2012-036 - Amending Certain Fees For Fy 2012/13RESOLUTION 2012 -036 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING CERTAIN FEES FOR FY 2012/13 WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos financial policies require that the Town establish and maintain all user charges and fees based on the cost of providing services; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos periodically prepares a fee analysis that assesses the cost of services and the recovery level for each of the fees; and WHEREAS, the 2010 Fee Analysis indicated that development related (Planning and Building Division) fees were recovering approximately 46 percent and 70 percent, respectively, of the cost to process the permits; and WHEREAS, the Town Council proposes to gradually adjust the development fees to strive toward cost recovery. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Gatos' Building and Planning Division FY 2012/13 fee schedule is hereby amended as attached hereto as Exhibit A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2012 -2013 Comprehensive Fee Schedule is hereby amended to incorporate these additionally adopted fee adjustments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the newly adopted fees shall be become effective August 18, 2012. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 18th day of June 2012, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Barbara Spector, and Mayor Steve Rice NAYS: Steven Leonardis ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: Yi / � MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: (// ,I^ )d"4k CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 1 Planning .. Building Fee Changes FY 2®1213 =HIBIT A Of Attachment 1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES r Building Division 1. Building Permit Fees A. Permit Issuance Fee for issuing a Building Permit 567.00 Additional Building Permit fee 533.00 B. Demolition Permit 5226.00 C. Building Permit Fees for New Construction and Addition The fee for each building permit shall be based upon the 1997 Uniform Building Code as amended by the 2010 California Building Code. A building valuation multiplier of 2.32 shall be used in conjunction with the Building Valuation Data provided in the publication Building Valuation Data published by the International Code Council — February 2012 to create the Town adopted Valuation Calculator Tables for the specific Occupancy Types. Hillside Homes shall use a building valuation modifier of 3.246 and Commercial Office Tenant Improvements shall use a modifier of 1.16. The Building Valuation Data will be increased by the February ENR (Engineering News Record) Annual Building Cost Index (BCI) for every year thereafter. V Total Valuation Fee S1.00 to 5500.00 523.50 S501.00 to S2,000.00 523.50 for the first 5500.00 plus 53.05 for each additional S 100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 52,000.00 2,001.00 to S_5,000.00 569.25 for the first 52,000.00 plus S 14.00 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 525,000.00 S'S,001.00 to 550.000.00 5391 25 for the first 525,000.00 plus S W. 10 for each additional S1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including S50,000.00 550,001.00 to S 100 5643.75 for the first 550,000.00 plus 57.00 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and includin¢ S 100,000.00 5100.001.00 to 5500 5993.75 for the First S 100.000.00 plus 55.60 for each additional S1.000.00 or faction thereof._ to and includiMr 5500,000.00 J DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Division - cont'd Building Permit Fees - cont'd 7. Fence or Freestanding Wall (over 6' high): 1. Emergency generation, wind power, special HVAC systems, etc. Wood or metal S44.00 /If b. Field Inspection (2 hr. minimum) Masonry S 74.00/If S. Decks/Balcony S42.00 /sq.ft 9. Wood Deck S13.00 /sq.ft 10. Re -roofs S3.00 /sq.ft 11. Retaining Walls S93.00 11If H. Special Svstems Fee 1. Fee for issuing an Electrical Permit 1. Emergency generation, wind power, special HVAC systems, etc. a. Plan Review (1 hr. minimum) S239.00/hr b. Field Inspection (2 hr. minimum) $ 