Staff Reportwe < MEETING DATE: 12/15/15 i ITEM NO: /pS -A:�OS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2015 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGEIP SUBJECT: ACCEPT FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2014/15 STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES RECOMMENDATION: Accept Fiscal Year (FY) 2014/15 status report on receipt and use of Development Impact Fees. BACKGROUND: To ensure that mitigation fees associated with development are spent in a timely manner and on projects for which they were being collected, the State Legislature passed a bill known as AB 1600 (the Mitigation Fee Act). This bill applies to developer fees which were increased or imposed on or after January 1, 1989. The Mitigation Fee Act (California Government Code, §66000 et seq.) requires local agencies that impose Development Impact Fees to present an annual, consolidated report showing the receipt and use of those fees. The Annual Status Report (Attachment 1) must be reviewed by Council within 180 days after the close of the fiscal year represented. The Town collects three Development Impact Fees that meet the AB 1600 reporting requirement: the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee, Below- Market Priced Housing Program In -Lieu Fee, and the Construction Activity Impact Fee. Separate balances exist for each of these fees either as individual accounts or in the case of Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees, separate funds. As required by AB 1600, as of June 30, 2015, all accounts or funds with unspent balances have been credited interest revenue at the Town's current interest rate earned on its total investment portfolio. PREPARED BY: S'1?EI}) �4CKA Y Administrative Services and Finance Director Reviewed by: Town Manager WFINANCDAB1600 \AB 16002015 Report.doc 1 wn Attorney,--r;aeFinance PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ACCEPT FY 2014/15 STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES DECEMBER 8, 2015 DISCUSSION: AB 1600 requires that a status report be prepared annually which must include the following: • A brief description of the fee and the fund into which the fee was deposited; • The amount of the fee; • The associated fund's beginning and ending balances for the fiscal year; • The total amount of fees collected and interest earned; • Identification of each public improvement on which impact fees were expended and amount of expenditure on each improvement, including the total percentage of the cost of the public improvement that was funded with impact fees; • Identification of approximate date by which construction of a public improvement will begin; • Determination that sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing on an incomplete public improvement; • Description of each inter -fund transfer or loan made from the account or fund, including the public improvement on which the loaned funds will be expended, and in the case of an inter -fund loan, the date on which the loan will be repaid and the rate of interest that the account or fund will receive on the loan; and • Amount of any refunds made due to inability to expend impact fees once a determination is made that sufficient impact fees have been collected to finance a public improvement, the improvement remains incomplete, and the City has not determined an approximate date by which construction will begin. This information is presented in the attached FY 2014 /15 Annual Status Report on Receipt and Use of Development Impact Fees. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends Council receive and file the FY 2014 /15 Annual Status Report on Receipt and Use of Development Impact Fees as required under the Mitigation Fee Act (AB 1600). ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The recommended action is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. FY 2014/15 Annual Status Report on Receipt and Use of Development Impact Fees. TOWN OF LOS GATOS ANNUAL STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES JUNE 30, 2015 Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee: The Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee assures that each new development or expansion of use pays its fair share of the transportation improvements needed to accommodate the cumulative traffic impacts. The fee, $879 per new average daily trip generated, is paid in full to the Town Building Department prior to issuance of the building permit for new development or expansion of use. The collected fee is held in the Traffic Mitigation Fee Fund. The Traffic Mitigation Fund should be used solely to fund transportation improvement projects related to mitigating the impacts of new development. The funds cannot be used for routine repair or maintenance. