1996-019-Denying A Request For Approval Of Plans To Convert An Existing Single Family Residence To Commercial/Office Use On Property In The CH Zone In So Far As It Is Returned To The Planning Commission For Further ReviewRESOLUTION 1996-19 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS GRANTING APPEAL OF A DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DENYING A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS TO CONVERT AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO COMMERCIAL /OFFICE USE ON PROPERTY IN THE CH ZONE IN SO FAR AS IT IS RETURNED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR FURTHER REVIEW. PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15780 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD, ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION S- 95 -46. PROPERTY OWNER: JOHN TRIPP. WHEREAS, A. This matter came before the Council for public hearing on February 5, 1996, on an appeal by the applicant from a decision of the Planning Commission and was regularly noticed in conformance with State and Town law. B. The Council received testimony and documentary evidence from the applicant and all interested persons who wished to testify or submit documents. The Council considered all testimony and materials submitted, including the record of the Planning Commission proceedings and the packet of material contained in the Council Agenda Report dated January 26, 1996, concerning this application. C. On December 13, 1995 the Planning Commission denied the application on the basis that the plans were incomplete, the commercial use of the residential structure had been illegal, the site had poor access, and the office space use presented traffic and parking problems for the neighborhood. D. Applicant has now submitted complete plans for review. Pursuant to Section 29.20.300, when the Council receives new information on appeal that has a significant effect on the application, it is Town policy to return the application to the Planning Commission for further review THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission on Architecture and Site Application S -95 -46 is therefore granted in so far as it is returned to the Planning Commission for further review. 2. The Planning Commission is to make a final decision on this application under the Town Code, and such a decision may be appealed to the Council pursuant to the Town Code. itself. By this decision, the Council expresses no opinion on the merits of the application This decision does not constitutes a final administrative decision of the Town. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 20th day of February, 1996 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Joanne Benjamin, Mayor Randy Attaway. NAYS: None ABSENT: Steven Blanton Linda Lubeck, Patrick O'Laughlin, ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR THE TO F LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFO IA ATTEST: —��=Zj 0"6- CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA