Ord 2040 - Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town Code to incorporate design standards and regulations from the subdivision ordinanceORDINANCE 2040 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN CODE TO INCORPORATE DESIGN STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS FROM THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I Town Code Chapter 24 and Chapter 29 shall be amend as follows: ARTICLE V. REQUIREMENTS, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS Refer to Chapter 29 Zoning Regulations Section 29.10.067 SECTION II Section 29.10.067 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.067 Subdivision Requirements, Standards, and Specifications SECTION III Section 29.10.06701 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06701 Subivision Design standards -- Generally. Those certain subdivision design standards which are on file in the office of the Town Engineer are by reference incorporated in this chapter as the subdivision design standards of the Town. 1 SECTION IV Section 29.10.06702 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06702. Same -- Streets. The design of a subdivision shall comply with the following street and highway standards as determined by the advisory agency: (1) Highways and major streets. Highways and major streets shall conform to the width as adopted by the circulation element of the general plan. (2) Collector streets. The width of right -of -way for all collector streets, and streets and areas to be used for other than one - family and two - family residences shall not be less than sixty (60) feet with a paved roadway width excluding width of curb and sidewalk areas of not less than forty (40) feet; except that, in mountainous or hillside areas the width of paved roadway may be reduced from forty (40) feet to thirty -four (34) feet if parking is prohibited along one (1) side of the street, or twenty -eight (28) feet if parking is prohibited on both sides of the street. In mountainous or hillside areas the width of the right -of -way shall not be less than forty (40) feet. (3) Minor streets. The width of right -of -way for minor streets shall be not less than fifty- six (56) feet with a paved roadway width of not less than thirty -six (36) feet, excluding curb and sidewalk; except, that in mountainous or hillside areas the width of the paved roadway may be reduced from thirty -six (3 6) to thirty (3 0) feet if parking is prohibited along one (1) side of the street, or twenty -four (24) feet if 2 parking is prohibited on both sides of the street. In mountainous or hillside areas the width of the right -of -way shall not be less than forty (40) feet. (4) One -way streets. One -way streets may be acceptable in a subdivision when their use is justified by detailed engineering studies submitted by the subdivider. The width of right -of -way for one -way streets shall be not less than forty (40) feet with a paved roadway excluding curb and sidewalk areas of not less than fifteen (15) feet. Emergency pull -out areas of a design approved by the Town Engineer shall be provided at approximately five - hundred -foot intervals on straight sections and at each end of every blind curve. (5) Turning circles. Turning circles at the end of cul -de -sac streets shall have a roadway radius of not less than thirty -two (32) feet, and a right -of -way width of forty -two (42) feet; except, that in mountainous or hillside areas the roadway radius may be reduced to twenty -six (26) feet, and the right -of -way radius to thirty -two (32) feet if parking is prohibited on the turning circle. Alternate designs for turning or reversing direction may be used in lieu of the turning circle if approved by the Planning Commission. Radii of turning circles in industrial subdivisions may be increased to provide adequate turning provisions for truck and trailer combinations. SECTION V Section 29.10.06703 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06703. Same -- Design standards. Alleys shall have a right -of -way width of not less than thirty (30) feet and roadway width of not less than twenty -four (24) feet. 3 SECTION VI Section 29.10.06704 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06704. Streets necessary for development of adjoining property. Whenever a street is necessary for the development of adjoining property, the location, width and extent of such street shall be shown on the tentative and final map. The subdivider shall improve such streets across the property being subdivided. SECTION VII Section 29.10.06705 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06705. Off - street parking on narrow streets. On streets in subdivisions where parking of automobiles is prohibited along either or both sides of the normal roadway, parking bays may be required at convenient locations or intervals outside the normal traffic lanes. SECTION VIII Section 29.10.06706 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06706. Trails. Trails are required in a subdivision where shown on the general plan. Trails not shown on the general plan may be required by the advisory agency. SECTION VIX Section 29.10.06707 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06707, Street alignment. Unless otherwise approved by the Town Engineer and by the advisory agency, the centerlines of any two (2) streets entering upon opposite sides of any certain street in a subdivision shall intersect M the centerline of that street at the same point, or at points separated by not less than two hundred (200) feet. SECTION X Section 29.10.06708 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06708. Grades of streets, highways and alleys. The grades of highways, streets and alleys in subdivisions shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent unless otherwise approved by the Town Engineer and the advisory agency. SECTION XI Section 29.10.06709 shall be added to read: Sec. 29.10.06709, Dedication of open space. Where consistent with the goals and policies of the general plan, the advisory body shall require dedication of open space to the Town, either in fee or as an easement, whichever will best implement the applicable policy. Fee dedication will ordinarily be required where public involvement is sufficiently active to warrant Town control and maintenance. Where public involvement is more passive, the owner will be asked to dedicate easements, and will retain ownership and responsibility for maintenance. SECTION XII Section 29.10.06710 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06710. Paving of streets. Roadways on streets, highways and alleys within a subdivision shall be paved with E asphalt concrete or Portland cement concrete in accordance with standards approved by the Town Engineer. SECTION XIII Section 29.10.06711 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06711. Street intersections. At each intersection between two (2) streets in a subdivision, the property lines shall be rounded with a curve having a radius of not less than twenty (20) feet. At intersections between an alley and a street, or between two (2) alleys, the radius or cut -back distance shall be not less than ten (10) feet. SECTION XIV Section 29.10.06712 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06712. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be constructed on all streets and highways within a subdivision; except, that in land being subdivided into lots twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or more in size, sidewalks may be omitted. In hillside subdivisions, a walkway or path shall be constructed on one (1) side of the street or highway, subject to the approval of the Town Engineer and the advisory agency. SECTION XV Section 29.10.06713 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29,10.06713. Curbs and gutters. Curbs and gutters shall be constructed on all streets and highways within a subdivision; G except, that in mountainous or hillside areas, curbs or gutters may be eliminated by the Town Engineer in special circumstances. SECTION XVI Section 29.10.06714 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06714. Cul -de -sac length. Cul -de -sacs shall not exceed eight hundred (800) feet in length; provided, the length of a cul- de -sac may be increased by action of the advisory agency upon finding that emergency access, utility services, and circulation are satisfactory. SECTION XVII Section 29.10.06715 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06715. Improvements on half - streets. Improvements conforming to the requirements specified in this article shall be constructed on any half - streets or highways within a subdivision. In cases where a half - street adjoins unsubdivided land, or land not occupied by a street or public way, the minimum right -of -way width of such half- street is forty (40) feet. Additional pavement shall be provided within the right -of -way to facilitate the safe flow of two -way traffic. SECTION XVIII Section 29.10.06716 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06716. Culverts, storm drains and drainage structures. Culverts, storm drains, and drainage structures shall be constructed in, under, or along streets, alleys and highways in a subdivision as required by the Town Engineer as reasonably necessary to prevent damage to streets or adjoining properties from stormwater, or to prevent the flow of 7 stormwater on streets of depth and velocity as to present a hazardous condition for moving vehicles and pedestrians, or to maintain the flow of stormwater in its natural channel. SECTION XIX Section 29.10.06717 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06717. Sewers. Sanitary sewers with house service laterals shall be constructed to serve each lot within a proposed subdivision. In hillside areas sewer service shall be by sanitary sewer whenever practical. Adequately designed alternative systems may be authorized when the following occurs: (1) Connection to a publicly regulated sanitary system is not available or feasible within a reasonable period of time; and (2) The predicted use of such a system on a reasonably permanent basis will adequately meet disposal needs and have no detrimental effect on the environment (including water quality). SECTION XX Section shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06718. Utilities. Utilities with connections to each lot within a subdivision shall be constructed as required by the advisory agency. All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. SECTION XXI Section 29.10.06719 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06719. Domestic water service. Water service shall be provided by a recognized public utility. SECTION XXII. Section 29.10.06720 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06720. Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants, together with adequate water service thereto, shall be located in each subdivision as directed by the Fire Chief. SECTION XXIII Section 29.10.062721 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06721. Street lighting. Street lighting shall be installed in accordance with the Town standards. SECTION XXIV Section 29.10.06722 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06722. Street signs. Street signs shall be placed on all streets in a subdivision as directed by the Town Engineer. Such signs shall be constructed in accordance with standards developed by the Town Engineer. SECTION XXV Section 29.10.06723 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06723. Retaining walls. Retaining walls may be required to minimize cuts and fills. SECTION XXIV Section 29.10.06724 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06724. Garbage service. 9 Provisions for garbage service shall be made for adequate garbage disposal service. Such provisions shall be compatible with the franchise requirements of the local garbage disposal contractor. SECTION XXVI Section 29.10.06725 shall be added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06725. Double frontage lots. (a) Unless otherwise approved by the advisory agency by reason of special circumstances, lots for one- family and two - family use shall not be designed with frontage on two (2) streets except at street intersections and except along highways. (b) Double frontage lots may be required to have a wall or fence of an approved design constructed along side or rear lot lines. Access rights along such rear or side lot lines may be required to be dedicated to the Town. SECTION XXVIII Section 29.10.06726 is added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06726. Lot standards -- Design, area and width. All lots created pursuant to this chapter must conform to the rules of chapter 29 of this Code. SECTION XXVIX Section 29.10.06727 is added to read as: Sec. 29.10.06727. Cleanliness, etc., of building sites. Every building site in a subdivision shall be kept free and clear at all times of dead plant materials which constitute a fire hazard. It shall be the duty of the Town Fire Chief to inspect hillside subdivision areas and take appropriate action to insure safety. 10 SECTION XXX This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on January 20, 1997 and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on February 2.1998 This ordinance takes effect 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Jan Hutchins, Mayor Linda Lubeck. NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS G OS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 11