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEES FUND Beginning Cash Balance (07101/2014) $2,920,988 Source of Funds Fees Collected FY 14/15 296,049 Interest Earned FY 14/15 Total Source of Funds $3,251,157 Use ofFunds Capital Outlay : Winchester /Knowles $13,469 Winchester /Lark Intersection 13,448 Highway 9 /University Intersection 34,758 Town Digital Photo Map 16,858 Project Overhead Business Service Charge 5,504 Tom] Use of Funds $84,037 Fading Cash Balance (07/01/2015) Pre -Final AurBt $3,167,120 Designated Future Projects: Per FY 14115 through 19/20 Capital Improvement Plan: Winchester Lark Intersection Irrrprovements (FY2015116) 805,571 Los Gatos Boulevard /Shannon Improvements (FY2015116) 20,000 Los Gatos Boulevard /Lark Avenue Improvements (FY2015116) 174,299 Blossom Hill Road /Cherry Avenue Intersection Irnpvts (FY2015116) 500,000 Town Digital Aeiml PhotogmphyTopographic Map (FY2015116) 25,142 Monument Control Network Upgrade (FY2015116) 10,000 Intersection Safety and TraBie Flow Improvements (FY2015116) 40,000 Crosswalk Lighting Upgrade (FY2015116) 50,000 Crosswalk Improvements- Santa Cmz/Blosssom Hill (FY2015116) 50,000 Administration and Program Support (FY2015116 - FY2019120) 50,000 Total CIP and Operating Budget Commitments $1,725,012 Potential Project List (Estimates Only) per Unfunded List Union Avenue Widening (Future Project -Pending Funding) $3,000,000 Los Gatos Boulevard Widening (Future Project -Pending Funding) 1,400,000 Blossom Hill Road Bridge Widening (Future Project -Pending Funding) 3,500,000 Total Potential Project List $7,900,000 Total Designated and Unfunded Projects $9,625,012 Current Funding Shortfall ($6,457,892) ATTACHMENT 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS ANNUAL STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES JUNE 30, 2015 (Continued) Construction Impact Activity Fee: Construction Impact Activity Fee is assessed on construction projects based on the square foot size of the project at a rate of $1.12 per square foot. These fees are intended to recover the damage caused to Town streets by construction traffic. The collected fee is held in the General Fund Appropriated Reserves. CONSTRUCTION IMPACT ACTIVITY FEE Beginning Cash Balance (07/01/2014) $0 Source of Funds Fees Collected FY 14/15 853,946 Interest Famed FY 14/15 (Funds expended upon receipt) Total Source of Funds $853,946 Use of Funds Business services Charge Capital Outlay : Street Repairand Resurfacing Project FY 14/15 $13,361 Total Use of Funds $13,361 Ending Cash Balance (7/0112015) Pre -Final Audit $840,585 Designated Future Projects Per FY 15/16 through FY 19/20 Capital Improxement Plan: Street Repairand Resurfacing Project $3,386,241 Total Designated Future Projects $3,386,241 Current Fundina Shortfall TOWN OF LOS GATOS ANNUAL STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES JUNE 30, 2015 (Continued) Below- Market Priced (BMP) Housing Program In -Lieu Fee: BMP In -Lieu Fees are collected from residential development projects with five (5) or more units when the construction of the BMP unit is impractical or there are unusual circumstances that make the construction of the unit inconsistent with Town policy. The required in -lieu fee is to be paid to the Town prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The BMP In -Lieu Fee is equal to the amount of six (6) percent of the building permit valuation for the entire project. The collected fees are held in the General Fund BMP Housing liability account and are restricted to be used solely for BMP Housing Program activities. BELOW - MARKET PRICED HOUSING PROGRAM IN -LIEU FEES Beginning Cash Balance (07/01/2014) $2,467,403 Source of Funds Fees Collected FY 14/15 Rehm hom Escrow on Foreclosed Properties 14/15 Interest Earned FY 14/15 $401,316 169,545 Total Source of Funds $3,068,867 Use of Funds Rea Lund Property Renovation Priorto Sale $190,118 Total Use of Funds Ending Cash Balance (7101/2015) Pre -Final Audit $2,840,749 Potential Future Projects Extreme Low Income Housing Program (Future Project - Pending Funding) $1,100,000 Reacquisition of Distressed /Foreclosed Properties (Future Project - Pending Funding) 600.000 Neighborhood Housing Program services (Future Project - Pending Funding -5 Year Total) 1,200,000 Total Potential Future Projects $2,900,000 Current Funding Shortfall ($59,251) Other Required Disclosures: As required by law, no inter -fund (loans /transfers) were made doing the reporting period and no refund were necessary as all fees collected have a current funding short fall status as presented in the Annual Status Report.