136.00/hr 2. Photovoltaic - Roof Mounted a. Plan Review (1/2 hr. minimum) $233.00/hr b. Field Inspection (1 hr. minimum) S132.00/hr 3. Photovoltaic - Ground Mounted a. Plan Review (1 hr. minimum) S233.00/hr b. Field Inspection (2 hr. minimum) S 132.00 /hr 2. Electrical Permit Fees A. Permit Issuance 5 1. Fee for issuing an Electrical Permit 567.00 2. Additional Electrical Permit fee 533.00 B. Plan Review & Re- inspection Fees 1. Plan review fee 25% of Electrical Permit Fee 2. Additional plan review S239.001hr 3. Re- inspection fee S 136.00 /hr C. New Residential Construction S.I I sq.ft (New buildings only, including garages) C -1 Commercial Construction S.03 sq.ft D. System Fee Schedule 1. Private swimming pools 555.00 2. Public swimming pools S100.00 For alterations to existing pool use Unit Fee Schedule E. below J. Temporary Power Poles 563.00 4. Temporary distribution system & temporary lighting 533.00 5. Installation of illuminated signs (each) S39.00 5 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Division - cont'd 3. Mechanical Permit Fees A. Permit Issuance 1. Fee for issuing a Mechanical Permit 567.00 2. Additional Mechanical Permit fee S33.00 B. Plan Review R Re- inspection Fees 1. Plan review fee 25% of Mechanical Pen Fee 2. Additional plan review S239.00/hr 3. Re- inspection fee S 136.001hr C. New Residential Construction S.I I sq.ft (New buildings only, including garages) C -1 Commercial Construction S.08 sq.ft D. Unit Fee Schedule 1. Installation, of each heating system, A /C, boiler, compressor or air handler S33.00 '_. Each duct repair or alteration S11.00 3. Each fireplace appliance S27.00 4. Each ventilating fan S11.00 _ 5. Installation of separate flue or vents not included with the installation of an appliance S11.00 6. Installation of each hood with mechanical exhaust: Residential S'_ 7.00 Commercial S100.00 7. Each new or repair of gas piping system 561.00 S. Each additional gas outlet S20.00 9. Installation of evaporative cooler 527.00 E. Other tilechanical Fees 1. Duplicatejob card S33.00 2. Pennit extension (applies to pe,mits that have not expired) S68.00 4. Plumhin Permit Fees A. Permit Issuance L Fee for issuing a Plumbin Permit 56 1 Additional Plumbing Pee-,nit fee S33.00 B. PlIni Revicw & Re- irsoection Fees I. Plan review fee S'o of Plumbing Permit Fee 2. Additional plan review - S23 9.00;111' _. Re- inspecdonfee S136.00,hr DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Bnildin6 Division cont'd Other Fees — cont'd B. Duplicate Inspection Card S33.00 C. NPDES Inspection Fee S61.00 (Charged on all building pen-nits with the potential to generate non -point source storm water runoff during constriction) D. State of California Mandated Building Standards Fee — SB 1473 A surcharge shall be added to all building permits at the rate of four dollars (S4) per one hundred thousand dollars (S 100,000) in valuation, with appropriate fractions thereof, but not less than one dollar (S 1). These funds will be available to the California Building Standards Commission, the Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Office of the State Fire Marshall for expenditure in carrying out the provisions of the State Building Standards Law and provisions of State Housing Law that relate to building standards. Up to ten percent (10 %) shall be retained for related administrative costs and for code enforcement education. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Plannin? Division — cont'd Zonin? Approvals - cont'd (2) Planning Commission Aooroval a. Supplemental Fee DRC applications as determined in Section l.A.