Ord 1337 - AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSORDINANCE NO. 1337 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 2.00.052 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 2.00.052 APARTMENT HOTEL An apartment hotel is a building or portion thereof used or designed as a residence for three or more families living independently of each other in which food or meals are regularly provided to the tenants or some of them, and in which housekeeping or maid service is routinely provided to the tenants or some of them. SECTION 2. Section 2.00.054 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 2.00.054 ARTERIAL Any highway, street or road so designated in the General Plan. SECTION 3. Section 2.00.180 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 2.00.180 DWELLING, MULTIPLE A building or portion thereof used or designed as a residence for three or more families living independently of each other, including apartment houses, apartment hotels and flats, but not including auto courts. SECTION 4. Section 2.00.235 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 2.00.235 GRADE (GROUND LEVEL) Grade is the average of the finished ground level at the center of all walls of a building. When walls are parallel to and within five feet of a sidewalk, the ground level shall be measured at the sidewalk. SECTION 5. Section 2.00.240 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 2.00.240 HEIGHT OF BUILDING Height of building is measured vertically from the grade to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof (slope 1 in 12 or less), or to the deck line of a mansard roof, or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitched or hip roof. (For special considerations on sloping lots, see Sec. 4.10.050) SECTION 6. Section 2.00.245 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 7. Section 2.00.250 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 8. Section 2.00.450 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 9. Section 3.00.010 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 3.00.010 SCOPE The provisions of Chapters 3.10 through 3.60 apply to all zones. -2- SECTION 10. Chapter 3.02 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 11. Sections 3.05.010, 3.05.020, 3.05.030, 3.05.040, 3.05.050, 3.05.060 and 3.05.070 of this Ordinance are repealed. SECTION 12. Section 3.05.010 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 3.05.010 LANDSCAPE REQUIRED Any required front yard or any other required yard abutting a street must be landscaped. SECTION 13. Section 3.05.020 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 3.05.020 PARKING Off - street parking spaces shall not be located in any required yard abutting a street. SECTION 14. Section 3.10.010 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 15. Section 3.15.010 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 3.15.010 HEIGHT RESTRICTION EXCEPTION Towers, spires, elevator and mechanical penthouses, cupolas, similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances which are not used for human activity or storage may be higher than the maximum height permitted by the zone. -3- SECTION 16. Section 3.15.020 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 17. Section 3.60.010 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 3.60.010 SCOPE Home occupations are allowed in any dwelling, in any zone, even if the dwelling is nonconforming subject to the following regulations: (1) No premises shall be used for a home occupation unless the user has a home occupation permit. (2) There shall be no employees other than members of the resident family. (3) There shall be no materials or mechanical equipment used which are not such as would be employed in normal household or hobby activities. (4) The home occupation shall not involve the presence of more than one customer on the premises at any time. (5) The home occupation shall not cause pedestrian or vehicular traffic or the parking of vehicles either on the premises or on public or private streets or sidewalks adjacent to the premises in numbers or volumes which exceed that which is usual in Los Gatos at comparable places of residence where there is no home occupation. (6) There shall be no use of commercial vehicles for delivery of materials to or from the premises. (7) There shall be no storage of materials or supplies indoors or outdoors in a manner which is visible from adjacent premises or public ways. (8) There shall be no advertising signs or structures. (9) The home occupation shall not be conducted in such a way as to decrease the total number of required or available off- street parking spaces for the premises. (10) The home occupation shall not alter the single family residential character of any portion of the premises. (11) The home occupation shall not result in the emission of noise, dust, smoke, odor or radiation which results in interference with radio or television reception (12) The foregoing parts (2) through (11) expressly prohibiting acts and conditions, are not an exclusive listing of the limitations on the conduct of home occupations, and no home occupations shall be conducted in a manner inconsistent with the requirement of section 2.00.255 of this Ordinance to the effect that the use shall not be discernible from the exterior of the dwelling unit. SECTION 18. Section 4.10.050 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 4.10.050 HEIGHT DETERMINATION FOR SLOPING LOTS Where the average slope of a lot (measured in the general direction of the lot lines) is greater than one foot -5- rise or fall in seven feet of distance from the established street elevation at the property line, the height and number of stories for a building is measured according to one of the following rules. If Rule 1 is inapplicable the landowner may elect whether to use Rule 2 or 3. (1) On uphill slopes (from street), the maximum height specified for the zone is measured from the rear grade. The height measured from the front grade may be increased to exceed that measured at the rear grade by ten feet. The number of stories at the front may be increased to exceed that allowed at the rear by one. (2) On downhill slopes (from street), the maximum height specified for the zone is measured from the front grade. The height measured at the rear grade may exceed this maximum by ten feet. The number of stories at the front may be increased to exceed that allowed at the rear by one. (3) On downhill slopes (from street), when maximum allowable height measured from the front grade is reduced by ten feet, and the number of stories is reduced by one, the height measured from the rear grade may be increased to exceed that measured at the front grade by 30 feet, and the number of stories may be increased by three. r p SECTION 19. Section 4.10.060 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 4.10.060 FRONT YARD BETWEEN PROJECTING BUILDINGS Where a lot is situated between two lots, each of which has a main building (within 25 feet of its side lot lines), which lawfully projects into the required front yard, the front yard requirement on such lot may be the average of the front yards of said existing buildings. SECTION 20. Section 4.10.070 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 4.10.070 FRONT YARD ADJOINING PROJECTING BUILDINGS Where a lot adjoins only one lot having a main building (within 25 feet of its side lot lines), which lawfully projects into the required front yard, the front yard requirement on such lot may be the average of the front yard of said existing building and the required front yard. SECTION 21. Section 4.10.080 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 4.10.080 FRONT YARD SLOPING LOT Where the elevation of the ground, at a point 50 feet from the front line of a lot and midway between the side lines, differs ten feet or more from the curb level, or where the slope (measured in the general direction of the side lot lines) is 20 per cent or more on at least one - quarter of the depth of the lot, the front yard is reduced to 50 per cent of that required in the zone. -7- SECTION 22. Section 4.10.090 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 4.10.090 REAR YARD -- INCLUDES ONE -HALF ALLEY In computing the depth of a rear yard where such yard opens onto an alley, one -half the width of such alley may be assumed to be a portion of the required rear yard. SECTION 23. Section 4.10.100 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 4.10.100 PROJECTIONS ALLOWED INTO YARDS (1) A porte cochere may be permitted over a driveway in a side yard, provided that it is not more than one story high and 24 feat long and not closer than two feet from the side lot line, and is entirely open on at least three sides, except for the necessary supporting columns and customary architectural features. (2) Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, canopies, bay windows, chimneys or other similar architectural features may extend or project into a required side yard not more than 24 inches and may extend or project into a required front or rear yard not more than 30 inches. (3) Open, unenclosed stairways, or landing places, not covered by a roof or canopy, may extend or project into a required rear yard not more than four feet. (4) Open, unenclosed porches, not covered by a roof or canopy, less than four feet above grade may project into front, side or rear yards or into any court up to six feet; but in no case shall the projection into a side yard be closer than six feet to the property line or into a court exceed a distance of more than 20 per cent of the width of such court. (5) Open, unenclosed balconies, not covered by a roof or canopy may project into a front or rear yard up to six feet. SECTION 24. Section 4.22.040 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.22.040 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (1) Height The maximum height of any principal building is two stories and not over 30 feet. (2) Lot Area The minimum lot area is 20 acres. (3 ) Yards Front: 30 feet minimum Side: 20 feet minimum Rear: 25 feet minimum Side abutting street: 20 feet minimum SECTION 25. Subsection (4) of section 4.24.035 of this Ordinance is amended to read: (4) The applicant demonstrates the need for an additional dwelling without being required to complete a subdivision map. I%M SECTION 26. Section 4.24.040 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.24.040 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The minimum average amount of net land area required per dwelling unit in any subdivision is determined by the following slope- density regulation: (1) For the purpose of this section the average slope of a lot or parcel shall be determined according to the formula S = •00023 IL where: S is the average slope in per cent. I is the contour interval in feet. L is the combined length of contour lines in feet. A is the gross area in acres of the parcel or lot as applicable. In measuring the slope, a topographic base map shall be used which meets the requirements for tentative maps as specified in the Subdivision Ordinance. Measurement along contours shall be made at contour intervals not to exceed ten feet. (2) Slope density -- the minimum land area per dwelling unit shall not be less than "a" as determined by the formula a = 1 where "S" is the average 1.089 - 0.017785 slope of the parcel in per cent. Where the average slope is in excess of 50 per cent the minimum land area per dwelling unit shall be 5.0 acres. -10- (3) The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a subdivision shall be determined by dividing the net land area, excluding streets and private rights -of -way, by the required minimum average land area per dwelling unit and rounding down to the next whole number. (4) In calculating the allowable number of dwelling units in any subdivision, no parcel which can be further subdivided under this section shall be included in the net land area used in determining the maximum number of dwelling units permitted. However, if the development rights beyond one dwelling unit for such parcel are dedicated to the Town, the parcel may be included. (5) Where any lands in a parcel are in excess of 50 per cent slope, such lands may be treated separately and the number of dwelling units permissible on the 50 per cent and over lands may be added to the number permissible on the balance of the parcel to obtain the total permissible on the entire parcel. (6) For any subdivision approved under the regulations of the HR zone after January 17, 1973 (the effective date of Ordinance No. 1089), lot lines shall not be altered so as to allow a greater number of dwelling units than would have peen allowed by the slope density formula for the entire parcel as it existed prior to subdivision. (7) Lot Size (not to be confused with the required land area per dwelling unit). The minimum lot size is -11- 40,000 square feet. (8) Lot Width The minimum lot width is 100 feet. (9) Yards Front: 30 feet minimum Side: 20 feet minimum Rear: 25 feet minimum Side abutting street: 20 feet minimum (10) Height The maximum height of any principal building is two stories and not over 30 feet. (11) Scenic Roads Landscaping is required in yards abutting scenic roads. Existing vegetation and land forms abutting scenic roads shall be left in a natural state unless modification is found to be necessary for a specific use. To enhance the scenic corridor, additional landscaping may be required. (12) Trails When the General Plan or any specific plan shows trails the development plans shallinclude those provisions which are found necessary by the reviewing body for the development of such trails. SECTION 27. Section 4.24.050 of this Ordinance is repealed. -12- SECTION 28. Section 4.26.050 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.26.050 LOT FRONTAGE AND DEPTH (1) Minimum lot frontage and depth requirements are: Minimum Frontage Frontage Lot. Interior Corner Area Lot Lot Depth R -1: 8,000 60 ft. 80 ft. 100 ft. R- 1:10,000 80 ft. 90 ft. 120 ft. R- 1:12,000 90 ft. 95 ft. 120 ft. R- 1:15,000 100 ft. 100 ft. 125 ft. R- 1:20,000 100 ft. 115 ft. 140 ft. R- 1:30,000 100 ft. 120 ft. 145 ft. R- 1:40,000 100 ft. 120 ft. 150 ft. (2) The minimum frontage for a lot on a cul -de -sac bulb is 30 feet and the minimum width is 60 feet. (3) The minimum depth of lots facing or backing on freeways, arterials, railroad rights -of -way, schools or parks is 125 feet. SECTION 29. Section 4.26.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.26.070 HEIGHT The maximum height of any principal building is two stories and not over 30 feet. SECTION 30. Section 4.26.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.26.080 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is 40 per cent. BRIM SECTION 31. Section 4.26.090 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 32. Section 4.28.040 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.28.040 LOT WIDTH Each lot shall have a minimum width of not less than 65 feet. SECTION 33. Section 4.28.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.28.080 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND COURTS (1) The minimum distance between main buildings is 24 feet; provided that there shall be at least 40 feet between any wall of a main building containing living room windows and any other wall of a main building. (2) Courts shall have a minimum of 20 feet between opposing walls; provided that if one of the opposing walls contains: Living room windows,the minimum distance between such opposing walls is 40 feet; Bedroom windows, the minimum distance between such opposing walls is 24 feet. SECTION 34. Section 4.28.090 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.28.090 YARDS (l) Front: 25 feet minimum. (2) Rear: 20 feet minimum. -14- (3) Side: ten feet minimum; provided that if the wall facing the side yard contains - Bedroom windows: 12 feet minimum. Living room windows: 15 feet minimum. (4) Side abutting street: 15 feet minimum. SECTION 35. Section 4.28.100 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 36. Section 4.28.110 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.28.110 HEIGHT The maximum height of any principal building is two stories and not over 30 feet. SECTION 37. Section 4.28.120 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.28.120 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is 40 per cent. SECTION 38. Section 4.28.130 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 39. Section 4.30.050 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.30.050 LOT FRONTAGE AND DEPTH (1) The minimum lot frontage for interior lots is 60 feet and for corner lots is 80 feet. The minimum lot depth is 100 feet. -15- (2) The minimum frontage for a lot on a cul -de -sac bulb is 30 feet and the minimum lot width is 60 feet. (3 ) The minimum depth of lots facing or backing on freeways, arterials, railroad rights -of -way, schools or parks is 125 feet. SECTION 40. Section 4.30.060 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.30.060 YARDS (1) Front: 25 feet minimum (2) Side: 8 feet minimum (3) Rear: 20 feet minimum (4) Side abutting street: 15 feet minimum SECTION 41. Section 4.30.