2010080216 - Attachment 1 of the Draft General PlanLand Use: Page LU-16 -Bullet 3 under J: Discussion on whether we want to be locked into that specific development pattern. Page LU-22 -Action LU-1.1 and 1.2: Discussion on these two proposed studies. Page LU-23 -Goal LU-3: Proposed wording modification - "To provide for well-planned, careful growth •-~~*'~~-~ *'~~'~~~~~ ^~that respects the Town's existing character and infrastructure." Page LU-23 and LU 27 -Policy LU-3.2 and 6.2, 6.3, etc. -Discussion on "community benefit" Page LU-24 - PLU-3.4: Discussion regarding Corridor Lots. Page LU-24 - ALU-4.1: Discussion on whether we need to study this given our current public participation practices. Page LU-27 -Action LU-5.3: Should the properties be residential or commercial on Winchester bet•veen Shelburne and Pleasant View? Page LU-28 -Policy LU-7.4: Where is this intended to be implemented? Page LU-33 -Policy LU-10.8: Should "Mitchell" be replaced with "Roberts or Shannon?" Page LU-33 -Policy LU-10.9: Should we include a southern boundary for commercial? Potentially Roberts or Shannon? Community Design: Page CD-S -PCD-5.1: Should this Policy be removed? Page CD-9 -Policy CD-6.3: Discussion on basements and cellars. Page CD-13 -PCD-10.2: Should "Allow" be replaced with "Encourage" and should only be striken from the first sentence? Page CD-24 -Action CD-14.2: Discussion on downzoning hillside properties. Page CD-25 -PCD-15.3: Discussion on this Policy. Page CD-26 -Policy 15.8: Could the way this is written be interpreted as no development on or near hillsides? Should it reference the hillside guidelines? Page CD-27 -Policy CD-16.3: Discussion on views. Attachment 1 CD-29 -Policy 17.4: Do we want or need to define major development proposals so that PD is not overused? (We will need to further define "major developments") CD-29 -Policy 17.5: Discussion regarding the CDAC process. Page CD-31 -Action 18.6: Discussion on proposed fencing study. Is it necessary since Policy CD-3.8 seems to be working. Transportation: Page TRA-14, E. 2a, First Bullet: Is this done? Page TRA-16 Bullet 1: What are the impacts of widening? Page TRA-16 Bullet 3: How Page TRA-16, Sixth Bullet about LG Blvd and Samaritan: Intersection of National and Samaritan should be a priority too. Page TRA-16 Last Bullet: Why and how does this happen? Page TRA-17 Bullet 1: Why? Page TRA-17 Bullet 3: Discussion. Page TRA-18 Lark Avenue improvements and Samaritan intersection: Are we really going to widen the bridge? Page TRA-19 v. Bullet 1: What are parking impacts and cost? Page TRA-19 vii. Bullet 1: Discussion Page TRA-31 -TRA Policy -6.2: Proposed wording modification - Develop a combined transit station and bus depot for all the various public transit modes that serve the $ew-art"To~r•n. This hub should be located ~~ ^° ~~°r +''^ "^~=~~t^•~•-' in a place and manner that minimizes impacts on neighboring businesses and other activities. (T.P.7.4) (Would we really want a multi modal station downtown?) Page TRA-31 -Policy TRA-6.5: Don't want to lose parking. Page TRA-32 and 33: Clarify need for secondary emergency egress in Policy TRA7.2 and 7.4 Page TRA-33 -Policy TRA-7.8: Should this be removed? Page TRA-44 -Policy TItA-14.3: Might be too limiting. What if southern lots by the Post Office are available for parking? Could these potentially be more than one story there? Page TRA-45 -Action TRA-14.3: Is Action 14.3 necessary? Will it produce new info not in the Kaku report? Onen Snace, Parks and Recreation: Page OSP-14 -Action OSP-4.2: Do vve want to pursue a community pool? Is high school pool serving our needs? Should this be removed? Page OSP-14 -Action OSP-4.3: Do vve need a study about a sport complex with Creekside coming online. Should this be removed? Page OSP-14 -Action OSP-4.7: This seems problematic. Should it be removed? Page OSP-15 -Policy OSP-5.3: Is this necessary given our existing gathering places? Page OSP-16 -Policy OSP-5.9: Should we set a minimum size ofmulti-family project that will be required to have a tot lot? OSP-18 -Action OSP-6.2: Do vve want to create a new agency? Environment and Sustainability: Page ENV-14 -Policy ENV-4.8: Does this need more clarification given the situation that occurred on the Union subdivision property? Page ENV-23 -Policy ENV-6.9: Does there need to be a certain size criteria for projects before a construction management plan is required? Page ENV-23 -Policy ENV-6.9 (c): Should this be removed? Page ENV-29 -Policy 8.4 and 8.5: These seem to be contradictory -Should this be require or encourage? Do vve need to define the size of development? Should the Town also be required to do this if vve ask it of others, such