2010081806 - Exhibit 13-) - - Page 1 of I Suzanne Davis - 15928 Union Ave -using Panorama for construction traffic From: Cecilia hohnberg <ceciliashao2000@yahoo.com> To: <SDavis@losgatosca.gov> Date: 5/6/2010 12:21 PM Subject: 15928 Union Ave -using Panorama for construction traffic CC: <panoramaway@googlegroups.com> Hi Suzanne, I would like to submit this letter for the next planning commission meeting. Thanks, Cecilia Dear Commissioners- I spoke with Tom Mangano the other day, and he told me had learned that Grant and leans are now proposing to leave the existing dwelling in place in order to continue collecting rent while construction begins on the back side of the property, utilizing Panorama Way as the access point, if the application should be approved. For the record, this is completely unacceptable to my husband and me, and I'm sure to all our other neighbors on Panorama as well. In order to try to buy our cooperation, they assured us that construction traffic would be minimized on our street and that the site would be screened off to reduce dust and noise, and now they want to funnel the bulk of the construction traffic and work through our cul-de-sac. We originally asked for the traffic concession not just because of the inconvenience or discomfort, but because there are now THIRTEEN children who live and play on Panorama, including three toddlers! And I don't mean "play" figuratively -our children run back and forth to each other's houses, play basketball and hockey, ride bikes, play hide-and-seek, learn to walk...they really, truly play, all up and down our street, pretty much every single day that it's not raining. As residents and property owners, we have the right to peaceful enjoyment of our homes and our neighborhood, which should not suffer a major negative impact when there is another, more direct, access point to the property. I understand that Grant and Jeans are probably trying to Look at all aspects of this project to find ways to save money, but let me reiterate that their construction budget is not OUR responsibility; there is absolutely NO reason that our children should help pay Grant's rent on that old shack by giving up their safety and well-being for a year (or however long the construction would take). This is yet another example to add to the laundry list of things that Grant and Jeans have misrepresented, with regard to this project. We ask the commission to please take these issues into consideration and protect the children of Panorama Way by rejecting the proposal to channel construction traffic into our neighborhood. Thank you, Cecilia Holmberg file://C:\Users\sdavis\AppData\LocallTemp\XPgrpwise\4BE2B441TOWN DOTOWNPO ExHIBIT 13 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ~~c~iv~~ May 11, 2010 Suzanne Davis Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: Application #M-08-04 and A&S Application #4-OS-30 Property-15928 Union Avenue, Los Gatos, CA Dear Suzanne, MA`f "I 1 2010 TP ANNING DIVISION This letter is in response to learning that the builders of the above captioned property intend to access the building site through Panorama Way which is contrary to what we were previously told. Our street has been a dead end street since its inception. The thirteen children that reside on Panorama Way are used to having only the residents of the street drive down the street. Those residents are cognizant of the situation and drive accordingly, using extreme caution at all times. On the rare occasion that someone that does not live on the street comes down the street it is typically in excess of the speed limit and without caution for the children that live there. We have two basketball hoops on the street that are in constant use and if you were to visit our street on any given day you would find bikes, tricycles and hockey going on up and down the street all day long. To invite work crews, that have total disregard for the lives of the people on the street, would be an egregious decision on the part of the planning commission. We were told that access to the property would be from Union. Union is a very busy street and the residents on that street are used to heavy, fast moving traffic. Please protect our children and do not allow for this change in plans to happen. Thank you, Terry Hickey 100 Panorama Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 ffiIBIT 14 ~~~~Iai~CJ May 27, 2010 Suzanne Davis Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 East Main Los Gatos, CA 95032 RE: 15928 Union Avenue Subdivision Dear members of the Planning Commission: MAY 2`12010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION My name is Terry Hickey and I have resided at 100 Panorama Way for 20+years. I have attended the public hearings and have written letters with regard to the proposed development listed above. The new proposed subdivision makes no attempt at compatibility with our neighborhood. The homes are large two story homes that completely block the view of the adjacent hills for many of the residents on both Panorama Way and Union Avenue. The new subdivision makes very little changes from the original proposal and continues to try to put too many houses on this narrow parcel. As determined by the Town Council on November 2, 2009, the immediate neighborhood for this project is the Panorama Way/Union Avenue neighborhood and yet the developer continues to have complete disregard for keeping this project consistent with that of this neighborhood. The neighborhood is not opposed to the development and would welcome seeing a design for two reasonably sized homes on that lot. Many of us have lived on this street and been residents of Los Gatos for many, many years. I would hope that our voices would be heard over those of a developer that didn't do his homework prior to purchasing this parcel. Sincerely, Terry Hickey