2010081806 - Desk Itemto~Vn of MEETING DATE: 08/16/10 ITEM NO. + .,N,,,t ~.~ DESK ITEM ~O cos c`a~os COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: August 16, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDER AN APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION DENYING A REQUEST TO DEMOLISH ASINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE, TO SUBDIVIDE A .93 ACRE PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS, AND TO CONSTRUCT TWO NEW RESIDENCES ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. NO SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT AND A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION IS RECOMMENDED. APN 527-42-008. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATIONS 5-08-30, S-09-33, AND 5-09-34; SUBDIVISION APPLICATION M-08-13; NEGATIVE DECLARATION ND-09-02. PROPERTY LOCATION: 15928 UNION AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: 217 O'CONNOR LLC. APPLICANT/APPELLANT: TONY JEANS. DISCUSSION: Attachments 21 through 23 are correspondence from concerned neighbors that were received following distribution of the staff report and addendum. Attaclunents: 1-20. Previously received (attached to staff report and addendum) 21. Letter from Cecilia Holmberg, received August 13, 2010 22. Email from Stephanie Lynott, received August 16, 2010 23. Email from Thomas Mangano, received August 16, 2010 WRR:SD:ct ~N PREPARED BY: '~Wendie R. Rooney, Director of Comnnmity Development Reviewed by: S~ Assistant Town Manager own Attorney Clerk Finance Community Development Revised: sn ono zs9 FM N:\DEV\SUZANNEYCouncilVicports\Fwd. to TC\appeals\Union I5928A8I610-dsk.doc Keformatted: 5/30/02 ~~t August 12, 2010 Los Gatos Town Council 110 East Main Los Gatos, CA 95032 Re: 15928 Union Avenue Honorable Mayor McNutt and Councihnembers: 60 9,a F~ S~E~ tl~ ~~lu `, :± `~Ji~ TOWN Oi= I.OS GATOB PLANNING DIVISION I'm sure you're all well aware that many of us in the Panorama Way neighborhood have been heavily and persistently involved in this proposed project since the first plans were filed back in early 2008. More than two years and multiple Planning Commission meetings in, we have wan agreement from the Commmission at every turn, and often unanimously, that this three-lot proposal is inappropriate for the property because the density and scale of the proposed homes does not fit our neighborhood under the town's General Plan, and the proposal itself does not meet CEQA regulations governing this type of development. Now, at this critical point in time, we face a Council meeting which several of the most impacted neighbors are unable to attend due to circuntstancesbeyond their control. I sincerely hope that the Council will take the past two-plus years' worth of tireless neighborhood involvement into careful consideration and continue the hearing at next week's meeting to allow all of us to attend in person at a later date. Howeuer, if that is not possible, then I respectfully exhort the Council to please uphold all of the Planning Commission's previous votes on this matter, and deny this proposal. Sincerel r ~l ~~i- Cecilia Holmberg 103 Panorama Way cc: Suzanne Davis, Planning Department, Town of Los Gatos Geoff and Linda Mitchell, 11 S Panorama Way Ian Esche and Golida van Haeriugen, 107 Panorama Way Jeff and Terty Hickey, 100 Panorama Way Mike Brown, 108 Panorama Way Tom Mangano, 116 Panorama Way Otv and Karen Buesing, 15892 Union Avenue Stephanie Lynott, 15910 Union Avemie Paul and Jane De Bella, 118 Cambrian View Way Attachment 21 Suzanne Davis From: Stephanie Lynott <slynott@stmaryslg.org> Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 3:53 PM ~~~~~ To: Suzanne Davis Subject: 15928 Union Avenue AUG ~ ~ ZU10 TOWN OF I.OS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Dear Mayor McNutt and Council Members, I am Stephanie Lynott, residing at 15910 Union Avenue, parallel to 15928 Union Ave. My family has lived in Los Gatos for 70 years, all eight children graduating from Los Gatos High, and we are now onto the third generation, all in Los Gatos, too. Five of us eight children, now very into adulthood, live is Los Gatos. I have taught over 30 years in Los Gatos and my niece has been teaching in LGUSD for aver 10 years. We are embedded in this town and have an unending love for this town. Having been here for so many years and keeping up with local politics, I know how controversial the decisions of the Planning Commission and Town Council can be and what a thankless job it can be at times. However, I would like to thank all of you for the time, care, patience, and considerations given to the Panorama/Union contingency. We are a fine group of "Los Gatans" who love the beauty of Los Gatos and want to preserve that beauty when and where possible. Along with appreciation of Suzanne Davis, I also appreciate all of you have done, regardless of what the outcome will be. I would like to continue with a series of concerns, requests and/or comments regarding the development of the property at 15928 Union Ave. 1. I ask that Lot 1 be represented as part of the package of Lots 2&3 and that Lot lplans should be fully disclosed before any final decisions are made. Seeing the impact that Lot 2 has had, I feel we need to see Lot 1 to get the full scope of the project. On numerous occasions I asked Tony about Lot Z designs, he said I didn't need to worry, it's bacl<there, it won't heavily impact you. I said I just didn't want to see a monster home developed, he said there wouldn't. The monster home has arrived and this has caused me lose confidence in Tony's words. I feel used and "schmoozed" by words. I now want to see. 2. I ask that you uphold the decision of the Planning Commission and deny the plans as presented. Planning had valid and realistic reasons for their decision and I am in agreement with them. These are reflected in the Council Agenda Report, which I'm sure you have looked at. The points have also been brought up numerous times with Planning, Commission, Town Council and by our neighborhood people. 3. I fully support the 2 lot, single story housing proposal put forth by the Panorama/Union group. If not 2 lots, then single stories should be the outcome. We are the ones heavily impacted by the plans of the developer, the ones who will live with the results of your choices. Supporters that signed a petition for Jeff Grant's proposal are from the Tersini DEvelopment on Lausen, totally removed the impact of the decision. 