(I) or minor residential development applications or application that are part of a Planned Development that require Planning Commission approval 52,470.00 b. New two family unit 57,175.00 C. New nonresidential (includes conceptual Planned Development elevations) 53,236.00 d. New multiple family (includes conceptual Planned Development elevations) 57,439.00 C. Demolition request with a Planned Development S1,705.00 application f. All other (i.e.: exceed FAR, major grading, etc.) 54,173.00 x Aside from the fees noted above, no additional Architecture and Site application fees will be assessed for projects that involve an historic structure or site. "Any changes proposed to model homes, nonresidential, or multiple family buildings, a supplemental fee shall be based on a time and material basis to review the changes. , B. Conditional Use Permits 1. Conditional Use Permit 54,330.00 2. Conditional Use Permit (when consolidated with another application for new development) 5303.00 3. Conditional Use Permit for restaurants Minor Restaurant (DRC Approval) 52,939.00 Major Restaurant (PC Approval) Tier 1 54.330.00 Tier 2 includes alcohol and /or entertainment 55.703.00 1 :1 IMF; th t . o � i �;.. o T n;n r'�ii� ;I , p p v pp..:as _._ -- __,_.__ _o. , _- - ro.._. i n (� S_ ,_.70.00 (these fees supplement the above established fees) a. Transcription fee of Planning= Commission Actual cost minutes Vlin11,11Wm S500.00 deposit C. Variance S3.552.00 D. Rezoning (othe. than Planned Development) I. Without General Plan or Speci tc Plan A:Tlcnd;r.c:lt. Actual Cost (5.000.00 nlinimLUn) '. With General Plan or Speci is Plan Amendment Actual Cost (57.000.00 ollmnlLim) Transciption fee of Planninu Commission Actual Cost minutes �li:;unum 5500.00 II deposit DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Planning Division — cont'd Zonin Approvals — cont'd M. Mobile Home Park Conversion Permit Actual cost (56,000.00 deposit) N. General Plan/Town Code Amendments Actual cost 0. Administrative Land Use Permit (56,000.00 deposit) L. Minor telecommunications facility 51,177.00 (i.e. microcell, 3021 lb or equivalent) 2. Major telecommunications facility 52,799.00 which do not require a Conditional Use Permit 2. Subdivisions A. Lot Line Adjustment (DRC Approval) S1,618.00 B. 4 Lots or Less (DRC Approval) 56,761.00 C. 4 Lots or Less (as part of a Planned Development) (DRC Approval) S2,691.00 D. 5 Lots or More S10,721.00 E. 5 Lots or More (as part of a Planned Development) (DRC Approval) S3,166.00 F. Vesting Tentative Map (VTM) Fee to be based on the number of lots noted above G. Lot Meroer and Reversion to Acreage (DRC Approval) $301.00 H. Condominium 56,661.00 I. Condominium as part of a Planned Development 52.691.00 J. Certificate of Compliance (DRC Approval) S1244.00 K. VTM applications that require Town Council approval, 52470.00 Subdivision and/or DRC applications that require Planning Commission approval. This fee supplements the above - established fees. 13 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PianninQ Division — cont'd Other — cont'd B. Peer/Technical Review — (any remaining deposit will be Actual cost refunded to the applicant and amounts exceeding the (52,000.00 deposit deposit amount will be paid by applicant) plus 10% of actual cost for administrative charge) C. Fees For Additional Tech Review and /or DRC Review DRC beyond three meetings, Planning Commission hearing beyond two meetings, Town Council hearing beyond one meeting Actual cost D. Surcharges 1. General Plan update surcharge .5% of building valuation for new construction and additions/ 10% of zone change and subdivision fee 2. Route 85 Study Plan surcharge 10% of application fee for applications in Route 85 Study Plan Area*** J. Advanced Planning projects 10% of application fee 4. worth 40 Study Plan surcharge Actual cost on proportionate basis *'r Not charged to the following applications: I H, 1J, 1K, 3C, 3D and 3E E. Consultation Actual cost on an hourly basis F. Aoneals I. Fee to appeal Plaiming Commission decision to Town Council 5334.00 per residential S 1,340.00 per commercial, multi - family or tentative man 2. Fee to remand applications from Town Council to Planning Commission where no error was made by Plannine Commission 50% of original application fce(s) (excluding fees based on actual cost) Fee to appeal Director of Community Development or Development Review Committee decision to Planning Corunission 5167.00 per residential S67 1.00 per commercial Tree appeals 563.00 5. .appeal transcription fee of Plannim= Commission Actual cost minutes :Minimum S509.00 deposit (on]" applies to f:om Planning Coll Iaission to To4vn COL11161) i i t.i