2010092007 - Desk Item Consider adoption of Draft Los Gatos 2010 General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report.~pW NO~~F i~P~`C ~~ F S !ps GA.~pS DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT September 20, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER MEETING DATE: 9/20/10 ITEM NO: 7 DESK ITEM ~~ Consider .adoption of Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report on the Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Update DISCUSSION: In order to give the Town Council as much advance review time as possible, the Administrative Draft General Plan was released without the regular internal staff review. As a result, staff has found a number of minor edits that clarify background material, goals, policies or actions. The following is the list of staff recommended minor, editing modifications for the Town Council's consideration. Edits are in under line for new text and strike-through for deleted text. Land Use Element Page LU-16, North 40 Specific Plan: Move out of Non-Residential Land Use Designation section: 3. Overlay Designation a_North Forty Specific Plan Overlay: The North Forty Specific Plan Overlay is applied to the approximately 40-acre property bounded by Los Gatos Boulevard to the east, Highway 17 to the west, Lark Avenue to the south, and Highway 85 to the North. This Overlay requires the preparation and adoption of a specific plan that will determine the mix of uses, dimensional standards, architectural standards, phasing and infrastructure to support the development of the property prior to approval of any entitlements. Drawing on the draft North Forty Specific Plan prepared in 1999, the General Plan overlay designation is intended to help guide the future development of this property..... ~rv PREPARED BY: WENDIE ROONEY Director Community Development Revi wed by: Assistant Town Manager Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: Consider adoption of Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report on the Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Update September' 20, 2010 Page LU-19, Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone: This should have been included in the document as the text. that was to be struck: Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone. ~ Community Design Element Page CD-23, Policy CD-15.3: New construction shall be designed to follow natural land contours and avoid mass grading. When possible, flat pads should be avoided and ~Ihouses ~h~al-1 should be designed to conform to or step down the contours *' ~''~~+ 'v., ae~in„°~ fur flat ~~a~ Grading large, flat yards should be avoided. ~~, + ,;~~ pro°~ ° ;n+;r ,,;° < 1,~ Page CD-25, Policy CD-16.3: New structures or remodels ~~~~ .,~ .,,..~~..~g ~.,.,.~.., ...... ^~ r°~^'~~^r~ shall be designed to respect views from surrounding properties while allowing sa that all affected properties e~k~le reasonable access to views. Page CD-29, Action CD-18,5: remove the second "to." Transportation Element Figure TRA-1: Show Los Gatos-Saratoga Road as a highway (not as an arterial). Figure TRA-2: Clarify that multi-use trails are unpaved. Page TRA-17: ii Lar'h Avenue. Highway 17 to Los Gatos Boulevard: Widen the road to four to six lanes with a median and bike lanes .and provide two westbound right-turn storage lanes for the metered northbound Highway 17 on-ramp. Page TRA-20 b. Bike Routes. Camino del Cerro from Escobar Avenue to ~'~'°°+°~,°~~°,. r,,-;<,° Blossom Hill Road. Page TRA-37, Policy TRA-11.2 Replace u'"°~~'° r^~a~ with Roads. Page TRA-31, Policy TRA-7.2: In was locations that are identified as .... Page TRA-42, Policy TRA-14.3: Stand-alone parking facilities.... PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: Consider adoption of Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report on the Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Update September 20, 2010 Vasona Light Rail Element Page VLR-6, Policy VLR-3.1: Mixed-use proposals within the Vasona Light Rail area shall address how the proposed uses ~~*~ie-r~H~~d~s~a~~~e-lep~nt would be compatible and synergistic with each other. Page VLR-11, Action VLR-8.2: Explore methods of financing infrastructure improvements in the Vasona Light Rail area. Open Space, Parks and Recreation Element Page OSP-10, Policy OSP-1.4: Acquire parcels or easements via fees or dedication of land. °i,,, „~ ° „~~ Page OSP-13, Action OSP-4.1: Conduct an ~ assessment of existing parks to determine the unmet recreational needs ~~°a •~~ and implement new facilities as parks are up raded .Safety Element Page SAF-8, Policy SAF-1.12: Retain private buildings and maintain up blic buildings.. . Page SAF-25, a. Operations Division: Second sentence: ~ eOperations is also responsible for.. . Human Services Element Page HS-1: This Element is divided into the following sections: ;~T>=eteE~;^~n~ Page HS-3, B Public Health, fourth bullet: Fire and Police service in the Safety Element this LT~~m..r~ C°r<» °771°+~~°+~4 Page HS-6, Policy HS-3.4: Coordinate with local organizations to support and encourage youth volunteer opportunities at the c°„~°N ~'°•,*°~ Adult Recreation Center and senior... Page HS-7, Action HS-4.1: Create additional opportunities to involve the Youth Commission with other Town Commissions. Page HS-8, Action HS-5.3• ~t~d< +'~° ~ ~°~~ ;1;+<, e~~~~~Ie}~g-er find~g-a~P~*r° ~~~~ sp~.,.,.~.,, ~. j'......~. ~,...~.,..._.._..,.,,,. PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: Consider adoption of Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report on the Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Update September 20, 2010 Page HS-16, Policy HS-8.1: ~~~~~h~ce^te~~itl~-s~o~e~o~E ~~a°~-~ •~~'~^ Ensure that seniors have convenient access to social and medical services, commercial areas, and transportation by coordinating with senior shuttle service providers. WR:ct N:\DEV\CNCLRPTS\2010\2020 General Plan TC 9-20-2010 Desk Item.doc