as at the sports park? Page ENV-29 -Policy ENV-8.4, Last Line: Should we change "and" to "and/or?" Page ENV-30 -Action ENV-8.3: The criteria should be broadened to include more than just VMT. Page ENV-31 -Action ENV-9.2: Is it feasible to be a zero waste community? Page ENV-32 -Policy ENV-10.1: Discussion on this Policy. Pa~~e ENV-33 -Action ENV-10.1 (b): Is this reasonable? Page ENS'-3-1-Action ENS'-10.2: Discussion on energy and ~~~ater efficiency audits. ~~'hy study so mane strict enforcement requirements on energy efficiency ~~~hen ~~•e don't do the same on health and safety hazards? Emphasis should be on educating, encouraging and incenti~•izing ~~~hen possible. Page ENV-3=I -Policy ENV-1 1.4: Discussion on gn-een roofs. Page Eti~'-36 -Action ENt'-11.2 (a-e): Discussion on this policy. `'hat defines solar access. Agree with protecting it, but ~~•hat about impacts to urban forest or adjacent properties? Should ~ti-e change from absolute protection to more broad reference? Should ~~~e change to "Consider amending?" Human Services: Pane HS-6 -Action HS-3.1: How do we know there's a need for town sponsored events for youth? Action 3.3 is to conduct a study. We should wait for the results before committing town to sponsorship of events. Page HS-6 -Policy HS-3.1 and Action 3.2: Should the omit the use of specific names? Does the word support imply monetary support? We need to be cautious about financial commitments. Page HS-7 -Policy 4.1: Don't we do this now through Community Unity? Page HS-7 -Action 4.2: This should be reworded. Supplement with what? Page HS-7 -Action 4.3: Is this town responsibility or schools? Would it be better handled by schools, CofC or NPO? Page HS-8 -Action HS-5.3: Do we want to be this specific in Action HS-5.3, interactive indoor play facilities? Pa`~c HS-8 -Action HS-S.G: Theatre need is not just for youth. Page HS-9 -Policy HS-6.3: How would businesses be involved in school conunutes? Page HS-9, Background Information, Third Sentence: Confirm that we want to define seniors as 6~+. Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation uses Si+. HUD senior housing is either 55 or 62. Page HS-4 and 9: Bc sure to encotn-a~e walking as well as bicycling throughout. Pa;~e HS-l6 -Action HS-7.4: Do we (town) need to do this ~ti•hen Council on Aging and Aging Sei-~•iccs Collaborative can do a better job'? HS-17 -Action HS-8.2: Do we need to study requiring transportation at senior housing when policy 8.2 already encourages it? Page HS-40 -Policy HS-18.2: Is this realistic? Page HS-46 - HS Action-21.1: Study the feasibility of constructing a reuse center for building materials from remodeled and demolished buildings. (what is a reuse center...I thought a recycling center, and Diane's question is would we really consider building one in our Town?). Other: Why are Fire and Police in Human Services? Shouldn't they be in Safety? There should be more historical context for police and fire in the Human Services element. Overall organization -Move water, wastewater and garbage/recycling from Huina-i Services to environment. Move police and fire to safety from Human Services. Goals, Policies or Implementing Strategies from the 2000 Los Gatos General Plan not carried forward into the Draft 2020 General Plan. UPDATED JULY 29, 2010 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal Policy of Action Language Reason for Removal '~ , , L.P.1.3 Encourage economic and social activity- Redundant «~th Goal LG1.1 consistent with asmall-scale, small town atmosphere and image. L.P.1.G Encourage mixed use development consisting Redundant with L.P.7.2 -replaced b5• new of residential above or behind non-residential policy LL'-10.4 in Dzaft 2020 General Plan uses in commercial areas. L.L1.1 Architectural Standards/Design Criteria: Use Redundant with CD.L1.1 -second sentence adopted architectural standards and design became an action under same Goal criteria to review development proposals. Periodically review azchitectural standards and design guidelines and update as necessary for completeness, clarity, and effectiveness. L.L1.5 Traffic Impact Policy: Review development It is not necessary for the General Plan to say applications for consistency with the required the Town will implement adopted Town findings for Traffic Impact Policy. policies. L.L1.11 1~lixed Use Overla}~ Zone: Complete a study Staff direction to remove. The Town has a to analyze a "mixed use" zone or overlay that ~Iix Use General Plan Land 'Use Designation. will include a variety of businesses with 'Mixed use is allowed in all commercial zone differing acti~`ity cycles to :provide interest and districts with a CUP; therefore, a study is not