4. The present design of the two story house on Lot 2 is overwhelming, intense, immense, and does not just interrupt views, it completely obliterates the views. When I have to bend over to see the sky from my dining porch, family room, bedroom, and kitchen, that is the first indicator of immense. Lot 1 will do the same thing even at a single story. Although only the garage wall story poles are up, my views from two bedrooms and the bathroom are gone. Attachment 22 5. As a design question, if Lot 1 on Union is single and Lot 2 becomes two story behind it, you will see this house sticking up from behind Lot 1 house when looking at it from Union Ave. That's a head scratcher......... where is that house back there???????? Is it part of Lot 1??????? How did it get there????? I am not sure at what point the following requests would come up in this process, but I would like to put them out there now for your consideration. 1.That the developer put up all fencing and screening plants at the onset of the project. This will at least afford some privacy over the years and give the plants a head start ingrowth. We have been told that the fence will match the Lynott/Mangano backyard fence. 2. I ask that there be no weekend hours for development, as I have seen on the Robson project at the Boulevard and Caldwell. If three lots are approved, I have the next few years of traffic, noise, dirt and lack of privacy to live with next door to me. This will be lengthened as Lots 2&3 are said to be developed first and then start the whole process again on the side of my house with Lot 1. Living with the noise for years from the Tersini Development across the street was a nightmare, this will be worse, especially when I have summers off from school. At least there would be two days for a reprieve and you can have company over and be able to sit in your yard to visit and hear a conversation. 3. I request that not ALL construction vehicles and employee parking enter and exit Union Ave., which will go back and forth next door to me. I feel the traffic burden should spread out, not left solely on me to receive because i am one compared to many. In conclusion, even with single story houses, my views will be gone, but at least the overwhelming design of Lot 2 will be reduced and more in proportion to our neighborhood. I ask for responsible, compatible, design. You may not like the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, but his philosophy of design are correct, be in harmony with your surroundings, fit in, so to speak. Even the Native Americans lived that way. The present proposals do not fit this philosophy in any way, shape, or form. In fact, the present plans do just the opposite. I ask that you makeappropriate design happen. Respectfully, Stephanie Lynott, along with Benny Pierce Suzanne Davis From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: August 15, 2010 Suzanne Davis: Thomas.mangano <hunthunter@verizon.net> Monday, August 16, 2010 1:53 PM Suzanne Davis thomas.ma ngano@verizon.net Desk item: General plan summary 8 16 I want to document a number of General Plan conflicts that 15928 Union avenue proposal presents. Because I do not have time to present them, please accept this email as a desk item for documentation of my concerns. Given that the council is very familiar with the content of the Los Gatos General Plan this should not be considered new information, but the Council may want to reference this document in the case they have any questions for me tonight when I talk about the appeal and General plan context. Thank you Tom Mangano, 112 Panorama Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 1.1 VISION FOR LOS GATOS Los Gatos is a truly special place and residents want to protect their community from the increasing development pressures of the region. ......Residents make it clear when development projects fail to meet their expectations. Proposed development projects are held to a higherstandard and what is approved in other communities may not be acceptable in Las Gatos. Extreme care must be used in approving all new development applications...... Support of new development from surrounding residents and property owners will be a major consideration during any development review process....... Preserving the small-town character of Los Gatos is a collection of related issues, including human scale of development historic preservation, density and intensity, population growth, downtown, development in the Route 85/North 40 area, congestion, open space, views of the hills, the nature of businesses located in Town, protection of the Town's various neighborhoods, and community design. USE and Purpose of the General Plan Attachment 23 L.P.43 Maintain the character and identity of existing neighborhoods. New construction, remodels, and additions shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood. L.P.8.3 Preserve and protect the natural state of the Santa Cruz Mountains and surrounding hillsides, by, among other things discouraging development on and near the hillsides as well as development that blocks the views of the hillsides. L.P.8.11 Encourage the use of scenic easements to preserve viewsheds. L.1.2.6 Limit the amount of increase in the floor area of a project when the number of units is reduced as part of the development review process. (L.1.2.6 -revised) Community Design Elements CD.P.1.1 Promote and protect the physical and other distinctive qualities of residential neighborhoods CD.P.1.4 Promote and protect viewsheds. CD.P.1.5 Avoid abrupt changes in scale and density. CD.P.1.7 New structures, remodels, landscapes and hardscapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area . CD.P.1.8 Building elements shall be in proportion with those traditionally in the neighborhood. CD.P.1.9 Building, landscape and hardscape materials shall be used that will reinforce the sense of unity of a neighborhood and blend with the natural setting. CD.P.1.11 New structures or remodels that will affect existing scenic views of neighbors shall be designed so that all affected properties have equitable access to views. NOISE ELEMENT N.P.1.5 Protect residential areas from noise by requiring appropriate site and building design, sound walls, and landscaping and by the use of noise attenuating construction techniques and materials. N.P.1.12 Evaluate the noise impacts of new development in terms of any increase of the existing ambient noise levels and the potential for adverse noise impacts on nearby or adjacent properties. The evaluation shall consider short term construction noise and On-going operational noise.