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.30.070 HEIGHT The maximum height of any principal building or structure is two stories and not over 30 feet. SECTION 42. Section 4.30.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.30.080 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is 40 per cent. SECTION 43. Section 4.30.090 of this Ordinance is repealed. -16- SECTION 44. Section 4.32.040 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.32.040 LOT WIDTH Minimum lot width is 60 feet. SECTION 45. Section 4.32.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.32.080 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND COURTS (1) The minimum distance between main buildings is 24 feet; provided, that there shall be at least 40 feet between any wall of a main building containing living room windows and any other wall of a main building. (2) Courts shall have a minimum of 20 feet between opposing walls; provided that if one of the opposing walls contains: Living room windows, the minimum distance between such opposing walls is 40 feet, Bedroom windows, the minimum distance between such opposing walls is 24 feet. SECTION 46. Section 4.32.090 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.32.090: YARDS (1) Front: 25 feet minimum. (2) Rear: 20 feet minimum. (3) Side: Ten feet minimum, provided that if the wall facing the side yard contains - Bedroom windows: 12 feet minimum. Living room windows: 20 feet minimum. -17- (4) Side abutting street: 20 feet minimum. SECTION 47. Section 4.32.100 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.32.100 HEIGHT The maximum height of any principal building is two stories and not over 30 feet, except when the building has cellar parking the maximum is two stories and not over 35 feet. SECTION 48. Section 4.32.110 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.32.110: LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is 40 per cent. SECTION 49. Section 4.40.050 is added to this Ordinance to read: SEC. 4.40.050 FENCING Fencing is not permitted in required front yards or required yards abutting a street in any nonresidential zone, except walls or fences not over three feet high may be erected to screen on -site parking spaces from the street. SECTION 50. Section 4.52.040 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 51. Section 4.52.050 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.52.050 LOT AREA The minimum lot area is 8,000 square feet. SECTION 52. Section 4.52.060 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.52.060: YARDS (1) Front: 25 feet minimum (2) Side: 10 feet minimum (3) Rear: 20 feet minimum (4) Side abutting street: 25 feet minimum (5) A six foot high masonry wall is required along any property line abutting a residentially -zoned lot. SECTION 53. Section 4.52.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.52.070 HEIGHT The maximum height of any principal building is 35 feet, and of any accessory building is 15 feet. SECTION 54. Section 4.52.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.52.080 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage, including any type of accessory building is 40 per cent. SECTION 55. Section 4.54.060 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 56. Section 4.54.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.54.070 YARDS (1) Front: 15 feet minimum (2) Side: None required -19- (3) Rear: None required (4) Side abutting street: 15 feet minimum (5) The following yard requirements apply along those property lines of a lot in the C -1 zone where the property line abuts or is across the street from a lot in any residential zone: (a) Front: 25 feet minimum (b) Side abutting street: 25 feet minimum (c) Side or rear: 20 feet, which shall be increased in proportion to the height of building to provide a 45 degree light and air factor from property line. A six foot high masonry wall is required along the property line. SECTION 57. Section 4.54.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.54.080 HEIGHT The maximum height of any building is 35 feet. SECTION 58. Section 4.54.090 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.54.090 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage, including any type of accessory building is 50 per cent of the lot area. SECTION 59. Section 4.56.060 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.56.060 YARDS (1) Front or side abutting street: None, except as may be -20- required by Architecture and Site Approval to assure adequate light, air, and visibility. (2) Side: None required (3) Rear: None required (4) The following yard requirements apply along those property lines of a lot in the C -2 zone where the property line abuts or is across the street from a lot in any residential zone: (a) Front: 25 feet minimum (b) Side abutting street: 25 feet minimum (c) Side or rear: 20 feet, which shall be increased in proportion to the height of building to provide a 45 degree light and air factor from property line. A six foot high masonry wall is required along the property line. SECTION 60. Section 4.56.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.56.070 HEIGHT The maximum height of any building is 45 feet. SECTION 61. Section 4.58.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.58.080 HEIGHT The maximum height of any building is 35 feet. SECTION 62. Section 4.58.090 of this Ordinance is amended to read: -21- SEC. 4.58.090 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is: (1) Multiple residential use: 40 per cent (2) Commercial use: No limitation (3) Public and quasi - public uses: 50 per cent SECTION 63. Section 4.60.060 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 64. Section 4.60.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.60.070 YARDS (1) Front: 15 feet minimum (2) Side: None required (3) Rear: None required (4) Side abutting street: 15 feet minimum (5) The following yard requirements apply along those property lines of a lot in the CH zone where the property line abuts or is across the street from a lot in any residential zone: (a) Front: 25 feet minimum (b) Side abutting street: 25 feet minimum (c) Side or rear: 20 feet, which shall be increased in proportion to the height of building to provide a 45 degree light and air factor from property line,, A six foot high masonry wall is required along the property line. -22- SECTION 65. Section 4.60.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.60.080 HEIGHT The maximum height of any building is 35 feet. SECTION 66. Section 4.60.090 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.60.090 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is 50 per cent. SECTION 67. Section 4.72.060 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 68. Section 4.72.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.72.070: YARDS (1) Front: 15 feet minimum (2) Side: None required (3) Rear: None required (4) Side abutting street: 15 feet minimum (5) The following yard requirements apply along those property lines of a lot in the LM zone where the property line abuts or is across the street from a lot in any residential zone: (a) Front: 25 feet minimum (b) Side abutting street: 25 feet minimum (c) Side or rear: 20 feet, which shall be increased in proportion to the height of building to provide -23- a 45 degree light and air factor from property line. A six foot high masonry wall is required along the property line. SECTION 69. Section 4.72.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.72.080 HEIGHT The maximum height of any building is 35 feet. SECTION 70. Section 4.72.090 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.72.090 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is 50 per cent. SECTION 71. Section 4.72.100 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.72.100 OUTDOOR STORAGE Outdoor storage is permitted if the area for storage is suitably screened from adjoining property by a wall, dense evergreen hedge of trees or other screen planting or a solid fence not less than six feet high. Materials shall not be stored in such a manner as to project above the wall, planting or fence. SECTION 72. Section 4.74.060 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.74.060 YARDS (1) Front yard and side yard abutting street: 25 feet -24- minimum provided, however, that an additional one foot in depth shall be added to the minimum front yard for each foot in height by which the main building exceeds 20 feet. (2) Side Yards: 25 feet minimum. (3) Rear Yard: None, except when adjacent to a residential zone then - 20 feet, which shall be increased in proportion to the height of building to provide a 45 degree light and air factor from property line. A six foot high masonry wall is required at rear property line. SECTION 73. Section 4.74.070 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.74.070 HEIGHT The maximum height of any building is 35 feet. SECTION 74. Section 4.74.080 of this Ordinance is amended to read: SEC. 4.74.080 LOT AREA COVERAGE Maximum building coverage including any type of accessory building is 50 per cent. SECTION 75. Section 4.74.100 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 76. Chapter 4.76 of this Ordinance is repealed. SECTION 77. Section 5.50.150 of this Ordinance is amended to read: -25- SEC. 5.50.150 ZONING IN ANNEXED AREAS Any area annexed to the Town after the effective date of this Ordinance, unless prezoned, is immediately upon annexation automatically classified as HR or Hillside Residential Zone until another zone for the area has been adopted by the Council. The Commission shall recommend to the council appropriate zoning for such area within 60 days after annexation. SECTION 78. References to additions, amendments and repeals of "this Ordinance" are to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos. SECTION 79. This Ordinance shall take effect and shall be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. The Town Clerk of the Town of Los Gatos shall cause this Ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption, in the Los Gatos Times- Saratoga Observer, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the Town of Los Gatos. The above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 4th day of October , 1976. PASSED AND ADOPTED as an Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos, California, at a regular meeting of the Town Council, held on the 1st day of November 1976, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark B. DiDuca, Mardi Gualtieri John B. Lochner, Alber B. Smith and Ruth Cannon NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS None SIGNED: ATTEST: ) MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CLERK OFT E T" 0 LOS TOS c- -26-