destination points to the residents. necessary. L:L1.13 Cornmunitl• Education: Continue to educate Staff direction to remove -Staff meets the :general community as to quality design and informally with many communit}' groups ,planning ,practices by sponsozing community regarding the Town's Planning Process, which forums with expert speakers, design charrettes addresses this stzategy. and seminars. L.'L1.14 Story Poles: Require the installation of story Redundant with L.!.4.12 -replaced by new poles prior to the approval of .new ipolicy CD-17.8 in Draft 2D20 General Plan development as required by Town resolution. L.L1.18 Planning Information: Place on the Town's Staff direction to remove -Completed website the General Plan, speufic plans, the zoning code, the Boulevard Plan, design guidelines and other planning documents. L.P.2.1 Review all development applications in light of Combined with CD.I.1.1 the overall mass and scale of the development. LL2.3 Condu~7 a study to consider amending the B~IIP Completed Program to set the required number of B~bIPs units bared on total square footage of a project in addt'tion to setting the requirements bared on a percentage of the number of market rate units. L.I.2.4 1~Ia.Yi.mum House Size: Consider a maximum Staff direction to remove -1laximum house house size regulation that incozporates variow sizes are in the Hillside Standards and methods for limiting house size. Guidelines (HSG) and each Zone Districts limits house sizes through a F_~R. Attachment 2 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason for Removal L.L3.1 _~rclutectural Stindards;'Design Criteria: L'se Redundant «ith CD.L1.1 adopted architectural standards and design criteria to review development proposals. L.1.3.4 Demolition of Historic Structures: Refer Redundant with L.L4.~1-now replaced 65~ zoning approvals with demolition of historic policy CD-12.~ in Draft 2020 General Plan structures to Historic Preservation Committee. L.L35 Traffic Impact Policy: Review development Redundant with L.L1.5 - It is not necessary applications for consistency with the required for the General Plan to say the Tourn will findings for Traffic Impact Policy. implement adopted Town policies. L.P.3.8 Discourage corridor lots. Confusing with L.I.3.9; recommended deleting L.L3.10 Story- Poles: Require the erection of story Redundant with L.L4.12 -now replaced by poles prior to the approval of new policy CD-17.8 in Draft 2020 General Plan development. L.P.~.2 Ensure that new development is a positive Redundant with CD.P.1.7 addition to the Town's environment and does not detract from the nature and character of appropriate nearby established development. L.P.~t.3 ~1•aintain the Town's capacity to meet its Redundant with Housing Element housing needs as identified in the Housing Element. L.P.~.6 Preserve and protect historic structures and Redundant with L.P.1.9 use special care in reviewing new buildings or remodels in their vicinity to address compadbilin- issues and potential impacts. L.L-1.2 Development Review: Review development Redundant with CD.L1.1 proposals against adopted Residential Design Standards. L.L~.3 \laintain \eighborhood Character: The The Town will follow adopted Town policies. deciding body shall use F .-1.R. and adopted residential design guidelines to mountain existing neighborhood character. L.I.~.4 Demolition of Historic Structures: Refer Redundant with L.I.Q.-1 zoning approvals with demolition of historic structures to Historic Preservation Committee. L.L4.~ In-fill Findings: Review development It is not necessan• for the General Plan to say applications for consistency with die required the Town will implement adopted Town findings for the In-Fill Polio-. policies. L.L4.6 Traffic Impact Findings: Revie~c development It is not necessan• Eor the General Plan to say applications for consistent}- with the required the Town will implement adopted Town findings for the Traffic Impact Polic}-. policies. 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason for Removal L.I.4.8 \eighborhood Specific Design Standards: Staff direction to rzmot-e - 71-iz To~~ n does Prepare residential design standards that are not have die resources to prepare residential neighborhood specific to protect the unique design guidelines for each neighborhood character of various neighborhoods within the Town. The Town utilizes the tluoughout the Town. 'Residential Design Guidelines and the Town Consulting architect to provide direction for neighborhood planning. L.L4.9 Design Standards: Pre,paxe design standards Staff directioa to remove - _~ecommodated in for replacement single family dwellings that Policy LU-S.G. replicates the size, scale and mass of the original structure. L:L4.10 New Historic and Conservation Districts: Staff direction to remove - \o new distzicts Identify, survey and adopt new'historic are contemplated. districts. L:L4.13 Update Design Guidelines: Update and revise Staff direction to remove -Completed the adopted Residential Design Guidelines and consider incorporating illustrations. L.L4.1-1 Update the General Plan's Housing Element Town must do this for the next Housing after the demographic breakouts of the 2000 Element update cycle anyway. census are available. L.LS.-I Information Handouts: Develop handouts and Redundant with CD.L1.5 informational materials for use by residents and businesses. L.LG.1 Threshold Floor area: Study amending the Staff direction to remove - lvo needed. Town Code ~to establish a tlueshold floor area Commercial square footage is controlled via that would require a conditional use permit for F:-iR. new businesses. L.T.6.2 Commercial Rent ,mediation: Study whether Staff direction to remove - No interested has some form of commercial sent mediation been expressed in the last 1~0 dears to pttxsue would benefit the community by,protecting sut<h a program. small businesses and locally owned shops. L.L7.2 Development Review Process: Revise the action completed development re~dew process for exterior improvements to existing buildings to allow approval by staff subject to compliance with Los Gatos Boulevard Design Standards. L.P.7.-} auto related uses currently existing shall be Redundant with L.P.7.3 allowed to remain indefinitely. L.P.7.8 Commercial and mieed use development north This is addressed in the ~`LR Element. of Lark shall be in keeping with the Vasona Light Rail and Route 85 Element, the worth 40 Specific Plan (when adopted) and shall provide/incorporate Boulevard, Downtown and regional transit access accordingly. L.L7.4 Land Use Polic}=: Develop land use polity to This is the General Plan and, as such, should provide clear direction to potential developers. by law provide adequate land use policy to potential developers. L.I.7.~ Los Gatos Boulevard Plan: Implement the Los It is not necessan- for the General Plan to sa}= Gatos Boulevard Plan. the Town will implement adopted Town policies. L.L7.8 forth oFLos Gatos-_-llmaden Road: Redundant with L.P.7.3 Encourage new• or relocating auto-related businesses to relocate to available propem= north of Los Gatos .~lmaden Road. LP.2.1 Ertahllth iammunity derigeguideliner that promote Campletzd mtd proteit the aak~ra! amenities in the TOWIl. L.P.8.4 Emphasize preserving the natural land forms Combined with CD.P.2.3 by minimizing grading. Grading should be limited only to the area needed to place the main house on the propem. L:P.8.~ :1llow= development that is only Staff direction to remove -Does not make environmentally suitable to such use. sense. L.P.8.9 Encourage innovative and efficient This pohry is actually a goal. It is not needed management of natural resources. since we hate an extensive set of goals focused on specific natural resources. L.L8.1 Grading Permits: Require :-lrchitecture and Staff direction to remove. I'he Town requires Site approval for grading permits. an ~rchitecnue and Site application for grading over SO cubic yards. L.L$.3 Story Poles: Require the erection of story Redundant with L.L4.12 -now replaced by ,poles prior to the approval of new policy CD-17.8 .development. L.L8.5 Limit Size of Hillside Houses: emend the Staff direction to remove -Completed in the Town Code to limit the size of houses in the Hillside Standards and Guidelines. hillside area. L.L8.10 Hillside Design Standard: Houses shall be Combined with CD.P.2.3 designed to step down the contours rather than be designed Eor flat pads. L.I:8.12 Grading Moratorium: Prohibit grading in Staff direction to remove - PP`Y/ reviews hillside areas between October 1 and l~pril 15. grading during this time of the year on a case Install interim erosion control measures shown by case basis; therefore, a moratorium is not on die approved interim erosion control plan necessar}'. b}' October 1. T.L1.5 Land L'se Patterns: Periodically review die This should happen as part of regular GP impact that future regional and Town land use Updates. patterns will have on the Town's circulation system. Santa Cruz Interchange: Studs the impacts of Staff direction to remove -This would not be T.L1.9 closing the Santa Cruz .-lvenue interchange at considered Hi hwati• 17. . 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason for Removal Staff dirccnon to remove -There is a Mate la~c- Bic}-cle Loops: Provide bic}-cle sensitive loops regturement for installation of bicycle T.L1.15 at all future and any retrofitted signalized detection. It's unnecessary to be included in intersections in accordance with ~~'.~ GP. _~ bicycle sensor could be loops, video technical guidelines. detection, ar other devices. T.P.4.7 Encourage development proposals to include Redundant with T.L6.6 amenities that encourage alternate forms of transportation that reduce pollution or traffic congestion as a form of Community Benefit (e.g. bicycle lockers/racks, showers, dedicated van-pool or car-pool parking areas, dedicated shuttle ser4ices, innovative bus shelter designs). T.P.~F.10 Preserve the Route 85 median for mass transit. Redundant with policies in the ~%asona Light Rail Element T.P.~.11 Encourage and support the development of a Redundant with policies in the Vasona Light mass transit facilin• in the Route 85 comdor. Rail Element T.L=1.1 Community Benefit: Encourage developers to Conflicts with T.L6.6, which requires this contribute to or provide nearby improvements action in pedestrian, bicycle and wheelchair access. T.PS.1 Encourage the enhancement and development Redundant with T.G.5.2 of multiple use trails within the Town. T.P.S. Trail System: Complete the Town's trail and Redundant with new.~ction TR_~-11.1 bikeways system as shown in the General and Hillside Specific Plans. Staff direction to remove -This is one of '.Pedestrian Safet}•: Study the possibility of using various pedestrian safer}-/traffic calming tools 'I'.I:~.18 "bulbouts" on arterials to calm traffic and staff regtrlarl}- review and monitor based on increase pedestrian safety. policy accident reports and traffic engineering :best practice. It seems unnecessary to be sin led out for a s ecial study. Consider new parking facilities and .or other Redundant with policies under Goal TR~'~-14 alternatives (such as developing alternative in Draft 2020 General Plan T?P.63 modes of transportation and providing effective incentives to use them) to ease arkin con estion Downtown. T.P.75 Develop a methodolog}- and implement a accomplished through the Traffic Impact review procedure Eor relating future Polic}- development decisions to the carving capacity of Town streets. Traffic Improvements: Traffic improvements Staff duecrion to remove -Completed. within the downtown area are necessary to accommodate existing traffic as well as future T.I-7.1 increases. Among the improvements identified during the planning process, those to be implemented are described in the approved Downtown O erarional Traffic Stud ~. 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason for Removal ~-.L1.1 ~Ias~ Transit: Cooperate and coordinate with Redundant wide ~-.L1 all appropriate agencies to facilitate construction of mass transit. Residential Development applications will be Deleted -this is the purpose of the General ~'.L2.1 reviewed for consistency with the General Plan. _~11 applications should be reviewed for Plan. consistency with the General Plan. ~'.P.3.1 Sites for recreational open space and placfields Redundant with OSP policies about access and shall hate convenient access and be designed adjacent residential land uses with adequate buffers if adjacent to residential uses. ~'.G.4.2 To encourage the best mixture of residential Redundant with ~'.G.4.1 and nonresidential uses within the area which achieves the least impact on traffic, noise, schools, etc. ~-.P.-1.3 Major development projects shall be processed This is a Town-wide policy in the CD as planned developments. Element. ~'.P.~1.4 The design of structures and open space shall Redundant with Town-wiide policies in CD be compatible with the small-to~cn character Element. of Los Gatos. ~'.I5.2 Process major development projects as This is a Town-wide polio- in the CD planned developments. Element. ~'.IS.6 Evaluate projects as to how the built Redundant with Town-wide policies in CD environment naturally blends into the Element surrounding landscape in such areas as: scale, materials, hardscape, lights and landscape. ~".P.G.3 The maintenance road along the east side of Redundant with ~'.L6.3 Los Gatos Creek shall function for emergency access. ~".P.6.-1 Develop apedestrian/bicycle bridge across Redundant wide ~-.L35 and ~-.L6.-1 Los Gatos Creek and a continuous trail system along the east side of Los Gatos Creek from Lazk eve. to the northern Town limit in keeping with the Trails and Bikeways Master Plan. F.LG1 Orient and site residential units to take Redundant with ~'.P.6.1 advantage of the amenities of the Los Gatos Creek Trail system and to preserve watersheds, riparian habitat and wildlife corridors. t'.P.7.1 The Town shall guide future development in mot necessan- to re-state the legal function of the sub-area. the General Plan t'.L7.1 Design standards: Prepare development Redundant with ~'.L-1.1 standards that include criteria and provisions for comprehensive design review, recognizing the area as a "gateway" to Los Gatos. ~'.L?.3 Planned developments: Process major Tlus is a Town-wide policy in the CD ,., . ;~ ~pments as planned developments. Element. 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason for Removal ~~.I.-.6 Cut-through traffic: Ingress and egress shall be Redundant with Town-wide neighborhood designed to m;nimi~e opportunities for traffic traffic calming policies in the Transportation impacts on surrounding residential Element neighborhoods. ~'.P.8.3 Development shall incorporate features to Redundant with ~".L6.2 buffer dwelling units from noise and other impacts. ~'.L8.3 Planned developments: Process major This is a Town-wide policy in the CD development proposals as planned Element. developments. ~%.L8.~ ~~ldopted Plans: Evaluate proposed uses and It is not necessary for the General Plan to say designs to ensure they are consistent with the the Town will implement adopted plans. Los Gatos Boulevard Plan and Design Standards Plan. ~'.L8.S Noise:.~pplications for projects that front on Redundant with ~".L6.2, which has been Los Gatos Blvd and/or back up to property revised to require a noise study on National we. or Camino del Sol shall include a noise study proposing mitigation measures to reduce noise impacts on existing and future residents. l~ieeds assessment:.-~ssess the geed for O.L1.5 additional developed parks and playfields in action completed the Town of Los Gatos. O.L1.3 Safety: Use the policies and implementation It is not necessary for the General Plan to sap measures of the Safety Element to restrict the Town will implement adopted Town development in safety hazard areas. policies. O.P.3.1 Provide open space in residential areas. Redundant with Goal O.G.3.1 O.P.3.-1 Provide access to natural open space, First part redundant with Goal O.G.2.1, protecting the safety, privacy, and security of second part combined with O.P.2.1 adjacent residential areas. O.P.-4.1 Preserve the natural open space character of Redundant with the Goal OP~.3 prominent visible hillside lands. O.P.-1.-3 Require the provision of permanent open Redundant with O.L4? space in hillside developments. O.L=4.1 Ridge Lines: Preservation of ridge lines, trees madded "ridgeline preservation" "tree and open space along scenic roadways shall be preservation" and "open space preservation" considered in re~zewing every proposed to list oEreview topics in CD.L1.1 development or circulation system improvement. hillside Standards: Expand Hillside 'O..I:4.3 Development Standards to presen-e natural Staff direction to remove -Completed open space as part of residential development . standazds. C.P.2.6 Promote landscaping that is based on Redundant with CD.P.1.1 principles of water conservation. C.P?.8 Limit land use intensity in areas with Staff direction to remove inadequate water supply. 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Polity or Action Language Reason for Removal ~ C.P.~.L Require new• development to demonstrate ho«- Redundant «ith CD.P.I.l~ and adopted it makes efficient use of water. Ordinance C.P.2.13 ~~-ork with Town businesses and residents to Redundant with C.G.2.1, C.G.2.4, C.G.2.3 and encourage water conservation. S.P.3.~ Coordination: Pianning efforts should be C.L2.3 coordinated with the Santa Clara Valley ~~'ater Redundant with GP.2.9 District. C.L2.8 Require landscaping in new developments and This is ahead}- required by- the «'ater remodels that is based on the principles of Efficiency Landscaping Ordinance. water consen-ation, including the use of drought tolerant plants, limited turf areas and water conserving techniques. C.L2.11 Enforce protection of riparian corridors. Redundant with Goal C.G.2.6 and Police C.P.2.1 ~+ Encourage reduction oEair pollution by Staff direction to remove. \ot feasible since it C.P.3.=1 encouraging the use of the Route 83 corridor is in the northern portion of die Town. for cross-town circulation. C.P.-1.3 Preserve wetlands. Redundant with Goal C.G.2.6 Require that specific landscaping plans C.P.4.9 accompan}• development projects in town and Staff direction to remo~xe - ~ll ready required. hillside areas. C.P.-1.10 allow no more dean minimal landscaping and Redundant with CD.P.2.3 and CD.P.2.6 turf in hillside areas. C.P.-1.11 Encourage preservation and use of native plant This is not necessan• since GL4.1 requires species in hillside areas. native plants throughout the Town, not onh• in hillside areas. C.P.