of Los Gatos, and that the Town Manager is authorized, and is hereby directed, to execute said agreement in the name and on behalf of the Town of Los Gatos. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 1st day of February, 1993 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck, Patrick O'Laughlin Mayor Joanne Benjamin NAYES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED- OR OR OF THE TOWN F LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN Ok I OS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Oct -12 -99 11:34A Caltrans -Dist 4�Maint Eng 510 286 6341 P.01 State of California DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION District 4 FAX TRANSMITTAL 2 To: Date: /Z DG 7"f9 Attn.:T.�GE�t/BDYEir2 Fax No.: ,47 7Y w From: s Tie/UG�'�' ,"V6 Phone:--5'—/457 Office of Maintenance Services rAWt,%4 ✓e TO OGT. S F,eX Notes: Number of Pages (Including Cover Sheet): Oct -12 -99 11:35A Caltrans -Dist 4�Maint Eng 510 286 6341 P.02 STATE OF CALIFORNIA — BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Gow., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BOX 21660 OAKLAND, CA 94623-OW (510) 2864444 TDO (510) 2864454 May 25, 1993 Mr. Dave W. Knapp Town Manager Town of Los Gatos P. O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 Dear Mr. Knapp: 404.17 The executed Town version of the Agreement for Maintenance of State Highway in the Town of Los Gatos is being returned to your office. The reasons for its return are the requirements that as the lead Agency, the Agreement will be in State original form, and will be processed in accordance to State procedure. Attached are three new copies for Town signature. Kindly return two signed copies. Upon complete execution, a copy will be returned to you. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Dave Lee at (510) 286 -4458. Sincerely, PRESTON W. KELLEY District Director By <a, a, G,/, G. M. CHIN senior Engineer Maintenance Services Branch Attachment DL /jz cc: GJB, DL Oc7t-12 -99 11:35A Caltrans -Dist 4�Maint Eng 510 286 6341 P.03 STATE OF CALIFORNIA— BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Co , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BOX 23660 OAKLAND, CA 946234I660 (510) 286 -44" 1DD (510) 2864454 March 8, 1993 Mr. Dave W. Knapp Town Manager Town of Los Gatos P. O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 404.17 Dear Mr. Knapp: We are returning the Town executed Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways in the Town of Los Gatos. The reasons for the return are: 1. Under HM4K- Electrical, second paragraph, "The State will not pay ...." - "not" was excluded. 2. Under I - Submission of bills, the last sentence "Bills submitted for periods ..... not be honored" was omitted. 3. Under J. Term of Agreement, since another fiscal year is about to begin, the effective date will be July 1, 1993. The deletions by the Town on HM20 Litter /Debris items 1, 4, and 5 are approved. The Agreement is provided by our Headquarters and is used throughout the State with all local agencies. The Districts negotiate the functions. The terms and conditions are not negotiable. Attached are three new copies of the Agreement with the above items corrected. If they are acceptable, please have them executed by your Town Council. Kindly return two copies signed with seals affixed and two copies of the Town Council Resolution Oct -12 -99 11:35A Caltvans -Dist 4 —Maint Eng 510 286 6341 P.04 Mr. Dave W. Knapp March 8, 1993 Page two authorizing its execution. Our Headquarters requires a duplicate original. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Dave Lee at (510) 286-4458. Sincerely, PRESTON W. KELLEY District Director By � - l Ce` G. M. CHIN Senior Engineer Maintenance Services Branch Attachments DL/p1 cc: GJB, EC, DL