2010120601 - Certifying the November 2, 2010 Municipal ElectionMEETING DATE: 12/06/10 ITEM NO. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT December 01, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER ADOPT RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE NOVEMBER 2, 2010 LOS. GATOS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND DECLARING THE ELECTION RESULTS. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution certifying the November 2, 2010 Los Gatos General Municipal Election and declaring the election results. BACKGROUND A General Election was held in the Town of Los Gatos on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 for the purpose of electing three (3) Council Members. DISCUSSION The Town has received certification of the November 2, 2010 General Municipal Election from the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters. Also received were the election results which included the total number of votes for three (3) Council Member seats. The total vote count in the resolution includes seven (7) write -in votes which were not included by the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters in Exhibit B. FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost to the Town for holding a consolidated election is $45,850.00 which is covered in the adopted operating budget under account 1201 - 62227. PREPARED BY: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Admini Reviewed by:Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Administer Finance Community Development Revised: 12/01/2010 9:55 AM Reformatted: 5/30/02 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: Resolution certifying the November 2, 2010 Election Distribution None RESOLUTION 2010 - RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DECLARING ELECTION RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF NOVEMBER 2, 2010 WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election was held in the Town of Los Gatos on Tuesday, the 2 nd day of November, 2010, and was conducted in form and manner as required by the law of the State of California governing the elections of General Law Cities; and, WHEREAS, Jesse Durazo, Registrar of Voters of Santa Clara County, has declared that at the Statewide General Election held on November 2, 2010, and consolidated therewith, a General Municipal Election was held in the TOWN OF LOS GATOS for the purpose of electing three (3) Council Members; and, WHEREAS, the results of said Elections were canvassed by the Office of the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Elections Code; and, WHEREAS, the Statement of Votes Cast and final official summary results (Exhibit B), attached to the Certification (Exhibit A), show the whole number of votes cast for each candidate in said Town and in each of the respective precincts; and, WHEREAS, the total number of registered voters was 18225 and the total number of ballots cast was 13752, including absentee and write -in ballots; and, WHEREAS, the names of the persons voted for, the offices for which they were voted, and the number of votes received by each of said persons in each of said precincts, together with the absentee votes, write -in votes, absentee write -in votes, together with the whole number of votes which they received in the entire Town of Los Gatos are as shown in Exhibit B. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator Town of Los Gatos hereby certify the election of: DIANE MCNUTT JOE PIRZYNSKI and STEVEN LEONARDIS for the full term of four years expiring December, 2014 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Clerk Administrator shall enter upon the records of this Council the results of said General Municipal Election and shall deliver to each person elected a Certificate of Election duly signed and authenticated by the authorized person, and the authorized official shall impose the Constitutional Oath to the three (3) elected Council Members. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 6 day of December, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION RESULTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) L, Jesse Durazo, Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby declare: 1. A Gubernatorial General .Election was held in the County of Santa Clara, for the Town of Los Gatos, on November 2, 2010 for the purpose of electing Three (3) Council Members to the Governing Board. 