-1.12 Enforce the grading standards set forth in die It is not necessary Eor the General Plan to say Hillside Specific Plan and Hillside the Town will implement adopted plans and Development Standards and Guidelines. standards. C.L-1.2 Tree preservation ordinance: Town ordinances Redundant with C.P.-1.2 shall Encourage the maintenance of specimen or heritage trees and limit dte removal of all trees. C.L4S apply- the Hillside Specific Plan and Hillside It is not necessary Eor the General Plan to say Development Standards and Guidelines to the Town will implement adopted plans. ensure minimal grading, and to protect native plants and landscape vistas. C.P.~.~ Establish sound land management practices This is accomplished through the 2020 that will improve wildlife habitats. General Plan. GL~.2 Enforcement: Local, state and national It is not necessan Eor the General Plan to say regulations protecting against the destruction that the Town will enforce local, state and of wildlife and wildlife habitat shall be strictly- national regulations. enforced. C.P.7.3 Design structures to ma.~imize natural heating Redundant wide new PoGcv E\~~-10.6 and cooling (passive solar heating and cooling.) C.P.?.-1 utilize landscaping Eor passive cooling and Redundant with new Polio- E\~--10.' protection from prevailing winds. 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason for Removal C.L?? Energt- Rating S}-stem: The Town, in ~ Tlus has been accomplished through the conjunction with the local board of realtors adoption of the GreenPoint Rating System. and local developers and architects, shall participate in the development and implementation of an energy efficiency rating system for existing and new residential structures to assist home buyers in selecting energy efficient homes. N.G.1.1 To presen-e the quiet atmosphere of the Redundant with ~.G.1.2 Town. Pursue reduction oEindi~idual auto use by .ltedund:mt with T.P.~.6 requiring a plan for alternatives to auto use N.P.1.1Q whenever the traffic generated by any development would result in an adverse increase in air and noise ollution. N.P.1.11 adopt standards or criteria for the review of State standards are used. noise impacts. i`;.I.1.1~ Community noise survey: The Town shall Redundant with NI.12 periodically conduct a community noise survey. h1.L1.17 Future Study: Studs- a ban on gas-powered garden and construction tools and equipment Staff direction to remove -Council has not within the Town. supported this program. 1`i.I1.19 Establish standards that address ongoing fiction completed operational noise. S.G.1.1 To reduce the potential for injuries, damage to Redundant with SG1.2 property, economic and social displacement, and loss of life resulting from earthquakes, and other various forms of geologic failures including mud flows and landslides. S.L2.2 Site design: In areas identified as potentially Redundant with SP 2.3 susceptible to fire hazards, require special building and site design by ordinance. The Tourn shall study potential impacts Emergence response plans have been S I 3:2 associated with Failure of dam facilities and prepared; this action is completed. shall develop and maintain emergenry res onse ]ans in the event of such failures. S.P.6.1 Require and maintain effective circulation in It is not necessary for the General Plan to say hillsides in accordance with the Hillside the Town w-ill implement adopted plan. Specific Plan. S.L65 Include the Town's emergency- plan in this Emergence plan is incorporated by reference, General Plan by reference. therefore this action is com leted. Emergenry road design: Design road systems Redundant with T.P.3.1 S.I.6.6 to provide reliable access to remote areas both for access by emergency vehicles and egress by residents fleein from a disaster. CD.P.1.3 .void abmpt changes in scale and densit<-. Redundant wid: (i~.P l 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason for Removal CD.P.1.9 Building, landscape and hardscape materials Reduundant Frith CD.P.1.- shall be used that will reinforce the sense of unity of a neighborhood and blend with the natural setting. CD.P.1.18 Hardscape and formal landscape areas in Redundant with CD.P.2.3 and CD.P.2.6 hillsides shall be minimized. Design Review: Design standards shall be co,uidered for every prvjeit. These standards shun be periodiial}~ reviewed and updated. Sta~reports shall include a design review that refers to brrt is not limited to the following: A. Building architeiture (in keeping with the slN7'otlltdtng neighborhood) CD.I.1.1, B. Utilities C L1117dSCapt,lg All projects are reviewed using these applicable criteria. 