2. The official canvass of the returns of this election was conducted by the Office of the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California. 3. The Statement of Votes Cast, now on file in my office, shows the number of votes for each candidate for the Governing Board of the Town of Los Gatos and in each of the precincts and that the total shown for each candidate are true and correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 30th day of November, 2010. 2 � - - - " � - - zv": 4, 0 )e' Jeffs Durazo, e 4 rap of Voters EXHIBIT A THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY FEET BLANK Santa Clara County - November 2, 2010 Gubernatorial Election 81 Town of Los Gatos Member, Los Gatos Town Council o N � 0 (ri u a C� 3 c - gW S c M 4R 0 b1 u to a 0 � PCT MAIL 3725 PCT Reposing 145 04 67.0% 23 34 35 33 V13M Reporting 145 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0 PCT MAIL 3727 PCT Reporting 156 118 76.8% 21 se 59 66 VBM Reporting 156 0 0.0% D 0 0 D PCT MAIL 3728 PCT Reporting 2 1 50.0% 0 0 1 0 VBM Reporting 2 0 0.0% a 0 0 , PCT MAIL 3729 PCT Reporung 123 02 74.8% '27 47 42 - 37 VDA4 Reporting 123 0 0.0% 0 C 0 D PCT MAIL 3732 PCT Reposing 25 10 40.0% 3 2 6 6 VBM Reporting 25 0 0.0% 0 PCT MAIL 3734 PCT Reporting 61 48 78.7% le 20 26 2 VHM Reposne 61 _ 0 0.0% D C 0 PCT MAR 3738 PCT Reporting 2 2 10010% 1 1 2 V13M Reporting 2 0 0.0% 0 0 9 PCT374D PCT Reporting 964 195 20.2% 53 67 68 7 VBM Repoving 964 537 65.7% IN 249 249 26 PCT 3741 PCT Reposing 609 75 12.1 27 4C 38 34 VBM Reporting 609 409 67.2% 153 162 210 231 PUT 3742 PCT RepoNrrg .880 - 18 21.0% 54 59 63 tt PUT 3742' VBM Repenting ON 424 48.2% 21C 171 iB4 19 PCT 3743 PCT Reporting 468 107 23,0 24 49 48 4 VBM Reporting - 466 259 55.6% 101 135 136 1413 PCT 3744 PCT Ripening 931 187 20.196 76 76 71 72 VBM Repelling 931 4139 52.5% 214 228 210 234 PC73745 PCT Reporting 1128 167 16.6% 60 74 77 74 V8101 Repining 1128 738. 65.4% 256 383 $87 415 PUT 3745 PCT Reposing 1186 189 15,8% 58 69 9 VBM Repoving lies 739 62,3% 268 345 397 41 PUT 3740 PCT Repejung 436 93 21.3% 28 30 36 2 VeM Reporting 436 229 52.5% 101 113 124 12 PCT 3750 PCT Repelling O33 193 30.5% Ba 71 76 63 VBM Rationing 833 272 43.0% 104 99 138 139 PUT MAIL 3751 PCT Reporting 19 8 42,196 3 4 2 4 V13M Repining 19 0 0.0 0 0 0 PCT 3753 ,PUT Ripening 1202 236 19,8% (39 94 95 813 VBM Reposing 1202 580 48.3% 176 284 294 .303 PCT 3754 - PCT Reporting 769 137 17;6 40 50 5 63 VBM Repaning 769 470 61.1 172 236 25 267 PCT 3755 PCT Reporting 873 190 21.8% M 84 - 7 97 VOM Reporting 873 534 61.2% 170 249 294 314 POT3757` PCT Reporting 682 104 15.3 40 37 39 PCT 3757' VBM Reporting 682 375 55.0% 118 187 16 173 PUT 3750 ' POT.Repolang 531 1130 18.8 33 35 3 39 VBM Repaslog 631 303 57.1 99 141 16 146 PCT MAIL 3781 - PCT Repairing 3 3 100.0% 1 1 2 VBM Repaving 0 0 13.0 0 0 0 EXHIBIT B Santa Clara County- November 2, 2010 Gubernatorial Election Member, Los Gales Town Council 11112 2:01:23 PM .PAGE 01 Pnge 384 .11723 F v 1n W Q O M O t� a 12 m It I o c> ��� ii w Q K z o J N a t 5 U g w PCT MAIL 3762 PCT Reporting 205 231 78.3% 9 107 93 119 VBM Repelling 295 0 010% 0 0 0 0 PCT 3783 PCT Reporting 1011 1 2116 20.8% 53 101 90 86 VBM Reporting 1011 697 59.1% 195 284 340 33B PCT MAIL 3767 PCT Reporting 180 120 75.0% 51 56 66 86 VBM Repenting 160 C 0.0% 0 0 0 0 PCT 3780 PCT Rep.ding 1220 202 21.5% 99 - 106 124. 100 VBM Reporting 1220 632 51.0% 229 299 310 328 PCTMAIL277D PCT Reporting 132 93 70,5% 23 45 64 53 VBM R.poding 132 C 0.0% - 0 0 0 0 PCT3771 POT Rep-ding 861 149 22:5% 44 64 56 55 VBM Reporting 861 302 45,7% 101 151 125 150 PCT 3774 POT Reporting 1107 . 182 152% 59 75 73 76 VBM Repelling 1197 730 Kit% 245 368 400 393 PCT.MAIL3775 PCT Reporting 46 Q B8.9% 14 27 20 26 VBM Repmgno 46 0 0.0 0 0 0 PCT 3777 PCT Reporting 626 102 16.3% 25 56 40 42 PCT3777 VOMReporting 626 305 58.3% .135 101 184 18 POT3778 PCT Reporting 1052 143 13.6 34 75 65 6 VBM Reporting 1052 083 64.9% 184 376 303 39 GRAND TOTALS 18,225 13.745 75.4% 4,068 - 6,353 6,701 0,86 11112 2:01:23 PM .PAGE 01 Pnge 384 .11723