0.1.x.1, and D. Streets mrd sidewal,~r E. Signing F. lighting G. Historical signifrcan~e H. Disabled accessibi/it}~ L Sitiug /Orientation 1. rbfatenals and color K Functionality L Ene e u7eney CD.L1.4 Adopt design guidelines for landscaping; Staff direction to remove -Completed includin hardsca e. Maintenance contracts. ~1 five-year Staff direction to remove -Difficult to maintenance contract to protect newly planted administer. CD.L1.9 and existing trees shall be required as a condition of approval for all development a lications exce t sin le Tamil ~ dwellin s. CD.I.1.11 The Los Gatos Boulevard Plan shall be used to It is not necessary to have a General Plan evaluate projects within the area it covers. polity to follow other adopted Town policies- CD.L1.12 Evaluate projects against applicable design Redundant with CD.L1.1 guidelines. Consider amending the zoning ordinance to Staff direction to remove -Completed CD.L"1.'13 apply hillside standards to sloping lots, even if zoned other than HR or RC. CD.L"1.14 Consider amending die zoning ordinance to Staff direction to remove -Completed define slo in lot. Adopt and continually update exceptional Staff direction to remove -Completed hillside design standards and guidelines. Expand the issues currently addressed by the Town's Hillside Design Standards to include ~CD.L2.1 siting, orientation, materials, size, fencing, lighting, wildlife habitats and migration corridors, and the amount of formal landscaping and hardscape that may be installed. 10 2000 General Plan Numbering Goal, Policy or Action Language Reason fot Removal CD.P.3.~ Encourage the presen-ation and restoration of Redundant with L.P.1.9 and CDP.3?'35 historic sites, and structures and architecturally valuable structures. CD.L3.4 Historic Codes: Continue to use Town Code It is not necessary for the General Plan to say provisions to protect and designate historic the Town will implement the Town Code. sites. Encourage the use of the State Historic The second sentence under this policy is Building Code for any structural changes to an required ancnvay. historic building. CD,P.4.1 Provide for apedestrian-oriented downtown Redundant with T.I'.7.3 core. CD.P.-1.2 Establish and maintain strong boundaries Same as L.P.6.4 in Land lise between the commercial area and adjacent residential neighborhoods. CD.P.;t.S Provide dlrectlatal;igns to ident~ the downtown area Completed and togutde residents and visitor; to downtown de;tinationr. CD.P.•1.6 Preserve historically, architecturally or socially Redundant with CD.G.3.1, L.P.-+.6, and significant buildings. L.P.1.9 CD.P.-1.9 Develop and promote pedestrian-, bicycle-, Redundant with numerous other policies that and transit-oriented supplements to parking. support pedestrians, bicycling and transit Adopt controls to ensure that new building; built on Completed with the Commercial Deign Guide/cries. CD.I.~.1 E and etii.rting Uaimtt parcels stren3then the form and image of C. the CBD and adopt architectural design controlJ- related to the rehabilitation of buildings within the CBD. rtilodiJiiation; and improvements to the Town Platia to Completed CD.L-1.1 G heighten its role as lbe southern Visual anchor and atew ~ to the downtown area. Pedestrians: Specify building designs and site Accomplished through Commercial Design CDI.4.4 plans that encourage and enhance pedestrian Gtudelines circulation. Bicycle Parking: Require bicycle packing in Redundant with T.I:5.15 and T.T:5.16 CD.I:~F.IlO ,private parking lots and pro~7de bic}•cle arkin in all ublic lots in downtown. CD.L~F.1-1 Stxeetscape Plan: Implement the Downtown It is not necessary for the General Plan to say Streetscape and Plaza Master Plans. the Town w-ill implement its adopted plans. HS.L1.2 Continue to use the local media, Town website Replaced by new policy HS-7.3 in Draft 2020 and Town newsletter to promote senior General Plan pcograms. HS.L4.1 Study the feasibilit}' oETowri-supported Staff direction to remove performing arts events. HS.P.~.1 Provide the mirurnum library facilit<- standards Removed since this facility is already planned of the _~merican Library association. HS.P.~.2 Build a new library facility that will be efficient, Removed since this facility is already planned flexible and expandable to accommodate the changing informational and educational needs of the communin-. 11 HS.L~.1 Proceed «ith planning for a new lihran- Eacilin- Remo~-ed since this facilin- is alreadc planned that «ill acconunodate changing technology- and increased inFormation and education need: of Los Gatos for the next Wrenn- rears. \-ew Genera/ Development slut!/ not significaraly deplete, Redrutdant. Tbi~ ttate~ the ~~rnfe t{,in3 a~ Poli~_ Plmr Poli}~ damage or alter existing wildlife habitat. E t 1 -1S E\"I "--1.1 (C.P.4.8 -revised) 12